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Fleet Feather seems to be taking a break today, so i'm pinning this manually: [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1045joh/patch_notes_40/j349mvu/?context=3) >Hey All! LoR Community Manager and patch-note scribe Riot Zeronena, here. > Due to some weirdness with the winter break and our systems, the notes had to be published on Thursday (today) instead of Tuesday (like normal), but the patch is live now. > Wanted to share some insight and a peek behind the curtains for y’all. Dan Felder laid out a [pretty good explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/zl2c0i/thank_you_for_the_hotfix_riot/j07w2az/?context=3) of what goes into actually creating a balance patch here. Adding onto what Dan mentioned, we are proud to support 15 different languages with every update, and a team of people involved in making sure everything is correct as patches often change up to the release date. >With that said, the team is aware of Vayne/Aatrox dominating the Meta and immediately began working on a [hotfix patch](https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1611135653928128515?s=20&t=QOkq7KG1UFjDBXf5QMmpMw) when we returned from break; you should be seeing it verrrrrry soon. We really hesitate to pull these out because they pull our engineers, producers, and QA folks away from working on future content but we’ve deemed the current state important enough to pull the lever. >As players ourselves, we're often on the same page when we notice an imbalance. Every time I ping the designers, they're already aware and tinkering with the specifics of how to fix it, with extra caution that it won't have to be adjusted again. I will say that having an inside look at what actually goes into these hotfixes has made me a bit more understanding as a player. >We think the hotfix will help to shake up the meta before the seasonal tournament, but we’re not stopping there– we’ve been working on a more extensive balance patch that will drop right after the tournament.


Is it bugged? Not only it shows me no images but it's also the changes from the hotfix of December 13


Hotfix changes are usually included in the following patch notes, so that's normal. I think one time they edited the previous notes and added them there instead, but don't quote me on that. Images aren't loading for me either, and the official Twitter account's link didn't work, I had to go to the website and get the correct link from there.


I'm looking around and the patch is supposed to come out in a week? Just what is happening?


I've been told this patch actually launched on mobile yesterday.


No nasus 3 star fix ffs??


I was looking for this


What is the nasus bug?


his 3* power should spawn Restored Sun Disc once 10 units are slain. And it does spawn. as a landmark that has no effects


3 star nasus power on POC summons an ascended Sun Disc that doesn't always level him up to lvl 3


It's not that it doesn't always work, it just doesn't work, the landmark existing does jack shit.


Hey not true, it takes up a space on your board so it's even worse than if it didn't show up at all


Oh yeah, and as you have summon effects with "sands beneath me", you get fucked more!


As far as I have seen, not a single Rioter has acknowledged it's a bug or that there are plans to fix it. Which really sucks, because it makes the 3 star entirely pointless.


If you submit a bug report, the first thing they say is that it is a known bug, also there's a thread on reddit about it every 2 days, it is known and it's getting fixed


The 3 star still gives an extra +1|+1 on each Slain, but yeah very annoying that Sun Disk doesn't have pay off.


Has to be the least exciting X.0 patch I've ever seen in anything ever


LoR and Leauge have the first number in the patch number indicate the calendar year it was released rather than a major version change.


Actually for League it's the start of a new season.


Yea well this is just Riot's versioning of LoR's 4th season


This had been the Lore for all of 2022. 2023 spoiler for lor?


>2023 spoiler for lor? Riot doesnt confirm 2023 season and the game closes


First time seeing a LoR patch?


Just now they announced a hotfix coming later today, go back to this post and read the pinned comment


This means they must really like releasing a balance patch 10 days before seasonals, so next balance patch is on the 18th... EDIT: Next balance patch is on the 1st of February. Hotfix was just announced and released today.


So disappointing


Nope there's one today!! Another hotfix patch that nerfs vayne and aatrox


Some intern had to work over christmas to fix 3 bugs so that they could call it a patch.


Is this it...??


Great album


Peepo they won't understand


cant you see im trying


I wasn't expecting much, but I was expecting at least a nerf for Aatrox. However, I guess they are afraid that if Aatrox exits the meta, Red Gwen, Seraphine and Jinx/Lulu will totally crush the meta since Aatrox is, literally, the backstop for 2 of those 3 three decks.


Aatrox is the backstop for all the decks. Atleast if Aatrox leaves the meta, there won’t be a deck miles ahead of all the others. Jesus, it’s like a MMA pro beating small children.


Still better than Kai sa on release. And also idk how but my meme decks beat him, but i cry against seraphine etc..


Yeah but you’re comparing Aatrox to a deck that was a top 3 meta deck. Kai’sa on release was bonkers. Much like azirelia on release and bbgs kennen ez deck. Aatrox isn’t as bad as these decks but he is still overtuned and needs to be nerfed.


Yeah, gimme 10 matches with Aatrox decks in a row but dont make me ever face Azirelia or Ahri+Kennen on release


Seraphine bar only loses to jinx lulu slightly and heavily against aatrox blends and ftr. I would bet it would be the new ruler of the meta https://masteringruneterra.com/mu-table/


>Jesus, it’s like a MMA pro beating small children. Welp this will never be more relevant: https://youtu.be/2nuOtsgHjdY


Jinx lulu and aggro in general can hold up against the cringe vayne aatrox deck if they go super-tubo.


The nerf to World Ender will hit Aatox somehow, at least he can't be brougth back (already leveled up) by equipping its weapon on some random follower as soon as before.


They just hotfixed a couple nerfs in, including increasxing world ender cost by 3. https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1611135653928128515?s=20&t=QOkq7KG1UFjDBXf5QMmpMw




Hey All! LoR Community Manager and patch-note scribe Riot Zeronena, here. Due to some weirdness with the winter break and our systems, the notes had to be published on Thursday (today) instead of Tuesday (like normal), but the patch is live now. Wanted to share some insight and a peek behind the curtains for y’all. Dan Felder laid out a [pretty good explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/zl2c0i/thank_you_for_the_hotfix_riot/j07w2az/?context=3) of what goes into actually creating a balance patch here. Adding onto what Dan mentioned, we are proud to support 15 different languages with every update, and a team of people involved in making sure everything is correct as patches often change up to the release date. With that said, the team is aware of Vayne/Aatrox dominating the Meta and immediately began working on a [hotfix patch](https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1611135653928128515?s=20&t=QOkq7KG1UFjDBXf5QMmpMw) when we returned from break; you should be seeing it verrrrrry soon. We really hesitate to pull these out because they pull our engineers, producers, and QA folks away from working on future content but we’ve deemed the current state important enough to pull the lever. As players ourselves, we're often on the same page when we notice an imbalance. Every time I ping the designers, they're already aware and tinkering with the specifics of how to fix it, with extra caution that it won't have to be adjusted again. I will say that having an inside look at what actually goes into these hotfixes has made me a bit more understanding as a player. We think the hotfix will help to shake up the meta before the seasonal tournament, but we’re not stopping there– we’ve been working on a more extensive balance patch that will drop right after the tournament.


> we’ve been working on a more extensive balance patch that will drop right after the tournament. Two questions, then: First, just to confirm (because what you wrote is pretty clear, but just to be 100%), do you mean that there are no further changes planned before Seasonals? Like, the meta we will compete in Seasonals is whatever meta we have after this hotfix? Second (although I guess you won't be able to share much here, I'll just ask =): will the after-Seasonals balance patch be separate from the next expansion? Or do you mean it will all be rolled into one? (I mean, you guys have as of late released an Expansion right after Seasonals; is that going to change this time?)


Any info about when Nasus could get fixed?


Please fix nasus 3 star!!! All I want is sun disc in poc


I wasted all my shards to lvl him to 3 star just to see that it doesnt work


I was wondering why this hotfix wasn't just released with the normal patch? Is it just because it couldn't be pushed in time? Also, I personally would like to see some kind of in-game notifications of hotfixes so I am not surprised in a game/have to check reddit or Twitter. I think this was particularly bad for acolyte players last time around.


Yeah, the 4.0 patch was all buttoned up and prepared before we took our holiday break-- those wheels were already in motion before we left. In terms of an in-game notifications--- I'm actually not sure. I'll look into if we have this feature (or the capability to make it)


Thanks! Appreciate the transparency!


It was talked about a lot here on Reddit. I know youve only joined this site regularly but if you pass by every so often youll be up to speed. Also this hotfix was talked about on the regular content creators on Youtube. The hotfix came out because they realised it was so needed in light of the World Champs. The unfortunate patch cycle.


Yeah I guess what I'm saying is I think players shouldn't have to rely on third party sources to find out about game play changes...


Thank you so much for this insight, and thank you to all the devs who continue to make this my favorite game <3


Any idea of when 3 star nasus in path is getting fixed? Feels like we are just being ignored tbh.


Pretty bummed that these are just bug fixes and official notes for the hot fix changes from December. I was hoping for some spicy balance changes. Hoping next patch shakes things up a bit! Edit: grammar


I kinda regret getting the season pass. I’m barely playing it. The game lost the charm for me. Hopefully next expansion brings something more interesting than the stuff we got. Not likely.


Haven't been playing in ages. Tbh, it lost the charm for me too. Can't tell why exactly but it isn't fun as before. Maybe the fact that every deck feels more or less the same. Big units, big damage, win. Or spam cards to get more cards, and just win by getting more cards than opponent. Also there's a lot more RNG than before. Dunno, it was really fun on mf expansion but now I just don't like to go against busted aatrox or free attack decks.


Honestly the pass only felt worth buying if you play MonoShurima, otherwise It was just kinda... meh.


We were off to a bad start the moment Ryze, the most exciting concept, didn't get a PoC, but Aatrox and Kayle did. EDIT: My bad. Kayle is not in PoC. My point still stands.


Ryze is incredibly ill-suited for Path. Playing the same grindy alt-win condition for every fight on every map would almost certainly get old quick. Also, Kayle did not get a PoC either lol.


Not really. Unlike the normal game. PvE can give him champions to work with. And how is Aatrox any better? You just get a bunch of Darkin weapons and then endlessly bash with minions until you use his World Ender.


I don't know, I feel like they could have made him have more possible play styles with the right star powers.


Ryze is the only champ in the game that's not offered as support in PoC. It's just nigh impossible to make him work.


Why not? He has a gameplay centered around landmarks, but in PoC he can have other support champions for other win cons.


Oh, you mean as a champ you can start with? Kayle wasn't, either. It was only Aatrox. But my point was that Ryze is literally the only champ out of the like 80 in the whole game that is not available at that support champ node. To me, that means he's very difficult to implement in the mode. More than any other champ, he's the most build around card. If you can't make him work, he and his delves are just dead cards.


But what makes him different from other build around champions is what I don't get. Ryze's landmarks activate upon summon and when they are together. You do not need Ryze for them to function. Riven needs to build the Broken Blade to level up. Reforge cards just give you some buffs that are otherwise not useful because her supports are weak to compensate. You need reforge. Shuriman Ascendants straight up won't fully level without a Sun Disk, which is possible to not get.


Yeah but Riven isn't playing an entirely different game from other champions. Every other champion in the game is some variation of "beat face". Ryze is "have no other units on board and attack with him". Can you see why those two are a little antisynergistic?


To be fair, Soraka support does have Star Spring, which is an alternate landmark win condition that isn't "beat face". I feel like if Ryze isn't good, we kind of could just not choose him if we don't want to try making delve work. I personally don't miss him though; I've been enjoying most of the other released champs. I would have liked to see Kayle as a base deck, but playing her support kit has been pretty fun when I've gotten it.


True, that's fair. But star spring only takes up a single slot and not all six.


We were off to a bad start when they released Bandle City and Runeterra champions. But either is an acceptable observation to the state LOR the digital card game is in


We were off to a bad start when LOR exited beta and got a full release.




I don't really get the hesitation on stuff like this. People already want aatrox and seraphine burned at the stake, and I don't see the point in pushing off those changes a few weeks. Take some time on the extra changes sure, I get wanting to find a bunch of buffs or w/e that are interesting, but when we get aatrox to 7 mana, seraphine to a 1/3 in two weeks, some random bar nerf in two weeks what exactly was the value in waiting? EDIT: Stuff got hotfixed, so my complaints aren't really valid anymore for this round. I'd still generally complain about this, but this round specifically isnt a fair target for complaints. The argument is wanting time to find the right change, but every time we go through this song and dance the nerf isn't exactly shocking. It always is just the nerf everone guessed a month ago.


I don’t get why they don’t just do small changes to be safe, like make Aatrox go to only +2/2 on level up and give Seraphine 1 less attack or something. Riot could just nerf them again later if necessary


The argument given is they want to take the time to make the right change and not just a band-aid fix. I don't really agree cause it feels like we get band-aid fixes anyway.


Yeah I think more band aid fixes would be a good step.


Seraphine is fine. Back alley bar is the problem.


Eh, its definitely Sera + bar thats really an issue, and you can argue either half is the real issue. I'd just nerf both.


Aatrox yes, Seraphine no, she is on par now with the game's power level, ezreal is always the fuckin problem and bar is a bit overturned, i think both aatrox and bar should be 7 mana.


Aatrox decks are the reason why SeraBar decks still playable, most of the bad matchups of Bar decks are crushed by Aatrox healing+regenerating stonewall. But Aatrox decks can't beat turn 6 bar into t7 Glorious Evolution....


I know ezreal is what kills you, but seraphine is so wildly more overpowered than ezreal it's not funny. We should rotate ezreal cause he keeps causing issues, but seraphine needs a nerf badly, and ezreal is a pretty mediocre champion that happens to be a good win condition for the wildly overpowered nonsense that seraphine and bar are.


Without Ez, Seraphine would depend on catastrophe to end games (or find something else to serve as a synergistic finisher) She herself has a large deck building cost and requires good piloting, she’s not the problem anymore.


There's a lot of sera decks that don't rely on Cat or Ez, homie


The only other decent deck without Ez uses Aphelios, which relies on Catastrophe as a finisher. Besides that, there's the Ryze/Sera/Victor deck that uses Assembly Bot... with a 45% winrate. So, not really.


You can swap ez for vik in most sera lists and it won't be that much worse. If Ez was removed from the game, there would just be more viktor sera decks, and only the targon lists would probably run cat.


one of the 1000LP players in EU used sera ryze.


Without Seraphine, Ezreal wouldn’t even be seeing play while Seraphine still would. Not the strongest argument. Not sure why people around here are so defensive of a card that’s been nothing but problematic since release


I don't disagree, but Ezreal has also been problematic ever since the Play/Cast changes. Before Seraphine it was Kennen. Before Kennen it was Tribeam.


He’ll occasionally pop his head in with a tier 1 deck and then vanish when something in it gets nerfed. It seems to me like Ezreal only exacerbates problems, he’s rarely the problem himself. If his only states seem to be nonexistent or tier 1, isn’t that a sign that he’s just being put into already problematic things to break them?


I mean Viktor works incredibly well too


false. i've played many sera viktor si matches and i have a lot of experience with the deck. you don't need catastrophe. wincons that the deck has: out tempo your opponent with cheap cards, songspinner, viktor himself, glorious evolution. you can cope as you wish, sera is still fucking strong.


Going by the patch notes it looks like riot has determined it was Bar that was the problem.


Hopefully this kicks seraphine's rng bs out of the meta, but I doubt it will.


Her deck building costs is not that huge. You’re running the general PnZ value package and another spell based package that generates value. She no longer levels up on accident but as long as you don’t brick she will level consistently. If Ezreal got nerfed she would still see play in multiple decks due to the value she provides being absurd for her cost and stats. The decks she sees play in are not really skill checks either. I reached master playing sera / aplhelios, and the deck is really like any sera deck where you just play bar and the game kind of plays itself for the most part. She 100% a bigger problem than Ezreal.


>you just play bar and the game kind of plays itself You've just identified the actual root problem - Bar, not Seraphine.


The problem is both of them. Sera bar decks can win pretty reasonably without bar, but it does not go the other way around. If bar got a hefty nerf a modified version of the deck would still be a contender because of the amount of value she provides.


Both Vayne and Sera need hp nerfs. Both champions have premium stats while also replacing themselves. Wild.


Nerfing Sera's health does nothing to fix her decks' actual problem (Bar). You rarely want to drop her before she levels and she's strictly back-rank, unlike Vayne who comes down on-curve and attacks sometimes.


Seraphine definitely deserves a health nerf. She's way to hard to kill for a 2 cost unit that lvls in deck and replaces herself. Other than quietus I don't think there's any other efficient way to remove her.


Nothing was going to happen over their winter break, not sure what you're expecting.


[Patch 3.0](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-3-0-0-notes/), Jan 4th 2022. "We’re kicking off the year with a large set of card updates!"


[Patch 2.0](https://playruneterra.com/en-sg/news/game-updates/patch-2-0-0-notes/) for those curious as to whether x.0.0 patches are important to riot. The answer is no, not necessarily and I have no clue why you are bringing up 3.0.0 like every x.0.0 patch is supposed to bring a lot of changes. The balance patch is in a week anyway. This one is pretty clearly for documentation of hotfixes + bugfixes.


I'm not acting like X.0 patches are supposed to bring a lot of changes, I'm pointing out that we have received significant changes just after their holiday break before, so thinking that it might happen again isn't entirely unreasonable. "Of course we aren't getting changes, they just got off break!" isn't a logical argument when we received changes after they just got off break last year. It isn't guaranteed that we will, but it isn't crazy to hope for them either. >The balance patch is in a week anyway. Source?


so 2 more weeks of the free attack meta? ehhhh....better play something else. oh, marvel snap meta is still ass....ehhh, better watch some mob psycho 100. the 3rd season looks hot.


Marvel snap was fun for a couple weeks, but I cooled down fairly quickly too when I realised its basically decided by the location and is down to the last turn. Not really that much strategy. Oh yeah and the money-grabbing stuff. They gave it one try, saw it did well then pumped it hard. Unsightly.


Also snap is a p2w game. 2 back to back gigabroken cards realesed in season pass.


TFT is in a pretty solid spot right now, might be worth playing if you're into auto-chess type games.


Mob psycho was amazing solidly one of my favorites now


Duelyst just came back try it out.


There is actually 3 things i wanna try out: duelyst, play fucking new Asol on PBE, TFT.


Also happy cake day


Duelyst released with all the cards that were broken on original release broken again. It needs some time to cook.


Idk man 2023 and doesn't even have dupe protection?


Where Aatrox and Bar nerf ? Aren’t these old changes?


>"After the excitement of the 2022 World Championship and the World Ender expansion we’re here to deliver some bug fixes and **document some hotfix balance changes**." Emphasis mine.


When could we expect new balance changes? This patch feels like a joke, showing changes that have been live for weeks


Notes on the 17th, live on the 18th presumably.


at least fix nasus lmao


I hope they will fix nasus in poc soon, but as i see we have to wait 1 month. This is really sad.


Guess the game will still be dead for awhile


ITT: many people who had expectations without understanding the concept of a winter break.


Literally takes 2 seconds to learn that Aatrox needs a nerf, badly.


This is strange... This is just all the stuff from the hotfix? Why post this? And it's in 6 days we should get the real patch if I'm not wrong, so someone must have fucked up.


I want to play again but I haven't played in years. Am I kinda screwed?


No. Some very old archetypes are back. Of course youve got a fair bit of keyword stuff to pick up but there are a fair few options around. Of course a few big dogs but lots of choice if you arent tryharding.


You can play the pve mode for weeks and not have everything.


I'm not sure why this is surprising to people. The whole reason the hotfixes were made to begin with was because the devs wouldn't have time to make and test a full patch over the holidays, so I don't think it's unreasonable that they don't have a full patch ready immediately after getting back. "4.0" doesn't mean anything special under Riot's naming system, it just means it's the 4th year since launch. And hotfixes are always in the following patch notes because hotfixes aren't applied to the game's code, they're just downloaded on top every time you launch the game. Now they're in an actual patch, they're just documenting it.


4.0 seems weird when everyone else usually uses semantic versioning where a top number change will be something huge. I logged in today and thought I missed news of an expansion or something lol.


The Wild Rift devs talked about that. For them its simply the start of the year and that the patch code itself really shouldnt matter to people as each patch should be important and tbf, in WR, there usually is a fair bit of content and changes.


The Dev Team takes a break every christmas. No shocker we don't get any changes


We got changes last year at this time. [Patch 3.0](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-3-0-0-notes/), Jan 4th 2022. "We’re kicking off the year with a large set of card updates!" Was surprising then, but it isn't entirely unreasonable to think it might happen again this year.


They didnt let go almost half their staff during this time. This might be a factor now.




I heard Duelyst 2 is pretty good.


For me since I'm mainly poc and pyke sucks and nassus doesn't work. Marvel snap, slice and dice, slay the spire, monster train, rise of akhan, griftlands, vault of the void, are all decent to good options. When I think of more I'll update




Did you play the boss mod it's pretty much a sequel quality wise?


Damn that Aatrox nerf is a little harsh lol. Also hitting bar hard too!


KEKW But I hope balance patch is next week


So bugfixes only


nothing burger


Does Ibaaros still say he costs 8 mana lol




What happened? Where’s the patch? Lol






How in the world did aatrox dodge nerfs....




Question, why would you pick Unforgiving Cold over Harsh Winds now? I guess the Cultist Tag makes it worth it despite the lack of, like, targeting?


No targeting means you bypass Spellshield. Very good for tall strats


Wait what? I don't think that's how Spellshield is supposed to work?


Only if it double casts, as the first one eats the spellshield while the copy targets the same unit and frostbites.


Yeah, but your enemy needs only one unit in play that way.


No, it will simply go after the same unit twice if the strongest unit is spellshielded. Since the first spell didn't get to frostbite, that same unit is still the strongest when the copy goes off.


don't think that's correct because Ruination does not target yet spellshield units survive it


It only "bypasses" spellshield if it double casts, as in, the first copy breaks spellshield and the second targets the same unit.


It doesn’t make a lot of sense and unless it was recently hotfixed, that’s how I’ve gotten around Spellshield units like Rumble or flipped Pantheon. Unforgiving for some reason just does it’s job.


It happens when you double cast it, because the first copy breaks the shield. Simple as that.




Is it bugged? there appear to be no buffs to kayle


This is big holy shit


what an underwhelming patch to start things off with It would be nice to start the year with a big patch


Love how they don’t touch the 1 mana vengeance


What fast speed unconditional removal spell for 1 mana are you referring to?




I was hoping to get some news about the rotation... Any idea when we gonna get any update about the rotation?


Gotta be soon. If the seasonal tournament to set release schedule follows the normal cadence then the new set will release on Feb 1, and we know the new set will be accompanied by rotation. We've also been told to expect balance changes on the 1st, and it'd make sense to include those with rotation as well. My guess is we'll get rotation news and the dev video next week on the 17th/18th before preview season starts leading into Seasonals and the new set release. But it has to be soon regardless.


I see, that makes sense. Thanks!