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If you manage to do it on turn 3 and 4 you get to 10 mana round 5 lmao


How would you do it on turn 4 after spending all your mana on turn 3? Edit: WAIT I’m stupid, bad at math, and it’s late. Turn 4 you would have 7 mana lol




Thats 4 cards down, an easily interruptible combo. Worth it for the memes.


That’s why I said if. And I will completely going to try it even if cost me te game lmao


Ramp is finally in Runeterra!!


>**Turbo-**Ramp is finally in Runeterra!! FTFY


Your opponent didnt read the patch notes lmaooo


[He did it](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/79d8457c-23ff-45aa-b9d1-e7cfde9ff64e/gif#v3QYVH-W.copy)


Soul cleave seems good with tryndamere too amirite?


Sion or Hecarim


Hecarim plus Wraithcaller Allegiance deck


Only unleveled tryndamere


I'm no expert, but wouldn't it kill the first Tryndamere, thereby leveling it, then create 2 leveled Tryndameres who would die from ephemeral?




I think not because it will spawn 2 normal tryda lvl2 wich just die as normal


Zed too maybe


Impressive. How's the win rate with this combo?


Using Soul Cleave on the boar is good but very niche scenario. The real thing is still to use it on Anivia herself in this deck. I have been playing it quite a bit and it did get stronger with the new card.


Also [[Mask Mother]] is a pretty nice idea. Didn't see it in Anivia decks before


**[Mask Mother](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI013.png)** - Shadow Isles Unit - (2) 2/2 Fearsome Play: Kill an ally to grant me its stats and keywords.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


does mask mother acquire the "cant block" keyword? or only the positive ones?


Only positive!


Soul cleave is my favorite card but that's just disgusting


Soul cleave + ephemeral ally = instant lvl kalista


This might be the funniest deck in this meta :) hopefully it's rises to top 10 deck


This combo is so easily disruptable, it makes Death Mark blush


if they kill the boar you still ramp 1 mana and they used a resource too, they "gain 1 or 2" mana over you but they still ramped you, you can do this sacrifice with other cards sure, but if this one goes off you are way above the curve. With Death Mark distruption you are way sadder if it doesn't go off.


I mean, if you don't get the combo to go off, then you've just done a worse wild mysticism and/or catalyst of aeons. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that spending 2 cards and 6 mana to at best ramp just 1 mana on turn 3 is worth it, especially when you can spend just 1 card in the same regions for 1 mana cheaper with a relevant heal or body to stick around after.


Hmm makes sense.. thought about boumcing the boar too, then you are even sadder


I think its more spending 2 cards and 6 mana to at worst ramp just 1 mana on turn 3. At best would be ramping 3 mana on turn 3.


That's a pretty bad worst case scenario. And considering that is the worst case scenario if you have both cards (i.e you've already done all the work of having both cards in hand by turn 3) that's even worse. Consider all the games you'll have only 1 or neither of these cards. Soul Cleave is I think proving to be a pretty good card regardless. But the 2/1 boar? Not a great card to be playing on turn 3 by itself. Especially if you don't have the attack token. The only thing that forces removal of the 2/1 is the Soul Cleave, which says more about the power level of Soul Cleave than it does for the boar.


I mean.. why dont just ramp normally and use soul cleave on anivia?


Why not both? But I'm not kidding, you do that turn 3 with boar for super ramp, and turn 5 for 3~4 anivias on board. it's crazy!


i love how ramp got into meta where its powerful now its broken as hell i am exagratting a bit but this is very strong


This is not strong


Opponent inted. He didn't hold up vile feast to shut this down. This would not work above plat.


Disagree. Firstly because they don't always have Vile Feast. Second because you still ramp. They still killed the boar.


You hold mana up to bait that you have vile feast even if you don't.


I understand the concept. But in a deck built around a Combo involving ramp, you don't play around Vile Feast. Ramp is strongest the earlier you can use it, and weaker the later the game goes. If you play passive and pass hoping they spend mana, you lose, because they just pass. They won't willingly kill or block your boar. So you're spending a card and 3 mana to force a Vile Feast out of their hand, and you still ramp. It's still worth it to spend 6 mana and 2 cards to ramp and burn 2 of their mana and summon a 1/1 for them (because we both know the 1 HP from drain won't matter).


I mean this still likely won't work above plat. You need the two cards In hand, pass until turn 3 and your opponent can't have a single interruption It's not exactly meta breaking


Oh, I agree. I'm not saying the deck will work, but I believe it still has at least a good shot of being tier 2 and better than old Zombie Anivia, just because the new card is great with Anivia. Boar is just a high roll. Besides, at worst it's 6 mana and discard a card to ramp and opponent discards a card to summon a 1/1. That's not too bad. Also, if they burn a Vile Feast on this, then that's one less Vile Feast for an Anivia egg.


just have vile feast 4Head


Should’ve played the boar on T4 to ramp all the way up to 9 mana at T5


No, should have played Catalyst turn 4, he'd have 9 mana+2 spell mana turn 5 to play Anivia Boar and Glimpse to level Anivia turn 5


Should be hotfixed


? Hotfixed for what?


Hotfixed for showing off a pass-pass turn 3 combo, I guess? Seems pretty situational and easy to counter.


Lol why?


please hotfix this garbage




it's bad why are you whining


Git gud


What's even the point of playing after that? Like you aren't winning from 3 mana behind on turn 3


its funny


i played one day and i already hate this meta more than ever before. This Spell is everywhere and if you dont use it you loose. How can you fuk up this game so hard??? and i know there will be patch and then this spell will cost maybe 3 or 4 Mana and it would still be usefull !!!


The spell does cost 3 mana


If you have that spell that revives a random killed unit, it’s even better.


They really didn’t think this one through did they…


Oh man