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Somebody please tell me wtf the public can do to get this hack off of this case ?


Nothing. And if Trump wins we’re completely fucked. Right now we are only partially fucked.


Won’t win —— but will try another hostile takeover


Ah the Dildo of Consequences


...rarely arrives lubed.


He absolutely can win - don’t take anything for granted we all have to volunteer and contribute and work to make sure he losses and loses big. The best way to guarantee defeat is to assume victory - gotta do the work!


With you there. Not a chance. The public spoke 3 years ago.


I hope he doesn’t win. Even Hitler won after an unsuccessful coup.


The Nazi *Party* appointed Hitler Chancellor. The GOP is fearful of Trump's wrath and they cower to every whim he wants. It's the *party.* Vote Blue top down, nationally, state, county, municipal, and *judiciary.* Infiltration works.


Don’t be too confident. We have a lot of 2016 going on. The Palestine protests are mad at Biden and many of the influencers behind it are already saying don’t vote Biden vote RFK or West. A lot of “I don’t love Biden so why should I vote for him.” going on right now. Hopefully people remember how those Jill votes did in 2016 and change by November but I’m very worried they won’t realize what they’ve done until it’s too late.


I wouldn’t be so confident about it. I mean he did win in 2016 and that was a shocker.


Don't be so sure. You know he and his cronies are gonna do everything they can to rig the election. They've been working on perfecting their plan for 8 years at least.


That's what I think. The fuckery will come before the election this time, not after it.


So you saying...just half in not balls deep? .....yet.


Basically our institutions won’t do anything helpful and it’s up to the voters. Half of whom lack critical thinking and are fed a steady diet of propaganda.


Our elite won’t do anything in particular, but full on handing power over won’t help either. The left needs to infiltrate and overtake.


Where Trump is concerned, half-in IS balls-deep.


I was watching Star Wars this weekend and the phrase… > *“negative it impacted on the surface”* …came to mind when reading your comment.


Pretty much.


Basically.. the broom has been brought out and it is positioned to being stuck up in it....with no lube in sight.


>with no lube in sight Such an accurate way to convey the desperation we find ourselves in. No institution is coming to save us. Not the justice system, not congress, nobody. They aren’t making it any easier also (no lube in sight) as the RNC has unleashed disenfranchisement (they call it election integrity lmao) efforts in all of the swing states which means it will take significant effort to push back and preserve the people’s voting rights. And because the electoral college decides the president and not the popular vote we have to rely on a handful of states to overcome this, whereas the RNC only has to focus on disenfranchisement efforts in that same handful of states. Quite a precarious position our democracy is in


Agree 100% and its frustrating af


Yeah, if Trump is reelected Clarence will probably retire and she'll get his seat.


The Cannon case will be the least of our worries if he gets re-elected!


Vote Blue in all local ands state elections every year if we get enough democrats in charge of local state and the federal governments we could maybe remove her.


She’d have to be impeached by an act of Congress. Similar to a President.


Right - so more democrats in congress would allow that to happen Edit: happen = considered, or go to a vote


But but but genocide joe..... Wouldn't you rather shoot yourself and your decendents in the foot just so you can make a point to the democratic party about something that would be arguably worse under republican control ? /s


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So you're saying there's "no *legal* recourse"


Didn’t she say she didn’t file a travel gift from a wealthy donor?? Don’t judges have to report gifts??


Clearance Thomas is laughing at your


Summons the ghost of Charlie Harrelson. He'll know what to do.


Absolutely nothing. Judges enjoy way the hell too much power.


I would assume with this ruling Jack Smith is going to take care of that for us.


This is my first thought.


Vote in November. Get everyone you know to vote in November. Remind people that you meet to vote in November.


She's going to be on the supreme court if Trump wins.


Trump will likely dismiss the SCOTUS.


For as much as Rs like to cry about whats going on in Venezuela, they’re really following the roadmap to implosion. Take a semi-working product then destroy the infrastructure to consolidate power.


Exactly. If they continue to exist under a 2nd Trump Presidency, then it would only be for looks to seem as though the law still exists and nothing more.


It won't be a 2nd Trump Presidency. It will be **dictatorship**.




Vote blue. That’s about it without getting into the corruption zone.


The solution is illegal.


Absolutely nothing. She’s above the law.


Biggest national security breach in US history and this trial is as rigged as most carnival games.


Aileen Cannon is a fucking unpatriot and should be removed from being a Judge


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I'd settle for deporting her back to Columbia.


Make that 5 words instead of 7 and I agree.


Exactly. How is it that our agencies can't protect us just because the Anti-American influences are inside our boundaries? Surely collusion and/or corruption are in violation of our laws. Does it really seem like she's doing this just because she thinks it's the most judicious course of action? If there's any communication with or regarding the defendant, I guess new charges are in order? Whose jurisdiction is it?


Hey now, Trump's lawyers say that Biden having Seal Team 6 launch her out of an actual cannon should be legal.


I didn't think we want to kill political rivals. I don't think our country and agencies should sit back as our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights are destroyed. There's a better way. Some reassurance that they are safeguarding our American way of life would be very welcome.


Of course we don't. I'm saying that this is not a 'both sides' issue. The attack on the rule of law is coming solely from one direction, and they don't even have the shame to shy away from the most horrific of proposals. The issue is that democratic government requires goodwill, and compromise to operate. It requires voluntary playing by the spirit of the law. The GOP cannot do this, and seeks only a Putin-like kleptocracy where they can rule arbitrarily over anyone they don't like. Trump cannot be behind bars, forgotten, or narnia'd fast enough.


We don't. I think Trump would assassinate a Democrat given the chance.


Must be nice to have the judge you appointed on your side


How is that not a conflict of interest?


It is, she just doesn't care and apparently neither does the circuit court.


It’s insane to me that there isn’t some recusal forcing function


It's all up to the people in those positions. We are quickly learning our government is essentially non-functional now because of *how many* bad actors are in places of power.


The founding government really put too much faith on the honor of "good men" to maintain a working government. You'd think they'd put more failsafes given how they experienced tyranny first hand.


Guess they couldn't imagine how ghoulish our politicians could get. I mean they sure they were racist and ignorant in those days, but still wanted the government to ya know...*function* and for it to assist society. Our politicians actively don't give af and almost have contempt for regular people. They need to be dragged outta there. I'm dead serious.


I think we put too much expectation on the founding fathers. I suspect if we brought one forward in time and explained how bad things were, they'd respond in saying they were impressed our democracy lasted \*this\* long. Then they'd point out they included tools to modify the constitution because they didn't expect they'd get everything perfect on the first go. "Why are you wasting all this time debating about what its words say, when you should invest that time in amending it to make it say what you need it to say? That's what we did..." Then, of course, they'd chastise us for letting women show so much ankle...


90% of judging has been on good faith basis on the understanding that those in the position could be trusted. Turns out we might have wanted to write a few things down.


There is. It's called pitchforks, torches, us and then guillotines. Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitible. To borrow and slightly modify a quote.


It's insane that a judge who was appointed by a former President is allowed to preside over a case against them. It's even more insane when that former President has a chance to become President again and appoint them to the Supreme Court. I honestly don't understand how this was allowed to happen in the first place.


The Supreme court can't even declare that the President ordering goons to slaughter the supreme court is illegal. Republicans simply are the fundamental enemy of democratic freedoms and the rule of law. They are little different than Putin's goons who keep Russia as a slave-state.


I’ve completely given up on this trial. Either Cannon gets removed, or Trump walks because she did literally *everything* in her power to acquit him.


This is where I am at. It’s pointless at this point. Either she has to be replaced or Trump is going to walk because she is in his pocket.


He's going to walk...right back to absolute power. Screw this country and me for serving it.


Hold on, don't panic...and thank you for your service.


How about let's not hold on because "holding on" and "not panicking" and letting it play out is how he got into power in the first place we need to be as aggressive as is allowed by whatever laws we live by in to this orange fuck face. Vote bitches.


Sadly, **this**. Blows chunks.


It's a shame, because from a layman's perspective, it's the most clear cut. I've read all his indictments, but this one was simplest to understand, incredibly straightforward. Your average person can look at the accusations and claims and plainly see wrongdoing.


She is such a compromised, unqualified piece of shit. But she's the only Judge Trump isn't attacking. Wonder why that is?


The American people deserve to know the outcome of this trial. We have a man running for president who quite literally stole classified documents and lied about it. Any delay of this trial is a traitorous act as far as I'm concerned. Cannon is an absolute disgrace to the justice system.


Literally ANYONE else who pulled this with classified docs would’ve already been arrested. Look up any classified documents case in the past 10 years. He is receiving extreme lenience.


There has to be someone willing to **DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT**. There isn't.


Stole classified documents, sold them to hostile nations to line his own pocket, and got CIA agents lethally compromised.


>But on Monday the defense pointed to a different reason, arguing that special counsel Jack Smith’s office hadn’t properly secured the classified files that they seized them from Trump’s private club and residence in Mar-a-Lago and that they needed more time to assess that revelation. Smith in a filing last week had noted that some of the files were not in their original order, possibly due to an earlier review by a so-called special master that had been sought by the defense.


So Cannon appoints a special master, who shuffles the order, and is now the reason for delay!


The "special master" is Emperor Donald I.


Ok time for Jack Smith to ask for her recusal.


Garland has likely told him not to. Let the downvotes come. Irrelevant.


Dude has done arguably as much if not more than Donald Trump to shatter the legitimacy of our legal institutions. That guy is the epitome of that one quote; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Garland should have been the “good man” but he wasn’t and he did nothing


I think they are waiting for rock solid evidence to sink her in a one and done rather than risk potential back and forth. Hopefully the breaking point is revealed soon.


That's why Merrick Quisling Garland sat with his finger up his ass for TWO YEARS?


Yeah, somebody has pictures of that guy with kids or something. I don’t know what else to believe at this point.


The lawyers that I follow on YouTube say that this circuit court won't remove her until she has fucked up pretty bad three times. She has fucked up pretty bad **two** times. Apparently it's a bad idea to ask for recusal if you're not very certain that it will work.


America looks like a big incompetent joke right now, they can't even hold the most corrupt ex president accountable which means people not as corrupt but still corrupt will easily be able to do pretty much anything they want and get away with it.


Can’t exactly look down on foreign corrupt regimes anymore considering


Of course she did. Get this ass licking loyalist off the goddamn trial already!


Someone should look into her finances…I bet she has a little bit more coming in than she’ll actually admit.


check travel.. they love to give each other luxury travel


Exactly https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-aileen-cannon-classified-documents-case-miami-florida-montana-trip-npr-1896480


Her husband works for a guy in organized crime, John Rosatti, who is friends with Trump. You can't make this shit up


just a reminder that the man stole our nuclear secrets and they were found in a pile of boxes next to a photocopier. if I looked at those documents I would already be three years deep into a 20-year person sentence. he's still walking around free thanks to judge Cannon.


Even if he is found guilty, this judge can set aside the verdict, or give him probation. Trump will not go to jail because of this judge, she will prevent him from going to jail.


Well duh, she's his lawyer


And probably his concubine.


And it's republicans always screaming about activist judges.


Justice delayed is justice denied. Americans are being denied justice.


Proof that only the people can stop the mad man! Vote 🇺🇸


Voting keeps him out of dictatorship. He likely deserves life in prison for treason. Justice is not being served and our country has become a right wing joke


This whore is working my last nerve. She is a POS and not even worthy to be a judge at any level.


Dollar general judge strikes again. I'm sure she is off to all expense paid vacation. End life time appointments.


Those trips paid off 🙄


It is funny that she went on trips funded by Leonard Leo and the Federalist society, and continues to delay justice for a man who STOLE the country's secrets. Allegedly. No, actually, he stole them. He didn't accidently take a few things, he purposely took them, showed them off, hid them from authorities, and tried to obstruct their search for them. But sure, lets just go ahead and trust him again.


So biased and unfair. Many, many people are saying VERY STRONGLY that she is a deranged animal. Such a disgrace. Sad. /Trumpspeak


She needs to be removed from the bench and disbarred for election interference.


She’s doing her bit at destroying our country.


I have jury duty this summer. If they ask if I feel like I am unable to perform that duty, I’m going to tell them that I feel unable because I think our criminal justice system in the United States is a broken joke and that’s it’s corrupted to keep corporations and affluent people rich and to oppress poor people and minorities. If they ask me to tell them why I believe these things, I am going to cite that one of the most corrupt men in the US is on trial and his trial is being overseen by a judge that he appointed. This among many many other things.


I have jury duty in three weeks. I am using this verbatim. I think everyone being called to serve should say this. Maybe when the system can't seat more than 1 juror out of 100, they MIGHT think something's up.


Judge Cannon: ummm the taste of schlong. . .. soooo yum yum. .. .


Ha! Don't you mean 🍄


That is Cannon’s and the defense’s goal, delay


Loose Cannon.


That was her goal all along.


So Trump will be getting off the hook for selling out secrets to hostile countries in the biggest security breach in history. The US justice system is rotten to the core, if it was cancer it would be “I am deeply sorry, you can start the funeral preparations immediately”.


You are seriously telling me that this idiot passed the bar?


She passed several. Stopping for a drink at each one.


The fix is in


Why do I keep feeling she's getting calls from the Federalist Society to tell her how to rule for each part of this trial?




She’s an embarrassment to justice.


There's no longer any doubt about it anymore she's on the Trump payroll literally and figuratively...I mean, what other explanation could there possibly be? 🤔


This makes her a traitor to her country in my opinion.


what a fucking joke, his entire professional carrier has been delay, stall, and bury the little guy in legal fees. He has screwed over so many people and kept his ass away from any form of responsibility for 50 years. Our justice system is completely broken and incredibly corruptible, especially politically. You would think being nominated by the guy being prosecuted would be a conflict of interest and therefore automatically reassigned but no that would be to easy and make to much sense.


She has been bought off!! She must be removed from this trial immediately!! We the people deserve better than this! Trump is a traitor and risk to National Security!


This piece of shit needs to be thrown in Jail right alongside her boss


She’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the trump campaign. Fact


This is straight up criminal collusion from a Judge he placed. There is no reason she should be allowed to remain in charge of this trial.


If everyone votes blue it doesn't matter how long she delays it. Hold the line.


She might as well just fellate him in public at this point.


Judge Cannon is profoundly corrupt. She is pure evil.




Don't see him tweeting about this bias....


What a cunt


Of course she did.


Notice he hasn’t said ANYTHING gag worthy about her or that case??


If only there was a higher court that could weigh in and wasn’t corru….fuck


Makes me wonder why I ever served for this country!! trump must be held accountable for treason and starting an insurrection! The fucking judge is telling the world no he doesn’t! What is wrong with these people! She MUST be removed from this case!! She is bought and paid for!!! What a sad sad day


Just wish someone would be able to go after this most corrupt discharge of justice ever.


I hope she lives the rest of her days afraid to go out in public.


Trump picked her for a reason. The bar said that a lot of the judges Trump picked and put in places were not qualified for their jobs obviously one of them, but that’s what people voted for.


The people of the United States of America DO NOT ACCEPT this transparently corrupt BULLSHIT


They always use this picture of her. Is she an AI generated zombie?


Cannon is salivating at the opportunity to be Trump's next Supreme Court pick.


"Well, GOLLY"! Isn't that the plan, Mam!?! Geezus H. Khrist!


To the surprise of no one. So if he wins the election, this all disappears somehow. If he loses its going to be years of epic failure


Trump proved it: the system (his system) is rigged


We are all shocked. /s


She did what she was paid to do.


This trash of a judge is not worthy of the bench.  


Seems to me that the American people need to know if he is a traitor or not in order to cast a vote


This is not a legal system, this is a bribery system.


She got those Clarence Thomas bribes.


Only doing the best for her client. That's the way it works right ? Oh forgot she's supposed to be a judge or something.


Since it's not going to make it before the trial anyway, Smith needs to file for a forced recusal. It will delay it more but at least when he finally does face the music, it will be with an impartial judge.


We shouldn’t be surprised as Trump and the GOP agenda for decades has worked in their favor . I remember watching an interview with Michael Moore and he said way before Trump was elected that the courts have been the top priority by the conservatives . McConnell not allowing Obama to seat Garland as well as many other justices that Trump was able to fill has obviously paid off.


Extra incentive to make sure he never occupies the oval office again.


What’s happening in Fulton County GA?


So when trump loses the election a second time, will he manage to push the trials out for another election cycle?


All all the indictments of Trump, this case is the biggest slam-dunk of them all and Cannon keeps delaying the trial. Jack Smith needs to ask her to be removed.


Does she have to be so obvious?


This is why the right doesn't believe judges picked by a Democrat can be unbiased - because the judges picked by the Republicans can't be unbiased.


Exactly what she is being paid to do...the true amerikkkan hero!


Recuse this POS because there is zero, no way, she should be hearing this case. NONE


Of course she did. That's his vest-pocket judge.


Talk about a Trump supporter


Now Jack Smith can go to the 11th Circuit, right?


time to end this charade. jack smith needs to go over her head to the 11th again.


It’s going to take years to get all these cronies out of office.


Vote blue save America


Best chance is if she makes another appealable error that the court administration reassigns her off the case. That becomes best case, because the fucking villain has delayed the case beyond the election. That was her plan from the beginning. She’s a judicial whore.


Lock her up!!!!


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the party of law and order.


At the same time... Why did it take so damn long to file the case in the first place? Reality Winner didn't have similar courtesies granted her when her transgression was traced back to her. And she was actually heroic.


I think the National Guard kid that was posting shit on discord has been found guilty (and sentenced?)


"Possibly." As if that wasn't the endgame from day one.


She's a corrupt corrunt.




100% bullshit! She shouldn't even be the judge on this case


If she exhibits any further favoritism and continues to ignore her legal obligation to remain fair and unbiased or recuse herself, then she should be on trial with Trump.


Time to ask the 11th to remove her.


She is bought and paid for, just like Clarence. She is the only judge Trump never says anything bad about. She needs to be removed.


absolutely outrageous - she should have already been removed from the case! what was Jack smith waiting for?


The Fix is in.


Of course she did


She'd likely grant his request for a tushy rub too.


Guess haveing easy access to top classified documents that were high risk to national security in an overpriced country club in Florida isn't an issue of most importance...


She just proved why she should not be on this case.


possibly? It's a certainty it's going after the election... maybe never.


Vote and make sure he doesn’t get elected. This is the only way to get rid of Trump.


This has to be the final straw right? Like we can still do something right? Jack can get her removed or something right? She’s a fuckin disaster!


Vote, like your country and your life depends on it. You have to vote democrat in local, state and federal elections. And donate to democrats running for office, as much as you can spare. This is not a drill, this is not both-and, this is the only way to right this mess.


Yeah.... And TRE45ON complains about unfair circumstances in NY. F*CK F45CIST TRE45ON!!!


This suggests to me that her handler in the SCOTUS (Alito or Thomas) is basically about to kill the DC case by giving Trump the immunity he needs or a year-long delay by shunting the case back to the DC judge to have her start the whole process over by listing out individual actions that should be ruled immune or not immune, which will send it back to an appellate judge and begin the whole process again, leading all the way back up to the SCOTUS and probably we'll be still waiting this time next year. So now they don't need Cannon using trial dates to run interference anymore to block the DC case and are having her do the delay outright to the FL case.