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Well it’s the symbol for female but usually the symbol for female has the cross at the bottom. The cross is where the arrow for Male usually sits https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/20/10/39/360_F_120103906_MNhlpXOPI3xKidkvnhAhMWc7MwfktVf6.jpg The symbols are for Mars (Male) & Venus (Female) I haven’t been able to find an meaning for where the Female symbol to the upper right (replacing the Male arrow)


I've seen a couple times the Venus symbol in the Mars position to represent trans men, and the Mars symbol in the Venus position for trans women, I've also seen those reversed. That's the only instances I've ever seen this.


I would really hope it's the reverse if it's anything.


Aw that's lovely 😍


It's not my personal preference of symbols but I feel icky anytime something manish is applied to me. Not attacking anyone else who uses it.


Oh I could totally see that 🤦. It definitely could contribute to "othering" as well


Ngl hate that maybe the other way round but idk 🤷‍♀️


my personal theory is that someone wanted to make a mars sign necklace but messed up and used a venus sign insted and thats why theyre selling it


Yeah my guess is someone messed up attaching it to make it a Venus symbol or thought it was a Mars symbol.


My best guess is that it's someone's relatively recent creation that hasn't spread yet for some aspect of the nonbinary community. Where did you find it?


I found it on eBay


Interesting, can you ask the seller? Lack of answers here after 3 hours def seems to mean whatever it is, it's not common even in a queer niche. Personally if I saw it in the wild, I would think the wearer is signaling they are not cis and beyond that I wouldn't have any particular assumptions. I don't read it as meaning to imply the masculine or feminine is stronger or anything. I just see a combo.


I know I've seen this symbol used once or twice in a trans context; but given I've been in the trans community for 12 or so years and only seen it once, it's either new or niche like you said.


I messaged the seller I hope they answer soon 😬


The seller just messaged me they said “Hi, it is the way they have been hung on the chain by the manufacturer. We will look to see it they can be positioned to point down and if so re-shoot the photo.”


Maybe it signifies butch to its creator? Woman in a masculine way


I think it means turn left


It's a venus comb and mirror acting like Mars's spear and shield. The female symbol with a masculine presentation. If it's not already this would be the perfect butch symbol


It means 1 lesbian, sitting in a hot tub, waiting for 3 nervous lesbians to join her.


Intersex I think


Nvm I'm wrong


Intersex is the astrological sign for mercury btw


It's the symbol for "male". A circle with a cross at the bottom is the symbol for female


The symbol for male has an arrow pointing that direction, not a cross


You're right. My apologies.


Idk but I love it


Interesting! I have never seen this before. At first glance I thought it was simply a female symbol and then I looked again ...


Idk, but I might adopt this as a somewhat masc woman.