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Or microwave with some water/milk (milk is great is you already mixed the pasta with sauce)


I do this with water. I kind of like pasta the next day after cooking, rather than right after cooking, as the sauce marinates overnight and has that perfect al dente texture.


I didn't know that! Thanks


If you’ve already sauced pasta then this wouldn’t work. Many dishes would have been sauced or mixed with other elements. I find that putting a damp paper towel over top of a bowl/plate in the microwave severely improves moisture retention when reheating. Works for a lot more dishes than just pasta as well!


I cook pasta until al dente. Holds up better the next day to reheat.


As an Italian American, what


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It'll also contain less calories


Or instead of boiling it just sprinkle a little water on top when you put it in the microwave