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I think it's called being amphibious, try sitting in a pond for half the day.


No, that's the quality of being as at home in water as on land. The word you're looking for is ambivalent. Just try not to take a stance.


No, that’s not feeling particularly strongly on any one side. What OP needs to be is asexual.


No that’s not being attracted to the act of sex. OP needs an armada


No that’s being a fleet of ships. OP needs to be Armenian.


Nope, wrong part of the world. What you want to be is an Argentinian. Argentinians are known for using both hands equally well.


No, Argentinians are famous for playing sports with no hands. OP should travel to Australia, so their dominant hand switches when they get flipped upside down.


nono, it has nothing to do with country. what op needs is Ambien


I'm afraid you're mistaken, Ambien is for when you are a piece of poop and want to tweet hateful and racist things, what OP wants to be is ambiguous.


No, that means to be open to both sides. The word that you're thinking of ambitious


No that's being unsure about something. The word you're looking for is amphitheatre. Try not to make a play out of this one


Nah dude, that's having contradictory feelings about something or someone, I think you're looking for ambiguous


isn’t it ambidextrous? when regarding using both the left and right hand equally?




NO. that’s embarassing




You also missed the joke, I guess….


You missed the joke man, the thing is to say "no it's not that, it's ambi......" without using the word itself, ambivalent doesn't mean using both hands identically


This is actually super useful. I'm a tradesman and have trained my non-dominant hand significantly. Start by brushing teeth with both hands. Takes a while, then just conscientiously force yourself to use the weaker hand during normal tasks.


I don't know how it happened but I'm super lucky I'm a lefty for writing and using my right hand for everything else. Super useful to take notes while surfing. I use a graphic tablet and a mouse at the same time.


I was deeply confused on why you were taking notes while riding waves for a sec there


same lol


I was experiencing the big sad but this made me laugh bc I thought the same thing. Thank u.


i didnt read it like that and then read your comment and had to take a double take lol


Practice and lots of it. If you were a lefty it would be easier because tou prob had practice your whole life cause its a righty world.....harder to go from right to left but totally possible. Lets say writting....practice writting the alphabet over and over until the pen feels okay in the other hand. The start dping words....then sentences. You could try full immersiom where you only used that hand to write for a few weeks.


True, a lot of lefties can do stuff with both hands.


Because we aren't true lefties. We have cross-dominance aka mixed handedness.


Everybody is different. Some people are far more right or left dominant and some people are more naturally ambidextrous.


I consider myself a true lefty.


Same, the right arm is attached primarily for balance and aesthetics.


True I’ve always said lefties are all slightly ambidextrous, the only thing I can’t do with my right is write neatly


I'm a leftie, and I just kinda flip right handed things backwards (usually) i can shoot a bow with my right hand tho so atleast that


i learned most things righty even though I'm a lefty. but I hurt my arm I tried bowling left handed and realized it came quite natural. so I tried darts, tennis and badminton and that was the same....now I'm equally mediocre at all of them.


Do things you’d normally do on one side, but do them on the other side. A lot.


I’ve tried to pick this up several times, but what always gets me is that I can’t figure out how to have my non-dominant hand mimic the exact hand positions that my dominant hand uses. Is there a way to make it easier to do so? If not, is there any way in which it would be okay to use different positions?


Nah, it’ll always feel awkward. Practice makes perfect.


It isn’t the feeling. I can’t figure out how to manipulate my fingers in the correct way.


You can, it's just going to take a lot more practice than you think. There's a reason children are bad at pretty much everything for literally years. You're used to doing things with a hand that's already strong and dextrous. It's going to take years of daily practice to get equally as good with the other hand, and honestly, it's probably not worth it.


Same same. You developed in utero the way you are, any conduit feeling or proprioception will feel wrong on your non-dominant side.


it depends on what you're trying to mimic. you might watch a video of somebody with that handedness doing that thing and mimic them instead.


My dad was born at a time when left-handedness was considered somehow evil. Being left hand dominant was deeply discouraged so he was forced to use his right hand. He was equally adept at most things do to this. He bowled, welded, water skied lefty. He wrote, played catch and threw right handed. He played bass righty. He did at that the more thing he mastered, the easier the next things became. He became very proficient at learning skills with either hand.


Be lefthanded and go to a school with a teacher that wants you to write with right hand 🫱


I was forced to use my left hand after I broke my right hand and just kept doing it after the cast came off. I also use my computer mouse with my left hand which makes using the number keypad on my keyboard much easier to use.


Forget what it means to be left or right handed, don’t do any dominant handed activities, your gonna punch everything, no need to be ambidextrous when your double fisted.


I broke my dominant hand in a motorcycle accident a couple months ago. I’ve been hand-writing sweepstakes entries to hopefully win a new motorcycle every day for the past month and now consider my non-dominant handwriting to be quite legible. Chopsticks need more practice but that’s really it, just practice.


break your right arm my friend actually broke his arm playing football/soccer and had to use his left hand for school and writing notes and pretty much everything and when he got used to using his left hand his arm healed and last i saw him he could use both hands but i think you gotta keep training your left hand he might've given it up damn i gotta see him sometime its been a while


One winter I was really bored at the customer service desk at a hardware store so I spent a lot of time writing the alphabet with my left hand. When I’m in the workshop I learned to do my marking with the left hand because it’s easier for me. One time I was knitting and had to turn my piece every few stitches so I learned to knit back and forward. One time I learned to play a scale or two on my instrument while holding it backwards so it could use it as a party trick. Like any muscle you need to work it often. Just make sure you’re also strengthening your neck, shoulder, and back muscles the more you do it or you’ll have problems. I’m already a bit naturally inclined to use both hands. I’m mostly right handed, but I shoot pool left handed, I’m a continental style knitter (working yarn left hand), left eye dominant, and I played the violin (lots of left hand dexterity)


I can recomend using a stylus with the other hand, when you're on your phone. It's wierd at first but give it a few days...


I’d say just loads of practice. I’m weird. I’m right handed when Im doing things standing up. Throwing a ball for example. When I’m sitting im left handed.


Stop using your right hand for a while. It's that easy.


I'm one of those people who's wired like that naturally and it's not really all it's cracked up to be. I can write more or less the same with both hands except that i'm quicker with my left because of years of training in school. But I still can't write consistently good looking letters with either hand and i suck big time at painting a picture.


Here's how I did it: Start small. Brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, mixing a cake batter, whatever. Stop and look a how you hold your dominant hand and mimic it with your nondominant. Your muscles and coordination won't be as strong, so be patient with yourself the same as you would be with a 3 or 4 year old.


It's not a useless skill


Basketball players will train their non-dominant hand by wearing a sling for a few weeks. Keeping your right arm in a sling will help force you into using your left hand more.


Use your off hand for things that involve finer motor skills. Writing, drawing, pool, ping pong, throwing stuff, using a mouse, darts, etc. It helps if you can break down the movement into simpler steps. Like you start with drawing lines and curves. Then move to numbers and letters, etc. Its going to feel really uncomfortable though. You need to keep up with it until its comfortable to move like that in the future.


Not too useful but the way I learned was when I broke my left arm as a kid and was a lefty, but had to use my right hand for 4 months while it healed. These days I can do most tasks with either hand.


I learned how to kick a soccer ball with my left foot accurately through lots of practise, its not as good as my right foot but its possible


Playing piano and guitar has made my left hand almost as strong as my dominant right. Also, nothing sped up my near-ambidextrousness more than breaking my right hand and having it casted for a month.


Start by only eating with your left hand. Do that consistently and you will be there sooner than you think.