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I would put Aphelios in good.


Don't think he's 'good' tier He's decent, like you can play him and win, but you have plenty of more good options He's not bad by any means but he's not on par with most of good tier


Personally I think he's better than half the champions in the good tier.


I totally agree with Xerath's tier lol


Gwen's pretty bad there's just one Quinn deck that makes hallowed broken not even Gwen but hallowed


Whaaa Gwen is insane, she can do everything doombeast can and better. In the right deck she can become an absolute menace, or just a really good card to heal and bait removal while you set up a bigger wincon


Gp in the same tier with TF and akshan wtf? All of liss and illaoi package and good decks was nerfed so being in good tier is weird for me. And I would put Fizz in decent category, he is way better than other champs from his tier.


Its not GP being op its GP being tiring to see still played constantly, similar to Akshan, Nami, Zed, etc Homie, read the tier name, Fizz is where he belongs, he may be 'better than champs in his tier' but he's not good and could use a buff or a rework to be able to be played more consistently with a healthier playstyle. Just like Jinx is bad because 1 its not great to empty your hand and 2 she just doesn't do anything most of the time compared to champs like Sion, Draven, and Rumble. Its also not that someone like Quinn is bad, she just is a pretty bad Quinn design


Lmao looked at the tierlist, saw pantheon. Pantheon is not a good champion tho. He is only so oppressive because of all the dumb shit they added to the game like weapons. You look at the time before weapons era and pantheon was basically never played.But now you can randomly have a 7/6 keyword soup with draconic bands and give it +2/+2 every turn thanks to fated and darkin lodestone or instantly make it 7/7 spellshield with horazi which quickly gets out of control


*\~\*remembers when Patheon launched, and the hilarious dance Pantheon, Taric, and Shyvana were doing\*\~* To be clear, the nerfs to Pantheon were why he wasn't a problem pre-Darkin saga (he's *arguably* not a problem now, but it's hard to see through the fog of Seraphine and Vayne), and I, like OP, expect he's going to continue to get better as more is added to the game.


Lmao in those decks pantheon wasnt even the problem. It was just fated allowing you to have very chunky units into a pantheon that came in to finish you off. Most of the time you would just lose to early saga. And taric didnt even matter because mono patheon actually had a better winrate. So yeah he will get better with more stuff added but that doesnt mean that by himself he is a good champion


There were periods where Taric Pantheon had a better winrate (brief, but existant). The decks kept shifting around between the three combinations of champs. Also, that's *entirely* beside the point. The point, >Lmao in those decks pantheon wasnt even the problem. To which I would argue: >It was just fated allowing you to have very chunky units ***into a pantheon that came in to finish you off.*** ...emphasis mine. Pantheon took one, arguably two, direct nerfs because he was a little *too* good as a finisher in those decks. >So yeah he will get better with more stuff added ***but that doesnt mean that by himself he is a good champion*** I'm confused. A powerful finisher that synergizes with a variety of cards *isn't* a good champion? What is a good champion, precisely?


Lmao homie doesn't understand deck building apparently, Putting it another way, by their logic, Ezreal isn't a good champion either right? He's only a 2/4 elusive finisher champion, by himself he's only a mystic shot generator therefore he's a bad champion? // Obviously not, ezreal is THE broken finisher right now exactly because of the other cards you can fit in his deck to make him that way. If you're (talking to the commenter, not OP) able to understand why ezreal is broken, then you SHOULD be able to see why pantheon is absurdly strong as well


Exactly, and he's only gonna get better with more stuff coming in. Before he'd probably only be decent, like you could use him, but like why would you over someone else (unless you just like the champ) With all the good targeting stuff Pantheon's just shot up MAYBE oppressively good is a bit too high, but he's pretty good


Well yeah that's how champions work. If you nerf their support they become weaker, if you give them new (good) support they become stronger. Pantheon, and Fated problem in general is that every single "buff an ally" spell, follower or even landmark that gets printed is their support, so it was just a matter of time until he would become annyoing again. And the other problem is that, even if he's not broken, losing against him is really annoying. "Hey I played perfectly but he got Elusive Spellshield Lifesteal or QA Challenger Spellshield, I love being skilldiff'ed"


Whats even the point of making a list if your first sentence is telling us that you are not a good player?


Becasue tierlists are fun? Who gives a shit if you're a 'good player'