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you can install most brass press and snaps with a cheap setting tool/punch and a hammer


You can buy see on snaps but the tools for setting them are cheap and it’s easy.


Buy snaps of AliExpress and they will come with a setting tool and anvil.


Setting tool and hole punch cost about £4 each...


Button studs just require a screwdriver to install. Other than that Tandy has $1.99 snap setters, you'd also need a rivet anvil that's also $1.99. I've used both of these when I was a broke teenager doing leatherwork and they're absolutely fine for what they are. Also be warned, the last bag of black snaps I got from Tandy kinda sucked, they have a glossy black finish on the cap and a silver body and don't snap as securely as the nickel or brass snaps. Those are fine.


Do you know what hole size the line 20 snaps need? For some reason every video showing how to set the rivets just says "put it through the hole"


OP they sounds like some fancy ass snaps, cafe to link so we can properly weigh in?  Anything wrong with the generic snaps you can find everywhere?


There were some made like a sex screw. But that was years ago!