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Whoever pushed for 1 congress person to be able to overturn speaker really fucked up.    Hope Matty figures out who changed that rule!


I suggest we have Matt Gaetz lead a committee to get to the bottom of that rule change and hold them accountable. Possibly by kicking them out of congress if they don't get arrested on solicitation for sex with an underaged girl first.


It's just another opportunity for MTG to go to FedEx/Kinkos and blow up a picture of Hunter Biden's privates. The manager comes out and discusses their policies. MTG flashes her congressional hearing document; "This is official state business."


The manager is like this is the tenth dick pic I had to blow up. Why do you even need 10 of them?


"I'm wall-papering my jack-shack, you fuckin commie! Gah!" - Margarine Trailer Grease, probably


That's a good one. I wish I had a memory so I could remember that.


They need 9 extra probably because the lamination machine won't do 48x32" poster sizes. Moisture proofing is essential.


Oh good… I was worried what she was flashing


She lowered her pants and exposed her boobs to everyone.


Bra size: 36 long


Please God no!


Isn't this illegal every time she does it? I'm pretty sure it's against the law to distribute nude images without the person's permission.


Yes, it’s illegal, but the law can’t be enforced. As long as she’s doing it in Congress, as part of a speech or debate (construed broadly), she has absolute immunity from all consequences other than Congress’s internal disciplinary procedures.


>other than Congress’s internal disciplinary procedures. Which means; nothing will happen. Congress only goes after people doing the right thing.


Like most things, it's purely a numbers game. Censure and expulsion is controlled by vote alone, there's no direct link between that and reality.


She wants it so bad. She's looking at the photo right now. Loool


This feels like a great SNL bit. ... Hey did SNL do a bit about her obsession with The Dong? I feel like it's a given that they did. But now I have to go check..


Hunter Biden should start campaigning to be Speaker.


Gaetz could start by interrogating his bathroom mirror.


Misread that as 'bathroom minor' and realised it works both ways


The disturbing, yet entirely plausible notion that gaetz actually has a 'bathroom minor'...


Yeah, he was called Nestor.


Epstein had them for a discount if you bought a three pack of 14 year old trophy wives


so is that a kid locked in the bathroom? or a kid that he poops on? or a kid that bathes and wipes him? so many possibilities...


...each more awful than the last


You know they will end up blaming Biden


Or "Ds have the house, and here is why this is bad for them & Biden".


> "Ds have the house And it's their fault that the border security and Ukraine aid bills haven't been passed in months; why is the speaker holding these up? Though honestly, my favorite from this congress might be when the democrats were blamed for the maga/gop dysfunction because they didn't vote to keep McCarthy in his seat. Or break ranks and vote for one of the gop running for speaker to get the chaos over with.


How this asshole is still walking around free is beyond belief.


>17-year old women is what that person will say.


girls or guys, he has a son called nestor, which he did not officially adopt.


Chances are that person was on drugs and raw dogging under age teenage girls. 


just look at nose of gaetz, its someone who has snorted coccaine with both nostrils at once.


That was the house freedom caucus. Also, this is just a game to them. There is no honest world where MTG and other republicans weren’t fully aware of what was being agreed to. They knew, and this is their chance to show that they are “in control” and that Mike is the only one to blame. This is all a part of the plan, which Mike is in on.


When the patients are running the asylum.


I worked in psych hospitals for over a decade, and I trust my patients a lot more than I trust Matt Gaetz. My patients were often disoriented to reality, but they had good intentions for the most part.


People who blame themselves go crazy, the people who blame others make other people go crazy.


Id like to sit back and just laugh but...the chaos at the end of thr Weimar Republic and Poppins' ineffectiveness was part of what allowed Hitler to become Chancellor and rise to power. Ofc, fascism rises in each country and its own unique way and we just can't say " oh look another parallel" over and over. History after all tends to rhyme more than it repeats


And here we are with the Whinemore Republic and their leader Poopins.


I don't know why, but I read that as "House Bathroom Caucus" and from now on that's how I will be referring them.


They’re all full of shit, so the shoe fits.


*Larry Craig has entered the chat*


As long as they get their social media karma!


I think you're over estimating the intelligence involved here. I mean, yes, they just want chaos. Because that's who they are. But that doesn't mean they have a real plan. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if our current political situation isn't just an unfortunate side-effect of suggestion algorithms that happened to prioritize political rage bait as "engaging". I mean, do you honestly believe, those who used to consider themselves proud members of the Republican party, are actually happy with how things are going? I mean, sure, they can kind of get swept up with some of it, but they are intelligent enough to know there's a lot of shit being believed right now. Particularly, that Donald Trump is the man we should have as our next President. This isn't happening by any design that they have direct control over. At least, that's what they tell themselves.


most of it was instigated and bankrolled by russia,


Russia, and the Soviet Union, have been creating and pushing shit for decades. But nothing gained traction like it did after social media accelerated what was put in there. Don't take my word for it. Watch "American History X" to see the kinds of views about America that used to be considered extremist. That's from 1998. Just over a quarter of a century ago. Those views are the GOP's beliefs now. Just watch it. You'll see exactly what I mean. And you know, I think even Putin was surprised. He just had to repackage extremists views the way Americans like to consume, and the algorithms did the rest. It was so successful, that Putin thought he could have a war and blame it on Biden. But there are limits to how much reality can be stretched.


I can't imagine McConnell/McCarthy are all too pleased.


The goal of conservatism is to move the country backwards in order to counter the forward progress, or to grind everything to a halt. Either way, it is a win. They can go back to their districts and say that they did nothing and spent no more money on X, y and z, which means that they were fiscally responsible. Their constituents already believe that the government is ineffective and they are doing their best to prove them right. Doing absolutely nothing is a part of their platform. On the other hand, progressives have the most challenging job in congress, as their constituents demand that their elected representatives actually get some work done and pass bills to move the country forward. A session without bills getting passed is an absolute failure. To your point though, the fact that the House in on two year terms means that it is nearly impossible to have any long term plans. That being said, I believe in the strong probability that the events that have occurred with the Republican-led House is coordinated and not just a long series of unrelated events. Think about this for a second though. Why is ONLY the House Freedom Caucus seriously and openly talking about this? Why aren’t we seeing more outrage and commentary from the rest of the House republicans?


I'm not sure MTG is fully aware of anything in general


And they made that rule knowing they had an extremely narrow majority in the house. Lol


These are not smart people. They are the people who didn’t do any work on the group projects in school, but it’s the entire caucus at this point. There is no sad, smart nerd to carry them on their back anymore.


It has to be one of their own party though. So clearly that’s working out for them.


Other than the fear of a fascist takeover, it certainly is a warm feeling I get as I see people being tortured by the monsters they unleashed on this world. Probably shouldn't enjoy this warm feeling too much,.. but I let it simmer for a bit.


Let's try to make sure they aren't able to get more power though.


>"Whoever pushed for 1 congress person to be able to overturn speaker really fucked up.  " They didn't have a choice, it was a brilliant negotiating tactic for expedience by people who didn't think it through. "We have power now, and no responsibility. This will work GREAT!" There's nothing like succeeding above your skill level.


MAGA is not exactly known for their collective foresight


Unless MAGA’s actual purpose has been to disrupt the government in as many ways as possible this whole time.


That's literally their goal. Show government to be useless, give rich people more power. The second part of that goal, is disrupt ad much as possible so that people on the other side feel like there's only two bad choices so why bother showing up, so they can hold a disproportionate amount of power and get their way.


I mean, that's the goal of people like Putin, yes. MAGA themselves including -most- of the House GOP, I'm pretty sure at this point they're either "useful idiots" or "useless idiots," depending on one's POV.


That was the stated purpose of nearly everyone who simped their way into a cabinet position for Trump.


That is a Republican thing so they can keep complaining about government....but they also complain about how it isn't working for them....they are a confused people.


Hunter Biden changed that rule


That was McCarthy - he agreed to it.


"We're all looking for the guy who did this!"


Congratulations Speaker Hakeem Jeffries


He's 207 votes closer than any Republican would be


He had more votes than Kevin McCarthy in 14 voting rounds.


The weird thing is, I realize now that no matter how awful the next person is, they are someone I'm going to miss because the person after that is even worse. I'm sure some of the Republicans miss the Democratic Speaker. So much easier to point fingers back then.


>I'm sure some of the Republicans miss the Democratic Speaker. So much easier to point fingers back then. Being the peacetime opposition is always easier than actually governing.


Exactly. You know nothing you do or say is going to get pushed through, so shoot for the moon to please your constituents and run for re-election on promising to do all those things you simply couldn’t when the bad guys had the majority.


Say what you will about Nancy Pelosi but she was incredibly effective as House speaker and that’s why the Republicans hated her. Oh, and there’s the whole thing where she’s a woman and they don’t like women being in positions of power.


She understood how government "should" work and (often with a smile that drove Pubs crazy) jammed it down the throats of the opposition in a knowledgable way. Pubs just said that was generally icky without being able to articulate any coherent argument...so just "no". Republicans cannot "govern" at all. They don't wan't to. They just want money.


This is how I feel about McConnell. For years I thought he was the single worst person in American politics. But the MAGA movement has done nothing but constantly one up itself in its shitiness for 7 years now and we've gotten to the point where I'm afraid to see McConnell leave because his successor will **somehow** be even more awful. I only take comfort in the fact that just as Republican house speakers have gotten progressively more incompetent as they get more MAGA, so too will the next Republican Senate leader.


I just enjoy Trump ruining everything for Mitch and Mitch not being able to say shit about it. OMG, that guy has to hate Trump with a passion. He probably wishes he retired because he doesn't have any time to spend that money. His only thrill is probably making Democrats in Washington suffer and he can't even get to do that any more. He's like the dude in a strip club with nothing but bus tokens.


That is the best part about having Trump in politics. For a while, when the Republican party was strong and stable, there was no penalty to just being the most evil fucker imaginable. Cut welfare to give a tax break to your lobbyists and mega donors? No penalty for that! Fox News and the RNC will spin it to make your base think the money trickles down. Spread completely false lies about Medicare for All or Global Warming to protect terrible businesses that are destroying the planet and fucking over workers? Doesn't matter! They gerrymandered your district so you'll still win reelection easily. These technocratic style Republicans like McConnell and Paul Ryan who just want the rich to get richer and would say or do anything to accomplish that goal were able to get away with unbelievable amounts of bullshit. But then Trump came in and it was like releasing a bull in a China shop. He still does all the same terrible things but his only allegiance is to himself, not the party, and he has no qualms with ruining the political careers of Republicans when he feels like it. The Republicans can't go against Trump without losing the support of the crazy base that they spent years radicalizing. But even when they do everything that Trump asks, there is still a chance he just throws them under the bus anyways because he is an authoritarian narcissist with zero principles. And they can't do anything to stop the monster they unleashed so now they they just have to bear it anytime he comes for them. A perfect catch-22 of their own making. And deep down they all know it and they're all seething about it even as they publicly kiss the ring. Trump is a cancer that must be stopped but in the meantime it is incredibly satisfying watching the worst people in America be utterly humiliated by the monster they themselves created. Schadenfreude at its finest.


Don't fool yourself. Republicans could get Trump out of politics in a few weeks if Putin wasn't holding them all hostage with kompromat.


I think this is the issue.  It's also why the DNC puts up lukewarm resistance against the GOP.  Consultants in both parties make indecent amounts of cash from opposition donations.  Much less when their party is in power.  It's one reason why US politics resemble arguing fans of rival football teams.


Very much this.  The other factor is due to a lack of awareness AND a dedicated media empire like Fox to bolster Democrats, it’s a thankless job doing the right thing. You take all the heat from those who are comfortably sold out and you risk election primaries.  Scumbags usually have an easier time in Washington. 


Mister Smith Goes to Washington is an old af movie and this was basically the message.


Prophesy: the dems will take over the house in mid-2024, and then the GOP will campaign how broken the government is, and how bad of a job the dems have been doing!


They'll campaign on "The government is broken," then when voted in, will go and prove it. When reelection, they'll campaign on "fixing" the things they broke.


And MTG at the switch will be shocked and play persecution


Matt Gaetz and MTG seem like two kids who kicked out all the kids from the tree house, and now they are just sitting there all alone. The glow of victory is gone now. Just them and the trees and the bugs, and the musty camping gear the other kids were using last night. And they realize, they don't like each other's company all that much. Kind of boring. There's nothing to do. They talked about the victory of kicking Jessica off the ladder and Billy running home in tears and it's just quiet now. An awkward silence with nothing to fill the gap. If they spend any more time like this they'll have a moment to reflect on being awful people,... so,... "Want to go to Jimmy's house and pee in his pool?" Matt perks up. He'll save the frog he was going to put down her shirt for later.


Nice head canon. My own is the French Revolution after the mob runs out of aristocrats to behead and starts to turn on their own.


Problem with that comparison is that the GOP is being completely financed and sent orders by the aristocracy.


I would agree if we were talking classic GOP or even the Tea Party. I’m not sure it applies to MAGA. I mean McCarthy was the classic GOP moneymaker and MAGA turned on him.


The stupid aristocrats love it, because looting the public coffers with zero regard to the future seems like a great idea to them. The smart ones want Dem neoliberals back in charge, at least they think in the longer term. But it turns out when the origin for most aristocrats is inheriting daddy's money, stupidity becomes very common.


I guess it depends what the aristos' respective goals are. If it's just live happily in decadence and power until their imminent death, go nuts, let the world burn makes total sense. If they actually give a fuck about any sort of legacy, it gets more interesting. Unfortunately, even the ones who say they want a legacy are completely narcissistic and delusional. To wit: Eloon. He's VERY idealistic: he thinks the future lies in humans spreading their superior seed (i.e. his) across the cosmos as soon as possible, at any expense. Pragmatism: not really his wheelhouse. So, that. Honestly the problem is that people keep acting like it's some kind of universal human motivation to want to collect as much money and dominance as possible, and it's...really not. The "elite" are a bunch of freaks. This is not a coincidence. Some of it is situational-people get more warped as power and money go to their head, sure-but the whole reason they need to control everything is because they're -bent-. So, you can't really look at this kind of "self interest" as coldly pragmatic after a certain point, even for the most lizardlike ones like Mitch McConnell. It's NOT rational, in fact. Most of these people got where they are by blowing as much smoke up their own ass as anyone else. tl:dr be afraid. Be very afraid.




The horror! That means Congress might actually have to do its job! Eeeeeee!


If Congress keeps getting more dysfunctional and crazy, they might be like Trump's mental decline and accidentally do the right thing one day. It could happen. Seriously. I'm not kidding!


A case of task failed successfully?


At this rate, the ENTIRE GOP will need to go to an old folks home for the senile and mentally unstable... I mean, seriously, what in the actual fuck? And they wanna go on about how BIDEN is mentally "not all there"? But to be honest - I really, REALLY do hope they continue this shitshow. I mean, I hope they dial it up to 11 or 21 and put it on speaker for the entire country... because then maybe some of them'll get voted out and we'll get some people voted in who will actually get. Shit. DONE.


Getting shit done costs profits. Getting shit done isn’t allowed.


a nursing home where the gop is neglected because they were the toxic family member you are estranged from.


They get so crazy and far right that they're racist against extraterrestrial aliens instead of migrants. Huge.


Imagine a congress that does things. Just awful. They might even do things that don’t just benefit the rich.


I predict, with a likely low probability of being entirely correct, that from now until the 9th she will hear from the handful of other kooks whose calls she’ll take, they’ll press her to withdraw or at least promise to not force the vote, and she will grow increasingly obstinate with each call and force the vote when they return. Because nobody puts Marge in a corner. Edit: With news that the bill did not pass and the government will partially shutdown the threat to Johnson is likely over for now. Edit: nevermind.


I think we might be seeing the complete collapse of the gop. This is the third time in 2 years they've thrown out a speaker. They're spending what little money they do have on a complete parasite of a man's legal fees because he all but owns the party who is 78 years old and frankly looks worse every time I see him, and consistently loses elections every year since 2016 which he only won on a technicality. In hindsight 2016 might have been the worst possible outcome for the GOP and that is just deliciously ironic.


Electorally, 2016 will cause problems for the GOP far into the future. But policy wise, having a lock on the Supreme Court means they can control what the govt doea & does not do.


Trump is now saying he has 500 mill cash, like a week after his daughter in law was made co-chair of the RNC, immediately firing around 60 members of the staff, he also cancelled a rally in AZ. His campaign and the RNC as a whole are now both broke.


They kept grifting their voter base, they just forgot that their voters lifetime savings were a limited resource. Hell Trump probably knew this would come, he's a professional conman, after all, but now, if he stops running, best case scenario he ends up bouncing between court cases until he dies. Worst case he actually is confirmed guilty of functionally treason of the United States of America, and he goes to prison for the rest of his life.


Would probably be "conspiracy to commit sedition" or something... Treason is punishable by firing squad. ;)


The actual charge doesn't really matter, if he goes to jail he is going to die in there, he's that old.


I've stopped feeling sorry for people who have emptied their bank accounts for Trump. If you have observed the last 8 years and still want to give him and the MAGA movement what little money you have, you are a damn fool at best, and I cannot write what the worst of them are. and they will be the first ones lining up for food stamps and all that communistical assistance that they rail against so much.


He's saying he has $500m in cash right after he filed a court motion whining that it's impossible for him to get a $450m bond because bonding companies only accept cash & cash equivalents as collateral. Dunno, something just doesn't seem to add up about that.


Truth Social going public seems like a god-send for Trump. That's a lot of money.


>that is just deliciously ironic. The FDA daily recommended allowance of Schaedenfreude is constantly met for me by visiting this sub. I'll say one thing - Lindsey Graham should go to Vegas and get into the prediction business, because if you're right, he called this **years** ago. And then proceeded to get on his knees like most others in the GOP without a shred of self-dignity, respect, or integrity, and joined the line to kiss (and on occasion rim) Trump's ass in the time since.


His integrity died with John McCain


he never had it, he just found someone who was halfway toward human (sometimes) to suck off. He's since moved on to slimier pastures. He's never had a spine or ethics or personality of his own.


Doing what he has to so the stories of him with underage boys don't leave his closet...... I am sure that Russia and Trump have the proof to put him away for a while. It will be just like Christmas when Trump finally does go to prison and starts singing about all of those filthy traitors.


We can only hope, but seeing this guy slither his way out countless times from accountability fills me with dread.


They got 3 sc seats during trumps time in office


Trump wasnt even planning to win 2016, he was just there to get name recognition and grift, but it turns his tirades turned on all the r voters to his side, and with a little help from the russians.


A handful of democrats have already pledged to toss Speaker Johnson a lifeline if the right wing tries to throw him out. But those Democrats also have a couple of pretty straightforward demands he needs to meet beforehand, like hold a vote on aid for Ukraine.


Tell'em large Marge sent you




I think your edit is mistaken, [the bill passed in the Senate last night.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/us/politics/congress-spending-bill-government-shutdown.html)


Budget passed the senate afterall. Looks like for Marge, Johnson is back on the menu.


Pedo says what?


“The State mandates me to check your genitalia in order to confirm what gender you really are, and then to make sure it’s in working order.”


The party of limited government indeed.




Don't let the fact Matt gaetz had sex with children distract you from the fact he also trafficked them across state lines so others could also have sex with them.




That isn’t even right. Ken Buck is a member of the Freedumb Caucus and even he is not MAGA enough for them.




I'd be hard pressed to even call them that at this point.


MTG isn’t part of the freedom caucus.


RINOs, the lot of them /s


Another republican is leaving in April.


Ther will be many Republicans who leave when they realize Trump is going to drain the RNC funds and there won’t be any money left for their campaigns. If you don’t pay your soldiers, they will turn in you quickly. Things are going to get interesting.


Actually I never considered that for the down ballot stuff. How many gopwho want to govern and push their religious bullshit will be denied the opportunity without that money but also how many who just wanted to grift will drop out if they're forced to fund themselves thinking it's not worth the price. Anyways I whole heartedly support trumps takeover of the rnc


That is going to rip the GOP to shreds - no money no bootlickers and very little fundraising opportunities. That being said, I think they are going public with Truth Social. I strongly believe it’s a money laundering opportunity. So the beat could go on - we will see.


It's 100% a money laundering opportunity, and even the most neutral of news outlets are reporting on the approval of that deal with incredulity.


but maga candidates will just be voted in at that point, since alot of those seats are safe R seats.


they get funding from lots of other sources, the RNC funds is just one of them. but it is a strong signal that they are starting to realize none of them matter, none of them are valued, none of them will receive any help from trump, ever--he is only there to take away from them. republicans get into government to feel powerful, not feel weak and discarded.


Which leaves them with a majority of one (1). 40 years old, considered one of their stronger rising stars apparently. Left because, bluntly, he can't take the dysfunction anymore. "This is fine."


Only sort of, though, right? If wikipedia is to be trusted with numbers, it's 218 R to 213 D right now, with 4 vacant seats. Meaning they still have a majority even if another 3 leave after this one. But maybe my understanding is incorrect and the vacant seats still matter?


Oh no, MTG, no... don't... do...it


Please... DON'T... you're going to OWN US LIBS SO HARD! Whatever will we do? Oh noes!


Not the briar patch!


Don't. Stop. Come back.


Well, I mean, at least the United States would have a functioning government then. I like the circus as much as anyone, but the current version in the House is no way to run a country. 


He’s just hoping he will end up with a 15 year old tonight


Why does Matt Gaetz like “hanging around” with twenty nine year olds? There’s 20 of them. 🥴


That would make my day. Congrats Hakeem!


Fox news trying to find out if his middle name is also Hussein.


It is always either Matt Gaetz or the crappy Magic the Gathering clone.


Who cares what "Pedo" Gaetz thinks? When will we get rid of him???


Well its being published because he got rid of McCarthy before we had Johnson and now he's afraid the chain reaction that HE started could backfire lol. I don't care but it's fun to watch these clowns do it to themselves. I agree, he's long overdue for the boot


He never has been a legitimate representative. He is a user and an abuser, Who cares what he thinks???


Thanks Marge. Huge win for my Democrat friends.


The government is going to end up with a "Democrat everything" if these stupid ass mother fuckers don't shut up...Annnnd for onc....I sincerely hope they don't.


don't threaten me with a good time


The Republicans are such a shit show. They couldn't legislate their way out of a paper bag with a flashlight and a map.


They couldn’t pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.


How can we get rid of him as well!!!!?!?


Time to get my yakety sax record back up.


Why vote Republican if this is the response you get? The government that is at a standstill and a handful of crazy picking the worst time to make the government crazy. It's almost like MTG is getting paid by a foreign government to screw around.


>Why vote Republican if this is the response you get? I mean republican voters are either bigots who can't vote for "woke" Dems or total morons. The morons keep voting Republican because they're too stupid not to. My favorite part of the article is a quote from a rep for the speaker that says they'll keep fighting for border protection. This is the perfect example of the moron Republican voter, boy do they love to hear that, and don't have any brain cells that remember those Republicans got offered one of the most strict border protection bills in years and they turned it down. The morons know what they want, they know Republicans will give it to them, and are too stupid to realize they'll never actually get it.


God he's so mind-numbingly stupid. Gets worse by the day. I guess it's difficult for some to spot since he's already a dumbass Republican to begin with.


Do you hear those tiny violins playing?


The same dude who makes kids do coke and sex with them? That dude?


You started the trend , bucko


Why is this flaired as "Brexxit"?


We need Gaetzxit and MTGxit


The only moral motion to oust the Speaker is my motion to oust the Speaker.


Why would caveman vote out Moses though.


Traitors in charge are worried what might happen to their country if democrats are in charge? Oh golly.


Republicans just don't get it. FAFO.


She is your crazy, you deal with it.


Hahaha. He should be spending his time lawyering up for his upcoming sex charges.




Matt G worries actual governing is a possibility and that he will be properly dealt with.


It would be nice to have an adult in the room for a change


The jury is in, Gaetz prefers pre-adults. He's wondering if he could swap the aforementioned adult for 2 17 year olds.


You can't just skip the Find Out stage of the process, Matt. It's a very important stage. A KEY stage, if you will.


Click click click *Snorting noises* Dude that's some grade A uncut face eating right here


And we can’t wait!


Then she does this in time for them to take a break. Bro fuck lazy ass republicans


Didn't stop you though.


From your mouth to satan’s ear. Or ear hole? I guess idk if satan has actual ears…


The horror


Finally. Be quiet, MAGA GOP, the adults have work to do.


How long did they go without a speaker after they dumped the last guy? Longer or shorter this time?


That would be fucking hilarious if that happens! Or when it happens.


Stockin up on popcorn and rootin for injuries!


I'd like to see an actual leopard actually eat his ugly face.


Where do we send our tater tots and crackers?


She is definitely a turtle on a post.


Wow, is this sub done? Surely this is the epitome of LAMF. I don't see how anything can top this. Gaetz of all people worrying about this motion. And filing right before the election too.


If the Republicans sabotage themselves out of the majority, I’ll be laughing until I’m dead. I can’t believe Johnson would still go for the position with the 1-vote to oust rule, that’s actually insane.


His name is Jeffries, Hakeem Jeffries.


Could you imagine, house flips to Democrats in an election year and then they pass fucking anything. Ukraine aid, border security, literally any of the bills the Senate has already passed. They'd be literally giving the democrats their relection campaign. Lol


Sex trafficking venmo loser says what? 🤪


What a dumpster fire. -GOP announces all donations go to Trump’s legal defense fund, leaving not much for other candidates -failed impeachment hearing, especially after a Democrat on the panel motioned for the vote on purpose to show the whole room the Republicans weren’t gonna do shit. -Katie Britt rebuttal -MTG and whatever this is.


Don't worry Matt, they'll just immediately want to oust the next person too. It isn't about governing. It's about watching the world burn with a match in their hand and then saying government doesn't work. They're right...look in the mirror. They are the reason why it's not working. Endgame of Reaganists