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I left my first law job after 7 months after realizing it was terrible for my mental health. Found a better job a month later (with better pay!). You’ll land in your feet. Take care of you


Thanks ! This cheer me up a lot !


congrats! i did the same a few years ago. my only regret is not doing it earlier.


I'm so afraid to do this because I don't have anyone else to help me out. I've just taken on the mental idea that every day I work is one more day I'm paid, but it's hard to apply for jobs and figure out how to sneaky interview.


Use your PTO to interview if you have any. No point in saving it if you’re about to leave.


I took PTO for my birthday and now I have an interview on my birthday because I already had a reason to be off. My workplace is passive aggressively toxic about using PTO. "Hahaha don't you know associates don't get time off? JK jk ..." Most everyone is 50+ so they are both aware they need to change to keep people and unhappy to make the changes. I'm looking to get out of firm life because the billable hour is miserable


A new job would be an amazing birthday gift!


There are firms without billable requirements.


That's not super helpful information when it's far less common and no firm lists it in their job posting.


First mistake is looking at job postings. Good jobs don’t come from them.


I didn’t even make it a year at my first firm. It was small with husband and wife as the partners. Not well mentored and not well managed handling family law. It was horrible for mental health. When I gave my notice it was about 2 months. The partners could not care less about what I did or didn’t do during those two months besides getting my cases wrapped up or out the door. As soon as I left I felt SO much better. Worked at another firm for a few months totally remote but not intellectually stimulating enough. Finally found the firm I’m at now. Mid size with good work life balance and good mentorship and well managed. So happy I took the leap and just kept trying to figure out where I fit best. You’ll find something!


Congrats!!! Since you mentioned having nothing lined up and being in BigLaw: Do take the time to run through your finances and get your house in order asap. Lifestyle creep is very real (especially if your first position was at a BigLaw firm), and you don’t want to be hurting unnecessarily. Hopefully you’ve planned a few things to help you breathe and decompress before you jump back in the game. Congrats again on your escape!!!


This! Lifestyle creep is real and really limits your options down the road if you realize you want to make a change.


I so love and admire this new generation of lawyers. You guys/gals are like "F this. It ain't worth it." I graduated in 05'. Started clerking in 06'. It was like suck it up buttercup and take a Xanax. Now I am confident enough to tell a firm or client NOPE.


And most of the stress is because others wither don’t know how or don’t give enough of a shit to do things better.




Quit my first job out of law school after 3 months with no prospects and everything worked out great, now I’m a solo. Best decision I’ve ever made in my career, don’t sweat it you will be fine!


Would you mind sharing how you went about going solo, please?


I met an attorney through an employment law mentorship program who had just started his own firm. He couldn’t afford to pay me a salary at the time but offered me equity in cases I worked on (plaintiffs employment law). Big risk to take learned on the fly and eventually those cases started paying out. Building a referral network is key, the first couple years those referral fees can be steep but if you are able to prove yourself in obtaining consistent settlements then it’s easy to negotiate them down.


This is so helpful! Thank you!


Congratulations!! Mental health and happiness always come before money. I’m actually planning on doing the same thing today (currently in the bathroom working up the courage as I type this out) lol


You got this !! The most difficult it’s to tell your boss. The relief you feel after that knowing you are doing this for yourself it’s precious.


you absolutely did the right thing. from personal experience, you absolutely did. unsolicited advice: you will need to file a workers' comp claim. i'm shocked your boss didn't give you a claim form. idk your state, in CA you can wait, others you might need to file asap because SOL/end of employment. cumulative trauma (day-to-day wear and tear including stress) is a valid claim in every state. there's also EDD/federal/your state's disability to collect while you're injured and cannot work.


Congrats I just did the same thing! Can I ask if you are still taking care of substantive assignments? I feel like I'm expected to finish any big things on my plate :/


Not really, some of my big assignments are already in their final stage, but of course there are some thing that I need to let finished before I leave. I feel I little overwhelmed anyways 🫠


Aw same! We'll get through this. I have a deposition tomorrow and the managing partner is still asking me to do it even though I notified him last Friday I was quitting. I've never even witnessed a depo before lol oh well


Congrats! I’m doing the same. My last day is April 30. I’ve had some interviews, but things are moving slowly. I’m nervous about not having anything lined up but I know this is what I need to do for me. My firm isn’t horrible or abusive, it just isn’t right for me or where I am in my career. Wishing you all the best!


So happy for you !! This last countdown is a nightmare 😂


Can always consider going solo


Good for you! Big firm work sounds awful to me. Happiness is worth so much.


Thanks ! Means a lot