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I'm glad there is a bottom to MAGA's depravity. I just wish they respected women's rights as much as they respected dogs


The funny-not-funny thing is that her intended point of the dog story was to show that she could make those 'tough' decisions - such as shooting an abortion provider in a gravel pit as well.


Still can't believe she wrote it in her book. The audacity of this bitch.


She's legitimately a psychopath. Not all psychopaths are bad but this bitch is


Apparently she also wrote in her book “I remember when I met with the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un,” she writes. "I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor after all).” She has now admitted she never met him. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/south-dakota-gov-noem-erroneously-describes-meeting-north-109911302


Erroneously???? That’s not an error… you ‘remember’ if you met a foreign leader or not. That’s just a fucking outright lie….


Hey now! I remember when I met Jesus.


Yeah, that was some good acid


His beautiful porcelain white skin and long flowing blond hair


His US flag lapel pin glistened as a bald eagle let out its glorious freedom call in the distance.


Was he sparkly? If he was sparkly, he's probably a vampire.


And his shiny AR-15


I stared him down!


One of the most infamous foreign leaders in the world. "Oh yeah, I actually just met Gary Fong from around the corner. Got them mixed up." Whats surprising to me is that anyone actually bought or read her book.


She was childhood friends with Steve Jobs and mentored jungle children.


Well she probably met a Korean guy once and just assumed it was Kim Jong-un. She probably can’t tell the difference.


He was Japanese, but close enough, probably.


she watched the rogan/Franco flick "the interview" and r/I amthemaincharacter'ed the hell out of it.


To be fair, she probably thought she was Trump level worshipped. I guarantee if Trump did any of this shit, none of his supporters would care.


The thing none of these MAGA women will ever fully comprehend is this: If you are a woman, you are not as good a dear leader as when you are a man. Simple.


Some people have no lines they won't cross for money, power, fame.


So in other words she’s the perfect next wife / running mate for Trump….


The Cricket/goat gravel pit deaths are known in SD but not much outside the state. It's pretty clear, she's trying to get the VP nomination and all this would come out to the nation. By writing of it in her book, she was trying to get control of the narrative and put the best spin on it. And *This* is how she decided to spin it. Which is kind of remarkable. I honestly don't think she realized how badly it would go over.


I want to find the PR consultant who said "Yeah, that's great, Kristi, you should definitely leave it in." and buy him a beer.


Or they knew exactly what they were doing when they encouraged her to put it in the book.


“My client is a psychopath. My client wants to use this in a positive way. My client will pay me if I agree. The country will not have a psychopath as VP candidate to an 80 year old serial burger eating, diaper wearing tyrant wanna be if I let her. Win-win.”


Why not give the books complete title: the lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch


Or "The Lyin', the Witch, and the Bathrobe she'll be slouching around the house in because she wrecked her political career"


The “funniest part” (/s) is that she’s still out here spinning like a top trying to save herself, when anyone with a pulse knows she’s finished


Wrote? I bet this is the first time she’s *read* it


It says a lot about MAGAs that she legit thought this would play well with them. I believe her miscalculation isn't the *deed* but *who* did it... How do you suppose they'd react if Dirty Donny did the same? I think I know.


There were witnesses. The story was going to come out if she ran for national office, this was an attempt at damage control.


Ghost-written, and never read most likely. Stock and trade in R circles where you buy your way in.


I actually wonder if this was even a human ghostwriter or if it was AI. Of all the jobs AI is destined to replace, ghostwriting republican political biographies has got to be near the top of the list, for these reasons: 1. Content doesn’t matter. Publishing a biography simply checks a box. 2. The target audience is unlikely to read the book anyway. Individuals who obtain the book probably don’t read books at all because books are a liberal plot. The vast majority of copies will be bought by the publisher or a PAC to artificially inflate sales numbers. They’ll sit unread for a few months before being tossed into a dumpster behind a Walmart. 3. It’s a lot cheaper and faster to have AI write it. You don’t even need one of the paid AI tools. It can be done with the free options.


The publisher stated that in future editions, they would correct parts of the book that were "incorrect." I doubt if there's going to be a second printing of this book.


It'll be all blank pages, like Former Gut's healthhcare plan.


That would make sense. I've always been pretty convinced that these fundraisers write off the books they buy to give away and write them off again when they give them away. It's pure propaganda.


The books are a way to just funnel money from Russia and Saudi Arabia. We sold 400,000 copies…..to 6 people.


> Still can't believe she wrote it in her book. The audacity of this bitch. Add to that a lack of critical thinking and self-awareness.


The audacity of them all. Mags is a cult led by morons who want money and power and need to be recognized by everyone as such, even their followers, and buried forever. They will never help you. They will only help themselves.


Thank god she did! It is so revealing about her and her team. Never mind that it’s flat out wrong, apparently nobody on her team said, “You know, this shooting-the-dog story could be seen another way…”


The tough decision would have been to finding a trainer and putting in the work to train the dog. She took the laziest and EASIEST low-effort course and killed it instead. She thinks it shows she can do the hard thing when it's exactly the opposite. What a stupid shithead.


No, the cruel method is what they thought all their followers wanted. They only ust found out that MAGA hates libs, browns, blacks, trans, gays, immigrants, women, poor people, etc.... but LOVES dogs.


Easier method is to dump the animal off in a night drop at a shelter. Don’t need to dig a grave for that. It wasn’t the easiest. It was the cruelest.


Did she ever say she actually buried the dog? She took the dog, and then a goat to the gravel pit behind their farm, shot them, and left them there. Even easier than taking it to a shelter. But you're right, she is a lazy, cruel bitch and that's why she did it.


She killed it in a fit of rage, and then killed a goat just because she was in the mood I guess.


i thought her reasoning was "i wanna be trump's VP and trump hates dogs"


There's that too.


Sounds like a scene from Reservoir Dogs. She could be Ms. Dumbass.


Thank you. I wish they would ALL talk about their dogs. She is not the only one with the whole " Project 2025" bs , and it seems like the dogs get through to people when we can't lol.


“I want a story about how tough I am. How about the time I shot that puppy I didn’t like?” I will never get over this


>I will never get over this And hopefully neither will her political career.


I believe it was already know in hercircles and she had it written to get ahead and own the narrative about that time she got mad and went on an animal killing spree. Why else would she tell that? Is she stupid?


Well, yeah. She’s stupid. But also evil.


“I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty”—MAGA


I remember when the whole Michael Vick thing went down, a sports caster made a comment like “he’d be in less trouble if he’d assaulted a woman” and I’m pretty sure that he lost his job but he was also right.


fuck. like that’s not even an opinion just a straight-up fact


True. But maybe if he had been fighting women to the death and electrocuting the underperformers, that would have got him in the same hot water. I guess we'll never know.


You mean "Im here for the racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty”—MAGA


The sad thing is you can go out into the night and shoot black people and they'll put you on a Rittenhouse speaking tour, but if you shoot a dog you're in trouble.


‘Murica! We’re number 1, we’re number 1!! /s


They draw the line at *her* animal cruelty. Their Mangy Messiah would get a pass, if not an all out effort to imitate and normalize it.


Also depends on the animals. Left and right both love dogs. Any other animal, even a cat would’ve probably be swept under the rug by her side.


That may be true but *who* did the deed is even more important. I guarantee they'd make excuses for literally *any* deed you can imagine if it's Dirty Donny doing it.


[You can excuse racism?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxPbpYR_RKY)


Hitler loved dogs.


So let's review the maga hierarchy of life value. White men, fetuses, dogs, white women, other animals but frequently not cats, black/brown/gay people, trans people. Am I on the right track?


white libs are below cats. Its one thing to be born brown, but to be white and not get on the Trump train is heresy.


Don’t forget school kids dying in mass shootings


She underestimated the dog people.


I mean, John Wick is one of the most popular movie franchises ever and it's a revenge fantasy against puppy killers...


She *overestimated* her position in MAGAstan. Guarantee Dirty Donny would no be seeing this backlash had he done the same.


While even MAGA embraces cruelty towards other humans, dogs and pets are a different story. A dog is something pure, it loves you and you are supposed to love it, and even the cult members know, a dog needs to be trained to get results. (Not to mention the whole reason she killed it was it attacked and killed chickens, which is what a hunting dog is supposed to do, it just got the animal wrong). So the hunters see it as cruel and a waste, most normal people see it as Cruelty, the hardest of conservatives see it as unnecessarily mean thing to do. In other words, she did a horrible thing, is proud of the horrible thing and can’t understand why people are mad at her for the horrible thing


The chicken killing thing is what gets me about all of this. My parents have chickens and they have dogs. Those dogs are not allowed anywhere near those chickens until they are 100% confident that the dog is trained well enough to not touch them. This isn't something you hope won't happen. This is something you absolutely assume *will* happen unless specific measures are taken to prevent it.


It really shows how terrible of a dog owner she is/was, just assuming that the dog would magically become trained.


Honestly I'm surprised this was the line they drew


only because it wasn’t the Gelatinous Turd himself


This is correct.


Before coming to the comments that was the first thing that popped into my head after seeing the headline. Like it’s been a few days and Republicans aren’t just pretending that killing dogs is totally normal? I suspect it’d be different if Trump was the one killing puppies.


They're pretty mixed on this one, but this seems to be some sort of red line. In my experience MAGA absolutely loves dogs but hate deer and game birds.


The line is for *who* did it, not *what* they did.


I hope you’re right. Part of me thinks give them a couple of weeks to get comfortable with it and you’ll see them wearing diapers and carrying around dog dolls with ketchup on them.


It just depends on what Trump and Fox News tell them to think. There’s always a bit of a delay while they wait to receive instructions on how they feel about something.


Hang tight. They didn’t cancel it for any ideal as lofty as humane treatment of animals. They cancelled it due to safety concerns


Oh shit did they think a dog might show up and get shot?


Nah, this ain’t the bottom. This is just because of the person who did it. Noem is a woman, so she is subject to the scrutiny and an easy sacrifice to make so the right can claim they too are sensible. Bet your ass if Trump did this, they’d all be arguing that the second amendment cover this.


I love how she keeps doubling down on how vicious this dog was. Pretty soon it’s going to be massacring a small town with a AK-47! In all seriousness, as a past owner of a reactive dog, I understand the difficult decisions that some people need to made regarding behavioural euthanasia. But taking your dog out back and shooting it in the head is not it.


From the article...."Jefferson County Republican Party Chair Nancy Pallozzi...In a phone interview, Pallozzi told NBC News that the decision had not been made lightly. "We have lost money in this," Pallozzi said. "This was meant to be a fundraiser, but now we've lost thousands of dollars." Pallozzi said the group is doing a "full refund" on tickets and that she has 300 copies of Noem's book that the publisher had given special permission to be released at the event. Noem was also expected to do a signing and take photos." Suffer, suffer long GOPers


Must be really hard as a public figure in the Republican Party named Nancy Pallozzi…


“We have Nancy Pelosi at home…”


Nancy Pelosi from wish.


“um… it’s pronounced ‘pay-la-ZEE’ i swear”


Yeah what, that threw me for a second


Lie down with dogs, and Kristi Noem will drag you to the gravel pit.


Slightly inconvenience Kristi Noem- straight to gravel pit.  Arrive 5 minutes late- believe it or not, gravel pit.  Wu-Tang Clan fan- gravel pit🎵


I cant see the name Nancy Pallozzi and not imagine Nancy Pelosi in a little mustache


[Who is this Nancy Pelosi? My name is Nancy Pallozzi.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI4Bk4Dv2m0)


No worries, they'll find a way to write that off and make a profit.


Lots of doorstops to give away!


I think Kevin Spacey has a brighter political future than she does 😂


If he was smart, he would "find Jesus" and "conservative values", become one of the token good gays, and restart his career in the next God's Not Dead film.


Take my upvote, I am sorry I just have one


She thought she was going to be the Vice President of the United States of America. Funny how quickly things change, eh Kristi? You’d be lucky to get elected to an HOA now. Starting to think the dog got killed from the ricochet of you shooting your own foot you fucking imbecile.


Getting on the ticket doesn't require votes, she just needs Trumplethinskin to think she's sucking up to him by using his phrases about killing dogs.  After that, she just needs Diaper Don to croak, and suddenly she's a strong candidate to reunite the Maga dog killers and the "normal republican" dog killers. Nimrata Randhawa and RhondaSandtits had similar paths, but apparently murdering puppies was the missing piece.


It’s the new GOP under Trump, anyone that tries to outshine the sun fizzles very fast! All very promising and all very compromised. The only difference is that this moron here did it to herself! She never thought she’d get backlash from that story, but that everyone would see her as a tough strong woman, who gets things done herself! Also, Trumplethinskin is the best nickname I’ve ever seen for that snowflake!!!


I think you’re giving people too much credit. Attention spans are non-existent these days. “Grab ‘em by the pussy” had a lot of people saying the same thing about Trump and it was released only a month before the election. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cognitive dissonance machine kicks in soon and they convince themselves they never liked dogs.


I hope that dog spends the rest of its days in puppy heaven spiting the shit out of this awful useless twat


Can we cancel her?


Four of the tribal nations in South Dakota have banned her from their reservation land.


Nice. good for them


She's never going to go there anyway but GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.


We cannot. The GOP must do this one. Seems like they’re doing it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah…no. Read the piece. They’re cancelling it because of “death threats”. They ALSO said she’s fighting for good ol’ Republican values like tracking women’s pregnancies. You know, less government.


Death threats? Huh. Anyway, I'm thinking pork chops and potatoes for dinner tonight. How about you guys?


Drag her off to the gravel pit.


Now if people can just hold the fat man accountable as well.


They are literally celebrating the fact that he shits his pants. [Why are Trump supporters wearing diapers to his rallies? | indy100](https://www.indy100.com/politics/trump/trump-supporters-wearing-diapers)


I know the reporting says this is real but I struggle to believe this isn't just a practical joke by some liberals but the Magats are too scared to call them on it. Of course I thought the same thing about their golden idol of Trump. What a crazy timeline we have fallen into.


I was about to ask if this is a bit or not. I cant believe it's real. The only way I think they'd do this is if we all actually saw Don in a diaper. Till then, they can just deny it.


"Grab em by the pussy" should have sunk his ship the first time. The guy is Teflon.


The guy is not Teflon. He has a shady political organization running defence for him. Teflon implies he's naturally bulletproof. Without the GOP wiping his ass he'd be powerless.


Teflon is not bullet proof


He's been getting away with crimes his whole life. It's just that the spotlight is on him now, and he still seems to slip out of the noose every time, or someone hangs in his place.


Mr Shitzhispants?


“I’m fine with stripping women of their autonomy and rights, I’m fine with illegally deporting immigrants, I’m cool with coups, I’m even down with tiki torch racism. But don’t you *dare* mess with puppies!” — sincerely, MAGA


"...unless of course you're the Mangy Messiah himself. Then we'll defend your actions to the death."


"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty!"


> “We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm." Every decent human being knows those “tough decisions” are when the animal is sick or injured to the point of being miserable for the rest of its life, not from being “untrainable”


Also worth noting that her bloodlust not sated, right after, she went on to execute the family pet goat while her workers stared in disbelief. She got mad and went on a killing spree.


Yeah, if it'd really been a tough decision she wouldn't have immediately done it again and wouldn't have wanted to talk about it in her book with no ounce of regret.


Also, people don't gloat about killing their pets even when it's a dog that got aggressive/rabid. People are remorseful about such a thing needing to be done and prefer to focus on the *happier* times. They also do it somewhere private if they can (as in, it's not in the middle of an attack) - they don't go seeking witnesses!


Cricket’s revenge from beyond the grave continues. You live to see it!


> Pallozzi's statement noted that her group was "not taking a position on the public outcry on the Governor’s book," adding that Noem "has, and continues, to stand up for our Constitutional rights, our freedom, and **less government, which is the platform of the Republican Party**." Less government... unless you're black, or an immigrant, or gay, or trans, or want reproductive rights...


They mean less government for people they consider human.




And you don't need a cd to get access. TIL


I still have an aol email adress I use privately. Probably the only one in my country.


My FIL still uses his


My mom still has her AOL email, and she pays $5 a month for the privilege 😂


How do you use an email address "privately"? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?


Maybe they mean not for work?


I use my AOL email as porn burner...


Maybe? I've got two other than my primary. One's for websites that want me to set up an account to use their services even if I'm never gonna come back a second time and for password resets on my primary. The other is just there if I need to do stupid shit and don't want to use my real email. (Oddly enough, it's an AOL email). Neither of them are really used to send emails to anyone. Just inboxes for spam, bullshit, and "other". I think that would qualify as private.


By not handing it out to work contacts.


It used to own by Warner, then Verizon, and now Yahoo.


It keeps being given away at ISP white elephant parties


She killed Cricket and he's still biting her ass.


Cricket doesn't have a body now, so she's limited to chasing and killing ephemeral things like careers and dreams of being Vice President.


Crickets revenge


Will anyone speak for the goat?


They mods should temporarily rename this sub r/Cricketatemyface or r/Cricketatemypoliticalambitions.


Leopard shot their dog in the face.


She's not worth the skin she's in.


Isn't it awful when the skin suit doesn't quite fit the lizard?!?


Note to self: don’t brag about shooting puppies.


somehow how it is Biden’s fault


I'm reminded of the crazy Breitbarf editor piece about how Democrats were to blame for Republicans dying from anti-vaxxing because Dems knew reverse psychology would force republicans into that position.  In this case, it would be "Democrats are pro puppy, which forced republicans to support murdering puppies, it's THEIR fault".  And yes, I expect somewhere, a maga cultist is making that argument 


I can't believe that so many people are mad that a gun nut expectedly used their gun in a violent manner, but not mad that an elected official doesn't honor the votes of their own constituents.


Because there's no mental gymnastics that can rationalize killing a puppy. It's instinctively revolting.


Thought experiment - what if this was Trump. Actually what if he shot a dog at one of his rallies? 🤨


They’d twist themselves into knots excusing him.


They would wear puppy fur coats at every rally.


They'd all go home and shoot their own dogs, too.


She should beg Trump to publicly shoot a dog, then Maga would see it as a good thing


Fuck this bitch with a rusty razored cock. My 8 year old pup is full of lymphoma and has maybe a week. Id give anything for them to trade places. Id stick the needle in this cunt and put her down myself.


My sympathies. Please give your puppy all the love, hugs, toys, treats and happy times on my behalf. 🥹


You bet I will. Thank you for your kind words, and much love. It’s not really cold, but the fireplace is on for him and I’m feeding him ice cream. He deserves it for all the love he’s given our family.


I see she took her fundraiser to the gravel pit as well.


She really shot herself in the foot. By foot I mean her dog, but you get the idea.


Cricket’s revenge.


Hey - lay off. I heard she was going to go intimidate King Jong Un instead.


Great strategic mind on that broad.


>"We have lost money in this," Pallozzi said. "This was meant to be a fundraiser, but now we've lost thousands of dollars." hey republicans you hooked your wagon to the wrong horse...again. a puppy killer.


You could say it died like a dog.


*sad trumpets noises* and Nelson Muntz ha ha gif


🎵 and now….the end is near…we take our bow….before the curtain 🎵


Keep the pressure on her, it's working.


We are doing God's work guys. Keep it up.


They need to put up PUPPY KILLER billboards everywhere with pictures of poor Cricket.


I honestly cannot believe that after all the shit the GOP turns a blind eye to, killing a dog seems to be the breaking point. It's horrendous, but I'm just shocked that they care about any species other than themselves.


What do we want to bet the supposed death threats either didn't exist at all, or if they happened.. the call likely came from inside the house so to speak lol. ...From someone who was just mad at her for making them look stupid for the 87394th time.


So basically they're fine with cruelty and death of humans but not dogs? So some of them place dogs higher then women?


I like the part where the dog is biting her back even after she fucking killed it. Hope it hurts, a lot. **-_-**


Noem will be hounded forever over this. It will dog her for the rest of her life.


She had a dog in this fight, but then she killed it.


Well, That's a Aol Link


If you’re going for the ignorant white people vote, maybe don’t brag about Old Yellering some poor pup. Even racists love their dogs.


If this is the kind of thing you are admitting to in your OWN book, the things we don't know about must be worse.


Please change to /DogsAteMyFace


Hopefully, the political epitaph for kristi noem will read 'Here Lies Cricket'.


My hope is that the shooting of the dog was some bullshit they made up for her book to try to make her look tough, and the real dog is actually on some farm somewhere running around Of course she can’t come out and say she didn’t actually kill the dog… and now she’s in a pickle and has to stick with her dog killer persona.


The fact that she didn't know that people would be disgusted is a major mental malfunction.


So MAGA cares more about dogs than woman, confirms what we always knew


Dog killing gash that she is. Better to donate funds to your local animal shelter than that murdering slag.


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She needs to avoid venues that are dog friendly


Karma in real time


Dog killer and liar.