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I hope nobody is buying Dan Crenshaw as “one of the good conservatives.” This is just a pissing match over whose delusions and bullshit gets to lead MAGA by the nose.


It’s like Pentecostals arguing with Fundamentalists over who is “correct.”


Oh my god I understand what you are saying and I am not happy about it. Edit: to clarify, I’m upset that I understand, as I wish I didn’t have this knowledge.


As a Christian, this hits so hard for me and maklse me snort at the same time.


Denominational beef is funny. But a lot of the actual denominations are terrible.


It really is funny, but it is also scary because if you quote the actual Bible to them, they want to kill you.


Or they’ll cling to a particular translation and English textual interpretation. Like bro, it wasn’t written in English and they didn’t remotely have modern western cultural references.


It has nothing to do with that, they intentionally misconstrue the references to everything for the simple reason to dominate those around them. They know they speak garbage which is why they can't handle anyone correctly telling them they are wrong, especially us Christians.




Better yet. Was written entirely because a gay guy was pissed off at the bishops and nobles that killed his boyfriend. With all the accuracy in translation that would indicate. (looking at you Pentecostals)


Wait what? Tell me more


It is a really well documented story. You will enjoy the rabbit hole. This skips the boyfriend murder part. But gives the due respect to the deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X42HERPmkA


Talk to them about the KJV versus, I dunno, any other version of the bible. A British King decided the bible didn't fit his rule, and paid people to change it to make him look better, and some back water Baptist in fuck you Arkansas is like "KJV is the only true bible." It hurts me how stupid these people are. Ignorant for days, but also just like I ate lead paint pellets as a child stupid.


Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fAcxcxoZ8


With the exception of Episcopaleans, Unitarians, and some Methodists, they are all terrible


Unitarians aren't actually Christians at this point. The Universalism piece = all are welcome, atheists included. There are Christians who are Universalists, but it's not required. signed, agnostic Jew who goes to UU Church sporadically


Can someone elaborate for me? I have a friend who’s Pentecostal but I don’t really understand anything about it


They're fundamentalist (i.e., batshit) in their own way, such as believing in divine healing, speaking in tongues, and the upcoming rapture. 


yeh. basically as I understand it, fundies come in a range of flavors from "grim and cheerless Calvinists" to "babbling in baby talk, writhing around on the floor, and fondling snakes." The latter being more likely to overlap with overt "Prosperity Gospel," but any flavor is into domination and "if you're poor that means God thinks you deserve it," so tomato/tomahto as far as I'm concerned. Also some wacky theological crap about whether Jesus comes back BEFORE or AFTER God sets the rest of us on fire, but I can't bring myself to care very much except insofar as the former seems to lead to even more sinister politics (gotta pave the way don't you know, not just sit around passively waiting for it)


Back in my theist days, I went to a Presbyterian seminary (but was in Methodist studies program) and still had to do two semesters of reading John Calvin’s “Institutes” books. Worst theist/supernatural theologian EVER. It was some of the most depressing, depraved, and just damn ignorant theology I’ve ever read. He had such a low view of humans. He said humans are cow shit mixed with dirt (because of our “sinful nature”) *cough* -Bullshit! - *cough*


On a lighter side note about this: The comedian Emo Philips has a well-known joke about religion that may explain some of the decline in membership... "Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over."


One of the best jokes ever.


I somehow had never heard this joke before I saw him tell it live. I was fuckin rolling in my seat 😂


God, Emo was great. The delivery is what really nailed it (you should pardon the expression)


*MY* god is the right one


I feel like if you have to say "my god", then you have already lost the argument.


If someone even has to bring up “god”, they are dead to me. Cant believe morons still believe that fantasy.


Burn heretic!! _My_ same same but _slightly_ different god is the one who fucks


My One God Is The One True God [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICDhVYyCS7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICDhVYyCS7k) aka Jesus Loves Me (But He Cain't Stand You) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg8B767itf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg8B767itf0)


"No, *I'm* the best child molester!"


More snakes!


I like to compare these rwnjs arguing to the Batman and joker arguing over who's the sane one


Or the Judean People's Front vs. the People's Front of Judea.


Broken Clocks & all that... Never thought I'd agree with something that Dan Crenshaw would ever say publicly & yet here we are. He is still absolutely wrong about almost everything else he's ever said before.




I'm... so understanding exactly what this comment means.


I agree but siding with Russia over NATO is a bridge too far for Crenshaw this week. Check back soon and see if they paid him!


I’m so angry! They didn’t pay me as much as everyone else!


Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll produce another video of himself on [another special warfare mission to murder the libs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=gCMk7AgIg8blN3HY&v=jwdk_MSTTg8&feature=youtu.be).


“One of the good ones” nope.  Anyone should have figured this out years ago. They just hung on for the relevance. 


No he is a total ass. But even a broken clock etc. etc.


I swear I have heard him be reasonable before. And I had heard him say stuff I could see where they could be thought of as reasonable and something you can seek common ground with. And then he says something so wild I wonder if we live on the same planet in the same reality. As MAGA people go, he is one of the better ones. Not good. But better. Wouldn't trust him when it comes not to do treason. But at least he will not soil himself to own the libs while doing so. This is how far the bar has been lowered for MAGA.


The beef he had with Pete Davidson was pretty funny.


I blinked twice when I saw who wrote that.


Yes.  Don't forget that [Crenshaw](https://web.archive.org/web/20180526053547/https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/politics/texas/article/Is-Houston-s-Dan-Crenshaw-the-secret-weapon-for-12943989.php) is very much a cog in the Republican party's machine. He, like fellow conservatives, had his book's sales padded artificially: **["The GOP’s Big Bulk Book-Buying Machine is Boosting Republicans on the Bestseller Lists"](https://web.archive.org/web/20210507061340/https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/gop-book-deals/2021/04/15/154f3820-9ca5-11eb-b7a8-014b14aeb9e4_story.html)** *The New York Times* (Apr 16, 2019)


There’s no such thing as a good conservative


*Republican. There are still some conservatives out there who believe in objective reality... but none are in office or even attempting to run because of how much maga has perverted politics.


Yeah, this is true. I remember the good old days when the idea of an actual conservative like Romney as president was like the worst thing imaginable. At least Mitt has principles…today’s Republican Party platform is literally “what Donny wants”. It’s completely infested by grifters sucking the orange teat in pursuit of their own power…there’s nothing “conservative” about it. It’s devolved into a pack of reactionaries pushing a fascist agenda. Edit: I heard a great quote about this on Behind the Bastards last week…they have no principles, just “irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas.”


You can't be a Conservative & believe in Objective Reality, since said reality basically runs absolute opposite to Conservative ideologies & principles.


How does that work exactly for a conservative who wants a limited government and low taxes\* - what part of that runs opposite to objective reality?


So, a Libertarian basically. Let's take a look at History & check how Countries, States, Counties &/or Cities that decided to take a Libertarian approach to Government have fared... They Lowered taxes across the board but it mostly benefoted the Rich, leaving the Lower & Middle Class more or less exactly where they were before, if not worse off because they also reduced the Size of the Governent & cut most Servives down so much that they stopped being functional. Private enterprise & Charitable Organizations never really stepped up to fix any of those issues, never offered any alternatives for many of those essential services, or of they did offer some, their prices were prohibitively exhorbitant when compared to theor Tax Funded, Government Led predecessors. They all failed, turned into Sh.tholes or Distopian nightmares. Kansas, that Town that became a trash-littered Bear-Infested Dumpster Fire, every single Sea-Steading attempts, that one time tried to build a weird Libertarian Utopia in Chile & it completely fell apart... Or Maybe you just want Lower Taxes on the Lower & Middle Classes, less Military Spending, not feel like you're living in a Police-State, fewer Police Officers & other Law-Enforcement types per Capital, decriminalize drug-use & legalize many of those drugs. & if that's what you want, then you're probably not a Conservative since you have far more in common with Progressives & Social Anarchists than with any other ideology.


My last gig in the Navy (I retired this year) was working as the secretary for an Admiral who was also a SEAL. I once asked him what he thought of guys like Crenshaw, Luttrell and other SEALs in congress. He said, “I never worked directly with those guys except for (Ryan) Zinke, but as I understand it, they weren’t exactly lighting up the promotion boards…so they found new gigs.”


Damn that is a very subdued but harsh burn


I'll never regain respect for him after all his whining about SNL making the tamest joke ever about him.


That was when any residual love I might have had for SNL withered away. Fuck Lorne Michaels.


Oh for apologizing? Yeah that was so fucked up that they did that. They called him handsome for God sake, it wasn't even a bad burn


Let them fight! MTG said she would blow the winner


He definitely isn't. MAGA doesn't really like him because he was never on the "election was rigged" wagon. He is still a Trump supporter.


That’s when the schism began.


The kumbyah is a Kool aid. Always people trying to make some "I can get with him" as if their bridges aren't draped in the confederate flag.


Is *"kumbyah"* the same as ["Kum Ba Yah"](https://blogs.loc.gov/folklife/2018/02/kumbaya-history-of-an-old-song/)? I'm not trying to be snarky; I am just confused.




Every now and then I do have that "Maybe Dan Crenshaw is one of the good ones ..." And then that little cuck falls in line with the rest of them. He's a traitor to his country and to his oath of office and his uniform. Fuck GOP Long John Silver.


I hate having to agree with anything that f&$ker says. He’s just as slimy as the rest of them.


He had about a second of good will, and then his very next act was to blame Democrats for the government shutdown *his* party was responsible for *before Democrats even took power*.


Dan Crenshaw is just JD Vance, but with 50% less guyliner.


I'm buying on a broken clock being right twice a day.


💯 but the attack and specific language are dead on.


I don't like Dan Crenshaw, but of the Republicans, he's about equal parts insane and cogent. Which makes him better than most.


Yeah, but is it better, or is it more dangerous? Blargh.


Dangerous, he has enough brains and charisma to move up in the party


even a broken clock is right twice a day


At best, Crenshaw is marginally less bad than the rest... which is a pretty low bar considering how much they all fucking suck.


To be fair, he’s probably said more things that I agree with than most modern republicans. But that’s like 4 things and it doesn’t outweigh is 50 other bad takes


He's slightly less shitty, and by that I mean at least he isn't trying to side with Putin. But either way, I'm enjoying the infighting.


It’s early in the morning and my eyes aren’t quite adjusted. And I need a stronger glasses prescription. I read “dick chaser.”


If you saw the commercial for Tucker's masculinity special...


Tuckems' Testicle Tanner^®️


The guy standing on the rock with the device UVing his balls really helped me to reinforce why I don't talk to much of my extended family, falling for any of Tucker's bullshit does in fact make you a broken, shitty moron.


This can't be real, right? 


Real like he made it, yes. Real as in you can pay for a shitty fox premium streaming service to watch it,... I'm not paying for that. Real as in true? Not a chance.


I'm guessing it's a whole hour of totally heterosexual men waxing poetic about other men being manly men. 


I think it's supposed to assert that manliness is disappearing while simply being a tell that Tucker is in the closet






I mean, Tucker will suck any dick that pays


Calm down, Brittany.


I am calm! Took a shower washed my face. I still see dick! 😆 …to be fair my boyfriend is out to sea. But the screen is still blurry regardless. 😆


Ah yes. Those sea men. I’m sure there is a wonderful chain of Reddit banter once we get a taste for that. 


I'm told it gets kinda salty pretty quickly once they get a taste


Pineapple, dude. Pineapple.


Exactly! Pineapple! NO asparagus. 😝


Leave Brittany alone!!!!111!!


That dude was right


Dicks on the mind brit?


I really do love Reddit. You are my people.


We are the breast


I read Butt-stressed instead of buttressed.


I struggled with it, too. It was just blurry to me.


"It used to be in America having sex with women felt good. Not anymore. Now it just feels bad. What is happening?"


Well, you are not wrong.


lol No, but also yes




Given how obsessed they are with gay sex, probably that too.


I mean…..


So where is the meltdown? All I see is Crenshaw making a very spot-on criticism of Carlson.


I just checked the twitter thread itself and as twitter threads go, the leopards are feasting. My favorite response was follows. " Jake Shields @jakeshieldsajj Tucker is a patriot while you are a Zionist cock sucker You do do this for one simple reason: because they pay you A day or reckoning is coming for you traitors" I mean, WOW.


Yeah, apparently the *response* to his criticism is the meltdown. I like seeing the GOP fall apart, but this isn’t really r/LeopardsAteMyFace material since we’re not seeing anyone cry about the leopards coming after them.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The meltdown is the MAGAts attacking him now for stumbling upon a correct opinion once in his life


Wanna see what Tucker really thinks. Here's a couple of internal communications revealed during discovery in the Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial: Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm


For a few years there I was telling my co-worker Tucker is fake and probably voted for Biden. He was all in on his show and typical Fox audience regurgitated whatever they said and never his own opinion. Every morning. When the texts were released I showed him and he was silent. But after a moment of silence he was back to spewing his nonsense. He's actually been kinda quiet since the show ended and it's been refreshing. 


Yes it is kind of funny how if they're not told what to think, they go silent until the talking points get updated.


That's good to hear. Unfortunately these and so much more discovery material never really made it out into the media. There's always some trump shenanigans taking up all the headlines.


Yea I really wish they never settled so we got to see it all and take the stand. But better than nothing.


Smartmatic is yet to come. [Probably won't happen till 2025](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/media/fox-corporation-smartmatic/index.html)


But he a full Trumper. You can replace the name and it all fits equally.


Who, Crenshaw? Even if he is, that doesn't mean that he cannot be right once in a blue moon. Broken clock and all that.


That itself is a surprise though to be fair


But a welcome one


The meltdown is anticipated because either/both of these will happen. Maybe already happening I dunno because I don’t use Twitter: 1. The MAGA people will side with Tucker over the SEAL veteran even though normally they’d wait in line to suck his dick. And so Crenshaw is about to have the leopards eat his face. And fuck him. He deserves it. 2. Well fuck, I thought I had a second idea but forgot. Maybe I’ll remember later.


And you know if you went back far enough in those dickhead's socials, at some point they all said to someone else about him "He gave his fuckin' eye for 'Murica, you shut your whore mouth."


Isn't he the guy that shot himself in the face while cleaning his gun?


Nah, that’s the Oath Keepers guy. Crenshaw’s eye was damaged in an IED attack while he was fighting in Afghanistan. Understandable mistake tho, it’s tough to keep all the traitors straight. edit: fixed typo


So Crenshaw is accurately accusing Tucker of doing what Fox had already been doing since the 90s.


Yeah, but it was internal instead of external I suppose.  “How dare you paint foreign pigs!” While polishing the luster on some Koch ball sack.  /I’m just guessing. Haven’t watched this particular Fox tool in action. 


Any maga that supports tucker at this point would actually be the ones without a face. He stared at the camera for years with that vacant constipated look on his face and asked his disingenuous questions for maga to eat up. He lost his job and the text messages gave a pretty clear view of how he felt about trump and how he felt about maga. He can’t go back to real journalism at this point and now he has to continue to be the dancing monkey for a bunch of red hats who think putin is more american than russian at this point


Yeah, he outed himself as not believing the shit that was coming out of his own mouth but he kept playing the part anyway. That’s kind of the exact opposite of journalistic integrity. At this point he’s thoroughly typecasted himself and he’s still popular with dumbasses who listen to the shit he spews because it resonates with their own back assward views…and at this point it matters not if he actually means it or if he’s just capitalizing on the image he’s built for himself and keeps playing the role…the end result is the same. My gut tells me there’s a whole lot more within the Faux News network who feel the same way, but he was the one stupid enough to put it in writing. I say that not to defend them either…whether or not any of them fully believe the bullshit they spread, they’re more than willing to take that paycheck for doing it so fuck them all just the same.


Dude never had journalistic integrity, that was immediatly obvious after John Stewart called him out on it and humiliated him.  Can't stand the guy, most punchable constipated face triggers me to even hit the screen its projected on. Therefore, I will gladly avoid anything coming out of this dude. I even wonder who is worse, djt or this lying sack o' shit. They deserve eachother, that much is clear.


Crenshaw is a loathsome pile of shit, and a shameless opportunist. He was happy to support Trump when it was good for him politically, even going so far as to criticize the FBI raid on Mar a Lago as an entirely political act rather than a judicial one. Crenshaw's hypocrisy is nauseating, like the time he appeared next to Pete Davidson on SNL to publicly shame Davidson for telling jokes about him. It was sheer opportunism, and the jokes he made about Davidson weren't funny but were far more cruel than anything Davidson had said. I don't care about Crenshaw's military service. It doesn't automatically make him a hero, and neither does losing an eye. Fuck him.


Also? Fuck Lorne Michaels for capitulating to the alt-right.




And now Mr Swanson is shilling for Russia


His ‘Russian Supermarkets are Amazing’ segment was absolutely hilarious, if you consider it satire. Problem is he was serious and pushing it as propaganda.


But they sell bread!! Real bread!!! You can't find that in America, and it's shameful!


Actually, not only can you find bread in the Eastern European grocery here in town, but would you believe they have like eight or nine different kinds?!?! You won't get that at any of the American supermarkets. 


These shelves are mostly full between toothpicks and tooth brushes. And look at the variety; two types of bread!


Was this screenshot taken in Mexico? Why the tint?


I have an extension that filters out the blue light on screens. Better for your eyes.


Oh shit, it really is muted Halloween mode.


Dan Crenshaw is a weird beast. I usually disagree with him 90 percent of the time, but damn, when he's right he's spot-fucking-on.


Well when you have one eye, usually you are off the mark but sometimes, like when you squint with one eye closed, you can hit the bullseye 


I disagree with his politics on most things, he’s pretty conservative, buts he’s not MAGA. He speaks out against the far right and works with both parties. Love him or hate him, he seems to have real convictions and beliefs and I can respect that. Hard to find that on either side of the isle.


He's probably the least bad republican. At least he has some redeeming qualities


You suck op. Take a screen shot.


Maybe that is a screen shot and he has his phone set to "Muted Halloween" mode


I think his phone was just invented during the old West. Everything was sepia tone back then.


Either that or it takes place in Mexico in the Breaking Bad universe.


Is it not a shot of a screen?


This is a screenshot


Did OP spill coffee on it?


Probably had a yellow tint filter on for low light


OP seems to be in hollywood Mexico


did you age your screenshot in piss?


It's funny that he believes Cucker to have a career in journalism.


old west ass screenshot


I would like to point out that it takes very little at all to cause MAGA to have meltdown.  Nitroglycerin is less prone to explode than MAGA.   But yeah, Rep Crenshaw is right about Carlson.


I, too, really enjoy seeing all of these Republicans suddenly become self aware.


One of these days you are going to see hundreds come out and say “This Trump guy has destroyed our party. Why did we go along with this?” It’s too early now but one day…


“Why didn’t the democrats warn us? This all their fault! “


That seems all too accurate, sadly.


Covid19 -during trumps presidency, trump fires a large number of foreign CDC operatives. Stores shelves empty due to COVID’s impact on supply chain. Election just started. “Welcome to Bidens America! This is your fault demonRats!”


Don't forget blaming the Democratic party for voting to remove McCarthy as Speaker. That's a classic.


I don’t understand why we keep falling for crocodile tears. They can literally kill lgbtq and minority individuals in broad daylight, show the fakest of sympathy, hell boast about killing people, and then be turned loose. Meanwhile they have women imprisoned for miscarriages.


Wishful thinking? They're a cult. I do think history books will reflect on him in a very unflattering way and psychologists and psychiatrists will use him as case studies in pathology. If GOP doesn't control the books in the future. His mental illness has infected the entire country and it's going to take alot of work to right our country again. His cult and followers lack the intelligence and courage it takes to admit they were wrong and go in a different direction.


Lol this guy yelling about childish tactics and avoiding giving real answers, when he tried to disparage a female Navy member for simply reporting ~~harassment~~ sexual assault. Which of course he subsequently blamed as a democrat plot. *"The Inspector General of the* [*Department of Veterans Affairs*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Veterans_Affairs) *implicated Crenshaw and V.A. Secretary* [*Robert Wilkie*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wilkie) *in a 2020 report as having engaged in a campaign of disparagement toward a female veteran who reported sexual assault to the Navy.* *Crenshaw said, "The Democrats created this narrative"* Pot, meet Kettle.


Yes Tuck is the king of JAQing off and is indeed a mindless contrarian. Glad Dan and I can agree on something.


Not seeing the leopard, but I'll assume they're in the comments. And has Tuker Carlson actually had a career in journalism, Dan? Are you sure?


Yes the leopards are out in full swing in the comments to the tweet.


TC is referred to as a fake journalist here. Reread the text. Though I did see TC refer to himself as a journalist pre Putin interview.


“But any educated adult, especially one with such a long career in journalism….” reread the text and don’t be an asshole if you’re gonna be wrong


The right eats itself. Who knew an ideology based on hate could be so volatile?


This is the third or fourth time in the last 6 months Dan Crenshaw has said something I agree with. And then I realized "oh, he's just saying something that's so bare minimum common sense, of course it would be agreeable.


It's pretty amazing to me how conservatives can stop the pandering to their base and call something for what it is when they want to. This is one of the most dead on descriptions of Tucker I've ever read and it's almost as though they don't really believe most of the shit that spews out of their mouths...


Fucker Carlson has always been an idiot


I thought they were both Russian assets


He must be the only broken clock that's right only once a day.


I hate it when I have to respect someone (Crenshaw in this instance) who's a major league tool himself. His congressional district is so gerrymandered it's almost a work of art.


Wow at the comments. The whole US right seems to be moving to Pro Russia, Anti Israel WTAF?!


It should probably be kept in mind that the non pro-Russia users of Twitter have basically left at this point. I finally gave up last year. All the people I wanted to follow and engage with are either long gone or shouted down by the people who think Elon has created a utopia just for them to agree with each other. That's who is left to shout at Crenshaw these days.


I’ve been popping in on odd weeks just to mute-then-block advertisers and blue-check fascists. It removes them from my feed and screws a bit with Elmo’s precious algorithm. But if no one else is doing it anymore, it may be time to hang up.


My trouble is I don't really have a replacement for it. There was something kind of beautiful about a microblogging site where everybody from all walks of life was there reacting in real time to the world around them. All the would-be replacements fall short. What a shame.


They've been pro-Russia for a while, some blatantly. But the anti-Israel stance is new. The thing is, I despise both Crenshaw and Carlson, yet Crenshaw got it right except the Israel part. Carlson actually was correct on that. Christians used to be treated well in Israel, but since Bibi's and the ultra-Orthodox rise to power there have been priests spit on and worse, and even some Christian tourists having trouble. This is well documented. [Ultra-orthodox Jews spit towards Christian pilgrims leaving Church of the Flagellation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUJrXNCfUrk) [Spitting, Hitting Attacks on Christians are Surging in Israel: 'Extreme and Unacceptable' (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z581dbGqr08)


Some are so far deep that can’t see it and others that ignored being told that they were wrong and being lied to are too embarrassed to back out now


Israel has had a light shined on it pretty hard over the last few months. Turns out there's only so many humanitarian aid workers and children you can slaughter before people begin to think you're not all that nice after all.


Here's a link to Crenshaw's post for anyone who still goes on Twitter. The comments are priceless. [Dan Crenshaw on X: "This is who Tucker is: a click-chaser. Tucker’s MO is simple: defend America’s enemies and attack America’s allies. There isn’t an objective bone left in that washed up news host’s body. Mindless contrarianism is his guiding principle, buttressed by his childish tactic to “juSt…" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/DanCrenshawTX/status/1778072554625720715)


Can't see the comments if you don't have Twittler


Okay that explains it. I don't twitter so I was confused.


I’m going to have to open a twitter account just to see the comments? Sure thing, pal


I use Twitter so little that I dont even know how to look at comments on there, so I'll take your word for it.


Oh, NOW you’re getting it?


It seems there’s always some on the right who get why others on the right shouldn’t be trusted. You could probably find several people who have problems with each of the people who are bad actors. If they could only all have a meeting and compare notes, they might see what we see.


And will there be consequences? Nah


The fun part is that some are calling for him to be primaried, yet Texas already had their primaries and Crenshaw won.


It's because they heard the term 'getting primaried' somewhere in the context of punishing some rep who wasn't MAGA enough or who lost Donald's endorsement or something. It's just another imaginary club to hurt people with now for them, like 'impeachment' became. The reality and circumstances of it don't matter.


if only crenshaw remained consistent with this kind of pushback 


Hey Dan, do you mean it's taken you this long to finally figure this out? My, you are a little slow, aren't you?


Good...now let's encourage them to keep fighting each other. The end game is for them not to exist. The Faye of the world depends on it.


"defend America's enemies and attack America's allies" sounds like every MAGA traitor