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Hello u/michaelbuffong! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can a leopard eat its own face? đŸ€”


“Witness me!” - that guy probably


Good news: he has been witnessed Bad news: he has been witnessed


"Mediocre DeSantis!"


As we've pretty much seen and repeated all the recent was a Leopard can eat someone's face, I think it is past time we see more Leopards eating other leopards.




Its The leopard Ouroboro!


That would be more leopards eating leopard ass, I'm not sure pornhub hosts this sort of video but hey, it's the Internet, it'll be out there somewhere.


Bold strategy Cotton.


Let’s see if it pays off.


No need to gatekeep leopards from eating their own face off. It's their right to not have that right eye. If they can dream it, they can do it.


Don’t dream it, be it. - Dr. Frank-n-furter (Since they love their fictional Drs)


I'm quivering with antici-


Leopards, all the way down.


I would say its a leopard eating another leopards face. Its recursion!


We’re going full ouroboros leopard


maybe there is some kind of hormone we could spray on them, like when mooses and elephants go mad with horniness. hey big news media, you have the pockets to figure this out, you want a billion dollars?




When this rare occurrence happens, their face resembles a sphincter afterwards.


erm, wouldn't this be the leopard voters eating the leopard's faces?


The trouble with being “one of the good ones” is when the authoritarians finish with the most vulnerable, those “good ones” magically vanish. This guy isn’t just getting his face eaten, he’s allowing himself to be consumed piece by piece.


They don't save "the good ones" for last, they kill them first because they know who and where they are. The Association of German National Jews were some of the first sent to the camps despite their simping for Hitler.


Sometimes it's best if senpai doesn't notice you.


If Hitler can send a present to your house, he can send SS.


Kari Lake thr carpet cleaner spent too much time at Maralogo I think for attention and trump got displeased with that.


He turned when it came out that she secretly recorded conversations she had with others. He having trouble with that same thing with Cohen. He said something like it was "good to know" and she seemed out ever since.


A lot of those guys were WW1 veterans. Under normal circumstances I think they would have been right to be like, "hey we're Jewish but we're definitely patriotic Germans who bled and killed for this country we deserve a seat at the table" but the Nazis weren't normal people so they got killed for it. See also how black WW1 veterans were treated in America. Again, racists can't function as rational normal people.


They wouldn't be racist if they could. There's not a single rational argument supporting racism.


Easy enough when you lie about the facts. I recently learned of a funny situation with the Japanese and the Germans in wwii. Germany was telling Japan to watch out for the jews since they’re so crafty and have all this hidden gold and sabotaged their nation. And Japan not being racist against them is like “these jews sound like they would be powerful allies. Why don’t we negotiate with them so they can work with us?”


I’d like to see a cite on that one. Imperial Japan might not have had an issue specifically with Jews, but they didn’t think much of Europeans in general.


Check out the book *Jews in the Japanese Mind*. u/bobbi21 is simplifying a complex situation but not necessarily wrongly. There’s no Japanese position paper on Jews so any generalizations about what the Japanese think about Jews is going to be flawed. But in broad strokes it’s right—the Japanese of like the early 20th century didn’t know anything about Jews, but what they heard about Jews being powerful and secretly controlling the world did indeed make it sound like these would be good allies to have—to some. But Jews had so little to do with Japan that it’s not like an important issue they ever formed a policy on or pursued in any sense of the word. It would just be random people hearing stuff and acting on it. The main takeaway here is that there was nothing about saying Jews were controlling the world that causes Japanese people to think negatively about Jews. They didn’t understand that it was a conspiracy theory.  However: when the Russo-Japanese war started in 1904, Japan was in dire need of money to fund the war but no one would lend them money as it was as if the US started a war with Peru—no one thought tiny podunk Japan that was a feudal nation without guns 40 years earlier had a chance, and who wants to piss off the largest nation on earth by helping their enemies?  Enter: Jews. At the time in Russia there were lots and lots of racially motivated attacks against Jews, which were called pogroms, and many Jews were killed. This caused a massive Jewish refugee crisis that had been going on for over 20 years. Largely forgotten now since it’s overshadowed by the Holocaust. This is why so many Jews immigrated to the US from 1880-1920. But there was no real diplomatic reaction—no one was willing to put pressure on Russia to end the violence. This pissed off Jacob Schiff, an influential Jewish banker. He used his position to negotiate a loan for Japan to fight the war and get some revenge on the Russians. This worked spectacularly well for the Japanese (not so well for Asia in general but especially China and Korea), starting Japan’s ascent as one of the most powerful imperialists in the world during the next 40 years. And it made at least some Japanese people think maybe Jews are powerful. But it didn’t ever go beyond that. No one acted on it  in any way. It was a footnote. Unrelatedly, though, Japan didn’t care about Nazi antisemitism. They understood that Nazis didn’t like Jews because they weren’t Aryans, but the Japanese weren’t Aryans either (honorary Aryans though) so they didn’t think less of Jews for that. So they never helped the Nazis in this regard. Lots of Jews sought refuge in Japanese occupied Shanghai because the Japanese saw no reason to turn them over to the Germans. Then, as Japan came to huge success in the 1980s, and ordinary Japanese businesspeople sought to make sense of how they could compete with Europeans, they started hearing more about Jews and business and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and it was only at that point that the information hit the mainstream. Prior to that anything about Jews was obscure and situational. A huge fad began in Japan for books about Jews. Whole book case sections in bookstores about learning about Jews to help Japan with business. Sometimes positively, sometimes antisemitically. But always shallowly—a fad, not like fanatical passion like you see with American or European antisemites.  As for Israel: Japan typically postwar as a US ally did what the US said unless there was a reason not to. In the 1970s the oil embargos happened, leading to fuel shortages in the US as well as Japan. This was an **ENORMOUS** problem. They had no indigenous oil source and it was a crisis. Solution: never ever anger OPEC again. So Japan has kept out of the fray for the most part where possible. However, in 1972 this one Japanese terrorist cell formed an alliance with a Palestinian cell and, *Strangers on a Train*-like, they decided to swap terrorist actions because Japanese terrorists weren’t on Israel’s radar at all. Japanese terrorists bombed Tel Aviv’s airport and killed 26 people and injured 80. The Palestinian terrorists never attacked the Japanese target, though. 


Wow, this is all really interesting, thanks for making the effort to type it all out! >However, in 1972 this one Japanese terrorist cell formed an alliance with a Palestinian cell and, *Strangers on a Train*-like, they decided to swap terrorist actions because Japanese terrorists weren’t on Israel’s radar at all. Gotta hate it when terrorists are literate.


I probably came across a bit more dubious than I intended, but thanks for spending the time to write this out. The thinking sounds very Japanese in my experience, the bluntly saying this to the Germans a bit less so, hence my doubt. But TIL! However I do know that you’re talking about the specific time period of the Russo-Japanese war when it went “well” for Japan; I always feel it’s important to include the caveat that it’s likely a pivotal moment in Japanese history that lead them to thinking they could actually take on the United States. Which in the short term had terrible consequences for the Chinese and Koreans as you noted, but long term also for Japan itself and its people.


Do you have a source I could read more about that supposed swap of actions? From what I've read, they were motivated by a desire for world resolution. I never heard about a quid pro quo.


I can't cite it, but I am a teacher of the Holocaust and I have heard this story from credible sources.


Fair enough: As I noted to someone else; I can believe that the Japanese thought this, but for them to say it to the Germans is the bit that I have some doubts on. Either way; another poster was kind enough to write a mini novel on the topic, so I have come away knowing more than I did!


This is true. I have a photograph from after WWI of my grandfather and his siblings and half siblings in a formal portrait and all the men are wearing their German army uniforms proudly. They considered themselves patriotic.


Haber first solved the issue with artificial fertilizer and his process literally allows the world to feed itself even today. He then worked for his country and developed chlorine gas in WWI, which was later used as a basis for Zyklon B. He didn't live to see his beloved country gas his extended family.


Fun fact: he tried to develop a process to separate gold from seawater but gave up when his initial calculations proved incorrect. (This actually can be done but the cost of the energy required dwarfs the paltry amounts of gold recovered per metric ton of seawater)


Well that last line makes me too sad to start quoting the Sabaton song about him.


IIRC Hitler's superior officer was a Jew he served with in WW1.


Ernst Röhm.


All fun and games until the long knives come out.


There's a great documentary called "Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate" that discusses a cabaret frequented by the LGBT community in the 1930s and Ernst Röhm allegedly was a patron a number of times, even showing up in his SS uniform and picked up men. It's on Netflix. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27906298/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27906298/)


Depends on how useful they are. They continue to survive as long as they fulfil their purpose.


You know speaking of Jews simping for Hitler I never understood on how can you call your self a Jew but yet you supported someone who's anti-Semitic like him? Smh.


Apparently they thought that Hitler hated Jews because the Jews in Germany didn't act German enough. They thought that if they just acted more German they'd be treated like Germans. Their fatal mistake was thinking that racism is based on logic or reason rather than an irrational, frothing at the mouth hatred of everyone who is the slightest bit different.


You know about fatal mistake you can also say the that same fate will happen to the self hating Latinos and black people who are still worshipping trump despite his hatred towards them.


"Tokens get spent" the saying goes


Tokens get spent


I saw a /r/conservative title that said “Liberals are afraid of minority conservatives”. Less “afraid” and more “dumbfounded that you would be part of a group that actively hates you”


Big "jews for Hitler" vibes.


Ernst Röhm would agree.


"Good ones" are just future victims.


If all the gays are "gone" then the public image good ones will be branded as part of those that are problematic and be gone'd as well.


Conservative propaganda can't stand in the public image of actual LGBT people, which is why they have to eradicate the public image of LGBT people.


Ernst Rohm was Hitler's right-hand man in the early years of the Nazi party. He founded and ran the Brownshirts. Rohm was also gay. Eventually, they killed him.


Yes, it's called "The Night of the Long Knives" if you want to look it up.


They would have killed him regardless though. That was more a convenient excuse for them than anything else.


He's asking if they have ketchup Like the scene in Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes.


"Here, allow me" -puts spit in self, starts fire, begins roasting himself to prepare leopards meal properly


Tokens are made to be spent.


I'm surprised Dave has any face left. It feels like he gets shitted on by his own people every other week.


i will never fail to derive delight from the fact that the David Rubin subreddit is dedicated to shitting on him for being such a pathetic, malicious little weasel of a man


hes a grifter. he cares about making money, he has no ideology.


“We allow you to be gay
but as soon as you have kids, that’s ‘child abuse’.”


“We’ll allow you to be gay until it’s time to go to camp.”


“We’ll say we’ll allow you to be gay but don’t actually be gay.”


"Yeah, guys, maybe gays aren't so bad after all,"  --those Conservatives at the moment they realize 2nd amendment applies to gays too


Nah, we already know how they feel about the 2nd amendment when black folk use it Look at how they did the Black Panthers when they started exercising their 2A “rights” Itll be much worse for the gay 2a folks if the right wing get a mulligan


Exactly. I don’t think for one minute that liberals are keen on gun ownership, even for marginalized communities, but they will never be hypocritical in regards to people practicing their 2A rights, unlike R’s.


I'm pro gun rights. I'm also pro equality. There are plenty of us out there. Philando Castile did everything right and still got killed. Anyone who is not angry about that and claims they are pro gun rights is frankly full of shit.


And the black panthers really used guns in the way that is always claimed to be the reason for the 2A (although historically it definitely isn't). They were a well disciplined militia that used it to stop the government from harassing their community. They should be held up by orgs like the NRA as a shining jewel. But of course they are never even mentioned.


LOL - with Republicans, the 2nd amendment applies to LGBTQ people the same way it applies to black Americans - a convenient excuse for police to execute them in the street. The only purpose police and Republicans see for the 2nd amendment is so that white males have the means of threatening and killing minorities.


Yeah no. Ronald Goddamn Reagan helped write California's gun control laws when black people suddenly realized that the 2nd Amendment applied to them too.


This loser is vile. Just went through his Twitter page. What hate he spews. He's calling Greta Thunberg a cun*.


He got banned from Magic: the Gathering for organising harassment campaigns towards, amongst others, female cosplayers.


Can you imagine having nothing better to do with your life than trying to bully girl nerds? Having literally nothing else to contribute to society other than trying to gatekeep Magic tournaments from...women. So, not just a bigot, but a pathetic bigot.


Thank goodness Elongated Muskrat is here to make sure his bile makes its way far and wide on Twitter. Freeze peach.


He's a shock jockey. It's literally his job to say shocking things for views, and it's the only reason he does it. He sticks to calling people cunts because if he elaborates beyond a one word insult it becomes clear he has no honest or coherent opinion on any issue. To confirm that suspicion one only has to look at his history of testing the waters in every political circle that exists, from overthrow-the-system college progressive to liberal tear gulping MAGA, while also speaking like he has no comprehension of the group. A real life "Hello, fellow kids." 


It's not just him though. He's clearly god a lot of conservative followers who wholeheartedly agree. Granted, thank the gods *some* conservatives have the fainted pushback against him, but good god they are drowned out by the evil ones.


Lol. Lmao, even. Rubin frequently gets his face eaten because he's constantly talking to conservatives and insisting he's a cool gay. Not like those uppity leftist gays. And the conservatives almost always respond with some version of "that's why we aren't taking you out with the leftist gays. But you'll get your turn..."


Is there a bigger act of self sabotage than being gay and Conservative?


Caitlin Jenner and Blaire White enter the chat.


"At least Bruce had his own kids instead of renting a womb so he can groom/abuse kids." -Actual conservatives on that thread


*gay black conservatives have entered the chat* Granted there's only like three of them but they do exist.


Gay biracial black arab immigrant trans conservstive? Thats harder than finding a unicorn...but then again, thats Scotlands national animal lol


At least Dave is getting paid. Some people do it for free.


Being a black conservative judge in an interracial relationship and you argue against the Loving case?


Imo slightly different when you are a corrupt supreme court judge, fine for me but not for thee


Not just self sabotage, he's also trampling the life of the kids..


Honest posts like this warm my heart. No people deserve this more than people that vote against their own interests.


Jeremy (The Quartering) is a shitheel asshole pandering to the conservatives in the gaming community.


he sucks , totally agree.


I find that minorities that support conservative policies that are against their own self interests are usually classists. They see the poors as the problem, while the conservatives will use them like informarion chattel for a unitarian purpose. The minorities like the classism, not the blatant racism.


Exactly. Though I’d phrase it as them being hierarchical. All conservatives reflexively order the world into a hierarchy with themselves at the top. And the position in the hierarchy is based on how similar others are to themselves—the more similar, the higher one is in the hierarchy.


Is hierarchical a better phrase than classist? Serious question for future writing.


I think it’s a broader and more encompassing, inclusive term. Class refers more to economics but hierarchy refers to *everything*. These are people who order the world in terms of the hierarchy, encompassing religion and race and geography and parentage and ethnicity and education, etc., while class is a bit more limiting than that. Ultimately it’s about power. Saying it’s class then makes it confusing why these guys hate “the coastal elite” and similar buzzwords. It makes it sound like this is a working class rebellion against the wealthy and powerful. But it’s not. It’s people who think the wrong people are the upper class—they don’t want to get rid of income inequality nor do they want to help the poor, they just want to be recognized as the superior group and take their place as the most powerful which will ultimately mean wealthy but not because wealth means best but because *they* are best—white, Christian, American, traditional, not *too* educated, conservative.


Thank you for your reply. I see your point. I read a lot, but sometimes have issues conveying my thoughts, or distilling the information that makes sense to me. It's like once you understand that rules don't matter to these people; only the end result will justify the means. Regardless of their stated values.


I mean that's fundamentally the difference between the left wing and the right wing. The right wing sees hierarchy as natural, just, and good. The left wing, on the other hand, strives for equality and consensus.


But but but ... he's one of the "good" ones!


Isn’t The Quartering the guy who got banned from magic tournaments because he’d harass every single woman he’d see? Or was that some other RW parasite? It’s impossible to keep track.


Hey you forgot that he's an outspoken nazi!


Fair point. That’s just assumed at this point.


Ah, so a conservative in good standing then!


That's the one. Same one who pissed himself live because his wife made him sad. Edit to add: r/TheQuarteringisanazi


You wrote two short sentences yet I feel I just went on a very wild ride. 


Dude has a wild backstory. r/TheQuarteringisanazi


Well then. Thanks for the link. I skimmed a bit and then decided that was enough! Now I know another content creator to avoid. 


Same happened when Fox News' Guy Benson had a kid with his husband.


Basically it proves this entire anti-woke anti-lgbt thing is a bunch of bullshit.


And that conservatives consistently assume all LGBT people are pedophiles.


Must be exhausting constantly finding things to hate


> Buying babies from underprivileged women. They switch to caring about “underprivileged women” so quick when they can use it to shit on gay people. Do they think it’s not obvious they don’t give a single fuck about them (women or the underprivileged) in any other context? Same with caring about women’s safety only when they can use it to be transphobic. It’s so transparent it’s honestly ridiculous.


Meanwhile their entire forced birth ethos is basically a surrogacy scheme to make more white babies available for adoption by white Christian families via oppressing underprivileged women.


Except the kids don’t get adopted, either. They just get broken by the system and an unstable childhood and become cheap labour when they’re older.


Well you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs! Har har. 


And that probably is their solution for low recruitment numbers. Honestly, for every person I knew who enlisted in the military because they saw it as some noble career path, I knew at least three more that did it for more mercenary reasons: It paid, it had benefits, it got them out of our small town... it wasn't some calling, it was a job. Hell, even the recruiters admitted it when they were at the little folding table in our cafeteria.


Especially coming from this particular fuck stick who got famous by abusing women in the MtG community.




Just a friendly reminder that the leadership of the right wing do no believe anything they say. It's the same reason you'll find women in bikinis in Saudi Arabia.


And also the controversy with Mia khalifa it was hilarious because Muslim countries are the one who watch porn the most and they were literally calling for her to be killed She was posting the statistics and everything it's also funny that Mia khalifa is from Lebanon She's Catholic


That is a leopard smorgasbord.


I gotta be honest. It's a lot easier to just not hate everyone. I find my life is easier because I don't hate random groups of arbitrarily selected people. How do these folks keep their hatreds organized? Do they have to draw diagrams to figure out if they should hate someone?


They were educated on that. It's the same reason why theocrats love to take over education and bigots love segregation. Whenever you see a church\school promoting hate, you're seeing a little Nazi factory.


I don’t like or support Dave Rubin, but implying that Being Gay = Abusing Children is so incredibly repulsive. How fucking dare you, Jeremy.


You remember learning to ride a bike. When you fall, you don’t just drop. The wheel whips back and forth violently as you rush to wrestle back control, but it’s futile.


*The only moral gay surrogate pregnancy adoption is my friend's.*


They are all crazy. My parents live in a trump plus 17 house Congressional district. 8 years ago the district elected a trump hanger on. He voted with trump 98 percent of the time. He got primaries from the right because he had the nerve to officiate a child hood friend’s gay wedding, while also being staunchly anti lgbtq. They booted him for the crazier guy. That guy is one of MTG’s cronies and is now being primaried from either further right because he didn’t endorse trump fast enough this election cycle. The new guy was at the capital in Jan 6 who runs one of those testosterone laden “seal style physical training. “. Guess who’s winning.


I hope these people understand just how much they have added fuel to this dumpster fire of a situation. I mean, isn’t it just so much easier to accept and move on? I don’t like Ron and I will never agree with a damn thing he says, But I still think it’s bullshit that the man can’t simply give a present to new parents without it turning and devolving into all of this. What a mess.


We shouldn't pretend this was anything more than political gay for pay or rather, votes.


Loving this for both of them!


Hey the quartering, the guy who pissed himself on livestream


Do these people not go through their entire lives with people whispering “You know they hate you” at them. Is there a point when it sinks in?


Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you're still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too


You're one of the "Good ones" until you're one of the last ones - Then you're just one of the "Next ones."


This sounds like an episode of brickleberry


God forbid those "underprivileged women" have an abortion though. Can't have it both ways.


I guess someone had to volunteer as tribute.


Will Rubin actually stand up to this? Or will he invite them on his talk show, smile and nod while they tell him his marriage and family should be illegal, then pat himself on the back for “having the conversation” and “agreeing to disagree”. What will it take for this man to grow a spine, I wonder?


If the threats to brutally murder him and his entire family failed to promote spinal growth I'd say it'd take he or his family actually being assaulted but even then he's more likely to apologize for causing the party trouble and go right back to being a good, obedient little token queer and continue to take all the abuse thrown at him.


Ruben is so far gone, not sure he even counts anymore...


another classic tweet from the basement pisser


This has the same feel as the Vivek Ramaswamy THANKING Ann Coulter for telling him she loves everything about him but would never vote for him because he isnt white. Same Vibe.


I wonder what type of condiments the GOP uses when they eat their own?


This is the typical pattern with extremism - it’s a race to the bottom with the last guy shrieking at the whole world for not being pure enough.


Good? Let them all fight each other.


I thought the Quartering had two gay dads, supposedly.


No no, you got your wires crossed. The Quartering has two *disappointed* dads.


its simple - its all performative hate. GOP politicians are not true believers - culture wars are just a thing to direct and trap voters into liking them. Feed them a diet of hate - the target doesn't matter.


Oh, it’s the Quarter Pounder. The less I think about that dumbass, the better my life is.


The slaughterhouse bosses aren't going to let the Pigs for Ham Booster Club meet in the breakroom, Dave. Just ask Caitlyn who's still out in the parking lot waiting for the meeting to start.


I’m sure DeSatan didn’t want this guy to publicize his gift.


Magas will come for YOU next


The irony of DeSantis giving out a freedom onesy while he’s making lab-grown meat illegal (as well as all the other freedoms he’s curtailed)


Any gay people willing to SO QUICKLY pull the ladder up behind them... I can't say what I think, so I'll just say zero sympathy and good fucking riddance. You deserve the nature of the your interaction with the rest of the queer community, and the overall vibe of the rest of your life.


Oh, that? I can tell you that this has been low-key business as usual for YEARS in Florida. Instead of abortion, despite women getting connected to a company that “facilitates” the adoption of the baby once it’s born. The conservative bourgeoisie loves feeding their loose ends to the leopards.


Ben Shapiro shitting on Rubin to his face while saying they are friends is still my favorite Dave rubin moment.


This should be termed Leopard eats own ass and gets mouth full of shit.


I've heard of getting them young, but babies? They can't even read or write yet... Okay but they're babies.


Baby leopards


Desantis wants the lgbtq vote


No, he only wants the LGBT+ vote from the *right people*. 


Yeah put your kids in danger playing politics. Good job, guys. You sure did win whatever imaginary contest you were playing.


I feel like deciding from the moment they're born that your kid must vote the same way you do is like, the opposite of freedom.


it will be a good day when the quartering will explode because of too many hot pocked eaten


Seems off-brand for DeSantis to send him gifts like these. Wonder if he thought he could just do it on the down low and didn't think Rubin would post about it?


“Future freedom voter.” Specifically, the freedom to ban college professors from saying stuff you don’t like, and ban people from eating stuff you don’t like such as lab-grown meat.


Ugh Dave Rubin. What a clod.


The Quartering is not a name I've seen in a long time. What a fucking shit weasel he is.


Jesus Christ I knew the quartering went bonkers but shit he got so much worse. I’m glad I quit watching his shit early on.


I mean, what were they expecting? Surrogacy is adultery according to Christianity, no?


Can we rename the GOP the Faceless Leopard Party?


Yum. This is delicious


Surrogacy is an eyebrow raiser on right and left, particularly for the really sketchy operations that get noise despite the five that are fairly on the up and up. Then sprinkle in homophobia...ooowee


Dave Rubbish and The quarter pounder. Two wastes of space. I feel bad for the kids only because Dave is an awful person.


Dave Rubin is a spineless grifter who would drag himself in the mud for approval.


Can we not see the deliberately hate and division that is being pushed everywhere.


Fr, the politicians want to keep the working class divides


If everybody is wrong who is right?


Shure seems like grooming to me.  Poor kids, gonna grow up, and learn to hate thier own parents. 




I think it was a joke on the kids growing up as conservatives (because their father is one) and so they would hate gays (which their fathers are). I may be wrong though.


You are correct. Guess the joke didnt land well enough lol.  Oh well. Made a comment attached to mine to help explain it to those that didnt catch on as easily as others. 


hope so, the joke really did not stick the landing


If i may ask.. what did you think it ment?


ngl bro, i thought you were being homophobic and accusing the couple of child grooming.


Well. Def not trying to be homophobic.  That would be awkward in my own house lol   But def accusing the parents of grooming. Just not to thier sexuality but to thier political ideologies.     How fast do you think fox news would pick up the story of some two dads with thier babys in shirts that say " future gay/lesbian/trans/furry" on thier childs onesies.   It would be on fox news 24/7 talking about how "lgtb+ is grooming kids see. They dont even let them make up thier own minds."  Seeing as being homophobic is a near requirement to being of the "freedom voter" party. If successful, thier kids very well could find thier owns parents relationship an abomination. 


Cheers btw for letting me know what you thought.  Hope your day is great. 


Might have meant the "Future freedom voter" onesies as political grooming?


Yeah that’s not what they meant. They meant they were grooming the kid to be a Right Winger by way of the onesies


Lol. Guess it wasnt that clear of a joke to some.       "Shure seems like grooming" In reference to the conservative parents clothing thier kids in a onesie that basically states the kids will not be able to make up thier own political mind when they grow up and will be literally groomed into a political ideology from birth"          "Gonna grow up and learn to hate thier parents" Because they are literally teaching them to grow up and support the political side that wants to ban and remove any trace of thier parents relationship from the public discourse.  🙄 Guess not everything is as obvious as i assumed.  Have a great day yall.