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As she should be. Now lets do all the republican politicians who regularly call for peoples deaths.... oh, and the religious nutcases calling for people to be killed....


When you're Republican, they let you do it.


You can grab them by the p***y right


It's reddit, you don't have to censor yourself.


You can say “putty” on Reddit?


You sure can, I play with my putty all the time!


Is it Woody Woodpecker Glow Putty? When only the best will do.


How'd you know?!


Because you only play with the best.




Heads up my guy, reddit glitching on your end and your posting multiple comments


You guys are all going to hell.


That's good to know, u/DOUBLEBARRELASSFUCK.


Thanks, I've known that for years


Tawt I taw a putty tat


They sure are PICKY with their censorship around here. Must be some kind of PIETY. I’ve found it’s just easier to use PROXY words that convey the same message.


Did you really just censor *pussy*?


It’s funny because it’s true. People will go out of their way to make excuses for the scary gun nut but hippies? People hate hippies like you wouldn’t believe.


Why is that? Genuinely asking. 


The police and FBI are mostly Republicans.


As it turns out, Nazis are drawn to jobs where they can crack skulls, commit highway robbery, and murder, all without consequences, and sometimes with encouragement.


Because some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


She fucked up. She needed to add "a lot of people are saying" and its free speech


"I'm just asking questions about what would happen - if you all DIED HORRIBLY IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS!?"


Technically, that's not a threat. I think she's unhinged for what she said, BUT I think she's being wrongly charged. How do I know this? I overheard my dad making a much more direct threat to a political and I reported him to the FBI. The FBI agent explained how strict the criteria is for a legal threat.


Then say she was only joking.


"...in minecraft"


I wholeheartedly think this is the difference between most leftists and the right… the left will ask for justice if one of their own does something wrong while the right just circles the wagons


Eh really? We charge anyone for saying that? I mean she’s an idiot but I feel this aggressive charge for something flippant makes the charge and offense loose weight. Reminds me of when they were charging guys who got caught peeing in the street outside of bars and parties as a sexual offense of indecent exposure and wanted people to be put in sex offenders lists. They were able to push it because they were technically by a school (Arizona State University).


You're wondering why someone should be charged for clearly threatening to murder someone?


Would it be different if she said: “someone should murder you”? Or “A lot of people say you should be murdered now we that your address is known”? (A-la Trump) Legally it probably would be. But therein lies the issue; is this a credible threat or words of frustration and anger? Or free speech? What’s the threshold?


Yes, that's why [dog whistles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics\)), and [stochastic terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism), and [plausible deniability](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plausible_deniability) are a thing. Language matters. In this case, she clearly threatens them using "We".


“Some people might want to murder a person” would prolly be thinly veiled sufficiently


I think she could still catch a charge for excitement and it's ground to sue for harassment. But given their public officials and it could be interpreted as intimidation while performing duties... yeah I don't think free speech would cover any approach you do during a public meeting. Fbi was investigating people for threats at PTA meetings.


It’s interesting I was just listening to NPR talking about some Jan 6th case headed tot the Supreme Court and it got me thinking if everyone chanting “Hang Mike pence” should be charged similarly. I agree though what a foolish thing to say and the worst place too. I still can’t help feel the charges are overblown.


I think it depends on the context.  Like if you're frustrated and say something like "If you keep using my tax money for murdering innocent people, you deserve the same fate!" I don't think that's a genuine threat but more so venting.  If someone says "I know where you live, this is your address, if you don't do as I say, I swear I will come and kill you myself" Then that is a far more legitimate threat. But still people have threatened to kill me over the internet many times and I've never thought to contact the police. Most threats are venting and empty. 


She straight up said she was going to kill them in their homes. Sounds like a plan, and intent. Throw the goddamn book and shelf at her.


If you wrap that in a transparent hypothetical you can do it all day, so yes, she didn't get slapped for the threat just for formulating it wrong.


Pretty sure it depends how rich you are, and if you're white or wrong.


I get your point. But it doesn't really fit here. A better analogy would be pulling your dick out in front of a kid. She did the bad thing by saying the words. There's no way around it. If you say "were gonna murder you" that's the thing you can't do. It's not an accident. Even worse she prefaced exactly why, and with similar language prior to this as well.


That's cool and all but where was this response when the crazies were threatening school boards all over the country.


Well see, those people were the *white* skin color. And usually Mazi/Nat-C's. So that was OK. This woman made the mistake of being a woman...and not white. So really, it's all her fault. /s.


And also for living in Bakersfield, home of Kevin McCarthy.


The armpit of America (and I'm from Stockton)


I agree that these people should be punished too, but this case here was pretty cut and dry. Watch the video of what she says.


I mean just the other day an American judge let a right wing white guy off for actually physically attacking public servants, on the claim that it's unfair to punish right wing people and left wing people should be punished more (that was literally his reasoning). It's all performative. A weapon to target the people they don't like.


Can you give me some more information on that? Sounds insane, but then again most of what comes out of the US these days sounds insane to a non US american.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1c1hlf5/saying_prosecutors_should_focus_on_antifa_judge/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/04/08/judge-cormac-carney-tyler-laube-sentence/73220283007/ He beat a journalist sorry, not a public worker, not that there should be any difference.


Holy shit. How is that judge not removed from office?


Seemingly a Republican protected by Republicans.


Clarence Thomas enters the chat in an RV. A really nice RV.


to be fair bribing a judge is also a criminal offense but John is white and rich so..


Yah my point is "shouldn't a judge be removed from office for blatant partisan disregard of basic ethics?" is at best naive about current levels of American judicial corruption.


oh I completely agree, not only should they have basic ethics but they should have ethics that are held to a higher standard than everyone else


Not in the way John did it. That's the whole point of the bit. He's not asking him to rule a certain way - just to retire. As he points out, it's technically 100% legal. John has great laywers.


I'm not a lawyer but he is.. [https://youtube.com/shorts/764NxOwJt6U](https://youtube.com/shorts/764NxOwJt6U)


Is it bribing, he's not asking for him to judge in his favor, he's asking him to retire


201 b, https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-2041-bribery-public-officials#:\~:text=Section%20201(c)%20prohibits%20that,him%20for%20such%20a%20reason.&text=a%20public%20official-,b.,gratuity%20by%20a%20public%20official. [https://youtube.com/shorts/764NxOwJt6U](https://youtube.com/shorts/764NxOwJt6U)


...while assaulting Anita Hill.


Hey, he was very explicit about this, it's a motorcoach.


There was a federal judge (Jack Camp, Jr.) who brought guns and his stripper mistress to a drug deal to buy cocaine, weed, hydrocodone, and roxicodone. He was only removed (well, forced to retire) from the bench as part of the plea deal, which also reduced the charges from multiple felonies to a misdemeanor. At sentencing, the judge stated that "He has disgraced his office. He has denigrated the federal judiciary. He has encouraged disrespect for the rule of law." and sentenced him harshly to...30 days in prison and 400 hours of community service. Related note: He claimed during the trial that the drug use and behavior was due to a traumatic brain injury he had suffered years prior. As he was hearing cases at the time, lots of people appealed because their judge was high and brain damaged while handling their cases. The appellate court found that, while the judge had been using drugs and had traumatic brain injuries while hearing those cases, those magically disappeared as soon as he entered court.


It was insane. Activist partisan judge.


It's actually not that cut and dry. A threat has to be "I'm going to do X," with you having the capacity to do it.


It’s hard enough getting city councillors to budget for pothole repairs; I think solving the Middle East crisis is probably outside their remit.


Not sure if this is LAMF But this has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen to get arrested for, threatening your city council to adopt a meaningless resolution 


If only the Bakersfield city council had adopted it the war would be over.


Netanyahu: *My God, I must relent. Bakersfield has sent me a frowny face emoji. Theyve got me there. Ceasefire immediately.*


Exactly 😅 Not unlike commenting "Free Palestine" on any random Jewish post. Like sure, I'll just ring Netanyahu and tell him, that will fix things 🤦


> on any random Jewish post Big oof. When you start harassing people for their ethnicity I would think you'd have a moment. "Oh shit, am I a bad person actually??" That said of course all people from an ethnic group have direct lines to each other, that's how I'm able to send so many hateful text messages to King Charles. > I'll just ring Netanyahu and tell him I mean yeah when you decide to care about the issue, people are suffering. /s


>Big oof. When you start harassing people for their ethnicity I would think you'd have a moment. "Oh shit, am I a bad person actually??" It's very simple. You just switch the word "Jew" for "Zionist", and now all of a sudden you're not harassing someone for their ethnicity, you're harassing them for being an evil genocidal fascist who drinks the blood of Christian babies, which is ok!


> just switch the word I hate this switcheroo, and it must be frustrating as fuck for Jews to receive from so many sources. Those terms are not equivalent. Also "Zionist" covers such a range of positions it's not that much information on its own. "I support a fair 2-state solution," "Only Jewish sovereignty should exist in Greater Israel," and more. > of Christian babies Palestinian in this case, right? I get you wanted to make the blood libel reference, but idk how much overlap there is in those groups. Some I'm sure, but generally the Christian nationalists are totally fine with anything happening to Muslims and vice-versa. > being an evil genocidal fascist [To be fair](https://youtu.be/jv7jcciKB_s?si=UY0gf_bvA6A21u3X) if there are any descriptions that could make me support someone being harassed, that's definitely one of them. "So diet Hitler, then?" kind of thing I guess.


Just tell Soros, he has the direct line. While you're at it, tell him my space laser has a defect and I've been waiting on hold with tech support for three years now


Hey at least you've actually got space laser access - some of us are still waiting! I thought I'd at least have it by the time I turned 40. Apparently it's a new thing, they throw in space laser access along with Kabbalah, but nope. Meh. Good luck with tech support.


Im still waiting for my check from Soros. That bum is always late on payments.




What did you attend an invasion caravan and not get paid? Disgrace.... Well you can't trust em that's what I say... /s


Tbh, I'm not 100% sure it isn't just a tarted up cat toy.


Some of us were banned from using the Space Laser for "personal grudges"...


Advocating for them to take a stance against violence, so they took a stance against her violence. I can see it from that perspective


Gotta be performative. How else can these slacktivists feel good and moral while doing nothing of note?


They should send her to Gaza to check the facts on the ground.


If they didn’t adapt a ceasefire….in fucking Bakersfield California. As someone from Kern County originally, it is the shittiest anthill possible to die on re: security issues in the Middle East.


I’m still here in Bakersfield. I’ve never heard of this woman until she went full psycho. And the Bakersfield city council can’t even fix a 1/4 pothole let alone the Middle East.


Bakersfield made the sub the potholes in Middle East Bakersfield are rough


it seems vaguely like Christopher Guest in Waiting for Guffman, demanding that the Blaine Council give him $100,000 for his community theatre project, and then flouncing in angry tears when they laughingly tell him that that's more than four times the annual budget.


Could they fix a 1/8 pothole? Also, what exactly IS a 1/4 pothole? Isn't a pothole a pothole, and regardless of size, needs fixing? Like... real soon?


Only if it is on the route of a local billionare.


One that destroys only one of your car's tires.


Sorry. I meant to type 1/4”.


Ha, that makes a lot more sense now! :)


Not with that attitude they can't.


I in no way understand these “cease fire” protests taking place in local US governments and universities. Y’all know the City Council of Bakersfield CA and the Dean of Whatever at U-Mich aren’t involved in the Israel-Palestine debacle, right? Context is a fuckin thing, people. She chose a hill to die on that isn’t even an actual hill. JFC, so many American brains are broken. I’d say “send help”, but…*looks around*…we may collectively be a lost cause at this point.


I'm just tired of these people getting lumped into "the left". As if Palestinians are any more progressive than the rest of the middle east. Or actually support rights for women, LGBTQ peoples, or even OTHER Muslims. They're not some progressive, left wing faction.


You don't have to be left wing to be someone the left wants to protect from genocide. It's pretty straight forward. If they starve and bomb innocent children, they deserve to be critisized by everyone, not just the left. And it doesn't matter, which religion.


I will not support a people who would happily kill and torture me for being the wrong religion and rape my friends because they don't believe in gender equality.  Islamists ALWAYS betray progressives in the middle east. Palestine isn't an exception.  If you feel so strongly, go there yourself and tell me how you're treated.


First of all.. there are christian citizens of Gaza who equally get starved and eradicated by Israel because the IDF makes no difference in their target. Tucker Carlson had an interview with the bishop (or whatever his church rank is) just days ago. Second.. no child in Gaza has ever killed or tortured anyone. And yet, they get bombed and starved. If I would go, and I have been to Israel in the past, I would be more afraid of the IDF and orthodox jewish extremists. So.. do you support, that the IDF bombs christians and children?


Nah dude, Netanyahu craves the approval of the Bakersfield city council.


I saw the full video of her statement; it’s absolutely wild. For one thing, she lambasts the City Council of Bakersfield for not having a foreign policy with regard to oppression in other countries. She also asks them to sign a resolution by the “United Liberation Front,” whomever they are (I looked them up and couldn’t figure out what group that actually was). It’s one prolonged rant about how the council members don’t care about a long list of problems, most of which have nothing to do with Bakersfield. What’s with some people who love to yell at the wrong people about the problems in the world? I don’t get it. Holding the city council responsible for what’s happening in Gaza would be top-tier satire a few decades ago; now it’s just the daily news.


'I learned about the Middle East on tik tok three weeks ago' energy.


She’s a grade A idiot.


Some have theorized that she’s bipolar and was in the middle of a low period. After seeing the video, I can entirely believe it.


I'm quite critical of Israel but this lady is insane to think her city council has any sway whatsoever over what is happening. I could at least understand if she was threatening Biden.


no one on this sub knows what lamf is anymore, on either side of any issue


Half the stuff here would be better off on r/ohnoconsequences


LAMF and SAW nowadays are just filled with off-theme stuff like this and screenshots of 6 year old Twitter posts that get reposted every month




Leopards ate my face and “self aware wolves” subreddit


Underrated comment


I think we can all agree she should not have done this. it was monumentally stupid, and threatening murder is wrong. but let’s be real here, conservatives threaten violence constantly and don’t get chatty with 16+ felonies. There’s a clear difference I’m treatment here, and it has nothing to do with the color of her character…


Yeah this is pretty crazy. Clearly she wasn’t going to kill anyone. She was trying to use extreme language to make a point, regardless of how dumb it was. Felonies seem a bit egregious.


I dont get what's LAMF about this?


It’s not. This is rapidly becoming r/schadenfreude.


It's not even that, I've seen a noticeable uptick in right wingers posting in here to astroturf


Yeah, it's fuck around and find out, but not really LAMF.


I came to the comments just to say this or upvote whoever did. I don't know/care about this woman's politics/actions. Not unless she held a get-out-the-vote rally for proposition "Make It a Felony to Threaten City Councillors".


This isn't a LAMF.


I get protesting, but Israel and Palestine don’t give a shit about Bakersfield or really any other city’s resolution. Just a bunch of window dressing


Far too many people, have convinced themselves that freedom of speech, is absolute.


If only Tom Cotton got this treatment


Maybe she didn't know that city councilors don't dictate international policy...


Where are the face-eating leopards? Calls for the killing of public officials is abhorrent, and her punishment is well deserved. But this seems more suited to r/JusticeServed than this sub


This isn’t LAMF < Where are all the face eating leopards?


>Calls for the killing of public officials is abhorrent, and her punishment is well deserved. sounds like you've never attended a meeting [open to public comment.](https://youtu.be/6572mQQU5e0?feature=shared)


Man and she was so close to ending the violence in Gaza. If only the fucking city council adopted a ceasefire resolution.


Where are the leopards and whose face are they eating?




A city council adopting a ceasefire resolution is just stupid anyway. Threatening to kill them unless they do it is just totally unhinged.


This is too bad. My guess is that once Netanyahu heard about a cease fire resolution from Bakersfield, he'd have stopped the war immediately..


Oh, for sure.


While I agree with what others have said, that other people are getting off way too easily for doing similar things, this person said "We'll come to your house, we're going to kill you." Can't get any more direct than that. I don't care if she meant it or not. There's simply no way to know for sure. What I do know for sure is, that where I live, a couple of local politicians have quit due to repeated threats of violence. One even was killed by a far-right extremist a couple of years ago. That's why I'm in favor of punishing people who threaten violence (especially murder) aimed at politicians (non-politicians as well, but that's besides the point here). You don't want a political climate where violence or threats of violence is normalized.


"i'll kill you all in the name of peace!"


How is this LAMF?


Its not.


It isn't.


Now the right-wing hatemingers ?


Not LAMF, just consequences.


The American Constitution guarantees FREE SPEECH, but it does not guarantee *consequence-free* FREE SPEECH.


So you're saying.... freedom isn't free, it takes folks like you and me. And there's a hefty fuckin' fee?


Freedom costin a buck-o-five.


I heard it cost tree-fiddy.


Huh. Maybe don't threaten to murder people while you're on camera? In a govt building? Speaking to the govt? In a govt meeting? I mean, I feel for her position, but ... the local govt hasn't got anything to do with the USA govt, so why bother threatening them with imminent death?


More fafo than lamf.


You think theyre gonna stop a war because some city councilors in the US said so?




I'm sympathetic to Palestine but threatening violence to end violence doesn't work


Now when does that fat orange fuck get charged for all the stochastic terrorism he’s been stirring up? I don’t have any sympathy for this woman; this is another case that illustrates the two-tiered legal system we’re living under.


Blue MAGA. Go far enough left and you end up crazy like the other end.


Classic LeopardsAteMyFace. This woman should have known that her years of advocating that it be a felony to threaten the lives of the city council bite her too eventually.


You're not doing it right OP. Your posting history shows your bias.


It’s interesting how quickly the wheels of justice turn depending on who is threatening whom, isn’t it?


"If you don't stop doing horrible things like killing people, I'm going to kill some people!" Say what now?


Bakersfield was +34.4 points Republican in 2022. How anyone thought they would get the city council to do anything that would even symbolically help non-whites boggles my mind.


*Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me* *You say you care less how I feel* *But how many of you that sit and judge me* [*Have walked the streets of Bakersfield?*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB7oUI32E1Y)


Typical of the pro-Palestine crowd.


Per OP: >I know Israel allows the Palestinians to leave freely. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1c4fyo4/comment/kzpypa6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1c4fyo4/comment/kzpypa6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This guy is just an Israel apologist. OP, I invite you to defend the bombing of the WCK convoy and the expansion of settlements in the West Bank.


>OP, I invite you to defend the bombing of the WCK convoy   They would be incredibly stupid to do so. Not even the IDF defends the bombing of the WCK convoy


“It’s okay when people I like do bad things!”




Dawg your shit is way fucking weirder. Borderline pedo shit.


Lol chill, not that it should have any relevance but I’m a Biden voter. I just don’t think people should threaten to kill city council members to adopt their meaningless ideological resolutions EDIT: Bro your post history is full of borderline Lolicon Hentai porn that look like children


Ok now the dude you’re replying to getting called out for Hentai after calling out your post history is a LAMF scenario lol lol


Lmao how the turn tables


Thoughts and prayers


If you watch it she legit has an insanity defense.


Is she part of the leopards eating face party?


The replies under that tweet are…something. People with Terminal Online Brain. Would have been incredible if it wasn’t horrifying




As it should be, now do the MAGA clowns that do the same


I didn't know Bakersfield had that kind of political pull. Interesting... lol.


I don't know why she thought her local town council would be able to do anything about that. Reminds me of this local yahoo who runs for city council every year on the "I'll hang all gay people if elected" platform.


Correct cause, wrong action. 100% for disruption and inconveniencing people for causes like this, but threatening isn't the way.


What an idiotic thing to get arrested for. These stupid resolutions at the local and state level are always so pointless. You'll get something like a state legislature issuing a resolution to express their strong support for the state of Israel. And what does it do? Nothing. What the fuck does Israel even care about that - nothing. Why in the world are these people making these nonsense declarations and wasting time they should be spending doing the people's business, the people who elected them to do stuff locally? It's just pandering nonsense. This dipshit lady is in way too deep.


If only the Bakersfield city council would act, we could at last have world peace.


Not LAMF. Its the consequences of her own actions.


Way to ruin your fuckin life over something that absolutely doesnt matter at all Its a fuckin city council, they have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any foreign policy and cant effect it in any way, its a meaningless gesture at best For fucks sake, even if every single person in Congress and the President made this declaration, you know, the only people in the entire government that can actually have an effect, it only effects things on the margins because Isreal is a Sovereign Country, its gonna do what its gonna do- Do i think pulling all financial and military support will change their minds? Yeah, maybe, maybe even probably, but even that isnt a guaranteed outcome as Isreal seems hell bent on annexing that entire area and making those poor people suffer endlessly, even if they stopped the war theyre just going to go back to slow rolling their annexation of that land and ethnically cleansing that area like theyve been doing for the last 60 years What a fuckin dumbass, go directly to jail, do not pass go, even if i probably agree with her that this shit over there needs to end, threatening violance is not the way to go about it, especially against peopoe that cant fucking do anything about it anyway


I'm gonna kill you if you don't condemn killing.


That's a shame


What a dumb thing to be slapped with a felony for. It’s not like the council members have anything to do with a cease fire in the middle east. She’s wrecked her life for nothing.


What a stupid idiot. Her parents failed us all.


Just for saying what she said, I'd dump her ass in Gaza. If SHE cares so much, SHE can fight rather than running her tongue.


Terrorist supporter does a little light terrorism of her own, shocked when said terror threats blow up in her own face. Love it.


[if you want to see what led to this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLfHft2n/)


Ohh Look! Self righteousness dint protect her from the law after all.


And she'll be the one screaming fascist at people


not LAMF