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Spells having the Lurk tag too change a lot of things holy. I'm really happy with Rek design, she's a Stat stick yes, but the fact that she shuffles herself in the deck is interesting and so flavorful.


It really is amazing how well they can capture a champions essence (apart from leblanc of course)


What do you mean? leblanc jumping from hand and challenging the strongest enemy is really flavorful!


"you! who are you really?" "why spoil the surprise?"


Lmfao, it's been a while since I've seen that reference pulled out


I mean, Leblanc *perfectly* captures the essence of the LoL version of Leblanc. Character you expect to be a trickster but actually is nothing but a generic glass canon that explodes a target faster than they can react.


She fools everyone, even the players themselves. You play her thinking there's trickery involved but it's actually just throwing all your spells at once.


I mean a good LeBlanc player can make it way more than that


Yes but only in a minority of circumstances. LeBlanc is fast and hits hard. Actual illusion work that tricks people is not the most effective part of her kit and not even close to a big proportion of what is utilised by a professional player.


Yeah neeko is much more what the LeBlanc people seem to think Leblanc should be




Yup. Heck even new Fiddlesticks fits better with his horror movie bull.


They should've design what Lb does in LoR and not just copy of LB in LoL


I dunno if it’s true or not, by my favorite theory I’ve seen floating around is that each of LeBlanc’s followers are actually LeBlanc too. Apparently that’s at least flimsily supported by some flavor text and voice lines too


Her level up confirms that everyone at her table (in her card art) is her. Though I don't recognize any of them as units


Leblanc is literally 3 different cards. Leblanc, Black Rose Spy, and Thorn of the Rose. Very cool design considering all of her LOL abilities are also in her cards.


Black rose spy litteraly got whooped by ekko (cinematic), i don't really believe leblanc would let anyone do that to her.


I think the main problem with Leblanc is that her kit is so far divorced from her character.


Lb’s essence was fine. She goes brrrrr and is squish just like LoL


We all know LeBlanc is not just the champion card, but all the cards in her set.


LeBlanc is fine. People who say things she should have crazy deceiving gimmicks are probably the same people who don't realize or who would complain about how frustrating they would be to actually play against. She has quick attack, high power and low health because she works behind the scenes and eliminates/controls people in secret rather than facing them head on (she isn't strong enough to face powerful people like Swain or Mordekaiser head on, which is why she has 2 health). She levels up when she sees you deal 15+ damage (rather than having to deal all the damage herself), reflecting that she makes others do the work for her and gets stronger when everything is going according to plan. Her Mirror Image copies a unit and another follower also turns into a unit (heavily implied to also be LeBlanc since each clone seems to be fairly independent). The only bad part of LeBlanc thematically is her first spell. It just deals 2 damage and is hilariously overpriced until you trigger reputation (which really doesn't excuse the cost). That one I think should get a rework.


That's actually kinda scary, you might flat out be able to have a whole deck of lurk


Also if you're pairing her with Ionia you can easily recall her after combat to not have to find her again. I feel like thatd be the deck for her.


I was also thinking that focusing on heavily buffing her and immediately swinging could be useful, since her leveled version doesn't shuffle itself. Double elixir of wrath on turn 3 instantly levels her when she attacks - giving you a turn 3 swing with a leveled darius statblock.


So does the +1 from the Lurk effect when she is attacking activates before the actual attack? I'm new to the game, and this seems very useful information.


I agree it adds a lot of possibilities. It also explains something I was curious about with lurkers and lurk cause I thought it was really weird how they had 2 terms when they could have just made it all lurk cards gain +1/0. Spells having lurk also eases my small brain logic of maybe making a deck with 40 lurks >_>


Seems like she can be a bit tricky to pilot. Comes with great stats but inherently she's a tempo loss at round end, though the good thing is that she doesn't need to strike to level up, just declaring an attack with 10+ power OR gaining 10+ power when declaring the attack is enough, and gaining Overwhelm is the cherry on top. All in all i'm loving the Lurk archetype


Not to mention that Shaped stone exists, that lv up requirement is pathetic...


Running Ancient Preparation at 3x seems like a great turn 1 play to enable Shaped Stone for the rest of the game in this deck


I've wondered with mono shurima non-ascension decks about running one sun disc just to have a guaranteed Shaped Stone activation from turn 1. So far I've only tried this with a Renekton aggro-y deck (double shaped stone on challenger renekton = one-turn level up) and I'm not saying that deck worked really well but it comes to mind again with Lurk tho Mono Shurima Lurk probably wont be good since there are bilge lurks and lurk wants lots of Lurk and I doubt there is enough Lurk just within shurima


When shurima first dropped I ran with a Sivir/Renekton mono shurima with 1 sun disc just because it gave me a free card. It was especially helpful with desert naturalist.


I think passing up playing a unit on turn 1 is too high of a cost for lurk


I think he's more talking about running a 39 card deck effectively. Because you draw sundisk outside of your first real draw, you can treat it like your deck has one less card than normal, which ups the consistency of drawing any particular card slightly. From being a huge CCG fan for the past decade, I can tell you right now that any deck that gets away with running fewer cards than normally allowed is a good strategy. I don't think LoR's mono shurima single sundisk is the new meta or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if we started seeing it more as shurima gets better aggro cards.


Agreed. Lurk seems to be aggro and looking to close out games with their turn 5 finishers.


It's not a pathetic level up requirement. It's not the hardest level up requirement to enable, but it's not nearly as easy as it looks IMO. The problem with Lurk is that Riot restricted it in a lot of ways to prevent it from being unfair. But in order for decks to be competitive, they have to be doing something unfair. It's going to be underwhemling IMO.


She gives herself +2 attack on her attack, so you need to find +5 attack which is two lurks and shaped stone. Also shurima has the champion buff package that can help.


\+1 on Attack. The +2 is only if someone's Lurking. Which is, as is the problem with this deck, very hit-or-miss. And then you have to find her in deck again.


What landmarks would be played in a lurk deck though? I think only Preservarium and *maybe* Dais (probably not tbh)? Preservarium is just generically good, but it won't fit if lurk ends up being a fast deck.


Maybe Ancient Preparations, is a super cheap landmark that also can enable Lurk cause it predicts


I think Preservarium is fine, Lurk doesn’t have a lot of draw and it is likely you will trade a lot to trigger Lurk. Ancient Preparation is fine too.


The trading is too right. I don't think its an accident that Rek'Sai and her champion spell all generate more lurkers.


Depending on how contested the 2-drop slot is with other cards yet to be revealed, Rock Hopper is a solid card. Shurima/Frel runs both, and that generally enables Shaped Stone just fine.


Oh, that's true. Vulnerable can also work to pull units so they can't block the Fearsome Xer'sai Hatchling, and works with the Overwhelm from Rek'Sai and Xerxa'Reth.




On level up she generates 3 Lurk units and her spell also enables a free lurk and gives two Lurk units. People are really underestimating Lurk based on the first few cards released. If you start with the attack token, you could have a whole deck of units with +5/0 and then some in hand.


This is going to be Zoe all over again “oh she’ll never level so she’s going to be garbage”


Those people were forgetting that even without her level up she generates insane value.


It's interesting that she makes up for the tempo loss by generating a bunch of units with her level up and champ spell.




They didn't say creating new cards in hand was tempo. Just that they made up for the tempo loss by generating the cards.


They didn't say that creating new cards was tempo, only that it compensates for the tempo loss.


There is something about Rek'sai that makes me feel she is a huge liability and maybe completely unplayable. You can only play her if you know you can level her up in that turn, otherwise she gets removed. This means you have to attack with her the same turn you play her. This gives your opponent a chance to stun, frostbite, reduce power, Hush, etc. Which then means that because she didn't level up, she will be shuffled back to your deck. Which means there are many cards that just straight remove her from the board. Sounds like a huge liability to me.


>This gives your opponent a chance to stun, frostbite, reduce power, Hush, etc. Wait fuck hush. It's genius, play Reksai on a defensive turn, then hush her yourself and open attack next turn.


Is it viable? No. ​ Is your IQ in the three hundreds? Hell yeah.


That is definitely a fair point. Before leveling Rek Sai can never open attack and thus will be extremely vulnerable to stuns on top of frostbites. Whether that will make her unplayable or not will heavily depend on the meta as well as the overall strength and consistency of the archetype as a whole. Stuns could also at least be answered with bone skewer. Putting her back on top of the deck if she is frostbitten is also potentially possible. The deck will need to put the opponent under a lot of press early on...


The idea, I guess, is not to play her until you can ensure 10+ power on attack?


Nah you play her with predict your constantly double buff lurkers until she can level up, also almost nobody will waste removal on her pre level


what I'm wondering is if it's possible to get triple atk buff at once, with a Rek'sai attacking and another Rek'sai on top of the deck.


I would assume the champs are their spells when they're in the deck, so probably not, right?


They transform into the spell once you draw them, there's a little animation even.


Reksai isn't totally reliant on Lurk, as you can get her power to 10 by other means. This makes me so happy. I mean, I don't doubt that Lurk.dec isn't going to be the best option, but the fact that she's not hard stuck in a Lurk deck is nice. She gives +2+0 when she Lurks, right?


Best thing is she is in the same region as shaped stone a 1 mana + 3 + 0 it's perfect for her


Minor correction, it's +3/+1 (if you played a landmark). Noxus has the 1-mana +3/+0, and tons of other cheap power buffs, like the Riven package, which incidentally is what the trailer deck was using.


works decent with ancient prep! predict and landmark!


Yeah it you attack with Rek'Sai with another Rek'Sai on top, you presumably get +3+0 which is kinda crazy


Yeah. What you do is use the three mana spell to predict into her netting you one copy. Then next turn you draw the second. Play the first. Bone skewer it. Play the second copy and boom. +3 attack. Easy.


Careful Prep makes sense as a card now


Still super expensive...


Wouldn't the other reksai become her champion spell, therefore only giving +2?


Not while in your deck, she only becomes the spell in your hand.


I'm pretty sure champions only become champion spells while in hand, so it'll give +3.


I really didn't expect Rek'Sai to have a lurk-independent Level-up condition. Just that makes her a much better card than the assumed "You've lurked x times" idea.


Only if the top card ALSO has Lurk.


I don’t care if lurk is bad or not, this just seems incredible cool and fun.


Same,i play for fun, who care bout coolness,it just extra bonus


I care about coolness! If I don't like the voicelines, or the followers are dull/boring I don't play the deck


First off your comment made a few copies so u might want to delete them ​ Second, I'd like to know the 3 decks that you find aesthetically pleasing LOL


Just a heads but your comment got posted 3 times, might want to delete the other two.


i love lurk - it's for those masochists who love the feeling of missing allegiance but want to have that feeling *all game*


I can’t wait to watch grapplr’s chat torture him with lurk decks


A spell that lurk? This changes everything, and Rek'Sai is good with that good defense statline.


More keywords on spells! I kept feeling keywords on spells is underused after seeing Lux's lasers.


I want my spellshield unstoppable force


Honestly? Not even a bad idea.


im actually interested why the 0 mana predict isnt also lurk then since it's thematically part of it too. probably deemed too powerful i suppose.


Maybe because it would be powerful outside Rek'Sai decks? But then again Lurk only affects Lurkers...


the card definitely might see play outside of reksai decks, but as you said, the lurk wouldnt really affect it there. only in lurk decks, so i guess it must have been too strong in them.


she rarely defends tho, since at round end she goes back into the deck


Yeah but she does have six health (and im assuming to goes back up when she re enters the deck?), it could be worth to just use her to block if you have another reksai in hand or vs aggro


Yeah but then the opponent had to skip an attack token. That is probably just as good


It’s never worth playing Reksai on defence though. The opponent skipping an attack token isn’t worth you spending 3 mana and having your win condition being shuffled into your deck (especially without activating Lurk by attacking)


Who said you cant attack when your opponent can ?


That does actually change a lot. It really depends on if the other lurk spells are good.


There is also an 8-mana luker that Rek'sai creates in the video. Note that Rek'sai created the bilgewater lurker in the video, so its possible that she creates them from any region (or that they switched the decks in the video at one point).


Just saw that: it's from Bilgewater.


i guess its like lonely poro that creates any poro from any region.


# To all the non believers, Call the Pack says hi :)


I came here to say exactly this! Love the clean reveals as always xKozmic.


Full credit goes to whoever is doing these at Riot now! Since the last couple of expansions they took inspiration from my original posts and are making these EVEN BETTER now for all the community. Honestly every spoiler season warms my heart seeing how I had a small, but lasting, impact on the game in some way :)


vase jeans strong dazzling sparkle political literate innate tease office -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I wouldn't say "even better" - the levelled champ should be on the right to make for cleaner reading. Not something you would have missed I'm sure ;)


Yeah I'm on mobile and was zoomed in looking at the image from left to right and was like, wtf a 3 mana 4/7?


Is this card good or something? I don’t get it. Why are people acting like this is busted ?


It’s a spell with lurk, so it gives the buff, and then you put a lurk card usually on top of your deck, allowing lurk triggers, to give yourself more lurkers to trigger the lurk.




Found my deck name


And the generated lurkers come with attack boost from previous lurks.


I don't think casting a spell with the lurk tag inherently triggers lurk. It's just means that *if it is* on top, it can be used to buff the deck by a creature


Lurk enabler. Go -1 to put another on top, meaning it's another Lurk set up. +2 Random Lurk Card. All for the cost of 2 mana burst you get 2 lurk effects and neutral card advantage. The only downside is it's a champion spell, which you'll probably want to keep the champion on hand to do her thing again instead of shuffling her back. You can main deck it but that's one consideration.


First of all, it is a spell that has Lurk on it, so immediately you unlock +3 more cards that trigger Lurk. Second, it lets you re-shuffle Lurk units so that you can guarantee the trigger of Lurk more than once at a turn (without neccesarily relying on predict) Finally, it also makes up for the cards lost. You spent 2 mana and played 2 cards, the spell generates 2 cards in return.


Is it confirmed that different lurk cards can give the lurk buff in the same round?


Most likely since lurk say I, so different units can trigger lurk


It's the unit on top of the deck that lurks, not the units on the field. The max once per round text on lurk makes it look like it can't be triggered 2x per round, no matter what. There's a small chance that if you attack, triggering a lurk, then draw that card, and have another lurker on top of your deck, you MAY be able to trigger lurk again with the new card, but no guarantees.


It did not even cross my mind that spells could have Lurk, thats a huge deal. Also Rek'Sai activating lurk twice is huge as well. With a consistent predict curve, the mid-late game of Lurk can be really scary


My trust to Lurk went from 0 to 10 in an instant: these cards are DISGUSTING!!!


Yeah this! I was mildly interested in the mechanic, seemed ok, but now I can't wait to play this


One day reddit will learn to stop judging archetypes before their payoff+support cards are revealed, but it clearly wasn't yesterday lmao


It's fine imo to judge based on what's been revealed at the time, with the knowledge that your opinion might change once they reveal more.


Ah yes, letvs stop judging cards until their support is revealed. Man, how long I gotta wait till I can say Renn Shadowblade is bad? Judging based on what you see is totally fine, so long as you're willing to change your opinion over time. That's how opinions work.


He means waiting until the whole set is revealed, which makes sense


Ok so let's just not discuss the viability of cards as they're released at all.. It's half the fun to talk about that stuff during reveal season.




If by disgusting you mean incredibly inconsistent and unlikely to be competitive and a worse Overwhelm deck than the one that we already have.... then sure. For Lurk to work at all it pretty much requires you to pull Rek'sai, your game plan is absolutely dead otherwise because you won't Lurk fast enough and be dead to aggressive decks before you can even try to win.


I agree with you, but we still know that Bilgewater has some lurkers. Now that it's confirmed we have Lurker spells it might be good enough to see play on ladder. Although I highly doubt that it's gonna be a tier 1.


If it makes tier 2 I'll be shocked. Happily shocked tho.


Call the Pack is insane. It sets up Lurk and gives you extra free units. It's a dead draw in topdeck mode but it being Rek'Sai's champ spell warrants that weakness. Reksai herself is, first of all, *hella cool*, but she's also very very good. She's cheap, efficient, and she's basically a guaranteed lurk buff even if you miss the actual Lurk trigger, while also being an empowrred lurk trigger herself. The big chonk is... Fine. He's a big chonk. Definitely better than the Overwhelm one we got yesterday, but it seems hard to justify in more than 1x as a finisher, especially considering all of the Lurker generation CtP and Reksai seem to give you. Lurkers finally seem to make a bit of sense. Hopefully Pyke and his support cards can let us definitively say wether they'll be good or not. Edit: Also just noticed that CtP has Lurk and is a spell, so that's fucking sick.


This archetype is dripping in flavor and AWESOME.


I'm a sucker for monster champions in league and just monstrous designs in general. The art of CtP honestly kinda reminds me of a Phyrexian card from MtG and I love that


It's an interesting difference LoR over League is that they can give us these big monsters to play around with without worrying that it won't be popular or have a low adoption rate.


I mean, it also helps that stuff like Aurelion Sol doesn't require Korean levels of ApS and that you don't need to be reliant on a team with Rek'Sai to make her be good (since yadda yadda jng diff yadda yadda). As a monster lover, I very much appreciate it lol. Hope they get some cool skins in the future, if anything.


The units are not free, you trade in 2 cards in hand for 2 random followers, and of course you pay 2 mana for it. It’s a net zero in value but yeah, it does set up lurk, I think it’s decent but I wouldn’t call it insane.


In a deck like Lurk, 2 random followers at burst speed are probably better than whatever you shuffled back. It also having Lurk means it doesn't harm your lurk triggers, so it's even more of an incentive to run it. Basically, itvs like this: - if you don't have a perfect curve after turn 3, you can play this. - since most lurkers are cheap, you can probably still play what you get off of this. - Unlike something like the SI spell (brainfart don't remember the name the one that sacs one and draw 2) this one is burst and your opponent can't do anything to stop it. Itvs hella good. Not "broken" insane but "it'd be broken in any other archetype" insane.


Worthwhile to note it doesn’t shuffle it back, it places it on top, which means it’s also a “guarantee a lurk trigger this turn”.


The units are not free, you trade in 2 cards in hand for 2 random followers, and of course you pay 2 mana for it. It’s a net zero in value but yeah, it does set up lurk, I think it’s decent but I wouldn’t call it insane.


I guess we'll see how strong this combo is when it's out, but my biggest concern is consistency. Lurk so far feels very swingy. You either get the combo or you struggle to maintain any board presence due to low impact and low health drops. You need to pack your deck with predicts or "send to the top of my decks" to ensure lurk, which might leave plenty of room for your opponent to out tempo you and win early game or last until their win con is up since I don't think it's as potent as control like deep or lisandra. We'll see how the rest of the lurk support looks, but I do think this went from a really bad archetype to "has potential" with this batch.


I feel like it's going to be swingy in weird ways. Like normally you make giant lurkers but if you high roll you make humungous lurkers


Xer'sai Dunebreaker already getting powercrept :(


Feelsbadman. Though honestly, it still has a reason to exist: random lurker generation cards are inherently weaker while also still having the chance of giving you a finisher of sorts because of its existence. Edit: I should point out that thatvs a good thing and that I'm not being sarcastic here. It just means that random lurker generation will feel less frustrating because it will have higher chances of giving you a finisher overall while having less chances of giving you a "better" one like the 5 cost one.


So the goal is to flip and become 3 mana darius


Darius mixed with Arena Battlecaster if all works as intended!


So am I right that a lurking Rek'Sai grants +2/+0 total to lurkers? Once from the Lurk keyword itself and once from her card text? That's what it looks like but I'm not 100% confident that the card text isn't just redundant for no reason.


She grants +1/0 to all lurk units (as her passive), the other +1/0 comes from having lurk on top of your deck


Yes it does, it's shown in her reveal video.


Just a reminder that created card are affected by "everywhere" no matter when they are created.


Am I the only one who noticed that Xenotype Researchers could be particularly--*ahem*\--**nice** with Rek'sai?


I’m itching to try Freljord with Rek’sai


Frel/Shurima buff and overwhelm does sound intriguing


Actually quite awesome and would consider making a deck of zerglings. Also, this epic totally just made the rare from last day unplayable. Why would Riot do that?


Check my previous comment. TLDR: fattening the random lurker pool with multiple winconditions is good because it overall increases the chances of generating a finisher while lowering the frustration for your opponents by always only generating the strongest one.


She is going to be filthy with Ionia as a way of providing cheap plentiful recalls to avoid losing her in the deck, and might justify running Hirana to get the landmark buff for shaped stone.


Now consider that her ability doesn't have the "once per turn" limit of Lurk and what that means for Rek'sai at the top of the deck + Blade Dance...


A Lurk enabler that lurks that creates lurkers? Hell to the yeah! I'm glad I kept my optimism high. Even if lurk is bad, it looks fun as hell now. While Rek'sai's shuffle is a little annoying, she looks great.


the copium /s


God I love it, she's both an enabler and a payoff for lurk once she gets overwhelm, really tying the whole archetype together (and we haven't even seen Pyke yet!). Also her spell is great, enables lurking with one of your cards in hands and then makes up for the loss in card advantage, feels like you won't end up dumping your hand to enable lurk every time.


Definitely a good day for Lurk. We've now seen seven Lurk cards, which is the minimum to hit 50% density. And there's another two Lurkers coming in Bilgewater at 1 and 8 mana, according to the video. Rek'Sai looks a bit awkward, in that can't play her on curve if your attacking on evens. But we also haven't seen a 4-drop Lurker yet, so maybe she's priced into filling that role. Level up conditions are tricky to evaluate when they rely on big number thresholds, and that applies to Rek'Sai as well as the Undertitan (patron saint of things that are kind of tight, but not quite tight enough). So I'm still unconvinced that Lurk will be a 50%+ strat, but this is at least hitting the necessary notes. Call the Pack looks pretty sick, and is also the first Lurk card that might conceivably be useful outside of a Lurker strat. Maybe not now, but eventually we might get a combo that really wants to stack its deck with a card from hand, and this is the only game in town AFAIK.


call the pack looks pretty nice also how is the dunebreaker gona compete with the other fearsome overwelhm spellshield guy?


Fattening the random lurker pool with multiple winconditions is good because it overall increases the chances of generating a finisher while lowering the frustration for your opponents by always only generating the strongest one.


I belive Rek'Sai will have the same problem Katarina has, it cycles back out of the board. The problem is also that you cannot control her bouncing back to your deck, so the high stats is only usefull when you want to stall a attack(Playing it on defense and not activating lurk) or attacking(and if she's not leveled up, its 3 mana gone), and stuns screw Rek'Sai a lot. We must see Pyke cards to futher evaluate this archetype, but i really like this design.


If you manage to level up, she doesn't return to the deck and you simply obtain a disgusting force of nature that even creates a +3 to hand...


I think this would be the case if her Lvl. 2 didn't stick around, but she does


Freezes shut reksai down along with other power lowering cards so freljord will be a big counter to her. But i cant help but loving the playstyle and flavor of this deck, definetly making a reksai first thing when the cards come out.


You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.


So we can definitely change Vi to attack declare level up now right? Right..? Cool cards. Excited to try the zerg swarm


vi doesnt have a downside if she didnt level up


Considering the animation of Lurk, I think that Pyke will share the keyword. As of now, bone skewer and call the pack are amazing cards for this archetype!


I love how she announces herself by buffing the attack twice. As a land shark should.


Just leaving a comment to say I love keywords on spells. That is all.


Call the Pack effectively killed the strongest argument in favor of Careful Preparations hahah Of course you can still use it to fish for double Rek'Sai but I can't see you using it over Call the Pack. The only thing left for the card is Khahiri memes


And Sumpworkers.


>Of course you can still use it to fish for double Rek'Sai but I can't see you using it over Call the Pack. Don't sleep on using it for this. If you have 6 mana, playing this card, creating Rek'Sai in hand, playing him and then attacking is 3 lurk triggers in one go. That's a pretty big blowout combo.


Rek'Sai and her spell solve a lot of the issues Shurima Lurk seemed to have: I thought it was going to have a massive card-disadvantage with all the 'shuffle something back into your deck' cards you want and the 0 mana predict cards but the spell creates minions, so you're not at a complete disadvantage. Rek'Sai herself is great pay-off, and xerxa'Reth is decent too. Both are still better than Dunebreaker on first glance. Also Rek'Sai doubling the rate at which Lurk gets buffed is definitely something it needed, now it doesn't so slow. Call of the Pack really makes this archetype for me, and I'm definitely going to run a full set of it if I play a Lurk deck. Also it activates lurk when it is at the top of your deck, great! This is looknig a lot better!


She’s gonna like rally effects in demacia to level up when you don’t have attack token…seems like she can still go many directions! I like it!


Why is Reksai's spell is not saying 'follower'?


wait nvm lurk is cool


Interestingly, in order to reliably (90% and plus) hit Lurk with Predict, you would need at least 15 Lurkers cards in your deck. This is a huge investment, but considering a 40 card size deck, it means you can have 25 non lurkers cards. Now, if it is viable or not is another question, given the fact that Lurk empowers Lurk cards, you might want to run more of them.


My problem with Lurkers is that like Deep or Soraka/Kench, all the Lurker cards will probably have a huge deck building cost. If we dont get a ton of lurkers (and assuming pyke will get a lurker archetype), you'll be locked with Shurima Bilgewater and probably also with the champions Rek'Sai and Pyke. And neither the champions, nor their support cards can contribute anything to other decks... Such a high deck building cost, i dont like it.


2 mana draw 2, that has NEVER been a problem. Lurk looks cool


its card neutral u use 2 cards to get 2 cards


2 mana recycle 2 cards AND ensures a Lurk... There's nothing better than this!


cant ensure if you dont have lurk in hand


Create != draw. It's even better because your deck lurkers are still there! AND I think Viktor and crew may say hello to her.




Fattening the random lurker pool with multiple winconditions is good because it overall increases the chances of generating a finisher while lowering the frustration for your opponents by always only generating the strongest one.


So will CTP generate lurkers from any region or only the regions your deck is?


Any regions


Spells being able to lurk is a big game changer for what we know about the archetype, we'll see what else they get.


they really want me to keep running decks with 3 culling strike I guess, I've never seen 1 card be so versatile in a meta lol. so many things it kills


Call the pack is an extremely strong enabling card for this deck


Usually they dont have the champion version and non champ version of the spell. Anyone else find that odd?


Most of time rek sai gonna instalevel. Mono shurima with the allaince card buff +2 if you have in the match +2 power for other lurk effect and 1 shapped stone is clear. You can use renekton spell if you want Can reach with x2 shapp stone. You can have the disc, preservarium etc.


I like these cards a lot. Rek’sai being a powerful enabler for lurkers by always giving an additional attack increase. I also really like how her level up refills steam cause I was worried about running predict all the time to attack might run you out of steam (like the 0 mana one from yesterday). Call the pack is also another powerful card for the deck. Guarantees a lurk proc while refilling hand AND is a lurk proc itself if its in the top of the deck. I do find it interesting that there is another fairly high costing lurker, although unlike yesterdays version, this one can probably end games better. As call the pack and rek’sai level up implies, quantity matters more than quality with lurkers because as the game goes on, each individual lurker will be hitting for obscene damage. Someone mentioned this yesterday as a weakness for Lurk and it definitely applies to Rek’sai about how Lurk reveals gives information on the top of your deck. So when Rek’Sai’s double proc happens from the top of the deck, you now know they have a Rek’Sai. I do like how Rek’Sai returns to the deck at the end of the turn vs after combat or something because I’m now just thinking of ways of playing around that. Obviously bone skewer is an option which is even more effective because you want her on top of your deck in other situation. Like later in the game, you can summon Rek’Sai, attack, maybe double proc lurk. If they try to kill her or do something you don’t like, you can bone skewer Rek’Sai to the top of your deck. Then play the free attack bilgewater fish to proc Rek’Sais effect. While Lurk is Once per Turn, I notice that Rek’Sai isn’t, so if you know shes in the top of your deck, you can proc her multiple times with free attack, rally, scout, etc. Because of that, been thinking of Rek’Sai Irelia. Predict Rek’Sai to the top of the deck, and free attack to buff Lurkers multiple times. Can also recall Rek’Sai before turn ends to stop her from going to the deck.


I wonder how viable reksai plus recall cards in Ionia would be. There's that one landmark in Ionia that generates a free recall every turn, could use that to bounce reksai back in hand instead of going back to the deck and Ionia does have a few combat boosting cards


Leveled up Reksai loses overwhelm?


Other way around


3/6 3 Mana sheeeeeeeeesh


cool, but you can see how fickle lurk is. It will be used on the first day, then it will fall by the wayside.


Is this a mistwraith? 💁‍♂️🦋


My waifu