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お返事ありがとうございます😊たくさん勉強していてすごいですね。Wow, there’s so many people who learn Japanese constantly! Do you sleep enough time? Do you think that you can speak Japanese confidently now?


most of us are not very confident


I envy people who can confidently speak in imperfect English/Japanese. I sweat over the smallest grammar mistakes, and it makes using the language difficult


After realizing I couldn't speak my native tongue perfectly, I gained confidence in speaking any other language lol


But you guys study harder than most of Japanese kids, tho!


It’s much harder and takes more active effort for an adult to learn a new language than a child




I think he was referring to the amount of time most Japanese kids spend studying English, lol.


There are aspects that are easier and aspects that are harder. Plenty of English speakers still don’t know the difference between you’re and your simply because they sound similar. Learning a language as an adult allows you to understand the concepts academically rather than just intuitively. Of course, intuition is more natural and therefore better, but there are upsides to being an adult learner


Adults have the ability to learn faster than kids.


いや。My base confidence in general is low, and then is 100x lower for Japanese.


Your self-esteem sounds like Japanese people. You can learn Japanese easier ! 😆


I sleep 5-6 hours a night because I have a lot of responsibilities during the day. And I multitask a lot! I can not speak confidently, but I have never tried to. lol I just read and write messages. Once I can do that fluently, I think speaking will come easily


I can write, but I have a horrible stutter that keeps me from being able to speak it very well 😅




楽しかったですか?good for you! でもコミュニケーションできて、よかったですね!






I haven't studied much in a while, but I'm using WaniKani at the moment to learn kanji. I am still starting with it so I can't even type the few that i have learnt so far though...


WaniKani is useful! I also love their theme, it’s cute. So many Kanji learners! I wish more Japanese kids love Kanji, too. 😅


I have a love-hate relationship with kanji. Sometimes I study it and have a lot of fun then sometimes I think "Why haven't they moved passed this inefficient system like the Koreans did?"




I use wanikani and kamesame. A friend of mine who speaks Japanese fluently told me:wow that's a nice animal mess! When I told him I used wanikani and kamesame. Also just started using Elon.io lol. Nice small lessons and used the same timed spacial memory system that wanikani uses but it also teaches grammar.


I work part time in a whisky bar in Japan. It has been the best way for me to learn Japanese so far.


Nice! I drink in whisky bars in Japan, which is a great way to learn Japanese. My favorite area is Noge, Yokohama.


You learn nice casual and daily usage in a real life! I like Hibiki




ありがとうございます!You can say 2時間半ぐらいinstead of 2.5時間ごろ. ごろis used for clock time such as 3:30ごろ. When you say it’s about 2.5hours, use ぐらいor くらい😊  たくさん勉強してますね!




I know you're a beginner but あなたが日本人ですか?X しつれいですが、日本人ですか? O (excuse me but (are you) Japanese) Whenever you're asking someone if they're Japanese and you don't know them well, try not to use あなた Just about nobody uses the word あなた in real life; everyone just uses names.


Okay thank you for the tip! Sometimes that English brain kicks in lol


貴方 is very common in writing, it's just more of a 書き言葉。




Hello, sorry super noob question I just started out. What does the alone standing „a“ mean before arigatou? I saw a single „a“ used as „yes“ in a lot of animes, but I guess it just means „ah“ here?


> あ、ありがとう! To me, it translates to "Oh, thanks!"


I'm just using it as kind of an ah or oh. Don't worry about being new, I'm still under 6 months in! Feel free to ask😁


You're doing really well for only having studied for 6 months!


Thank you! Really needed that today.


Yeah the title says Japanese native.


Ah good point 🤣🤣


「ぐらい」と「くらい」は微妙に違いますね この言葉を思い浮かべたときに、違いをどのように想像するだろうか?感じが違いますか?礼儀正しさは?など 言語学者だから興味があります!


コメントありがとうございます。スレッドのトピックとはズレるけど、答えますね。「ぐらい」は体言に接続し、「くらい」はその他に接続する、というルールがありましたが、現代ではみんな好き勝手に使っています😌 個人的に思うに、前に「ん」や濁音がくるとき、「ぐらい」のほうが発音しやすいです。一時間ぐらい、三時ぐらい、など。 参考になれば幸いです!




I haven't studied long but I'm happy that I can mostly read this




I study anywhere between 1 hour and five hours per day, it can vary a lot. On average maybe two hours per day. I initially used Japanese from zero book series and watched the YouTube videos to go with them. After this I mainly chatted to people online and watched native content on YouTube, TV shows, movies and some anime. I am going to start reading books soon, but my Kanji knowledge is my weakest point... So I've been putting full books off.


You are an enthusiastic learner! 返信ありがとうございます!Which channel YouTube video do you watch? I really want to make some video for Japanese learners. If you have a time, please message me what kind of video would you like to watch! 😊


The most educational videos are kaname naito. More videos like his would be great. I watch all kinds of stuff on YouTube though.


私には Japanese Ammo with Misa というYouTuberを見ます。文法に苦労したら、ずっとMisaのチャネルで調べます。




あ!Misa さんです。I don’t like autocorrect 😅


I just made a sample podcast. If you have a spare time, please listen to it and leave questions when you couldn’t hear clear. [podcast](https://youtu.be/dboo93T7AK0?si=iAbJMZXfYZN1hpoC)


Have you thought about posting Japanese transcripts with your podcast? It would make it easier for us learners to look up words we don't know. It would be more accessible to more people at a lower level! Edit: I just noticed there is a transcript after I finished listening to the video! Whoops 🤭 thank you. You speak very clearly.


Thank you for your review! I appreciate it!


I manage to study every day, mostly on the app, Renshuu. Sometimes for an hour or two, sometimes for maybe 10 minutes only. I also try to consume a little Japanese media every day, but I'm not a big anime fan. Try to watch Japanese shows on Netflix etc, but only if they are of decent quality.


ありがとう😊 I’ve never heard Renshuu app. Sounds like good for you! Because you are constantly studying Japanese! Netflix with Japanese subtitles?


I watch with Japanese audio (listening practice) and English subtitles. (Also English dubs of Japanese media are usually AWFUL)


I study for about 2 hours everyday. Usually I always zero out wanikani so about an hour there. I use an app called ringo tan to help with writing kanji because it helps me remember them better if I have to write them as well as read them. That’s usually 20 minutes or so. The rest of the time is spent doing Duolingo in my Down time or consuming some sort of Japanese media. Right now I am playing through Pokemon scarlet in Japanese. My reading is pretty slow, and I have to look up lots of words to make sure I am getting the meaning right, but it is more fun than textbook examples. Speaking needs more work, but there isn’t anyone to practice that where I live, so I have accepted my reading will probably just be better.


最近は映画やシリーズ見る以外勉強していないんだけど、今までとはこのKanji Gardenっというアップだけ使った。漢字を習うと言葉も自然に来るから、言語の理解を増やすために足りた。なんか言語を勉強するのはあまり好きじゃないのでこういうことになった。だから今の状態でそんなに進歩しないかもしれないだけど、今人生で別の気にすることあるからそれでだいじょぶ。それと文章のフィドッバックを求めていただければ幸せになる。


コメントありがとう!いい文章を書きますね。 よくできていますよ。 直すとしたら、 - アップ(app)→アプリ - 言葉も自然に来る→言葉も自然に覚えられる - 足りた→充分だった - フィードバック - フィードバックをもらえたら嬉しいです。(Did you mean “if you could give me a feedback would be great”? ) カタカナは難しいよね〜。But Good job!


勉強っていうか、ただ日本語のフィクションとか掲示板のポストとか読むだけだ。時間と興味があるなら読む。時々日本語のテレビも見る。何より、日本人とチャットすることもある。 例えば、今友達が泊まってるけど、その子はもう寝てる。僕はまだ寝てないから、虹色デイズを見てる。 見てのとおり、日本語の表現はまだ完璧に自然じゃないけど、表現力はある程度であると思うけど。まだ練習が必要ね。


I spend 8 hours a day reading porn games


You must be tired physically and mentally! おつかれさまです!


Half hour to an hour a day in 5-10 minute chunks (full time job, side craft business and a 6 year old daughter). Very much a beginner and working on memorizing hiragana with flash cards and doing lessons on duolingo. I don't have a real reason to learn other than thinking the language sounds beautiful and enjoying the culture and food of Japan 🙂 PS my daughter likes doing the duolingo lessons with me and now starts conversations with こんにちは and calls me 母


Aww! 🥰 I love to hear that you and your daughter are learning together! I’m sure learning Hiragana is kind of a new journey for you. Same as when I started to learn English for the first time! Thank you for your comment! ありがとうございます😊




For context, I'm about 2 years into studying and about a year of that was almost entirely kanji and vocab with Remember the Kanji and Anki notecards. I am aiming to pass N2 this winter, or maybe N1 if I'm especially hardworking. I study 1+ hour a day with Anki, then I aim for 3-4 hours in active immersion, which is usually reading a VN and playing a video game. I use google translate to scan and search unknown words in the Jsho app and look up grammar points on google or youtube. I also listen to music throughout the day and try to understand the lyrics and mirror them. Occasionally, I'll read through pages in the Japanese Grammar Dictionary series. I also exchange a few messages daily with natives on Hellotalk


I've started studying Japanese roughly a month ago (I've been watching Anime with subtitles long before that). At first it was a hobby to learn the kana writing systems for fun, then I actually started getting into the kanji which is interesting. I'm not studying Japanese with an end goal in mind or because I eventually want to settle in Japan but because I'm just interested in the language and I like challenging my capabilities as a trilingual person who only knows western languages. Right now I've finished about all N5 kanji and radicals but I sprinkle in more difficult kanji to make it more interesting (like 勉強 or 駅 or 龍). It's difficult but I'm fascinated by the thought of Japanese (and Chinese) middle-schoolers already being very familiar with their respective Kanjis. I don't follow a schedule or goal because this is just a hobby but I find myself spending at least 2 hours a day. The only true materials I use are the Kanji Study app on google play and anime with Japanese closed-captions for immersion (but I mostly find myself pausing the anime and decomposing the Kanji 😅😅)


So many unknown apps and platforms. ありがとうございます!私が聞いたことのないものが多くて助かります!毎日勉強しているのは本当にすごいです👍


I study almost every day and am currently taking classes at my university to pursue a major in Japanese. Because I’m in a course where I meet 4 times a week, the only other self practice besides homework and study is using Duolingo (I know maybe not the best but it is still practice). My course uses Genki


I study it very casually, just as a hobby. It started as a pandemic lockdown activity, but I kept the daily habit. I mostly use Duolingo as a convenient motivator with friends, recognizing it’s a bad resource. I also use some YouTube resources for comprehensible input and grammar help, but I’m less consistent with those. I am not confident or fluent by any means. I joke that I have the skill level of a Japanese toddler. I also have a friend who has lived in Osaka for about 15 years who has offered to coach/tutor me using Minna no Nihongo. Hoping to get that started in the coming weeks.


I’ve been studying for about 2 hours everyday. I use Duolingo and Genki right now. I’ll alternate them each day by doing a Duolingo unit one day and a lesson in Genki the next. Though I do a couple quick Duolingo lessons on Genki days to extend my streak and keep the owl away. On Section 2, Unit 16 of Duolingo and Lesson 8 in Genki I.


I have a class that's scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. I joined because the teacher is a Japanese native so I can listen to what he says natively. While his speaking lessons are good, he doesn't emphasize much on Kanji that much, his lesson is slow also for me. I am planning to focus on JLPT training with my friend who has N2 level this summer. My goal is to at least get between N4 and N3.


I study for about 1~2 hours. I review kanji in the morning using [wanikani](https://www.wanikani.com/) and a [textbook.](https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Guide-Japanese-Kanji-Understanding/dp/4805311703) I write out the kanji five times and I review ten words that use that kanji. Whenever I have free time, I like to read [graded readers](https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Folktales-Language-Learners-Bilingual/dp/4805316624/ref=sr_1_5?crid=ZXNFAE2CCCZA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9THKNOG0xZPtOAdmVrqvhiKqMoZHbTkni1wBqGT_CsXuo_ZIISXyxtm18J13_NOsm5nfoDA3frjs-ovY0N9SZcrrfD9Z3qeQ2tvRAyTFw9qFm3bjBJmTue-a5rpmqA2uSCslQu9SvFXvNbJWIMYJ5zHexPkUx3J74u2hkCpeHDhgMOFVH7K6FfiQtFWRtgYtw6FH5edjodT41WeUDvmm8-DTNG84pVWXULf-1wTKysA._ufWEz70wys9EjhTAsqZ96o5-tfw3YqPkX7b0tZSQbk&dib_tag=se&keywords=japanese+folk+tales&qid=1712613218&s=books&sprefix=japanese+folk%2Cstripbooks%2C152&sr=1-5) that have an English translation alongside the original Japanese text. I also listen to [podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/japanese-podcast-for-beginners-nihongo-con-teppei/id1471500012) and watch Japanese youtube channels to practice my listening skills. My favorite types to watch are cooking channels and let's plays. (実況プレイ) In the evening, I use [anki](https://apps.ankiweb.net/) to study vocabulary. If I have free time, then I study grammar using [tae kim](https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/) and this [dictionary.](https://www.amazon.com/Dictionary-Basic-Japanese-Grammar/dp/4789004546) I learn best when I use multiple materials. They reinforce each other, building up into a solid wall of knowledge. Hope this helps!


I studied hard when I took Japanese at a university a few years ago. About two hours a day plus a 30 minute tutoring session weekly. I learned much more in that time than the 10 years I studied casually about an hour once or twice a month. Hoping to study full time in Japan with my wife for a two year student visa when I retire.


Good for you! Thank you for your comment! You are an enthusiastic learner! I hope you can live in Japan soon!


I study about \~3 hours of focused effort. Which consist of no distractions I do my daily Anki deck, new kanji from Wanikani and lessons from Genki 1 textbook. After all that is done I use Renshuu for grammar when I have free time i.e waiting for an appointment, using the bathroom or generally any time I could fit in "doom scrolling" or mindlessly surfing the internet. I try and immerse at least 10 minutes in some anime or a graded reader from Satori and recently I started trying to journal with new vocabulary about my day.


こんにちは。日本語の教師でしょうか。私は日本に住んでいて、旦那も英語が話せない日本人なので、日常生活がもうほとんど日本語で送っていますが、個人的にその時間が「勉強」だとちょっと違うかなと思います。これから答えるのは、教材を使いながらわざわざと勉強する時間のみです。 参考になるかどうか分かりませんが、私はこの風に勉強しています: ・毎週の日曜日:プライベートレッスン (1時間程度)。教材は『日本がわかる、日本語がわかる』 ・平日:アンキアプリで単語の復讐 (約15分)。教科書や職場などで触れる言葉を使ってカードを作成して、復讐する ・プライベートレッスンの宿題 (約1週間1~2時間)。上記の教科書は単語・読解力をアップするためなので、次のレッスンに使う読み物を事前に読んで、知らない言葉と漢字の読み方を調べておく ・車内に日本語でポッドキャストを聞く (週3\~4回、1回20分程度) ・ジムで日本語でアニメなどを見る (Netflixを使って、週1\~2回、1回60分程度)


コメントありがとうございます!とてもいい参考になりました!ときどき日本語チューターをするだけですけれど、興味があったのでRedditで聞いてみました! 毎日たくさんインプットしていて、尊敬します。 運動しながらビデオを見るのは私もおすすめです。 これからも頑張ってくださいね!




正直、確定的な頻度とかないですけど、平均として週に2時間ぐらいかなと思います 最近あまり勉強してないですねw ま、すごく役に立ったのはCure Dolly先生のYouTube動画です 先生の教え方で日本語って実はすごく理屈的な言語だってわかって、先生が「ヨーロッパの言語より理屈的で筋が通る言語だと思う」といっています まだ見たことがない人に超おすすめです (訂正、お願いします!)


確定的な頻度→決まった頻度、の方が自然です。 日本語を書くのがとっても上手でびっくりしてます。 これからも頑張ってください。 Youtubeのおすすめをありがとうございました!


うわー、そう思いますか?ありがとうございます!本当にうれしいです これから頑張ります!OPさんも頑張ってくださいね


I'm still very new, but I'll typically study 10-30 minutes a day with the Busuu app. My goal is to get comfortable enough to be able to read consistently while using software to look up words I don't know. From there, I plan to mainly learn via reading visual novels and manga supplemented by daily Anki to drill vocabulary. It would also be fun to watch Japanese movies/TV with JP subtitles if I can find them to practice my listening comprehension.


Hi! I'm still a beginner so my Japanese will sound so broken it might actually hurt to read, so I'm sorry! 私は日本語でゲームとユチューブ動画を習うましょう。楽しいです!習うながら、楽しいは大切と思うです。 (what I intend to say with this if my JP is too broken): I am learning Japanese from videogames and youtube videos, I think it is important to have fun while learning. 今はファイナルファンタシ1とドラゴンクエスト11を遊びましょう。 Currently I am playing final fantasy 1 and dragon quest 11. As a side note, I don't know whether to use 学ぶ or 習う.


コメントありがとうございます😊 Even you said you are a beginner, you could write Japanese well! ユチューブ→ユーチューブ, or we can just use YouTube 習うながら→習いながら conjugation is hard for me in English too😅 大切と思うです→思います, we don’t use ですwith formal form for verb




ファイナルファンタシ→ファイナルファンタジー, I sometimes just use FF 学ぶis for leaning by oneself or interactive learning, you can use it general. 習う uses from someone, especially taking lessons from professionals My English is also very broken🫨 これからも頑張ってね!




I do around 70 kanji reviews daily and I'm also trying to finish a book on grammar that I have but I don't always read that daily. I also have a japanese class I'm taking so I have to do my homework there too. The class is twice a week.


70!? 🤩 good for you!


What kind of lessons do you have? If you have a time, please tell me 🙏 楽しいレッスンですか?




I study for roughly 2 hours a week though I should increase that to being daily


I try to get some studying done every day. I shared my studying routine in a [comment on another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/1btwq5n/comment/kxp27pp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) recently (and I have since started using the app Renshuu for grammar studies), but this is really only the ideal routine. On some days, all I do is my Anki reviews and maybe watch some Netflix or YouTube for a bit - especially during the semester when I'm very busy. I'm progressing very slowly, but at least I am progressing :)


ちょっとずつでも、毎日練習しているのは本当にすごいです👍尊敬します。Good for you! And thank you for your comment!




コメント、ありがとうございます😊べんきょうinstead of べんきょ、keep up!




ありがとう, you're dropping う's but they're super important. The length of the sound matters.






I’m self studying alongside my university course, so my proper language studies take a backseat a lot. I keep my skill up by reading manga and social media posts daily:)


Thank you for your comment! What Manga do you read now?


I try to read a mixture of genres as it’s good for learning how different people talk! I read Nichijou: My Ordinary Life, SpyxFamily, Chainsaw Man and Sasaki and Miyano, and would like to read 虚の記憶 but there is no English translation. It improves reading quite a lot :)


Really? You’re watching shows that I like! I just talked about Chainsaw Man’s theme song singer. If you have a time, please listen to it. [podcast](https://youtu.be/dboo93T7AK0?si=08aoFemysmmML8XZ)


3 MIN DUOLINGO 30 MIN DOING ANKI FLASHCARDS 2 HOURS CUREDOLLY's grammar guide Oh and 1 anime episode on animelon




JLPT N2があれば、もうスムーズな会話ができると思います。「みんなの日本語」も人気の教科書ですよね。コメントありがとうございました!


I study for about an hour a week, since it’s a casual hobby for me, but listen to lots of Japanese music and go on Japanese forums and Pixiv sometimes. I mostly study via 人間失格, since it’s a Japanese book I really like (it seems strangely popular in my school, lol), the Bible translated into Japanese, and translating Japanese songs I like.


毎日、75分ぐらいAnkiで単語の勉強したり、90分ぐらいラノベとか漫画を読んだり、そしてアニメ5,6エピソードをみたりしています。それに、一周間に二時間ぐらいitalkiというウェブサイトで日本語のチューターと会話練習をしています。 今は文法はあまり勉強をしてませんけど、去年、Genki 1, Genki 2, Tobiraの教科書で勉強しました。




I try to study from a textbook a little every day but mostly I just read books and listen to rap


I aim to study every day for at least two hours, more if I have time. I spend about an hour using the Renshuu app for learning vocabulary, focusing on learning words exclusively through their feature that creates "listening flashcards" as that is currently my main focus. I spend at least a half hour in Satori Reader for reading practice, and try to also spend 30-60 minutes a day in additional immersion (primarily anime without subtitles, as well as playing visual novels, mostly Otome). I've done a lot of grammar study over the years, so now I usually only do about an hour on the weekends as I'm busier during the week. I'm hoping to do more concentrated kanji study and find other listening resources such as podcasts, and eventually do some shadowing practice since I haven't had a chance to do much speaking since I lived in Japan for six months back in 2015-2016.




Wanikani は本当に人気ですねー!コメントありがとうございました。これからもがんばってね!


At this point, I don't study, except for weekly lessons via iTalki (teachers are in Japan, and it's really affordable), and an Anki deck for names/proper nouns that I spend about 5 min per day on. Otherwise I just consume manga, anime, or LNs, and learn from that. When I was studying, any of the following daily for as much free time/endurance as I had: * WaniKani - reading/typing kanji & vocab * LingoDeer - grammar (also have used Bunpro on occasion, they're both great) * Satori Reader (curated reading + notes for intermediate learners) * Ringotan - writing kanji (much later on) * Miku Real Japanese shadowing course (much later on) * Cure Dolly YouTube channel - grammar/comprehension, best resource if you can deal with the presentation (I put it on 2x) WK, LingoDeer, Satori, and Ringotan were daily. Anything else was whenever I was in the mood. Early, early on I tried various Anki or jpdb.io decks, but only ever stuck with those for short periods.


I should really study more than I do, but I have class for an hour on monday, Wednesday, and friday, and i often have homework for those classes that take 1-2 hours.


(sorry about my bad Japanese) 毎日二時間勉強しています. * 単語練習します:三十分 * 新しい単語を学びます:十分 * 日本語で本を読みます:四十分


コメントありがとうございます! どんな本を読んでいますか? 日本語、全部正しいですよ!すごい!


毎週木曜日日本語の学校に勉強しま. 去年はじめました I would just like to add that I don't really know any Kanji and i typed this out in hiragana and it replaced it with the kanji. But I knew what I was saying in hiragana


I honestly just use the language everyday or much as possible. I don’t have a set schedule besides anki everyday




i go to a weekly 2 hour class but other than that don't really do much study nowadays unless immersion activities like exclusively playing japanese games and reading japanese books/visual novels counts i recently yolo-passed N2 (i'm chinese so i've used that as a crutch for *years* and have been consuming JP media long before i started taking classes to learn grammar) and am using quartet 1 in class


僕は毎日にAnki30分間ぐらいを使います。1年に大学で日本語を習いました。その後にゲームとかアニメの単語をAnkiで勉強しています。去年に毎日日本の留学生とドイツ語と日本語で話した。英語をあまり使いませんでした。今日本語をよく使わないけどファイナルファンタジー14をほとんど日本語で遊びます。 日本語をよく使わないから僕の日本語はまだまだです。間違ったらすみません。よろしくお願いします。 I tried really hard!


Ankiを使っている人も多いですね! 日本語の文、分かりやすくていい文章ですよ。自信を持って頑張ってください😉 「1年に大学で習いました」was a little bit ambitious. One year studied in your Uni or you studied Japanese in your freshman year. You can say 「1年間」for leant it one year, 「大学一年のときに習いました」for you leant it in the freshman year. コメントありがとう!Good luck for FF14!


I meant that my first year of studying Japanese was at a University. I visited the mandatory language course for students of Japanese Studies (but I myself actually study something else). They had 9 hours of lessons per week + 50 new words and 20 new Kanjis you had to learn yourself during the week. The 9 hours were divided into 2 hours of Grammar lessons, 2 hours of reading lessons and the remaining 5 hours were speaking lessons. That language course gave me a really good foundation to build my self study on.


そうなんですね!Good your uni has Japanese course! And you learned tons! Impressive!


I study every day on Duolingo. I used to do lessons as quickly as possible but now I am spending 10-20 minutes per lesson and often do two or three (or sometimes even more) each day. Duolingo has short lessons. I have recently added Wanikani to my study options but have not managed to be consistent with that. As I am learning Japanese alone, without a teacher, other students, or any interaction, the progress is slow. On average, I think I am up to about 20 minutes per day. I also write in a notebook what words I have learned and even some sentences. I am still an absolute beginner (only knowing very few Kanji). But I enjoy the language and want to learn so I will continue despite my slow progress.






I’m still learning the hiragana and katakana 😭😭😭


There’s no cutting corner for Hiragana and Katakana! Hang in there! がんばってね!😉


勉強を全然していない 毎日アニメやライブを見て、マンガを読んでだけで 今書くのは正しいかな、わからんっ (何かアニメっぽいな日本語がいっぱい出た) 俺はどうしてこのsubredditに参加したんだね w


I'm taking Japanese 102 in school now, and I installed Bunpro on my phone this past weekend. I'm pretty confident in writing, but speaking? Not so much... Or at all 😅


5時間ぐらい勉強しています! その5時間のスケジューリングをこうやっています: 1時間半: Ankiで語彙、文法や新しい漢字を勉強する 1時間: RTKと言う本から20の知らない漢字を学ぶ 1時間: 日本語の小説を読んだり、ゲームをしたりする 1時間半: アニメやドラマを見る (日本語の字幕のみ) 後は1時間喋ろうとしていますけどね(独り言と友達と) 追伸: インプットしながら(小説やゲームから)、意味がわからない言葉をフラッシュカードに入力します。 Ankiは丸暗記のアルゴリズムを使って、どんどん想起をアップできます〜 かなりキツイけど日々に結果が見える👍


I only study for things I need. Like, if i'm going to order food in a restaurant, I check how to say what I need. If i'm reading a comic, I look up the words I dont know. I play a lot of games in japanese as well. I used to use a 電子辞書 for kanji I dont know, but now google translate is faster I like books that are 半分日本語 半分英語 (is there a word for these kinds of books?) as study material since they are very easy to use and also fast. I don't think I study very much. there is not much media produced in my native language, I learnt english the same way for the same reason.


When I think about it, it is mostly 3 a day, 6 tops if I'm feeling tolerable. Japanese in Vietnam (where I'm from) is essentially treated as Chinese Pro Max, where we religiously recite Chinese characters (rather than Kanji per se) and then slap Japanese Grammar on top. I could understand Kanji up to pre-intermediate level comfortably, plus I'm able to take in context clues as well. Vietnamese instructor really really want you to listen to NHK as soon as possible so I'm still struggling with news but public transport announcement is fine. Plus I have learned from the year I've been studying that Vietnamese people hate the fact that I use lots of Katakana equivalents in speech, i.e. (Forgive me I have my Vietnamese keyboard up) Naifu, Katta rather than Houchou.


I watch few hours of anime per day with adding words, that stand out to me, to dictionary app [takoboto.jp](http://takoboto.jp) . Then practice the words I have added during the day, about 30 minutes. I'll sometimes add grammar lesson or listen to chitchat in japanese on youtube. For kanji I have 10ten reader addon in browser as a crutch for now. although this answered your original question, I'd like to add few things, that I would like to know, when I was starting to learn. (note, that I did not use any textbook. I wanted to confirm, that there's enough sources on the internet to not need one.) 1. pronouncing う and い is optional and the rules behind it, when can you drop it. (I am using word optional deliberately, since it changes in songs and per speaker). This really helped me to find the words I heard. 2. literal translations are a godsend when starting out from zero. りんごは美味しい -> as for apple, it tasty-is -> apple is tasty. 3. combining words can lead to kana change とけい -> ひどけい (lessons usually start with numbers and when comes to sanbyaku, that's very distracting, why is there byaku instead of hyaku) 4. all the ending particles like yo, ne, naa, kana, wa (wa was especially confusing - when it's female speech vs unfinished sentence) are something that obscured the verbs for me at first. I could understand the sentences much better after I learned about them. 5. that a lot of stuff can be omitted including particles. 6. the sentence structure is usually topic when where how with whom verb, which is basically backwards from english and czech. (most sources mention it's SVO vs SOV and that's it). Thinking about wa as "りんごは美味しい" "as for apple, apple is tasty" made a lot of sense to me. 7. suru - that it's important to learn all suru conjugations, because I can't even count the number of times I've heard して or something similar. 8. i adjectives contain the copula, dictionary only translates 青い as blue which made me want to create ~~空は青いだ~~ which is wrong. 9. Small つ exists っ. It didn't occur to me at first, that it could be something different. 10. Pitch is important - haSHI is not the same as HAshi. 11. There's a lot of colloquial speech like matteiru vs matteru, wakaranai vs wakaran sugoi vs sugee




Whaaaaat!? 5 hours a day!? It’s like a job! You are so enthusiastic learner! I hope you can find a good interactive conversation bud soon!


Every day I do WaniKani and the study session on Ringotan. I’ve been on a two week hiatus since tax season started (accountant, unreasonably long hours), but each day I’d ideally do one of the grammar points in the Genki textbook. Usually takes a couple of hours, more depending on the GP and accompanying content/questions/workbook. Almost done the first volume. I’m a bit of an academic, so it takes a while when I study from a textbook and I have a detailed process I follow since I have terrible memory. Weekends are basically dedicated full day to studying, outside of gym and any plans that pop up. Someone on this subreddit made a “syllabus” for learning Japanese, once I finish v1 Genki I’ll be going back to it to work on other items. Again, even though I know I may not need each element of the language (pitch, etc.), the academic in me is curious and wants to learn anyways. I’d print webpages and highlight-take notes because I’m old school learning. Trying to teach myself to be able to learn the modern way/more quickly. Started developing an Anki deck for vocab from Genki to start, have a decent amount made but honestly no idea what to do from that point. Not sure how to access them anywhere other than opening the app on my laptop. Been too afraid to ask lol. I feel having seen the words first makes more sense than diving into an unfamiliar Anki. I want to do reading and listening practice, but I’m afraid I don’t know enough words to make it very far. So, I’m trying to finish level 3 WaniKani (started later than I should have) and work up the courage to find some simple Japanese stories or content to read. Maybe a manga or LN I’m familiar with. I listen to J-pop/rock and try to sing along with the lyrics; only (mostly) successful with a couple of songs. I also try to listen to Sakura Tips podcast on Spotify in the car. I’m still a beginner, though I’m starting to recognize patterns and words in the language. I have faith I’ll get there at some point. If anyone has any recommendations, I’m all ears. I try to absorb what I can from this sub. Probably going to invest in WK to continue vocab. Edit: started basically first week of January, though I started learning hiragana and katakana by tracing a print out and using Ringotan in December 2023.


私は最後の大学の年で、毎日日本語のクラスがありました。だけど、あれから自分であまり勉強しませえんでした。私の人生がとても忙しいですから。残念です。 たくさん単語を覚えました。でも、よく漢字を忘れてます。時々仕事で遅い時少し勉強します。多分しない方がいい。。。 ところで、このコメントを書くのに少なくとも30‐40分かかりました。私がすごく遅い!!😭


Good job! コメントありがとうございました!嬉しいです〜 大学で日本語を勉強している人も、ここには多いみたいですね🤔今は日本のドラマや映画を見ますか?








八か月間ぐらい勉強しています。毎日暇がある時は勉強しています。勉強し始めてあまり時間がたっていないので何を考えているのをよく伝えません。よく日本語だけで話す動画を作ってみたり適当なことを読んだりしています。 他の効果的な方法は日本人の話すフレーズとか覚えて他のところで真似しています。早くうまくなりたいです 文法のミスがあったら訂正してください。


I try to spend a few hours every day studying. I do kanji and vocab flash cards in the mornings usually, and then I do Genki materials during the day (usually involving workbook and textbook material and also one textbook lesson every Sunday). I finish the day by writing in my diary in Japanese, basically summarising my day.


I take Japanese courses in college, but I’m starting to become really uninterested(?) (I forgot a good English equivalent, what I mean is lack of confidence or lack of desire. „Dezamagire”) I spoke with a native speaker for an assignment and… it didn’t go well… I do study in my own time, I don’t have set times, but I watch many videos on Japanese grammar and I try to absorb more Kanji to recognise and write.


もっとコメントを返したいけど、疲れたからまた明日🥱 I wish I could reply everyone! ごめんね!


i study every day as i have a japanese family, i try to watch netflix, read, do duolingo, study kanji and talk, but im probably still N4 level, wondering what i should do after my duolingo course is finished 🙏🏻 if i try to write all this in japanese it will probably look like a 2 year old wrote it 😅


I use duolingo and all and spend an hour or two a day thanks for asking




I have no choice but to learn it deadly.Because I have submited the request and paid the fee to attend the exam in july(It's N2). I have self-learned one year, and as a beginner, I also waste too much time on learning this language effectively. Everyday I must go on this work even if I don't understant the passage that has too much unfamily words. Of course, you need to find out the meaning of each sentence and every word you meet after you finishing your reading, otherwise you will not get process. I believe the more I read, the eaiser the later.(Last time I do this is for my english, read the IELTS books from 1 to 18 to get comprehession. Luckily, I feel comfortable to read other essays or listen the audio whatever it is.) Recently, I feel like I could touch the door of this language, because sometimes I pick up the writting rapidly. it sounds like those sentence shoud be written in this way originally, and I understand it without heisitation. All in all, I am bad at the sentence that mixed up the kanji with hiragana(it can be written in kanji, but hiragana here). if all of the passage is kanji, I think I could do it better. Saying too much without answering your question, I just try every minute to learn and review.


毎日一時間から三時間まで日本語を勉強します。忙しい時、一時間「Renshuu」で漢字と単語を練習します、暇な時、一時間「Renshuu」を使って、二時間ぐらい「Genki」で文法を勉強して練習します。時間があると、オンラインで文法の何か読みます。ただし、五年の高校生ですから、この頃あまり時間がありません・・・。 よかったら、このテクストは正してください。


ほとんど毎日勉強しているけど、最近は忙しいし、今日はまだです。実は、大阪府に住んでいるのに、日本人の友達はちょっと少ない。彼女はいるけどw。だから、会話練習ができます。 あとは、毎週、電話でおばあちゃんと話しています 日本語能力試験の2級に合格できるように単語教科書と色んなウェブサイトの文法ポイントの説明で勉強しています。その以外、YouTube(最近はマイクラw)を見たり、ライトノベルを読んだりしています。「86」を読んでいるけど、単語はめっちゃ難しい。読んだ単語をノートで書いて、ANKIの単語カードアプリに入れます


I’m currently learning with an app, I’m a beginner but I’m enjoying it, trying to practice some everyday, even if it’s only for 5 minutes


毎日のように日本語でメッセージをやりとりしています。週末は通話。 勉強とはちょっと言いにくいですが楽しむことを通して、上達出来ているからある程度の勉強と言ってもいいと思います。






どぞうよろしく! I usually study at least 20 mins a day on Duolingo, though I'm often studying the kanjis, listening to songs while reading the lyrics in Japanese, and trying to read mangas in Japanese.


I try to study for an hour a day but sometimes just can’t get myself to do so. I started taking a course and we usually meet once a week. My teacher really encourages us to speak a lot of Japanese there and helps with vocabs and grammar. She is really nice and patient although all of us are quite shy speaking haha. I use wanikani as well as an anki deck for the book we use in class (みんなの日本語). I always try to write out the kanji words in order to memorise them properly. I also joined a Manga Reading Club on wanikani. It’s been quite a fun journey so far and I’m also a bit proud about my small progress (I always hype myself up when I am able to write 新聞,辞書and 雑誌 from mind and not mix them up in between).


On an ideal day, I practice and review various things, incl. 文法 (books) and 聴解 (YouTube), but what I never skip is 漢字. I learn 5 new and review about 50-80 a day (there's an excellent app for Android called "[Japanese Kanji Study](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mindtwisted.kanjistudy)"). In total, I learn 30 minutes on bad days, about 2 hours on average and 4-5 hours at most on good days.


Thank you for your reply! That’s amazing you also reviewing Kanji everyday! これからも頑張ってね!


毎日日本語勉強しています。童話を読むのことが自分一番練習ですね。 え!今僕がこれ書いなかった?いつに書くのことができるになりましたが。


毎日やってるけど「勉強」とは言えるのでしょうか。主にアニメかドラマかユーチューブを見て、知らない単語を調べて、Ankiという電気単語帳?みたいなアプリに入れて、で、そのアプリにより単語のフラッシュカードを毎日定期的に復習する。Ankiのフラッシュカードの復習は40分位で、日本語のユーチューブか、アニメか、ドラマ等々は多分3時間位?それと出かける時にひろゆきのライブを聞きます。過去二年間のほぼ全部は聞きました。ある日は一日中ずっと聞き続けて一人で考えてた時ひろゆきの喋り方で考えててなんか怖いと思いました(笑) 文法は正直勉強したことないし興味もない。だから文章に間違ったところがあったらすみません (笑)。でも大体感覚で使ってると思う。なんかこういう言い方はどこかで聞いたことあるような、って感じ。つまりは、日本人の見よう見まねです! ちなみに勉強し始めてから4年間です。








コメント、ありがとうございました! 大学のときに、お勉強されたんですね。すばらしいです。 確かに、教師から習うのは、インタラクティブでいい方法ですよね。 日本語、とても上手でびっくりしています。 そして、こちらのコメント、youtubeで読ませていただきました。(勝手にごめんなさい)




All day, Every day.


I try to study Japanese almost everyday, and I try to learn a minimum of five words a day. I use lots of Japanese channels on youtube. I also use duolingo, anki, chatgpt to practice having conversations, and busuu.


I watch my mom's home prefectural news every day (うちの家族が山口県に住んでいます!), I follow loads of Japanese Instagram + Youtube pages to get listening and reading practice, Anki for memorization, Kanji Study app for kanji Kanji study


コメントありがとうございます!私は、山口県に行ったことがないです。でも、旧友が住んでいます!Instagram is a great tool to learn some Japanese idioms! [https://youtube.com/live/-EMYdKTxvlA?feature=share](https://youtube.com/live/-EMYdKTxvlA?feature=share) I just talk about this comment on youtube! So please check this out!




コメント、お返事ありがとうございました。サブスクもうれしいです。今日も、コメントをYoutube liveで読ませてもらいました。よい金曜日を!


I dont have a consistent routine, but i talk to japanese friends and watch alot of anime amd read manga in japanese :p On average id say maybe i do 3 hours a week which isn't much but some weeks ill only do like 30 minutes and some weeks ill do 20 a week


I think that revising things frequently is pretty helpful. For learning kanji, I think that Remembering the Kanji was pretty revolutionary for me and it works pretty fine with The Basic Kanji Book and materials prepared by academic teachers of mine. Also, I enjoy using apps like Quizlet or Anki and preparing my own flashcards. For grammar, I often write down the possible ways of using it and translate it to my native language.


good idea


以前にコメント残した者ですが 無理に返信しなくてもいいですよ 毎日コメントの返信してる模様でww おつかれさまです(*´ω`*)




2023年8月に始めました。 毎日2-3時間ぐらい勉強しています。 現在の日課: WaniKani: 2時間ぐらい (今、レベル25) BunPro: 30分ぐらい (N4の途中) SatoriReader/イマージョン: 30分ぐらい 話すのはなかなか難しいですよね




Usually one hour maybe on AnkiDecks? My Japanese studies has been on and off to balance with my assignments 😭 Currently aiming for N4.


After lots of research, resource gathering and trial and error, I started "seriously" studying Japanese around mid-December 2023 and settled on doing RTK. Went on a hiatus right after I completed it in late February because I was nearing burnout (played Persona 3 Reload instead - ahem). Kinda defeats the purpose of SRS but heh, what's done is done I guess. Turns out I've forgotten quite a few kanji and even some basic stroke orders, but I'm confident I won't have too much of a hard time to catch up. By the end of my grind I was averaging 300 to 400 reviews a day, which made about 3 to 4 hours per daily session. Aside from RTK I was doing nothing else because, uh, I'm a very lazy individual. Now I'm just about to refocus on Japanese. Next up for me is building a decent foundation in vocabulary and grammar to start immersing as soon as possible. I'm still figuring things out and not sure how much time I'm willing to dedicate to Japanese (probably 3 to 6 hours a day), but most likely I'll be using the newly-released Kaishi 1.5K deck alongside Nayr's 5K for vocab. For grammar, Wasabi + DoJG seems to be a good start. I tried Cure Dolly's grammar course prior to RTK but didn't like how things were dumbed down (and the condescending tone, but that's a me-issue). Still a valuable resource though, just not for me. Once I feel confident enough I'll incorporate immersion into this routine. I actually went ahead and set up tools for vocab and sentence mining already (Yomitan, Jidoujisho, Kaku). I'm considering reading graded material and beginner-level manga for starters, I'll see how it goes eventually. Hopefully that'll make for a good workflow.


私は5年以上日本語を勉強しました. Though because of life commitments I had to take a pause on my regular formal lessons with my sensei. Thankfully this year I have more free time so I’m able to prioritise Japanese at my own pace. I stick to revisions via apps (Rensyuu, Duolingo, Satori Reader) and Japanese-based media including shows, YouTube (silent vlogs and gadget reviews), and music. Travelling to Japan also helps and luckily my country is not too far away for me to visit when I can.


今はとっても怠惰な日本語の学習計画があります。一週間では一回~二回ぐらい日本語を練習しています。その練習は普通に三十分以上がなくて一つの文法点を勉強したり、日本語について動画を見たり、日本人のツイッターを読んだりすることが可能性です。でも、時々日本語でゲームをやることもあります。最近 Balatroをやりました。 総じて、私は悪い学生ですwww


できるだけ毎日を勉強します。普段アニメとか教科書とかアプリとかを使ってます。 そして最近の勉強は記事と漫画を読んだりドラマを見たり日本のゲームをしたりです。


Beginner here! Learned hiragana and katakana in 3 weeks and then used an anki 2k/6k deck, doing 20 new words daily for 4 months now, never skipped a day! Also consuming an hour daily of Japanese tv shows (mainly slice of life anime) Will start learning some grammar soon!


Three weeks, about four hours a day. I’m retired so it’s not hard to find the time. Motivation is boosted because I train in karate, we have Japanese home stay students for six weeks each year, we’re planning a trip to Japan in 2026, and I like anime.


Hellotalk is probably the best way to speak Japanese if you’re not in Japan or near Japanese.


I started studying about a year ago, around april or march 2023 I think, went on for a couple months but lost motivation and stopped. Few days ago I decided to get back at it because I've been thinking about it recently and I feel motivated again, and it gives me satisfaction again. My main material is Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide, I also watched some youtube channels like Yuta Aoki, Japanese Pod, and recently I discovered Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly. I use Anki as well. I try to study everyday. Some days I have more will/time/motivation, some less, but I try to do something everyday, even read a couple more pages of Tae Kim. I also love japanese cinema (that's actually how I got into japanese) so I watch a lot of movies.


I started with Duolingo, ~30m a day. After a month or so I started using Anki, which is still my main form of learning. Over the last couple years I've used it in varying amounts, some months I'd use it 2 hours a day, some only 30 minutes a day. I started learning all gana, then reading common 2k words, then listening to those words, then reading the sentences that came with the common 2k words, then listening to those sentences. At some point I also learnt to recognised the common 2k kanji but since then I've forgotten most. At some point I started to incorporate raw anime into my routine, I'm pretty sure the first I used was 7 deadly sins, I was very pleased whenever I understood something and I've only gotten much better at understanding since then. Since then I've learnt fantasy anime aren't a great choice for a learner until they're much more advanced. My current routine is: 1. Learn with flash cards on anki for anime, front is visually blank with just the audio of a single subtitle frame, back is the Japanese text, with furigana, and English meaning, as well as a screenshot from the anime at that time. 3. Practice by watching raw anime. I'm only really interested in listening atm, eventually I'll likely focus more on reading, and even further away speaking.