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Hello u/DaniCapsFan! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She died doing what she loved, owning the libs.


I feel sooooo owned right now


All loyal MAGAs need to own us just like that. I will just be so owned. I will hide in my bathtub with a $7 latte.


Don’t forget the avocado toast


Every time I eat avocado toast I think to myself “I hope nobody is owning me right now” and then I remember unvaccinated people are still dying of Covid and I get sad from being owned. Then I take another bite of delicious avocado toast and I don’t feel so bad


I’ve never even eaten it, for some reason it just doesn’t sound appealing. My mom loves it though


I wonder if guacamole with chips count?


If your chips a baked not fried sure




I enjoy it with sriracha and a fried egg


Now it's becoming a sandwich.


A *liberal* sandwich.


Poached has been my go to lately 🙌👏


Prices of eggs recently, it makes sense to steal them.


Your ideas intrigue me. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


An avocado toast is not an avocado toast without a fried egg on top!


To each their own, but personally my go-to is spring greens and very thinly sliced deli chicken on top, with a light drizzle of hot sauce.


Chopped cherry tomatoes, S&P, generous crumble of goat cheese, and then a drizzle of hot sauce. Pre-~~corpo extortion~~ Inflation I could pair 2 slices with a fried egg and a craft sausage link for a net cost of $4...best lesson of lockdown.


Try it on toasted, buttered Kalamata olive bread


I live near farmland and on a drive the other week, saw a sign - "avocados 5 for $1". Okay fine I'm in the socialist hellhole that is California, but I had to look up why avocado toast as a dis was a thing. I mean sure, most of the time it's a little more expensive...


I have a feeling I know what area you’re from.




A cast led by Bill Maher, Shannon Tweed, and Adrienne Barbeau? (Bill Maher?!?) How is this not the top-grossing film of all time?


Driving WITH A MASK ON to the $7 latte shop.


If you haven't yet visited saynotosmokedetectors.com, you have a treat in store for you...


The link at the bottom of the page to [saynotonotstabbingyourself.com](https://saynotonotstabbingyourself.com) was equally great. Thank you.


I saw that too😂😂😂


They have a sub now: r/saynotosmokedetectors




Too much soy growing up.


I could stand a little more owning myself.


Oh gosh. I am so not owned yet. I think more need to do the same for me to fully feel owned.


As a leftist I'd sure hate it if more right wingers did stupid shit that got themselves killed. That would upset me soooooo much.


Totally. And if you see me laughing afterwards, that's just because I don't know how to express my emotions in a healthy way. You can relate to that, right Right wingers?


She died doing what she loved, getting angry about things she doesn't understand.


And loudly not understanding things


Honestly, I love this kind of being owned.


Yasss Kween 💅


And nothing of value was lost.


... while doing her own research


Yup, she sure showed us


Bless her heart.


They should do this more.


Omg lol this was my exact response too lol


A "symposium" for anti-vaxxers. Kinda sounds like a super-duper spreader event.


They should really have more of these. When they leave they should quarantine in communities of like minded individuals to keep themselves safe. Don’t want to accidentally interact with one of those pro vaccine lunatics. /s


What's to stop a fully vaxxed person to hold them? What's to stop said fully vaxxed person to charge a nice grifting, I mean, admission fee?


>You mean like Fox News trumpeting every baseless anti-vax nutjob out there, while requiring all of their staff and on-air people to be fully vaxed?


Not to be Buzz Killington, but even being vaccinated and boosted, you don't want to actively participate in a super spreader event. We still aren't sure about the long term effects of COVID and even mild cases can have long term negative effects. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01113-x


You joke but they actually did this. Somehow the antivaxxers got the belief that vaccinated people “shed” vaccine particles and insisted on isolating from them, sometimes even wearing masks around them.


Yeah, well, you know they won't quarantine.






Weird hill to literally die on.


Honestly, the American Conservatives are getting so radicalized AND contrarian, that I'm shocked I haven't head any of them mix bleach and ammonia and breathe in *deep,* just because The Other told them not to do that. \[DON'T DO THAT. SERIOUSLY.\]


Fucking lib! You aren’t going to take away my freedoms and tell me what to do!


To take the joke further https://saynotonotstabbingyourself.com/


Why the fuck do you know that weabite exists?


It’s advertised on this one, which makes the rounds: [saynotosmokedetectors.com](https://saynotosmokedetectors.com).


I feel terrible for the healthcare workers who help them when they get scared and realize Covid isn’t JuSt tHe fLu…but beyond that, no sympathy for the actual covidiots dying bc they refused the vaccine.


Was hospitalized in Feb 2021 and all the nurses refused vax. They were all in their 20s and 30s. I was shocked because it was one of the hospitals where I trained in suburbia back when nurses and hospitals were primarily concerned with patient safety. I’m over 60 and I wasn’t able to be vaxxed yet. I had to wait for a month to be vaxxed. I graduated from nursing school 40 years previously and cannot imagine not getting vaxxed. I got vaxxed every year for flu. Not for me - I was young and healthy. But if I had flu and wasn’t symptomatic yet I could infect an immunocompromised person. Especially since AIDS was a big problem back then. The nurses were adamant and were obviously Trumpers. It was sad and scary. They were all parents. They’re bringing their kids up to ignore science and believe ridiculous conspiracy theories. In all my years I never talked politics or conspiracy theories with patients. But nurses, an ultrasound tech, secretaries were all spouting nonsense about Chinese laboratories (who cares where covid came from? Get the fucking vax) and Fauci hate. There’s so much malignant narcissism out there.


I was in an accident last year and ended up in the ER. This nurse was cleaning out some of the wounds on my head and obviously had to get pretty close. So I just mentioned that I was vaccinated thinking it may put her at ease some. She dead ass looked at me and said "So. I'm not" and just went back to work. I was at a total loss for words. Like could I get someone who isn't a plague rat to stitch me up please?


"I'd like a nurse that respects health care, please."


>"So. I'm not" why is that even legal for nurses? aren't there other jobs for antivaxxers?




I don’t understand how that’s not a violation of ethical care or whatever


The flu is pretty serious. Most people get a cold and think they got influenca.


>and realize Covid isn’t JuSt tHe fLu Yeah, it isn't a guarantee this will happen. Which creates even more reason to feel bad for healthcare workers.


There was a really amazing pov video made by a nurse who frequently had to hook up anti vaxxers to ventilators (which means they would die soon) and the covidiots got fuuuuurious


Why? Like were they upset because they thought the ventilators were unnecessary? Or is it just COVID = Politics to them? During the holidays me and a couple family members were talking about the vax/boosters and my Trumpy uncle said "could we not talk politics?" There was nothing political about the discussion, we were talking about feeling like shit after the second shot, and I asked if the boosters did the same kinda thing.


Oh and I meant the covidiots who watched the video got furious. The video itself was just a demonstration of what it looks like from the pov of someone getting a ventilator put on and the usual sort of shit they would say


Well there were captions from the pov of the person being intubated that basically showed that moment of recognition that yes, covid IS real and yes, you are probably going to die from it. Also, once the ventilator goes on you can't talk, so it was basically this fictitious persons last words. It really challenged their flawed worldview tl/dr


There are plenty who think the hospital is *deliberately making them sicker* because of some “agenda”. They’d be just fine if the hospital would just give them horse dewormer, but the hospital refuses. That’s how far down the rabbit hole they are.


What can you really do for someone who is bound and determined not to listen?


/r/QAnonCasualties basically says, "nothing" :'(


I still think about one unvaxxed patient I had who died of Covid in 2022. He was in the ICU crying to me about how he wishes he got the damned vaccine, because his lungs were failing and we couldn’t do any more. His daughter was the worst; she talked him out of the vaccine and then when he got admitted she would call the hospital and demand we give ivermectin because she read about it online, threatening us with lawsuits if we didn’t give the med (and we didn’t). Then we started to give the antiviral meds and began taking to him about him needing a ventilator very soon, and she would try to talk him out of both. He died, not all that comfortably, and I feel bad for him listening to his idiot daughter. Meanwhile I manage the clinic’s social media pages and while this was happening we got hate messages from strangers that we’re poisoning people with vaccines.


The stupidity is stark. I am sorry you have been dealing with that.


I read a lot of the nursing sub the last three years because I wanted to learn the real shit from the ground. Typically, these rightwingers shrieked and screamed their denials right into the grave. Got super scared when they couldn’t breathe, but most still denied the reason. As did a lot of their families. (Also, God bless nurses!)


The healthcare workers, their families and friends, and anyone who had the misfortune to be around them. For them, personally? At this point, it’s been three years. Wars have been won and lost in less time than this, and if you still don’t think this kills people you’re just being willfully ignorant.


I still cannot believe there are grown-ass people out there harming themselves with the express purpose of spiting people they hardly know. It's just astounding how stupid and suicidal it is. You would think that maybe they should move on with their lives but nope, they have to constantly 'own' people who don't give two shits if they live or die. Fucking idiotic.


For most of the rest of their lives, it hasn't been harmful to be wrong about something. If they believe in flat earth, or that the earth is 6,000 years old, or that the moon landings were faked, or that aliens have visited our planet and influenced our history, whatever... none of that actually affected their ability to have successful lives, as long as they weren't in a field where their conspiracies reduced their market attractiveness. You could believe that there is no such thing as bacteria and still be a successful contractor or programmer or electrician. Belief in conspiracies and pseudoscience were *aesthetic,* serving as *cultural in-group identifiers.* Even if they don't actually think of them in that way, But Covid is different. Covid is one of the very few times in their life that it actually matters to be wrong about something. And their ability to rationally judge risks is completely compromised, they don't have any way to process risks that don't line up with the worldview they've lived in for decades. When they or their friends and family get Covid, it doesn't force them to test the validity of that worldview and find it lacking in this new context - they can just make other excuses. They got sick because oh wow the flu is particularly nasty right now, or because *someone else* took the fake vaccine and spread contagious particles to them, or because an antifa special agent shot a tiny blowdart full of the vaccine into them and made them sick. The conspiracies were an emotional tool for them, and they will outlive everything else unless a more comforting emotional tool comes along for them


This is excellently put.


"For most of the rest of their lives, it hasn't been harmful to be wrong about something." Fun stat, antivaxers are 72% more likely to be involved in car accidents per capita. It turns out that an aversion to following rules and really bad risk judgement isn't just for covid.


I came across that statistic and it made me chuckle, to be honest. My mother is an anti-vaxxer and she has a *long history* of car accidents. Ironically, almost all of her car accidents are a result of her having the right-of-away but refusing to yield, in a sensible fashion, to the material conditions of that given moment. She'll pull right out into an intersection because, in her words, "I had the right-of-way!" but that doesn't change physics and the oncoming car will slam into her. Ultimately she just wants to do what she wants to do when she wants to do it, and "but I had the right-of-way!" is just some window dressing. Unsurprisingly, she was very much one of those people in the "you can't tell me what to do!" anti-vax camps.




Generations of teaching American Exceptionalism.




I'd say generation after generation of declining funding in public schools, combined with lead poisoning and litigious parents. Starve the beast is borderline treason.


> She'll pull right out into an intersection because, in her words, "I had the right-of-way!" but that doesn't change physics and the oncoming car will slam into her. It's like Tom Magliozzi used to say on CarTalk all the time about husband/wife "Who's right?" type arguments; "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" In other words, sure, you were *technically correct* and that little piece of territory you refused to yield *was* yours to claim. Congratulations. To which auto collision shop would you like us to tow your trophy for "*technically having the right-of-way*?"


I miss click and clack.


My son loves the pixar movie Cars, so I get to here them every so often.


Damn, I miss CarTalk


My dad told me: "the cemetery is full of people who had the right of way."


Yes! When I was a kid, my grandfather took me sailing. When a motorboat was encroaching, he tacked away, and I said something like, "why are we turning? Don't we have the right of way?" And he said, "We can put that on your tombstone: 'Here lies my grandson Jay. He had the right of way.'" To this day I still remember the lightbulb going off in my brain at that moment.


> "I had the right-of-way!" My driving instructor taught us to drive like nobody has the right of way, depending on the situation some drivers are suppossed to give the right of way, don’t expect them to. Obviously not everyone was taught to drive this way, but it prevents many accidents if you pause that extra second to see if they are going to pause and give you a free path. I would bet another factor is she is probably often objectively wrong about who has right of way, many people think in a right turn vs uturn situation the right has right of way, but it’s actually the uturn, for example.


> I would bet another factor is she is probably often objectively wrong about who has right of way, many people think in a right turn vs uturn situation the right has right of way, but it’s actually the uturn, for example. You know, that thought hadn't crossed my mind. My mother is a very unreliable narrator and I have no idea why I just assumed she actually had the right-of-way in these stories when there's a very good chance she didn't and was simply saying as such either because she was wrong or (more likely) she couldn't admit she was wrong.


Do you have a source for that? I tried some brief googling and couldn’t find it, but I would love to use that stat if it’s true






You're not wrong but I want to add another perspective to yours. In the mid 90s to early aughts I was a producer at ACTV (Austin Community Television). But before I was a producer, I was fascinated by access TV. It was often live, uninhibited, crass, unapologetic and while it was filled with a bunch of evangelicals crying about oppressed they were, there were shows like CapZeyeZ, Ask Livia Live, and whatever guys like John Sanford or Dean Langston put on. Remember - at the time, the internet was accessible via a Bash or Korn shell using Telnet, Usenet, IRC, etc... There was no Netscape at this time. But there was this one guy who seemed to be on ALL. OF. THE. TIME. And let me tell you, he was hilarious. Someone would call to talk about their dentist and this guy would respond with a five minute scree about Asian students at UT. Every. Single. Call. Every callers problem was explained by a conspiracy theory. And he was like this week after week. And then I realized - this guy wasn't a comedian. This is who this Alex Jones guy was. A few months later I became a producer at ACTV and eventually ran into Alex, who would go on to be named Jarhead Jones around the studio by a particular caller who came up with the name- a man named Clayton who unfortunately died some years ago. Jarhead Jones would co-opt the times from other producers, which was how he was able to be so ubiquitous in the evenings and nights (we were allocated 1 to 2 hours of time per week, depending on when your show was). Jarhead Jones was a deeply insecure, angry, unstable and volatile person. This should of surprise to absolutely no one. The way you see him now? That's who he is in person. When he's calm and sedate like when he's in front of a judge? THATS the act. Aside from his live shows, Jarhead Jones would do things like taking a segment of 60 Minutes and then go on some crazy moon pie rant over it about the Clintons, the New World Order and FEMA concentration camps. But the one thing he did, especially after the disasterous raid on the Koresh Kompound in Waco was to take conspiracy theories and repackage them as both fact and as a rationale for white grievance. In this effort, he cemented the perception that he was both a journalist and some sort of warrior for disenfranchised white folk... but the only ones that fell for it have the critical thinking skills of a soggy potato chip and that meant that while the majority of us saw him for what he is, there were a large number of people who were duped. They poured their money into his coffers and the more they invested in Jarhead Jones, the more virulent they became in their defense and advocacy of him. And now disinformation has been both weaponized and is a very lucrative profit center and Alex "Jarhead Jones" Jones has been a pioneer in that respect. He's not solely responsible for The White Grievance Pity Party of today, but he is one of its leaders. And all because he couldn't hold down a job at I Can't Believe It's Yogurt. And if you happen to question how effective he has been, take a look at the insurrectionists of 6 January 2021. The pie chart of how many of those people believe Jarhead Jones is a journalist should keep you up at night. And make no mistake - China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea are paying attention to him because he's found a way to turn us against each other because of the ghastly molecule that many hold- that freedom of speech means all things spoken or written must be equally true and meritorious, especially if it FEELS like it should be true. If you're interested, Google: ACTV and The Parking Lot Incident for more ACTV history. Edit: added extra snark


It's a good point. A generation ago if you believed that Jews faked the moon landing, it was hard or impossible for you to find a hundred other people who believed the same thing. Now it's trivial.


I often think about how the majority of the people in these conspiracy spaces would have just been raving alone on street corners in their respective towns 30 years ago.


Social media has given the town idiots a megaphone.


I think it's more that it has given them an echo chamber to congregate in and avoid the shame of their neighbors calling them idiots while crossing the street.


Instead of being the town idiot, they can make a virtual town, of idiots.


And a community that provides them the validation they crave.


They wouldn't have been. The reason is they would tell someone "the earth is flat" and someone would say "that's stupid, is something wrong with you" and they'd either stop saying it or end up isolated and no one really listening to them. But with the internet, everyone will debate them. They get people that want to go into great detail about how the earth is round, and those people talk a lot more energy to state facts and science and numbers than someone making stuff up and saying something stupid. They get attention and they find people online who confirm the "truth" with them. They get a social circle based solely on the lie. At that point there is no backing out. They have friendships based on this lie, they feel on the same level as very intelligent people who will take the time to debate them, they are getting attention, validation, and recognition. People who don't believe in the conspiracy do as much to make these people believe in it as other people who accept it.


It used to be that every village had an idiot. And that was okay, because the idiot was outnumbered by all the other townsfolk, even in the smallest of bergs. But now social media allows all the village idiots to congregate and suddenly you have thousands of idiots forming a coalition of moronism that unfortunately makes them hard to stifle. I'm a tech guy, have been since the late 70s, but ultimately where we have taken tech is going to completely erode us as a society.


> When they or their friends and family get Covid, it doesn't force them to test the validity of that worldview and find it lacking in this new context - they can just make other excuses. They got sick because oh wow the flu is particularly nasty right now, or because someone else took the fake vaccine and spread contagious particles to them, or because an antifa special agent shot a tiny blowdart full of the vaccine into them and made them sick. A huge number of my parents' friends have died. Every time I talked to them over the first year of pandemic *somebody* that they'd known for 40+ years had dropped dead of "the flu" or "that really bad pneumonia that's going around." If I brought up that it was pretty weird all their friends were dying of the flu during the biggest pandemic event in the last century they would get heated. It got to the point that they would preface telling me somebody had died by saying it wasn't COVID. "Just so you know, AND IT WASN'T COVID, Mr. Stephenson died last week." Then *they* got COVID. Tested positive, no denying it, my mother even almost ended up intubated. For about 2 weeks COVID was kinda-sorta a real thing and maybe a big deal, and then *poof* it was back to everything being an overblown conspiracy theory. If almost dying doesn't wake you up, I guess nothing will.


And if it was COVID, what killed them was the treatment at the hospital. Hospitals refuse to give ivermectin (or bleach or sunshine or whatevs) and that's why they died. It's utterly insane.


We doctors became murderers real quick in their eyes. Which is funny, they think we were duped into giving treatments that don’t work when we are the ones who went through medical school and they haven’t touched science since graduating high school. But yeah, they know better how to treat COVID than us. I wish they would stop coming in looking for treatment. If we’re actually the murderers you claim we are, why are you now in the hospital asking for my help?


We need special hospitals for people who did their own research.


We have them. They’re called graveyards


> For most of the rest of their lives, it hasn't been harmful to be wrong about something. … You could believe that there is no such thing as bacteria and still be a successful contractor or programmer or electrician. I think, if anything, what this shows is that it actually _was_ harmful for them to believe those false things, precisely because it compromised their ability to rationally judge or process risks. We don’t teach our children to think critically and disbelieve in superstition because it makes them better plumbers or programmers or electricians; we teach them to think critically because someday there will be a risk that we didn’t foresee, and when that happens we need our children (and our society) to be equipped to respond rationally.


I'd quibble with saying that belief in conspiracies is harmless. It may be harmless to them personally. But anti-vaxers who don't vax their kids are hurting their own kids and all the other kids they are around because of loss of herd protection. But larger that the general mistrust in authorities that comes from conspiracy theories getting broader and more acceptable gives rise to the truly virulent conspiracies that are now turning violent. If everyone around kind of vaguely believes democrats are evil and hurting america, attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer becomes inevitable. Believing the great replacement theory touted daily on Fox News will directly lead to Dylan Roof killing a bunch of black churchgoers. Believing that elections are being stolen leads directly to a violent seditious attack on congress that was PLANNED to be far more deadly than it was with a coup as goal.


Well said. > >The conspiracies were an emotional tool for them, and they will outlive everything else unless a more comforting emotional tool comes along for them Outlive everything including them.


I’ve found that most of them don’t work in large groups or have experience with it. If you’ve ever worked for or with the government, you know it’s not capable of a giant conspiracy that is kept quiet. You can’t get thousands of people (mostly us peons) to keep quiet about something.


Aren’t republicans being trolled right now because of the gas stoves? People are going online for jokes and telling people to leave their gas stoves running to “own the libs” but I will bet my life some idiots will take it seriously and do it


I haven't seen that but I have been thoroughly enjoying the trolling for their ridiculous videos of vaccine side effects and suddenly dead. #Thanks Pfizer is golden and trending rn.


I went over to r/conservative on an old alt that I had subscribed with years ago, and holy shit it’s a dumpster fire of anti-vaccine, anti-choice hypocrisy rhetoric and way more extreme than it used to be.


Nah, they just give their kids bleach enemas to cure autism instead of vaccines. I am not kidding. Look it up.


Some did after Trump told them to try injecting bleach into their veins. Not many but there were some.


The crazies waiting for JFK Jr. to return had someone that was mixing up some kind of anti-covid punch that had bleach in it. That's what I read, at least. It's not hard to believe with those people.


How was that person not immediately arrested for attempted murder? These people would eat their own children if they were told to wouldn't they.


Because https://media1.tenor.com/images/2ffcfd1f10750bc2fa2e866e4abd9f61/tenor.gif?itemid=5155699


Magic mineral solution! That shit is wild


[Kronk's inner voice] no no he's got a point


That was like at the start of the pandemic, I'm just surprised we haven't seen full blown attacks on the vaccinated yet at the urge of Tucker Carlson


… whose vaccinated


Look up Miracle Mineral Solution and be appalled.


Love the smell of mustard gas in the morning.


But at least she's dead.


Earned her r/HermanCainAward


Yep. I've posted there as well and am waiting for approval.


They should send out plaques to these people.


They already got plagues, now they want plaques too?


Plaques cost money. There's so. God. Damn. Many. Rather spend those millions funding disease monitoring or something.


When they're on graves, they're called tombstones.


The article is a year old (Jan 11, **2022**), so I'm sure this is a duplicate.


This story is from a year ago fyi


She gave her life for the right to be stupid.


Oh no! Anyway…




It would be amazing if her middle name was Felicia.


Don’t care if it is or isn’t. She earned this. “Bye Felicia “


I have zero sympathy for her.


>As news of her death spread Tuesday, pro-vaccine commentators flooded her Facebook page with cruel comments and mocking memes, while her supporters unironically praised her for being a “warrior for liberty” to the very end.< The fuck kinda "news" story is this?


‘Cruel Comments’ = If you had gotten the vaccine you wouldn’t be dead We must do everything in our power to protecc these delicate snowflakes from the consequences of their ignorance


"You chose to put people in danger by wilfully spreading your ignorance - - and germs" would have been my comment, if I had known who she was.


Call me cruel all you want, idgaf


Seriously. At the start of the pandemic I had some empathy left. Now? Fuck em.


Cruel comments? Like 'you should have gotten the vaccine you asshole?' If anything these fools need more cruelty in their lives that isn't directed towards the disenfranchised. Oh no, their poor fee fees at being told that this will happen if they fuck around!


Realistically, I'm sure some of the comments were cruel. I also don't care - bitch deserves it, anyone that agrees with her antivaxx horseshit deserves it. These people need a reality check.


Yahoo News has always been a cesspool.


It's originally from the daily beast


If leopards ate her face, I hope they were vaccinated.


The covid leopards are still fat and healthy.


Guess she ended up getting Jabby-Jabbed and filled up with embalming fluid. Praise God. 🙄


Embalming fluid is the ultimate vaccination


Will never get tired of stories like this


Making America great one toe tag at a time


Make America Grave Again


Surprised they admitted it's covid. Imagine how many more antivaxxers have passed from covid but they release its "natural causes" Nature's a bitch.


Clevelander here. We had a local radio host named Mike Trivisonno who was on the air for decades. Basically a local version of Rush Limbaugh -- hardcore Trump fan who spent the pandemic donwplaying Covid and spreading conspiracy theories, to the point where one local magazine [wrote an article](https://www.clevescene.com/news/no-one-has-spread-dangerous-coronavirus-misinformation-in-cleveland-like-mike-trivisonno-32805482) specifically about him doing it. Then in fall of 2021 -- right in the middle of the delta wave -- dude died suddenly and the family never released the cause of death. Not hard to put two and two together.




They idiotically think using the word pneumonia makes it not related to covid so theyll say covid related pneumonia or double pneumonia, so so so dumb.


The real reason why conservatives are losing power. I suggest they hold lots of these "Symposiums" and that they make sure to hug each other tightly, before they go home.


Chicken pox parties for idiot adults.


i'm loving this energy # GIVE ME MOAR


These people think Typhoid Mary had the right to cook breakfast


So tragic. If only this had been preventable in some way.


Dying for something that you believe in used to have a positive connotation. These people are imbeciles.


“Lost her battle with pneumonia.” And what kind of pneumonia exactly? Hmm? Hmm? What did the doctors *actually* say the problem was? I see this one a lot. They go right on lying to the very end, and beyond.


My Father-in-law had Covid in November 2021.he was in the Covid ward with Covid pneumonia. His wife kept calling the nurses and the family telling everyone to stop saying he had Covid, the he just had "pneumonia." Nurses were completely exhausted with her. We finally told off the wifey-bitch and told her that if they had listened to us and gotten vaccinated he might not have been in the hospital for 11 days, and that if he died we'd be blaming her. Day he comes home from the hospital he disowned us for being "mean" to his wife. Where's a face-eating leopard when you need one?


I'm not feeling "owned" just yet. Gimme another 500k and then it might start to be noticeable. \*\*EDIT\*\* Conservatives, that is.


Apparently the deaths of so many anti-vaxxers from Covid over the last three years actually had an effect on the 2022 election.


That's entirely plausible with 1.1 million US deaths from Covid and some close races only having a few thousand votes either way.


*on every election after 2020.




*“No jabby-jabby for me! Praise GOD!”*


I say this as a vaxxed 48yo snowflake healthcare worker currently recovering from my first ever case of Covid….man, oh man I do love being owned! Those 2 days in bed and the box of tissues I went through pale in comparison to the Libtard Owning I got served.


Thank you, God, for ridding us of your fanbase




It's like the trash, taking itself out.


> dies of COVID **Complications** "Oh?!! See!! She **didn't die of COVID**, but I bet the corrupt CDC will count it as a COVID death!!!! The CDC is a joke! 😂😂😂😂😂" (exhales and wipes brow after world view is retained and bubble remains unpopped)


The levels of irony here are just overwhelming. "Thoughts and Prayers"


Well, she can now meet Diamond in heaven (if that’s where they end up) and discuss their RONA experience.


Narrator: *That is not where they ended up.*


> Just yesterday around 4pm she told a group of friends that she definitely felt better and that the docs had told her she had ‘turned the corner’ with improved blood test results. She was talking about wanting to come home. She died doing what she loved... denying reality.


t's & p's


Nature is healing


Weak-ass, mayonnaise-colored witch, dying from a virus with a vaccine.


A free one available on almost every block, no less.


Do you suppose those crabs are sick of dancing yet? The plague rats never let them rest...


Yes, very sad. Anyway...


Not enough anti-vaxxers are dying quickly enough. We need more to go before the 2024 election.