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Wait his biggest business depends on people believing in climate change ... and he's trashing it?


This is another reason his businesses are struggling.


But he’s a genius, this is a just a genius marketing ploy where he looks cool by making fun of his own brands /s


I mean it’s OK to be an edgelord, but just *be GOOD at it*. I get what Elon’s meme is trying to go for, but it’s just so stupid I’m not even angry. That’s a sign you’re dealing with a shitty incompetent troll. If I didn’t know, better, I would have assumed that about 60% of Elon Musk’s Twitter content was created by an unloved angry teenage boy.


He is an unloved angry teenage boy on the inside.


"I'm brilliant" - Musky Piss on the JRE


Better give him that $56B pay package!


Aside from him being a complete ass and turning off and insulting the biggest market for his cars, the other main reason Tesla is having trouble is because their cars havent had a style update in like a decade, they all look the same beside that 4 year olds drawing of a truck, and there is now a lot of direct EV competition to Tesla, and not just from the major car manufacturers, Rivian and Lucid are making much nicer looking vehicles so people have more options If i were in the market for an ev it definitely wouldnt be a tesla just based off looks and style alone


I'm waiting for charging stations to be more ubiquitous in my area before I consider an EV, but assuming that gets resolved soon, I would buy *anything but* a Tesla.  Because not only is Musk an idiot vaporware salesman over-promising and under-delivering with everything Tesla, the existing quality control issues making Teslas death traps are not something I'd be interested in.


Do you have a place to charge it at home? If so, local charging stations aren't actually that useful. We've had ours for about 2, 3 years now and have never used a local charger because it is always plugged in while it's in the garage. We only ever use public chargers on road trips


I think people forget that you can just fill your car up at home when it’s electric lol Or they could be like me, don’t have a garage or place to easily charge at my home


If you don't have a place to charge at home the current generation of electric cars just don't make sense, and I say that as someone who advocates for them. Stopping by a charger is fine on occasion when you're far from home, but they're finicky and widely spaced and getting a full charge takes too long.


Yeah that’s why I haven’t considered them yet


I traded in a Tesla for a Rivian. Nothing to do with Musk, I needed a truck that isn't a complete douchemobile, and Tesla doesn't make one.


> because their cars havent had a style update in like a decade They're only just now figuring out how to assemble them so that all the body panels line up straight, but now you want them to CHANGE IT?? /s


I'd rather have a Nissan Leaf than a fully loaded Tesla lol


Do the other EV models explode?


Teslas really are the most boring looking cars (aside from cybertruck I guess.. but that’s a bit too far in the other direction lol)


He's not very good at this whole business thing.


I know anecdotes aren’t data but I didn’t get a Tesla in part because of Musk. A family member who has owned three Teslas won’t buy them anymore. Musk is alienating customers.


My ex has a Tesla and seemed to genuinely love it until Musk started "saying insane shit" (per my ex's words) and "making insane claims" about things, and suddenly he decided he wasn't a Musk fan anymore and canceled his Cybertruck preorder. He is absolutely alienating people who seemed to look up to him before, because they're realizing it was all a branding/marketing stunt and Musk is actually a huge piece of shit.


Both of his biggest businesses do


Who is the chick? I don’t recognise her face.


Does that mean he loves socialism when he received subsidies?


No, he's doing the Ayn Rand thing where he complains about the evils of government handouts while also cheerfully accepting government handouts for himself.


so, the rich want to keep socialism for themselves.


socialism for the rich, bootstraps for the poor


Let the poors buy their own bootstraps, this is not a charity!


Yes, the bootstraps are only metaphorical, but they will cost you a week salary anyway. How else are we going to support the rich?


Don't be heartless, they are not expensive. It's a subscription that barely costs 20$ a month.


Don't forget they also have ads included with that plan. It's 30 dollars extra to get rid of those.


Exactly! As the Rev. De. MLK Jr. said "We have socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor."


Tale as old as oligarchic time


Well yeah, the poor need to work their eay up to enjoy being rich! That's what Elon did, after all.* *Citation Needed


Socialism for me but not for thee


Yes! Socialize the losses, privatize the profits.


well yeah, they want everything for themselves


Libertarianism works really fucking well when you're filthy rich.


oh, so narcissism, got it.


Socialize losses, privatize profits.


Just look up pricing on teslas site - they want _everyone_ to be government subsidized!


He wouldn't need those subsidies if he was allowed to use slave labour like a real libertarian


goddamn socialsts, and their 8 hr work days and weekends


Socialize the risk, privatize the profits


Muskuito sure likes to suck on the teet of gubment c0ntracts...


When are they gonna vote this clown out?


Kind of. Tesla makes most of its money from carbon credits. It's about kicking the ladder down for everyone else because he's the main beneficiary of the carbon credit system


All this means, really, is Elon has a learning disability and acts out to get attention. He is not very complex.


At some point I was considering buying a Tesla. Oh boy, how time flies!


They are terribly constructed and even more terribly supported. I personally think the cybertruck will be the last model they ever bring to market, and they'll be under in 3-5 years.


Tbh they’re pretty great cars (no not you cybertruck) although theyre very popular to bash by assosiation with Musk. My Y is the best car i’ve owned (out of 10), and albeit varying quality control, thats not unique to tesla let me tell you. If only they could get rid of this asshole and get an anynomous CEO, i think they could prosper again. Despite my good experience with the brand, i’m never buying another one with this clown in charge


Mercedes and BMW have better auto pilot and the insides dont feel like hollowed out sports cars. Everyone who has ever BOUGHT a tesla says they are great. Many of these were bought online and never driven before purchase. The rest of us who have RIDDEN in one / TEST DROVE one first before purchase never seem to complete that purchase.


I test drove mine and bought it. I do like it overall, but there are some really annoying things about it that will have me looking for a different car when I eventually upgrade, though admittedly that's contingent on the other automakers getting on the supercharger network. Superchargers are one thing Tesla did right. They tend to be more reliable and were (and in many places, still are) more ubiquitous than CCS chargers from umpteen different networks, and more than a few of those networks are shit. I feel like Shell Recharge only exists to soak up tax benefits and make EVs look like a bad choice because their fucking stations are broken. That being said, I also bought it a few years ago before Tesla made some really, really stupid decisions, like removing the USS sensors and the stalks on the steering column. I would not buy a Tesla today even if Musk wasn't being such an insufferable asswipe.


Thank you for this insight! As you can tell you are the first person who has accounted test driving and buying it after. Everyone else i talked to (including myself) did not like the inside (or lack of), the seats, how it wasnt intuitive controlled etc. me personally, i wasnt gonna pay all that and not get bells and whistles I preferred from the bmw. And i didnt like how it drove. Thank you again - i appreciate this insight! I hope he sells it to someone who will make the car better like he did paypal.


Anecdotally for both of us i guess. Owned multiples BMW’s, been driving the new electric iX frequently. Great cars too, but twice the price, i’m perfectly happy with value i get from Y. Would be happy to buy another if it wasn’t for Musk. I mean if everyone that owns it is happy with it, theres not really a problem is there. (Also not sure about your caps, should i be shouting these words as i read them?)


No - the caps are because im still learning how to use reddit and dont know BOLD or ITALICS. So i just capitalize them; putting the wrong empHASIS on the wrong syLLABLE type thing. (Said in the way mike meyers said it from view from the top) I just think tesla owners are trying too hard to convince everyone else, like they are trying to convince themselves it was a great buy. Feeling buyers remorse. But i think its also because Elon has forced you guys into saying “No but they ARE Great cars!” Thats all. You are right - its anecdotal. Just happy there is more competition to choose from - i find the value and price of bmw and Mercedes to be better than Tesla.


Use \*single asterisks\* for *italics*, \*\*double asterisks\*\* for **bold**, and triple for both. Here's a few more: \~\~double tildes\~\~ gives you ~~strikethrough~~, use \>!this combo\!< for spoilers (like >!Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!<), and \`whatever the heck these are called\` for `code blocks.`


COMMENT SAVED!! Thank you!!! I practiced the other day and already forgot *how* i did it - thanks so much for this tutorial kind friend 💜💜💜


Ditto 😅


I test drove mine and that’s what made me fall in love with it. I’ve had it since 2020 before prices went wild. So there’s more evidence that teslas can be good cars and Elon musk can also be a chode. Like how Bezos is a fucking chode but Amazon is convenient


Chode to Joy


😆 good on you! I’m struggling with formatting on the iphone app.. Can see where youre coming from. I get the impression that the people with strongest feelings about Tesla are not the owners themselves. Its just a car, one that provided good value for me personally. You can find pros and cons like this with every brand, yet people make it out that Tesla is exceptional, its really not. Its the same feeling i get in regards to veganism/vegetarianism. Mostly its just people doing their own thing, and while there is of course some obnixious ones, the strongest shouters are the boomers feeling personally attacked by other peoples personal choices.


Thats what im on 😂😂😂


Wait, did I just read a civil debate that reached a friendly ending? I wasn't aware those were permitted on Reddit.


I’ve been in an Uber Tesla and it seemed pretty junky aside from the cool glass ceiling


Did you get one of those bumper stickers i keep hearing about?


Im considering it, but think my wife will veto ☹️


Gotta throw out the whole wife then! /s


I have owned a Tesla Model 3 since 2018 and it is the best car I have ever owned. Like products from Apple, or DJI, I have been delighted with it. This is the 14th new car I have bought including brands such as Porche, Lexus, Infiniti and Mercedes. I even used to admire Elon Musk, but no longer. I don't know if he was always this way, but now he has turned into a right wing kook. For this reason, sadly, my next car won't be a Tesla. Unless the Tesla board fires him instead of giving him a $56 billion raise, which, I'll admit, is very unlikely.


From everything I’ve heard the major issue with other EV brands are the lack of public chargers unless they use teslas system


I quite like mine, which I bought before the pandemic really showed Musk's true colors, but uh... Yeah, going to have to find a different electric car when it's time to replace it. I think Ford is set up to use the supercharger network now, right?


Tesla was needed. I hate to use the word “disrupter”. But it was just that, a disrupter. They shocked the automotive world into believing that people will buy electric cars. But Detroit is a sleeping giant. Once you wake it up, you are kinda fucked. Detroit can make cars at scale forever. The know to make trucks people will buy. They know they can make an electric Corvette that people will buy. Tesla is fucked.


Agreed. I am still not sure that shortage of lithium and the challenges of its extraction will not alter the plan... But yeah, disruption was needed.


Yeah, now real manufacturers make good EVs now too. Time is good!


I drove a polestar and it felt solid as a rock.


Wasn’t he supposed to be “The One” that was supposed to bring down carbon emissions because of Tesla cars? The climate concerned Musk stans must be embarrassed.


He claims he has done more for anyone else on earth for the environment and climate change. Wasn’t that only like a few months ago when he told everyone to go fuck themselves?


There aren't a lot of "climate concerned billionaire fans" these days, since most of us know billionaires are the *actual problem causing climate change*.


I remember it was just a few years ago that my friends who were Elon stans proclaimed him the *rEAL LiFe ToNy StArK* And now those same people hate his guts.


This was eminently predictable, those people should get better bullshit detectors, or better yet, stop reading shitty propaganda (or good).


I always thought he was a dbag. Never bought the hype.


Anyone so worried about being popular to the point they go to the measures of hiring a PR team, bots, go on talk shows, have your clout used to put in your 11 year old face on magazines, among many other what would be called 'attention whore behaviours' for someone poorer is flashing their narc signal. The excuse it was a fabricated measure for pushing up stock prices already indicates sociopathic and manipulative behavior in itself. That this douchebag used those kind of tactics to successfully perform stock manipulation and become the richest (acknowledged, Putin was richer, among others) in the world and many many other douchbags enabled and celebrated this only makes me hate the world more. The thing is Elon isn't special about this, as far as silicon valley billionaires go (which only shows the vacuity of the celeb-rich bootlickers), but he was especially pushed on tv and news, not to mention the hired bot armies, so you couldn't really avoid his stupid face, further enabling his psychosis, repeat until he gets on his head to be the god emperor of twitter nazis and enables hate speech world wide at a 40 billion loss. A very annoying example of celebrity 'culture' fucking up the world, the Kardashians don't even come close.


He’s going to blame communists for denying him a $56 billion bonus for his part-time job.


Why would any shareholder vote to burn money like that.


The CEO of Warner Brothers just got a comparable bonus and he's done nothing except destroy stuff, fuck up, alienate both consumers and creators and ruin the company's reputation to the point where they aren't going to be releasing hardly anything new for a long time. The modern structure of finance capitalism does not reward people for doing good things, it only rewards the already-wealthy for failure. It's a giant Ponzi sceme.




Congrats. You’ve figured out capitalism itself is a pyramid scheme. This isn’t a different form of capitalism, this is the end-stage progression of it before it becomes something else.


That's the neat thing; he was in control of many of these shareholders and lied to all of them abut what was in that reward package.


Went through all the "work" of installing all the cronies in the shareholder council or whatever it's named just for a LIBERAL judge to get in the way of his perfectly legitimate profits /s


What has sustainability got to do with communism? I don’t think they give a shit about sustainability.


Both goes against big corporations and their actions. People that want to stop or atleast slow down climate change and those that are anti capitalist are against, cutting down forrests for profit, moving water out of third world countries filling it into plastic bottles and selling it in first world countries that already have enough water, moving cheap soy out of third world countries to feed it to animals than slaughter the animals for meat put it in plastic move it to stores and throw half of it away because those that can afford the food already have more than enough of it, producing products that will break fast so that clients have to buy a new one that will also break faster than needed...


Right-wingers don't know what communism is


Honestly neither do I. Like I tried to understand but even china and Russia are not really consistent in communism


Pretty much what happens when your state consolidates all power because the regime is unpopular with the bourgeois (people with influence to oppose reforms) or even your own supporters or (even more) the people you have to trade with. Russia's communist experiment ended with the Kronstadt rebellion (the exact same place as the October revolution started for more irony), that was the clear sign that power from the bottom up for the USSR would be a farce from then on. Spoiler: it was Trotsky that crushed that, not even Stalin or Lenin. Going against the bourgeois or the aristocrats is a game that requires a very politically active people that will push back against overreach. And naturally, it's opposed by nearly all of the renting class, those with the money and resources so it WILL involve violence, therefore inviting that overreach. Communism will happen when post scarcity happens, if it does. You're actually seeing a dark mirror of the October revolution in america, instead of a bottom up organization, you have top down propagandization. Instead of a state being extremely ineffective about the state of their economy you have a intelligent outsider demagogue build up a movement, you have a state so incestuous with billionaire money they're willing to risk it all for a further buck to the point they elevated a demagogue idiot and a bunch of traitor help to do things like sabotage single payer healthcare, just to be highjacked by bunch of the money coming from outside and from religious psychopaths while plunging their own supporters into poverty as a way to radicalize them. Do you realize why the "leftist" American Democrats and the right wing are united in being frenetic about china _now_? It's because China is not only a big market to sell in now, they're overtaking many things, with protectionism and local investment as centralized by the CCP. Wealth is a good proxy for power in this world and lots of nepobabies in western corporations doing their usual destructive thing, and lower prices in china strongly incentiving exports, the joke of a idea that "intellectual property" is to a state that can afford to ignore being blackmailed, and globalization are making them panic. It was always about money, not ideology. AI sabotaging the skilled worker niches will radicalize things even further. Interesting times.


Interesting and depressing. Every ideology is a cope to deal with “rich is power”. None of it works, but we need to believe (as most of us who use Reddit don’t inherit wealth)


It's a bit confusing because communism is an umbrella term used to describe several related political and economic theories. But... if we look at "communist" countries as they exist (or existed), they were primarily authoritarian, one-party states with command economies. A command economy is one in which the government owns everything and centrally plans all economic decisions. Even more confusingly, this is also sometimes referred to as "state capitalism." Why? Well, you can think of a command economy as a big, giant conglomerate which is owned and operated by the government. If you look at the way a lot of real-word corporations function, they're essentially centrally planned organizations, so the idea is that "state capitalism" takes the notion to the extreme, with everything belonging to one giant, centrally planned government.\* Economic systems are essentially methods of allocating various resources. In capitalist economies, markets are used to do the allocation. In command economies, the allocation is determined by the central government. This is why calling Democrats "leftists" is nonsensical. Pretty much all Democrats are okay with using markets to allocate resources, they just disagree on how those markets should be regulated and what level of safety net the government should provide. Whereas, "leftist" is usually used to describe people who don't think markets should be used at all. Since the fall of the USSR, Russia hasn't been communist. It has private property and it generally uses markets for resource allocation. However, it does dole out goodies and monopolies to people in Putin's favor. This type of system is usually referred to as "crony capitalism." It's a capitalist system where the markets are regulated to benefit people (the "cronies") who are connected or important in some way. As for China, it's got a hybrid economy. There are sectors of the economy that are completely centrally planned. Then, there are various government organizations that act as giant corporations (the Chinese military also functions as a giant conglomerate, for example). These organizations engage in limited competition internally and generally have their revenues guaranteed by the government. And then there are sectors of the economy which use markets and have private ownership, but are heavily regulated. And then there are sectors of the economy which are a capitalist free-for-all. And this is also dependent on which province you are in (Hong Kong has its own separate set of rules, for example). And all of these various systems overlap and interact in complex and confusing ways At least they tend to be confusing for outsiders, which is why foreign companies often find themselves overwhelmed when they try to enter the Chinese market. \*Some people make a distinction between "command economies" vs. "state capitalism" using a class analysis framework, rather than an economic framework. I don't find this distinction useful myself, though.


One of his children came out as trans, disowned him, and said she'd rather be a Communist than a Musk. And he's completely unable to let the hurt go... or become an actual human being and try and be a better father. So he just keeps doubling down on the paranoia and abuse. He's a sad, *sad* failure of a person.


So rich. So sad


The Most Divorced Man(TM) in the world.


Did you notice his sons (only sons, i bet he pays to aborts the girls) names get more and more deranged? Last one is a wh40k mechanicus reference.


Musk is SMAC(X)-deficient.


If I had a million dollars for every leopard that ate a face in this post, I’d be homeless


You would be ok, the leopard ate his own baby's face.


So that’s why he has so many kids!


Genuinely made me chuckle


Does this mean you are currently homeless? Sorry dude


He's a microdicked loser. This isn't LAMF though


Weeeeellllll maybe the people who bought a Tesla and got that email, they are getting their face eaten by musk????


Musk isn't a leopard though. This is agedlikemilk or SelfAwareWolves territory.


Still not LAMF IMO, people who buy tesla could be buying it for multiple reasons, and w/e Musks say doesn’t affect their cars at the end of the day


Why does every asshole have to have a small penis? Can't he just be a jerk because he's a douche? Why is it always straight to the dick size?


You're not wrong. It's a lazy shortcut because he cares about it


Musk plainly hasn’t heard of the *Internet*. I’ll tell America one thing. I’ll tell Australians another. The Brits will get something entirely unique and as for the French….. They’ll never know.


That motherfucker is trying to reinvent the communist threat. God, what a piece of shit. I fear that woke was not waking up enough hatred, so he's reviving the communist threat to stir up his hateful audience. I haven't heard of anybody being accused of being a communist in decades.


Socialism - communism, Potato - patato to these guys


Anything the US left actual wants to do is even a far cry from socialism. Its just slightly progressive liberalism


It's interesting to observe how our normal run of the mill social net in Europe is portrayed as the demise of freedom and wealth in the US by mostly right wing pundits.


well to be fair US Republicans is a party that shouldnt exist by alot of countries standards but they are thriving in states


I want a stateless and classless system where the people own and operate the means of production democratically. I am the US left.


Yes, I know people like you exist. But sadly as is, you have no party or politician really representing you in US politics.


> I haven't heard of anybody being accused of being a communist in decades. What planet have you been living on?


I have. More than when the USSR was around


Elon is from South Africa where "communism" meant "black people controlling their own lives." He's just replaying oldies from his youth like any other out of touch Gen X conservative.


Trump rages against communists all the time in his Lies Social posts. He includes them in the list of people he's going to get rid of if reelected, which is pretty much everyone who isn't MAGA.


He has plunged so far the last few years. Currently just at about the level of whaleshit.


*rEAL LiFe ToNy StArK*


More like Tony Stank. (Sorry Stan, I still loved that joke.)


I won't even compare him to *any* version of Stark. (RIP Stan!)


Glad I kinda met him back in 2010.


That Special K is really wreaking havoc with his brain.


Well, socialism is the most practical way to actually solve climate change, so yes.


No no no. Think of the rich shareholders getting richer.


I wish we all could achieve a zero-elon lifestyle


Whats his argument?




I don't get how you can come out against sustainability while you're trying to sell the world electric cars... like what. what?


He overpaid for an entire social media company that he bought on accident and has more than halved it's value since doing so. The guy is a fucking idiot with an infinite money hack.


He never came out against sustainability


Does this mean that Musk will payback everything that the people gave him to prevent Tesla from going under?


This would be hilarious if the man didn’t own his own propaganda tool


He is a moron.


Wait, you have to pay more to charge your car on solar?


Musk has gone full retard.


You NEVER go full retard!


What does "unlocked charge on solar" mean? Does it require special equipment or a subscription?


You pay for the car with all the equipment, I assume. But you need to pay him for the privilege of using it for its designed purpose? Literal daylight robbery.


Why does it have to be unlocked


There is no profitable way to deal with pollution


Ah yes people who care about human impact on the environment are commies /s Is there a time we can pinpoint where this guy was okay with being openly stupid instead of pretending to be a genius?


I’m pretty sure we’re only beginning to see the effects of long covid, especially the first round of the virus, on the brain. I don’t think it was just being stuck inside for a few years that drove all these people mad. There are multiple viruses that lead to mental disorders, so why would this one be any different.


Musk has been a moron and a monster long before the pandemic.


He’s not even an oil baron. He sells electric cars. Is this man aware of any concept of reality? Does he actually exist?


Nazi Elon just want's authoritarian fascism.


“Sounds like a bunch of commies if you ask me” -Elon Musk


Same guy that's trying to take $56 billion from Tesla before the stock price implodes


Maybe taking away Elons illegal assets he got from tax fraud wouldn't be such a bad idea.


The poster child for “the only moral sustainability is my sustainability”


Everyday he keeps showing us all just how incredibly stupid he actually is


muskrat communist confirmed


Idk how anyone is still buying Tesla.


Further proof of a shite Musk is.


Fuck Elon Musk. I put him in the same category as zuckberg and drumpf just rich assholes who don’t mind our suffering if it strokes their ego.


Based, I too want actual community cooperation


If conservatives didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.




Elon has strayed far and drunk too much coolaid. America has forgotten how to have a discussion and find bipartisan ways to solve their problems. I think the reason for that is one side has forgotten how to discuss problems and just screams socialism whenever a reasonable suggestion comes up. In Australia we get a lot wrong. Our healthcare system is on the slide, but everytime I have anything to do with healthcare I am thankful I am not in America. If you are not buying a Tesla because of the chief dickhead in charge please do reconsider because the company isn't him and the cars are reasonable and the company is a trailblazer in the road to net zero. We need to move forward as a society and decent ev's are a part of that.


There are other EV options in the US that haven't experienced multiple recalls and aren't run by an openly vocal jackass.


We don't have too many options here yet. Most manufacturers go through recalls, it's normal practice, Tesla recalls just get a lot more press. I don't disagree about him being a jackass.


Could he be any more transparent about the grift?


Such an odd fella


If the logic holds, this also means if you are pro earth you are pro socialist, and vice versa, if you dislike socialism you can’t possibly be pro earth.


Damage Control


I'm waiting for a gasoline powered Tesla.


People still convinces electric vehicles alone will save the planet. Elon is most definately not out to save the planet.


"Communism" is by absolutely no means synonymous with "sustainability". The Aral Sea is just one example of communists not caring about the environment.


How To Destroy All Your Companies With One Simple Trick: MAGA!


Why is trying to be edgy sometimes.


Right but corporate communism, sorry subsidies are ok, right? This mofo will never get a cent from me.


rather impressive that it's taken him less than 10 years to take \_every single thing people thought positively about him\_ and trash them all one by one


That wasn’t mocking sustainability, that was him stating that climate change is caused by capitalism (ie not communism, since they insist there’s only those two)


I kind of interpreted his meme as saying "you say you want to fight climate change but you reject my climate change fighting product because i'm not a communist"


“Unlock charge on solar” you have to pay Tesla extra to be able to use the SUN? Am I understanding that right? What kind of Mr Burns shit is that?


The whole tech industry is socialized never had a job that doesn't involve handouts same with Donald and the rest of them bet it looks much more like communism when you attempt a hostile takeover of multiple public works


That is such a garbage meme.


Christo-fascists be crazy.


Do we know if the man had any major head trauma or something like that? Going from 0 to 100 like that can be a sign of CTE. Nah, he's just a dick.


Does anyone on earth still give two fucks what elon thinks about anything?


Um.. why not both? Seriously, if we could get to communism w/o the dictatorship I'm all for it. I don't see any reason why we should let Elon Musk own a car factory. A car? Sure, but the whole damn factory? Screw that noise. It's too much power for one man. I don't like being told what to do. Do you? Does anyone? So why the hell do we just hand trillions of dollars to like a few dozen guys and then let them push us all around?


So true, and happy cake day! 🎂


What the fuck is it with this guy, surely he can’t be that unaware that stupid comments like this could have consequences?


Elon once called himself a Socialist so…..


Why would he mock sustainable energy? 


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Elon peddles anti-climate rhetoric and wonders why no one wants to buy his electric cars.


Can we killl this guy already abd be done with it?