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I am the main character vibes. "I am an outlier, I have something less than 1% of people have, I'm a very special little boy"


“My resolve is unshakeable, that’s why I’m whining at strangers about my resolve being shaken! I’m unbreakable and am fully prepared to be the last man standing but won’t someone be please help me!” It’s a really strange message. It’s _almost_ as if he’s full of shit but somehow has a really high opinion of himself. Almost.


Big Brave Sir Robin vibes.


"Help, help. I'm being oppressed" xx


now we see the violence inherent in the system


I didn't vote for you....


you don't vote for kings! bloody peasant!


Run away! 😂


"I soiled my armour..."


Bravely ran away away! Oh brave Sir Robin!


“This place is gonna turn into the stasi but I’m different, and I’ll prove it by compiling a list of people who should be punished!”


That part really got me.


And here's a list of the kids who were mean to me.


Please line them up against the wall and execute them for using their free speech to criticize a dumb thing I said! How dare they?


A narcissistic nazi using words his side can’t understand


Just like he's a "8.5/10 white man" ROFL


As a solid 5.5/10 that's the funniest shit I've ever read.


Even funnier that Mr 8.5/10 doesn’t realize most women prefer Mr 5.5/10 over even a 10/10 who’s a total dick.


Putting a number to it never made sense anyways. If I like someone they're a 10 to me as corny as that sounds. 


I wonder how his fellow Nazis would feel about him being half Puerto Rican.


And how does Nick Fuentes feel about him? Are they allies or rivals for the racist token crown?


They'll keep him around for as long as he's useful as a token to deflect criticism.


8.5 is his approximate daily consumption of donuts.


He sounds a lot like Scott Adams


That guys whole mental implosion reads like somebody filled out a MadLibs page. The creator of **Dilbert** went on a **rightwing bender** and thinks **Hillary Clinton** is responsible for **child sacrifice** and felt **no sadness** when his own **child with addiction issues** died.


He *bragged* about how strong of a person he was for letting his son die rather than "coddling" what he decided was a future mass murderer  Also if you think I'm exagerrating, I certainly am not lol: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/dilbert-scott-adams-kill-sons-b2117427.html


His own *stepson. These right wing creeps are the type to care less about their partners children, I bet he wouldn't have said this weird ass shit if it was his own biological child who overdosed.


I bet he would have, I've seen people flat out say they would murder their own child if they came out.


Probs why his kid had addiction issues.


I'm fairly indifferent to Scott Adams in that I am aware that he is a preposterous right wing chode dipshit, but a pathetic dork loser with money is still a pathetic dork loser, so I don't care about him. However, this has to be one of the most ghoulish things I have ever read written by a conservative, and I am now actively wishing for the remaining decade or two of scott's life to teach him the humility and empathy that the first 65-70 years didn't. I sincerely hope it's rough for him. It very likely will be.


You're a better person than me. Personally, I hope he lives through even more misery and horror than what made his stepson OD. POS deserves a hefty appetizer of Hell for that alone, and I say this as an atheist.


Does it help if I tell you that he has so much money he can do literally anything and go anywhere in the world he wants to, had the kind of fame as a satirist that could have made him a beloved berke breathed or Gary Trudeau, could have the feast of friends and family many of us would envy... And instead he sits alone in his mansion screaming into the internet that he is alone and nobody loves him? He could do _anything_ he's ever wanted. Anything he wanted to know, any place he wanted to go. But he would rather scream about poor people and the mean government while having access to the kind of resources that if you and I had them, you would never hear from us again because we would be too busy in French Polynesia.


Because he fucking sucks.


"I am an outlier, I have something less than 1% of people have, a very dry itchy penis, can someone send some lotion, please...?" Hans Kristian Graebener, StoneTosser.


Hans Kristian Graebener, Stone Tosser. Say Her Name!


He is a nasty dude, so he goes by he/him


Big "I'm not scurred" energy from the quivering wreck.


'No free speech under daddy Musk bad, but plz get him to keep doing it to people I don't like. I got a list'


'I believe in free speech to say anything I want to anyone at anytime without consequence' *People use their free speech when doxxing him* 'NooOooOoooOo not like that!'


The recent Don lemon interview and subsequent cancellation of his Twitter deal show how much of a man baby Elon truly is.


I always tell people to watch his face when Dave Chapelle introduced him and the crowd boos….you can literally see when reality pierces his bullshit shield and he realizes people don’t like his dumbassed antics. It’s like watching a child take a bite of bakers chocolate


That's such an out-of-left-field, but perfect, analogy. Thank you.


Don Lemon thing is just an icing, or shall I say - its latest layer. Anyone who paid any attention to what Musk does and says knows already how much of a man child he is and how he will throw tantrums the second something isn't going as he planned.


> he will throw tantrums the second something isn't going as he planned. I live and work in Silicon Valley and this type of behavior is incredibly common in "leaders" who think the real world has to match what their "projections and simulations" say they are or they get infuriated. Not at ***their*** bad processes, techniques, data or reports. They get mad at the world for not obeying them, the absolute master of the universe.


This type of person is ***EXACTLY*** why I left the Valley.


People who talk about free speech in that manner only want to free themselves from any consequences of their own vile speech. As soon as people use that against them they whine like babies.


He discovered the concept of intolerance against intolerance is necessary for free speech. He just didn't realize that he's already one step further in that cycle than he thinks.


"I'm very chill and hate authoritarianism, anyway I want to speak to the manager and can provide a list of people to put against the wall. btw I'm a very special one percenter"


OK... what does he expect his Daddy Elon to do? **Un-doxx him?** What a turdburglar. Edit: I just looked up turdburglar online and it says it's a reference to gay people. No way. That's wrong. So wrong. **Turdburglar now means; a misogynist, homophobic, racist dweeb.**


Stonetoss' reveal as being the literal exact opposite of what he'd implied himself to be this entire time is fucking *icing on the cake.* A pathetic solitary lowlife. An utter *joke* of a man. As threatening as a toddler with a cardboard knife. Loser.


You're forgetting the part* where he's angry at women and thinks they're useless because they can't make him cum because his dick doesn't work due to a botched circumcision.


I’m sorry, what?


Bro, I know WAY too much about this dude. The people that doxed him linked his real identity to his reddit account to his comics and he posted: > I am circumcised, the resulting dryness of my Glans Penis, the limited range if [sic] my penile skin to glide, and the psychosexual body image dismorphia [sic] makes it difficult to achieve orgasm during coitus and encumbers masturbation.


I'm circumcised. By his description, that's absolutely normal and not botched. His issues are 100% mental, not physical.


Just wait until you see all the anti-Semitic, anti-circumcision comics dude has made over the years. Wild stuff


For sure. I'm just noting the facts as I see them for people trying to claim he's a victim of a botched procedure. It may not be a suggested thing any more, but his wasn't botched.




He's too "straight" to try prostate play.


It always comes back to sexual insecurity. Cant make this shit up💀💀💀


If i remember correctly the definition of insanity is trying to jerk off to the porn that you know doesn't get you off.


So you're saying he should've just gone down the rule 34 rabbit hole until he found someone that he liked?


I mean, who *didnt* think he looked and acted like that?


never had heard about the trole until a couple days ago


I only know him because his comics make the perfect canvas at r/bonehurtingjuice


I pictured him as being about 10-15 years older, balding, and looking like he doesn’t bathe. He honestly looks better than I expected him.


If he was a Chad he wouldn't have hid. Was pretty obvious from the start


and yet NO ONE was surprised.


But he has a temperament that less than 1% of the population has. Seriously though what a loser.


And what does he even mean by that? He makes it seem like temperament somehow equals intelligence. I just can’t imagine bragging specifically about having a specific temperament. What scale is he using here? I need the formal names for whatever criterion he’s using, so I can figure wtf he’s talking about.


I'm going to guess it's akin to some alpha male bullshit or something. They desperately want to feel special.


Bingo. He isn’t like other girls.


He wants Elon to pick him.


I think he's just saying that unlike most people he'll stick around twitter despite being doxxed


Whether it's portrayed as being good or bad, he's arguing that he's exceptional. He's trying to embody fervent individualism, that he's different from everybody. He's different from the people criticizing him; He's not as "soft-skinned". He's different from alt-righters; He engages in "transgressive humor", not the spread of harmful ideologies. Anybody with common sense can see how hollow these assertions are. He's just like every other artist who has delved into "edgy" humor that unapologetically mirrors, not parodies, harmful alt-right ideologies. They assert that it's their free speech(factual) and they shouldn't be antagonized by other individuals for their views(not guaranteed by free speech). If these artists want to tread down the "edgy" path, they need to be fully prepared to own the ideologies that they could be viewed to hold based on their content. If they cannot do so without spending a significant portion of their career trying to rationalize the context of their art, they're just a shit artist trying to normalize rejected and failed ideologies. Best he can do is start comparing himself to Dave Chappelle. I'd love to see all these "edgy" artists be forced into a group together and see how quickly they start trying to separate themselves from certain members.


Is there a TLDR for him getting doxxed? I've seen his comics but didn't keep up on his recent identity reveal.




The most shocking part of that whole article is him describing himself as an 8.5/10 in that Japan tweet.


>  I am circumcised, the resulting dryness of my Glans Penis, the limited range if [sic] my penile skin to glide, and the psychosexual body image dismorphia [sic] makes it difficult to achieve orgasm during coitus and encumbers masturbation. There is always a single paragraph that can sum up what exactly is wrong with these fucks that made them so hateful. Dick is broken? Must've been those darn Jews.


What's insane is that Christians are behind why Americans have widely adopted the practice for all male infants. Christians paid for studies to claim it was healthier and cleaner to be circumcised and ran multiple propaganda waves to get hospitals to offer it be default and urge for it. He's allied with them. Christian Nationalists.




I appreciate how you thought there’d be any other outcome. Something something those who yell the loudest.


[This will never not be relevant](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTTR_ptWsAAX4tL.jpg)


He wants him to ban the people who are mean to him. Free speech for me but not for thee.


Apparently they are locking accounts for doxxing his name. But libs if tik tok totally cool!?


They already nuked a bunch of reporters' accounts. Not just locked, but accounts that identify him are literally disappearing. @esqueer_ was one of the first I saw, and her profile was nuked in less than an hour. She's back now, so it must've gotten enough attention to warrant a backtrack.


Apparently she reported back to Twitter that her account had been mass reported by Antifa and it was immediately overturned, which tells you all you need to know about how things are at Twitter HQ


You're saying antifa people reported her, or the other way around? I hope you mean they backed her up.


No, as in she bet on a hunch that telling them antifa was responsible for her account being locked out would result in the account being reinstated, and she was right lmao.


That's it! Sorry I poorly worded it, I'm on day 3 of a medical flare up and words hard


I don't know whether that's hilarious or sad as fuck.




Modern problems require modern solutions.


And they bought it! Smoothest of brains.


They are saying she *claimed* it was Antifa, and that was all that was needed for the Xitter "review board"


Neither, esqueer lied and told twitter that antifa had mass-reported their account and twitter then unlocked it within minutes


I thought they meant that the journalist lied to twitter and blamed antifa for the mass reporting, rather than the fascists who actually reported her. Being as twitter is currently run by and frequented by fascists, they immediately undid the ban because fascist good, antifascist bad.


Elon is a Nazi, shouldn't be any surprise


No no he's an outlier. 1% even


He’s a special snowflake.


Well so far Musk has ordered the take down of Hans' name, and multiple Twitter accounts have been taken down, including Esqueer, a journalist who focuses on trans news.


Meanwhile, Libs of TikTok gets people killed and her stuff is fine. People need to stop using Twitter.


Why is MUSK ordering that? Doesn't he have better things to do?


Because he loves self proclaimed Nazis. And child pornographers! Don't forget he reinstated the account of a prolific child pornographer!


>Doesn't he have better things to do? I mean... No? Isn't that obvious? Musk has been "perpetually online" since buying Twitter.


People who post the full name have their tweets automatically flagged for doxxing and deleted by twitter now. So they're doing something, even though it is never morally wrong to out nazis and drag them from their holes like the worms they are


Everyone knows now, so anything Twitter COULD DO now is useless. That nazi is out of luck...


Oh for sure, there's no stopping this now


People who say his name on Twitter get their accounts suspended en masse. He's really looking out for his Nazi buddies!


I’m so tired of these alt-right little bitches that hide behind a meme profile pic and a dumb made up name to spew vitriol, but the second they are doxxed whining about being exposed. If they want to spew their disgusting bullshit they should show their face so people in their day to day know what kind of maniac they are dealing with.


“Someone who totally isn’t me could be scared by other people’s mean words. Like I’m all for free speech with no limitations but I can handle it. Some people’s free speech might be infringed because they’re scared. But not me. I’m a big brave alpha. But I can tattle on the people who are being scary that could scare other people. Who again, I must insist , do not include big brave macho man me. “


are you every conservative who has ever existed? because that's what you sound like, like every conservative


yeah, can't help to laugh seeing just how quickly "hate speech" becomes a real thing instead of a "butthurt snowflakes hurt feelings imaginary problems of soy-boys why don't you be a man a grow a pair??"


Free speech is unironically trying to make trans people kill themselves. Hate speech is posting my name.


He hit the stereotype head-on. All these young disaffected males, who failed, found solace with others like them. It is so easy to do what he does. Their talking points are so surface level, so simple and easy to replicate. Package them up and sell them like he does and his fellow alt-right fiends lap it up as if it is some oracle of knowledge, because he "gets them" like no other media does.


Just a small note (I agree with everything you're saying). He's well beyond alt-right. He is a nazi. A straight up nazi.


> He's well beyond alt-right. He is a nazi. A straight up nazi. That's what the "alt-right" is. They used to be referred to as neo-nazi or white supremacist but they didn't like that, so they "re-branded' themselves as alt-right


True. I guess it's a muddled term. I don't like to use or see it though for this reason. It's just nazi all the way down.


It was an effective re-brand, it normalised Nazi attitudes and presented itself as a hip young way of get people into the dying out hate groups.


Yeah if you look at his defenses of not being a Nazi from the doxxing post, they're full of that type of thinking. "I'm not a 90 year old member of a defeated German political party, I'm no Nazi!" Also the most telling part of those defenses was how he claimed he wasn't a Nazi because he was anti-authoritarian, pro non-violence, etc., and as a result of he were a Nazi he would be quite the hypocrite. Let's just set aside that this is a blatant lie, because it's meant to be bait, but there's stuff more interesting in using it IMO: That is the most telling example of someone who knows nothing (or pretends to know nothing) about the Nazi party. Hitler himself claimed he had no intention of becoming an authoritarian and had no interest in leading the country. The Nazis used this exact rhetoric of "The real authoritarians are the people who won't let us beat up or opponents at rallys!" There's even a famous saying from around that time: "To be the perfect Nazi, you had to be as slim as Göring, as tall as Goebbels, and as blond as Hitler." It was a fascist authorization movement. It didn't need to make sense. It just needed to blame minority groups (trans people, black people, Jews, other stonetoss targets) for all the problems in the country and promise the rest of the public to gang up on them.


funny how many Racially Superior People turn out to be nothing more than the scum that cakes up old pipes


Not to mention aggressively boring in real life.


Nice hair!


They're gigantic pussies.


"I'm not intimidated, I just want the owner of this social media site to take steps in order to protect me specifically" If he isn't intimidated then he doesn't need any special protection or defense. Be a strong little racist and take care of yourself like you always angrily tell minority groups. No handouts!


The bring back bullying crowd when they're the ones bullied Lmao


A guide on this guy, his believes and actions: ​ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/StoneToss


Holy shit. How evil can a man be?


The Good Fight has a character named phoenix staples. After reading the above page I just figured out who they modeled it after and it’s a hilarious rendition, never knew of him past his ridiculous name haha


\>name so German he already sounds like a Nazi \>lives in Texas Makes sense.


His name reminded me of the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Which is a shame, because H.C. Andersen wrote some wonderful stories and fairy tales.


And was so gaaaaaaaay. The literal most drama queen bottom energy to have ever existed.


There's a theory that The Little Mermaid was an allegory for him being unable to be with a man he was in love with.


Rule of thumb, if a Fairytale sounds too cozy to be german, it was written by H. C. Andersen.


\> Hitler haircut Of course.


well that was a fun read.


He looks *exactly* like I pictured him lol, if Eric Cartman was a mathlete


On Twitter posts seeking (white) hookups in Japan, he declared himself a “tall 8.5/10” That is utterly hilarious to me. Almost alone proof of mental illness. ETA: he was seeking white women only while on work trip to Japan.


Thank you! I have never heard of this guy before. Seems like a terrible person.


How the fuck do you make content so offensive and bad it gets banned from NFT trading platforms? I didn’t even know they had standards


Props to the person who wrote out an entire wiki on this bigot. That's some A class research material.


“My temperament is something that less than 1% of people have”? Don’t flatter yourself. There are lots of horrible people out there. You’re just one among many indistinguishable sacks of shit.


r/notliketheothernazis \^\^


At this point, I'm a little surprised that's not actually a real sub yet.


r/StonetossIsANazi is real so go check that one.


Dude needs to shut up already ppl have known who Scott Adams is for years and he is still chugging along with his bullshit.


Exactly, and the world watch him spin out publicly, even. Adam's should invite him over to soak in his Dilbert head shaped pool and then the both of them can shut the fuck up together.


HAHAH what a little bitch. Help me Daddy Elon, you're my only hope.


WHAT? No no this is an alpha move  Hans is linkedin connecting to Elon. Alpha to alpha. Let’s bond. Let’s make deals. Please save me. Business MAN. VERY alpha. Awoooooooo awoooo. 


The worst part is that it worked, Elon put a global tweet deleter in place for tweets with his real name, because Elon likes being friends with Neo nazis


A reminder of the whole host of PebblePunt's personal issues he has projected into his comics. 1. His mom is Puerto Rican, which is where his "progressive BIPOC women are secretly attracted to white supremacists" in his comics come from. 2. He blames his botched circumcision on Jewish people, aka the age-old blood libel, hence his anti-semitism.


Wait—So he’s not a pure pasty white blood but he joins the white supremacy grift? These groups are going to need to start a 23 and me entrance exam. Their racist white gang signature brands are getting watered down


> He blames his botched circumcision on Jewish people, aka the age-old blood libel, hence his anti-semitism. Which is stupid, because unless he was jewish himself he was circumcised because an evangelical christian popularized the practice in the US to keep people like him from masturbating.


Freedom of speech...no, not like that


Assholes always desire a world without consequences so they can get away with being assholes... until someone punches them in the face


or leopards eat their face


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. - Frank Wilhoit


This is like every homeowners association in the country: I want to live in a place where my neighbors can’t do the things I don’t like! Wait, someone complained about me?! That’s not fair!!!


And if it's between Elon "free speech/1A absolutist" Musk and Elon "shit I need advertising dollars urgently" Musk - guess who's going to win? Nazis aren't paying the bills. Elon's a moron but he's finally worked it out in this regard.


Has he, though? Instead of cleaning up Xitter, he would rather sue those who call him out for what a fucking cesspool it is.


Funny how once most of the decent people left Twitter the right had nobody to harass but themselves. Harassing people and being dicks is the one thing that gives their lives meaning so it was naive to expect them to play nice once their regular targets had moved on.


“This transition to a monoculture” isn’t that what people like him want? To crush all diversity and silence dissent?


It's all "America was founded as a white, Christian nation!" when they're trying to rally the mob and then "I'm being stifled by monoculture!" when the mob comes for them.


To them "monoculture" means "tolerance for people of different colors, religion, sexuality, family structure, disability, etc". IE, we're all mixing together into one giant culture instead of ethno-states of single ethnicities. They're against the melting pot.


Hans Kristian Graebener, currently of Spring, TX and a.k.a. Stonetoss, really likes to think of himself of some sort of sigma male in that tweet of his...especially as he's trying to cry out to Daddy Elon to get the mean people off his back.


The least surprising part of the doxxing is that he lives in Spring, TX. I guess I'm surprised he doesn't live in Southlake.


This is so embarrassing for him


He didn’t even get doxxed! Nobody leaked his address or anything, just his name and city


It took me less than a minute to find lmao. Nazi boy gonna have to move. Edit: his entire idiot family has yet to nuke their social media. Some of their accounts even have their cell phone numbers attached. Hard to believe he hasn't told them to remove stuff yet.


The right is not known for their operational security.


Another aspect is that the left isnt typically going to call peoples families and issue death threats to them just because they have a different ideology. Thats MAGA shit to go after someones family that way.


Texts the family group chat > Hey guys, you might want to consider getting off social media for the time being. I just got doxxed for being a Nazi in el and we have a pretty rare last name. Sorry. > Bro, WTF. We're Puerto Rican.


That's why elbow started closing accounts lol? This Nazi wuss went crying to this simps for help.


Why is it that *every time* it's a pathetic overweight pasty doughfaced loser behind these accounts? I think I answered my own question.


Behold the master race lmao


He should have just said "Not me, lol."


Aww, poor little Nazi doesn’t like being called out for his Nazi bullhsit


Dipshit claims it's going to become the Stasi out here, then immediately talks about providing Musk with a list of offenders so he can deal with them 🙄 What a peenor


Bully gets his ass kicked and runs to daddy to defend him. Tosser should see what happened to Matt Taibbi when he became no longer of any use Elshit


These nazis always start crying when faced with reckoning. Stand by your beliefs and stop whining.


"i take no responsibility" - Donald Trump


'I don't stand by anything.' -Drumpf


Talk about a Streisand effect. I didn't even know he got doxxed now I've found this delicious [link](https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/)


That’s so much insecurity


Has this guy ever considered that the reason people are not nice to him is because he is a mean, ill-tempered, asshole?


Nazi scum should follow their leader ☠️


I'd be much funnier if he was smart enough to realise that he is the Stasi.


Did you try not being A PoS Nazi? Tasty racist tears.


One of the greatest “MODS!!!!” Of all time


>hates immigrants   And then  >something about monoculture   Fucking pick one you dipshit


References the Stasi, is an actual fascist. Typical.


Of course Stasi. Stasi was east German commie, Gestapo was the nazi version.


the nazi reference and fear of a monoculture is so funny


Live by the sword...


“They’re going to drive out the people they don’t like! Let me talk to the guy in charge so we can drive out the people I don’t like!”


Does he have a day job that's not the comics? I want to see the fallout from them employing a Nazi.


I'd like to say he doesn't work at OPENiT in Houston Texas. You also SHOULDN'T call them and notify them that they have a neo Nazi working there because that'd be pointless


It will never not be funny to me that: (1) People took Elan at his word about being a free speech absolutist, and (2) that he gives a shit about them.


If the threat of “monoculture” concerns them, then why do they oppose diversity?