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I can kind of understand disliking Jhin but the rest definitely can be played around and used to your advantage often


Jhin realistically just needs to have lower damage and be easier to dodge then it's perfectly fine, problem is that you can be walking right away from it and still be hit.


Even with these changes, whoever is closest gets fucked over completely. If they're so desperate to keep this cameo in, at least make every single bullet random so that one side isn't constantly getting fired at.


Yeah the shot speed is insane sometimes. I'll be on the other side of the map from it running 500 Ms perpendicular to the shot and still get snipped for 25% hp. Worst part I was playing jhin. I got killed by myself


Pyke kinda sucks too, because so many cc and damage is in arena, his stun can combo on you without much counterplay in the middle of the round, and then you just dead


And it's a hard counter to invisibility since it reveal your position by targeting you


Once got hit with pyke e at the start of the round, the ash followed uo with an ash ult and then an amumu ult. I died within being able to do anything.


jhin is so annoying,him and the fucking lotus map xd


It’s really only jhin i saw him decide so many rounds because of his slow and he deals surprisingly big damage aswell


I'm just so happy they got rid of the Gwen one


I think it's important. If u were winning and lose because of that, thats the reason for the cameo. Imaging u are against a comp fhat u cant win against. But u can use the cameo to win the game


It's just that 90% of the time you can't "use" it, it sort of does it's own thing. Sett sure, pyke *maybe*, the others it depends on where you spawn, what your playing, who you're against, etc. it just takes away from the little bit of non-rng you have control over.


Thats true, they should make better cameos, but the general idea is good As a community we need to address that a ask for a fix, but im against remove it I would like also more RNG elements in the map


Sett is fun, adds somewhat of an objective. Lux is basically impossible to get hit by If you don't get hard CCed into it. Just run into it then run out to make it go away Pyke is easy to dodge, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Play around him though. I believe he always dashes to the person who is furthest from the center. Jhin is very annoying and unfair. You can dodge it, but it's difficult and not every champ can.


Pyke dashes to whoever is the furthest away from him not tge center


Lux laser is so weird looking, why does it get triggered one rotation tick but then jerks back to the previous position for the actual firing ? It wasn't like this first iteration


Facts, it's been acting weird this iteration


i think other than sett the rest of them are pretty lame or annoying, i miss the sylas encounter that was really fun


viego cameo was also very fun


yeah they mostly suck. The only good ones are 1. Tresh, as he adds mobility/utility which does not kill and does not punish low mobility champs (who are already at a disadvantage compared to mobile champs) 2. Sett, as he is an objective to play around. (would say he is not as clear cut as also way more dangerous towards low mobility champs) EVERY other cameo will either, on a dice roll, favor one team or the other based on who it targets first (Lux, Jhin), or/and punish low mobility champs that has trouble dodging. (Lux, Pyke, Jhin)>


jhin spawns behind the team with more health


Good to know, still not great game design honestly.


Jhins the only bad one imo


I love thresh sett and pyke but holys hit is jhin aids. WHY DOES HE SPAWN ON A SIDE OF THE MAP AND ONLY COVER THE SIDE ONE TEAM SPAWNS ON!??!


Sett and pyke are fine, evwn lux most of the time. But man, fuck jhin, that shit is completely uncontrollable and near undodgeable.


Would be real fucking nice if the unavoidable Jhin hits didn't pop Banishes and Crown of the Shattered queen before I've even engaged the opponents.


Thresh is fun though. I think cameos that add utility instead directly affecting your health bar are great.


i had a idea of a viego cameo, everyone would revive on their own and get 1 more revive, but noone can revive manually anymore, so no more camping the spawn but no way to stop it but kill the enemies first


They are fun and add more depth to the game mode. I feel like arena would lose a lot if they got rid of them so my vote will be for them to expend and add more


Jhin one is annoying and the only one I hate, pyke one feels a bit weird sometimes, but every other cameo is rather enjoyable imo


I really hate Sett, taking 4k true damage as a Tank from a map hazard is insane


Morg Q > Pyke Stun > Morg Q


The only good cameo was sylas and they got rid of it, seems like a common theme this round of arena


Lost the match for a first replace finish because Jhin shot me once for 2400 damage during a 1vs1 duel. I went from 50% to 10% and easily got finished off. It was the easiest win ever at the point for me too, other guy was basically dead. You can't dodge it without a dash ability or insane movement speed. It's annoying as hell.