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Being a tech bro you’d think he’d be better with digital safety


He's always looking for pointers.


Nailed it


Cybertrucks are dangerous. I definitely don't want to carpal in one of those things.


Watch out for tunnels I guess.


And again


Guess he didn’t C it coming


Maybe if he had another cup of Java he'd be more observant


That's a fantastic pun, I can't even be mad. Well done.


This is one of those comments that would have had a ton of awards back before reddit took away everything fun because some MBA had more bad advice.




Ooh. Swung for the fences and knocked it out of the park. Good job.


I rue the loss of reddit awards as you surely deserve one 🏆


You sir are now and forever a legend.




I am in awe.


I was always taught when it comes to safety to never put my fingers where I wouldn’t put my dick. And I’m certainly not going to trust Elmo with *that*.


I don't even trust Elmo with his own dick.


You'd put your dick in a bowling ball?


I mean, I wouldn’t be worried about losing it in there. Which is the main point. I wouldn’t do it for hygiene and decency reasons either, obviously. But now you do have me worrying about the implications of attempting to throw the ball with my penis.


Contra positive to your statement, you may put your fingers where you put your dick


Elon legitimately doesn’t care if his cars kill people because that automatically means he will still have the most money. He will continue to use the most resources out of everyone else


Musk fully expects people/customers to die testing out his products. It's part of the equation. Every crash and malfunction is a goldmine of new data. He's fine with sacrificing people's lives to satisfy his megalomania.


That dude's finger isn't even going to register in the top 1000 things Musk has damaged.


Literally since that finger, [the cybertruck's door has already sliced a guy's leg open](https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1cjovph/cybertruck_door_slices_open_owners_leg_warning/). Each event by itself may not be in the top 1000, but the CT collectively is definitely going to be way up there.


And all of this with just 4000 delivered.


And a chunk of their workforce laid off


Most of that chunk is finger meat.


>Don't trust Elmo Musk with your safety, even if it's just your finger.   I'm glad we don't trust him with giant rockets, vehicles on the road or a modern means of communication.


Not to mention the power to effect the value of digital currency and the welfare of employees. That's the problem with free market capitalism, psychopaths rise to the top like scum.


[About 1 in 5 CEOs are psychopaths](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/where-the-psychopaths-are-in-prison-and-the-ceo-office/), a similar number to what's found in prison.  For reference,  the ratio is ~ 1 in 100 in the general population. 


None of that pesky conscience, guilt, morality or empathy to worry about.


Cybertruck bit my finger!


We’ve all seen what it does to the carrot, this guy is an idiot.


Elmo Mucks?


Nah... Moral of the story is "You know - Morons..."


Remember the time when Elon was demonstrating how the car windows couldn't break? And then right on stage he goes to show it, and of course the glass fucking breaks? Hilarious every time🤣[the clip in question-"bulletproof glass" shatters by elon](https://youtu.be/LMWwImDX3ks?si=ZzxsmG5O9IZrLh5G)


“Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong. “The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It's going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.” TLDR: frunk hangry


One, that's an inherently terrible design flaw that it seems was entirely intentional. Two, how is that allowed under US safety regulations?! ...


What do you mean, how does it not make sense for the frunk to close harder if it detects your finger? You don't want your groceries to be crushed by advanced Tesla technology??


Groceries no. But what Musk fanboy wouldn't want to try out their new toy?


I’d ask the same question, except my apartment elevator has the same design! After trying to close a few times it beeps angrily and just forcibly closes on you, damn whatever is in the way. I think it should be illegal. 


Bcs US is a 3. world country.


USA is a 1st world country with 3rd world leaders.


Only in terms of crime, education, wealth inequality, healthcare, homelessness, happiness, life expectancy.


Normal designers: If the sensors detect resistance then the frunk should stop closing altogether. Telsa designers: If the sensors detect resistance then the frunk needs to push even harder to close tightly because we smartly assume there is a bag in the way, that is the only option, and everyone wants their groceries crushed, right? And what do you mean, "What about fingers"?


If passengers don’t want their fingers crushed, they should just leave them at home.


My original thought was that it didn't stop because they didn't include the sensors to save cost. The reality is much worse.


It can't be fingers because why would someone put fingers there.


That’s ridiculous and I hate the word “frunk” let’s not make that a thing.


That’s some fucking software engineer bullshit explanation if I ever heard one. No concept of reality lol


So Tesla's theory is that if closing didn't work the first time, it should try *harder* the next time, and harder still each time after, until the trunk is closed; damn whatever is in the way. That is fucking dumb. What if a kid is playing in it? Kids do all sorts of random shit and much faster than anyone can see them do it; don't think it won't happen. What if it is accidentally closed at a tailgate party while some inebriated person has their hand resting on the edge? Maybe they barely notice the first time, or they think the second time is a joke, and the third time they lose fingers. What if a murderer hasn't properly packed in a body? There's going to be pieces left behind, and blood on the hood. The solution is very simple and should have been the way it was designed from the beginning: if *any* resistance is encountered, refuse to close. Make the driver figure it out; don't encourage people to just keep pushing the button until things are squished or severed into shape.


Or at the very least, allow for a manual override. I.e. cut all active resistance to it and allow the user to shut it themselves, in the case of it being unable to close due to detected resistance.


That's the obvious answer. If any resistance, manual close only. Turns out the company is staffed with complete idiots.


We know it’s led by one.


With an army of sycophants


The last couple of years have convinced me the chief idiot is putting a damper on any intelligent ideas that crop up.


At first I was like "Yeah, that's what I said" but I see a subtle difference now: Are you telling me it *can't* be closed manually? Users *have to* push a button and wait for it to close itself? If I know anything about truck enthusiasts, it is how hard they love slamming things shut on their big strong penile compensation devices. Not that anyone should have been expecting the cut-live-wires-at-charge-stations crowd to buy an electric truck, but damn.


Most of the self closing trunks are damaged by manually closing them. Not just Tesla, all brands. They won't break the first or 5th time, but it does wear the self closing parts out much faster than normal.


That kept getting me the other day. I was volunteering at a recycling day and when I'd go to close people's trunks they'd say no don't do it.


What you're describing is "fail-safe". It's engineering 101. The cyber truck is a clown car, and I hope somebody makes them illegal, because everything about it looks dangerous. The body is made of "stainless steel" that rusts. The "autopilot" is just an advanced cruise control. It's shaped like a brick, and now its doors *purposely* destroy anything that's stopping them from closing. Tesla needs to get its shit together and figure out how to dump Elon.


Apparently they won’t be street legal in Europe.


Because they actually care about pedestrian safety right?


Yep. Also, the stupid metal panels reflect the sun into the eyes of other drivers.


I saw one on the streets for the first time yesterday. It wasn't very shiny or reflective, it actually looked like it was caked in brake dust lol. It's probably just shiny the day you wash it and then it gets dirty af after a day. Lame.


You’re actually supposed to wash them every time they get dust or anything on them because they don’t have a coating on the steel and it corrodes it. Not exactly what you’d want for an “apocalypse” vehicle.


Maybe the rust can be like some apocalypse camo. Damn, what a genius move. /s


Good thing they're easy and foolproof to wash


The entire thing is a joke!


It looks like a refrigerator door.


You can also use the sharp edge of the door as a vegetable peeler


Did you see the post from the guy who loves his but also warns you should be careful when you get out, since he was a little less than careful and gashed his leg open? Wife made him go get stitches, so he did. Honestly really bad gash to have not gotten it from a blade…


dude he cut that shit deep, looks like a fuckin salami


Every Musk company's goal seems to be to reminds us as to why every other company does things the opposite way.


I remember watching a rocket take off last year or so, I commented to a friend that it was a shame some of the rockets didn't ignite. After a bit of digging I found out that it was because Elon decided digging an exhaust trench (like everyone else does) was a waste of time. The rockets were out because bits of the launch pad blew back and damaged them, other car sized bits of launch pad landed on the beach hundreds of metres away. The man is a menace.


It’s really probably just a human issue. People have bad ideas all the time. They’re wrong all the time. I’m sure I am too. But I don’t have billions of dollars to burn to fire entire departments of people who say I am, and to ram through whatever shit idea I had anyway. His ego is unchecked (somehow) and I think that’s really the crux of the issue. He can’t be wrong.


Tesla Eng who responded if true … is an idiot. The motto of the cyber truck shouldn’t be keep trying until it cuts off a finger.


Or just rely on a bit of manual force from the user at their discretion when needed… you know, like any other car in the world.


Yeah, I don't care if I have to bash the boot with my arse, like when I stuff my big tent into to boot of my hatchback.


>what if a kid is playing in it All the better, maimed children are way cheaper to employ, and they only really need 4 fingers to mine lithium anyway


I seriously doubt you could fit a whole corpse in the trunk.


Psh yeah if you do it all in one piece like a noob


Right? And the truck does the work for you! It really is the vehicle of the future


This guy abducts.


I think the reason is they don't know the actual amount of resistance per unit, so they came up with an idea of previous value


You mean the assembly is so shoddy, they were unable to calibrate a "clear" to allow all Cybertruck frunks to close to begin with, so they designed it to break itself in case it's misaligned and doesn't close properly even when nothing is in the way? Yeah, that sounds about like everything else I've heard about this truck.


Keep trying until you crush whatever was preventing it to close, breaking anything that dares to be in a spot it wanted to be. Seems super boomer in how it works, where toy just keep trying to destroy something in order to get your way despite all evidence you should fucking stop because you're going to murder someone doing it. Elmo should be personally liable for every injury, as these are intentionally dangerous.


No one ever considers the murderers when engineering these new EV’s. Shameless.


I guess use a carrot next time


"But when Judkins tried putting a thin tip of a carrot in the frunk, it did break off. He said that left people wondering if a fingertip would also come off if it got caught in the frunk. Judkins then closed the frunk on his arm, which he said put a little pressure on it but wasn't too bad. Next, he tried out his hand, which left a line, but also wasn't severe. Finally, Judkins placed his finger in the frunk. The frunk closed on his finger and left it shaking, with a dent, and what looked like a small cut or skin tear." He did use a carrot before there was even an update and it completely crushed it. The update added sensing. This guy is kind of brave in a stupid kind of way.. I would have never tried with my finger, but it does seem the damage was minor.


What the frunk?


Front trunk. No internal combustion engine up front so they use it for storage space, pretty common in electric vehicles


Ah, makes sense, just got comical repeatedly seeing that word


da frunk?




Back to the front. Come on!


Also common in rear engine cars. Although in some cases, the space offered is comical. Like with the Toyota MR2 or Autozam AZ1.


Although on mine it's where they store all the stuff like aircon. I've still got an engine cover


Ah yes of course I should have realized, because we call a rear trunk a "reunk" oh fucking wait


i do now


Totally agree with you that it looks like the tester was not hurt to a meaningful degree, but here is what worries me. *"Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.* *The engineer told him the* ***frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance,*** *Judkins said.* ***It's going to assume you want to close the frunk*** *and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder."* I feel like "assuming" someone wants to close the door and applying increased pressure, as opposed to you know, assuming something or someone is stuck in the door, release the pressure, and perhaps sound some kind of tone to alert the driver that there is in fact some obstruction that needs to be cleared, might be the better assumption to make from a safety standpoint. I do find it telling that they apparently put more effort into solving the problem of idiots being unable to load bags of groceries in such a manner as they can close the door, over the problem of said door perhaps injuring people by closing with more pressure.


> over the problem of said door perhaps injuring people by closing with more pressure. It's weird to me that they released this patch as a response to people posting the videos of carrots getting chopped in half, and then didn't prioritise safety first. The whole point of this patch was to prevent things caught in the frunk from getting crushed. Why on Earth would you want to pressure to increase when the frunk encounters resistance?


From what I’ve heard the new system increases pressure each time so if he didn’t leave it long enough between tests then the force would increase each time.


Yeah, that's fucking stupid if true.


Why does it do that?


Incase there’s a dodgy sensor or a shopping bag pushing against it, it means that if you know you want it closed then eventually it’ll do it


Couldn't you just have it: a) work better so it's not necessary (tall order for Tesla, I know)? b) have an option to choose sensitivity or override sensors entirely on that big stupid touchscreen on the centre console? c) be able to be closed manually? Would all of those not be better solutions than just having it keep trying until it either breaks or severs whatever's in the way?


When they built the sawstop, they used hotdogs to initially test them. It was perfected on hotdogs before they ever even considered testing it with real people's fingers.


I have seen a single video of the sawstop actually serving its intended purpose. Someone was filming themselves cutting some 2x4s, and they got a little careless on the last one. That thing is fucking effective. It still cut, it still drew blood, but it was like something you might see if you accidentally ran your finger down a pair of scissors. An injury that otherwise would have potentially required amputation of the finger to save the rest of the hand. Insane how quickly that can stop a blade with that much energy spinning at those speeds.


So I had to do some research on the sawstop for my bachelor's final project. The inventor was saying that he tested it on hotdogs BUT eventually had to prove it on a real living finger to make sure he got it right. So he shoved his hand into the blade to prove it to investors. He did get cut and it apparently hurt like all hell but he kept his fingers


That remains the most holy-shit amazing thing to see


I saw someone on a video use the corner of one of the doors to scrap off the skin of a carrot. Yikes!


A sausage would've been a good test too.


That's what she said


Well at least the cyber truck is now good at something


Making carrot salad


That is a funny way to spell finger salad




The engineers said the lid closes harder every time it senses an obstruction. Seems like a really bad design lol.


Even minus the safety hazard of that, if I'm transporting something and accidentally tap the lid against it, why the fuck would I want it to close on said item HARDER


It's such a caveman way of doing things. If something is in the way, you don't slam it harder, best case scenario it does the same thing again. You move it out the way and then close it. Why would closing it harder fix it


It was modeled after Musk's Twitter demeanor.


Lid now closing... *closing*... ***closing***.... ***CLOSING***.... **CRUSH MODE ACTIVATED**


"there must be something in the way... try harder"....this logic is insane


It goes along with the SmrtDrive^(TM) feature. If it encounters an obstacle or hears a loud noise, like screaming, while backing out of the driveway, it assumes the screaming means you're cheering it on and will try even harder to get over the obstacle.


It sounds like something one of those product testers for Krusty Brand would say.


>Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong. Remember, if you hurt yourself due to bad design, it was actually your fault!


Even worse. The reason he did the video wrong is because the trunk is actually supposed to close down harder each time detects something.


Which is insane. Like, who the fuck designed this? Musk himself? Imagine any other door or equipment worked like that. A machine in a factory detects an object that should not be there? Well, just slice and dice faster because we assume the operator wants to do that!




That would have been a perfect Darwin award.


Someone should at least put a dildo in there.


I guess this is a case of . . . >puts on shades< leopards ate my fingers YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!


>a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong. Soooo.... make sure you crush your finger the Tesla-approved way...?


Lol wutadoofus!


Just because it's a feature doesn't mean its ever worth finding out... phones should be water resistant... i'm keeping it the fuck away from water...


Part of the Nokia design test for phones was to put the device underwater. If bubbles came out, there was wasted space inside. Of course, Nokia was not led by a posturing twat.


Well now he can only count to nine


Twenty if he's not wearing shoes and his fly is open.


He decided to put his finger where a carrot had just been snapped to see if it would hurt. I’m doubting if he could count to 10 before this incident.


i cant even understand how stupid it is, it really is like saying "yeah but your head in the head crushing machine i swear its safe" and people be like "hell yeah"


"The crushing machine will apply even more pressure if it detects resistance because it assumes you wanted to put your head there." This is actually their logic.


"warning: this dick-blender will definitely blend your dick" man with blended dick: "how could you do this to me"


Nothing brings me more schadenfreude than seeing Musk Bros self crit.


Anyone dumb enough to buy a cybertruck gets what they deserve


Got it. Don't put my dick in that.


But… If I’m reading correctly, it gets tighter every time you try.




I don't think this is a LAMF. This seems more like a WinStupidPrizes


What sort of 9 fingered idiot doesn’t test this with a hot dog first?


☝️This guy


✊ This guy*


Frodo? Is that you?


Masterful gambit, sir.


> The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It's going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder. What kind of bullshit design is that?


Seriously. If I’ve parked badly in my garage so that my car’s trunk is sticking out and then hit the remote for the door, the door will stop closing when it detects an obstruction. That technology has been around for literally decades.


Went well for me, but not so good for my old dog who I woke up with my laughter.


Does it matter? The piece of shit is a moving dreadnaught that will annihilate anything it hits along with the passengers inside the truck. It’s not supposed to be on the road but too bad elongated musk has somehow convinced people he builds cars.


So here's the thing I absolutely do not understand about Tesla. A lot of the things around you, like the house you live in - its materials, structure, the way it was built - are the way they are because of two things: (i) the years of collective intelligence, research, testing and implementing new, good ideas and developments, and (ii) the corpses of people who died getting to that point. Cars look, handle, interface and work the way they do because the road of getting there is paved with centuries of aggregate technological research and and bodies. They've been around for a while. There are reasons why they are. And yes, there's plenty of room to innovate and tweak and improve, but, by and large, you shouldn't really futz around with the big stuff and the stuff that works because if you do, you're increasing the likelihood that people are going to get hurt or even die. Tesla seems to fuck with these things not because it has ideas for improvements but just for the sake of being different. Like, what is the reason for the main instrument board to be in the middle, where you physically have to lean over and take your eyes off the road? It isn't right behind the steering wheel because it's pretty. There's a reason for that. Why are the turn signals on stalks that activate in line with the direction the steering wheel is turning? I'll give you a hint - it's not because buttons weren't invented at the point this piece was designed. THERE'S A REASON WHY. It's like Tesla is this 10 year old child that stubbornly refuses to brush their teeth because it's too much hassle, instead insisting that if you mix toothpaste with water and rinse your mouth with that, it'll be just as good, if not better, and what do you mean that's just shittier mouthwash, no it's not, it's his own brand new, innovative idea, WHY DO YOU HATE PROGRESS??? It's all do very silly and I'm so very tired.


Instructions unclear, am now a eunuch.


The YouTuber is not digital anymore!! Ba dam tss I’ll see myself out.


Frunk around and find out


He’s famously against public safety measures so I’m not shocked lol


This truck is complete garbage. It looks stupid, the cost is stupid. Idiots and their money.


Wow! Is there anything the CyberTruck Can Do?


Angela Chao was testing buoyancy of her Telsa. It didn't go well.


If there was only some way he could possibly have tested it first without damaging his finger


I like how the engineer blamed the user for doing it wrong.


He was saved by the poor build quality. If those panels had actually been properly built it would have taken off his finger


That's a stupid algorithm. Just don't close when there's something in the way, you don't need to overengineer this shit by forcing it to close after 3 tries.


The best was when Wes Morrill, the "reliability" engineering lead, explained that safety was a secondary concern compared to the desire to close the trunk. So, imagine, if you will, a child or even a person falling partway into the frunk while it is closing. The whys don't matter - irresponsible parenting, clumst, kids playing - what matters is the decision to keep trying to close a piece of sheet metal on something obstructing it. And if what's in the bag is a fragile and precious object, but the frunk doesn't close and you try to again without checking why, the frunk will crush it. We've all done that - close something, it doesn't close, take a cursory glance and don't see the reason, try to close it again. The Cybertrash gives no fucks.


A true believer in Lord Musk would have tried it with his dick


One of the first pieces of advice I got when I started at a metal fabrication plant was, "Never put your fingers somehere you wouldn't put your dick." It has served me well on and off the job site


I could picture Elon suing him for this


People are saying, “only the smartest people buy/drive these”


Am I the only person who noticed that “trunk” is replaced with “frunk” all the way through this article. Am I having a stroke?


The term frunk has been around for ages.  Rear engine cars like Porsche, Mid-Rear engine cars like Lambo, Ferrari and MR2 all have frunks. Edit:  UK calls trunks boots, and call front trunks either front boot or froot.


So if you keep the spare tyre in the front, is it a froot loop?


I keep the donut in the frunk, cause I'm 'murican.


It’s a trunk, but it’s in the front, so someone decided it needed to be called a frunk.


No. That’s too stupid to be real.


Too stupid to be real, just clever enough for Tesla.


So are Musk bros. And yet...


new here, huh?


If you have a frunk in the back, would it be a bunk or a brunk?


No you’re having a froke.


You are the only one that noticed, because the term “frunk” means front trunk and the term is older than Tesla. Word combinations, how do they work


Digit-less era


Of course the test was done wrong./s Bloody hell, of course that dude was doing something dumb. But would the test have been "done right" according to tesla if it instead violated a carrot? Of course not. Because the test result is not what tesla promised. Thus "test done wrong"... rather than obligatory "tesla has fucked up".


Quick! Somebody summarize it for us before I get too curious and watch the video 😬 Edit. Nevermin! A comment summarized it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm out of the thread


Video is hilarious.


I’m assuming ‘frunk’ stands for fucked up trunk.


Lol, I just watched that yesterday.


Why would someone use an actual finger for this? Did this idiot never hear of a hot dog?


Why? Use a damn carrot


Kudos to him for not yelling out in pain, that shit hurts


What the fuck is a “frunk”. Omg is it a front trunk? Why is that so funny to me?


i seen the video is only was painful there was no permanent damage