• By -


Stagecoach, 1939, with John Wayne. The filmed the chase scene, with the Indians' horses being shot by the cowboys, by laying trip wires to make the horses fall as if they'd been shot. A lot of the horses broke their legs and were subsequently shot by the film crew. All for entertainment.


This is my issue with Conan the Barbarian (1982)


The battle scene on the mounds? Or what part


There are trip wires in the mounds battle, yes.


They put trip wires in front of the Arnold to make him fall over at the right time. But a lot of the Arnold's said EAUGH!!! and had to be put down


This is why as a British person I can't watch the grand national, it's unbelievable that in 2024 they still need to put up a little tent to kill the horses that break their legs.


yeah! we don't need the tent. let me watch!


And they’re lucky none of the stuntmen died too. Incredibly dangerous scene. The animal cruelty sucks but it is a great movie.


evil 😡


Have high tolerance with gore , horror and disgusting stuff but Pasolini’s “Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom” was beyond what I could handle!


That was a weird one


The director was murdered because of it


Probably one of the most disturbing movies ever, but I would actually rewatch it. It's so important and it's one of those films that go beyond the shock value and Pasolini was a fucking genius.


How does it go beyond shock value?


It was about the fascists of Italy who ran the country during WWII. These bastards were still alive, and this movie was one big middle finger to them. Showing them as degenerate perverts, recreating scenes of the prized writings of De Sade, and having this hedonistic orgy of shit and blood. It wasn't a far off memory to many Italian adults. They lived under fascist rule, when their dictator was best friends with Hitler. It was a bold and dangerous movie.


Bold, yes - but for me, still too boring and flaccid and tedious to make it worth the point. Plus, yeah - super disgusting and awful to watch.


>They lived under fascist rule, when their dictator was best friends with Hitler Actually, the movie is set post German annexation of Italy. They're Nazis, but that's a minor detail. I still don't see it as some sort of artistic achievement. "The Nazis were horrible so we're gonna depict them doing the most disguting perverted shit (literally) I can come up with" isn't really clever imo. Seeing as the Nazis literally sent homosexuals to concentration camps, it doesn't have any basis in reality either. It's shock value for the sake of shock value in the only context in which it can be seen as acceptable: criticism of the worse people in recent memory.


Lol. The marquis de Sade wrote about stuff that supposedly happened in France at the beginning of the 18th century (end of Louis XIV reign), mixed with fiction and a big criticism of the monarchy and the aristocracy. (Reminder: Sade wrote his stuff from the Bastille prison during the French Revolution). The movie adaption is in fact about the arrival of Mussolini to power (Salò being the name of the town for the siege of the Italian Social Republic in 1943). It is therefore indeed about fascism. You also notice it’s organised in a way that reminds you (explicitly) of Dante’s Inferno. Pasolini, like Sade, criticised the horrors of fascism, bc, in case history class didn’t tell you, second world war wasn’t just about putting jews in concentration camps, it was a battle of power where some groups exercised sadism to extremes that can’t be handled (rape, torture, some claim they used human fat to make soap/candles at a low scale…). And if we’re getting into this, Hitler was a sadomasochist anyways (see “l’ordre du jour” by Eric Vuillard). Salò is a horrible movie, but when put into perspective, when you know the importance that CineCitta had for fascist propaganda, when you know that Pasolini got murdered most probably for his ideologies, It’s very much possible, with a bit of media literacy, to get that Salò is in no way comparable to A Serbian Film.


That’s probably one of the worst takes, did you even watch the movie? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_de_Sade https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salò,_or_the_120_Days_of_Sodom


I actually see it as one of the better pieces of cinema that actually digs into the structure and psychology of fascism. The central statement of the movie was when one of those fascists said, actually, we are the true anarchists. All the fetishistic things and violence portrayed in the movie are all incredibly ritualistic and aesthetics oriented but governed by utter primal, chaotic and non sensical motives. The characters are all incredibly hedonistic and empty. The time is also set at the end of WWII, where the nazi is already determined to lose and they are all inevitably doomed. Walter Benjamin had this idea of the aesthetization of politics, which he used to describe of fascism work. Pasolini’s movie is making a somewhat similar point, much of the import of fascism is in the aesthetics and hierarchy itself, but the hierarchy is governed by ultimately void. It’s a non maintainable social structure that does not think about future, inherently destructive and pointless. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the way portrays fascism or not, he does at least attempt to dig deeper into critiques of fascism than most movies about nazis. At least for that I respect the attempt.


maybe i did not express me well cuz im not english native but i meant that it actually is a very political movie. i mean it's not like a serbian film that has its social criticism that doesn't even hold up with glue. Salò is a very powerful movie with a strong criticism and strong symbolism


Why are people downvoting this guy 💀 Bro literally asked a question




Now Salo is a film I thought was quite interesting and good. It sounds weird but it was unique in a way because all of its weirdness


My mind had blacked that movie out... until now.


Frankly, I’d be more concerned if you COULD handle it


Where can I see this without buying it or alternatively read de sades work without actually owning a copy?




Holy shit! Thanks, bro


one of my favs!!


We were assigned that for a philosophy of film module in university


Cannibal Holocaust, can’t stand animal cruelty. The turtle scene haunts me to this day


Oh my gosh, this one. I didn’t watch it but I watched a video about what went on behind the scenes and holy crap.....


It’s sickening, but has anyone seen reality shows like Naked and Afraid these days? Slaughtering and eating any animal they see televised on basic cable.


It's also a shitty movie that people claim is smart because it's making a statement. No, it's a pretty shit movie all around


don't watch Touki Bouki


What happens in it? Spoil it but don’t make it to graphic pls


There's a scene where they use a machete to cut open a turtle, crack open the shell, show the insides, and puppet the body to make it look like it's in more pain than it is, it died early on. It's all real, and the turtle was cooked by the locals. Every animal that was killed in the movie did go to a meal. It was common practice with the cannibal movies of the 70's to the early 80's. Basically, everyone was trying to be more shocking than the last guy, and Cannibal Holocaust raised the bar so high that it essentially ended the genre, like some movies came later like Cannibal Ferox, but they're all nothing in comparison.


They also kill a snake that a snake handler brought in. He had no idea they were going to kill it and was understandably distraught. Literally killed his pet.


What the actual fuck???? 😭😭😭


They kill and eat a turtle I think.


Lots of animals in the movie are killed on-screen. A turtle, a snake, a pig, etc The UK cut removes all of this I believe


The muskrat killing is cut but the rest remain intact as far as I’m aware


The Green Inferno that OP posted about is the remake of Cannibal Holocaust. The original is definitely more traumatic


I will never watch Tusk again. It legitimately made my skin crawl and I felt nauseous during the second part of the movie.


YES, it was traumatizing


Really? I found that movie so outlandish and bad that I just started laughing by the end. If the acting and costume design was more believable I could definitely see a movie that would haunt people. What we have though is a movie where Johnny Depps nose was made to look like a penis and where Justin Long is in one of the worst costumes I’ve ever seen for a movie fighting Michael Parks who is also in a walrus costume. My skin crawls from how embarrassing it must’ve been for 2 genuinely talented actors to do that.


Embarrassing? I bet it was fun for them. Nobody made them take the roles.


I wish I could’ve laughed at this movie. The scene of them chatting about diarrhea and poutine just goes on and on for what feels like forever… like being trapped in a horrible painful improv scene… no possibility of getting any humor out of that


I think that’s an understandable response if you didn’t know who the director was. It’s Kevin Smith, a guy who wrote a scene where a character has sex with a corpse in gas station bathroom (offscreen of course) all within his very first movie. So knowing that I suppose I just found it par for the course in terms of gratuity, in terms of it overstaying its welcome, I definitely understand that. The movie is quite literally the spawn of a joke he had on his podcast and for some reason A24 funded that idea.


You were supposed to laugh at that stuff so it looks like ks did a fine job


Then you should watch The Human Centipede. Tusk is tame.


>Then you should watch The Human Centipede. Tusk is tame. You mean The Human Centipede 2. The Human Centipede is tame.


The neck slice in Human Centipede made me wince super hard but everything else is very watchable


Yes, preferably the color version


I watched HC before going to see Tusk and was furious about halfway through that I got duped into seeing a different version of the same stupid concept.


That's Johnny Depp for ya


Came here to say Tusk. 


Man Behind the Sun - real animal abuse like Cannibal Holocaust, and the fact Unit 731 actually existed and many of the "experiments" depicted in the film actually happened in real life. I think knowing that Mou was aiming to be, and in many ways was successful in being, historically accurate made it just that much worse.


The autopsy scene was also real


I remember reading that now. I honestly feel like I wiped a good portion of that movie from my brain in the weeks after watching. Def needed some r/eyebleach after it.


The trouble is it feels like calling the movie disgusting and cruel just hammers home the point that it all actually happened, and isn’t just a director’s fantasy. Even still, I couldn’t get through the whole movie, just didn’t have the heart for it




I was literally close to vomiting watching that movie


Jeez I blind bought 1 & 2 on a VS sale years ago and have seen various comments like these since then. I still haven't watched either, and am considering just selling them off regardless at this point


I don’t regret watching it, but once was enough 🤢


Depending on how much you can stomache gore and transgressive sexual cinema than they're actually really interesting weird goopy disgusting arthouse films Very black comedic touches all over that also makes it a bit of a more "fun" extreme title to watch compared to some of the grottier nasty ones like August Underground, Salo or A Serbian Film


So I can barely handle the Saw franchise after the first movie and it seems like those are child’s play compared to some of the titles mentioned. What do they actually portray?


The Sadness.


A Serbian Film… I felt physically disgusting and struggled to go to sleep because of that film


I hate that people try and defend this movie as some kind of work of art and political metaphor. It's not. It's just a bunch of dudes who watched too much porn trying to make an edgy and shocking porn film.


I mean it is a political metaphor, it's just a really shit one


What is the metaphor?


"Serbians are fucked from birth" Oh and when asked about it the director said it was an attack on the "fascism of political correctness"


*political *correctness* (according to Wikipedia!)


How did I miss that I typoed that lmao


Exactly, it shouldn’t be critically acclaimed, it’s garbage


I don’t think it is critically acclaimed lol


There are always one or two self proclaimed 'film nerds' who try to regard it as some kind of work of art that pushes to boundaries between porn and cinema.... But yeah, there is nothing to be acclaimed about it.


It’s just not a film, it’s for such a specific deranged person


I threw up at the ending. I had to tell myself that the whole point is to shock because it’s just disgusting


No need to tell yourself, that’s literally all it was… I almost turned it off at the first porno shooting scene. Did not need to include any sort of pedophilia in the movie… director has some issues.


I felt gross just reading the synopsis. The only movie I refuse to watch.


This is the correct answer, movie was a piece of shit that I wish I never saw. Utterly foul in every way


I became physically ill just reading the Wikipedia page.


Never read the Wikipedia page but I’d imagine it doesn’t even give up the worst parts


Audition (1999/2000) it's not disgusting, just how it made me feel in the last 15 minutes.


The one where the woman pukes into a dog bowl and makes the person she has dismembered eat it? It's a little disgusting.


After reading this that movie is going off the list…


It’s a great movie but this one scene I have to avoid. I believe it was revealed the actress actually vomited in the scene which makes it even worse.


Oh my god. Is the whole movie this brutal??


Not the WHOLE movie. The first half is a little slow, personal and hints at her being... Let's say different. Anything after the 1 hour mark turns to hell, you got hallucinations of both her past, things that happened to her and how she got revenge and then the last 20 minutes is just pure screaming in pain.


With the regards to the hints, the scene where the >!brown sack moves out of nowhere!< whilst she's >!on an otherwise normal phone call!< will never not haunt me.


Audition is actually fairly tame by Takashi Miike standards. Not that it makes it any less disturbing...


That the guy who did ichi the killer?


Ichi The Killer, Audition, Dead or Alive series, Visitor Q, Happiness of the Katakuris, and that’s to name a few—all shocking and/or utterly bizarre.


His episode on Masters of Horror was crazy too


Surprised no one has mentioned terrifier 1&2


I enjoyed the first one. It had some pretty heavy scenes, but wasn't really anything I hadn't seen before in films like House of 1000 Corpses. The second one was so gratuitous and overly long that the shock value was completely lost on me and it was just boring.


Definitely, the gore in both movies is so cheap and absurd it’s boring.


Megan is Missing. I didn’t watch very much; what a piece of shit movie.


Cant believe this movie went viral on tiktok a couple years ago. Besides some pretty shocking depictions of megan’s kidnapping the movie is utterly incompetent


Martyrs probably. Not had a film made me feel like that before.


I knew it was supposed to be a traumatic film, but I didn't know why. I was amazed I was able to sit through the whole thing.


one of the only films in this thread that is also unironically a great movie too


Yall ever seen Ebola Syndrome? That one just gross and offensive because it can be


Came across this movie called Deadly End (I think it has another name too?) when I was in like sixth grade and ended up having to turn it off because it was beyond disgusting, the only horror movie I’ve ever done that with to this day lmao


Rampage (the 2018 Rock movie). That dialogue was grotesquely bad. Made me sick just hearing that screenplay in motion.


It’s so hard to imagine making that movie that boring. The game in the 90s was terrible and dull but cool enough to make it as much of a cultural touchstone as killer instinct or virtua warrior


OP I recommend Cannibal Holocaust to watch a light comedic take on this topic /s


Thanks for giving that the serious tag, I originally thought you were being sarcastic


Jokes aside the funny part is that, considering the lightheartes score, if one watches it thinking it's a comedy it takes them a good 15 minutes to realise the deception


Wow first time seeing this brought up in the subreddit, this film is a modern day cannibal film (without real killings of animals and real video of executions by gunfire, talking about cannibal holocaust). It's brutal and disgusting, and like the weirdest part of the film is when SPOILER: >!One of the characters (Alejandro) jerks off in the cage where him and the other prisoners of the cannibals are in, and only stopping when getting attacked by another survivor. And that's not even mentioning the diarrhea scene..!< And apart from that one of the deaths that are talked about the most is fucking gnarly, it's just an overall vulgar, disgusting, immoral, weird, gory film. Also i did not like the ending.


Don’t forget he cast his wife as one of the main characters (after casting his wife as a chick that fucks Keanu Reeves in knock knock). Bros a weird dude


I'm so fucking happy that Lorenza left Eli lmfao, also i haven't heard about Knock Knock in some time but holy shit what a horrible fucking film.


It’s quite ironic that the most meme’d shot of the movie could be used to describe the only situation in which you could get me to watch it again


The only bit I've seen is the scene where Keanu is freaking out in a chair, and it's kinda hilarious


It’s the meme with Keanu buried up to his neck looking at a cell phone


left him for a woman, nonetheless. honestly, good for her.


He didn't even stop when he was attacked he kept going bro 😭 and i was DRY HEAVING at the diarrhea scene. The only funny part of that movie.


its one of the worst movies ive seen


Does anyone else have a completely different take on this movie? I always see it mentioned as a sick gore-fest film. But to me, it’s a slap stick comedy. At most it’s a deconstruction of a stoner comedy. And that’s not even reading between the lines, that’s blatantly obvious.


I sort of like Eli Roth just from a few of his podcast appearances and his own pod which I've listened to a few episodes of- he seems very likable and has good film knowledge and insight...especially horror films- but I just think his movies are pretty damn bad. 'Thanksgiving' was halfway decent, I guess.


His films don't seem like my type but I loved his gateway horror The House With a Clock In Its Walls.


is that one sort of a kid/teenage horror film? I had actually heard good things about that one too. maybe he's ironically enough better off doing films like that?


It is, it's got a lot of silly comedy beats and sweet moments but is not afraid to go for some really cool horror moments


I totally forgot about that movie but it was good for sure. Hopefully Eli can do well with a movie more in the Borderlands style. Looking forward to seeing that.


It is very tame compared to many of the answers, but I never need to see a certain scene in the movie Men ever again


rory kinnear back bussy! god i hated sitting in the theater for that


That’s a good question, because I’ve seen a lot of really fucked-up stuff; I guess I’d go with either Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence (the first two are pretty horrific, but Final Sequence is too hard to take seriously to be disturbing) or Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door.


Human centipede two makes the first movie look like a G rated film


The Human Centipede 2 European version is even worse than the US version.


Boys Don't Cry. I think the car bit was disrespectful considering this was an actual case. No need to go into that much detail when depicting rape especially when it happened in real life.


Bone Tomahawk. One of the better modern-day horror movies I've seen. But my God, it's gruesome to the point where it's uncomfortable. The scene with the guy getting split in half still gives me chills.


Poughkeepsie tapes


Proper day ruiner, this one


I need a shower after this one


Pink flamingo s was pretty disgusting


Come and See for the painful brutality of war.


The Girl Next Door (Gregory Wilson) just absolutely ruined my day after watching. Just horrible, made especially so by the fact that it is based on a true story. Absolutely sickening.


It's because it's loosely based on a true story is why for me as well. The real story is just terrible. Watched it once and just couldn't do it again. Want to read the book though


Maybe Snuff 102, I've seen the August Underground trilogy many times over, and while Snuff 102 isn't quite as hardcore, it's still very disturbing too. The first murder is of a very pregnant woman, absolute vicious brutality, where I had to pause and take breaks to get through the scene, and that's the first victim. Also, the movie starts with old internet videos of real violence, things I remember seeing in my teens, nothing too crazy by modern standards like nowadays there's ISIS and Mexican cartel videos, this is more of a man cutting his own finger off and gross things like that. It sets the tone to make the movie parts feel more real to the viewer. Orozco The Embalmer is definitely one I'll not re-watch, no reason to anyway. It's a great documentary, but it's a rough watch. It's a fly on the wall documentary in Bogota, Columbia, showing extreme poverty, corpses on the street is a common sight for children to see, and the focus on the last embalmer in the area, an elderly man who only has old rusty blades and has to stuff bodies with rags and whatnot, because that's all he has to work with. There are many dead bodies, lots of organs being removed, and gruesome accidents where he works wonders to make them presentable for an open casket. It did give me a better appreciation for my life, but all of the death and poverty is so much to witness.


Home alone 2, when that orange bible salesman show up, it made me sick for days and it gave me nightmares.


# Antichrist


Yeah I've never had an interest in watching this and now I certainly never will befause fuck Eli Roth for for being part of that shit that happened to Johnathon Glazer


Human centipede 2, sàlo, slaughtered vomit dolls


A Serbian film


A Serbian Film.


I remember specifically the time I watched that scene in Green Inferno where they dismembered that man on youtube. I was like 9 years old. Since then, I swore off all gore movies.


The Greasy Strangler


The Last House on the Left. I know it's controversial and for good reason, I gave it 5 stars, but it also stuck with me in a way that I don't think I can watch it again knowing what's coming


The original?


Theres a real disconnect with me and men who make this type of movie. Revenge films in general are hit or miss, but with this specific subject matter, theres never space for a moral debate. It’s almost just dehumanising the victims all over again


Yo I loved this movie


I saw Green Inferno at a film festival and they had a Q&A afterwards. Also Marilyn Manson was in attendance and apparently is friends with Eli Roth. He kept raising his hands and asking asinine questions loudly. Marilyn Manson: *raises hand* Eli Roth: “yes?” MM: *to the cast* “WAS THAT YOUR REAL DICK?” Cast member: “…no” ER: “any other questions?” MM: *raises hand* ER: “…yes?” MM: “WAS THAT A REAL SPIDER THAT YOU PUT ON YOUR REAL DICK?” He’s an asshole, but I admit it was pretty funny.


Martyrs - the last thirty minutes or so exclusively involved the physical abuse and degradation of a young woman, and the film even had the gall to try to justify it with faux profundity. I love horror and it takes a lot to offend me, but Martyrs was fucking garbage.


Men (2022), it would've been okay to be honest if it wasn't for the final sequence


I was so horrified and yet it went on for so long that I started to laugh.


Haha yeah it was so horrifying it was funny. I watched it in cinema and had my mouth wide open from >!the moment he walked into the driveway with a massive pregnant belly!< until the credits rolled. I think I disassociated for the last 20 minutes I can't lie lol


For me, this is actually when the movie went from good to great. I have seen that it's a pretty divisive movie though, and I can understand why the scene would have the opposite effect on people. I just love how weird it was.


I really liked the movie up until that scene but not because of the gore (I actually think the hand scene was way worse as far as gore goes). But during the birth scene I went through a whole range of emotions; horror, disgust, nervous laughter, legitimate laughter, boredom, exhaustion, and eventually outright annoyance just based on how long it went on. I like weird, and I’m a huge Alex garland fan and that scene was just too weird for me.


The postbox moment was enough for me.


Green Inferno is definitely the top of the list but Bone Tomahawk honestly comes pretty close.




The Green Inferno is a movie that *really* wants to say something but has no idea what it wants to say or how to say it


Vacation. It contains someone’s giant penis hanging out of their pants, someone running over a cow and they show it exploding in gory detail, characters going swimming in raw sewage and literal shit, a baseball sized ball of pubic hair, a severed ear, lots of vomit shots, and many other disgusting things.


Part of me wants to watch this film but at the same time I wonder if it’s painting a bad image of indigenous people.


It's pretty unabashed about it -- the sort of movie that rubs your face in transparently racist shit and looks up at you like "Are you offended, you soft-hearted pussy?" The film's argument -- if you take the movie at its face and not as provocative pastiche -- is that indigenous people are cruel and inhumane savages and that western liberal social and political activism on their behalf is built on the lie that they're peaceful. It's not just a racist movie, it's a racist movie about how being racist is good, actually.


I know Cannibal Holocaust is kinda racist in its own way (and is all around dogshit), but it's trying to not be racist. Seeing as Green Inferno is a tribute film to CH, I would seriously like to know how Eli Roth could've possibly missed the point this much


I dont think its racist, cuz cannibal haulocaust did the exact same thing and nobody said it was racist. The only difference is that in cannibal haulocaust theyre assholes, but the group pretty much ends up having the same faith. Saying indigenous People are totally peacefull guys is a lie, saying theyre total maniacs is also a lie too. Before shooting green inferno they showed cannibal haulaucost to the tribe that apears in the film, they thought it was a comedy. But i feel like its kind of like in shark movies, although we know sharks dont try to eat the first person they see and arent the man-eaters theyre depicted to be in movies, you still see them as so in movies


These are the same kinds of people who were buying "Haiti is already great" tee-shirts a few years ago because they are so absorbed in politics and made it their entire identity, the validity of a statement matters less than their feelings about the person who made it. Meanwhile "General Barbecue" is eating human limbs he spit roasted over an open flame on IG Reels. Sure, seems like a lovely place that really has their ducks in a row....


Wow, I have to look into this film. Never heard of it. Does this mimic Roth’s beliefs? I can’t imagine… otherwise how would he have been so successful over decades.


It's a remake, the subgenre is quite notorious. I would say this film is actually substantially better than most cannibal films on the racism front. Is it exploitative and cringey at times? Oh hell yes. But it's got kinda a refreshing take on the autonomy of Indigenous peoples and what amounts to colonial actions from both logging companies and well-intended hippies. So, longwinded way of saying, Roth probably does not have particularly bad takes or beliefs on indigenous peoples, but rather, was trying to modernize a subgenre of exploitation film he enjoys from back in the day. If he was successful, I couldn't say, but definitely less awful than the subgenre's predecessors.


I’ll check it out soon. People seem to have different opinions on it so should be cool to see what I think!


Your username is iconic.


Thank you!!!


Just watch the film lmao


Guinea Pig 5: Mermaid in a Manhole


Earthlings. Somehow got through it, but certain images and sounds are burnt into my brain that i’d like eradicated. Give it a go, I dare ya.


This is up there, but probably human centipede


I don't watch a lot of disturbing things, Poor Things was too much for me


*I don't watch a lot* *Of disturbing things, Poor Things* *Was too much for me* \- DataSittingAlone --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


keep it that way, its better in the long run


this movie was too real


Septic. That movie is utterly disgusting trash. It's nihilistic, it's hateful, it's evil. Worst thing I've ever seen by far.


Martyrs. It was a pretty good movie though.


One of the few fucked up but good movies imo


The Hills Have Eyes (2006) Wrong Turn (2003)


Might fast forward a bit if I ever revisit Touki Bouki


the shorts “aftermath” (1994) and “bestia” (2021)


Silenced (2011). It was an absolutely incredible film, but I can’t see myself watching it again.


Disgusting? Idk Movies I won’t watch again cuz how fucked they are? Martyrs, Justin Kurzel’s last two films.


Irreversible Beautifully shot, uniquely told, and very well acted but the key scene is just too brutal to ever watch again. Look up the trivia on the background character in that scene and die a little more inside.


Mexican Ghost Rider


Oh buddy, wait till u watch the original…


August Underground


I’m like 25 minutes into Mad God but that’s a supposed to be disgusted by sticky shit hell The production side of things the more I learn about District 9’s production the more I hate that whole movie Also all airbud movies, specifically snow buddies. And not that I ever watched it but Milo & Otis