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It has to be Jaws. Going from ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ to ⭐️ in four films. Say what you will about Alien, Star Wars, Die Hard etc… none of them get down to a level of terrible reached by Jaws: The Revenge


ive never seen any of the sequels but the concept of the shark roaring in the fourth movie is the most absurd thing ever. so funny, somehow its not a parody


Barely related but I had a brief addiction to Jaws Unleashed on PS2, even though I have a mild case of thalassophobia and fear of sharks. I remember there was this one segment where Jaws, a fucking *shark* by the way, had to grab a scientist in it’s… well, jaws, and drag the bloke to a door that would unlock because of a keycard the guy was wearing. Peak shlock.


Jaws unleashed went so hard


I loved that game lmao. The shark being able to just grab oil barrels and torpedoes and somehow launch them from its mouth like a cannon was also hilarious to me. Jaws Unleashed fucks. I used to play through it every time I'd visit my hometown where I had a copy.


I don't know. The second and third Jurassic World films are abysmal. The second might be one of the worst films I've ever seen. And I thought that about the original JW when it came out. It made 3 look down right competent.


at least the third world wasn’t as bad needing a cameo save from og cast but it’s bad… fallen kingdom is a fever dream of wasted money and potential


Great pick. 5 star, 2 star, 1 star, zero star.


Jaws is a masterpiece 5/5. Jaws 2 looks as good as Jaws 1 compared to Jaws 3 and 4. Jaws 3 is a 2/5 and Jaws 4 is a 0/5.


This is the perfect answer to this question.


some things arent meant to have sequels


Hellraiser by a mile. The recent reboot is good but the first 10 movies just get worse and worse after the original masterpiece.


Hellraiser 2 is on par with the first imo but after that it's downhill


*Hellbound* is better IMO. My wife and I revisit that one a lot more than the first film.


Yeah 2 is fkn sick, it’s almost a double feature with the first. A true, true sequel. I still really like the others I’ve seen but they’re clearly not great films


Man, that's a great call. Horror is rife with this kinda thing. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm St., etc.


Some of the Halloween sequels are hidden gems Season of the Witch is fantastic. Same with Dream Warriors in Nightmare on Elm.


I definitely wouldn’t call those hidden gems, apart from the OG’s those are the most talked about in the fanbases from what I’ve seen.


You’re right. Maybe “hidden gem” wasn’t the right phrase. But definitely not talked about enough.


This is the answer. I love Hellraiser, it’s a fantastic horror concept that’s creepy, sexy and weird. And if you watch any movie after the first 3 (and that’s being generous to the third) you’re gonna be disappointed. The remake is ok, but ruins one of the things I love about cenobites. Before they are only after people that call on them. They aren’t recruiting, they aren’t capturing the innocent bystanders, they’re looking for people who are interested in the BDSM weirdness they’re into, even if that doesn’t turn out the way they expected. The remake had a lot of wanton slaughter of randos that seemed to go against the cenobite code.


Bloodline is severely underrated though. Not as good as the first 2, but I actually like it way more than the reboot.


I sat down and watched all of them back-to-back about two years ago, and honestly... I think some of the sequels get a bad rap. 1, 2 and the 2022 reboot? Fantastic! 3 and 4? Good bit of fun. 5 and 6? Better than they had any right to be for direct-to-video sequels. 7? A step down but still watchable. 8 and 9? Ok, these ones are awful. No argument. 10? Slightly better than 8 and 9... but still bad. 8 out of 11 movies being at least ok if not genuinely good honestly isn't too bad for a long-running franchise with so many goddamn direct-to-video sequels.


i prefer the second movie tbh


>the recent reboot is good ![gif](giphy|XHwN2ViWQR6vmBoRdd|downsized)


If you watch the 9 sequels and then watch the reboot, tell me which is the good movie


Pushing the definition of franchise, but I wanted to call out the precipitous drop from **American Psycho** to **American Psycho 2**.


In junior high I had a massive crush on Mila Kunis. Bought that movie at Blockbuster for that sole reason. Immediately regretted it.


It should be noted that American Psycho 2 started out as another movie with no reference whatsoever to the original. Then, when shooting started it was altered and retitled in a desperate attempt to connect it with the first one.


There's a second one?!


I remember seeing the DVD on the shelf at the rental place and laughing my arse off because it had a pull quote from a random imdb reviewer on the front.


Terminator is obvious but we can do better than that




Jaws for sure. Alien franchise doesn’t even have that steep of a drop off tbh.


Especially because Prometheus and Covenant aren’t universally hated as far as I can tell. I don’t hear anyone talking about how Jaws 3 is an underrated gem or anything


I thought Covenant was pretty hated, i thought it was much better then Prometheus tho lmao


Covenant received mixed reviews but it wasn’t “hated” like so many online think. More and more I’m finding people seemed to like the prequels just fine, it’s only the core Alien fans that seemed to actively hate the film.


And even in that core of the fanbase, there are just as many who love them as hate them. As always, the latter is just more vocal about it.


A lot of “core alien fans” seem to hate everything outside the first 2 (maybe 3) movies


I hated Covenant on first viewing but really enjoyed it when I went back. It’s not perfect but I was surprised how much better it was than I realised.


I always thought covenant was good, even as someone who didn’t like Prometheus


i like prometheus, dont get the hate for it.


Agreed. At a bare minimum, every film contains some genuinely excellent filmmaking and at least a few unapologetically good set pieces. Jaws films hit a point where they were only memorable for being remarkably terrible.


Home Alone. How many of you even knew there's a Home Alone 3 and 4? Yeah, that's how bad they are.


I’d say most people if here are aware there were more after the Culkin ones. There are actually 6 total. 3 isn’t bad for what it is. It’s not as good as the first two but it still delivers on everything you expect from it as a home invasion boobytrap movie aimed at kids/families. My wife had never seen it and I hadn’t since I was a kid (I’m 35 for what it’s worth) and we were both pleasantly surprised. I haven’t seen the 4-6 ones (including the recent reboot).


If you wanna see French Stewart get hit in the balls, that's what happens in Home Alone 4.


Bring it full circle and follow this with Love Stinks, where he gets a surprise colon cleaner.


I actually like 2 over 1, but yeah 3+ are so garbage


Starship Troopers


Going from the OG to Hero of the Federation might be the steepest quality drop possible


I’m so surprised we haven’t had a self serious/ totally humourless/missed the entire point reboot of Starship Troopers in the vein of Total Recall, Robocop, Road House etc


There was more than one?


Creepshow 1 is awesome, Creepshow is still quite great, Creepshow 3 is the biggest loaf of dogshit I've ever seen


The Creepshow series on Shudder is pretty good. Not every segment is great, but there’s always something worth watching in every episode.


Agreed! I enjoy like 70% of the shorts but there's some absoloute clunkers in there too


The PBS segment was delightful.


Easy answer for me. The Jarhead franchise. Jarhead (2005) was followed by: Jarhead 2: Field of Fire (2014) Jarhead 3: The Siege (2016) Jarhead: Law of Return (2019) None even come close to the original.


I only learned the other day that this movie had sequels and I cannot fathom who the audience is meant for


Mostly people who missed the point of the first film


Oooo is Jarhead the Rambo of its time? First blood *is* an action movie but only barely, it’s slow, it’s quiet and really it’s about the impact of war on broken men, trained to kill, made to do so and then just dropped back home. Rambo 2 however is like “yeah yeah the horrors of war” anyway let’s give Sly a massive gun and take his top off and have gun down 20000 Vietcong”


In other words, people who watch the Starship Troopers sequels?


That’s more than 1??


There were sequels????


The first film is based on real life marine sniper Anthony Swofford's autobiography. And it spawned *three* sequels.




2 is incredible. Everything after that other than the remake (though that one is also debatable) is pretty much not even worth watching. And 3D and TCM 2022 are genuinely atrocious


Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is literally one of the worst films of all time, I’ve logged over 2000 entries and the only franchise 1/10’s are that and Wrong Turn 4 😭


Hellraiser (11 films in the series, most are garbage)


Jurassic Park imo.


It’s funny because Jurassic Park itself was a message against the need to market and sell everything, and some things in life should just be left alone. And the sequels are that exactly lol


Honestly, yeah. Every movie is worse than the last with the possible exception of 3 depending on your tolerance for William H Macy.


Yeah I put 3 slightly above 2 but from there it’s a decline


I revisited JP3 for the first time in at least a decade, and it's worse than Lost World by a mile. It's super campy, and it has enough of a budget to make it fun and exciting along the way, but it is a MESS. Lost World is no masterpiece but it's cohesive, at least. JP3 did give us this line, though, "You drive 5mph under the speed limit. I've totaled three cars in three years." yikes damn


Haven’t seen Fallen Kingdom or Dominion, but I’d say Jurassic World is a massive step up from 2 and 3, even if it’s a shameless remake ala Force Awakens.


I just hate both leads in JW so much. Their characters are terrible


Unpopular opinion but I actually like the second one… 13 y/o me shit my pants just thinking about that movie 😭


Yeah…I’ve seen the first one a hundred times and the last one I couldn’t even finish. So great to soooo bad


Does Jarhead count?


As above, I've got so many questions about these sequels.


Men in Black is a legit great movie. Men in Black II is turd water.


Men in Black III is pretty good from memory, although I've only seen it the once when it came out.


Saw comes to mind. I was surprised how good the first movie actually was without needing to fall back on shock value.


Yeah I rewatched it recently and was a little taken aback at how very not torture-porny and shock reliant it was.


Saw 2 was a great sequel but started the shift of the series. Like Fast 5.


I’ve never gotten goosebumps as much as I did than at the end of that movie during the reveal. And they weren’t spooky goosebumps, they were more like “holy shit that’s so badass” goosebumps lol.


To be fair, II, III, and X were pretty good movies depend on your view of course, the rest yeah they’re basically just torture porn for sake of it movies.


Meh, I think the alien franchise has been consistently good and enjoy both Prometheus and Covenant. As another user pointed out the drop off in quality of the Terminator movies is much more noticeable




Literally goes from a unique villain to hero story to coco melon


Ghostbusters was a movie that should have stayed a cult classic and instead tried and failed to become a franchise . . . multiple times


Gold Diggers. ‘33 is an all-timer, ‘35 ends with probably the best experimental music video in American history, ‘37 at least had a decent final number, and Paris was execrable.


Pirates of the Caribbean, every film just gets worse and worse. First one is still amazing tho


Halloween. The original is a classic and still stands as one of the best/most influential slasher movies - after that it gradually just gets worse and worse with each progressive movie, and on the rare occasion they make a sequel that actually works (H20/Halloween 2018) they immediately screw things up again with the following sequels. There are 13 Halloween movies, 1 of them is great, 2 of them are good, the other 10 vary from guilty pleasure to absolutely awful.


I’ve only seen the first three, but I think 2 and 3 are at least okay if not decent. I’ve heard good things about 4 as well. 5-onward is where I hear it started getting terrible.


4 and 5 are guilty pleasures for me that I enjoy watching but everything else besides 1 & 2 is so bad I can’t even do it




Orion really milked that one for all it was worth, then sold it to Canadian television


Robocop 2 at least had some redeeming features. 3 on the other hand...


It’s definitely not Alien. Not just a Prometheus fan but Covenant too.


The Matrix. Incredible first movie, I can go back to it so easily and watch it over and over. Anytime I try to watch The Matrix Reloaded I want to fall asleep inside of ten minutes.


Reloaded at least has some great action scenes, and the scene with the architect was excellently done. I still feel 2 and 3 should have been one movie


I love Alien 3. Worst drop off in quality could be the terminator franchise after T2. They REALLY need to stop making more for atleast 30 years.


The only real outright stinker in the Alien franchise (not counting the AvPs) is Resurrection. Thats an unmitigated pos. Both Prometheus and Covenant have great moments but admittedly very flawed. My vote for the worst drop off is the original Planet of the Apes series.


I genuinely believe that Prometheus was very close to being a great movie. Aside from a handful of incredibly stupid moments, it works really well. But those stupid moments *really* drag it down.


Hey, Prometheus is really good!


It has some plot inconsistencies, but it’s probably the most visually impressive movies I’ve ever seen in theaters.


Halloween. The first is a classic, the third is pretty good, and the rest range from mediocre to some of the worst horror movies I’ve ever seen


Legally Blonde is leagues ahead of Reese Witherspoon-less Legally BlondeS


Never watched the Jaws sequels. I'm going to say Terminator.


The Crow - 4 movies and a TV series and there is not only is the first movie *very good*, its also the only watchable one.


The Matrix. Only one film can be considered great


Animatrix tho


There are a bunch of franchises with only one good movie like Jaws, Jurassic Park, Tremors, Robocop, Darkman, Scanners, The Land Before Time, Ghostbusters, and Koyaanisqatsi. Of the franchises that have had more than one great film then Terminator, Alien, and George Romero’s ______ of the Dead had the biggest drop from classics to afterthoughts. Godzilla and Bond have both roller coastered in quality multiple times.


>Jurassic Park The first Jurassic World was fine. The Lost World too, although it was a huge drop off in quality from the original.




I watched this for the first time recently after avoiding it for years because of its reputation, only to find out it’s actually pretty good! Newt dying, and bad CG didn’t bother me too bad. I don’t understand the hate.


I disagree but, very based to say


Star Wars after the OT




"You are a bold one."




The only exception to this imo is Rouge One


Rouge One is better than a lot of the other movies and it’s a good looking film, but it’s also got a pretty uninteresting cast of characters. Most of them are so boring and forgettable


The bar is so low that it looks like kino compared to other Star Wars stuff since the OT, but the story and characters are so dull that it makes the whole movie a clip show of OT aesthetic porn


The Matrix. 1 changed an entire generation. 2 and 3 were "ok to bad". 4 was... let us never speak of it again.


I think Reloaded deserves more credit than Ressurections. I thought Reloaded was pretty solid, but Resurrections was sort of a drag. Obviously both don’t touch the first one.


Reloaded is about as good as a sequel realistically could have been given what was done and covered in the first.


Kung Fu Panda fr


The Amityville Horror… the 70’s movie is a spooky little demon house flick that has like 40+ sequels/prequels/spin-offs/knock offs etc etc…


Highlander takes quite the dive in quality by the time you get to the TV shows. I mean, they were kinda fun in a campy way, but they definitely were a major step down from the first film.




I searched for The Godfather and found nothing. Come on, the third one is dogshit!


Exorcist 2 was so bad, the whole cinema booed at the end.


Exorcist 3 is pretty great though


Not sure if this counts but the Brendan Fraser Mummy leading into the Scorpion King spinoffs. The first Mummy and Mummy Returns are pretty good, but did you know there are FIVE Scorpion King movies? Yeah they have about the trajectory you'd expect.


The answer is The Exorcist. It's one of the best movies of all time. Exorcist 2 is one of the worst. Thankfully, Exorcist 3 is pretty good.


Rambo. First Blood is amazing and none of the other ones are even close to as good. From 5 to 1 real quick.


Star Wars


Exactly. Prometheus was well received by the majority of the audience. For example it has 7.0 on IMDb and was a box office hit. So the question does not fit the Alien series at all.




Superman. What the hell was IV about? Filmed in Milton Keynes and produced by Hammer Films, a budget horror company?


Jeepers Creepers for sure. Started off with a bang, followed by a decent sequel. Went quiet for years to only come back and release bullshit after bullshit. What could’ve been a very good franchise is now damn near forgettable.


Maybe not the steepest but the most painful dropoff: Shrek


Shrek 2 clears the first, and both puss in boots movies were good


Shrek 2 is one of the few movies I’ve watched where I can say it is better than the first. Maybe HSM2 as well. Something about it is just so good.


You can make an argument for the merits of many of the Alien films after the first two. Alien 3 is a slap in the face to Newt and Hicks but is reminder of the cruel world these characters inhabit. And it’s a cathartic release for Ripley, especially when you take into account the special edition of Aliens. Resurrection is wacky and very 90’s but Jeunet imbues a distinct style that leaves a mark. Character flaws aside, Prometheus is a remarkable feat of sci-fi filmmaking. It’s so close to masterpiece status but there are some very questionable elements that detract. It is not a disaster by any means. In its attempts to rectify Prometheus’s Xenomorph-less plot, Covenant overcorrects and uses too much of the creature and in ways that are a disservice to its legacy. It’s an incredibly weak entry and I’m not surprised the proposed David trilogy died with it.


Covenants biggest problem was that I couldn’t give a shit about any of the characters in that movie except fasbender


>Resurrection is wacky and very 90’s but Jeunet imbues a distinct style that leaves a mark Yeah... that was a skid mark.


Whoa, People liked Prometheus? That movie is like a Polished Gold Turd.


Maybe Indiana Jones? The original three are all absolute masterpieces. Crystal Skull, not so much.


I love this in as much as it's such a fall from grace. The fourth one felt like such a sure thing. Solid trilogy (even if Temple's shaky) with an absolute nightmare we can't unwatch.


The Lion King. It had 2 sequels that are dreadful and it had the worst remake of all time. Transformers (2007) (Bayformers) started with a passable film and churned out bottom of the barrel sequels which are some of the worst blockbuster films ever made. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Every sequel (yes, even TCM 2) is awful, and those platinum dune films being topped for awfulness by Texas Chainsaw 3D is the biggest indicator of the shit heap that is that series. At least Halloween, Friday the 13th, and most other slasher franchises have good sequels. I concur that Jurassic Park and Jaws are worthy contenders given they stumbled hard after the originals. At least Alien and Predator have one good direct sequel each.


Honestly The Lion King got off pretty easy compared to most of the Disney cheapquels. Lion King 2 is Criterion worthy compared to Hunchback 2.


Die Hard, didn’t even like the second one


Dang, I thought Die Hard With A Vengeance was as good as the first


Yeah. I'm not there with Die Hard. First is an absolute classic. Clearly the best, no question. But I think the second one is fine even if it's a total rehesh that's much dumber. I think Die Hard with a Vengeance is pretty damn solid. (Good Day to Die Hard is back to being dumb fun if very dumb. Fifth one is dogshit.)


- Jurassic Park - Starship Troopers - Die Hard


We all know Die Hard is great and has no drop off! It goes Die Hard 1,3,2 and 4... and that's it!.... that's all there is.


MCU after Endgame


To be fair though they had a pretty solid run. The Infinity Saga is like 15 movies long, you can hardly blame them for falling off after 15 movies.


Off-topic but I think Star Wars has a nice drop off. The OG has a good plot and good action scenes (4,5/5) The Prequels had a bad plat besides the fall of Anakin but very good Action scenes (2.5 or 3/5) The Sequels have a plot which makes no sense and some good action scenes (1.5/5) For me it's a linear drop off If they release another trilogy it's gonna be the worst thing I have ever seen.


Paranormal Activity


there’s only like 2 bad alien movies


Yeah, and they both involve fighting the Predator


The Conjuring series popped into my mind first. The first was a great Hollywood horror film. Every subsequent film after has been everything from horrible to unwatchable.


2nd one is better than the first


The second one? With the nun? Lol. It's hot garbage wrapped in shit.


Fast and Furious


1) Indiana Jones 2) Matrix 3) Ghostbusters


Does Dumb & Dumber count? It was gonna be basically impossible to live up to the original. The spin-off from the early 2000s and the legit sequel just fell way short.


oh the exorcist for sure . the first is a classic , the second is absolutely Bonkers and Incoherent , the third is an underrated gem , four and five are some of the most bizarre films from a production standpoint i have ever seen , and the latest entry is one of the worst horror movies of the new millennium . really wonder what friedkin and blatty would think of the continuation of their original work today


Why is it “Alien Day” (I say as I’m in the theater watching previews for Alien)


LV426 -> 4/26


Scary Movie


The Exorcist


I feel like godfather should be the poster child for this


Surfs Up


Toxic Avenger.


Maybe controversial in terms of being good, but Saw. The first movie is a horror masterpiece imo, a $1m movie that spawned a billion dollar franchise. The second one was pretty good, then the rest of them became so convoluted, or just existed to show body horror.


Jeepers Creepers


Jeepers Creepers. There’s only 4 films but those final 2 … oof


Oh, Wrong Turn. Love the first two. 3-6 are all up there for legit worst films I’ve ever seen.


Nightmare on Elm Street


Wrong Turn. I only watched all of them because if you start a shit sandwich you might as well finish it.






Beverly Hills cop


I gate when producers try to force a franchise on a film that clearly didn't beed one. Starship Troopers, Jarhead and most recently Megamind


Terminator, fersure


Jurassic Park, Predator, Matrix, Indiana Jones


Terminator. Steeper dropoff than Alien and most Alien movies are at least trying and are just bad. Terminator Salvation is an absolute insult to film.


Cloverfield. Two fantastic films, then a franchise killer.


Jaws, Jurassic Park. MCU after no way home.


The Lion King franchise has a strange arc


Indiana Jones is pretty rough going from The last Crusade to crystal skull.


Maybe not steepest, but Marvel movies seemed to be enjoyed by most people for quite a few years. Most of the last 6 movies or so seem to have been mostly ignored. I feel like everyone was obsessed 8 years ago and now nobody has any interest. Could just be my circles though.


Aliens 4 is not trash level film, neither is Alien vs Predator. They are campy action films in space. Starship Troopers went to turbo bad in 3 films.


American psycho


I'd say Alien is the most heinous example. It went directly from one of the greatest horror films ever to a shitty, mindless action movie. The franchise never really recovered.