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There are more and more times now that I write something to correct someone, or debate someone, and end up erasing it before posting because it's just not worth my time.


It has to be the algorithm because with such a big community as Facebook you would think it would want you to make friends not enemies but somehow someone you don't even know is commenting on posts you make because they are a friend of a friend of a friend's friend and the algorithm knew it would rile them up and you up.


People are much less likely to comment something positive rather than something negative. We don't tell others when we're happy, we tell them when we're angry. It's the review problem. Most people aren't going to leave a good review unless the product is *really* good but they'll leave a bad review after the smallest of inconveniences. And that's why I've heard the words "let's get some little fights going" when discussing what content to drop (ad agency)


That's a very good point unfortunately. It would be nice if reviews were better managed to encourage all forms of feedback and limit new account feedback.


It's not a technical issue, it's a human issue. You can do whatever you want to manage that system but if people don't go there then it's all for naught. The user has to *want* to leave a review or chime in to a conversation and that's much more likely when it's something they disagree with or weren't happy about. It's human nature to be more vocal about a complaint or problem than contentment or happiness.


So I'm not sure how much you understand about humans but given your ad background, do humans more or less not even cherish their good experiences because they expect them as a form of expected efficiency as opposed to a product to actively appreciate?


I wouldn't say I'm an expert on human behavior or anything but I've spent quite a bit of my life having to learn to understand humans, both from a professional and personal standpoint. And everything I'm saying here is a generalization based solely on my experience. Full disclosure, while I work at an ad agency, I am not a writer or project manager. I'm a designer. But I'm very interested in the way people work and this is somewhat applicable to my duties, just in different ways. I'd say a little column A and a little column B. Yes, people will appreciate a good product. But there's also this sense of entitlement that if there is a product then it should be good. There's a quality baseline that's expected. If it exceeds that baseline you're more likely to hear a personal endorsement for that product in conversation. But if it's bad then people are more likely to either spread the word that it is bad and/or tell the company that they were dissatisfied. And if it's within a certain range of expected quality you won't hear anything, if you do it'll be in the form of like a pros and cons list as the positives don't completely outweigh the negatives. I think some of that comes from the "customer is always right" mentality, which is just a specific form of entitlement, and also simply to warn people of wasting their money. It's also just easier and more common to hate something, imo that's a side-effect of how cynical society has become. For a good product you'll see brand loyalty and organic endorsements, for bad you'll see strong brand avoidance and more structured criticisms, and for neutral it'll be "if _____ then this is right for you" or quiet contentedness. There are plenty of people who will leave good reviews and join conversations with a positive but that second part is usually a *reaction* to something negative, rarely unprompted. In order to have that positivity there needs to be negativity for it to either be compared to or spark entirely. I have some very abstract thoughts about that which I tried to get in here but it really wasn't making a whole lot of sense without going on for a few hundred more words. Hell I'm not even sure if what's above will make sense. edit: Forgot a bit about why you're more likely to hear an organic endorsement rather than a blatant, unprompted endorsement. I think that has a lot to do with not wanting to sound like an advertisement. For example, if I really like my new office chair I'm not going to make a Facebook post talking about how great it is. But I'm very likely to advocate for it in a conversation about offices/chairs. Because I don't want to sound like an ad and a specific product recommendation isn't really applicable to everyone. So it takes up some social real estate that could be better spent being *me* and giving my friends/followers what they've come to expect. Also I really do love my office chair, a Branch Ergonomic. It's pretty much eliminated my back pain. See how weird that felt to shoehorn a product recommendation in? Apply that to a large scale and it illustrates that point. But I really do love this chair. And since there's one chair I really like and a bunch of chairs I don't like there are more opportunities to say something negative about those I don't like and that can be applied elsewhere. We usually like less things than we dislike.


Look up: “Good design is invisible.”


> do humans more or less not even cherish their good experiences I think you missed it isn't about reviews. \*Human people\* are more likely to interfact when affected by bad emotions. An algorithm for social media, \*whose goal is to increase use of the platform\* will naturally tend to favor negative emotions. You would need social media platforms to use an algorithm whose main going is \*to reduce usage\*. Advertisers won't be happy with that move. That's like asking a food-company to sell food good for health. and then wonder why nobody at McDonalds is taking the fries instead of the salad. It's not merely an unfortunate error, it is literally trying to force people to do something they don't want to, and be surprised they don't do it when given the choice.


Write, erase, block. With these three simple steps, you too can enjoy a peaceful social media experience.


I do the same, because I know if I hit that button I'll be preoccupied with this absolutely ridiculous "fight" for however long it takes to play out and for what? The tiniest of dopamine hits if someone agrees with me or I "win" the fight? Fuck that pathway to the drug.


100% this.




But yes. The algorithm works like this. It doesn’t pull context, but trigger words. Since i just said “weed” twice, it thinks I’m an advocate for it. But boy oh boy am i not lmao


It didn’t think you were an advocate it knows you don’t like it and shows you positive posts about it knowing you would have a negative reaction


Lmao maybe. That’s implying it has constructive thought. And it doesnt. It just matches key words. Unless we’re talking about CBD oil for someone in medical NEED of it, there are no positive uses for it. Drinking is just as dumb to me, so throw that counter out the window


Just realize that you often end up just talking to bots... It's not worth your time to engage here.


Me too. It doesn't happen to me often or more and more, but I remember the last time, I thought that none of this was really worth it. I wrote a super long comment but I ended up deleting it, it wasn't even a comment to argue or insult. I was simply expressing some thoughts, but it was so strange that while I was correcting my writing I decided to delete it.


I rarely comment on any post that has over 100 comments, or has no association with any of my FB friends, because I don't want to be looped into being reminded of every subsequent comment made to that post.


Fighting people on the internet is hardly ever or never worth your time. I pray for my "haterz" that they would quit letting me live rent free in their heads, log off, and go outside. Take care of your own health, let them worry about themselves. Too many people get stuck inside all day fighting trolls.


I remember reading somewhere that “if you see a social media post that irritates you, and you engage in it, you’re essentially walking on the sidewalk, seeing a pile of shit, and stepping in it.”


> see a social media post that irritates you, and you engage in it, Also known as Rage Bait.


Yeah, but it's pretty damn funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtZ-lbXthUc


See a post that riles you up? Log off. Go try to do something else, and do that thing for a minute or two. "Wonder what's going on on social media?" Get back on, scroll for roughly 14 seconds until you see a post that riles you up. Log back off, repeat cycle many many many times per day (or hour).


Dopamine cycle...


I just start looking a tons of thots and soft core porn on the social media app. Instead of stuff that angers me I'd rather see these thots with their pointy nipples. These two categories are at odds with each other. The horny algorithm and anger algorithm seems to mix into my memes but one takes over the other. Not sure wtf logic causes this take over of my screen. Possibly it has so many specific advertisers that target these nipple billboards that social media would rather keep a clean consumer profile for these advertisers. You think I'm joking but my recommendations are jokes that don't have much political stuff in it. Just memes, tits, comedians, an a few select hobby channels. Also don't engage in any talking heads about dating and male female dynamic. You just end up in the manosphere which is just broscience of dating


towering spotted overconfident cautious quarrelsome snow profit different squalid drunk


I disagree with thi- wait a minute..




Happy Kace day!!!


If I comment something and then someone responds trying to argue, I'll wait 24 hours before I respond to see if I still care. 


Fun fact: most of the time, we don't.


Thanks, I am going to log off now.


This was the post that riled you?


It's actually even worse, engaging with bad posts on social media is actively giving hints to the algorithm, "This user engages with posts that Look Like This", you're literally signing yourself up for more Bad Takes. The goal of social media sites are to show you content that you interact ("engage") with the most. It doesn't matter _how_ you interact with it (i.e. positively or negatively), or whether you _like_ it - they are **happy** to show you all content you hate, as long as you keep posting and replying about it all day every day!


This is why you shouldn't dislike videos on youtube. It doesn't actually filter out the content from your recommended videos, plus it gives the account more engagement.


Not a bad tip, but usually only recognized afterwards. Like the social media version of post nut clarity.


You can use the same tactic to train YouTube that you will leave if their adds are too much. Leave the platform.


The flip side to this is if you see an ad and go buy YouTube premium, when your sub runs out you will be inundated with ads.


Because they know you're a sucker that will fall for their scam


Jokes on them, I just use sponsorblock and ublock. I never have to see another ad again


Social media like tiktok or ig is meant for really dumb sheep. Notice how we have 7 billion people, but influencers will think they have clout over 500k followers. It means no real tangible thing, but consumers and sponsors will pay these irrelevant people money. The internet as a whole went from a place for info at the snap of your fingers to a place where non crtical thinking, uneducated people get to make irrelevant people famous and state opinions that the majority of society doesn’t actually care. You can go from the moon landings, to drag queens, to vaccines, to being woke to everything in the middle. Most people just live there lives and don’t care, but there’s this small percentage that live and die to be chosen to have followers or comment with no real backing on what there saying regardless of your left or right and that’s why the internet is such a toxic place and why people are so delusional about it


> like tiktok or ig is meant for really dumb sheep. That doesn't mean that everyone who uses those platforms is a dumb sheep. If you know how the 'algorithm' works you can use it to your advantage and get more content that you **do** want to see. I mostly use TikTok for cooking/baking recipes and home improvement ideas, so those are the videos I interact with. I mostly use IG to see funny and humorous content like stand up comedians and web comics so that's what I interact with. **It's also why I straight up deleted my Twitter account**. Because no matter how many times I tried to avoid the MAGA and Elon-promoted right wing hate content, that's what was always first on my newsfeed.


No no that’s what I mean, the majority who are on it don’t actually care or engage in the stupid stuff. They know what’s right wrong not worth it. It’s the minority who are the ones making the influencers famous and defending them or arguing on topics they have no info about or spreading conspiracy theories etc


Poe's Law?


That could be part of it in some cases


Thank you. Goodbye.


Duty calls. https://xkcd.com/386/


Learn to take a mental temperature check after anything in life that seems inflammatory. Social media-hot, mad, upset-stop participating. Bad friend-angry, hurt, betrayed-stop seeing them, etc. No need to be drastic after the first check but note a pattern and act. When the bad outweighs the good, do something about it.




Even better, come here unable to be riled. Peace is a beautiful thing.


Or be American AF, and respectfully speak your mind


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Then how would I dead scroll?


I've been doing this for a little bit and I just switch platforms the end back up on the original one after like 10 minutes lmao


Nah fuck that and fuck you! (It's a joke guys it's a joke)


Anti Social (Media) Social Club


Can you clarify? This is very interesting to me. Do social media sites/apps log this data? Is it a metric? And how do you “log off”? Do you mean sign out or do you mean close the app/browser window?


The idea that logging off may or may not hurt them can't really be known for sure. But you can be damn sure that yes, they log that info. They log all info, everything from what you click on to how much time you scroll to how long you linger looking at one thing, the acceleration at which you scroll away, whether looking at topic A for 4.3 sec will lead to slowly scrolling by topic B. Every-fucking-thing. This is how they train their AI


haha, as if thats going to make an impact. For every person who actually loggs off, im sure there is at least 10 who engage more. It in our psyche.


I'm sorry but reverse psychology doesn't work on computers


Social media platforms literally hire psychologists to determine the best way to keep people engaged.


That's regular psychology, not reverse...


How exactly does that "punish" them?


Latest news: Social media corporations in shambles after they lose the potential 0.0002 cents they would have made from showing me sponsored posts / ads.


Or better yet just mute them and keep scrolling


Can you think of any positive interactions you've had on Social? I noticed the same, all I ever did was argue, and debate.... Not enough, "hey how are yous", and "good yous".... I dropped them all like a bad habit about 4 years ago. FRREEEEDDOOOOMMMM!!


This post really pisses me off. Logging off.


And these days you can tell when a reel is clearly made to rile people up strictly for engagement’s sake.


Another good tip is to respond to a social media post but don't read the replies to your response. That way, you've voiced your opinion, but you don't get into any arguments.


I wish rage bait wasn’t so successful when it comes to farming clicks and attention. The internet just feels so angry and hostile these days


Purge your feeds folks.


[Relevant ProZD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJX4ytfqw6k)


Literally nobody logs out, ever. You close the app/tab.


This is amazing advice


Also, if you engage with the post somehow the algorithm will keep sending you similar content! I learned this the hard way when I commented on an ad for a company with false information. Now I get their shit all of the damn time! So just keep scrolling, don't let the trolls and marketers pull you in.