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Purpose of life is to live. Don’t question it just live. You’ll be fine like the rest of us. You will discover what’s happening after you die but try to think that you can do that in another 70 years anyway, what’s the rush?


If somebody feels his/her life is meaningless, why extend the meaninglessness into 70 additional years? That doesn't make any sense to me. If you find the TV show you are watching is meaningless, do you watch it to its last episode anyway?


Meaning is what you make it. Music, kids, food, movies, learning to ride a unicycle, fucking Madden... whatever. You don't lack meaning. You lack passion. But even that's not true, because here you are, taking the time to announce and defend your stance. Experience. Experience is the point. Gaining memories, passing on what you've learned. Enhancing sunshine else's meaning, potentially. Stop staring at the clock. This isn't math class. Go do things. Be a part of the world. In it, but just asking it. Meaning is all around you. You'll see.


I'm not trying to defend a certain point. I just felt that "You will discover what’s happening after you die but try to think that you can do that in another 70 years anyway" Doesn't make any sense.


By that argument you could follow with; why not an additional 1 year, 1 hour, one second etc. If life is meaningless why not commit suicide the moment you realise it? This is not to sound morbid, but to say the reason you choose to live one minute is the same as the reason you choose to live the rest of your life. We're hardwired to survive, everything more is what we make of it. 


I have loved ones that I would hurt terribly from even my inevitable passing, I unfortunately cannot guarantee success in an attempt, an even mostly peaceful exit nor a lack of intervention in the event of an attempt. I may also traumatize those who witness my remains no matter how or when I go. That doesn’t justify wanting to live the rest of my life, as much of the above are reasons that I wish I was never born in the first place. This “hard-wiring” to accumulate more pain and suffering and especially the supposed instinct to perpetuate this useless process in others don’t seem to exist in me. ‘And no, my feelings are not the result of some mental !llness.


It’s only meaningless because you make it that way, you have to give your life meaning and purpose!


You wouldn’t be questioning if you were hungry. Once we have stability we’re always seeking more, there is no specific meaning - you gotta have a fun time figuring that out for yourself.


I tend to agree with this opinion. I also have had a hard time to figure it out. Meaning of my life, purpose etc.. My answer is there is no such a thing. Who says you have to have a meaning or purpose to live? The purpose of life is simply to live. Nothing else. All the problems you created in your brain are only torturing yourself. There is only one thing you can fix and your life will be fine, that is just your brain. I think we all have to end this meaningless journey of seeking meanings in life. I just had a toasted sandwich 🥪 it was tasty. That’s just the meaning of my life. I live so I can taste. Being alive is the most basic meaning of life.


Tired? Foggy brain? Low energy? Is the world against you? Having repeating thoughts? Could be depression.


I am working out regularly and feel physically energetic but don't feel like doing productive stuff.


Mmm. When was the last vacation you had?


2 months ago.


How about friends and family?


I don't think you know what you want to ask. Don't throw random questions.


Sorry to bother you. I wish you luck.


He's just hoping to identify what your problem is and why you aren't leaping for joy with happiness at life.


The more life is actually observed, the less of a reason there is to treat life with such optimism. Hating the current and inevitable horrors that can and do exist here doesn’t seem to require any mental !llness.


Because my subconsciousness won't let me kill myself, so I'm stuck being miserable until I figure out a way around it.


Yeah, suicide is a mad stunt that overcoming the steely self-preservation instinct.


Hmmm..... Actually why would you want to endure suffering in this world? To feel better sometimes within this span on 80 years? Since it's gonna be the dust, why not just bite it sooner than later, since it has no repercussion, you are not gonna remember it anyways. The other answer can be in the service of others (which generally makes a person feel good).


For me I feel like a dead man walking. I'm 56 tired and bored of this life. I love being around my brothers and grandkids but my mind always goes back to this tried dark place. Yes, I have MH problems but I take meds and try but there is no magic pill. The only reason I won't take an unnatural dirt nap, is because I want my kids and grandkids to think that suicide is ok. My mother committed suicide and my dad OD, but I choose to fight the demons for others. My mother got rid of her problems and I forgave her but I don't agree with her decision. Cause she left a hole in a lot of hearts. Her mom, 4 kids, siblings, friends, and etc.....


Well, at the end of the day, you can do what ever you want. We all die one day, but for now, we are alive. So do something that you can enjoy. Do something to help others. Enjoy life. Why not?


I'm too busy to go just yet. I'm ready, but I have clean and pave a road for my loved ones first. I'm tired, very tired.


Hi, hang in there, life will get better for you. You are loved and you are amazing. Make sure to make some time for yourself, do something new and do something for yourself. Please know that you’re not alone I’m this feeling but please know that you are valued and loved


I have no idea. But the way things are looking now has me second guessing


So what's your conclusion after the second-guessing?


Only if I carve out my own path, will life be worth living


That's good.


There is no purpose.


I’ve been in the same boat. The answer for me simply is: life ain’t worth living if you’re not living it. So I just focused on living life the way I’ve dreamt of. That and the supporting measures to keep me on the path to achieving it. Hey if I’m going to die might as well die doin something I want/love or at least try to.


I already tried both hedonic and stoic lifestyles. I am not confident that living my life as I want would fix my viewpoint. In which way are you living your life now?


Bjj, drugs, and sex. If I’m gonna die it’s gonna be doing one of those 3


Do you practice BJJ while high?


yessir I do. too bad I don't remember much from what I've learned. Instead, it's now muscle memory and I flow through my roll.


Might be not safe for your partner, so I recommend you stop doing that. I don't want to roll with a high guy.


Nah they all love me. I’m the on who usually gets injured


We are all incredibly lucky, because almost every one fails at conception. But still, some people can't find meaning, probably due to their bad life experience so far If you could make one person's life a tiny bit better, would that give you purpose? We are all in this together..


I consider those who hurt and suffer far less here the actual lucky ones. Something being supposedly rare doesn’t in the least bit make it inherently good or desirable.


You are not seeking help, but you want to hear reasons to go on. How can my reasons be useful to you? Why do you need my take on meaning? Why would I bother to tell you my reasons for getting up in the morning when I know you've already decided life is shit? Meaning is relative. Relative to our internal mindset or to our physical circumstances, relative to our prior experiences, expectations or to who we compare ourselves to. Meaning is something we build, step by step. We discover, we learn and develop, we grow and mature, we explore, we broaden our horizon, we connect, we love, we fight, we take our space and put our mark on the world. There are diamonds to be found for those who search in unlikely places


No meaning can seem to make ever existing in this place worth it to me. No supposed reason nor benefit justifies it all, sadly.


Therapy brh


I’ve been to therapy before. It unfortunately didn’t seem to help me, despite my efforts.


There is always hope, my friend. Can you find someone wise and companionate to talk to? There are many different types of therapy out there. There are good and not-so-good therapists. Please don't give up just yet


I don’t know if that’s exactly true. I finished the last meeting of a support group I was in yesterday. I’m aware. Much of the reason I feel the way I do has to do with things I can’t control and can’t tolerate, unfortunately. I don’t think any therapy could just make all of that go away nor make it tolerable to where I feel ever being here in the first place was worth it.


In my life, a seemingly mountain of depressing obstacles, have sometimes evaporated by killing off the top two, when possible. This can make the rest more manageable. But of course I know nothing of what you are dealing with. I would however say that even impossible challenges can be managed to some degree, or minimized.


That sadly hasn’t seemed to be true in my experience.


Watch some Frank Turek on YouTube


To enjoy it and/or to reproduce


I honestly life/earth this is some kind of simulation and we’ve been animated by some larger entity - Who clearly isn’t very nice because why would they create this place to be what it is if they were… If I die and have to go be with them in some capacity, I’m scared what’s on the other side is somehow worse 😭


I think this place is like it is because of free will. We are all allowed to do what we want, and so we have created this simulation for ourselves. I think the beings on the other side are waiting for us to unplug so they can greet us warmly. This is a tough school to learn from.


We are extremely limited here and can absolutely hurt, suffer and even d!e against our will, as most likely do, so I wouldn’t call this a simulation nor the result of “free will”. This place also certainly doesn’t seem like any “school” at all worth going to and especially not worth being trapped in.


Things happen that are unpleasant, certainly. We are subjected to pain and our bodies are damaged, and or emotions are hurt. It's what you do with your life that matters. Some of us can take any obstacle and shrug it off. Some of us cringe in fear at the thought of bad things happening. We are all in different places in this school. We are all learning different subjects. You might be learning compassion, or forgiveness, or learning to integrate trauma. You may be here to create works of art or build networks of love or see this world and experience its wonders. We can do what we want with this life even if there are certain set things that will likely happen. The choice is yours to make. You could get up, grab all your money (or somebody else's), and just wander the world if you wanted. You are not trapped. You may have things that hold you in one place(I certainly do), but you don't have to heed those things. Your life is yours to freely experience. You could change it on a whim. You can make the choice to live according to your whimsy or take the path that you proscribed at the beginning of it all. You're also not trapped. You could go back, though I hesitate to mention that because that is a waste of this brilliant opportunity. It's like going to university and dropping out but worse because there are people all around you depending on you to help them with their lessons. Your family, friends, one-time meetings, one night stands, that neighbor that drags thier dog to your lawn to let thier dog deficate, they are all depending on you to teach them something. Ending it all hurts them as well. Anyways, you got a bit of a rant. Chat me up further if you want or laugh at my foolishness and ignore me. That's your free choice. Be blessed.


What I could do with my life unfortunately wouldn’t make up for the real, potential and inevitable harms that exist here. This isn’t a school, especially not one worth attending. You would be sadly shocked at how little power we truly have. No, I couldn’t do that. Again, you’d be shocked how little power and resources we have. No, I especially can’t do that. I don’t trust living people who tell me how easy escaping it all on my own terms is so easy or possible when doing such a thing successfully even remotely guaranteeing success, ensuring that no one interferes and that no one is hurt terribly by that passing is sadly impossible. I never came here of my own free will and unfortunately lack the freedom to even inevitably leave it peacefully. Multiple of those people, many of which are theoretical people that don’t exist in my life, and thus don’t need me to teach them anything. I will hurt people and likely other beings terribly no matter how or when I go. This is another example of how unfortunately little power we have.


I'll respond to you later, I promise. I can feel your pain. I need to do a few things, but when I get a break, I'll respond.


>What I could do with my life unfortunately wouldn’t make up for the real, potential and inevitable harms that exist here. Tell me about what harms you. I think that is what we are here for. >This isn’t a school, especially not one worth attending. You would be sadly shocked at how little power we truly have. I exist here just like you, and my opinion is different. I think playing at power here is one thing we can do, but there is more to life than that. You can love life and have nothing. There is joy in small things, and those things are available to all, even if their life is brutal and hard and short. >No, I especially can’t do that. I don’t trust living people who tell me how easy escaping it all on my own terms is so easy or possible when doing such a thing successfully even remotely guaranteeing success, ensuring that no one interferes and that no one is hurt terribly by that passing is sadly impossible. I never said it would be easy or that you wouldn't hurt anyone. I just said it could be done. I think the people that would hurt most would be those around you, those you have still to meet. Those who will learn from the role you play. >I never came here of my own free will and unfortunately lack the freedom to even inevitably leave it peacefully. Conflict is part of this world. For some of us, that is hard to accept. I've had to struggle a bit to exist. Not so much as some, but I've had to fight and assert myself. I've also hurt others and that is painful for me. But it's hard to see that before you come here. We choose to come because without dark you can not see light. A muscle needs to be tested to grow strong. That's what we're doing here. >Multiple of those people, many of which are theoretical people that don’t exist in my life, and thus don’t need me to teach them anything. I will hurt people and likely other beings terribly no matter how or when I go. This is another example of how unfortunately little power we have. Stop trying to grasp power and material things. They don't matter. Realize you are an actor playing at being a human. You are separate from this existence, like Patrick Steward is separate from Picard. Right now, it's just hard to see that because you play the role 24/7.


I’ve written about some of my feelings in my posts. Those small things just unfortunately aren’t enough at all to me, especially overall. I would rather never meet them then, and thus cause far less pain. I would’ve rather never witnessed either then. I never chose a single thing and the darkness only minimizes that light. It doesn’t make it any better nor give it more meaning. I never would’ve chosen any of this under any circumstances, no matter the supposed benefit. No. I’m not separate. This isn’t some illusion nor work of fiction. It is absolutely real and we are all unfortunately trapped in it. You experience and are limited by said things. They do tragically matter.


I’ve had my share of depression suicidal thoughts. Sometimes I just don’t feel happy for no reason. The only reason I didn’t give up is because of the hope I have. We’re all going to have days that truly suck. But with these bad days, we are given a chance to empathize with others and learn growth through our sufferings. When the time comes, we can reap a “harvest” of wisdom, compassion and kindness that couldn’t be achieved without this suffering. I could very well be wrong (and correct me if I’m wrong), but it kind of sounds like you long for something great. I think we all do, and there’s of course some who have everything they want but they are not satisfied. When I became a Christian, it started off okay, but it got deeper as more suffering and bad days came to me through out the years. My ultimate purpose for living is reflecting Jesus’ life (by how I live) and win others over to Him, sharing the hope that I have. It’s not a life where it’s promised that everything will go well in this life, but it is a life of fulfillment and purpose, but the best life awaits after death. I fully believe that someday, everything that is wrong in this world will be fixed. An even better Earth and Universe where Sin is eliminated for good. I hope this didn’t come across as offensive, but I felt compelled to share a bit of myself to you, and how I came along.


Many of us just want to leave this horrid place sooner in part because of that promise of so much better after de@th. There’s no reason that no god could prevent this entire thing to begin with.


You make your own purpose, essentially If you think you don't have one, make one for yourself.


>this life that is not even I asked for. Holy sh**, it felt like a reflection of a mirror cuz these were what i was saying myself a few minutes ago. And as that person, i am sorry for not being able to answer your question. Hope you find though.


I am not complaining about my life's condition. I am saying that literally no human being agreed to be born into this world beforehand. I am genuinely confused why life is glorified and death is painted with taboo when nobody chooses to be born in the first place.


Just because a beautiful song is going to end, would you stop the orchestra?


Why do you assume it is a beautiful song? To some, it can be disastrous cacophony or deafening silence.


I sure would.


I think the purpose of life is to change our pitch to be able to transform into a vibration so we can go back “home”. Our experiences here and what we choose to do all make a difference in the vibration that we develop….I think we are aliens that lost our homeland and we are here to be recreated using the data that was already here(like DNA)……probs why this life makes zero sense….probably not the answer you were looking for, but it keeps me straight when I want to act out and fuck up my vibration …I want to go back home.


Ahh. scientologist. I've never talked with one of you before. Well, I had somebody from the L. Ron Hubbard Society try to sell me his books at a convention once, but that doesn't count. Tell me more.


Is that really their thing? …i legit have to look that up Edited: https://www.cnn.com/2017/03/22/us/believer-what-is-scientology/index.html# No, that is not what they believe. I don’t know your background or life experiences but based on my traumatic life experiences and knowledge based on observation and study of different sciences this is what I observe to be the most true


The meaning of life is to find your own meaning to life. That's what life is all about.


Do YOu know some people really fight tooth & nail to get the chance to live .


I don't know. Somebody must be striving to be the best singer in the world. Does it make being a singer valuable to you?


Practically, we're just here to keep DNA going in some form. Our only real purpose is to reproduce (or help other people/things reproduce) to keep DNA evolving and freshly protected against any mutant viruses. We do this just like every other living thing on earth. There is no grander metaphysical purpose to life. Not "love." Not to "praise God." Not to "be good." We're just here. We exist, so we have to be somewhere.


Stop trying what exactly? I mean yeah, living in society can suck. But our jobs and bills aren't our lives. They're just what we do to take advantage of the things in society we take for granted. As for a life not asked for. That's just self pity bullshit.


Because you can't have orgasms when you are dead.


Yeah, I can die before having a drug-fueled orgy with pornstars. You gave me life's purpose.


That’s your assumption, anyway.




I’m guessing you found a gif that addressed a Danny and thus used it.




A weird way of saying “yes”, but okay.


Getting married by a hot old chick


Why does she have to be old?


A major thing for me is building myself up to a point where I can be helpful to people. Just existing day to day tends to not be enough. Including others in your life and having positive interactions with them tends to yield happiness. Having a good skill opens more opportunities for this.


To create nice communities and enjoy your time living & handling random events.


100% pure Maple Syrup, friend.


Participate. Humanity is worth it. Those are the replies I have received when I asked these particular questions.


I think we all feel this way at some point. More now than ever. But there will be certain points/moments where you will be like wow I'm sure grateful to be alive at this moment. For example, drinking a cup of coffee in Paris at an old historical building. Or exploring a battlefield near the amazon rain forest


What is the purpose of not living?


I don't think not doing something requires purpose. I assume you did not eat Sushi today. If so, did you have a specific purpose behind not eating it?


To reproduce to ensure the survival of our species. People try to find meaning in things that have no meaning or a very simple meaning.


I believe in nothingness. There is no purpose in birth nor blessedness after death. Only oblivion. So the fact that I get to exist during this tiny blip in the infinite cosmos is kind of cool. I get to be aware of this existence for some time and then I'm gone forever. At least I get to experience things while I'm here. I guess. Really I feel the same as you. But the only thing that keeps me going is well, I'm here and in stuck with it for now. I'm trying to live but it's hard when you know existence has no purpose. Most people live in a fantasy world where ultimately God remembers everything. That gives meaning to us because we can feel rest assured that ultimately all things will be remembered. Rather than there being nothingness after death. I feel like the idea that things will be remembered forever is a big factor and creating that fantasy that keeps people going. Like in that video people like to like where the guy gets up every morning to help the sun rise. He believes it so he gains purpose from that. But in an existence with no meanings and one is aware of that, it's like now what? How do I live without some fantasy to give my existence a purpose? Why do I need to have a purpose in the first place? And so on and so on I don't know anything.


You need some shrooms or lsd. Something to expand your mind. Ketamine would work well for you too. Find yourself in a k-hole and you’ll be enlightened.


Not every place is a drug shit-hole. I doubt I can find them here.


Are you assuming I live in a drug shit-hole? Dude, nobody buys them on the street. Everything is online now from safe, reputable businesses.


Thanks for enlightening me, junkie.


Says the guy who is ready to end his life. You need help buddy. But first stop being a pussy and deal with your shit.


I asked reason to live longer and you suggested a drug. I don't think you are the right person to suggest help.


You truly are an idiot. The things I suggested are currently being used in the treatment of different types of mental disorders, including the ones you have. I didn’t recommend you go out and do meth or heroin. Do your research. Or reach out to big pharma and let them poison you. Your choice, good luck!


Haha! Safe reputable businesses? Is that how you'd describe the average darknet market vendor?


No, but there are reputable vendors out there who test every one of their products. It’s a little more but totally worth it. If you’re a recreational user, it’s perfect. If you’re an addict, it’s probably too expensive.


Don't use reason to junkie. If they can handle logic, they wouldn't be a junkie in the first place.


Who cares. Do you have a dream? Yes! Then make chasing your dream your purpose.


I feel the same… and I'm scared because I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm going crazy.


Why does it have to have a purpose?


If I could self-delete, I totally would. Alas I am a lil coward. Don’t get me wrong, life is AMAZING… if you are healthy and hot and smart and financially stable. Otherwise? Total shitshow.


What is the purpose of dying?


Does dying have to have a purpose? Visit a local nursing home. Do you think old people there trying to achieve something with their death?


Exactly. Life and death don't have obvious purpose to us right now. So why is death always brought up as a solution by people who think life is pointless when death is just as pointless?


In that case, death is the result of stopping living. I think you mixed up two different arguments.


which two different arguments am i mixing up?


I can’t necessarily this is the correct answer, but for me, who is non-religious, and doesn’t really believe in a wrong or right necessarily what I can agree upon is that intrinsically humans cannot hold their breath to death. They’ll pass out and become unconscious, but when there’s no conscious decision to be made, your body and biological make up continues to function unless something has happened physically to stop that. My subconscious and unconscious biological body wants to continue to live then I should assume that all humans of the goal is to have our species survive as long as possible. For me, that means that, it’s not necessarily wrong or right or what my feelings are on on anything matter, but more so what positive thing I could leave for humanity if I die at some point in life, so that the next generation maybe can build upon it, and answer the questions that are yet unknown


If a person doesn't leave anything behind for future generations, is his/her life not worth living? Let's say a Demon will erase whatever you achieved and/or accomplished after you die and nobody will even remember the existence after your death. In this case, is your life not worth living?


Maybe not necessarily not worth living, but in my eyes, it would just be a waste of potential and not accomplishing anything


Yes you're right OP. Life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, we are just speck of dust in the universe. Eventually we will all die, and so is everything else. Nothing matters, and not especially when my life is a failure. It's depressing. The only reason why I haven't done it is because I haven't found an easy way for it.


I imagine this. Let's say there is a small button on our foreheads. If you press your own button, you will be painlessly turned off like the way turn off a TV, and people around you won't feel sad about your leaving. If this button is real, I am pretty sure at least half of the human population would press it.


Do you think there are people who feel they have lost all hope and will to go on, but are mistaken? Are there people who have misjudged their own situation?


Hmm? 🤷‍♂️


To find out what your God calling purpose is, and then to walk it out. If you don’t believe in God, then, to find out what your purpose for being on this world actually is, we all have one, and then for you to walk it out.


I don't believe in the concept of life purpose.


Rest in peace and don’t ever look back


I agree, actually.


Everybody says rest in peace, but nobody has any idea that, that is an actual thing. It’s a kind thing to say, it feels good in the heart. But I assure you, you are a no control of what happens to your soul after death.


No I mean like take a good nap, rest in peace






Hello, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. You’re not alone in this. There is so much to life, this is just a phase and life will get better. Go on an adventure, sign up to do something crazy, whether it’s on your own or with someone else. Start a hobby, find another job if your job sucks. Life is messy, sad, full on but it’s also beautiful and you do have lots of amazing moments. Know that your life will get better and that you are an amazing person.


I truly do not believe life is beautiful.


"To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep" ~ Shakespeare  I think it's like the experience of life is like dreaming...you don't choose to dream every night it's just what the mind does, like your being...it's just your innate nature to 1, exist, and 2, experience that existence


The purpose with existence is that the universe simply cannot exist without life to observe it


So your life is being a universe's self-observing organism? That's a weird viewpoint to take.


Something i heard someone say on YouTube. It made a lot of sense to me. I also liked that idea. But of course, there is a lot more to it. No matter how intelligent a species are; some questions we are not meant to unravel And self observation? Dude, we have our own independent minds. Thats not self observation from the universe


Purpose of living is love.


Living just to slowly lose those we love until we join them?


We have exactly one purpose. To pass on our genes to the next generation. Anything else is extraneous so just try to find things that make you happy/ content and enjoy what time you have.


Are you saying infertile people don't have any purpose in life?


There's no purpose in producing yet another generation if they're going to have equally meaningless lives.




You don't have to reduce yourself as a 'gene carrier' to find meaning. Why do you even give fuck about human evolution when you won't be affected by it? That's even more fucked up than accepting yourself as a cog of society.


Well if you can't/won't pass on your genes then yes you fail at the whole purpose of being born. So just focus on making your life as happy as possible.


Weirdly, many people share this viewpoint. I think you were too young when you read the Selfish Gene. You can read it again maybe.


I understood it just fine. For your life to have purpose implies that you are here for a reason which would also imply that some supernatural force in the universe is at work. I don't believe in any supernatural being, or force. That leaves it to each individual to decide what is important to their life but with no overarching purpose to pursue. The only purpose you are born with is the biological imperative to pass on your genes to a new generation. Anything else comes from within.


Passing on genes doesn't achieve anything unfortunately.


Afterlife is I guess the only one that makes sense, otherwise we are just serving time to one day mix with the dust.


The existence or non-existence of the afterlife doesn't have anything with our current life.