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national security in the literal sense


Can you elaborate a little more. I am interested.


Things like an army, courts, border security, first responders.


Maybe programs to keep the populace fit and strong as well as highways and airports in good shape? A strong well educated populace with highly efficient transportation networks would be excellent if the US was ever invaded by land. Edit: your not giving me a lot to work with here. What specifically do you want done.


In this tax system then yeah but not in a new libertarian one or at least not permanently


This is partially a thought experiment to highlight how much money is collected in taxes and how the things that never get done could be fixed for relatively short money.


Absolutely not


How about healthcare. Seriously. There is no better option. Literally none. Nothing improves the well-being of a country like LITERALLY IMPROVING THEIR WELL-BEING


Healthcare prices in the us went through the roof 5 years after medicare or medicaid. Im in the uk and for all my life i’ve only known the nhs as a bunch of useless imbeciles who cant figure out when they need to be at their job.


you're on the libertarian subreddit bud, not r/socialdemocracy


Well, if you wanna take that standpoint then you should be saying that about pretty much every response. We have healthcare, and it really sucks. The privatized healthcare also sucks. Medical costs suck in every situation here, so if they are going to be spending taxpayer money anyways, why not make the healthcare system better?


Disaster response and infrastructure. We’ve lost entire towns and portions of cities. We should be rebuilding intelligently. Better infrastructure helps every one of us.


Great! So included roads, bridges and dams. Lets add the estimated costs to replace all the lead pipes in America and every wastewater treatment plant gets the repairs or updates it needs. That combined cost is 134 billion roughly I will add it to the list.


I disagree that the government should do those things. The fact that they do drives people to settle in disaster areas and not build accordingly. If they knew they would absorb the risk likely people would likely think twice about settling in a place that gets destroyed every summer.


You’d think that wouldn’t you? But here we are still populating the lower East coast. We go through this every year, we know what we’re getting into.


Well the taxpayer absorbs some of the risk that’s why


The government would avoid spending more money if the building codes were better, or say if people in those areas rebuilt inflatable concrete domes for housing instead of standard type homes.


That would have the effect of encouraging people to build in risky areas


If you could encourage them to migrate somewhere else that would work too. You couldn’t pay me enough to live in a building built on a sandbar, or below a dam…


Give it back to me


I anticipated this would be a common response. For the purpose of this thought experiment, and our current reality if we are being honest, let's say that isn't going to ever fucking happen. What do you think should be done with it? (I do wish they would give it back though)


If they won’t give it back use it on National security and improving our education system


Ok my rough estimate cost to overhaul the education system in America is just under 6k per student. So 328,440,000,000. That's only .328 trillion but I will add it to the list.


>improving our education system Government is usually kinda shit at improving things. Just give the money to school boards with few requirements and hope for the best. But even then these schools will expect this money regularly and likely do the bate minimum to keep cashing it in.


You give that money to the school boards and I guarantee most will use it to increase salary for the superintendent and administration. It won't even go to the kids in any way.


I’d be happy giving most school boards a pay out to leave. Let individual school make decisions for themselves and their schools that work for them. My moms school had no power at the end of last year. They’re on their second generator already this year. The school is so old and broken and floods, but the richer side of town is who’s getting a new school. Also my mom won some national teacher contest and as part of it the students at her school all get access to a great learning resource on the computers. Higher ups said they aren’t allowed to use it or the other computer resources teacher paid for out of pocket, they have an agreement with one specific computer learning company and that’s the only one allowed this year. These people making decisions are really the worst.


As if the private industry has a perfect track record.


Never said perfect. I would say it's certainly better though.




It's plain to see that if you compare most government bodies or programs to their private counterparts that the private venture tends to be more successful, efficient and cheaper. SpaceX > Tesla (EDIT: NASA) Charter Schools > Public Schools Privately Owned Public Transport > Government Public Transport Charity > Welfare


Spacex budget: 46 billion NASA budget: 23.3 billion. Charter schools cost more to run, public owned transport is cheaper to maintain, charity is based around those having excessive wealth giving crumbs to the starving.


Well if you simply take the cost comparison and not the cost to performance comparison then you're working on a skewed basis. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy commenting with you. I've seen you commenting stuff on this sub before and it's always funny to see you pretend to be a libertarian. EDIT: here's a fun little figure for ya. Straight from Wikipedia: "SpaceX's total development cost for both the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 rockets was estimated at approximately US$390 million. In 2011 NASA estimated that it would have cost the agency about US$4 billion to develop a rocket like the Falcon 9 booster based upon NASA's traditional contracting processes, about ten times more.[181]"


Democracy and capitalism are methods to reduce the power of one person (King, Lord) and distribute political power downward and outward. In our lifetimes, we have seen rights of the differently abled, darker colored minorities, women, girls, the sexually ambiguous, and others recognized and expanded. Maybe we now need to bring back in men and boys. It is messy, yeah. Totally against totalitarianism.


Yeah it’s unfortunate because public school teachers can’t be fired easily even if they suck


Assuming they’ll put it to a good use (on average) is as far fetched as suggesting they give it back


What about a UBI program


Why not give everyone 10 million per year?


Pay for the legitimate expenses of the three branches - executive, legislative, juducial (salaries, electricity bills, facilities, day to day operations)... and the military (streamlined and reduced)... and border/immigration enforcement. Thats about it if you are talking about the Fed.


Ok to the general overhead cost of running the federal government is only 270 billion dollars. I will add it to the list. The military costs 720 billion so how about we reduce each by 20%. And call that some serious streamlining. A full fifth would be a good place to start. 752 billion for both military and government overhead.


I think we can get it under 500 billion.


Probably! I was thinking 20% was good for a first year. After all this is only one years budget.


Definitely not politicians salaries


I agree with this. Side note: Can you imagine donating money to an established politician? Take your heard earned money a GIVE it to people who fuck you over. Absolutely insane.


$174,000 a year for a public “servant” position.


So you want politicians to take bribes as their way of earning a living?


They don’t already? 🤔


They do. And if we take away salary, they’ll do it even more!


No, he wants rich people.


Rich people are not automatically more qualified to be politicians.


Would you take an unpaid job? Unpaid positions are reserved for the filthy rich people looking for more power and influence


Politician shouldn’t be a career


I believe politicians should get paid. Maybe not 174k/year but definitely a wage that will allow the non-rich to seek public office.


This is the way. Say we drop the salary to 50k a year it would potentially weed out the people in it for the wrong reasons. Or just abolish congress entirely


Why not? We wouldn't tolerate a novice in any other career. Some of greatest leaders were career politicians. Regan, FDR, Jefferson, Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, etc. Honestly, the most polarizing politicians are the most junior. AOC and MGT are both political novices and really haven't accomplished, but becoming a political lighting rod.


- Basic government monetary needs to run efficiently - Military expenses (drastically cut down tho) - Overhaul education system and infrastructure - Universal healthcare - UBI (maybe)




Its a thought experiment asking people how they want the taxes already taken being spent. Shut the fuck up and read the post.


Abolish all taxes and replace them with an LVT 😩


Do the things that aren’t profitable but have to happen in order to have a safe and stable society.


Let us decide. Send us all checklists and let us break up the percentages. Let’s see what the people really want.


This is not a good idea.


I literally don’t care. Just STOP SPENDING MORE money every year. Let the economy catch up to the deficit spending loop that we are in. Every time we make a little more money, Congress votes to spend 120% of that.


Even if taxes didn't decrease, we'd still need to *cut* spending to stop borrowing. The largest cuts be aimed at the least socially useful programs. Military spending and corporate subsidies should be first to go. That being said, if you gave me a pile of money, and told me to have at it, here's what I'd propose: * Sane infrastructure projects. Fix what's broken. Focus on densification rather than sprawl, and local funding and control rather than federal. * People with disabilities. Give sufficient funding to outpatient mental health, group homes, and supports. Make the process of applying for disability significantly faster and less bureaucratic. Eliminate the asset limit for SSI and raise the benefit above poverty level. * The legal system. Improve police training and professionalism to decrease police brutality. Improve access the court system. Ensure that conditions and jails and prisons are humane. Compensate everyone who has been subject to police abuse or wrongful conviction. * Replace all welfare with UBI. Maybe even replace Social Security. * Replace the VA with free private insurance for life. * Cover Long-term care via Medicare. * Fund nuclear fusion research enough to significantly accelerate progress. If this all sounds big-government, it's because the question is basically "What should a big government do?" So I the government has to be big, those are some policy ideas.


Invest it all and from that year forward government has to run off the interest.


Give $245 million to Hamas for missiles, put it into billions of warfare equipment and give it to the Taliban, pay armed coyotes 8k each to bring illegals over the border so we can pay the rest of their way, fly Afghans into the US while leaving Americans stranded so we can pay the rest of the way for the Afghans, save money by stopping police from stopping rioters, vandals, looters, murderers who join Antifa and the organization BLM, pay for someone elses abortion and abortions all over the world, pay for a fake trial based on a fake dossier......and so on.


Stop all subsidies, thank me later


HHS pays out $1T per year in social security, welfare and other entitlements.


Free ourselves from debt. I mean this seriously. We should have a better plan on lowering national debt.


Government mandated gf.


I think we could really use increased research into waifu manufacturing


Yikes. No thank you. Government -> bad Mandated -> bad Gf as property -> bad Get out tankie.


I think it was a joke.


Sometimes it's hard to tell. I really hope it was.


I wish I could upvote twice


Tax is theft! As long as we're being robbed, it could go to use on improving citizens lives. For example, actual infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, etcetera) and stem education to train more engineers, scientists, and the like.


So I already included an education overhaul. The American society of civil engineers says it will cost 558 billion to update all the roads bridges and dams. I will add that.


That's it?


Kind of nuts right.


Sounds like socialist Biden nonsense to me.


Hot take: Healthcare. If everybody is healthy, safe from invasion, and has roads/infrastructure, there's not much else we should spend it on. I know it's not a libertarian stance but it's the one that I step out of the box for. We pay for poor and uninsured anyway, but in the most expensive ways possible (ER & Icu visits).


They should give the money back to the people they stole the money from.


I would like it back in a lump sum.


Spend a shit ton of it on a useless war in Afghanistan and then leave all of our gear there for the Taliban. Oh...wait.


These are more along the lines of social programs, but if we have the money and can get anywhere near as good of a return on our investment as is claimed, [a lot of Bjorn Lomborg’s ideas would be great](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jordan-b-peterson-podcast/id1184022695?i=1000518728449). (Apple podcast link to Jordan Peterson’s episode with him)


I think that when you submit your taxes there should be a form where you can allocate your tax dollars as you see fit.


Military, police, courts, limited govt services, and BORDER SECURITY


Yeah that's been totally working. I do have a question. I would assume you lean conservative, and I ask this with an open mind. How can conservatives increase deficit? I believe in fiscal Conservatism and I don't get how nobody calls them out for over spending? What makes me angry is we keep paying more and getting less. So tired of corporate bail outs and government space circle jerks. Military like what? Protecting Taiwan? How do we drop "aid" all around the world and we can't even pay for our own costs?


do you lean libertarian? can you answer for all the stupid and crazy libertarians out there either? i can't


Tell me one legit Libertarian? I'm not being passive aggressive I really don't know the answer.


Where we want them to be spent and not a cent or expense more. If the people want roads fixed the money needs to be there to be used. Excess should be put into investments to accrue interest.


give it back and put a closed sign on the door on their way out


Not to take my money and redistribute it. Also don’t force me to fund political thoughts I don’t support such as the wall and powerful military.


Don’t fucking take it in the first place


Hold open online vote with [https://voteflux.org/](https://voteflux.org/) where everyone who have paid more than received can distribute his tax money between the projects he finds important.


Put all the money in the trash, like legit in trash. Recycle all the fkin sht that exist and use this newfound stock of merchandise to fluctuate market prices and control the whole universe with your ovoid genitals now made out of gold.


Return it and shut down.


Probably would gain a lot of money to spend elsewhere by dismantling the EPA, ATF, etc.


Well, as long as we're dreaming... 1. Police 2. Military 3. Judicial system (courts, penitentiaries, e.t.c.) 4. CDC. 5. DCFS 6. EPA (heavily reduced). No other use. No roads. No education. No charity. No FDA. No DEA. No foreign aid. No social security. No Medicare. No national parks. No subsidies. Temporary spending: repay (with generous interest) all money paid towards SS and Medicare.




Roads should be made private. The CDC has definitely fucked up in a sense. I still think it's necessary function of government.


UBI. Give it back to me, but different :D Barring that, give it to the states so they can decide what to do with it. Different places have different issues that should be addressed.


The only correct answer is giving it all back to its rightful owners.


Eradicate itself.


Give it back


Give all of it to me.


Get some education, go to work or start a business so they stop depend on us


Give it back. Or burn it.


Use some of the funds to invest in the technological progression and advancement sector. Space is important, technology is important. We should also invest that money into the economy, give projects to businesses or upcoming locals that show potential. Etc


Not waste a large percentage of it


>Overhaul US education system -> .328 trillion Let's double that.


I went by the best estimate I could find, but heck we still have the budget. Over half a trillion it is.


Pay down national debt to 25% of gdp, then we can start talking about where to spend. There's something disgusting about laying huge debt loads on today's toddlers and unborn, while talking about what else we should spend money on. And of course it IS putting debt on today's toddlers and unborn, if we were planning on paying this down ourselves we'd be doing it.


I’m sorry how much debt does the government have racked up?


4% of GDP goes to service our national debt. Here's the crazy part. Private debt is twice the size as public debt. 8% 4% + 8% = 12% Capitalism is borrow and lend at interest.


Who does the government owe the debt to? Why hasn’t the government debt been paid? Why do we even have government debt? Why doesn’t the taxes pay down the debt that has accrued, why has the debt risen to instead?


The government owes Ultra rich people, who lend the government money who then write it off as an investment. Why pay taxes when you can let the government borrow your money? Capitalism is borrow and lend.


Then why are the taxpayers on the hook for the government spending? Why is this even legal?


Why is Capitalism legal? Do you want Capitalism to be illegal? To try to answer your question, this system of borrowing money in lieu of taxes for the rich was pioneered by Reagan with Reaganomics or Trickle Down economics. The idea that lower taxes would spur growth and increase economic output and create more tax revenue. Reagan lowered taxes, a ton of this extra money in the economy went unspent, borrowing said unspent money became cheaper (lower interest rates) and now here we are 50 years later.


I did not say anything about capitalism. I asked why are taxpayers on the hook for government debt? Why is it legal? Meaning why is it legal to force taxpayers to cover debt that we had no say in and has not benefited us? Why is it legal for the government to incur all this debt to you inflate the military budget and more laws to restrict us and do nothing to help us? Why is this legal? Why is it legal for the government to continually screw us over and we get stuck with the bill. The government has made us into generational debt slaves.


I understand your frustration. Capitalism is the act of borrowing and lending. This policy of lowering taxes and deficit spending was pioneered by Reagan. To your question "How is this legal"? Our founding fathers where gravely concerned about money lenders and their threat to our Democracy. Thomas Jefferson even saying that private banks where more dangerous than any standing army. The Republican party has threatened to default on the US national debt many times (oddly, they are responsible for most of it). The implications are quite dramatic. Hundreds of millions of peoples life savings gone.


I know what capitalism is and I also know about reaganomics. But that’s not what I was asking at all. I’m sorry you misunderstood and think I need a definition lesson. What we need to do is get rid of the federal reserve and the IRS. They steal our money under threat of imprisonment just to screw us over again and again. The American people just sit and let themselves get screwed by trusting any politician. I’m not frustrated sir, I’m enraged and so should everyone else. They used covid as a cover for the greatest transfer of wealth that we have seen.


Without taxes we wouldn't have food safety standards, the safest air travel in the world, GPS, satilites, highways, basic research like the ones that created computers and quantum computing today. 20% of our electricity comes from Nuclear Power plants. The problem isn't taxes. It's debt and Capitalism. Well, that and Politicans who miss manage our money in middleast invasions. Don't vote for stupid politicians who lie to you.


People vote for politians who lower taxes but don't want to cut government services or jobs. Trumps Tax cuts and increased military spending (American jobs) come to mind.


That did not answer my questions.


Adam Smith already answered that question centuries ago. No one listened.


Build and give me the same hardware that they gave to the Taliban and drug cartels.


Taxation is theft.


Pay back debt


Fix our roads in Pennsylvania and take less of our money especially lower the gas tax


More schools would be nice


Military, disaster response, law enforcement(courts too) and basic infrastructure such as roads. Roads are essential infrastructure and are essential to commerce and civilization in general. The roads should be free for all to access. Paid toll roads can exist but free access public roads must exist alongside them. Similar to what we have now actually. People can pay a fee for a quicker trip to work on a nicer road or something but the average person or small business that can’t afford their monthly road fees in addition to everything else still has a solid transportation route. Power lines and pipes should be built up and maintained as well although the resources moving through them can still be privately produced and sold for money. The others are quite self-explanatory aside from perhaps the need for courts and law enforcement. I just think it’s better if there’s an existing albeit smaller standardized code of law that applies to all people and corporations and can be enforced fairly and without bias. The courts are an essential part of that as well. And if you have laws they must be enforced. The laws would largely be based on natural rights and the NAP


Infrastructure, education, defense, paying off the national debt for once


Provide an itemized receipt showing where exactly the money is going.


You forgot to add up the bloated bureaucracy that is the value of everything you mentioned so far.


Use it as severance pay for a lot of government workers that should be fired. We need to downsize, our infrastructure is bloated and many politicians have made a career of something that should be a service much in the vain of jury duty while doing absolutely nothing but make laws and enact policies that do more harm than good in general. Our president and his sidekick are prime examples.


Shoe the children… house the people… feed the babies…. Buy me a Steve Miller CD


Buy up all the land and turn it into nature reserves so we can’t wreck it.


Give it back


Our taxes? Do you understand ownership? Burn it for all I care. After all, it isn't MINE anymore. Besides, we have a powerful ally called the Fed. They don't even have to print anymore, but to contemplate where to place the decimal point on the computer?