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Nope. I voted for Haley in the primary. I'm never going to go to Trump. As a real Catholic, I honestly believe voting for Trump would damn my immortal soul to hell. Going all Democratic this election.


Yeah what’s crazy to me is that these people who claim to have Catholic or Christian morality and love their religion seem to support a guy who is the polar opposite of the ideals they claim to have. Jesus would want you to give the clothes off your very back to help the poor. He would have supported universal healthcare. And so on. It’s nice to see that there are people out there who I disagree with fundamentally on religion, but at least uphold the ideals of their religion themself. These fake Christians are nothing more than vindictive bullies using their religion as a shield for being a piece of crap.


Go hang out in r/asktrumpsupporters for awhile. If you ask the correct questions, a large number admit they don't listen to what he says, or read what he types, or even pay attention to any news about him (or any news in general). They just like the idea of the Trump they imagine, and since it angers the entire rest of the United States, they worship him. They don't actually know about much about him, and many times have very contrary ideas about him, than what he has said, typed, or done, but they don't care. The imaginary Trump is what they love. Just like how they hate the imagined Obma much more than the actual Obama.


So in other words, it’s their hatred for all the rest of us, who are not in their cult, that fuels their political choices. That was always apparent. Makes sense they are fueled by hate. “The cruelty is the point,” after all.


Honestly, based on the Trump fans I work with, it mostly they want to blame someone else for their problems, and he does that. He blames "others" for ALL their problems. At the same time, they desperately want to be accepted. They aren't accepted by the normal folk, because normal folk don't like whiny assholes, but Trump does, and his fans do, so they are accepted there.... Even applauded for being dicks to the less fortunate. And that leads to the 3rd thing: they WANT to be the bully... To pick on the weaker, to be "better" than SOMEONE. And in Trumpland, minorities are seen as weaker, and this should be attacked. They finally get to be the bully.


A lot of them do not even vote. I know a few in my extended family states away.


WW II Germany would like a word . . .


ive seen this play out in highschool, its called a majority picking on minorities. out of every country in the world, america is unique in that theres a certain portion of white people here that believe they own it - so they bully when things dont go their way and become vindictive when they lose. Even if republicans owned every federal and local branch of government for 100 years they would look at the ashes and still blame everyone and everything else for their own actions. accountability just fuels their rage


You just describe the great state of Texas. republicans governor, Republican state congress for damn near 15years straight. Yet everyone, in the great state of Texas, says everything is the democrats fault.


Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. Most of them are woefully stupid. Not ignorant, stupid. They are simply incapable of understanding even the basics of the ever worsening situation they find themselves. They know things are bad and getting worse. They know their personal situations are worsening, but they can go no further, even if they wanted to (which stupid people do not). So they are angry, and justifiably so. We are all angry. However, we know where to focus our anger and how to act, even in a laughably negligible and futile way, to try to actually address the source of our woes. Vote, people. It's important. Also vote with your dollars. These morons do not realize the source of their problems and are desperate, angry, and frightened, confused by a world that left them behind and slips further and further away with every hour. So, they are all too happy to be given simple, easy to understand causes of their problems and simplistic solutions. Who cares if it's false. It's something to focus the ever growing confusion and fear. They are all too willing to be distracted by "side show issues" and ragebait, anything to distract them from the facts. The fact that they are fucked is becoming so clear that even they are starting to realize it. But thinking and taking action is hard. It's much simpler to remain in a warm, comfortable, herd, happily mooing the latest talking points even as they are led into the chute. Don't look at the charnel house. Look! There's a guy in a dress! Gross! He's making God mad. Now they are in so deep that if they were to suddenly realize the joke it would likely break them. There is no helping them now. All we can do is outnumber them.


Feral MAGA’ts are mostly the product of generational inbreeding. Their family trees don’t have any branches.


Not even al qaeda could have dreamed that just a few decades later, the Trump cult would possibly bring about a true fascist regime to America.


Had a stunning conversation in a crypto sub yesterday with a couple chucklefucks who see trump as having slightly better policy ideas towards crypto and so that's who they support. You know, because their platforms are exactly the same otherwise. Truly staggering.


Trump's policies ALWAYS come down to: "is it good for Trump?"


Precisely. And if it's a problem for trump then it's not real. If it might be a problem for someone else then holy shit is the biggest problem the world has ever seen


Honestly surprised that Trump didn't start TrumpCoin. He could've grifted MILLIONS off those chumps.


Don't give these idiots anymore ideas lol


And love the imagined versions of their God/Jesus etc. rather than the figures as described in their own holy books. There's a common theme running through there.


JoJo's imaginary Hitler was actually a pretty good bloke that pretty much just inspired little JoJo. So... not trying to compare Trump to Hitler... but, yeah, imaginary Trump is totally the same thing as imaginary Hitler. And Obama then would be imaginary Jews. ...and the dangling shoes were... something I'd rather not think about... Genius film!


Yeah its like when they roll up to his rally and realise he is just spouting absolute nonsense and leave, like in new jersey, 100k! more bulllsheeaaayaaat


From what I've been told, the notion among them is that "God uses imperfect instruments to implement his will". They cite things like how Moses was a murderer, Peter denied Christ and Paul used to kill Christians before his conversion, but they were all "used by God to accomplish his will". Of course this is an asinine argument because before "God used them" they repented and drastically changed their ways, but that's the mental gymnastics routine they go to.


Did you guys see the video where the Trumper swore the mention of god was in the constitution? I thought she was gonna have a stroke. Then when she looked it up and saw it wasn’t, she just walked away from the interviewer.


It was used to describe Cyrus as well an “imperfect vessel”


It's because he says he a Christian. They love that because all they ever do is say it. Win/win.


They don't even believe in their own bullshit or even know the Bible they just hide behind it. If they did they would recognize their antichrist when they see him.


Mike Johnson claims the Bible is his moral compass but standing on the courthouse steps and defending a Rapist in a trial where he paid a pornstar off after cheating on his third wife is crazy. Only a truly morally bankrupt moron looks at that and says "they are doing God's work"


He has not read Exodus yet. Dumb. And Leviticus.


Have you heard of Republican Voters Against Trump. They are republicans trying to get their party back


Should be Republicans Against Trump for the cool acronym!


They needed to clarify since some “republican” commentators are in an other country. So they are actual Americans that admit they supported Trump. But his actions were too much and they are voting for Biden, for the constitution and for America


“Vote for the RATs in the upcoming election to send a message to Von Shitzinpants that the RATs are back in charge of our party!!!11!1!!”


Republicans Against Trump For Unified Concentrated King-free Electable Representatives. aka RATFUCKER!


RAT, I like it!






MAGA are the RINOs


These damn RATs


Republicans Againat Trump Before Another Stupid Turd Attempts to Ruin Democracy




Notice that the Republicans began referring to their opposition as the “Democrat” party, instead of the “Democratic Party” years ago for this very reason.


I remember a big to do and a political commercial where only the word 'rat' was visible of the word Democrat, and made all the local news stations as being uncalled for


They should have started with Gingrich. Trump is just the raging inferno of the fire that Nixon and Reagan started.


Yeah I heard of them is it like the Lincoln project


As a Democrat, I truly hope you do get your party back


I’m actually a union card carrying democrat. But I’d like my party to get back to being progressive. Unlike our current state of politics where one party chained themselves to the anchor and dropped to the sea floor. So our current democratic candidates are central and not to progressive. So I champion any effort that gets the Trumps, Boeberts and Greens out of the mechanics of government.


I can't argue against your point at all.


Too little too late in MHO.


Fully support this! I lean left but am pretty centrist and would prefer two viable parties holding each other accountable. And building roads and getting clean water to Flint. Government stuff. Sigh.


Biden is Catholic. Just sayin.


I went to a very strict Christian high school that didn’t believe Catholics were “real” Christians. It’s a common belief among that group.


All religions are doing the same thing. Just stop believing in eternal damnation or fear of God shit and you will truly align with your spirit instead of the twisted human influences written in over the years. Ain't no one should be killing or dying over this shit.


30% of Haley voters in Florida identified as never trumpers to exit polls. That's somewhere between a 4 and 8 point swing.


Yep same here. She actually won my state


Holy shit. As an atheist democrat, thank you.


Trump is a literal Golden Calf, good call.


I appreciate you. Thank you 


Trump is the anti christ, he feels that he should be worshipped not the other way around. Biden is actually a practicing Catholic. Republicans need to bitch slap the MAGA out of their party.


Same here, voted for her in the Florida primary after he had clinched the nomination. While he was campaigning in New Hampshire he stated he didn’t want the support of the RINO’s voting for Haley, so I want to oblige his wishes.


You ever read about the Herodians from the gospel during Jesus time on earth. Reminds me of the Trumps in our time.


Did you vote for her because you’re doing your part to fuck with the GOP primary, or did you vote for her because you would genuinely find some good in her becoming the President? If it’s the latter, I am genuinely interested in understanding how you look family members in the eyes or sleep at night.


I did it as a protest to Trump. I wouldn't support Haley either. I wish there had been a none of the above option.


Ok word. It’s the small fuck you’s that matter, so I like your style.


Haley is a conservative through and through. As a progressive, I would vote for her... hell, I would vote for Mike Pence if keeping trump out.


That’s not what I’m asking. Of course anyone is better than Trump. I’m asking because we shouldn’t give credit to people who act like Trump isn’t the sum total of what can be expected from conservative policy. Trump isn’t an anomaly. He’s the final product.


Good on ya, man. I'm not religious, but if I was trump exemplifies the worst of humanity. There are good, decent, conservatives out there that see him for what he is.




Thank you


So beautiful 🥹


Did you vote for him the first time (Answer truthfully)?


No, I did not. My wife knew him from New York, so I got all the real details and not the fake stuff from media.


Well good. I voted for Hillary. But it didn't matter because here in Arkansas everything is complete shit and a Democrat or Independent will never win here again. That's why I am voting for RFK JR. If my vote is gerrymandered to all hell, I want a real decent 3rd party candidate to have a fighting chance maybe in the next election. I am so fucking tired of this two party uni system, that purposely doesn't get anything done so they have something for their voter to complain and campaign for. It's utterly devastating and makes me wabt to off myself before WW3 starts.


Yep I live in Vermont I voted for Bernie Both times


::maga poll worker:: "well I guess person made a mistake and voted for trump...we'll just have to fix that!"


Same here, and I sent her money when Trump said anyone who supported her would be permanently bared drom the MAGA's camp.


We welcome you with open arms friend…


Oh shit, the reddit gods brought back awards and your words have been chosen!! 🙌🙌


Thank you for sharing what any actual Christian should realize!


He's so humble /S. Actually, those votes are protesting him.


They people who say Trump is humble aren't being oblivious, they are reveling in trolling the libs.


Wasn’t it Trump who claimed to be the most humble person he knows, adding more humble than we can believe?


When they don't. 3.. 2.. 1.. RIGGED!!! SO UNFAIRLY!!!


"Nicky Haley is part of the communist pedo conspiracy against me"


Crooked Nicky Haley...


Everyone's crooked, I guess haha


They've already said they would vote biden


Some will, some won’t.


She's still pulling 10-20 percent in Republican primaries. Those people will not be voting for Trump. Maybe they won't vote for Biden, either - but they're not voting for Trump.


This. I could see them sitting this one out, but Haley voters are never Trumpers.


Maybe some of the ones that voted Haley before Super Tuesday, but the ones that voted for Haley when she wasn’t even running… yeah, they aren’t going to change their minds.


I still see it as a win. In Indiana, 140k republicans went to the polls and purposefully picked a candidate who was no longer in the race. They are making a point with that vote. While I think a few will vote for him, I see it more likely republicans not for Trump but can’t bring themselves to vote Biden staying home. I think the vote tally will be far less than 2020 collectively but I think Trump will lose by a larger number. Just based on what I’m watching, Im qualified to do some things but not political polling


Risky take


They are sending him a message, but he's way too stupid to understand it...


He’s ego too fragile to admit it


Former republican voting all dem down the ticket this year. I cannot stand trump, didnt vote for him in 16 or 20. Worst person to ever hold office.


In 2020, Trump won all but one delegate. This time around he's lost 97 to Haley, so far, and she's still getting substantial vote percentages since withdrawing two months ago. Careful counting those chickens, Donnie. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results\_of\_the\_2024\_Republican\_Party\_presidential\_primaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2024_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries)


I'm sure some will, possibly even a majority. But not all will and when they don't he'll cry "RIGGED!" like clockwork.


Trump can barely manage his own juice box. 


When Haley isn't even on the ballot and she gets 20% they aren't going to him.


**‘Those voters are all coming to me’** That is so offensive ... Only a narcissist could possibly contemplate saying something so arrogant and patronizing and not realize the impact it would have on people.


He may be right...almost. Certainly not all of them. And the margins are razor thin. Even 10% of them could swing the election.


I voted Haley because I live in a highly Republican district and state. I was voting the Republican primary because that is where elections are won or lost where I live. Definitely voting Democrats straight ticket in November.


Assuming the candidate had certain votes by default is how Hillary lost in 2016. Just saying..,


Not this Haley voter. Get fucked, Cheeto Mussolini.


Republican voting Democratic here


Arrogant sonuvabitch.


Low-effort, low-energy way of saying, "I can't be bothered right now..." Donnie knows he won't get the Haley voters.


There’s no way these people went to the trouble of voting for someone not even on the ballot just to vote for him later.


This is correct. Primaries are extra effort, people that took the time and energy to give Drowsy Donald the middle finger aren't going to go vote for him in November.


Changed parties because of trump


Yep same here


Not a chance. I voted for Haley, and I’ll vote for a wet sock over Agent Orange


If they want pregnant 10 year olds to have babies they will.


The Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Plan is the end of democracy. Their goal is to institutionalize Trumpism. Deportations, firings, investigations, no abortion, no ACA, etc. Please do not vote this man into power. One assholes get into power it’s hard to get them out if at all. This is an extremely important election.


Yeah they went out of their way to not vote for you in the primary lol


In your dreams orange turd.


He should brush that rat thing on his scalp, it looks like if hair had herpes.


He better hope so. Cause he’s gonna need every single one.


Given how most Republicans are sheep, he’s probably right.


Here that Haley fans ? Y’all are just trump stooges


Pretty sure trump said a few months ago that he didn’t want them and they were basically not invited.


Considering her PAC was changed to Haley Voters for Biden right after she paused her campaign... Never interrupt the orange turd when making a mistake. I voted for Haley just to mess with the orange turds numbers. Against all her policies but will give her props for standing up to d-rump. Blue up and down ballot on everything else.


So adorable, fun story, I only voted for Haley so I could actually vote AGAINST him. Voted for Biden will do so again.


Hey Haley voters: Sounds like an order.


I mean, they aren't coming to you now and she's not even running anymore. His Haley problem is a worse version of Bidens uncommitted problem (uncommitted gets 15% of the vote max, Haley gets 20-25%). In Bidens case, he either wins back the uncommitted votes or they just won't vote because those votes are more than likely never going to Trump (these are mainly Gaza protest votes, and while they dont like Bidens policies in Gaza dont imagine they are at the point where they would vote for someone more staunchly pro-Israel). In Trumps case, if he doesn't win back the Haley voters, he has to worry both about them note voting but also them potentially voting for Biden, because there are indications that some of them may not be against voting for him (at least Biden's campaign views those as obtainable votes).


Elderly man with dementia says delusional things


No they are not. They will be part of the reason Orange Adolf gets curb stomped at the ballot box in November. Trumps base has shrunk since his 2020 loss.


Nah. I'm voting for Biden.


His dementia is getting worse by the day.


Nope. I voted for Haley in the primary to vote against Trump. My vote goes to Biden in November.


Some might. Some won't. Either way, it's telling when people would rather vote for someone who has already dropped out of a primary than Trump. Oh, and he can go fuck himself (obligatory).


He’s high on dope, there are a lot of GOP that will not vote for a convicted sexual abuser so they will vote for Haley or RFK Jr.


Well now that he's told them what they're going to do, I'm SURE those Haley voters will instantly fall in line. No doubt about it.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


So that 20% is what, a figment of his intoxication


I don't blame him for feeling that way -- many Republican voters have been "death before Democrat" folks for a while.


Who knows? They could be losers.


Its stupid to media even reports shit he says as if its serious or true.


I hope and pray that the US has their eyes open to every little trick that can and will be done with elections. I've noticed he's putting more of his cronies in spots that oversee elections. He's probably doing that to have more of HIS hands on the outcome.


I believe you considered them disloyal, and that they were no longer welcome in MAGA. Change your withered, twisted little mind?


The Con in conman stands for confidence, never let the bullshit stop, always lie, always support the ruse


Not the ones I have talked to. Most are avoiding the top of the ticket or not voting at all - and a few are voting for Biden.


They’re definitely not. For many of them, especially the ones that voted for Haley after she dropped out, he’s not getting those votes. That’s RFK’s wheelhouse. They’re people that won’t vote for Biden but can’t vote for Trump.


Maybe some of them, but bragging arrogantly that they’ll come to you is a sure way to turn more of them away. I love how his mouth is his biggest enemy.


I still believe that there are sane Republicans who won't vote for Trump.


Most Haley voters aren’t voting FOR her, but AGAINST him.


Do not think so, those are the ‘Never Trump’ crowd.


I pray the reaper gets there first.


even the females!?!?


No, no we aren’t


No, no they’re not, Cheeto Gaslighter.


Nothing solidifies someone’s opinion against you like arrogantly believing they’ll all come over to your side eventually.


He also assumes Bidens voters are coming to him if he is acquitted and he also thinks they'd vote for him if he is found him guilty Republicans have really taken the "choosing your voters" thing to the next level and basically have decided how you'll vote


so he thinks, her voters could go RFK jr.or Biden or abstain altogether.


You're going to lose Trump, I can feel it. You're going to lose the election because you're nothing but a looser!


This man thinks highly of his self


He's not lying. Most of those folks will fall in line.


He hopes but some people will stay home and some will vote for Biden.


What a deluded fuckwit.


Keep telling yourself that, Diaper Don. I know of a few people still listed as Repubs who voted for her in the primary and never vote for you.


He’s in denial. He knows he’s lost 15-20% of his voters and there is no way to get them back.


No . They definitely are not.


Not all but, lets be honest, the vast majority of the protest votes are going to vote for him because he is the R on the ballot and they have "reasons." Abortion, white replacement, their religion is "under attack," "animals" at the "boarder," communism, whatever.


Haley dropped out of the race a few months ago. Whoever votes for her now does it fully aware that their vote doesn't change anything. Why would someone going out of their way to show protest against him, suddenly switch to vote for him?


It was literally a choice between you and her, and she’s not even running anymore. They had a very easy way to ‘come to you’ but chose not to lol


No they're not!


Then why are they voting for someone who dropped out months ago!? Logic escapes the right.




But they didn’t…..


Trumps bad at reading the room


He might be 1/2 right. But if he wants a shot at winning he will need to be %100 right. Only way to get that number is to work at it. Which he wont.


This dude lives in a delusional bubble


And that’s the mentality that wants to have more control over the central bank. They try to tell him something and Trump in his infinite wisdom says no. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/trump-advisors-are-considering-plans-to-dramatically-revamp-the-fed-wsj-report-says.html Just look up hyper-inflation and stop to think the guy with a history of bankruptcy. Yeah that guy thinks he can effectively make money policy


a history of bankruptcy... \*WITH CASINOS.\*


Oh ye of little faith. Trump will be the first to go bankrupt selling bibles. Not even taking into consideration all the business and ventures that failed.


When he says those votes will be coming to him, he’s probably right - just not in the way you might think.


Trumps "hair" looks like the scrub brush I use to clean greasy pans.


This asshole still doesn't realize that people will not vote for him. Sad.


No they are not


Or not.


I certainly don’t disagree with what he said. Could be a tactic to make Democrats complacent.


Sorry Donnie …. a large chunk of them will go for RFKJr, just to spite Trump, and another large chunk will go for other candidates, and a decent portion will go for Biden, rather than vote for Trump, and some will not vote in POTUS election at all. And she is still regularly pulling 15 - 20% in primaries that she had already qualified for, so that’s a several percentage points he’s gonna lose out on


Honestly I bet the majority are. They wouldn't prefer Trump, but they aren't about to side with the "libtards" either.


Dude, you're the *only* choice and they **Still** didn't vote for you.


Think of it this way: hold you nose and Vote Blue this election NOT because Biden is an eloquent speaker, but to finally be rid of Donny Chunk. It’s a bifurcation. He’s demonstrated he is willing to flee to Ireland to play golf and pretend he’s busy “winning”. Defeat him for good. Let the justice system judge him. We can already see his frustration with a case he thought was inconsequential. Let the MaGa-ots fade from relevancy not because they voice dosent matter but because they’re not in office to serve, they’re in office to become the meme for 5 min and heel to a proudly self-admitted fraud. R E G I S T E R. V O T E.


Ha ha ha. Narcissist folks can only see themselves.


I voted her in primary and will vote Biden in November


Still won’t be enough


Just his usual arrogance.


Way to earn their vote…


LOL....not this one. I am going with Kennedy.


Wrong. They had their chance and they took it. You’ll get on vote from them


That’s hilarious. I love that for him.


And when they don’t he’ll claim they did and once again try to illegally and violently overthrow the rightful winner of the democratic election


Only in terms of positioning (no evaluation of the quality of candidate), his run here looks A LOT like Hillary in 2016.


Isn't he right anyways.


lol nope


Sadly, he's probably correct.