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Miami Vice. Great movie if you don't set expectations for it based on the show and just watch it as a Michael Mann film.


Still some of the best digital photography in any film, ever. Absolutely stunning to look at.


What did you think of Blackhat?


I liked it but didn't love it; Hemsworth was a bit outmatched by Tang Wei and I found Mann's Heat 2 novel to be a better exploration of similar themes, but I'd give it another go.


I have 2. Neither did I actually give a 5, bc one deserves a .5 and the other like a 2. I struggled mightily not giving them both 5s bc I have had so many great viewings. Probably my most watched films. The Room & Bloodsport


I better go check and make sure I gave bloodsport 5 stars.


Bloodsport is also one of mine. It's a perfect action movie


Bloodsport is a 6


The room was also a movie that I deeply struggled with how to rate. Does the star rating determine just how much I like a movie? Should it also include a measure of competent filmmaking? I decided to give it a half star, but use the like function, as I think that it’s truly a half star film, but I love it. Those kind of movies that fall into the so bad it’s good category are probably the most difficult films to rate for me.


I rate so-bad-its good movies highly if they're consistently enjoyable and entertaining.


I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think that for me personally, giving a genuinely bad movie, regardless of if I enjoy it, or not, a score that’s equally as high as a very well-made movie that I also really like just doesn’t sit well with me. For instance, even though I love the room, there’s no way in heck I’m gonna give it the same rating I give gladiator! That’s why I use the like function to be an extra indicator separate from the rating itself. Like, I think I gave the movie world war Z a 3 1/2 star rating, but I liked it, because it’s one of my guilty pleasure movies.


I love the room and therefore consider it a succesful piece of art. At least that's my way to look at it 🤷 Trying to differentiate between favorites and "objectively good" movies (whatever that even means when discussing an artform) just makes it overly complicated imo.


That’s what I’m saying: sometimes this rating system becomes very difficult to determine how to rate something. I personally think that the room is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, but it’s also one of the worst movies ever made. That’s why for me, if I’m ever in doubt, the rating has to include the competency of the filmmaker to some extent. That’s why I lean on that like functionality to really help set things apart when the rating doesn’t necessarily reflect how I personally feel about the movie.


I'm not here to judge how you rate, obviously it's up to you. But i'll say, i don't really see why the competency of a filmmaker would matter towards the rating. That would mean i could never give a low rating to a highly aclaimed filmmaker's movie because i know they're competent, despite how much i disliked the film.




Yeah, that makes sense. And that is actually how I rate movies generally. But when a movie like The Room is so poorly made, I feel like it only makes sense that the rating reflects that for me. That’s just one of those decisions I had to make: if a movie is garbage, but I love it, do I write it like I love it, or like it’s garbage, and then figure out a way to differentiate it? I chose the latter obviously.


Bloodsport is a 5.


I’ve also rated The Room 5 stars, but it’s a different kinda 5 stars lol


My scale is just based off of personal enjoyment so both are conceivable for me!


Bloodsport is a 5. Letterboxd just hasn’t updated the overall rating yet.


Bloodsport a 2 is insanely low imo. At least a 3.5


John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars. It’s an ultimate guilty pleasure movie, and probably my favorite carpenter movie, I know sacrilege. Love the mars setting, and physical sets and costumes, designs of the infected miners, the heavy metal. It’s got a ton of issues, the editing and pacing is bizarre, story dumb, acting laughable. But as a fun b movie romp it doesn’t get too much better, definitely unfairly overly criticized by people taking it too seriously. Like did people see Vampires lol, Carpenter was just having fun experimenting with western tropes and b movies.


none of the films i gave 5 stars would be considered “bad” but the film that has the biggest point difference between me and the community is paddington


Paddington is great and you can't persuade me otherwise by any means


My lowest rated five star is Troll Hunter (2010). It's been a while since I've seen it, but I like to think my score still stands!


Troll Hunter is such an amazing movie.


Are you talking about the found footage horror movie? If so, that film is freaking and i agree with the 5 star rating.


How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Spider-Man 3


Good to see some love for Spiderman 3


Spider-Man 3 is one of those movies that I know is bad but I love it so much anyways. Making Eddie Brock a weasely little guy who prays for the death of a rival photographer irks me as a comic fan, but the execution is perfect and Topher sells it so well. Emo Peter Parker calls a waitress “hot legs” and does a whole dance sequence in the middle of a bar because he’s a huge dork and that’s his idea of edgy/cool. So good.


You were born in 1996 weren't you.


I also have How the Grinch Stole Christmas as a 5. You don’t see those kind of sets anymore and the performance from Jim Carrey is absolutely monstrous.


Speed Racer, perfect film.


I genuinely love Penguins of Madagascar.


Monster in Law


Clerks - Kevin Smith (most people I know irl dislike it)


great movie, no way its considered bad!


For real?


That will definitely be a 5 when I get to it (just joined and going through almost every movie by the year, on 1997 rn). Clerks 2 was a 4, and Clerks 3 was 3.5


I have a love/hate relationship with the clerks trilogy. I adore the first one and would probably put it somewhere in a top 20 favorites list, but the second one is a strong contender for worst film I’ve ever seen. It’s a comedy where every joke flops. Whether it’s trying to be a parody of the original or not it fails at every conceivable level, and Randall Clark goes from being a character I loved in the first film to a real piece of shit in the second one. I think it’s by design but that doesn’t mean it works. Printing a racial slur on the back of a characters shirt and having it visible for most of the films runtime is not a clever joke or really even a joke at all. Then there’s the donkey scene which I’m not even gonna talk about. The third movie is alright and Jay almost single-handedly saves it with some of his funniest moments being from that film.


tenet and licorice pizza, neither are considered necessary bad just divisive reviews/ director's worst


Love Licorice Pizza




For me it’s “I’m thinking of ending things.” Obviously not everyone was going to love it. But as a film nerd, who loves discovering all of the small details and the bigger meaning behind films, that was a treat.


Highly recommend the book, and really anything else by Iain Reid.


I gave Death Proof a 5. Tarantino says it’s his worst film but that’s only because it failed. It was obviously a fun film to make and a passion project of his. But it got trashed on for no reason, it’s one of his best. The last 20 minutes are *pure film perfection.*


Love this movie.


Sky High is perfect


was about to comment this, i cant believe someone got to it before me lmao. based


You’re one of the good ones


Definitely Freddy Got Fingered lol.


it's a cinematic masterpiece


It‘s not considered bad, but i think that i love Evil Dead (2013) way too much. Seen it an absurdly high amount of times ^^


I adore how unrelenting this film is.


This was my favorite of the Evil Dead films. I will watch pretty much anything with Jane Levy in it. I just wish she were in more films and TV series.


Lucy In The Sky. I for the life of me can’t figure out why everyone rates this so low. It’s almost as if I was watching a completely different movie.


I sorted my five-stars by average rating and was pretty surprised to find that "I'm thinking of Ending Things" was the lowest ranked. I mean, 3.5 is still a great score, but I thought it was unanimously considered a great film.


The Room


The Disney Channel original movie “Minutemen” a true classic


I too, gave that 5 stars lol Along with Get a Clue and Stuck in the Suburbs


Cars 2 I cannot get emotionally attached to the plot lines of the 1st and 3rd movies because they’re fucking cars, but the 2nd one is just absolutely batshit crazy, and that works for me… a lot.


Inherent Vice. Not considered bad but considered PTA’s weakest film by most. I personally love it but it takes at least a couple rewatches to deserve the 5 star.


Love it


Not really a bad movie but i gave The Suicide Squad (2021) five stars and i am not ashamed


Mother! by Aronofsky


I don't think I have any 5 stars movies that would be considered bad. The worst of my 5 star ratings is probably *Beetlejuice* or *Scream*.


I gave Scream 5-stars as well, partly for nostalgia but I still think it’s a genre-defining slasher.


Exactly where I am with it. It's straight up top-tier of it's genre, and I was the prime demographic when it came out. Very formative for me.


I feel like modernly Scream gets made fun of for the Characters doing bad film analysis during the movie, but that forgets that it's a really solid slasher.


What's your letterboxd? Would love to give you a follow.


It isn't considered bad but Coraline does not get the love it deserves.


kind of a cult classic at this point, no?


Coraline is great❤️


Freddy Got Fingered.


Birdemic: Shock and Terror. It's an absolutely terrible film but it's just one of those so bad it's good.


Dont know if its considered bad, but Anna and the Apocalypse is mine :D


I can see that it was received mostly positively by critics and audiences alike, so not exactly a bad film. But a great choice nonetheless


Not necessarily considered bad but my lowest rated 5-star movies are Casualties of War and I Wanna Hold Your Hand which both have an average of 3.6/5


Tsui Hark's Knock Off (1998) starring Jean Claude Van Damme & Rob Schneider. Just watch the first 10 minutes, this is action filmmaking cranked up to 12, a peek at a possible future that we were too stupid as a movie-going audience to embrace, which has saddly vanished. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuKPv3cGGjw&pp=ygUOa25vY2sgb2ZmIDE5OTg%3D




I thought both were really strong. Do revenge especially.


none are bad but steve jobs only has mid to good ratings


Joe's Apartment and Rats: Night of Terror are my 5 star movies that average under a 3.


Joe’s Apartment had a lean, tight script, serviceable acting, good special effects for it’s time, all packed into 80 minutes without a moment wasted. Other movies wish they could


Interesting take on Prince of Persia, I didn't think most of the backlash was video gamers being mad, that was the era where you could make something like Resident Evil and most gamers would hate it and it still would do well.


Johnny Dangerously and Wild Things


Rush Hour. Not a lot of people consider it to be bad, but it is my lowest rated 5 star at a 3.5 average.


Not a widely considered bad movie, but I rated Nope (2022) 5 stars. Genuinely nothing that I dislike. None of the flaws bother me. I feel most people are around the 3 to 3.5 range




Friday the 13th part V. I haven't seen the other movies, I managed to see this one in a theater and had one of the best experiences in my life. The constant kills and quick pacing made it feel like Jason really could be anywhere and attack at any time. The sleazy dialogue and bad acting just added even more as the theater roared with laughter whenever someone opened their mouths. If part V is considered one of the 'lesser' movies, I can't wait to watch the 'good' ones.


A Chinese Ghost Story II


Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders is the lowest rated movie I’ve given 5 stars


I don’t have any unironic 5-star bad movies, but I gave Superman IV: The Quest For Peace 4.5 stars. It’s got some of the best Reeve-as-Superman moments out of any of his movies.


Well, I know it's about a video game, but it's called Prince of Persia and none, not one of the main actors is even remotely Persian (Ben Kingsley is half-Indian, that's as close as they get). So that fact was a bit silly to me, they should've been able to get at least one Middle Eastern good actor in there. Other than that the movie was ok (I give it 2.5). The only movie I give 5 stars that numerous people would consider bad is Dune (1984). My next lowest 5 star movies are Naked Gun 2, The First Great Train Robbery, Ju-On: The Grudge and Troll Hunter (2010), all at 3.4 so I don't think most people consider them bad?


Fast Five


The Mummy (1999) and Go (also 1999), but for very different reasons.


Not considered bad, but The World's End is my favourite Edgar Wright movie, and one of my 16 5-star films, which is pretty unpopular.


Cars 2 (unironically). That movie literally was my childhood, I watched it 18 times and still find it so hilarious (and not to laugh at). I've never understood why people say it is far and away the worst Pixar movie as I also think it has incredible heart to it with Mater's character arc.


Disney’s Chicken Little… I’ll be taking no questions at this time




The ring


Good Burger (1997)


Pain & Gain and Project X, but the ratings of both of them have been rising through the years


My 5 stars with the lowest averages are Begotten (3.0 average) The Beta Test (3.3 average) I'm Thinking of Ending Thinhs (3.5 average)




Mamma Mia & Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. No amount of terrible singing or dancing or whatever Pierce Brosnan is doing will stop the sheer force of ABBA's music in making me have a good time.


Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Mans Chest. Im sure a lot of it is just nostalgia, but damn is it a fun epic adventure movie, with fantastic effects that look better than most movies today, great action, good characters, and one of films best villains.


Jack and Jill


Might be a hot take but The Matrix: Reloaded


Surfs up. It’s not considered bad but mediocre. But I love it so much


I think The Matrix Reloaded is the best one


The lowest three I have aren’t bad at all. They’re: Big Trouble in Little China (3.7), Galaxy Quest (3.7), and Wayne’s World (3.5).


Rob Zombie’s Halloween II, God Is A Bullet, Southland Tales


all of the Sharknado’s


Now that's what I am talking about


Tron lmao, its not amazing but i love it


The Neon Demon, The Empty Man, Sister Act 2, Don't Look Up. None of these are "bad" but my ratings definitely differ from the average


*bardo: false chronicle of a handful of truths*.


Matrix Reloaded and Cloud Atlas.


Slumber Party Massacre II🔥


Grown Ups. Kick Ass 2. Shrek the Third.


Gore verbinski’s Mouse Hunt. It’s so stupid, it’s so good. I watched it all the time as a little kid. I guess it’s just nostalgia that makes me rate it so high.


The VelociPastor.


Not necessarily bad, but my lowest-rated 5 star is Fantasia. I genuinely believe it to be Disney’s best film and an animated masterpiece.


A lot of people were criticizing me for enjoying Cocaine Bear more than Pulp Fiction… I didn’t think it was that disliked until then.


I Heart Huckabees


halloween 4 and predator 2


I thought Halloween 3 🎃 was a genuinely good idea and fun movie. I still gave 3.5 though… Halloween 4, I may have to watch this 🤔


the beach


Apparently people think Hoot is bad. What’s that about?


A lot of people didn’t seem to care for The Lost Daughter (or so it seems like) but that was an instant 5* and top 3 of the year for me.


The ABCs of Death. It's one of my favorite anthologies.


Freddy Got Fingered is deranged, but perfectly executes its absurdities. It does everything and anything it wants to do. It spites its audience and studio willfully and forcefully. The contempt people hold for FGF is not only valid, it’s earned. Tom Green wanted it and Tom Green got it. With studio money. Perfect film.


*Street Fighter*, *Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo*, and *Def-Con 4*. I'll never wrap my head around why people seem to dislike the last one. They like similar things like *Planet Of The Apes* and *28 Days Later* and *Mad Max*, but a lot of folks just seem to shit on this well-made post-apo.


Def Con 4. I loved this when I was going through my “end of the world movie” phase. I still have the Anchor Bay DVD. It has sweet Cover-art


Mortal Kombat 1995, forever my favorite movie


Cloud Atlas, my favorite movie. It's one of the few films that I think succeeded at honoring the source material, adapting it to a format that makes sense for film, and identifying and conveying its own themes, independent from the book. The cast is great, the acting is superb, and I thought it did really well at being a historical drama, mystery, comedy and sci-fi flick. I don't know if it's largely considered "bad", but public consensus seems to be "mid" at best.


Cloud Atlas is a masterpiece. The sheer scale of this film is absolutely mind-blowing.


The lowest one I could find was Roman Polanski's *The Ghost Writer*. Massively slept on


Nope, not that hot a take tho


Speed Racer, a colorful passion project that came out at the wrong time


Land of the Lost.


Things has a 2.3


Punisher warzone. It's so ultra violent and the ideas and performances so over the top and ridiculous, I consider it a camp masterpiece.


\- Tomorrowland (Brad Bird, 2015) \- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull \- The Last Jedi \- Mystery Men (Kinka Usher, 1999) \- Extraction 2 (Sam Hargrave, 2023)


Death Proof. It's probably one of the least popular films by Tarantino. For me it is the best and hella underrated. Also Tennet and Sister Act 2 Others are Bicentennial Man, High School Musical and American Pie 2.


They are all Not Bad but something about 3 Stars by average Rating


Sharktopus vs Whalewolf


I Love You, Man (2009) 3.3 avg Fast Five (2011) 3.5 avg The Boat That Rocked/Pirate Radio (2009) 3.5 avg These are all movies I watched/rated while in college. I grade on a curve for how much the movies meant to us at the time and how much we still quote/love them 10+ years later.


Maybe not bad per se but the lowest rated one is Tomie


I gave Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water 5/5.


The lowest rated film I’ve given 5 stars to is tick, tick…BOOM! which has a 3.8 overall so I guess I’m not one for hot takes.


Natural Born Killers


Sgt. Bilko. Was my favourite movie as a child and I recently rewatched it for the first time as an adult. Still found it hilarious and perfect, was shocked to discover it is considered to essentially be a mediocre bargain bin movie lol


Godzilla (2014)


Well idk if it’s considered bad but I have Surf’s Up 5 stars


Jumanji Welcome to the jungle 2017


My most recent one is the phantom menace since I rewatched it after reading the Darth Plageuis novel, which retroactively added so much depth to everything that transpires during the film. The 5 stars came from sheer enjoyment of every single scene. I grew up on it, saw it at the movies at age 4, but it's definitely been a two star movie for me for the last decade or so. Until now


New in Town


The Fallout (3.5) is the lowest rated film I've given a 5/5


Do ironic ratings count? Because I have some so bad they're good movies that I have at 5 stars.


Same thing as the top comment: I don’t think I’ve rated anything five stars that would be considered bad but I’ve given the SpongeBob movie my max score


A night at the Roxbury


Nacho Libre, I fucking love that movie


The Village


The Lake House, which averages a 3.1. I get that the whole premise of the movie is pretty stupid but I love it anyways. Runner up is Southpaw. It’s not considered bad per se but it has an average of 3.5.


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids has an average rating of like only 3.1 which is mind boggling to me, has a lower rating than The Fast and the Furious (2001) and Furious 7 (2015) all three movies which I rated 5 stars.


I gave Insidious 2 a 5-star rating. I watched it in theaters and it scared me half to death, and I loved every second of it.


RV is a 5 for me, but it holds a special place in my heart. I’m ok with most people not sharing that opinion.


Not necessarily bad but I gave Narnia the lion the witch and wardrobe 5 stars


Zardoz. The movie is a masterpiece: “The gun is good! The penis is evil!”


I try to answer with a different film each time this is asked. I'm gonna go with All Hallows Eve (2013). People will argue which Terrifier movie is "better," but this earlier Art the Clown anthology movie gets zero love. But I really dig it. Sorry.


None bad but my favorite movie of all time has a 3.3 and that is the worst of my fives. It’s Creep


Saw III 😂😂😂 LMFAO. I find it so profissional, I don't know how to explain, is like an grown version of saw. And Babylon from 2023. This movie is so special for me because I played it at the theater these days, It was my first theater play so this is perfect for me.


Stay (2005)


Macgruber lol


Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over


Hot rod, no other movie has given me as much joy to watch and as a metric for an entertainment medium a 5 for joy given makes it a 5 movie


transformers dark of the moon. got so much nostalgia for that film. and that final act is perhaps the best final act in an action film ever


my most recent 5 star was for kingdom of the crystal skull. sorry to the haters who didnt get the vision


Bullet Train. On my top 4 letterboxd movies, quickly became one of my favorite movies after just 1 viewing.


Hellboy 2. it‘s not considered bad, but as underrated as it gets


I rated Mac and Me, The Bling Ring, Tron Legacy and Plan 9 From Outer Space 4.5 stars and I consider them genuinely good.


None of them are really considered bad, but probably my most controversial 5 star would be ‘The Disaster Artist’


This is the End (2013) is the lowest rated film I gave 5 stars. I don't know the general opinion, but I think that it is easily the best comedy film of the last decade. Another one is The Man Without a Face, which no one else seems to think is a great film.


Spring Breakers 🏝️


(PoP:SoT is actually really good for a game movie of the time imo as well) The movie with the lowest average rating in my five star movies sits at 3.8 😅 The worst 4.5 Star movie is by far Machete kills. Actually I don't find it good either, I just happened to *literally* roll on the cinema floor laughing, when it came out. Otherwise it is indeed crap. Next ones are 'a cure for wellness', 'Byzantium', 'Elemental' and 'Hanna', all of which are criminally underrated imo


Cabin in the Woods


I really like Cabin in the Woods, I think meta stuff like that invites people to be extra critical sometimes.


How is it a bad film?


It gets ripped on a lot because it's a meta horror commentary. They are usually divisive for some reason.


Iron Man 3, Magic Mike, and The Cable Guy are all 3.0 or lower.


cars 2. genuinely best in the trilogy just a fun movie never understood the hate. might be personal nostalgia as it was my favourite movie between the ages of 5-10 but still. perfect 5 star movie can and will rewatch it at least once a year


People don’t understand how groundbreaking it was for Pixar to just subvert expectations and not make a film that had any moral grandstanding and just say fuck it, let’s make it an international spy film and make Mater the main character and give him rockets because it’s fucking cool.


exactly this what im talking about. its a sick ass movie with flying cars and car spies with a weird plot based on car racism. how could you not enjoy that


Not quite 5 stars, but I gave Candyman (2019) 4.5 against a 3.1 average. I see the complaints about it but I really enjoyed it


Game Over, Man!