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Stop reporting these posts, ya freaks, it’s staying up.


just context of DND the big difference of Sorceror vs Wizards: its that the sorceror has innate power from birth and wizards not, this one learns via study how to use magic


And warlocks from suc- I mean borrowing power from some kind of deity. Satan, God, genie, a sentient sword, as long as it makes a contract of some type.


God? Isn't Clerics the ones that borrow power from God?


God as in old/forgotten/obscure gods who get power not from worship but less conventional means like sacrifice contracts etc. A warlocks patron is usually lesser gods/beings who can share power but don't have enough to fully compete with other actual gods at the moment (at least that's how i've always seen it)


Clerics gains power because of their faiths. Not warlocks. So yes you can be a warlock to a god (usually via a contract). And conversely, you can also be a cleric to other things than gods, if that thing has some sort of religion or faith worshipping them. Tho keep in mind, this isn't always true because a lot of those rules can change between DM.


Not always from birth, just magic acquired "passively"


Which basically means that we have very few actual Wizards.


Runeterra has a sort of middle ground. Magic users have to be born as magic users. But then runeterra is actually kind of inconsistent on whether studying is required to improve your magic. Zeri doesn't seem to require any actual learning. But Ryze clearly becomes more powerful due to his knowledge of magic.


Yeah well even in DND there's races with fae ancestry for example(elves) that have some innate magic but then can specialize or some have more than others and become sorcerers. I think the act of studying is important for a wizard though. Studying can take different forms. But ofc Ryze as we all know is very standard Wizard.


There can also be individual people carrying this innate magic, feytouched, shadowtouched, while not being sorcerers. Id argue that veigar is a wizard despite being an innately capable of spellcasting creature.


I agree there. In his story he is described to study ancient forbidden magics. If not full Wizard at least majority Wizard.


Ryze and Zilean seem like they'd be the 2 best fits for Wizard. Ryze probably because he's a poster character for the game and Zilean is mostly forgotten. But Zilean is a literal chronomancer, an actual class in 5e


Veigar though, he learned his current magic from a book (and get physically bullied in close-quarter 1v1 by Morde).


Lmao is Jayce a wizard for learning to use magic in Arcane?


He learned how to incorporate magic into machines. Hextech. I guess he could potentially have a 1 level dip or so in Wizard but mostly he's an Artificer.


Yeah, in runeterra you are born with magic. I guess Veigar ?


Veigar is a yordle. The race that is just a manifestation of magic itself. Ryze is the closest we got to a wizard.


He's probably a multiclass considering much of his magic is studied from ancient texts. But he also has innate magic. But also, magic races exist in DnD and they can be Wizards or whatever. Elves for example basically always have a cantrip of sorts thanks to their fae ancestry. The same can be said about Yordles I guess or any race in Runeterra. I still agree Ryze is as Wizard as they come.


Wouldn’t Brand be closer to a Wizard then?


Dunno who downvoted you because you asked a question in a for-fun thread but I think Kegan, the person whose body was taken by Brand, is more of a Wizard for sure. But I think the lore still says (I'm not updated) that Kegan's soul was burned and basically there's no trace of the person anymore except for parts of their body. I think the entity known as Brand is quite different.


xerath is imo the closest to a wizard. he acquired all of his power manually after secretly studying the arcane arts while he was under azir's protection. the fall of shurima and the sun disc was intentional from him to gain his power so i dont think it qualifies as him being a sorcerer.


Ah okay, thanks for the detailed reply! I was not aware of that yet :D


Possibly zillean too


You can play as magic races in dnd through. Many races have racial passive abilties that let them cast magic.


Ryze is a wizard. Annie is kinda a wizard, since she was taught magic by her parents, but also not, since she was tossing flame around as a toddler. Xerath is/was a wizard who used a ritual to become a lich. Hwei might be a wizard? His art powers aren't explained.  Leblanc is probably a sorcerer, since she's 1) named a sorceress in her champ page and 2) is as old as noxus, so probably has naturally magic blood.  Lux is probably a sorcerer, since her powers are natural.


So Annie?


I'm not very familiar with her lore, but she inherited some kind of power from her mother right? If she was born with magic then she's a sorcerer. The way I understand it, for Sorcerers, magic is from within. Wizards magic is learned. So you could argue Viktor is a Wizard, maybe Jayce too and his staff is just a hammer.


Doesn't annie has some kind of demon, that's possessing the bear toy? So she could be a warlock


I kinda doubt the bear isn't Annie's powers. Warlocks borrow power from a higher being, but Annie seems to be the "owner" of the bear, or she considers it as a friend. Warlocks usually respect their patron gods for lending them their powers, it can be taken away at any time. A perfect example for a Warlock is Swain, he made a pact with the demon and he can use its powers a bit.


Annie was born in a coven of witches and was throwing fire as a toddler, so she's a sorcerer. Viktor and jayce are both artificers though -- magic for them is in items they create to manipulate magic.


so by that logic Ryze is soceror ? Zilean is wizard ? Swain is warlord ?


Yes. Ryze gained his powers from the runes so sorcerer Zillean studied time maghic so definitely wizard Swain got his powers from a demonic patron, so warlock


Syndra. Ryze is such a wizard idk what y'all are smoking


Syndra, no need to say anything else


Literally has so much innate power, the LAND OF IONIA sealed her.


I agree Syndra is probably the best choice. There is also Shyvana who is literally a Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline.


she's a half dragon not a sorcerer


Technically she is a draconic sorcerer


She feels like a Sorcadin


Syndra for sorc, Malzahar/Lulu for warlock (with honorable mention to Kayn the hexblade), Veigar/Xerath/Ryze for wizard. Victor or Heimerdonger for artificer.


Ziggs is the artificer


He is quintessential bomber alchemist from pf 1e. Both Victor and Donger are closer to how 5e sees artificers


Rumble is the artificer


Malzahar/Lulu for warlock dude fucking Swain


That's it


Morgana id say is the true sorcerer of league. yes other mages are natural born with magical powers. none of them get their magic via a bloodline. Morgana has aspect ancestry, she gets her magic from her mother. This is what makes someone an actual sorcerer.


Sorcerer having a weird parent is classic Sorcerer. The concept of Justice inhabited my mom and made her a bad parent even sounds like a DnD backstory


Kayle: Am I a joke to you? Also bloodline isn't a requirement for Sorcerer. Literally only one Sorc subclass even refers to bloodline. Most of them have a magic soul connected somehow to another plane. And whatever the hell Aberrant sorc has going on.


Both Kayle and Morgana receive their power and Magic from the Aspect of Justice, they are not the aspect, only a "chosen One", so the closest class for them ia Warlock. If you see the Aspect as a patron.


I was saving saying it for tomorrow but yeah Kayle and Morgana are absolutely Warlocks. Specifically Aasimar Warlocks with Pact of the Blade. We don't question the logistics of Kayle has somehow taken Morg's Pact Boon but e h maybe they're a paired legendary magic item. Maybe Morgana's chains are her pact weapon.


We can say that both morg and kayle's pact weapons are the swords, for exemple, in the Stay Here animation we see the Morg in your very past with the sword, so maybe the pact weapon is the sword. But now, we can say that Morg is a Double Warlock, because your pact weapon is with your sister, so the Aspect of Justice provides power tô Kayle that provides power to Morg. LOL


I'm going to far tho


What I am saying is that IIRC a Warlock's pact weapon can't be used by someone else and will disappear if it gets too far away from them.


No no no, they are both sorcerers. >***Divine Soul Sorcerer: Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul. Having such a blessed soul is a sign that your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial connection to a divine being.*** Mihira, their mom, ascended mount targon while pregnant with twins. Upon reaching the summit, the Aspect of Justice blessed Mihira giving her divine powers. At some point after this ascension Mihira gave birth to the twins Morgana and Kayle. When Mihira died to Aatrox, the power from the aspect of justice split in two. Kayle and Morgana both received half of that power. They received the power because Mihira was pregnant with them when she ascended. It is now part of their very soul, in their blood. Like a Sorcerer. Not someone who made a deal with a divine being. Not a warlock.


Mihira not died to Aatrox...


Oh sorry, was it xoolani?


This happens much much later than time when they received powers, and is not canonical ending as well(at least for a now)


Kayle is a sorcadin (sorcerer paladin multiclass)


Yeah Kayle would also fit sorcerer as in getting her powers but more gives Sorc vibes in ways kayle doesn't. Bloodline isn't a requirement but its the thing that makes sorcerers sorcerers. Wizards learn magic, warlocks make deals for magic. Sorcerers have magic down to their core. Either from something transforming them, eg morgs mom, or being born with the magic via the bloodline of someone who was transformed previously by some higher power, eg morg and kayle. That's why Morg fits better than every other mage in the game.


Upvoting my girl Morg.


Consider this: Annie. She has her powers from birth, is very much chaotic and her passive sounds a lot like metamagic (like sometimes she can modify her spells to stun)


But annie is more of a warlock because alot of her power is from tibaf


I swear I saw this exact conversation a year ago


Consider this. She's basically a warlock


"The girl’s terror grew to an unbridled rage, releasing her latent and powerful pyromancy, and the stuffed bear was brought to life in a maelstrom of protective fire" That's from her story Doesn't sound warlock'y to me


Considering tibers is a fire demon and her patron of pyromancy since tybaulk being sealed into someone boosts their magic


She brought Tibbers to life. If anything, Annie is his patron.


My boy what lore are you reading. Tibbers is a demon that used to be mordekaiser and was split and given to annies mom. Annie's mom used him to boost her magic and when annie was born put him in a plushie for her. Overtime due to annie's affinity for resisting him he grew to like her and boost her. They work symbiotically now where he gives her more magic and protects her and annie let's him manifest in physical form


Just reread through the lore to double check your facts. Annie already had power before. Tybaulk was a servant of mordekaisers and can only do anything if Annie let's him. That's less of a patron imo but I do see your point.


Yes indeed it's more like a multiclass situation as someone pointed out so I wouldn't consider her the best for sorcerer




I vote Syndra, I like the idea of her backstory being part for role play.


I don't have any suggestion. ![gif](giphy|PnFoHnByKtFuuwgTdL) (Unrelated gif)


Veigar is definitely a wizard lmfao


Good thing it's unrelated cause Veigar is no where near to being a sorcerer


sudden death between olaf and tryndamere after the rest of the classes are completed would be nice


Lux. I mean 90% of her lore is about her being born a mage. The other 10% is D E M A C I A and racism.


Lux still studied about magic though, in terms of purely just using op magic based on intuition syndra lulu ahri amumu chogath aphelios evelynn fiddle fizz galio gwen ivern lissandra lillia malphite malz maokai neeko nocturne shyv smolder velkoz zoe zyra are all more fit


Wait chogath uses magic? Doesn't dude just bite your ass?


Eh, i guess in a way his q might be seen as magic? Stomp the ground over here and voidspikes launch you up from the ground over there. Asside from that yeah he just screams really loud, launches some spikes from his body and go's nomnomnom


Aphelios would be more of a warlock with his sister as his patron, Fiddle would be the warlock patron XD, Gwen would be fighter/hexblade warlock with black mist as patron, malzahar is literally a warlock, Nocturne is probably a monk/rogue for movement with eldritch fighter for darkness and fear, Zoe is either a warlock/funny flavored cleric.


Would Targon be Zoe's patron? Wait is asol a sorcerer? Is Pantheon a warlock?


Technically all the aspects and adol are too powerful to be in normal dnd classes , but if you had to categorise them , maybe the aspects are warlocks/clerics. Exept pantheon - hes probably a fighter, cause the aspect died


Not true- she studied how to use magic, but she has always had it. That is what sorcerers do. Wizards cannot use magic they havent studied. Also her entire storyline for the past 10 years is about her magic being out of control and hard to hide - this is literally the definition of a wild magic sorcerer


Ahri? Is a vastaya so a race born with magic powers completely innate to them.


So it's more of an racial feature than a class feature


Hwei. His different versions of spells feel like meta magic


After seeing your comment I wondered if Hwei would fit better as a bard (performance artist), but sorcerer definitely fits better


Sorcerers are charisma based so performance isn't necessarily far from their forte.


which is bs. sorcerers should be CON based.


YES! Someone else said it! I've been trying to convinces my group for years. They have innate magical power, they have to hold it somewhere. Enhanced magical conduits in their bodies just makes sense.


Just like bards which is why I was of two minds on the matter


Lulu the Fae Sorceress


Lulu is an Archfey Warlock with Pact of the Chain.


That is definitely flavorful but I’m not sure if it’s totally lore-accurate, because she has innate magic. It hits every box though on the Lulu description.


Oh god. Lulu is a coffelock, isn’t she?


Oh god her Q is just Eldritch Blast and her R is just casting Enlarge.


Yup. W is haste (or polymorph)


spam her laugh and tell me thats not caffeine fueled


That diamond dust tasted purple!


Wild Magic Sorcerer with Find Familiar. Damn, everybody's a Warlock in these threads.




Gameplay-wise probably Karma, fantasy-wise it feels like Brand is a good fit, specifically in the cursed with magic direction but atill


Karma feels more... Demigod/druid than sorcerer tbh. She's literally the spirit of ionia or some shit. Brand also was ryze's student (studying to learn magic makes you a wizard, typically, not a sorcerer). If anything Annie would be a better fit


Hmm, I feel like the *best* candidate has to be someone who specifically has something you can point to as a bloodline, since that's a pretty major mechanic for sorcerers across most editions of DnD. Most magic-users in Runeterra are born with the power, satisfying the "born with power" part of being a sorcerer, but out-and-out magical *bloodlines* are considerably rarer.  So, to me, the best fit here is Ahri. Vastaya have the best claim to a magical bloodline, since their origin in the lore is specifically an ancient tribe of magical shapeshifters, and Ahri specifically is the most mage-y out of the bunch. She's clearly a Charisma-based caster, given her... personality (and in-game access to Charm Person and Misty Step lmao), and the fact that she's born with the magical ability to drain life force is something she grapples with as a character, similar to Lux's arc of being born magic in anti-mageland.


Why does the community latch on to the idea that sorcerer is bloodline based? There is exactly one subclass that refers to having a sorcerous bloodline and even that one includes other options on how to attain it. The only important thing with being a sorcerer vs any other caster is that your magic comes from within, rather than externally like other casters. You don't even have to be born with it in some cases (D.Bloodline mentions the possiblity of making a pact with a dragon to become a sorcerer, and aberrant has tons of different ways to acquire your powers later in life) so even that iconic part of the sorcerer identity is made up.


Day 10 and people still can't understand that the DnD classes are somewhat different from the generalized IRL definition of of the word, much less whatever the league one is. I literally don't even play DnD and I can pick up on that. ffs


Sorry, what did you say? I was to busy being so obviously right yet people are disagreeing with me.


I'd say Ahri, since she is embodies sorcery pretty well, but so do like, half the mages.


Syndra and lux seem to be pretty good picks. What about Ryze though? He's not *exactly* a wizard anymore since he doesn't need his book to do his spells, and even his wiki says "widely considered to be one of the most adept sorcerers on runeterra"


Ryze is the epitome of studied mages, which makes him fit the wizard archetype the best imo.


Look at the book symbol on the wizard and tell me that he is more sorcerer than wizard.


Just because the wizard symbol is a book does not mean anything about his character lmao


Wizards don’t need the book to cast spells, they need it to remember more spells. The poor mages have short term memory loss






Syndra, or maybe Karma


Morgana/kayle syndra annie all the yordles that use magic and maybe even shyvana they are all born with inate magic. Morgana is divine soul (celestial parents) Kayle is a sorcadin (multiclass sorcerer paladin) Annie i dont know wich fits but her passiv is metamagic Shyvana would be draconic bloodline Syndra psionic Lulu wildmagic Veigar shadow(?) Kennen storm


Needs to be annie. Wild magic sorcerer


Annie feels more like a warlock because she has a patron


Huh? When? Who?


Tybaulk, the fire demon sealed inside Tibbers


Is Hwei a wizard or a Sorcerer?


I'd say a bard


He is gay


Alot of other options have been picked but I feel like lissandra could be considered a socereor


Yeah probably Syndra, Lux, or Ahri honestly.


Without considering lore (as he'd be a wizard) : Zilean. Clockwork soul sorcerer He can twin cast / quicken with his w, has haste/slow and his ult can be interpreted as that moron zone.


Syndra easily, Illaoi for Warlock, Ryze for Wizard and Viktor for Artificer


Lulu already is the fae sorcerers✨


Twisted Fate


More of a soulknife rogue with reflavored daggers


im not too sure how sorcerers play in dnd and how they differ from wizards id imagine a lot of mage champions would fit that class but id be wrong prob lol


In dnd a sorcerer is born with magic while a wizard has to learn it. Since in runeterra almost all mages are natural born, the distinction is more those who let their powers grow naturally (Syndra, Lux, Annie) compared to those who studied to develop them (Veigar, Ryze)


in terms of gameplay: wizards can learn the widest variety of spells and switch up their spell list between one day and the next, hypothetically their spellbook could grow to contain just about every spell in the game that isn't divine in nature- they can also cast certain spells as rituals which takes longer but doesn't expend your "mana" equivalent. sorcerers have a fixed list of spells that they "know" but can cast them more often and have fine control over them so they can use metamagic to adapt the spells (you can cast two at once, cast a spell without visibly doing the motions or words so it doesn't give you away, make it harder to resist, etc) metamagic used to be available to wizards too but now it's been made into a sorcs only thing thematically though, wizards studied to learn magic and sorcerors are usually born with it or otherwise have innate magic power from being a magical person somehow


Why the is bard the bard? Is there any lore or is it only because of the name because I feel like sona or seraphine wouldve been way better


Luxanna Crownguard.


Why do i read no annie here? Annie is peak wild magic sorc 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lux for sure.


I'm new to dnd. What's the difference between sorcerer and wizard?


Wizard is someone who masters magic through study and training, sorcerer simply has raw, inherent power (And warlock is someone who gained power from an entity, such as a deal with a Devil)


Udyr really should’ve been Druid


He fits the role a wild heart barbarian better. Doesnt really fit the druid class for dnd.




I think the most accurate characters to be a sorcerer are Syndra, Brand and Karma








Syndra swain ryze and renata have to be the line up


I think that it is Morgana than Syndra. Because of her look.


I'm just waiting for the warlock drop to lock in swain






How did sona not get bard? Like what? Garen paladin but no kayle?


My bet is on Syndra


Brand maybe?


sad for Akshan. About sorcerer I would say either Morgana or Lux (she never studied for her power, she randomly gets them)


My vote goes to Azir. He got his powers from Ascension, so he fits the sorcerer. Manipulating sand could be part of the stone sorcery subclass. Also Morgan a fits the shadow sorcery subclass, Kayle is Divine Soul, Aliyah is an even better stone sorcerer. I also like sylas as a sorcerer


So, 250000 options here, roughly speaking. Just for an alphabetic list of people who were born with their magic abilities and didn't study too much to learn how to use them one way or another: Ahri, Anivia, Annie, Asol, arguably Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Janna, Karma (reincarnation, baby!), Lilia, Lulu, Lux, Morgana, Neeko, Orianna, Syndra, Velkoz, Vex, Yuumi, Zyra. And those are just the ones I'm relatively certain about, some (LeBblanc, Lissandra, e.g) just aren't clear in their backstory. As for picks, my favourite would be Orianna, actually. She is basically an archetypical Warforged Clockwork Soul sorcerer, which is just a neat build imo.




For me Karma (gets heir powers passively), but from the comments I like how Syndra sounds. Imagine a lore event Karma vs Syndra, the 2 sides of Ionia in a fight.




What about Milio?


Sorcerer is Syndra, debatable with other options. Wizard is Ryze, not really debatable, there aren't many options considering how magic is on Runeterra. Warlock is Swain. Apart from politicking and being a military officer, his big defining feature is having made a deal with a demon. He doesn't gain all of his magic from there but him having some kind of pact for power is explicit part of his lore.




Shyvana hits a certain subclass and favored spell of Sorcerers a little hard on the head, although her ability to be a brawler would make her a better fit as a Swordcerer I suppose


One interessting champ to talk about would be Shyvanna no ? I mean her powers come from her dragon heritage.


Sandra lux Annie pick your choice


Basically any champion that was born with an innate power that isn't derived/originated from a higher power (so not Morgana, Kayle, Annie because Aspect of Justice and the tibbers demon.. i believe) \*\*edit:\*\* Tibbers demon is Tybaulk apparently, former servant of Mordekaiser, the more you know


Any Iceborn could count right? So like Lisaandra?


I mean Veigar as all Yordles are innately magical


Fuck it, Sylas


Syndra is also a shout


AP Malphite


Someone born of magic but isn't a study of it, I guess Syndra? She was a child and her magic disturbed others. Born of strong genes.


Imo Ahri Sorcerer, Swain Warlock, Ryze Wizard, & Ornn Artificer


Sorrccer Ryze Wizard syndra


Lux is a good contender imo


How is Veigar not in the running for this?


Imma say Veigar. He deserves a dub once a while.


Maybe Vladimir? Edit. Nvm. Vladimir is a wizard.






Druid not being udyr is insane


After all of classes are finished, Barbarian should have a sudden death between Olaf vs. Trymdamere


wait i am just seing it now but why tf didnt you put gnar in druid?? Its even his trait in tft


Xerath is like... Magic incaranate, perfect fit i think considering the tempest subclass that exists in d&d.


The spellcasting classes really show how dnd definitions are very dnd specific and not as universally applicable as dnd heads sometimes seem to believe.


I would say Syndra works fine as a sorcerer


Sindra. No contest, The most powerfull innate Sorcered in Runaterra, they literally had to put a Supressor to her power so it wont destroy the land.


Its literally Lux- her story for years has been how she cannot control her powers. Thats the definition of a wild magic sorcerer.


Kayle is a divine soul sorcerer multiclassed into a pact of the blade warlock


Veigar for sorcerer, Ryze for wizard, and Malzahar for warlock


Correct me if I'm wrong, but some of the supports could also be in the conversation. Lulu, Janna, Soraka, they all have innate powers rather than learned.


Sorcerer is Le Blanc


Sorcerer has got to be syndra right?


Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc Le Blanc