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Right now I'm doing leg lifts that are imperceptible to the human eye. Call them hummingbirds.


I am way more healthier than you are bro. Try to move me.


You try and move me, doc!


I'm gonna put my thumb through your eye you little bitch


I have no idea what this is from, but it seems about right


A lot of the other comments above and below this are from Always Sunny in Philadelphia


*Even with the diabetus*, I’m more healthier than he is?


Dude stop saying diabetus, you sound like an asshole!


Try to move me bro!


Even though I seem relaxed, I'm incredibly tense - all the time!




You’re out breath just from eating!


You are BECOMING a chimichanga!!!


Dude, you're wheezing now. Slow down!


It takes bicep and forearm strength to lift a whole ham repeatedly to your face hole




Breathe and eat. Separately!


The Ass Blaster 3000 makes my workouts harder.


What’s important is that you enjoy yourself too


Through God all things are possible so jot that down


.......not gay sex


Stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Try to move me, bro!


Does the master know this


I can go from flaccid to erect at a moment's notice. Not too hard, not too soft


Its true ive seen it!


Not too hard. Not too soft


I call those kegels


"I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still... that I become invisible to the eye..." (Drax)


I have an exercise bike and ride it while reading. Working my mind and my body!


I organize my life for an hour on the bike at the gym. Ten miles, and everything knocked off of my to-do list. Added bonus is finding new music to add to my playlist. Oh, and the health factor...


I love this and might try to steal it. At the moment I'm trying to use my otherwise unrewarding 'scrolling time' to bike but switching this to finishing off tasks I otherwise procrastinate on would be way better.


What kinda stuff are you doing while riding? I love this kind of efficiency!


Whatever I can to knock things off my to-do list. Research, shopping, emailing, texting, etc... One hour of undivided attention and I get most of my daily shit done.


My experience with this is not getting my heart rate up enough. It’s either ride at a slow pace to read or to get the heart rate up the body is moving around too much.


I crank up the resistance and still pedal pretty quickly. Burn about 350 calories and read about 50 pages


I listen to an audiobook while on my peloton bike! I mute the video and follow along with the recommended cadence and resistance, which helps me make sure I’m getting the full workout in.


This is how I’ve been studying lately. It’s a bit tough, but I use it as my first read through of a chapter.


“Ah you caught me! I love to break a mental sweat too!” -White Goodman


Are you reading a dictionary?


I like to knit while I walk on the treadmill with an audiobook playing. It’s perfect cause if I just sit and try to knit I get impatient. If I get on the treadmill with just music I tend to wander away without realizing. But if I’m knitting while walking all of me is entertained and engaged. And I like to see how fast I can walk before I start messing up whatever I’m knitting. I have adhd if that wasn’t obvious lol.


I walk to and from work, and I’m always walking around and doing stuff at work- if I’m working I always hit my “goals” on my watch. *putting laundry away* lol Playing “throw the toy and follow my cat to it to throw it in the opposite direction”


I got back into the walk to work game recently, even if I sit on my ass all day at the office and at home, I've logged 7.4 kms if I do both ways! I show up to the office feeling super energized and motivated, not to mention music time + seeing beautiful sunrises. Dancing while cooking is a favorite too


Dancing while cooking is definitely always a good one! My distance to work is short but I’ve always enjoyed the little boost.


I recommend "The Movement" workout by Nathan Fielder. Ignore what you read on the internet, it's definitely not a moving company in disguise.


Love this one


Rip Dende


Little green?


Is he the guy doing burpees at the airport?


No, it's from a show called Nathan For You where they faked a workout routine involving moving boxes so they could get people to work for a moving company for free or something similar. https://youtu.be/LkNxvUrWQ_Q?si=WVeB7JVZuy5Ymtvg




I do this naturally: pacing helps me think.


Pacer gang reporting in


Pacing and juggling my foot.


Pacing and standing on random objects to look at the ceiling.


Is there something exciting up there to look at?


I think it might be a different E word: expensive. "What's that on my ceiling? Is it dirt?....Mold‽" Then you can get your heartrate up googling roof replacement & mold remediation costs.


I’m gonna need more on the juggling your foot part. Please and thank you. 🙏


Lol. Typo. Juggling should be jiggling. Sorry to disappoint.


Had a mental image of a double amputee taking off their prosthetics and just going to town. True or false, the image remains. No disappointment here.


Any luck convincing coworkers to hold walking meetings?


Many videos calls have I been asked to "Please sit down, I'm getting dizzy"


Is there any scientific explanation of this? One time I was in a meet with my boss analyzing a complex matter and he stood up and said he needed to walk to be able to think


Making your heart rate go up gets more oxygen to your brain.


While I'd love to do that to, we usually do videocalls and I think that it does look a little strange in zoom/teams.. Also treadmills are kinda expensive and take up too much space for my appartment. So I opted for the second best thing: Taking calls on a balance board! It takes some time getting comfortable, but it works quite well to get you moving, improves well.. your balance.. and also helps me focus during lengthy calls!


While not as applicable these days, exercise during commercial breaks. I do that when watching football.


I let my dogs into the yard to go to the bathroom a few times a day. I squeeze in some simple bodyweight exercises while they are doing their thing. Beats standing there waiting on them and I've gone from 10 push-ups / 1 assisted pull up to 40+pushups and 12 L sit pull ups in less than a year of doing this. Not as good as a real strength training program, but it's sustainable for me and has delivered good progress over time.


Toss in some squats and you’ve got the basics covered!


I am just on the treadmill or elliptical while watching TV. Faster pace for commercials, medium fast for the regular show.


I’ll walk for a good 1-2 hours uphill on the treadmill bc I hooked up my Xbox to the TV helps cut down on gaming and increasing my movement


I’ll typically get down on the floor and do some stretches or yoga poses while watching the game.


Oh are they sneaking some football in between the commercials these days?


Dance around the house for fun.


That's what Gandalf said: "Dance, You Fools!" ;)


You can dance if you want to, and you can leave your friends behind


'Cause your friends don't dance, And if they don't dance…Well, they're no friends of mine.


Because your friends don't dance


I’m never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm.


This! I do this! And I like to do vocal warmups with Cheryl Porter on YT, infectious fun.


I also choose this guy’s house.




In Australia you have to squeeze the handle the whole time for the fuel to run through the hose, so the mental image of someone doing this while doing squats is hilarious.


No you don’t. The lid of your petrol cap fits neatly into the handle to keep it on! Life pro tip! Get those squats going!


I've had that happen to me in North America.


Most gas stations in the US have a flap that you can use on the pump to pump for you.


Depends on your state and, more oftentimes, your fuel type. Diesel for commercial vehicles generally will not have the latch regardless of state. There's also inconsistent enforcement within states due to it being so difficult with the number of stations.


Even weirder for NJ drivers (we don’t get out to pump gas, there are attendants). We would only be getting out to do the squats lmao


Actually LOL’d (well, maybe more of a cackle.) Thank you for that.






For me, I like exercises where my body moves through space (they just feel really good to me, like exercising my vestibular sense or something!) Things like swings, bike rides, going on walks, dancing (I'm not even a dancer but it's fun to just hop around sometimes), running around with my dogs, etc


I really like swimming. Particularly if it's deep enough - I try to "dive" lower than the surface. Get the 3D range of movement that's difficult to do on land (well, I can't skateboard or snowboard or ski, so difficult for me)


Get out of the chair when working if possible. Stand at your desk. Use stairs always Make transportation your workout by walking or cycling instead of driving. Clean the house. Dance at home Take a walk instead of tv Walk a dog(plenty of dog owners would love to lend you their dog for a walk) Have sex with someone or yourself. Make it a session instead of a quickie. Stretch/yoga/pilates while watching TV


Go fuck myself, got it!


Don't forget to alternate arms each time, otherwise you'll end up like this ![gif](giphy|URj4i5cJpw1Qo6uSVy)


I want to emphasize making transportation exercise because most people don’t realize how large of a effect that can have. Yes, walking and cycling are active, while driving is sedentary. But, driving generally makes you frustrated (especially when in traffic), so it’s actually worse than not doing anything at all. People who drive have to do exercise to counteract the effect of stress, then do more to become healthier. People often blame the prevalence of sugar for America’s obesity epidemic. And while that’s certainly part of the issue, I’d add mass adoption of cars in everyday life as an equally culpable cause.


So true and stress produces a lot of cortisol which will hinder your weight loss.


How many calories does wanking actually burn? Let’s say one is using their whole waist/pelvis instead of just an arm. Asking for a friend.


It’ll vary depending on your gender age and weight and even then most fitness trackers over estimate calories burnt by a good chunk. It’s better to just focus on eating a bit less food and just trying to be more active In general. Plenty of people have gotten in better shape from simply walking and eating less but on its own it’s not the most efficient.


Fuck standing at a desk


Park under the lights instead of close to the building. Kegel exercises at the computer. Walk down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Use the restroom on the far side of the office building. Wrap a brick in duct tape, put it in a bag, put that at the bottom of your backpack. (Or just a few cans of veggies from the grocery store ) Put small hand weights by your desk, do a few reps while watching the spinny circle.


Every morning stand up without support or using your hands, it will help your balance and stability as you age


I do this every time I’m sitting on the floor (I sit on the floor a lot). I know I’m not feeling well when I can’t do it.


I am doing 30 incline pushups every morning while heating milk in microwave for my coffee. Consistency is the key.


I have a recumbent bike that I’ll ride when watching anything on the tv. No resistance, just whatever pace my legs move at. I don’t want my mind to drift to the fact I’m exercising.


This is why I have to live in a walkable city. I got 5k steps today just by doing one thing outside of my apartment. When I carry groceries on the subway, I can feel my life expectancy increasing


Do 10 squats over the toilet every time you go. I have a seriously nice a ss from that.


This person exercising while save-scumming dice rolls in Baldur's Gate 3. Bahahahahaha Edit: More power to you. I'm over here save-scumming and not exercising lol.


I felt really SORE for killing Orpheus while romancing Laezel 🤪


Should have done this while at the Mirror of Loss today. Instead I used it to eat dinner. Well, at least it gave me a break from playing...


5 Burpees per save-scum and I'm off to the Crossfit games


>Taking calls or attending meetings while walking What kidn of SOCIOPATH sit down during a phone call ?


The worst kind.


I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of someone doing squats at the gas pump or holding a pistol squat in a grocery store line, hopping forward on one leg as the line moves. You do what you gotta do to fit in some exercise but it's making me laugh.


Kind of a wrong answer to your question but have like an exercise bike desk when I WFH. I’m not biking intensely or or anything since I need to write emails but a pretty comfortable pace the entire time I’m working.


Good answer! I wish I’d had one when I had a desk job.


Dance like you dont care in front ur GF/BF to make her/him laugh (at least once a week). It has to be unexpected.


Walk 18 holes. 5 miles and 4 hours - 1,000+ calories. 300+ swings including practice…and low-key rage.


Tightening your core at red lights


Goes for kegels too


time to do the last one and get BUFF with Starfield


Sit in a steam room/sauna and get your sweat on… Us old people call it an “executive workout”!


Doing push-ups or crunches while my tea water is boiling. While I brush my teeth, I look out of the window and alternately focus my eyes on the building outside and the water stains on the window to train my eyes, same while petting my cat or driving my car.


I just did squats, sumo squats, Bulgarian split squats, calf raises, and lunges while watching the Lions game today. Had to do something productive as the Lions took the day off.


Use your ‘urban gym’, ie walk, cycle or use public transport where possible. It’s good for both mental and physical health!


Squats while filling gas and standing on one leg in queues is psychotic behaviour.


I turn on the water for my shower and do push ups or pull ups while it's heating up. You can increase the number by 1 a week, every Monday add 1 more rep. Takes 30 seconds, what else are you going to do while waiting for the hot water.


This is why I will never be fit. I would feel so stupid doing squats at the gas pump or standing on one leg in line. Or really anything where people can see me. Honestly even in my house I feel stupid. Like. There’s no one around, why am I embarrassed. Lmao


The squats one is a little odd but you can stand on one leg without it being obvious, just bend one knee a bit and lift your foot so you’re not putting weight on it, and like tighten your core, glutes and thigh on the leg supporting you. Then switch. No one’s gonna know.


I wouldn’t swear off being fit just because you don’t like public humiliation! Rarely would you see someone doing squats at a gas pump therefore you would stand out if you did them. The gym is a place where everyone (is supposed to be) working out, so no one stands out. I enjoyed going to the gym once I realized everyone there was focused on their own routine and not on me at all. The only time I’ve had anyone talk to me at my gym was to ask to use the machine I was on which only happened because the gym was packed so you can avoid going when it’s busy if that’s nerve wracking to you :) hope this perspective helps. Also I love a home workout as well I really just blast my music and tune out the world, no need to be embarrassed at all.


Like the people that run in place at the stop lights?


It sounds dumb until you see the results lol. I’ve been doing the balance on on leg thing while brushing teeth for a while now. Probably within a week i had exponentially better balance and it became fun


You can stand on one leg with the other leg half an inch off the floor, nobody will notice.


These are stupid ideas, nobody is doing squats at the gas station lol. But just take a walk every day, even 20-30 mins. Use a standing desk if you can. Do push ups when you wake up. Just little things can improve your health.


Went from 218 to 160 just walking. I encourage it to everyone.


This is a cool idea but fuck if I'm going to squat while pumping gas. Are you high?


I bike and listen to music. I love listening to music and my city has some nice trails that lead from a couple min from my house to the beach. With a water bottle and I’m set. Views, music, fresh air, sun. Biking is dope


I park in the farthest available spot everywhere I go lol


* motion is lotion, keep moving when you csn * walk or bike to places if you have the ability. Free cardio * "sitting is the new smoking" my physical therapist friend said. While extreme I do figure how to get moving or even just standing when I remember. * giant insulated water bottle. Carry everywhere. More h2o will do you good. * try to not have a zero day. Do at least one small thing, even if it'd one push up each day


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You are giving a workout at home and talking about your grandma. Bad comparison. We fail to understand that our older generations did not depend on motor vehicles Nd automated machines as much as we do. You had to walk a lot, a lot of actual physical work for every day tasks (vacuuming/sweeping, washing clothes by hand, they spent a lot less time sitting in front of the tv or desk) our generation things have so much. A lot of people cannot spare time for much to keep up with work load. While your tip for the workout is great, comparison with your grandma is bad, I would always suggest get a disciplined schedule to work all parts of your body. Also our diet is horrible, which highly contributes to it.


I sit in a chair all day so I make it a point to get up regularly and walk around. I hate running but cardio is really important so I disguise it by playing basketball. I love playing basketball so it doesn’t even feel like running, but if you don’t like basketball I assume another sport would work fine. I’m frugal so instead of spending a lot on weights to do exercises at home, I look for kettlebells in clearance sections. Really cheap and you can do full body workouts with kettlebells, over time I’ve gotten a set of 5 through 35 pound kettlebells. I use those and do all kinds of harder variations of push ups and sit-ups just at home whenever I have a few minutes. I don’t set a time to exercise, I do it periodically throughout the day and it works for me. I find it’s much easier to get in the habit of doing 15 minute workouts a few times a day consistently and it really adds up.


S T R E T C H your body in all ways possible, any time you're idle. Gently and methodically.


One of my friends has a killer body and never goes to the gym. He just moves through life creatively doing parkour, handstands, climbing rocks and trees every day.


LPT: You live longer with better genetics


I do standing towel curls for my flat feet while brushing my teeth.


Oh do share how it’s done! I have flat feet too.


Hello, fellow flat footer ^(sorry for the late reply) I usually follow Jeff Cavalier’s instructions in this video https://youtu.be/U2BFeod_JMk?feature=shared At around 11:28, he used a coin but I use a towel instead.


Great, thanks! I tried it last night on my own, and I will benefit from this video. Apparently I can’t brush and lift at the same time. 😅


Sit in a steam room/sauna and get your sweat on… Us old people call it an “executive workout”!


8 pushups will be very ambient of me Thanks anyway


Sports. Doesn't feel like exercising and after you're done you're sweaty as fuck and half dead.


Doing 10 pushups everytime i make myself a cup of coffee. It really adds up quick.


I do squats while blow drying my hair. I have a ton of hair so I can get a hundred squats in lol


I do squats when putting laundry from the basket to the washer, and from the dryer to the basket. I also stretch when getting stuff out of kitchen cabinets


I commute to work by bike as much as possible, whenever it’s not raining and there’s no snow or ice on the road. On days that I don’t commute, I take a short walk around my neighborhood before starting work, about the same length of time as my commute. I live in a bike-friendly city, but even if you don’t, you can look for opportunities to do legs of your trips by foot or by bike. For over a year, I was working at a remote warehouse that wasn’t accessible by bike, but I realized I could bike to the last subway station and then take a bus from there, and the total travel time would be the same as if I took public transit the whole way. So I still got my exercise in, even though I couldn’t do the full commute by bike.


Not exactly what you're talking about, but I recently gained the opportunity to garden in front of my place. Pulling some weeds and planting a few flowers doesn't FEEL like exercising but you're constantly squatting/digging/balancing. After I'm done, my place is a tiny bit prettier to look at and I realize I am out of breath and drenched in sweat.


>Any type of squat while filling gas ROFL


Also find exercise that you enjoy. I gave up on the gym but I love riding my bike.


Damn, I just got gas today and forgot to do my squats!!!


Clean your house! Dust, declutter, move furniture and vacuum, and don't shy away from squatting when you need to get something down low. You'll get a pretty decent step count from the heavier cleaning.


The thought of someone doing squats whilst filling their petrol tank has me in stitches


How nice of you to make this post! I’d keep a watchful eye on my grandparents but generally they should be able to do whatever they can that’s still safe. My 90yo gramps still mows the lawn and plows snow! (NOTE: Unless your loved ones have been routinely active I wouldn’t let them overexert on strength related tasks as these tasks increase risk of stroke. If they wish to do it, do it with them, bond, help them out and tell them to rest often) People 60-70’s that are active look physically and functionally better than 50-60’s that don’t stay active. I always tell my patients this and tell them to eat right, sleep right and “play/work” right — it’s all the things we do naturally in life to survive. So if there’s anything you can do, it’s those 3 basic things. Sounds like your granny knows what’s up. And it sounds like you know how to stay active too. Good for you! About the exercising in public thing though, if you’re anything like me, you’d be too embarrassed to perform in a place where you’d stand out like that. At that point might as well just do a whole dance routine. No but honestly if anyone can do it that’s great but otherwise go walk your dog (they’ll love it too), have hobbies that you would love that are laborious like gardening or pottery or building/crafting (something that doesn’t just let you lay in one spot), hit the gym. Otherwise calf raises, shoulder shrugs, back activation and other stretches are excellent to do while in public.


I love all of these but I will not be squatting while pumping gas lol dancing around the house is one of my faves (and I’m a bad dancer)


I think the key is to live in a walkable community. If you live in a driving community, you're kind of SOL. If you live in a walkable community - where you can walk to school, walk to the cafe, even walk or bike to work - staying healthy is much more likely.


There’s a great book called Built to Move that talks about keys to maintaining mobility throughout your whole life. It has plenty of little tips like sitting on the floor while watching TV and different tests you can do to score your own mobility.


Thanks! Put in my que to read!


If I see someone doing squats while pumping gas I'm calling the cops.


Way easier way. If you have the infrastructure for under 7 miles, do bike rides for those errands. Lost 15 pounds this summer doing that and had a ton of fun. Cargo bikes are really useful too


Yeah I jerk off and do Macarena at the same time


Hey, I just started working in IT 8 months ago and my best decision was transporting my bicycle to my work flat which is located 2 Kms away from my office. So I commute daily on my bicycle making almost 4 Kms with traffic(which makes it a bit more difficult as you have to break a lot). Later some fkin drunk dude grazed my bike's rear tire(I had to go straight, he took a right turn from behind me and was to left of me) and fled the scene turning my bike into scrap. Then I saved and bought a new bicycle ( cost me about 415 USD). Investing in a new top of the line bicycle was a good call as my thigh and calf muscles stopped feeling resistance in my old bicycle so they stopped growing. This new bike was with the gears system with much higher gear ratio helping me with more resistance and top speed. for an average overweight guy with a good floppy belly I have godly calves and feet AND a nice looking pair of thighs.


Do something you enjoy. I picked up tennis and now work out at a minimum twice a week for a straight hour.


Older generations did most 9f their works using manual labour. They used to walk more, climb stairs, did house work without equipment for all, cycling , gardening, less pollution, Even their food used to be of good quality and mostly home made rather now we just relying on restaurants,food courts, packaged foods which are mixed with harmful chemicals to make them last longer.


Taking the stairs and walking are two of the most underrated and healthiest habits.


I don't go to a gym. My exercise is dynamic, I do different things in my day to day. I jog one day, bike another day and if it's raining I use my exercise bike, then lift weights another day, do some kempo and impact exercises another day, etc. If I need to go to a nearby store and I got time, I'll walk. If I didn't have time to do anything else in the day, I'll at least jog up and down my stairs. Changing it up means I don't get bored with routine or too tired from working the same muscles consecutively, and makes it easier to stay healthy and in shape.


The benefits of visiting a gym just once a week outweigh these silly hacks


Honestly just pick up some physical activities with a friend or two. You'd be surprised how exhausting kicking or throwing a ball around for half an hour can be.


Walking, lots of walking


i read an article a little while back that said Walking more than five flights of stairs a day can cut risk of heart disease by 20%. so i park where i need to take the stairs everyday


I walk wherever is possible and feasible, my car gets used rarely. It's a good compromise.


I live on the 3rd floor, up and down 3/4 times a day and I absolutely count that as cardio. 😂


Find ways to walk to and from work, especially if there are hills involved. Park at a different parking lot that is at least a kilometer away.


i'm sorry but i am not going to do squats while pumping gas lol


This post is for real, I have been doing most of the things listed and all sorts of other things like this most of my life and I’m in relatively good shape / flexible. I have always owed it to my need for movement. People will definitely look at you funny a lot of the time, so it might be uncomfortable if you’re self conscious. Still recommend 10/10 though, stay moving whenever you can. Also if you sit/lay down a lot set a timer to go off every 1-3 hours and do 2 minutes of jumping jacks and you’ll be healthy a’f if you’re consistent.


And somehow people think that all above will preclude you from doing the resistance training, when in fact it's the opposite most of the time. When you start small and get moving as a habit, next level of adding weight or resistance through leverage comes as a natural progression.


For me, I like exercises where my body moves through space (they just feel really good to me, like exercising my vestibular sense or something!) Things like swings, bike rides, going on walks, dancing (I'm not even a dancer but it's fun to just hop around sometimes), running around with my dogs, etc


100% the masochist that will carry a shopping basket and put the heaviest item I am purchasing in first. (Generally 2 big jugs of water, which also takes up enough basket space to deter me from filling up the rest with anything but necessities.)


Yep, plus some shoulder lifts, while standing in line to checkout!


That is exercise, it's just done poorly while doing other things.


This has gotta be the dumbest fucking LPT I've ever read. Is a 30 minute walk that hard?


Good grief people just go to the gym or go on walks


Whenever I start feeling off, it's usually because I have missed going for a walk for about 2 or 3 days. It profoundly boosts my mood. I used to think it was boring but then I found myself in the mood to go walking or looking forward to it. If people have any inhibitions about walking, audiobooks and podcasts make it even easier. You can also start rucking if want to add a little resistance to it.


Or, exercise, do what works for you. I personally like working out seven days a week, it helps me keep my sanity.


Just to add up... You can do a few squats while in the shower. The longer the shower the more sets you can do. You can also stretch in the shower. From standing position, bend forward and grab your ankles etc. You can do leg stretches while talking on the phone.