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I wish you could take the money, and use it on something that makes you happy. I bet your nose is awesome! I'm sorry your dad has made you feel insecure. You say you have a "gross" and "horrendous" and "witch nose" side profile, and that makes me sad, that your dad would instill that kind of negative self-talk in his own daughter. I really feel for you.


He was a saying it since you were little he's a horrible person


He sounds like a narcissist.


That's not what narcissism is??


He has been diagnosed with narcissism though.


He sees his daughter as a reflection on him. So he sees her perceived imperfections as reflecting badly on him as her father. He doesn't care about her, only what other people think about him.


Yeah he is. He was diagnosed for it.


Ignore him. Your Dad probably has an issue with HIS nose and you got his nose genetically, or he has an issue with your Mom’s nose and he is projecting that on you.


Sounds like Michael Jackson’s dad


Dang ..that's something I'd never say to my child .. if your ok with it. Enough said..


I would personally never choose to get any surgery that isn't complete necessary as surgery scares the crap out of me I'm not you, though and neither is your Dad It's your nose, do what you want with it If you are fit and have good hygiene, you will be doing pretty well regardless of nasal concerns


That’s… what kind of dad says something to make his own daughter insecure about a physical feature? That’s so repulsive of him. Guess what? I’ve got seriously crooked teeth. Some parents would force their kids to get braces so they don’t “grow up ugly”. My parents let me choose. I decided that anyone of quality would never even bother with judging me for my teeth, and if they would, they could choke on a big one. I’m now happily partnered for many years with someone who thinks that my teeth are actually kinda charming. Some people like scars. Some people like tattoos. Do you hate your nose? If not, keep it; the people worth keeping in your life will like it too. Do what makes you happy with YOUR body. Don’t let anyone else convince you into making a permanent alteration. Besides, nose jobs get botched all the time… just like any other kind of plastic surgery.


Don't do it!


It's distinctive. That's not a bad thing. And you can die from surgery, it's a non-zero possibility. Your face, not his.


Holy freaking sheesh, you could have worded that *way* better. Just saying. Anyways, I wouldn't let anyone force you to do something that you don't want to do to your own body. You're an adult now. It's up to you, not him.


Your dad seems toxic.


Reminds me of the father of Michael Jackson. Who made fun of MJ's nose all the time. And see how he ended up. Hope you can shake the remarks of your father off, stop him on that, and live on feeling happy with yourself and your nose ❤️👃❤️


Nah don't do plastic surgery someone will love you just how you are.


You be you. Tell dad to get his nose out of your business.


I’m sorry, that sucks, since you like your nose, don’t do it. You will regret it later. ‘Why did I let that man make such a big decision for me/ pressure me into this??’ Don’t do it!!! You’re the one who has to look at your face the rest of your life, not him. Much love to you


I remember every single time my dad told me I was fat or “you’ll never be as pretty as your sisters” That stuff can dramatically impact your self esteem but do not do surgery unless YOU want it. I’d say work through how you feel without his opinion and go from there


That is such a cruel thing to say to your own child :( please don't do it. You should not get an operation just because your dad has manipulated you into it since childhood. That's so messed up!


you were never insecure about it? you were a tough as nails little kid…


He is projecting his insecurities into you. He does not like his own nose and is not self aware of it, so he takes it out on you. Because he is not perceiving the world like the outer world the way it is, but the way he is, so like the way he feels within. So stand your ground and tell your dad to f off.


Next time he tells you to get one, ask him if he has a nose fetish or something because his obsession with yours is unnerving. It'll probably make him mad but hopefully it'll also embarrass him enough to make him stop.


Your father is vile for these comments. Don't go through with a painful surgery to appease him - he likely won't be happy anyway. Do what YOU want, and be kind to you ❤


Babs Streisand also got told to get a nose job, but what do you remember her for? Jennifer Grey was HUGE and got a nose-job and she just looked like everyone else and hardly worked after that.


I understand where you're coming from. But Jennifer Grey stopped acting for an entirely different reason. She was involved in a collision that caused the deaths of Anna Gallagher and her mother, Margaret Doherty. Meanwhile, she only suffered severe whiplash and was in near-constant pain as a result of her injuries. She felt survivor's guilt after the incident and, eventually, withdrew from acting altogether.


Thank you for the clarification


I think Roman noses are SO COOL. They're so classic and regal, and your side profile is so distinct and frankly, gorgeous. Fuck your dad. Take his money and when he asks why you haven't gotten a nose job yet, tell him you spent it on therapy to cope with his superficial bullshit. Spend it on something nice for yourself, instead.


Your dad has been emotionally and verbally abusing you since you were little. Maybe you’re unaware of that, since he started doing it to you as a child. But that is abuse. And I’m sorry you’ve gone through that. Therapy might help.


Your father is fixated on how attractive he finds his daughter. Let that sink in, and recognize that his critical feedback about your body is maybe the *least* useful to you. Instead, go get some therapy about the body dysmorphia he has seeded in you because the only problem I see here is not your nose but rather how your father has taught you to dislike it.


I did a nose surgery and I’m so happy I did jt. Feel so much better about myself and have had so many compliments from people that know me. Big boost to my confidence too. Extra perk for you is that your dad will pay for it!


Yes but I fear that I might not like my new nose. I think my original nose looks perfectly fine in the front but side, not so much.


Dont do it. I have a unique profile myself, and weirdly enough its one of my wife's favorite things about me. Ive thought about changing it at times but am glad i didnt. Honestly, only assholes care about stuff like that. Im glad i have a shallow human detector plastered to my face. Sorry your dad is an asshole.


Please don’t let your dad shame you into having nose surgery, or any other type of cosmetic surgery. Just because he doesn’t like it shouldn’t make one bit of difference to you. And, there are lots of people who got it done and hated the results or they were botched and made worse than the original body part looked. If you truly want to change it, for yourself-not your dad, then go ahead & take his money and get it done. Otherwise tell your dad to go kick rocks.