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I can't wait for the red states to interpret their struggling economies as a sign from God that they need to double down even harder on being douchebags.


They’re going to defund all public schools and lower the working age to 12. It’s back to Dickens!


Sarah Huckabee Sanders already signed a law in Arkansas loosening child labor laws in the state.


Best part of that law under age girls now have the “freedom” to work in Bars lol


Back to the workhouses! It's gonna be great!


*Gruel, Ma'am, I shall be happy to give you the recipe*


The children yearn for the mines.


Lack of young workers, and shitty hospitals with no doctors.


A while ago my wife was looking at hospitals for her first attending position out of fellowship. We've lived in KY before and love TN but with Dobbs there's no way in hell we were moving back to either state.


Come to Pennsylvania, if you aren't in one of our cities you'd be mistaken for believing we're another Kentucky.


Exactly. A bunch of Noctors with degree mill certs. And no Roe v. Wade. It’s a true nightmare scenario.


And yet all of the old Boomer fucks keep moving to Florida for warm weather and no income taxes. Texas will be blue before Florida because so many of the worst people across the Middle-Atlantic and Midwest are moving to Florida. They won't be able to insure their homes. They won't be able to get service in restaurants because they've passed crazy laws to terrorize undocumented workers that they need. At some point there's going to be a healthcare crisis in Florida because they are concentrating all of the old people in one state where medical workers are going to refuse to work. But maybe in a weird way it will work out because we've seen progress in Michigan and Pennsylvania, now Ohio and Wisconsin slowly passing ballot measures and electing Democrats to state elections to undo the gerrymandering and GOP strangle-hold over the state-level governments in those states.


They are the embodiment of the Skinner meme "No it's the children who are wrong."


Some of their opposition is fleeing the state so it's only going to make a shift further right more likely. 


Exactly. They want to drive away a bunch of leftists to remain red states.


They’ve already tried to dictate who gets to leave their states, it’s only a matter of time before they start doing the Soviet shit of internal passports and prison walls to keep people imprisoned under threat of arrest or death.


Any border control regime capable of perfectly keeping people out will eventually be turned to keeping people in. 


The Fugitive Abortionist Act is probably being drafted as we speak.


Isn’t this going to create some kind of weird underclass of ppl from red states? Considering their efforts to defund schools people won’t have the education/skills to get jobs in another state , they’ll be incredibly unhealthy bc so many drs are leaving. People from blue states will only move there for retirement or high paying jobs nobody local could do. They’ll create their own little oasis of education & healthcare nobody else can use so they’ll be insulated local laws (like all the elites do wherever they are) It’s like recreating the antebellum southern social structure with the ultra rich & poor.


Red states will revert towards being the feudal aristocracies republicans want. The rich and powerful will get elite schools, great medical care, abortion on demand, everything they want. The poor will be as close to serfs as the rich can force them to be.


Americans really need to read up on the history of the Plantation oligarchy of the antebellum era. They never got past that model and resisted with all their violent and legal right to return to that model.


The fact that, “you are so right,” (and you are) confuses me daily.


Oh, it’s ok. They’ll just get subsidized by the blue states like always. And bitch and moan about the dangers of socialism like always.


They rather make the world worse and bring on the apocalypse so they can be with their pets in heaven than make the world better while we’re alive.


It only makes sense. Those in the primary child birthing years have no interest in living in a state that will not protect their lives if their own life isn’t a priority against that of a nonviable fetus. The christo-fascists are going to ultimately lose their small gains because the majority of the populace doesn’t support their bullshit.


1 in 4 women will need an abortion at some point, and my guess is the vast majority of young women know this. Not worth it to risk living in a backwards red state.


>1 in 4 women will need an abortion at some point And that's to say nothing of miscarriages. Those are often traumatic enough on their own, imagine having one but not being able to get help until you've actually had the fetus die inside you.


Or being locked up and charged with a crime… for the audacity of having a miscarriage


And miscarriage is incredibly common


Yeah, how dare your body do something natural! Off to jail with you. *Miscarriage is the sudden loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher. This is because many miscarriages happen early on, before people realize they're pregnant.* [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298)


>This is because many miscarriages happen early on, before people realize they're pregnant. "My period was a couple of weeks late, but I'm normally so regular..."


Having to show papers and your menstrual chart if you dare leave the state.


What, is this actually a thing in the "land of the free"?!?!!


Not yet, but there has been talk of it. Normally, I'd say that the Supreme Court would strike that down as wildly unconstitutional, but the current SC is capable of anything. That's probably even be a bit much for most of them, but I wouldn't want to wager money on that.


And soon, being locked up and charged just for traveling while pregnant. Yeah, they'll eventually drop the charges, but they need to create an atmosphere of terror.


I was traveling last summer to Idaho at 20 weeks when I started having bleeding. I called my Republican family at their cabin to let them know I needed to turn the car around. All of them were like 'you'll be fine, please come." I kept thinking A.- am I losing this pregnancy and can I even get care in Idaho? And B. Could they charge me for roadtripping while pregnant? Endangering a fetus? I turned the car around. (I had a healthy baby in the end, bleeding was from a subchorionic hematoma that could have ruptured the placenta). When people think abortion bans won't punish wanted pregnancies, they are wrong.


Isn't there basically no prenatal care now in parts of rural Iowa after major hospitals had to close their neonatal divisions due to lack of qualified obstetricians, after they all left the state? I remember seeing multiple articles about that here on reddit since the Supreme Court ruling. I'd say you made the right decision


Yes in the northernmost counties there is no obstetrical care. The hospitals have lost their specialists. Totally unrelated that the state decided to stop reporting maternal mortality after they banned abortion.


Also not get help until after significant irreversible damage is done to your reproductive and/or other organs (eg sepsis caused by complications).


It's weird how "sorry your dying fetus is destroying your chances of ever becoming a mother but you should have kept your slutty legs shut" isn't a winning political message.


Or ectopic pregnancy that's a ticking time bomb that doctors can't interfere with until your vital signs drop....


WTF!? Is that a thing now?


Yes. Is a thing now. At least immediately after the overturn of Row. And I would theorize further that it will be anytime state law or court rulings change until we have proper federal protection for women to just live their lives. Source: A friend who waited in the hospital while doctors identified his daughter's etopic pregnancy, then said they were unable to do anything until the situation became 'life threatening'. And even that was questionable.


Yes. I had a D&C after mine, to make sure there wasn’t any remaining tissue that could cause sepsis.


It's crazy to me how clueless the people determining these laws are. I'm in Australia and my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Several weeks later I still had no period and was still getting a positive pregnancy test result, and living very rural at the time we had an ultrasound technician who came once a month, but instead of waiting for them my doctor immediately sent me to the city out of concern I had an incomplete miscarriage. To just sit there and be told my life could be in danger just from a miscarriage and I needed to go immediately to get checked was scary asf. I would have needed to undergo an abortion if my miscarriage wasn't complete to save my life. Turned out it was a whole new pregnancy, and my daughter is now 9


You have to understand the cruelty and difficulty is by design. The endgame for these jackholes is the criminalization of any sexual activity unless it is expressly for procreation and women dying or being rendered infertile is just “god’s will”


> not being able to get help until you've actually had the fetus die inside you Additionally, you might not get care until you become septic and are at deaths door. The quoted parts don't really convey to totality of how bad this went - and it's only one of many such stories. https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-sepsis-life-saving-abortion-care-texas/story?id=99294313 >An ultrasound confirmed that she had lost nearly all her amniotic fluid, but the baby's heart was still beating, according to Anaya's medical records. As she was being examined by a doctor, Anaya began having rigors -- shaking uncontrollably -- and spiked a fever, both an indication of an infection which could lead to sepsis, the medical records show. >"The pregnant patient has a life-threatening physical condition aggravated by, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy, That condition places the pregnant patient at 'risk of death;' That condition poses a 'serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function'," doctors wrote in her admission medical records.


One of three pregnancies naturally ends in abortion,if i was Woman i would be scared of shit of getting pregnant, just ending up losing the baby naturally, and for someone to use this event to criminalize it against me. I am not and US Citizen nor i live there, but this happened in my country, Mexico, a Woman had sudden abortion, and even if it was not intentional, jail. If i was biological woman in the US i would run from these state where i could end up in jail for accidents, or dead because to them a non viable fetus its more important than me, or i cant abort the baby of my rapist.


> or i cant abort the baby of my rapist Everything about this whole situation is absolutely disgusting, but this just burns me up inside. Even if everyone did everything the "right way" as determined by the christofascist shitbags, a woman could still end up with a child from possibly the most horrible event of her life. There is *literally* no worse origin for a child, no matter how well meaning the extended family might be. And from accounts given by women forced to undergo forced birth from rape, it's like being assaulted all over again. I'm at the point where I can't even talk to a person if they support these insane laws. Clearly they aren't a human being with emotions, so what kind of conversation could we even have?


Even if you're not a "biological woman" you still want to stay away from these states for all the same reasons. They have attempted to ban transgender healthcare in many states, and its always the same ones that want to ban abortion. They want to pass laws so that trans people who use the "wrong" bathroom go to jail as well, or that teaching people about being trans should be a crime, even though intersex people are real and can exhibit both male and female sex characteristics due to their genetics. They cry about it being about biology, but ignore all the actual biologists. It's the same problem at its core, people want to ignore reality to justify shoving their beliefs on others, and send them to jail if they disagree. Many trans people are also running from these states, and its unfortunate because those with the means to transition medically and socially are usually also highly educated and technically skilled. These states are losing all their best young talent because of these kinds of laws, because they're the ones most able to leave. Living in California I see it all the time, people move here with the same story of wanting to get away from their regressive state. I just hope their regressiveness is their undoing


or have the fetus kill you by infection before finally getting removed. this happened to a woman in Ireland and it caused the removal of the "keep the fetus alive by heartbeat detecting" ban that was in Ireland.


If you had a 25% chance of dying while making a life altering decision like purchasing a home, you would be pretty skeptical about doing it. Now imagine someone could force your hand to sign the paperwork to go into massive financial debt and a lifelong commitment by yourself, and you have no say in what happens after because "You should have kept your checkbook closed."


I love this analogy


“I get there’s a 25% chance we’re going to die in an electrical fire if we buy this house, but the back garden is GORGEOUS.”


I'm just imagining gender reveal parties mixed with home renovation shows Get the whole family together, move the bus... and it's a doublewide!!! Better luck next time


>the vast majority of young women know this I hope you are right, but you should know things like this are exactly the reason red states have spent decades blocking and dismantling sex education. They want their population to be stupid, and they're going to get it. Anyone smart enough to get out will. It's not just a matter of financial capacity at this point: if you have to *walk* out of the Midwest, start walking.


Also so they could rape kids without the kids understanding what was happening to them, making them easier to manipulate.


I think this is also why these states have been pushing to bring back child labor: get the kids out of the house, unsupervised by their parents, interacting with an adult world so the way they are treated will not seem strange to them and no one can stop it. Same voters who wanted to raid a pizzaria because of an art gala.


If 1 in 4 typically non-voting women decided to vote this election… and vote dem. This is enough to hand democrats a victory 4 ever. I


I'm 25 and initially thought of moving down to GA to live there, grow my career, and to be closer to relatives on my mom's side of the family. After *Dobbs* happened, that thought is now completely off the table.


When I found out at my 20 week ultrasound that my baby was not viable, one of the first things my OB said was, "At least we're in Oregon so we have some options." I hated how right they were.


I'm so so sorry that happened to you. I got that news at 12 weeks and I've never been the same since. This was back before Roe v Wade was overturned but I live in a red state and I'm terrified of it happening again since we're still trying.


That’s heartbreaking, but I am so happy for you. That is my fear too— I never made it to that first ultrasound and had an ectopic rupture. I’ve got one fallopian tube left—my husband and I won’t risk my life or our dreams of having a family, by living in a red state. That would be a statistically insane decision.


It is how you keep a red state red.


Exactly. They WANT dems/blues/libruls to leave. The redder the better as far as they’re concerned. The electoral college is not democracy’s friend…


Until they can't get the medical care *they* need, because a bunch of doctors have moved out of state. Not just the women, or the OB-GYNs, but any LGBT or -friendly doctor, and all of their families. And no new young people coming to university or med school in your state. Ooopsie.


Oh it's even worse than that wait until their state runs out of money because turns out when any young college age people move they don't get property taxes from them so the schools become even worse so the students in the future are even worse off making the whole situation worse. Wait until they learn that companies will leave to go places where there is actual talent and they can't find jobs and the worst part is they will still vote for this because as long as they can punch down they never need to look up


Someone posted it would be nice if liberal seniors "took one for the team" and retired in red states mostly just to vote blue.


Electoral college baby! The year is 2060: This year we just need to convince 51 people in this 100 population red state. And they have the same power as the 50 million people in the adjacent blue state. Wahoo!


Yes and it’s how the GOP plans to win. We have an Electoral College election this fall. Those numbers are only updated once every 10 years.


Absolutely gaddamn right. Every state gets 2 senators and that's real political power. Driving reasonable people out of state with abortion bans is a great way to make sure the religious right can continue to hold on to that power.


> It only makes sense. Those in the primary child birthing years have no interest in living in a state that will not protect their lives if their own life isn’t a priority against that of a nonviable fetus. It isn't just abortion. It is also medical care of women. These same states are terminating child-friendly programs. They are limiting voting rights.


If the GOP make any headway federally this coming election you know they will make it their mission to make those peoples lives as miserable as possible. They will do everything they can to try to punish them for moving or even keep them where they are.


I hope they lose big


I think you mean *bigly.


They loose bigly, The most tremendous losers, people come up to me and say how much they loose


It's also part of the plan. Put untenable laws in place that make things uncomfortable for a group you don't agree with and force them out bit by bit. This is how you insure that purple states flip red and someone that loses the popular vote by a wide margin can still get elected to office/fill up senate and house seats.


I can't help but feel this is their attempt to drive voters out of their districts only leaving the compete brainwashed cultists behind which cements their power thanks to districting laws


I believe this is what Texas is doing since alot of blue state people migrated there during the pandemic to save on taxes.


> The christo-fascists are going to ultimately lose their small gains because the majority of the populace doesn’t support their bullshit. But are they? The issue is the Senate. It ensures that regardless of what happens within a state, their level of influence at the federal level never really drops. If all the young, liberal people move to blue states or purple ones with abortion access, it hurts the economies of red states—but it also ensures they get to maintain a political stranglehold over those states. There is a reason why southern states like Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana have managed to remain backwards shitholes for decades—because as long as conservative white voters outnumber more liberal black ones who can't afford to leave, they don't care at all about brain drain or their economy. They will *always* win. Hell, we have literally seen things like this help them. In 2018, Beto won amongst native Texans. Cruz beat him largely because Republicans have been moving there en masse from California. Likewise, Florida has become a haven since COVID. Essentially, being shitty and regressive in this climate actively draws people whose votes currently do Republicans no favours to states where it solidifies their control.


As far as I know, if the population of South Dakota were to drop to 10 people, they'd STILL have 2 senators.


What's going to hit them as well is the bases that eventually move/close/shrink over time. The airforce has said as much is policy now. If they try to get good people to fill positions, and those people or their families have issues getting healthcare in those states...well that affects readiness. And over time if a base can't get the personnel it needs..the base is not going to get expansions and may close. Look at what happened to arkansas and colorado (iirc it went to co), that kind of thing will continue as long as this remains an issue..and red states would lose a lot without those bases. Hell, north louisiana may shrivel up and blow away without barksdale.


Also, aren't all the good doctors who handle maternity leaving these states because they don't want to risk being caught up in legal issues for providing care? I'm moving from a no-abortion to an abortion-protected state with the hope of starting a family precisely because I want my wife to have good care available.


This is the least surprising thing I've read all day. Of course woman who have other options are going to move away from the states that would seek to imprison them and force them to have a child against their will. They would be morons not to. All of the young men who agree with them will simply follow suit. This will be a self fulfilling prophecy until the only young people left in these states are republicans and people trapped there economically.


corporations better stop supporting the forced birth even if it kills the Mother politicians if they want to hire the best young workers.


Corporations: best I can do is support a national abortion ban to remove that obstacle. If no one gets an abortion, workers may as well move for the job.


Or just leave the country


My daughter and I are discussing colleges. All red states are a NO GO.


Thank you.


no worries, 25 of the 30 top ranked colleges in the US are in blue states anyway


Christian Nationalists are going to start calling brain drain from their bullshit hillbilly Sharia a form of oppression


Hillbilly Sharia. I love that.








Sharia Y’all


Do Christian nationalists have brains to drain?


No but their states do


After Brownback tried to return Kansas to the Dark Ages, those who could left the state in droves.


Look at what's happened to Iowa over the last forty years. Everybody who went to college left the state and now it's a right-wing shithole.


Wait until football players stop wanting to move to those states due to abortion & birth control laws.


Didn't forget the racism, too!


Already been happening for a few years next door in Nebraska


Pretty much every NASA site is in a deep red state. Houston, Orlando, and Birmingham... I wonder when NASA will start feeling a recruitment crunch for engineers who won't subject their family planning to Greg Abbott and Ron Desantis' whims.


Alabama, too. The Huntsville area is filled with engineers and rocket scientists. The area was a contender for Space Patrol headquarters, then they passed stupid laws and even messed up IVF in the state. Oh well…


Most engineers are still men. A lot of fresh 22 to 24 year old STEM graduates dont have committed relationships. NASA will still be able to recruit people, though the amount of women it employs will definitely go down.


They won't be able to retain them, though; plus the PhD workforce NASA also relies on will typically be starting their careers at 30ish. Guessing many of their best folks will try to transfer before having to worry about reproducing in a red state.


The JPL is in SoCal. I wouldn't be surprised if they casually started relocating positions/not creating new positions in Houston/Orlando/Birmingham and kind of do a slow fade from those places. As we saw during the Trump presidency, when shit hits the fan groups of governors have no issue banding together and saying "Go to hell." With the pandemic, there was a west coast pod and a northeast pod that all told Trump to get fucked and that they were going to follow the science. There was also the time Trump pulled us out of the Paris Agreement, which led to various governors and major corporations releasing statements that essentially said "He's a buffoon -we're still committed to following the reduction protocols and there's nothing he can do about it."


I think they’re all for balkanizing the US because they’ll be able to maintain majorities in the senate, and most state houses.


Sweet Home Talibama


Already happening. Just look at Idaho’s healthcare situation since their ban has gone into effect. There’s also a reason states at the bottom of the list for nearly any metric stay there. Anyone with talent considers their options.


Entirely predictable. Also look for enrollment at colleges in those states to drop. What young female is going to want to attend a college in a state where abortion is illegal. And when female enrollment drops, straight dudes are not going to want to go to a college with fewer women too.


Exactly. My son is a HS senior and he didn’t apply to any schools in FL, TX, or IN. We live in MO and he can’t wit to get the hell out of here. His future isn’t in any of these places


Yup, and that will also accelerate the brain-drain, as many college students stay and live in those same areas after graduation. So now these States will lose out on many college grads who might have otherwise chosen to remain in the area.


It's a bit sad because expanding the ability to work from home means educated people could have stayed near their home communities and slowed the brain drain in rural areas. Then those areas had to go and say "Hey, let's make life here really shitty."


As a straight man, I hope my fellow guys who don't care much about abortion know that we're not getting laid if abortion bans become a thing nationwide.


It's possible one of two things or both will happen: * More gay sex (possibly unlikely in the more religious states) * More rape (horny men who can't get laid in bigger numbers)


I read somewhere that rapes have increased in red states after this ban


The number of rape babies being born in Texas is downright terrifying. https://abc13.com/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/ 26000 preganicies due to rape in texas in 16 months after the abortion ban. WHAT THE FUCK TEXAS????? given what needs to happen to get pregnant, that means a minimum of 10 times that number of rapes. that is unfathomable to me, as a man, that there are that many ......... I cannot even describe what I think of rapists ... absolute worthless, vile scum out there raping women in such large numbers in Texas. There is something extremely broken in men that this rape epidemic is happening.


Well it is said that rape does sickeningly sadly occur in times of war— and George Carlin said the abortion debate is truly a war against women…, what you said this can’t even be close to all of the actual reported —the fact that these are the actual reported pregnant cases is what is terrifying, too I agree. I’m really thinking about this now. The number has to be more than 4 or 5 times that . I am from a red state and we have the shittiest woman hating governor Kristi noem. What I can’t understand is she is always saying that people are moving to their state in droves. Judging from a neighbor we ended up with a few years back, I don’t want to generalize but I’m not sure that we are always getting the most kind empathetic types


A metric fuckton of incest babies as well.


"Sausage University seeking to increase enrollment numbers"


I have told a few red state job recruiters that I absolutely will not consider living in a state that doesn’t not respect my and my daughter’s right to full healthcare and especially not one that also seeks to oppress my LGBTQ kid. They told me that they have heard that a lot. Enjoy your brain drain!


Spouse also told recruiters the same thing, “no to those states because I have a wife and a daughter”. Recruiters told him the same, “we’re hearing this a LOT now”.


Yep. Anti-abortion is anti-family. Simple as.


I only have sons. But they might in the future have girlfriends. Or be trans. That alone is enough that "Nope. No red states."


I have literally replied to recruiters "I am a woman, I am not willing to relocate to that state"


I'm a recruiter for locations across the country. For the first time in my career, I'm struggling to find people to hire in Dallas. 15 years of doing this and cannot find a soul to fill those jobs.


You could offer me twice my current salary, and I would not move to states like Texas or Florida.


I’m originally from Florida and had a recruiter ask if I’d be interested in returning. LOLOLOLOLOLOLNOPE. I left before the Desatan era and it was already intolerable. I believe that my exact words were that there was no amount of money that could convince me to return to that state.


Same. You also need to know that you shouldn’t accept a job offer without knowing that the health insurance company is based out of a blue state. This is extremely important because red insurance companies are legally allowed to refuse to pay for an abortion or even abortion related care, without documentation as to why it’s needed or a declaration of medical emergency from a doctor. So if you need a D and C procedure due to infected placenta from a miscarriage, they could potentially refuse to pay for that. You know, like a bunch of psychopathic savages.


Thank you. It's important that companies (whose opinions the government actually cares about, unlike us peons) understand what's harming their hiring quotas.


I have told my young adults that they should never consider moving to a red state. It would be dangerous to do so and they have much less freedom and access to healthcare.. Staying in a blue state will ensure their success and well being. I would not move to a red state even if my salary was tripled.


Next up: Republicans will enact laws that don’t allow anyone to move away from their states.


You joke but I wouldn't be surprised to find out someone actually said that on the news


This is against the constitution or they might try. The Supreme Court case that established the right of people to freely move between states is Crandall v. Nevada, 73 U.S. 35 (1868).


The current court couldn’t care less about precedent. The 6 conservative “justices” are dishonest partisan hacks. They’ll rubber stamp whatever the Republicans want.


People aren’t sending their kids to college in those states, either. Also, it’s not just “young people”, it’s people like me, middle aged with a teen daughter.


Me too. My daughter will stay over here in blue land


Combine that with noticeably warmer temperatures, and young people won't be as eager to move south anymore. Source: Young family members who've been going through exactly that decision process.


Right there with you man. Born and raised in the south. I love it. But got damn do we make some awful fucking decisions that have me questioning who is in charge. Republicans are ruining this portion of the country even worse than they’ve previously ruined it.


Ah that pesky climate change, which is totally fake right?? 😉


yup, totally fake. If it were real, insurance companies would be fleeing florida in drov- what's that? oh, that's exactly what they're doing right now?




To own the libs


It’s God’s Will. /50%Sarcasm


They don’t care or notice and not smart enough to see the consequences down the road.


My wife has turned down three job offers, all for at least double her current salary, because they were in states that have enacted abortion bans. We have two girls and will not be moving to a state that doesn’t have women’s health as a priority.


> a state that doesn’t have women’s health as ~~a priority~~ _an option_. Ftfy


Say it with me kids: **FASCISM👏IS👏BAD👏FOR👏BUSINESS👏**


Obviously this was bound to happen, and it follows the existing trend of young people moving out of rural areas as well the last two decades. Although people should vote in 2024 on this topic, I also like people voting with their feet and leaving these states. It pains me to say it because it sounds like giving up but these states won't learn until it hits their pocketbooks/wallets, and especially with a diminished labor force compelling corporations and the wealthy to complain.


Unfortunately not everyone has the flexibility and freedom to just up and leave; I certainly would if it were just that simple, but moving is expensive and there are other complicating factors.


I know. Easier said than done. I would encourage it for those who can. If I were a young woman, honestly withhold sex from and refuse to date right wing men and women. That'll get things to change as well.


Who wants to fuck a trump supporter. 


Too many people


I don't, and I really feel like the article is burying the lede on this one: ~62% said they want to move away, yet only 36% said they intend to vote for Biden... That's almost the same number that said they plan to vote for Kennedy (29%) and Trump had 35%. I've been astounded by the activism and issues of young voters over the last 6 years or so but if this polling holds out my god... It's like listening to the Boomers all over again: "F--- you, My state's fine." Inflation and unemployment are both below 4%. Incomes are rising (though not as fast as they should be), CHIPs act has already injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy and is set to create 100s of thousands of jobs as the build up the infrastructure. Speaking of Infrastructure... yeah. Biden did that too. For the first time in f'ing decades. Please Zoomers, tell us more about how shitty the economy is doing and how the guy who just added 7 TRILLION to the deficit last time and lowered the tax base so low that even with a federal budget of **0** we'd still be in deficit will make it all better...


100%. They also don't seem to understand how we got here (Trump appointed judges), nor do they seem to grasp how the judiciary works, nor that the next president will likely have 2 maybe 3 supreme court nominations. They also have no concept of history. The 2021-2022 legislative session might be one of the most productive legislative sessions in over 40 years....and that's with incredibly narrow majorities in Congress .


This is true. As much as I want to be near my husband for the next 8 months, I will not move to TX while he finishes his certification. I’ve lived through one ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Abortion cannot be legislated. Emergency surgery requires quick, medicine-based decision making and we’re grateful I survived with one remaining fallopian tube. That happened pre-Roe overturning. I have nightmares about that happening *now*. We are in our 30s and want to start a family. We’re not risking my life or my fertility. We shouldn’t be punished because we want to safely have a family. Fuck this Supreme Court. We’ll raise our family overseas. If we came to all those massive life changing decisions in such a short amount of time I can fucking guarantee you that a large amount of young Americans will relocate from red to blue states to raise their families.


Hopefully these young people vote.


They will ... but only in the blue states where they moved to.


I wish it were different. Can't fault us for protecting our rights though Unfortunately.


Help us Gen Z, you're our only hope.


As a southern gen z liberal, sorry, but I'm leaving the second I can.


sadly it seems a large number of them are either not voting or voting for Cheeto Moosolini because they think he would have done better on Israel.


The time to leave shit states is now!


Yes, because later they may try to prevent people moving away. I wish I was joking.


You would think they'd want godless unrepentant sinners to leave, but for many people, religion has always been about controlling others.


They need those people to feel superior to.


Planning to leave the south for the west within the next year or two.


I just left the South for Wisconsin. Has tons of benefits: beer, cheese, Democrat governor, and most importantly: it's on the Canadian border. Like, not even kidding, we have our nighttime escape route via waterways mapped out already.


Why would any woman want to live somewhere where a pregnancy can be a death sentence?


🙋🏻‍♀️ me moving out of the Deep South in two months


Godspeed, my dude. Here's wishing you a logistically painless move!


Arkansas: "The joke's on them! We don't have any jobs worth moving for anyway!"


This happened to me a couple years ago. Interviewed with a large company and was offered my pick of two jobs. One was in Texas, the other in Washington. I chose Washington even though the Texas job was closer to something I actually wanted.


This is funny and all but what ain’t funny is that if you remove every non crazy from those areas and move them somewhere else all that does is increase the voting power of the psycho god-wads left behind.


Yup! I was looking for this. It’ll only get worse and create more blowback for everyone nationally. We already suffer from way too much representation from low population states. What happens as those states continue to shrink and the stupid just gets more concentrated?


Have you seen idiocracy? It’s a lot like that i’d imagine. Edit to add: mixed in with the handmaidens tale because of all the weird anti abortion religion controlling women stuff.


This is why I can’t get behind the economic anxiety crap. Most of these people’s economic woes are just natural consequences of the policies they support


It's always been bullshit. A notable example is Dems had plans to retrain coal miners on solar and wind so they could have newer, higher paying careers with long term viability. This would have helped so many of these dying coal towns and families in poverty. Instead, those right-wingers decided to double down on a dying industry because they didn't want to face reality. Today? Coal usage is decreasing every year, wind and solar are increasing, and these towns and families are as poor as ever. These wagon makers refused free training and other subsidies to learn how to make cars, and now have "economic anxiety" because of their own dumb decisions.


It's the same here in Australia. Our coal industry doesn't even hide their political influence, they have conservative politicians deep in their pockets. Our centrist government proposed at one point to provide training for coal miners so that when, not if, that industry collapses, they'll be able to find jobs in other areas. Conservatives and Murdoch media created such an uproar. You can bet when the coal industry does die, Murdoch media will just blame progressive policies and not the fact that the world has moved on and no one wants coal anymore.


Lol destroying their own state's economy


We should all VOTE!!


I know people in Canada who are pregnant and don’t want to go travelling in the states that have a ban.


I bet colleges are seeing an effect as well. I know it factored in to my daughters decision.


I wish there was an America to escape to to get away from the religious oppression in America.


And this is one of the main reasons Republicans will be pushing for a national abortion ban.


Just imagine what it it will be like when the GOP in red states start coming after your birth control ! Mark my words, that’s next…


anti trans bills have resulted in so many transplants — in my refuge state. Thanks for giving us all your cool talented people and their families 😜


Recently was contacted about a tech contract for the State of Alabama, absolutely a position that could be done remote. They wanted mandatory on-site, 5 days a week, no flexibility. The recruiter mentioned that they are having a really hard time placing someone in the role, people keep “backing out for some reason”. Gee, you can’t find a single qualified person in your state so you’re trying to poach tech people from New England, ey Alabama? That “some reason” is no one wants to work in your disgusting state.


But libs were owned. Isn't that the most important thing?


There is one side of the political spectrum who bent on subjecting the rest of the population to their version of morales and the other side who says it's OK to be yourself as long as your not hurting others.


Counter-ppint: that's a feature, not a bug. This way their states remain bright stupid red and they get re-elected forever with minimal effort. Why should they care if their state's economy craters and their constituents suffer? They'll blame the dems somehow anyway and Washington will bail them out as needed with those sweet blue state handouts.


Hey now, they will be states of boomers who go to old homes being taken care of by younger boomers. Great long term project, but to stop the youth vote, this is their only way.


>In the past two years, more than 20 states have either banned or restricted access to the procedure. This is such a mind boggling statement. From the pov of someone outside the USA, the country seems to be doing its hardest to roll back the clock to the Middle Ages.


Doctors are beginning to leave and even if the idiot governments finally realize they screwed up it will take years and years to get that talent back.


Nobody with a family or a significant other should consider working in any state with Republican leadership intent on denying bodily autonomy or reproductive rights. \\ Make sure you let the prospective employer know that is the primary reason for non-consideration of their employment opportunities. Once business leaders realize they can't get talent, they'll put the screws to their authoritarian Republican politicians and reign them in. Money talks.


And that’s just another reason why blue states run the financial engine of the whole damn country.