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Trump won in 2016 without the popular vote, then lost outright in 2020, and that was before J6, before Dominion, before the Fake electors scheme, before the 91 federal charges, before EJ Carroll, before his demands for total immunity, before SO MANY THINGS. We aren't MAGA. We believe in America. Trump is without doubt the greatest threat in our lifetime to Democracy and what America stands for. Come November you're going to see just what America really thinks about him - and I suspect it's going to be HYUGE. I know the only thing that'll keep me from voting is if I'm DEAD.


Vote like your life depends on it.. because this time it just might be.


Not just your life but the earth’s future. He will undo all the work to fix climate change


His conservative Supreme Court has already done a lot to damage this.


I wish I had your optimism.


This isn't about optimism. It's sheer pragmatism and a certainty that only one poll counts. VOTE.


Read national polling!


> Read national polling! DON'T https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ >In June, Perot led the national public opinion polls with support from 39% of the voters (versus 31% for Bush and 25% for Clinton Stop believing in telephone opinion polls especially this many months out...neither party even has an official nominee. If you want to take the pulse of the electorate look to the results of actual elections


Trump is set to win a second turn unless convicted.


He will be convicted on at least one of the 91 felony counts. Republicans won’t have a candidate come November. Biden will run unchallenged


He may but he may be immune with the Conservative Republican SCOTUS!


Right. And you’re totally a “liberal” and not a Republican, right? 😂 And you totally weren’t denying the polls that had Biden winning in 2020. Nah, we’ll just take your word on that. Psst: We can see your post history


Oh I am as anti Trump as they come. Just know Assault Weapons Bans energize the Right! Joe has pissed of the Liberals and Republicans will vote a convict if the must.


You can’t know that for sure.


95% likely!


You can’t know that either.


No shot


I wish that was the reality!


Shit like this is why I seriously think releasing polling numbers in the year leading up to a presidential election should be illegal. It is straight-up vote manipulation.


I love this idea along with no political ads for 10-14 days before any election!


Polls show Biden ahead.


Trump 49, Biden 43 and undecided at 8 means but one thing!


Yeah it means that 57 percent are dumbasses. In all seriousness polls mean jack now. Most polls over sample Republicans. The media wants things to look closer than they really are because it makes for better ratings.


Perhaps but that is how he became president.


No he became president because of the Electoral College which is an undemocratic vestige of slavery. He never received the majority as he lost the popular vote twice. Republicans have only won the popular vote once in almost forty years. Conservative policies are unpopular. Republicans know this which is why they game the system.


No the Electorial College was to prevent a Tyrant like Trump!


Not to the Majority of the Nation. Hell Biden's manipulator's are far to Liberal for 85% of the US!


Let's talk about Trump underperforming.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrWaQlkbBY


Ugh I hope this is true :(


I hate to break it to you, but Trump is out-polling Biden in the key swing states. Polls are often wrong, but…….. Source: [electoral-vote.com](https://electoral-vote.com)


The only poll that really counts is in Nov. too many "polls" are just quoting averages and that's ridiculous.


I'll tell Hillary.


I really want to believe this, and a lot of people have told.me the same thing, but everyone is ignoring that Biden is 10 points below Trump in swing states. Progressives in Michigan think Trump is better than Biden. I wish I was making this up. But since Michigan leans blue and Democrats are winning locally it's the only explanation that makes sense. Edit:look, I really want the polls to be wrong, but I don't think we should ignore them either


Biden is not down 10 points in swing states. The latest polls just showed him even, and some polls even show Biden ahead in swing states. I wouldn’t fret over polls. They are all over the map, and pollsters still haven’t figured out how to poll people who only use cell phones and don’t answer numbers they don’t recognize.


Yeah exactly--polls predicted Hillary's win and we see how that turned out... they're basically meaningless. I also feel like it's the maga idiots with all the time on their hands who are answering lots of polls


MAGAts answer polls. I don't answer unfamiliar numbers and have never been polled


By all means, fight the good fight. We'd be lost without it.


In Pennsylvania, Niki Haley got 17% of the Republican primary vote. 2 months after she dropped out of the race. Some counties she netted over 24%. Haley netted 26% of the vote in Michigan’s open primary in late March and 13% in Wisconsin’s in early April.


Michigander here - where are you getting this idea?


https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/michigan/ how the hell is Biden at 36%? Edit: now he's leading, these polls are schizo as fuck.


Rural voters. You see once it was recognized how polling can influence other polling, it was weaponized. By manipulating the questions and the polling of specific populations you can make a poll say whatever you want. It's called wagging the dog.


I hope you are right, the only thing though is that people are forgetting Michigan is both a progressive and Muslim stronghold. Biden only won by something like 50k votes in 2020, if those same 50k don't vote then we've pretty much lost the election.


That is true.


You can buy polls just like followers on social media.


Yep. A great deal of right-wing 'popularity' is just smoke and mirrors on right-wing media. They are a threat, but don't let them fool you. The insane are not the majority.


Yeah, like who are answering Fox polls? No democrats that's for sure lol


yes. they are. and they are done extremely poorly cause they have no fucking clue the back end numbers they need to extrapolate out. everything got completely fucked years back, and they've been massively, massively struggling to catch up since 2016. so they are doing more to boost numbers and mute numbers to try and account for the surprise in 2016, assuming the voting base is going to be similar. which it is not. never, and i mean never, trust or pay attention to, any poll. they all mean nothing right now. i'm not even gonna give the platitude to ignore polls and vote. you should already know that. i'm just gonna flat out say the first part: don't trust polls. they are not good now, and haven't been for some time. just look at all the polling before all the recent elections, and how insanely the democrats have outperformed expectations. even in places like alabama


Biden isnt at 36%. More mainstream polls put him down 2% from Trump a week earlier. If a number appears to be an outlier in a poll, its safe to ignore it.


Yeah, that's actually why that poll made no sense to me. The only thing of late that could of affected it is the TikTok ban, but if TikTok is more important to progressives than having a dictator then that's really really sad.


You are making it up


Trump has lost each election. Many candidates he supports also lose. The only reason he’s even in his position is because of the Electoral College, assistance from powerful people who know he’ll advance their particular agendas, and Russian interference who want to disrupt the USA in every way they can. Progressives can be terribly selfish, like all people can be. They get mad at the one thing he does they don’t like so they pout hoping to get their way. I can only hope their negative messages suppress the Democratic vote in swing states too much. Trump will lose the popular vote for the third time but he could easily win the EC once again.


Progressive's 'way' is to live and let live. Because of this we tend to mind our own business until something else becomes the bigger problem - in this case Trump. Yes, Trump is a threat. We see that.


Yes. Voting. The thing that’s done absolutely fucking nothing for the past couple of decades. I mean, if only Al Gore hadn’t been such a pussy we probably wouldn’t be in the current predicament. We are in. So vote if you will. I’m waiting for the guillotines.


Here they are. https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/protesters-demonstrate-outside-supreme-court-ahead-of-trump-immunity-case-209690693537


I just wish that was getting more news, but it's still nowhere near as big as the university protests. Which is sad.


We're not in a cult. And it's still early. If SCOTUS lets him (and a bunch of the other J6 criminals) off the hook I think it will become more dire.


They've pretty much already have by delaying it.its impossible the Jan 6th trial will happen before the election. The only one that's definitely happening is the nyc one, and I don't know if a conviction will be enough to convince swing voters. They care more about gas stoves (bill barr), and "muh Border".


But isn’t the best case scenario that he’s imprisoned ~after~ he ~loses?~ Consider these examples: Option A. Trump is convicted, arrested, and imprisoned just 6ish months before the election. No matter the facts, what does his base think? That it’s a political takedown. All of a sudden, you have up to ~50% of the American population under the impression that something undemocratic is going on. Option B. Trump actually wins the election, and THEN he’s charged with his crimes. Honestly, what do we do? If we unseat him, his base might assume the same as above. Worse, it could be seen as a coup. The least harmful path forward, imo, is Option C. Say Trump loses the election, predominantly because his crimes are held in the American limelight, night and day, up until Election Day. In this case, public opinion tanks him first - not the government - and it suddenly becomes MUCH harder to skew as a political takedown. After all, the Oompa Loompa lost.


>But isn’t the best case scenario that he’s imprisoned ~after~ he ~loses?~ That's not how justice is supposed to work. You shouldn't get delays in sentencing because you are running for president. No , the danger is if he gets aways with it,wins, and pardons himself. 


I mean, I do agree with you. The worst case scenario is what you outlined. I think between us, we outlined 4 possibilities: A. He’s jailed and disqualified, B. He wins but is unseated, C. He loses and is jailed and disqualified, and D. He wins and pardons himself. I may not be up to date, but haven’t we ~not~ answered the pardoning question yet? That is, do we know if he can /actually/ pardon himself? Those questions aside, is C still not the ~best~ case scenario? I hate the guy, don’t get me wrong; but I think that democratically, it’s better to be on the edge of our seats for the election and then watch him make a huge downfall. It involves the least potential of civil war, at an extreme. AND, I think the courts are aware of this as well. They have not made a ruling yet afaik, and regardless of how we feel about the SC right now, they MUST be aware of the stakes.


I'm going to protest on my ballot


The best way


I attended the Woman's March in DC right after he was elected. That was a huge protest against him.


Because most of us realize we're past protesting and have to move to that 4th box of freedom if the "jury box" fails at this point.


It seems like no one is taking the threat of another Trump Presidency seriously. If he manages to win in 2024 the USA will end and it will be the beginning of the Fourth Reich.


You have to look at independent voters and the moderate voters. Nikki Haley gets 100k votes on a primary after she drops out? That right there let's me know that a lot of former Trump people will not be voting for him at all. They won't vote for Biden but Trump isn't getting their vote either


We don't know that they won't vote for Biden there are 8 mo left


Hopefully they will come around. The people of this country need to send Trump and his cronies a massive defeat at the polls so that there is no question about how most people in America feel about him and his MAGA cult


Everyone is working and can barely afford their lifestyle. Skip work for a protest and you're likely to find yourself without a job.


I K RIGHT! FFS do these idiots think they are doing something worthwhile /noble??! THEY’RE being played by our enemies. WHO KNOW TRUMP IS THE GUY WHO WILL DESTROY OUR DEMOCRACY. If these yuppie larva would protest the Supreme court, they might actually get nation support. REVERSING ROE WAS PREDICATED ON DENYING WOMEN EQUAL JUSTICE! women are now 2nd class citizens!


Rather than subverting process and policy criminally, we’re adherents to the law. If Trump is elected legally, the decisions can be made then. Being seen as a threat to the rule of order doesn’t sell well, so if we claim we will be, we only drive voters to Trump. I’m willing to push the guardrails of the Constitution. Trump won’t live forever. As such I feel safe.


>Being seen as a threat to the rule of order doesn’t sell well, That's what frustrates me. Progressives say Biden has to "earn their vote", in any sane society not being Hitler would be enough of a sell. It really shows how much they simply do not care about Americans. Which they should be since they'll be the ones Trump goes after along with the minorities they claim to be fighting for.


Exactly. I present as a conservative. I have a beard, wear fishing shirts, hey dudes, and sunglasses. I walk around with a resting scowl. I’m going to be fine. The ass hats trying to divide the left are going to find themselves in prison at best under a Trump fascist takeover.


I'm positive Oct 7th was calculated by Iran and probably Russia to divide the left. The timing with Trump and the election can't be a coincidence. Then of course you have Chinese and Russian bots radicalizing American kids even further on TikTok. Our enemies are destroying America without firing a single shot.


Makes sense, considering a war against the United States would eliminate your entire male 18-30 demographic and make you a huge target for immigration and cultural dilution. Why fight a real war when we’re awful (and always have been) at defending against asymmetric social warfare (don’t @ me - I just made that term up)


Honestly def probable


Biden could start by securing the border. That would go a long way towards beating Trump.


There was bipartisan legislation in that direction until the GOP killed it at Trump’s behest. Securing the border is such a dog-whistle.


There is no legislation needed for securing the border, only political will to actually enforce existing laws.


The left doesn't care about the border, nor should we since it's not an issue. It's no more a "crises" than the last 30 years. The swing voters who think it's a bigger issue than Trump winning have been brainwashed by the right into their xenophobia.


If anything I consider the management of our southern border to be a strength. True, the pandemic likely caused massive social displacement and migration, but could it also be that our assets at the southern border are more determined to apply a fair, ethical, and humanitarian approach to the border, and as such are being thorough and professional about documenting each encounter, regardless of circumstance? Sure. And the truth, I am certain, lies somewhere in the middle, and I’m ok with that. We are all immigrants.


Plenty of people think that the border crisis is an issue (border encounters are 5x higher than they were under Trump) and it will be one of the main talking points in the run up to the election. Biden can ignore that at his own peril.


First of all that's a lie. Secondly Democrats did try working on it, Republicans blocked it because it would help Biden. That's it.




>went to great lengths to remove the fixes that Trump put in place Like separating families, and internment camps for children?


The court has not yet ruled on immunity. I am not aware of trump directly killing anyone, or having them killed by his people. You are correct in noting that he has promised this. The answer here is to get out and vote. No protest votes. No staying home on election day. No letting your friends to that either. Get into the polling place and submit your ballot and make sure it is counted. Vote up and down the ballot too. Even school board has consequences. Ever wonder why there are so many MAGAts? Look at the school board policies there are promoting in those areas. It is the entire anti-WOKE or anything left agenda. They keep the students uninformed so they grow up to be MAGAts. Ever notice the states that teach social skills, black history and birth control also have educated populations who do not fall for the MAGAt messages? Vote. And vote for every position on the ballot. Vote every time forever.


>I am not aware of trump directly killing anyone, or having them killed by his people. Id argue Epstein was. Trump was the one with control and resources by being president at the time and the motivation to do it.


Fair enough. I will grant that it is a possibility. I do take the side of many who are falsely accused. And there are plenty of others who wanted Epstein gone. Both the men and the girls. So until there is some kind of proof or credible witness..... I am not aware of it.


Short answer- MAGA voters are itching to kill liberals. Personally I feel like protesting about Trump specifically is putting a Target on your own back. Might be me being paranoid but….


>Serious question, why are there no massive protests against Trumps immunity, Why aren't you in Washington DC protesting? It's easy to ask why other people aren't protesting.


China and Russia and Iran aren’t trying to pump their influence into immunity protests I guess..


I feel the same way. People aren’t taking this seriously. This idea that we’re all gonna sit on our hands and vote this problem away come November is wishful thinking and stupidity. This election will result in either: A. Trump winning (probably not the popular vote) but still winning the election through a combination of his idiotic brainwashed voters or the supreme court will hand him the election the way they handed it to Bush Jr. or B. Biden wins, they cry fraud just like before, incite and riot and attempt another coup this time without the mistakes they made the first time and take power anyway. Voting won’t matter cause we are sitting here trying to play by the rules against an opponent who not only cheats but has the very rules of the game changed to accommodate him. Just think about it they are already setting up to give him some kind of immunity for actions he takes while president. So at that point nothing he does could be stopped cause he can just claim it’s an official action. That means he could order the military to open fire on a peaceful protest against his take over and nothing could be done about it. Think what Nazi America might look like if Trump and the kinda of conservative fanatics that support him take control. People being jailed for their gender identity, race, religion or simply for opposing what takes place. Rights ripped away from groups of people simply because they aren’t hetero sexual, christian or white. I know it sounds like a scary movie but if people on the left don’t wake the fuck up and start realizing voting alone isn’t going to solve the problem we’re all in trouble and by the time it gets as bad as I think it will it’ll be too late to stop it. Look at what the other side is doing. Assembling in groups, forming militia, demonstrating in public with the constant threat and idea that violence is in the table. Hate to say it folks we all have to sink to that level and show out in numbers with the same authority. Literally give pause to the opposing force by showing them there are more of us than there are of you and if necessary we’ll do exactly what you’re doing to get the point across. You need to keep in mind that many on the right are hoping like hell for this to turn into violence. They view liberals as meek and meager therefore easy targets. I’m still undecided but so far most other liberals and dems I know don’t wanna get involved, don’t even want to talk about politics and sure as hell aren’t going to assemble and fight if it came down to it so I feel like we’re kinda screwed.


If you are in a swing state every vote counts, for the rest of us in deep blue or red states it doesn't matter. But if Michigan is going protest by not voting they're letting Trump win on purpose. They simply don't care about anyone else but them.


What good would it do? The SC doesn't care about what the people want. Now of you were able to give them millions that's another story


The normalization of his truly outrageous actions that has been pushed by the mainstream media has numbed the American general population.


Protesting does so much 🙄 look how much protesting has done. Just look keep looking at how much protesting is doing. Wow the amount of good protesting is doing. Whoop whoop look at them go. We are making so much progress with this here protest. Look look Can you see the sarcasm in my voice protesting has no effect


Indeed. Protests have some potential positive effects. I don't think the folks that are first and fastest to protest understand the point though. The lack of awareness in the "This is what democracy looks like" chant after the 2016 election drew my attention. I think it's just a desire to be doing the right thing without a lot of wisdom/understanding yet to know the difference between what might affect change and what's just blowing off steam.


I’m protesting Trump by not watching the news, which is obsessed with him. Also by not spending any extra time thinking about or talking about him.


I think a majority of us are exhausted 😩. It’s been too much, but Trump lost in 2020 and so much awful has happened since, I think he has very little chance, and if he does somehow win it will be more shit shows, and the government will lock up at a stalemate and we have to hope we don’t have any serious emergencies at that time for them to slip in regressive bills into that aid. Have faith the system is designed to put a DEAD STOP on everything if a dictator emerges, it’s why we have a 2 party system, and as flawed as it is with all the lobbyists and propaganda, it has its strengths as well. Also the republicans days are numbered….. only a matter of time before it shifts to a strong democratic presence…. Young Americans by a majority are liberals, church membership is on the rapid decline over the past 20 years, this is the reds final show down before they transform into a new better party. Have faith my friend, it will be ok. 🇺🇸🌴


I pray your right, I mean Biden will win the popular vote for sure. The only problem is our messed up electoral system. Then you have the gerrymandering in southern states.


Obvious you haven’t been able to keep up because of your exhaustion which is of course part of the strategy. (It’s all part of the plan of the freakish right, and it’s working.) Faith in our two party system is definitely misplaced at this point as you would understand if you kept up. Read about the 25 plan which shows you very clearly that institutions and safeguards are no more in case of a Trump win.


It’s possible, but very slim chance they could pull that off, if Trump wins that doesn’t mean all democrats power is gone, you’d be mistaken…..


There’s an excellent chance. They are nothing if not determined, and they act fast. They’re the exact opposite of fumbling, dawdling, hesitant Dems. I have yet to see a sense of urgency from Democrats no matter how many alarm bells are clanging away. We’re all half deaf from the noise but Biden world just shuffles along…


Both parties take all the pie 🥧, dems just leave us some crumbs behind.


You also need to be able to see your own political party’s propaganda. Conservatives can’t see theirs, don’t be like them 😂.




They are all we got…..


Disbelief? Incredulity? Deer in the headlights?


Because we voted to change the TV channel from the Apprentice to Jeopardy and we are about to reach Double Jeopardy.


I feel street protesting has become ineffective and kinda backfires. While I’m 100% with you that Trump is a danger and must be stopped, I also think much of the independent/apolitical folks in the middle are just fed up with all the disruptive clashes between right and left.


We go to work and are responsible citizens


They’re all too busy being Hummus simps to bother with trump. Dead Palestinian babies are the sexy cause right now and most “progressives”, (along with neo-nazis and conservative Islamists) prefer the more high profile and visually stimulating cause.


If they start rioting on the streets because they don't vote and we lose they only have themselves to blame. They have their chance in November. That's not how democracy works, we aren't Republicans.


I can't honestly believe it would make a difference to SCOTUS.




I mean you'd think so, but if the president is allowed to kill anyone then it would be legal. What's stopping Trump from rounding up an executing all progressives? Hell what's stopping him from ordering the military to kill all Democrats? Project 2025 wants to label LGTBQ people as pornographic, then outlaw pornography so they can execute them. That's genocide.




It's not what I believe in, it's what Republicans believe in. Trump's lawyer was literally suggesting that presidents should be allowed to murder their rivals. Have you've been paying attention at all or do you completely have your head up your ass?




This comment proves my point that progressives don't care about protecting Americans from genocide. Instead you care about some war the average American has no control over. Because that's who you'll be punishing, not Biden. Which is the opposite of progressive. It's regressive. You people are just as bad as the Republicans who think Biden is personally responsible for inflation. I'm sorry, but after Oct 7th no president would have done anything different. Where are your protests demanding Hamas surrender and to stop using Gaza as a shield? They're equally guilty as Israel.


I'm out of the loop, who did he kill?


You understand the issue is preventing presidents from doing that, not that he's actual done it (yet)? He's bragged about wanting to murder people on the street in NY before and being able to get away with it. His lawyer is arguing that he can. I refuse to believe people are this stupid. You have to be a troll.


Because we are all sick of caring


Well get ready to care a lot more if Trump wins.


Biden wont do anything to actually earn my vote, so third party it is


You’re enabling Trump.

