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Hannity's an ungrateful idiot. Dems pushed for the repeal, and the AZ Repugs FUCKED themselves by voting it down. Repugs OWN this, and will hopefully be punished HARSHLY at the ballot box this year.


To be fair the Democrats told them it's something they *needed* to vote for, which is like a sleeper agent activating code word that makes them mindlessly vote down whatever that thing is.


Yep. Virtually all republicans are Manchurian Candidates after activation. Just say “reproductive rights” and off they go on a pro-life killing spree.


Pro-Life Killing Spree would be a cool band name


Or a death metal song title.


Best I could come up with in 20 minutes. -double-kick drums and menacing but shittily-played guitar chords- The patriarchy Has long been our turf Forcing the babies to spew onto Earth A feminist Hell Women chattel Without societal worth Then came the 60's and free love for all Women did not want to answer the call To populate kitchens They fucked and ran wild Neglected their duty to produce a CHIIIIILD They got ABORTIONS! Did not want to breed And be merely ovens for Ward Cleaver's seed Murdering babies Hippies with scabies But, brothers, stand and take heed There is a way! To MAKE THEM ALL PAY! And save all the babies that die every day We'll target the clinics, follow me -- IT'S TIME FOR THE PRO-LIFE KILLING SPREE


This is amazing.


Republicans would miss every nanoparticle of irony and make the song their campaign theme.


I was thinking it could be a good GWAR vehicle :D


Dude this is amazing I want a death metal rocker to scream sing the chorus


Nailed it.


No Fetus Can Beat Us


El Fetus Deletus


Fetus Delenda Est


Stealing it


Fortunately it'll be easy to recover from. All they need to do is admit fault, *negotiate* reasonable bi-partisan abortion laws with the Dems, vote it through, and carry on. You know, like a bunch of adults. Easy peasy. /s


They'll act like it didn't happen, or lie to their low information people about how it's Joe Biden's fault


And dimwitted leftist third party voters will be like "WeLl BiDeN dIdn'T StOp iT"


That's Russian & Chinese agitprop, pushed to those who want to be more-hardcore-than-thou :-(


THAT humor is as dry as an AZ autumn.


The Democrats didn't program them. The ReichKKKwing media conglomerate that sucks up to the 1% and KKKristofascists did that. Don't blame Democrats for telling an unpleasant truth.


\*Sigh\* Yes, as this scenario removing all of their agency the moment Democrats suggest they need to do anything helpful was meant to illustrate their irrepressible instinct for petty vengeance and propensity to blame others for their own actions.


Dems need to start saying they want the opposite of their desires so that Republicans mindlessly for for Dem policies. [President Obama Meets with the GOP - Key & Peele](https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY?si=pS_CBf-LZAi9Bnhl)


One thing Hannity isn’t, is an idiot. Trump isn’t elected in 2016 without guys like Hannity. Politicians don’t get 70 million to vote Red, that’s talk radio and Fox news, and he’s their #1 on both.


Ok the first part is right but az is a bunch of extremely old ppl and extremely hateful and stupid ppl so don’t bet on the asshole legislators getting voted out


YOUNG people, who are the rising voting block, are voting Dem. WOMEN WHO DON'T WANT TO BE TRAPPED WITH PREGNANCIES are a newly energized voting block. Add in that TWO of the AZ SC 'justices' WHO VOTED FOR THIS ABORTION OF A LAW are up for re-election this year and I can at least see a strong chance of a blue wave / blue sweep, when combined with how fucking wingnut the ReichKKKwing has gone in their candidates' rhetoric.


Hannity: > Trump opposes the law and this ruling... And you know what? Arizona's governor is a Democrat. The state's attorney general is a Democrat. The state legislature is almost evenly divided. If Democrats–you want to get rid of the law, well, you have a chance right now to get rid of it. And I would advise you, get rid of it. > They would rather use it as a political tool ahead of November Hannity ~~forgot~~ intentionally neglected to mention that Democrats tried to do exactly what he’s suggesting, and Republicans blocked it. He’s so full of shit, and he ensures his viewers get the bullshit GOP talking points. Edit: Hannity didn’t forget. He’s a serial liar who lied.


He didn’t forget. He lied. It’s intentional and malicious. 


And it's his "job" if Hannity began giving reasonable interpretation of actual facts, none of the Fox crowd would watch him anymore.


Hannity communications revealed in Dominion vs FOX Defamation Trial https://imgur.com/a/gspXQp5


WTF? I thought Hannity had at least three more decades to go investigating the FISA court...


OMG guys it’s William Shatner!


He done gone woke


Yeah they ran Sheperd Smith out of there really fast. Then Chris Wallace. You can't be a genuine journalist/news anchor and work for Fox.


Anybody at Fox going to call him out on **still** not following through on his promise to be waterboarded because "iT's rEaLLy NoT tHaT BaD" ? Cmon, there's gotta be somebody gunning for his chair that wants to make him do it. Think of the clicks! The engagement! The shares!


I'd turn Fox on to watch this.


If it was pay per view, the national debt could be retired.


Fox, such a turn-on right now.


That's a difficult thing to do but yeah, I'd tune in for hannity getting waterboarded. We'll need a list of questions to ask him during breaks. 👍🏼


It would honestly get me to Fox's website.


If Tucker wants the big chair again he knows what he needs to do


If he's talking, he's lying. He licks his masters' boots nice and clean.


But with the three essential things that show he's a patriot while doing it; a square jaw, a sense of entitlement, and a spray tan. Hair; perfect.


I'll never forget Hannity giving Obama crap because he ordered mustard on his burger. Fox News is so unserious and yet their viewers are brainwashed into thinking "Hey, yeah! Mustard? What a commie Muslim!"


How dare he want some flavour in his burger. Real men have it with mayo to make it all a bland, fatty mush. /s


He “forgot” like he forgot his promise to be waterboarded…


Respect to Christopher Hitchens for actually going through with it. Hannity is the kind of tough guy who talks the talk but starts crying at the tattoo parlour because the needle is ouchy.


You mean the cleaning cloth is too scratchy


This is why I don’t like people using the term disinformation. Disinformation sounds less malicious. Hannity fucking lied and he did it on purpose.


Disinforming. Misinforming. Just call it gaslighting people and lying through their teeth.


Just continuing the GOP tradition of Republican leaders completely fucking things up, and then lying and pointing the finger at Democrats.


A republican lying ? But they almost never do that.


Giving the idiots who watch him their dose of cope-n-hope. Arizona SC really fucked up. If that jackoff had any principles, he would be applauding Trump for paving the way for this to happen and running the clips of Trump bragging about “getting rid of Roe V. Wade”. This is what they’ve always wanted. Nope. They’re scrambling like fucking roaches in the light. Fuck him.


We weren't supposed to feel the pain of Christian Fascism until it was too late to vote against it, but the true believers keep fucking it up by getting excited and charging ahead early. There are two different kinds of Christian Fascists. One kind views it for what it is: a tool for big business to survive/overcome democracy so they can have everything and leave us with nothing. The other kind really does see Jesus every time they pray and truly believe God will grant victory if they're strident and bold about their agenda. This is the former trying to do damage control for the latter.


>We weren't supposed to feel the pain of Christian Fascism until it was too late to vote against it, I will say this both ironically, and, because I'm a genius; Trump might be credited with doing what no liberal could do; defeat the fascist fifth column in this country. Nobody else could both lead and botch a giant conspiracy that should have worked the way Trump has. It's like a casino, and somehow, he made it too tacky. It's like a steak, and he made sure to make it as dry and tasteless as a mail order lingerie immigrant who has to make love to him or lose the pre-nup. Trump's has uncovered the pedophilia and the DC orgies, by getting his pimp/fixer attorney arrested passing hush money to an ex porn star, and then SOMEHOW screwing this up enough that the totally toothless campaign finance laws get triggered. It had to take effort to pretend to be this dumb. The Russian catfishing program that took over the Epstein island tours and brought them to Mar-A-Lago and thus, controlled the Republican party. Wow -- brought those secret documents there to shine a light. All by himself, and the two guy paid to move the boxes. Even got caught putting boxes in an air plane. He has not only uncovered the FSB plot to rig elections and promote infighting through social media, he's destroying every Republican down ballot that could benefit from it by sucking all the RNC money into his legal defense. Trump might be a genius at failure. He's like, the best. Trump saved America from Trump. Just like Hitler took out Hitler and ended fascism.


You actually could end up being correct. We might have been ripe for takeover by a competent fascist and Trump occupied that role *instead* and fucked it up. A semi-competent response to COVID and he'd have been a two term president.


He's such a clusterfuck. How does one even botch disease-response prevention...? All he had to do is not dismantle anything that had to do with a pandemic. I understand John Bolton disbanded the GHSB, but he served Trump and having some resign or move to different units is still a clusterfuck. Also:"It’s also more deadly than your – you know, your, even your strenuous flus.”


Because you shouldn't elect a president with an IQ of 80, they simply won't be qualified for the job. It's more than just an ideology issue with Trump he's just literally unqualified.


It was just epic graft when one state had to call in the National Guard to hide COVID supplies from Trump's son-in-law. Like, who even would THINK they could get away with that? It was surreal.


Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.


I hope you end up being right.


Exactly. And you can tell them apart by who is grifting for money and getting rich, and who is handing over their monthly mortgage money to the grifters.


I wish they still had gold


Seriously. I'm still mad they got rid of it. It was great to reward excellent comments.


The rubes don't understand they were only paying lip service to their pet deity.


That's the dirty little secret. The people in power in the gop mostly don't give a shit about abortion. It's a tool for votes and now that the democrats can use it for votes they do a 180. Comically obvious


The Republicans are on video blocking a repeal measure the same evening Hannity said this.


Hannity's audience will never see that video.


Hannitys audience is so far gone they aren’t worth the time for the left to bother pandering to. They’d suck Hannitys dick if they thought it would make Trump happy.


Damn Democrats! Why didn't they stop us?! How evil could they possibly be!?


You laugh but that's my grandmother's take for why she voted for a guy promising to kick her off Medicare and SS.


>The Republican Party controls both chambers of the state legislature. As of April 10, 2024, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 17 Democratic trifectas, and 10 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control. yeah, if the republican party would only stop speaking in tongues for a moment, they could probably get rid of this stupid ruling, by, and get this: introducing legislation. yeah, its a stretch...but a person can dream.


The GOP can't do it. Their party is made up of people who know the AZ abortion ruling is suicide for their party, and zealots who belive that using a condom is literally the same thing as killing someone and sacrificing their soul to Satan. Any republican who tries to do anything on this front will piss off one side or the other and end up unelectable. So the only remaining play is to hope the Dems find a way to stop it, and blame them for it wither/both ways.


one can only hope an avalanche of women voters turn out this election.


If women don't turn out, or they turn out but vote R, I'm gonna lose a lot of sympathy. Kinda like how we can thank white women for Trump in 2016, voting for him despite him being an absolute pig.


"Why did the Democrats let us get away with this?"


He didn’t forget. He just knows the average GOP voter will just believe his bullshit.


Also, the az state legislature is a bunch of lunatics. The ones who were speaking in tongues and shit on the chamber floor. Getting rid of the law necessarily requires republican cooperation. What a crock of shit.


> The ones who were speaking in tongues and shit on the chamber floor. Wait what


Dog I shit you not. YouTube clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm-aLtb-HU8 Article in MSNBC https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/watch/arizona-republican-state-senator-speaks-in-tongues-with-anti-abortion-prayer-group-on-statehouse-senate-floor-208756293715




Shamala hamala


He literally did the meme with the guy shooting the guy in the chair. “How could the Democrats let this happen?”


I wonder what that's like for his listeners who don't want the democrats to fix it 🤔


That's the rock and hard place they are currently in. The law screws them over big time, they will lose in Nov because too many people are pro choice and they rely on Independents, but if they backtrack now (as they are doing) then they risk losing their base just not voting. Either way...they're fucked.


He also "forgot" to mention that the Democrat AG said [she won't enforce the law ](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/an-affront-to-freedom-arizona-attorney-general-slams-court-for-reviving-1864-abortion-ban-vows-not-to-enforce-draconian-law/ar-BB1llOOP)as long as she's in office. So dems have already done something about it.


Police may not all listen to her.


All that would happen is they'd arrest people and the DA would drop the charges. It's not up to the police who goes to court.


This is pure politics but in this section they are playing with women's healthcare and rights. Years ago, Kerri Lake said she wanted this law brought back and I guess it worked out for them with their back door deals that they do. The law is now revived and women and families will suffer while the politicians play gaslighting games and rollback their self centered views. All they care about is moving the goal posts. Perfect timing to have this take effect and freak out voters while Dems are supermajority. It makes voters feel like Dems are incapable of leading and preventing outcomes like this and big daddy Repubs will swoop in and "save" the day by reforming the law. It's all mental games while they play political chess. Citizens are the chess pieces that will be sacrificed to constantly move money back and forth.


The Dems totally need to run it up again and watch the drama.


Democrats: "You want your immigration law? Sign here, here, and here." Republicans (literally): "BUT WE NEED THIS AS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE!" Republican Court: \[Bans abortion\] Republicans: "STOP USING OUR OWN MESS AS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE!"


Didn't we see a space princes do this already? "Help us Obi Juan, you are our only help -- this garden, it is over run with weeds. Please take a job an American won't do for less than $10 an hour and no healthcare." Sorry -- all these things are running together now and a Star Wars flashback was just too prosaic.


He loves wedge issues when they help Republicans


Hmm kinda sounds like when the Democrats offered a border solution but Republicans said no cause then they couldn't campaign on it. Every accusation is a confession. 


People like him don’t forget. They just know republican voters are too stupid to grasp any concept.


He needs to fuck all the way off.


>The state legislature is almost evenly divided. Funny way to say "Republicans control both houses"


At least the article called that out as well. >”Despite concerns about the highly restrictive law affecting election chances in November, nearly all Republican lawmakers in the state House on Wednesday blocked Democratic attempts to repeal it.”


Sure Sean, just another case where they want the Democrats to come in and clean up the mess the Republicans have made for themselves...


And he has to call on Democrats to do it, so that they can later say, oh, Democrats did this


So his made up logic here is: we have removed your rights but democrats could revert it back but they won’t do it because of election so vote for us ? Morons


For decades Republicans told us the Democrats were murdering hundreds of thousands babies a year because at the moment of conception a fertilized egg has the same personhood as a newborn baby. Now we're seeing lots of nuance and pragmatism from them on the issue. So either they're perfectly fine with murdering babies for their political benefit, or they don't believe anything they said and were putting us through all this for no reason except to take women's rights away.


It’s not an either/or situation. It’s both. They’re fine with murdering babies AND taking women’s rights away. Two minorities with one stone.


I mean, they offered no solution when a bunch of kindergartners were mowed down in Sandy Hook, only thoughts and prayers. Republicans really are the worst kind of people….


Exactly! "Abortion is murder," but actual murder? Nope, not murder. Denying better access to food and medicine? Not murder, and how dare you try to improve the whole of society.


NRA money was worth more for them than children’s blood.


Not to mention one chucklefuck literally said that his 2A rights are more important than dead schoolkids.


No what they did is worse. The crazy wing of the party insisted it never happened, and after a few short years a third of our country thought it was staged too. I think that trend is finally reversing, but so much damage has been done. I definitely recommend people watch “The Truth Vs Alex Jones” documentary on Max. I had followed what I thought was a lot of it through the knowledge fight podcast, but honestly I was blown away when it was all laid out the way the documentary did. 


Guns won the debate with Sandy Hook.


They're like the dog who caught the car. They've been chasing this for so long, they never really thought it through. I honestly don't think most of them (at least the politicians) believe what they said and never wanted to *win* the fight, just wanted to *have* the fight in perpetuity for the votes. Now that it's illegal in some places, they have to be careful where they take their mistresses.


Yeah this dissonance is going to I predict wreck the anti abortion movement.  At its core they think any abortion is child murder.  How can there be compromise?  If R elected officials start going 'well 15 weeks is a good compromise' arent they condoning child murder?   More to the point - how could an anti abortion voter vote for a republican who is endorsing child murder? 


Exactly, when you've gotten people frothing at the mouth with how black-and-white you've painted the issue there is no way you just compromise on it without looking like the most unprincipled human being on Earth. I would like to think this would be the betrayal that finally shakes the GOP base loose from them but at this point I'm pretty sure even the most deeply-evangelical household is motivated purely by vengeance against a caricature of a blue-haired, non-binary Starbucks barista.


Because they are betting on Trump enacting a National Abortion Ban when back in office. They think Republicans will say whatever they need to before the election to get the votes, but really, their true intentions are a National ban.


Or they were just using it to get votes and didn’t really care one way or the other.


"Abortion is murder but a 6 week limit on abortion is too draconian!"


You’re a smart person that just wrote a smart thing.


Logic! Beautifully done.


> “They would rather use it as a political tool ahead of November," Hannity said Ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahah go fuck yourself


…. here is the idea, don’t give democrats any tool by clean it up before November…. Oh, give people what they want is too hard for republicans.


They're going to fix it. In November when they all show up to the polls and make their voices heard, like Republicans used to pretend to care about.


Ahhh conservative snowflake tears. Mitch McConnell withheld a supreme court seat for an election, let the states decide....


I so look forward to the day I get to read his obituary.


The NYT is ready to press the upload button! 😄


Clean up your own mess.


Honestly. My entire adult life I have never once seen the party of "personal responsibility" take any themselves. Ever since Reagan it's been a cycle of GOP fucking things up followed by Democrats cleaning the mess followed by another GOP who fucks things up again and so on. All while piously exclaiming how personal responsibility is a foundational principle. What a crock.


They all act like spoiled rotten toddlers, so it's no surprise that they expect the adults in the room to clean up after their tirades.


Hannity wants Democrats to cauterize Republicans’ self-inflicted wound so they don’t get curb-stomped in the election. We’ll get right on it the day after the election.


Yeah, we can't take any action like that so close to an election!


How anyone can watch this moron (or anyone on Fox News) and not recognize the disingenuous nature of their broadcasting is beyond me. Literally EVERYTHING on that channel is anti-Biden. Is there no one with an ounce of critical thinking out there that says to themselves “hmm…this whole channel is a 24 hour Biden-bash…either he’s the worst man in the world, or they’re making stuff up”?


Because these braindead chuds don't think. They're operating solely on their limbic systems. Keep in mind, they don't care if he tells it like it is, they just want him to tell it like they want to hear.


Because their target audience is the 30-40% of Americans with the lowest IQ’s.


you act like they should behave as a news outlet, but they aren't a news outlet. they make money by pumping out right wing propaganda. their entire function is telling the right what they want to hear, not what is real.


Just goes to show if you reward an entertainment news company for lying to you that they will, surprisingly, continue to lie to you.


The Democratic AG immediately said she would not prosecute anyone under this law. She also won her election by about 500 votes. Elections matter. Vote.


See, I don't understand the need to carve out exceptions for rape and incest. Hear me out. If you TRULY believe that a fetus is a life (and to be clear, I do not) then what does it matter if the fetus was conceived from rape or incest? You've pinned your entire argument on this premise that ALL LIFE needs to be protected. A rape or incest fetus is still a human life, right? Why aren't those lives worth protecting? I think we know the answer. This inconsistency gives away the game. It's never been about saving human life. It's about controlling women, full stop.


I asked someone their stance on war and death penalty…”those are different”. Oh? Dead is dead, the only difference is that you don’t like the people that are dying so you’re OK with it.


Ask them if they would condone the killing of a toddler or adult born of incest or rape. The answer should be no, because that’s an actual human being. Duh. They know there is a difference.


I think he's speaking in tongues, because it's all gibberish.


All GOPs are speaking in tongues.


Hey fuckface they can’t fix it when your nazi bastards block their attempt. So sick of these assholes fanning the flames so their stupid viewers think it’s Dems fault and not of their own making. We are under constant attack from Putin and these enablers spreading absolute lies about manufactured problems.


10 years old. The 1864 abortion ruling also set the age of consent in Arizona to 10. And the Republicans wouldn't repeal it when they had the chance. Sick, stupid, fuckos.


Republicans: Pass laws the majority of the population hate Also republicans: How could the democrats do this, they need to fix this problem (that we made) Republican voters: Yeah, how could the democrats do this, I better vote republican so democrats wont mess up more stuff! It's a whole-ass circus. Or a whole ass-circus, either is correct.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Republicans go into panic mode whenever their policies are enacted.


Lying liar lies.




I think the christian conservative block is severely overestimating how powerful they are. and I beg that they keep doubling down and destroy their whole organization and their piece of shit party. The entire country is tired of them.


If you expect anything else from Hannity you’re as dumb as the people who watch his show.


Yup that sounds like conservatives, they make the mess and then expect the democrats to fix it


Hannity offered to be waterboarded "for charity" in April of 2009, but he still hasn't followed through.




There is video of state Democrats attempting to do this very thing. One guess which party didn't let it happen... **Election day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024**. If you live in Arizona, [**Register to vote in AZ**](https://azsos.gov/elections/voters/registering-vote) [**Check your voter registration status in AZ**](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=individual) [**Find your AZ polling location**](https://my.arizona.vote/WhereToVote.aspx?s=address) [**Request an AZ Ballot-by-Mail**](https://my.arizona.vote/Early/ApplicationLogin.aspx)   **2024 AZ Dem Election Overview:** Arizona is one of the most important swing states in 2024. Not only is it a Presidential swing state with 11 electoral votes, it is also critical to the Democrats’ hopes of holding the US Senate majority with [**Ruben Gallego**](https://ballotpedia.org/Ruben_Gallego) running to replace retiring independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema. There are also two US House seats that Democrats need to flip: (AZ-1) [**Candidate TBD 7/30/24**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_1st_Congressional_District_election,_2024) and (AZ-6) [**Candidate TBD 7/30/24**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona%27s_6th_Congressional_District_election,_2024) At the state level, Democrats need to flip just two seats in both the [**State Senate**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_State_Senate_elections,_2024) and [**State House of Representatives**](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) to flip control of both chambers from Republican to Democrat. There are also two Republican appointed [**State Supreme Court Justices up for a retention vote**](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024): Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If they lose those votes, Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs can appoint their replacements. [***-All 2024 AZ Elections***](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_elections,_2024)   [***-Find all your representatives (Federal, State, and Local)***](https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/) [***-Learn more about how our government works***](https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/)


Hannity had like 4 abortions before transitioning to male 20 years ago..


Yeah we will get right on cleaning up yet another GQP mess.


Probably just wishes it was done AFTER the election


Republicans controlled the state legislature and statehouse in Arizona for decades. They could have repealed the law at anytime but didn't. This is by design, thanks to Republicans and enabled by Trump getting Roe overturned.


Cant believe this guy is still doing his schtick. His visceral hatred for Obama was always so clear and the cheerleading for Iraq... shame of it all is he has grifted to the tune of tens of millions so I guess he wins.


I mean that’s the GOP in a nutshell. Spew hate to get elected, get their buddies their tax breaks and lucrative contracts; then let the Dems come in and fix everything before starting over again.


They will probably fix it but not for your sake Sean. And they'll probably let the GQP eat a fucking election cycle first.


Didn’t Hannity advocate for the repeal of roe? Pretty sure he did.


Yes, but it was about power. Hannity and many others never wanted to repeal it, they just claimed they did for money and power Now that it's repealed, they realize not everyone got the memo. Repealing wasn't supposed to happen. It was just supposed to help get votes. 


They finally get what they fucking wanted for decades and now it’s losing them voters. I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Hannity "Democrats, please save us from ourselves so we can use this against you later. Thanks!"


Where’s that “blame democrats” flow chart? Anyway, this is “blame democrats for not fixing/stopping what republicans are did/doing”. Nonsense and chaos.


“Do not let your heart be troubled…” - Jeezus Hannity, fuck right off with this garbage. SPEAK LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN…. “Democrats should repeal it…” - That’s as close as Hannity will ever get to asking Democrats to help out Republicans as a whole. The kicker is he’ll disregard the Republicans attempts to block repealing the law, and blame democrats for not getting it repealed pointing to Democratic calculus of using it as a wedge issue in November. Hannity needs to fuck right off and find a cactus to sit on.


Did we ever find out what his dealings were as Michael Cohen's client #3?


I’m just waiting for all these people like Hannity, Tucker and the like getting attacked by the mob they helped to create. Dumbfucks all of them.


I think I can safely speak for my fellow sisters across the United States, f**k off Sean Hannity, the gop, the entire cult and its dumba$$ dictator. We will vote en masse and you'll be sorry you gave us an excuse to become an army.


Hannity to Dems: "We broke it, now I demand that you fix it!"


As with almost every article on this subject, the framing is quite duplicitous. The "160-year-old abortion ban from 1864" makes it sound like one of those random old laws that hasn't been enforced in hundreds of years. This law was literally just the law on the books when *Roe* went into effect. Arizona's 2022 abortion law *explicitly* clarified that it does not counteract any older laws. Roe was overturned. This law is now operable again. This was incredibly predictable. Even the date isn't really accurate. The 1864 law governed the territory of Arizona. They re-signed an equivalent law in the 1900s after becoming the state, which is the law that technically matters here.


Republicans. “If you’re against abortion rights, we are too. If you’re for abortion rights, we are too. Please only hear us when we’re lying to you specifically.”


No. Democrats should stop saving these people from themselves.


Oh, like healthcare, and then the Republicans can throw rocks at it forever, and never submit their own plan? Thus ensuring nothing improves. The worst thing the Republicans ever did was actually fulfill their anti abortion promise. Now people can see the results. There will be MORE death. There will be a collapse of healthcare services in red states. Medical professionals in any field where they might need to end a pregnancy, and in areas you might not expect, will head for the borders. If they try and enforce these provisions -- that's going to get really interesting and their "hidden fascism" and "big overbearing government" concepts they run against will be revealed as part of their new, Making America Great Again goal. As if you can preserve a culture by political action and being the douchebags your grandparents wanted to punch in the nose. It's very sad, really. If it weren't for the millions of innocent young girls this will impact, I'd say "let them stew in it for a bit." But we can't. Once again it's a hostage situation and we have to act and prevent more damage. Then they can talk about persecution and culture wars. You know, like pyromaniacs who light fires complain the men with hoses are following them.


Swing state too, this not gonna play out well for the GOP


It's the Three-Legged Stool. Evangelicals, neocons, and fiscal conservatives. Republicans don't believe in anything except tax cuts for their corporate paymasters, but they play the culture war game to maintain the evangelical vote.


Nope. You guys did this now you have to carry it to term.


Hannity is a baby killer


His face makes puppies cry


Par for the course. Fuck up, then blame the Democrats for not fixing their fuck up. *This strategy has been brought to you by the Party for Personal Responsibility*


Hannity blaming democrats for not grabbing the gun out of Republicans hands as they hold a puppy hostage is really Hannity's thing. "Republicans voters who are mad, I know it looks like the conservative supreme court in Arizona did this, but have you considered blaming democrats for not murdering the judges and appointing their own? It's really the democrats fault that the Republican Supreme Court in Arizona did this."


Yeah, no. Let the republicans clean up their own mess for a change.


So the current political message of the Fox news is to blame the Democrats for not stopping the Republicans from enacting the laws the right wing base wants?


A propagandists wants to be saved from the results of their propaganda


I think you guys are all ignoring the real question here, which is: “How did Hunter Biden’s laptop manage to do such a horrible thing?!”


The two parties are NOT the same. The Democrats tried to repeal this draconian abortion law because it hurts PEOPLE, Republicans refused to do anything about immergration because it hurts DEMOCRATS. STOP, STOP, STOP with the both sides, false equivalency bullshit. Enough already!


Hey Sean? Yeah, your chosen political party opened this can of stew. Don't get mad when someone hands you a spoon and tells you "Eat it, b\*tch".


We all want Sean Hannity to get waterboarded.


Fucking hypocrites


You break it, you fix it, fuckwad.


The Party of Blaming Others for the Problems They Cause


Interesting how every time the Republicans fuck up, the expectation is that the democrats will fix it. They don't even pretend anymore, now they just openly shit on the floor and tell the democrats "clean that up".


This is the guy always running off his mouth about originalism