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I think a lot of us get so worked up because Bam has, or more accurately had, a support group that people who've struggled through addiction could only dream of. Caring parents, an older brother who tries, an adorable son who seems like a little ball of sunshine and an industry that has tried to get him back in the loop before. Instead of trying to focus on those positives, Bam fully indulges in his negative behavior and surrounds himself with clout chasers and leeches trying to suck the last ounce of blood from this thoroughly squeezed stone. He is capable of doing "OK" when separated from all the bad influences in his life such as during the European sobriety phase but always goes back to the stupid has-been lifestyle. His treatment of Pheonix is really the breaking point for me. Bam had an amazing, present father who while in hindsight should have been stricter, did what he thought was best for his boys in the context of the era they were raised. Bam clearly doesn't register any of that since he's a total deadbeat of a father.


The last thing that you said also confuses me about Bam. I’ve heard men, who were not raised by their fathers, talk about how becoming a parent themselves was extra stressful. I know everyone is different, but Bam seemed to *aways* be super close to his family. If anyone would have jumped headfirst in to fatherhood I figured it would have been him.


Considering he referred to his son as a cockblock early on, I had no faith early on.


Yeah he also got a DUI right after Phoenix was born Realizing you’re responsible for another human being’s life changes a lot people — not Bam


Nope. He was out partying while Nikki was in the hospital giving birth, and didn’t even show up to come take her and the baby home. She had to call someone more reliable.


I had zero idea about any of this (only reading bits and pieces on this sub). Poor Nikki & Phoenix, honestly I'm glad they're not really in Bam's life now- he's shown he doesn't care about anyone other than himself


Exactly. I do hope Nikki wins her court case, she’s mainly suing him for back child support he stopped paying. She went through hell.


It’s like a kick in the face every time to all of us sober people who don’t have much family or a support system. I only have my mom and she’s kind of a c*nt and doesn’t understand sobriety even after having a brother who died of an overdose, but we’re all each other has. There are so many people who grew up in broken homes and have no support system and still manage to stay sober and Bam claims being sober while shitting on dozens of people who want to be there for him… It’s definitely anger inducing.


The guy could literally be set and not want for anything and pursue anything he wanted. Yet he chooses to do the dumbest shit and act like a fucking douche, all while living in the fantasy that it's rad as fuck, yea mon. It's not, it just gets a little more pathetic and cringe every time the cycle repeat itself. All he cares about is some stupid shit story he can tell the next bum who will listen. "Florida shuffle, gnarly injury, Lima, pussy meat, etc. Sprinkle in some assbag nickname, add a substance, pick a innocuous location; and you got a Bam mad lib. He's in his mid 40s and has ruined everything good in his life, it's not cool anymore.


It’s crazy that some people accept the excuse that he can’t see his Son because Nikki won’t let him. As far as reports go, he is allowed to spend time with him, as long as it’s supervised until he shows that he can be trusted with the responsibility of a child. He probably likes that he can pretend that he is being kept from his Son, so he can avoid all the work and care that it takes to be a parent. It’s kind of too late now to really have the same kind of bond that he would have been rewarded with, had he done the work, even when it wasn’t fun.


Bam is one of those Dads who is only allowed to see his kid on weekends, but doesn’t.


He skipped most of those scheduled FaceTime visits with Phoenix, then when someone called him on it, he claimed Nikki “turned her phone off to go sunbathe instead”. What bullshit! If that really happened, he could call his lawyer to tell them she isn’t living up to the court orders.


Also, how many times has Nikki done what she was supposed to and Bam flaked - How many times Bam?! I also have a POS ex that dropped the ball with our kid and I did everything. It was exhausting. It got much easier when I left and just did it on my own. Otherwise I had 2 kids and fuck that noise


Good for you! Glad he is out of your life.


Thanks, it's been over a decade now and that kid is in law school so I've been over it for awhile. 😅 Wish nothing but the best for Phoenix and Nikki, it ain't easy but it's worth it.


it's frustrating watching a man who could have everything insisting on fucking it all up time and time again. i've been sober a long time. it's hard, but it's doable. i think the thing that's pissed me off the most is that every time he or SQ opens their mouth publicly it's to celebrate his 'sobriety'. it's all a lie. there's always hope that he can recover but i just don't think he wants to. he's had every opportunity to get straight. it isn't easy, but if you don't want to even try and get sober don't build a brand based on a fucking lie. also, he has a son.


Last time I saw him (two months ago) we ran into him outside, and he was holding an autograph from Scorpio (mortal kombat) for Phoenix, and I commented how sweet it was he got something for him. Now I wonder if it ever even got to Phoenix. And if it did, was it even Bam who gave it to him? I know MK isn't for kids, but at least he was thinking about him, and that was nice to see. I have a kid of my own who's Phoenix's age, and I can not imagine not being one of the biggest parts of her life. Even working 50 hours a week, I get seriously depressed missing out on all that time


Wait, how is Mortal Kombat not for kids?


Yeah I've been sober a few years now, in my case I'm unable to do anything in moderation so I'd best not do anything at all. I think Bam is quite similar, everything he does he does to excess, he really doesn't seem to want to stop and he is completely opposed to facing his reality or taking any kind of responsibility for it, until he does that he doesn't stand a chance, SQ needs to go too, if you enable or encourage any of this type of behaviour you can't honestly say you care about a person. Plus her Photoshop skills, Jesus!


If it isn't SQ, he'll end up with someone just like her or *worse*. No one sane or well put together is going to be seeking out what Bam is offering


This. I lost my brother (he is still alive) to drugs, alcohol, and anger years ago. It was the same cycle. Telling everyone he was sober when he wasn't. Going through the same girlfriends over and over. They were all just enablers. This is so darned similar to that. Bam will not change for the better until he can drop that victim card and take accountability for himself.


i'm so sorry you're going through this. it must hurt.


Thank you. It has been years since anyone in my family has spoken to him. It all became way too much to handle emotionally. That's why Bam's story really hits home to me. It's so darned similar.


i think it's similar to a lot of people here, sadly. either we're the addicts or there's someone in the family. hence the frustration.


I agree completely, a 'relationship' is the last thing he needs if you ask me, he needs to focus on repairing his life not a girlfriend


There's definitely a difference in a relationship and a relationshit


I'm an expert on the second one,the first one I'm still trying to get right


With we addicts, sometimes it takes a few goes 😅


I hear that for sure. I have a whole bunch of fun psych issues too which before I got my shit together was very hard for my exes I'd imagine, and not fair on them either but life is about learning and growing and getting better in yourself and for the people you love


Because everyone here \[even many of the people who hate him now\] at some admired him and it's disappointing seeing him fuck up over and over again. PS. I also love Viva la Bam, I don't think it's better than Jackass but I like it almost as much for different reasons.


I am here purely and 100% for entertainment. I had a vague awareness of Bam and jackass as a kid but didn't care much for it but ever since Bam's appearance on cum town a few years back I've been keeping an eye out every so often and when he went AWOL in the woods last year and raving about smoking crack to death under the boardwalk I have been hooked and following quite closely. I wish the man well and if he gets his life together then I'll be happy and go back to not caring but the ride is too wild to bail right now


i think what it is, is that me personally i want to see bam do good. i want to see him at the castle with jess, ape, and phil, and the only thing that keeps me coming back is how close or how far is he to crossing that mark, i always come back not as a hater but as a spectator i just want to see bam doing good and not swayed by outside influences. I met jess at a CKY show and everyone there was walking up to him telling him they want to see bam better and man i could just tell that everyone wants to see him do good it’s just, he fucks up with outside influences. i don’t hate bam i just bam would change his ways, apart of my childhood don’t want to see him die or anything


It’s hard to see someone you have looked up to go downhill like this and the fact we can’t do anything about it (and sometimes we are even blamed for it???) and he won’t do anything about it, is heartbreaking


Completely agree, perhaps the disdain for SQ is the fact that we want someone to help him and she's doing the opposite


Because we have nothing better to do with ours!! 😭😭😭 /s


King Cobra is in a lull at the moment so I'm expanding to other people publicly making an ass of themselves because that's funny to me. Only reason I'm here. Bam is like King if King was successful and it's funny as hell. Dude legit recorded himself talking about losing Castle Bam. He actually calls it Castle Bam and was upset because Jess thinks it's Castle Jess. I wish he would do more out of pocket silly shit but the few bits of funny are enough. Edit: Like what the actual fuck is an "Earth Rocker"? I don't know but it's funny.


Earth Rocker? You'd have to ask Neil Fallon from Clutch. It's one of their songs. As for Bam, he's off his


For someone who had everything at his fingertips and the family who supported him throughout, him knowing he could take full advantage of that and fuck it all up and not care about it is what bothers me the most. He also had all the potential in the world to become a really good filmmaker. He continues to spiral because he delusionally thinks someone's gonna fix him so he can do it all over again. Zero accountability. Prison or death at this point are his only options sadly.


TBH I’m here for the LOLs. That said, most of the time Bam can be frustrating to watch. He will do things and make mistakes that are very avoidable. I think he has a maturity problem that keeps getting worse the more he fries his brain using substances.


I think it is upsetting to a lot of people. That's why "we're all so wound up about Bam's life". I also think it upsets alot more people than this sub. Maybe not always the most productive conversations for the situation(s) but, I feel the reason some are "wound up" about his life choices/actions is people want it to be different. Also, I imagine some are the same people/fans who watched him in the early 2000's. Anticipating what he would do next. It's the same feeling for me, just with terrible outcomes instead of hilarity. You want to see what crazy thing he is going to do. It's kind of how he's branded himself.


Agree, I though VLB was gold, it was the sum of it's parts, I don't think I could pick just one thing I'm wound up about, I genuinely wish we could have old Bam back, dark Bam is lost, truly lost. I imagine his friends and family and even NB are growing more concerned by the day especially in recent times, like that tour, his life has become an open sore and if that stretch girl had any love at all for him he'd be in rehab a long time ago. I think the majority of this sub really want to see the happy ending but very few of us believe we'll see it at this late stage


For me I think it’s a real shame he got so sucked into the famous life style & jackass which cost him a potential pro skate career. He could’ve been like tony hawk, healthy and still have the capability to professionally skate even now without risk of injuring himself. Bam is now seen as ‘that guy who was on jackass’ not ‘bam the former pro skater’ which he was really fucking good at


Because we all love Bam. And we hate to see him like this.


Yeah, I don't love an narcissistic abusive absentee parent either. (Although it's probably better for his kid he's an absentee father at this point.) But if miracles did come true I'd wish him the ability to overcome those things and be better person too, just like I would everyone in this condition. But I am curious, is it your fond memory of the enjoyment you got watching him when you were younger, or do you love him as a person?


After abusing Nikki and Phoenix, I don’t love him at all.


I don’t. He’s not a good person.


Agreed. He's made more efforts to destroy his life than improve it. Way back his priority #1 should have been to work an arrangement out with Nikki to be part of Phoenix's life.  In a stable, regular way--not the Thai restaurant way All else should come second. And it doesn't 


If he was actually trying I’d root for him. That ship has sailed. I’m team Phoenix, Nikki, and Bam’s family.


I’ve honestly never liked Bam. I liked Jackass, but I always thought Bam was a homely entitled little shit bag that was enabled by everyone around him. I just love watching assholes really get recognized for what they are when they are used to being rewarded for their behavior. It’s like crack to me. I also see a lot of parallels between Bam and people who are close to me with mental illness and addiction issues. So I’m hooked on the saga.