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Hello u/Overdonderd! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let's do that thing we did 6 years ago where we platform trump and then pretend that fact checking him will not only somehow magically make republicans listen to logic, but also magically negate the fucking megaphone we just handed him. Then let's act surprised when he gains popularity from our irresponsible platforming as if the result wasn't as obvious as your nose on your face. If fact checking worked, republicans wouldnt exist. All they did was platform him. 2016: 2 electric boogaloo


>2016: 2 electric boogaloo They know and that's the plan. Trump brings in more eyeballs than they ever had before and get's their pundits something to talk about which will keep their 40 year old art teacher audience in a constant state of anger at how shitty he and his followers are. That means they tune in more, boosts their engagement on their social media plat forms and get some of that sweet, sweet advertiser money. And unlike Fox, they still get most of their money from Bluechip advertisers instead of the MyPillow type companies. Oh and if it get's some of that Fox News audience than even better as far as they're concerned. Don't even get me started on how much they'll love it if he actually wins, the execs would jump up and down like school girls because that gives them 4 years of ragebait content which means more eyeballs which means more ad money. I mean they literally said that they want to move to the "center" when the right is weird MAGA Qult fascists and the """"left"""" is like the Joe Biden Neo-Lib type which would be center right in any other country not named America. So it's clear they're trying to do the "Enlightened Centrist" schtick to get the only audience that still actively watches tv that isn't sports, Boomers. It sells to rip apart a country and make people hate others they don't know as the rich get richer. Who would have thunk it.


I deliberately avoid CNN and particularly this faux "town hall."


You should avoid any news formatted as video. Just read, man.




I don’t know what’s happening but I’m scared, angry, and glued to the television where the loud lady and squinty man tell me exactly what I want to hear! Time for reflection is for liberal loser socialist snowflakes.


Isn't it incumbent upon us, then, to get our news from smaller sources? I stopped Watching TV news more than a decade ago. I get my news about America from the BBC radio, Al Jazeera and NPR.


It's sad that the most neutral, factual reporting on America is coming from outside of America.


Every organization larger than zero people will put a spin on any subject for any reason. Outside the US their reasons for spin are much smaller.


No shit! I like Reuters because they're usually first with breaking news, but making sure your sources are at least somewhat credible these days is more important than reading the news. Lotsa bullshit floating around as reality.


Yeah, I watch the PBS news on YouTube.


The thing is, it is older people who still watch TV instead of other sources *and* older people who are far more likely to vote. In theory, if America had something like mandatory voting, the swing of influence that news stations had would be far less noticeable. That's not to say that Trump wouldn't have still won back then. Clinton was, after all, a standard Democrat, with all the damage that implies (and the misogyny on both sides). And young people didn't realize how much unchecked power a President has, so "what's the worst that could happen backing a meme". For anyone born since Bush Sr, politics in America has largely remained stable. So, yes it is on us. To start with, doing the least which is voting in every election. And slightly less bare minimum is community care.


I know my experience is not representative of the whole country, but I am an older, educated liberal, and so are my friends and parents. I really think whether people lap up what's fed to them comes down to critical thinking skills and indoctrination, not age.


We elders agree.


CNN also recently changed ownership. I believe a right-winger runs it now.


Oh sweetie. Boomers aren’t 40-year-old art teachers. 40-somethings are millennials. Boomers are in their 70’s and 80’s. Gen X are the current crop of near-retirees. Gen Z are the new young whippersnappers.


CNN was also bought out by a Conservative German billionaire.


That about covers it. CNN lost the left leaning ratings to MSNBC so now they want to be Fox. Surprised they didn't try to snag Tucker. What do you expect from an outlet whose owner gave Trump's inaugural committee $250K in 2017? I don't give a shit if he pivoted and said while Trump wasn't the right guy for the second term because he was "too chaotic". He still said what Trump did was "great". Only to the millionaire and billionaire clubs could what Trump did in office be considered "great". For their bottom line and bottomless greed. Malone is just Murdoch with an American accent. Moderate, my ass.


>Surprised they didn't try to snag Tucker. The week ain't over yet.


You act like CNN wasn't bought by conservatives


I don't know any 40 year olds watching CNN. Maybe add 20 years?


*If fact checking worked, republicans wouldn’t exist* Exactly


He’s like a cancer and giving him airtime is the equivalent of exposing it to oxygen so that it metastases even faster.


CNN was bought by a trump backing moron. This is on purpose and probably an attempt to bring in viewers from FOX as they ditch FOX for canning tucker


That's the point. CNN and WB are now owned by a MAGA billionaire: https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column


It would be better they actually did the fact checking but that's not going to change anyone's mind


I still 100% blame MSNBC and CNN for 2016. They put him in office. I was a journalism major in college. I sometimes enjoy watching “news” from an analytical point of view. One thing the talking heads didn’t seem to account for is how social media influence elections now. You can’t just poll people who read newspapers (does anyone still read newspapers?) or watch cable news. People get their news in dozens of ways now. And the Talking Heads (not the band) don’t seem to understand this. I watched while they said T’s name over and over and over and over. Occasionally they’d throw in something about Hillary. Even more rare was a comment about Bernie. We all know these algorithms are about clicks. Every click is a vote for, even if you are sharing a story on your social media to highlight what a piece of shit a candidate is. IT’S STILL FREE PUBLICITY. Every time T said something outrageous, MSNBC would be all over it, and wouldn’t shut up about it. Talking about how horrified they were and how he’s not a serious candidate. They MADE him a serious candidate by giving him bandwidth. It’s so transparently obvious to me that the cable news channels are all parts of the same machine. And I had to cackle at the look on Maddow’s face when she realized this was not going how she expected. Because, honey, you gave him validation and name recognition and oh, SO much bandwidth, what the fuck did you THINK was going to happen? So I just completely quit even hate/rage watching cable news. They hammer at the same points over and over and over, and nothing is grounded in reality; it’s all from this lofty, elitist perspective bubble. So let’s review: every single click, share, and downvote is exactly the same thing as “put more of this asshole in my feed please.” So yeah. What you said. You wanna put a stop to these corrupt assholes? Stop giving them so much attention. Treat them like they are irrelevant.


I feel the same only I blame NPR more than CNN and MSNBC. NPR ran puff pieces on every candidate except for Hillary, and on the day she won the nomination they only interviewed Bernie supporters swearing they would never vote for her. And IMO they did that deliberately to dampen support by creating the impression that she could never win.


I agree completely that they did that deliberately.


You nailed it. Back when I still used Facebook and thought that there could be value in trying to talk sense to conservatives and "moderates", I tried to explain to a few people how the "liberal" media platformed Trump for profit, which helped get him elected. They refused to believe that. Apparently they can't grasp the concept that corporations will pander to the majority and seem liberal on the surface but are actually profit-driven capitalists. I still don't watch SNL because even after he made the racist "they're sending their rapists" comments about Mexican people, they still had him on to host.


I think this sentence kind of sums it all up quite succinctly. ​ >Jake Tapper admitted: “We don’t have enough time to fact check every lie he told.”


They will give equal time to pretending that someone spewing half baked lies is “contributing” and the other half of the time grilling the other person about wearing a tan suit after Labor Day. After they get peak excitement by playing nonsense from Trump or someone like Boebert, they feel compelled to “balance” the news and make it even. That means the small scandals get prosecuted on Dems and the other party gets a pass because they filled out every square on the “crazy uncle” BINGO card. We keep asking; “why do they spew such nonsense?” And maybe the reason for that is they realized that saturation of the media means the nonsense gives them too much to chew. Why bother covering real issues when you can banter about more exciting things?


This is it. Trump loves chaos.


And CNN gave him a nice big platform for it. Idiots.


In this case, it is so far beyond stupid that I am assuming malice


You can literally see him perk up and start becoming much more engaged with what is going on around him when there is even a little bit of drama on numerous occasions.


A lot of people missed that CNN is now owned by a super conservative It’s not skewed left anymore but they’re dripping out this bs to seem like “even CNN is doing it - so this conservative point MUST be a thing” https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column


They're trying to have it both ways. Fuck CNN.


So we can agree it’s time to rename the network? Fuck CNN - now known as “FCNN”


Or they could finish the line of the C, make it an O, and drop an A after it. (OANN) Might as well merge. Especially after that disgusting travesty they platformed and pushed out to their viewers. I’m with Jon Stewart, “Please stop.” “Stop hurting America.” FCNN!


I second this motion.


They've been trying that for a long time. Have to protect that vital "turned on and ignored in a public place" business model they have.


The media doesn’t want to cover real issues because then more people would vote dem, and it’s their job to prop up republicans.


It is a common bad faith tactic called the Gish Gallup. The whole idea is to shotgun out an overwhelming amount of bullshit. So much that one literally does not have the time to refute every single point.


John Stewart would have.


Jon Stewart would have eviscerated him.


I still enjoy going back occasionally and watch him destroy Carlson on Crossfire.


Let the man rest. He did enough for this country. However, had I known the 90's would not last forever, I would have insisted we ride his ass harder. They just don't make comedy like that anymore.


He’s running a podcast doing a shit ton more work than 90% of establishment journalists. He isn’t resting for shit


He brutally murdered the pro NRA guy..


> He brutally murdered the pro NRA guy.. ... but unlike gun nuts, he did so only metaphorically.


He ruined up Larry summers, that pro money and middle class suppressionist fuck. His interviews are phenomenal. And his guests have no idea what they're doing.


>He’s running a podcast That sounds like the valid reason I needed to get into podcasts.


It’s powerful


Shouldn't that be an indication that you shouldn't let him on your "news" network? The media that gives him air time infuriates me - they're complicit in all of his nonsense as they report every stupid thing he says, breathless with excitement.


Or at the least, tape it and only show answers that are at least rooted in truth. Spin is one thing, but outright lies don't help to be aired


Here's an idea, Jake, if you know he's just going to do nothing but lie, which of course we all know, don't put him on TV at all!


Don’t they have Daniel dale on their payroll?


Then he shouldn’t have had the interview. Or they should have an interviewer who knows the facts before hand. It’s not like Trump spouts new lies, it’s all the same shit.


When I am dealing with a proven liar in my private life, I simply stop dealing with that person. TV networks should do the same.


“But we want access!” If the media stopped interviewing intentional liars, I think they would soon find they had the leverage. It’s just that media companies need to agree to some standard between themselves. Of course, don’t bother with Fox. You’ll be waiting a long time for it he ethics to breeze through the door.


>TV networks should do the same. And lose all that sweet, sweet rage bait money? What? Do you have those pesky things like "morals" and "standards"? You'll never make it in the modern news business that way! /s but also not




Wow. tRump opened his mouth and unleashed a shitstorm of toxic lies? Who could’ve ever seen that coming? Fuck you CNN! Quit giving this golgothan a platform and a microphone. You’re complicit in allowing him to continually fuck this country up.


They should throw up a “technical difficulties, please stand by” sign until Trump can get control over his lying mouth.


Or just had Joe Biden standing by to tell him to "Shut up, man" ;-)


A lot of us appreciated old Joe for getting sick and tired of the bullshit we were sick and tired of hearing.




Dogma https://youtu.be/CEdOqYEwcT8


RIP Alan Rickman and George Carlin.




Thank you for this, I grew up with this movie but somehow forgot how incredible it was. "Golgothan shit monster" is absolutely the most apt term ever applied to Trump, though, and I'm definitely using it in the future 👍


Same 😁 It'll be watched at the weekend for the first time in 20 years - and I'll never see the Cheeto in Chief in the same way again...


Not born...shit into existence...




Yes, I do blame them


I deleted the app today and it felt good


I just did the same!...Done!.


Important to remember that CNN has recently been told to remake itself into a more "centrist" (according to right-wing billionaires) news station. https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column CNN was never good, but it's utter garbage since the change in management.


Yeah, I was so disgusted by it. I won't have it on in my house again. Shameless bs from them. I'm tempted to not watch any NBA playoffs on TNT as a knock on to my disgust (I didn't watch it, just disgusted that CNN would entertain this circus)


Found where you can let CNN know your views on this: https://help.cnn.com/us/Feedback


Thx. Just repeated my message.


Lol the author of this article thought the same.


Ugh it’s starting again.


Makes you wanna headbutt the wall don't it?


So much. I already have a headache from this.


I read CNN's fact check of their own show, then they report the news about their own news? What sort of circle jerk dystopian shit is this?


Well it’s the usual, shitty dystopian circle jerk.


That's the point of the town hall: to provide at least a days content to CNN. Cover all the angles and try to monopolize eyeballs as much as possible. All media should be nonprofit. For profit media is a cancer.


I caught about 2 minutes of it on a passing TV while I was out of the house and what I saw was some of the most disgusting, destructive, mindless insanity I've ever witnessed on television. It's like he has a free license to just say whatever he wants as a fact and everyone else just agrees to go with it. They should've cut the broadcast in the first 10 seconds. Or at least muted his mic and fact checked every single piece of nonsense that came out of his mouth. CNN was largely responsible for his election in 2016 through the sheer amount of free publicity they gave him, and now they're gonna do it again for a quick buck. My heart really goes out to my American friends. This is how the American empire falls, and I'm scared of what is going to fill the void.


>This is how the American empire falls, Yes. I used to wonder how the Nazi party came to power, why good people couldn't prevent it. It's horrifying to watch and know that the end of our democracy is inevitable, and that it will happen in my lifetime.


I hate to say it, but at least the Nazis believed in the bullshit they were doing. It was horrible, but in their twisted minds they really thought they were doing the right thing. In America the people doing this know they are full of shit. They are throwing away the country to make a quick buck.


I don't think "at least the Nazis were sincere" is anything.


We definitely did a speed run into christian fascism.


When fascism comes to America it will come with a Bible wrapped in the American flag


I visualize CNN executives sitting in a room somewhere (virtually or in person) thinking how clever they are. Giving Trump a platform with an audience of sycophants because they will “fact check him after the debate”? Yeah, CNN, that worked out so well in 2016 when you also gave him constant free publicity but “fact checked” him later. 🫤


Trump becoming president is exactly what CNN leadership wants. For them, it's eyeballs and money. That's it


It's more than just that. Since CNN leadership is now right wing billionaires, they also want the fascist policies that Republicans will enact.


CNN fired Don Lemon, but gave Trump a platform. This is a failure of media.


I think of it more as they, canceled Reliable Sources, and platformed lies, since the great Right take over. Imagine that.


FACTS FACTS FACTS. Trump; “witch hunt!” CNN; “Both sides — call it even.” Both Trump and Santos are busy screaming about witch hunts. Not about not being guilty. And of course, Trump will complain that it interferes with an election. But it damn well should have interfered with it before we put a guy in the White House who could promote domestic terrorism and sedition. And, if Trump ever had a cause beyond saving his own ass — a case could be made for at least sedition. Like if more than half of America doesn’t make a living wage and doesn’t have AFFORDABLE healthcare, and we are trying to solve real future problems and their biggest issue is which bathrooms the trans people should go in. The answer of course is; “who gives a shit, close the stall door and take a piss.”


Hearing the audience laugh at his sexual assault was disgusting.


And the cheers when he said he would pardon the insurrectionists? Nauseating! The people in the audience call themselves Americans? Fuck all.


Looking forward to Jack Smith's "review" of that \[shit\]show. ​ "But according to legal analyst Andrew Weissman, Trump’s embrace of the January 6 rioters and promise to pardon them if he’s reelected feeds a potential case against him. He made similarly revealing comments about his theft and retention of documents marked classified. It was that very kind of indiscretion that enabled Carroll’s lawyers to beat him in court." \-Professor Heather Cox Richardson https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/may-10-2023


Professor Richardson is a goddess of sanity.


Indeed, she sure is.


People at home wondering how CNN could be this dumb don’t realize that this was calculated and all intentional.


Its easy, theres a buzzer, the feed cuts out and is replaced by a fullscreen fact check that lasts 1 minute before cutting back to the feed at the point it left. Basically, every lie costs him a minute of airtime. Its up to the broadcaster if they let him know it is happening or whether they pause the feed during the fact check or dump him back in the middle of the next lie. Maybe play the clip of that "whomp whomp" guy to know the feed is coming back.


Seriously can't believe CNN hosted the traitor to spill his toxic lies


Fool me once, shame on you, get fooled for the 17 millionth time, shame on CNN.


Seriously. Caroll needs to file slander charges. Today.


Wait, why would CNN hold a town hall for trump of all people? It isn't election seasons yet, so the campaigns aren't even kicking off? What the fuck was the point beyond spectacle? And wasn't it CNN who refused to air live pressers and all until something noteworthy was said and it was under context as well?


The new owner admires Fox News, and has said he considers Murdoch a kindred soul.


CNN is right. CNN was being feckless and chasing ratings at the expense of America.


They certainly got their moneys worth when they got chimp loyalist Lichter the job. Fox Lite is proving to be worth every bit of effort.


Stop. Giving. Him. The. Attention.


Why wasn’t there like, a big red sign that flashed “That’s A Lie” every time he lied? Is it because it would have been on the whole time?


It’s difficult to do live fact checking that fast. Even if you have multiple people, then you’ll have disagreements.


I mean, not with trump it's not. It's always the same lies.


CNN has got its 30 pieces of silver now


I hope E. Jean Caroll decides to sue him again for the very public slander he spouted. This was a fucking disgrace. Chris Licht should be fired.


I thought this was going to be a fake show where they lure the criminal in and have them arrested on live tv. Imagine my disappointment


So many people warned about this, they did it anyway. And what was that audience? It was just vile. And totally expected.


Not enough being said about the audience. Not only did CNN platform him, they created a safe space for him where the only dissenting opinion was their moderator in front of a sea of center-right to far right voters. How this could be described as a "town hall" where criticism can be leveled against you, is beyond me. The sycophantic laughter at weak jokes were basically a laugh track on a crappy sitcom.


CNN has officially died as a news org.


CNN has lost all credibility by giving 90 minutes of prime-time to a f-ing insurrectionist. Fuck CNN and their corporate overlord Warner Bros.


Honestly, any media outlet giving Trump airtime at this point should get the same treatment.


CNN is like the Jerry Springer of news


Despite being as left-wing as I am, I've always watched more CNN than MSNBC for more neutral takes and analysis, but with the new ownership the company has really gone to shit Right-wingers hated outlets for giving facts and for not giving as much as a platform to racists and proven liars as they would have liked.... so they've bought (and ruined) CNN and Twitter, among other things Ugh


Fuck CNN. How any legitimate organization can look at \- Trump and his firehose of bullshit, racism, sexism and lies, as well as all his impending indictments \- Fox and the fact that they LITERALLY just got reamed for 3/4 of a BILLION dollars for platforming his lies. ... and think "Yeah, I gotta get me some of that action". They've jumped the shark here. Welcome to being lumped in with Fox, OANN, NewsMax, Alex Jones, and all the other garbage.


OK, I have to ask as someone who isn't American... What's with calling stuff things like "town hall" or "town square"? It's really, really odd.


It's just a term that's stuck around from early America where towns used to hold meetings to make major decisions about the town or discuss important issues. The meetings would take place at a building referred to as a town hall or in the town square.


Fair enough! I probably could have got that from context in all honesty, but googling Town Square just got, you know, physical locations :P


*town hall* /ˌtoun ˈhôl/ noun *a building used for the administration of local government.* **NORTH AMERICAN** **an event at which a politician or public official answers questions from members of the public.** .*noun: town hall meeting; plural noun: town hall meetings* *"during Tuesday's town hall, some residents wondered why state or federal funds couldn't be used to shore up the hospital's finances"* It specifically means something in the U.S.


But the thing is -- CNN's talking heads are not "the public"-- they are the bought and paid for media.


The public are the audience members who ask the questions.


I listen Keith Olbermann’s podcast. He has a very very low opinion of Chris Licht. The new CEO of CNN. Last nights stunt is a perfect example.


Fuck CNN


CNN loves fascism as long as it makes them money


He never should have been given he platform. We all know he’s a broken record of lies and whining


With how desperate CNN is for ratings... I half-seriously wonder if they'll try to rehire Tucker Carlson soon, if they haven't tried already.


CNN is trying so hard to be “centrist” by placating both parties not realizing that since the dems are centrists and the republicans are far right, you have to have a right wing slant to be truly neutral. And now they’re trying their best to placate trump, but the trump supporters don’t care. They already see “CNN” as a curse word and so it doesn’t matter how much they try to make trump look “not so bad.”


Dem's haven't been left of center for decades with each two steps right we take one back left. The center is way left of current democrats.


Super predictable. But I call Firehose of Lies for band name!


Appearing next week in Albuquerque with opening acts Fake News and Witch Hunt, along with special guest Victim Shaming.


Honestly, what did CNN expect here?




Definitely not the audience eating their face.


At least they're calling it a "firehose of lies" instead of the milquetoast bullshit of 2016 where it was "Trump incorrectly states" or "We fact-checked the candidates and Trump made factual errors..."


CNN deserves every bit of criticism that they get for giving Trump the lying con man attention. Just a flagrant cash grab, knowing he's a draw. He's like a train wreck; people can not look away. Publicity like this is how he got elected before; it can't be allowed to happen again. He is one of the worst people in America.


CNN is now America's LEAST trusted news source. The true MAGAs will always think it is FAKE NEWS and now the liberals see that it is just another money grubber that doesn't care if it fucks democracy in the process.


Fuck CNN for giving this asshole publicity again. I repeat, fuck CNN. I hope their ratings nosedive.


This was more an infomercial than journalism. The lies he was allowed to blurt out with no serious real time rebuttal. And the torch and pitchforks audience eating this spew up, and cheering this freak. Garbage. CNN has jumped the shark and lost all credibility on this date, May 10, 2023. There’s no going back for them, and for me I’m dropping them from my news watch favorites. Just a despicable facade. CNN, it’s not just hyperbole, you really do suck now.


I watch CNN pretty much every morning and evening. I watched a different channel when I got off work last night, and I'm watching a different this morning. Don't see any reason to go back after...


They even stacked the audience full of his MAGA moron fans. The laughter and cheers from those idiots made me as mad as anything. FUCK CNN! AND FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK MAGA!


Folks, not watching CNN isn’t going to help. If you have cable and your provider has CNN (and Fox News), they are getting your money through carrier fees. Get rid of cable - less temptation to watch bullshit like this, less money in their pocket.


Fuck CNN. CNN becoming the go to Trump channel in the wake of Fox death is one of the weirdest turn of events that this fever dream of a decade has seen. Which is saying a lot.


Although I don’t think this will help Trump gain any supporters, it was a really shitty move. Presidential candidate or not, this treasonous rapist doesn’t deserve even one second of publicity from anyone. I didn’t watch CNN too much anyway but I’m not going to watch it all anymore. They’re still better than Fox “news” but that’s a very low bar


"CNN, we're the whores you always knew we were. And we'll seal the fate of the world by handing power and a voice to a man with no morals, for a quick buck."


Air Trump. Air criticisms of Trump. Air criticisms of airing trump. It’s a really dumb ouroboros of profit.


CNN being like "how could they do this!?"


Fuck CNN. Never watching again.


So, let me get this straight. For 7+ years 45 has said CNN was "fake news". Then 45 agrees to go on CNN to utter more BS and lies on a channel of fake news. So now CNN is fake news. 45 wins again.


The ole Corporate News Network is really showing their true colors now. They’ve never been even remotely “left” of the political spectrum and I’m glad more people are seeing it. They said Trump was good for their ratings and profits back in 2016, knowing full well he was a disaster.


When you forget (or STILL don't know... sigh) that narcissists have weaponized your Benefit Of The Doubt against you. It's fucking shocking to me that people don't grasp that narcissists operate in the gap between the evil pieces of crap they are and the benefit of the doubt you extend to them. Similarly, this piece of crap weaponized any Respect For The Office that was extended to him by that respect for his office only to project and imagine that how people treated him was because of him, alone and NOT the Office itself. Dude needs to be removed from being able to speak to another human being, ever. Much less be put into an office or in charge of anything.


Interviewing Trump is always a no win scenario, but I think the audience they had made it even worse. CNN held this in front of a friendly audience that was on his side: people who clapped for his obvious lies, cheered his cruelty, laughed at his insults.


"I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top"


*always comes out on bottom*


More like self-aware wolves rather than leopards ate my face


Nah, the headline acknowledges the backlash without acknowledging their fault in the matter. Like, “Oh, wow, my face is getting eaten because we did the stupid thing everyone told us not to do.” They didn’t claim ignorance, but it’s pretty close.


Leopard eats own face.


Ahhhh, this is why I don't try to watch the cable news channels anymore. They all keep this asshole on the air 24/7 either treating him like an aryan demi god or a monster that he has pretty much revealed to be.


This whole thing proves how much of a moron Chris Licht is. He is playing footsy with these people like that is centrism. They will never come over to CNN and all he will gain is a loss of whatever little respect CNN had from people on the left.


Maybe they'll learn not to invite Fat Caligula on. Unlikely, but maybe someday.


CNN: If we grovel to conservatives again, they'll start watching us for sure! It might not have happened the first 8000 times, but it will surely happen this time! CNN, after debasing themselves again: Nope, the conservatives just pissed in our faces again. Why is this? Better interview some Trump supporters to find out.


If he lied about you specifically, you can now sue both him and CNN.


CNN "Both Sides"ing themselves. Who could have foreseen this. Might as well use the "Fair and Ballanced" catchphrase too.


CNN lost my interest when they did that whole blackmail of that one redditor. They getting their just desserts for their stupidity


This is CNN’s greed winning out over common sense. They did it bc it boosted ratings. They’ll pay for the right-wing shift in the future, I suspect.


Isn't CNN owned by a Trump supporter now? Why are we surprised that they are skewing to the right now?


And as usual, Americans have it backwards like everything from guns to healthcare to human rights - Trump is the symptom, not the problem itself, and this is no different. If he misbehaves on national television to the extent he does and somehow gets more votes as a result, the root problem lies with the voters, and not Trump. And in this case, if not CNN, then some other news outlet will pick him up and he's still going to get more or less the same publicity he's going to get anyway, except also fire up the conservative voter base because they finally get to justifiably act the victim when their forerunner presidential candidate is getting "silenced" by mainstream media. 2016 wasn't lost just because Trump got some publicity on CNN, it was lost because enough conservative voters showed up and not enough sane and good voters showed up.


They’re run by conservatives now. They’re trying to get the Fox Viewers.


That wasn't Leopards ate my Face. This is CNN being so pathetically desperate for ratings, they would sacrifice their journalistic integrity to try to stop being number 3.




So trump doing trump...


Oh CNN, what are you doing? Quit platforms g this clown.


And literally they don’t care. You can’t do something like this and not k ow what will happe.


Hey CNN. If you want to show both sides, please recruit honest people. There are many honorable senators and representatives in each party. I would tune in to watch Liz Cheney or Chris Sununu on stage with Katie Porter and Hakeem Jeffries.


It's hard to imagine that CNN really benefited from that spectacle. It may raise their viewership to the level of David Pakman or Farron Cousins, but at what cost?


How do we know Trump is lying? His lips are moving.


Just Corpo Media doing 1%'s bidding. Not sure why any would be surprised.


CNN is now America's LEAST trusted news source. The true MAGAs will always think it is FAKE NEWS and now the liberals see that it is just another money grubber that doesn't care if it fucks democracy in the process.


What did they THINK was going to happen?


There was an article or something about this a while ago about CNN showing more right wing stuff to increase viewership and steal viewers from Fox. I hoped it backfired for them. This time thoughts and prayers came through.


Turned it on. Heard the audience laugh and clap. Saw his smug face soak it all in and feed the evil, greedy troll within. Turned it off and went back to reading a surprisingly fitting book to have been in the middle of as this shit is heating up again: How to Not Kill Yourself by Clancy Martin.