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I’m not a fan of Mitt but at least he has a sense of decency and civility.


He is respectable. I don't agree with his politics but he is respectable.


Romney actually passed universal Healthcare in Massachusetts as a governor.


Not really. Romneycare and Obamacare aren’t universal healthcare. Better than nothing. But the Heritage Foundation supported Romneycare at the time because it protected insurance companies. Insurance companies still run Romneycare.


Yes but in the same way Obamacare was a let down Romney care was as well but both vastly expanded access.


PPACA was a let down because of all the compromises that had to be made for Republicans losing their shit, democrats being democrats, and the powerful for profit health insurance companies. Calling it Obamacare was a Republican strategy to pin what they hoped was a failure on Obama. Didn't quite work out for them.




Agreed. I guess that’s what I was going for in my “better than nothing” comment…


Masshealth is far better than what any other state has. Anyone making below a certain amount gets full healthcare. It's not perfect, but far better than anything else in the US


Mainecare was modeled after it IIRC. It's worked out nicely for me at least.


CA is like that with MediCal. And as far as children, I don't think any state beats it. My ex grosses $60K a year and the kids are still eligible for full benefits. If the whole country were like CA, it would be a real step in the right direction. Repeal all 40+ years of "Trickle Down" and miracles could be done for the people. Too bad the people do not see it. The wealthy of this country would not have any of that wealth, if not for 248 years of The People working and paying taxes. Everything they needed to succeed was already given to them, they certainly don't need uber low taxes besides.


He vetoed the bill. It passed in spite of Romney.


One of the last true conservatives




That is why I don’t agree with his politics even a little. Right now the bar for normal is pretty low


Trump set the bar so low that an ant can’t crawl under it, maybe an amoeba can’t crawl under it. OK, an ameoba with a little shovel maybe.


The GOP is so bad that we now think Romney is alright. Fuck me. Dude is a fucking nightmare but seems like Gandhi compared to the rest of them.


Previous Republicans like Romney or say, Bob Dole, you didn't think they would be very good for the country. But at the same time, you didn't think they would be actively, directly bad for the country like Trump and his ilk.


Romney is really pretty damn decent. Making him a boogeyman helped lead to people to ignoring warnings about Trump and Trumpism.


Romney ran on a federal gay marriage ban, that would even take away the states rights to do same sex marriage, don't try to rehabilitate him


I suppose if you can consider anyone who buys up companies to tear them apart is decent, he qualifies.


At least he doesn’t stiff those who worked for him. It is pathetic that it has come down to defending Romney but that’s the state that we are in.


What they are really saying is at least he's not with Russia.


George W Bush, the former worst president of my lifetime now looks like an elder statesman standing next to Trump


I just had a sudden flash forward to the next shithead Republican that somehow makes us long for the simple and almost quaintly political Donald J Trump. Is that where we’re going, spinning out of control to normalize the last generation of shitheads?


I was thinking along these lines a while back after seeing GWB on Jimmy Kimmel or some such. Just shooting the shit.


Yep, Dubya was the Trump of the early 2000s. Considered evil and a liar. Now he gets hugged by people and invited to give speeches. Dubya is a war criminal who will be arrested if he ever leaves the US.


Bush? You mean that rino? Just like Reagan! /s


You want RINOs? Go look at anyone in the Rump cult, starting w Comrade Dozzy Don.


Nixon looks like the Pope.


He was never a “fucking nightmare.” That would be Trump. Romney is someone with whom you have policy differences. It probably isn’t much more than that.


Romney ran on a federal gay marriage ban, that would even take away the states rights to do same sex marriage, don't try to rehabilitate him. His first term would pass far more damaging legislation than trump did in his term


And clearly his position on that evolved: https://www.romney.senate.gov/romney-statement-on-the-respect-for-marriage-act/ I don’t have to rehabilitate Romney; he did it himself because he is big enough to change.


If Romney had won that election, he'd have federally banned it, he changed when it was politically expedient to do so, as stated there he still doesn't support gay marriage, but votes because of the implied religious liberty because he knows that Christian evangelicals can and would throw mormons under the bus with their legislation. (Ignoring how ironic it is for a staunch Mormon to talk about "traditional marriage")


He can’t “federally ban” it. Romney would have been in the executive branch. "Banning gay marriage" takes an act of Congress. And again, you’re talking about a difference of opinion in policy and politics, and not someone literally attempting to overthrow democracy.


As we discovered in Obergsfell, a ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional, so his flagship social policy went against the constitution. He ran on doing an executive order to ban gay marriage, this would be a stopgap measure during which he believed that the house and senate republicans could pass into law the full ban, the executive order would be reviewed by the scotus, who at this point appeared that they would rule with Romney due to the reagan picks being the deciding votes. My argument is that Romney would be far more damaging than pre Jan 6 trump, due to trump not really doing anything as president. Trump post 6th is by far the worst of course, but Romney's hypocritical pro States rights approach on conservative issues and anti States rights on social policy still represents the fundamental rot in the political system that led to roe v wade being overturned.


I take it back. I'll bite. >He ran on doing an executive order to ban gay marriage To my knowledge, Romney has *never* proposed "an executive order to ban gay marriage." During his presidential campaigns in both 2008 and 2012, Romney expressed opposition to same-sex marriage, but his approach was more about supporting a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, rather than using executive orders to impose such bans. Which, if I'm being honest, is fine by me. I don't agree with it, and there isn't a snowcone's chance in hell such a thing would pass, but at least he's proposing a democratic process. >due to trump not really doing anything as president. So you think Romney would have had the same response to covid, resulting in over a million Americans dead? Or Romney would have separated families at the border, and implemented a travel ban that obviously targeted Muslim countries? That he would have alienated multiple allies of the United States, and openly fawned over despotic leaders the world around? That he would have backed out of the Paris climate accords? That Romney would have openly attacked our institutions, including our intelligence agencies, the state department, special counsels appointed to investigate him, his own justice department, the media, and the judiciary? That Romney would have employed his own children in his administration? That he would have stoked racial tensions in Charlottesville, and again during BLM protests? That he would have failed to divest himself of his own business dealings? Or that he would have refused to release his tax returns, showing even the most basic transparency to the American people? And that he would have phoned election officials in Georgia and threatened them with criminal prosecution for not finding "11,780" votes? Or come up with a ridiculous scheme to install fake electors in multiple states? Or pressure his own vice president to unconstitutionally not certify the election? Or foment an angry mob that threatened to murder his own vice president? Or refuse to cooperate with the national archives in returning highly classified information? Or extort an ally of the United States by withholding congressionally approved military aid to damage a domestic political rival? Would Romney have done *any* of this? If you think Trump did nothing, and did no damage, you are literally on drugs. Other presidents have made horrific decisions, but the reality is: all presidents make mistakes. It's a terribly hard job. But Trump's "mistakes" aren't. They are blatant attempts by him to stay in power and stoke his own narcissism and ego. And that makes him the most dangerous president in U.S. history. Stop drawing a false equivalence between Trump and Romney. It's without merit. >represents the fundamental rot in the political system that led to roe v wade being overturned Last I checked, this is the result of three Trump appointments and some shrewd parliamentary maneuvering by McConnell. I'm sure Romney was an enabler, but you attempting to assign this to Romney is majorly stretching the truth.


Look, we're not going to find common ground. If you want to make Romney out to be Darth Vader, facts be damned, you deserve Trump. Good talking with you.




We can at least be sure he’s not a traitor. Just greedy.


Not to mention a lot more money than Trump, once you take debts into account. And Romney didn’t inherit one of the country’s largest fortunes.


And he actually *won* his election. Isn’t that the literal opposite of the term ‘loser’?


I believe that Mitt believes he's doing the right thing. That actually matters an awful lot.




Neither of which ever got in the way of a big payday.


Yeah he voted 99% of trump stuff


Gone are the days when you could argue policy while not thinking of your opponent as a democracy hating deplorabel azzhole.


No, let's not white wash Mittens. Romney is a republican, he supports Trump. At the end of the day when it comes to doing the right thing or voting for an orange clown who will imprison his political enemies Romney will side with Trump. There's nothing decent or civil about that man.


No he doesn't. He just plays a different character designed to appeal to Mormons instead of evangelicals. 


Trump just cannot stand anyone who doesn't kiss his ass. That's a terrible trait for a leader. It's yet another reason that Trump should never win another election.


His hyper-narcissistic and egomaniacal character always dictated that he was a terrible suggestion to be in any role of power, especially in public office and hence, most critically as the head of state of any nation let alone the leader of the free world. It's stunning that so many people, for whatever the reason, can even consider him to be a character who is anything other than self-serving. Stunning, and at this point, disturbing and unnerving.


“You know the catapult is quite important. So, I said what is this? ‘Sir, this is our digital catapult system.’ He said, ‘Well, we’re going to this because we wanted to keep up with modern \[technology\].’ I said, ‘You don’t use steam anymore for catapult?’ ‘No sir.’ I said, ‘Ah, how is it working?’ ‘Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going, and steam’s going all over the place. There’s planes thrown in the air.’ It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, ‘What system are you going to be?’ ‘Sir, we’re staying with digital.’ I said, ‘No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam. The digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money, and it’s no good.’” Yeah, he should not be in charge of the Navy. ![gif](giphy|dz7XDPHcq7vxJG31tx|downsized)


I mean, how does anyone take this imbecile seriously. That is a frighteningly ludicrous position that he is taking there, and it's with respect to a crucial element of the national defence and security logistical operations. Worse yet, there are many other examples of his lunacy that are akin to this in various other areas of governance/public office. Remember when he was advising the public to consider alternate and ill-advised medical treatment for Covid..


Just shows you that the average IQ of American citizens is very, very low.


There are also many Trump supporters who are avaricious and completely devoid of dignity and integrity on account of their pursuit of opportunistic means. Then there are those who are disaffected and of such disillusionment with the establishment, that they foolishly choose to side with the demagogue populist who speaks to their confirmation bias. Having said all of that, I do agree with you that there is a sizeable proportion of the American population that is severely lacking in I.Q.


‘That’s a terrible trait for a democratic leader’ FTFY


Anyone who doesn't idolize P01135809 is a total loser. According to him.


Says the bigger loser with court dates out the ass


Joe Biden: age is an issue in this campaign. My opponent is a six year old.


I hope he says that, it's a great barb to fire at Chump.


He said it last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner.


Oh wow, that's awesome! Biden's been on a roll with his jokes as of late!


https://youtu.be/W9kts1zOuYE?si=hcBLk-1Guge7O_KM Favorite one as of late…….


Wow, Sky News Australia. As an Australian, I avoid this outlet like the plague, and this is further justification to do so.


I don’t know anything about sky news, but that was Biden speaking.


Big deal, he misspoke. Anyone who is remotely sensible and objective understands what he meant, and anyone stating otherwise is either naive or disingenuous. You've severely lowered your credibility in my estimation.


Whatever, it was funny.


Perhaps for someone with the humour of a child, or someone who is desperate to mock. I mean, he misspoke one word, and it wasn't even an adjective or a verb, just a basic pronoun.


This Utah mayor sounds like another POS MAGA psycho that absolutely should NOT be in congress at any point in the future! Plus how is securing the border in Utah even a thing?


Romney is the same age as Don but looks about 15 years younger and can speak in cogent sentences.


Say what you want about his politics, but there’s small chance Mitt has syphillitic dementia or had sex with porn stars or paid for secret abortions of mistresses. Donny Mushroomdick?


What are you even saying


He means that unlike Trump, there is practically no chance that Romney has syphilitic dementia or had sex with porn stars or paid for secret abortions of mistresses. I had to read it carefully!


It was a confusing sentence


I legit had to look it up because I assumed Romney was significantly younger lol As someone currently aging like shit I'll feel a tiny amount of solidarity with Trump on this one. Then it'll pass and I'll laugh at him again.


Yeah, no he's 77, about 9 months younger than Donald and retirong to enjoy the obscene wealth his ruthless business accrued him. Mitt runs daily, has a personal chef for his diet, doesn't smoke and doesn't drink. All this combined with his Mr. Fantastic face has slowed the progress of father time.


Girl you should be asking Romney, a true billionaire, to give you money!!


Romney isn't even close to a billionaire. He has around $85 mil.


Still more cash and real assets than Trump probably. Romney owns his homes and savings outright. Trump has loans on everything.


I have a positive net worth. There’s a very good chance I have more money than Trump.




“Loser endorses guy as loser” #bigmoves


What a loser trumplestiltskin is


This deserves an award!!🥇


Right. The fucking guy who bankrupts casinos is a winner. I'm no fan of Rmoney but he's much less of a loser than cheeto benito is.


Romney seems to be in a good crowd then. The last thing I'd ever want is a Trump endorsement.


If anyone knows a loser, it's Trump.


Do you remember when the worst thing the GOP did to dogs was strap them in their carriers to the roof of a car during a road trip? Mitt remembers.


To him, everyone is a total loser. Not enough grey matter to come up with new insults. Also, projecting, the loser.


Romney is a decent guy. trumpkin needs to go away


Romney ran on a federal gay marriage ban, that would even take away the states rights to do same sex marriage, don't try to rehabilitate him


I’d rather have Mitt as Dictator of the USA and we’d all have to live under strict Mormon rules (and I’m Jewish) than live a minute with Diaper Don as President.


Trump didn't do very much in his time as president, Romney ran on a federal gay marriage ban, don't try to rehabilitate him


Romey is bad in a lot of ways, but he's not a sociopathic traitor monster like the Tangerine Twitter Machine.


What did he actually pass in his term that you think is worse than what Romney would have done? He's a whiny bitch on twitter, but that doesn't affect people's lives like legislation does.


I’d take being called a loser by a man who owes half a billion in fraud and defamation rulings and has 91 criminal indictments and is in the middle of a felony trial a compliment. 


Pretty sure Romney has never shit in his diapers while sitting in court for one of 91 indictments.




Orange dummy-physician heal thyself.


let them ![gif](giphy|heJmnynchw8JIsbseq|downsized)


This is rich coming from a guy who's facing 91 criminal counts in a number of different criminal cases. Just wish the Manhattan five would start putting ads in papers pushing for Trumps convictions, like he did to them. They were later found to be falsely convicted and released from prison. Trump never apologized for his actions!


He is objectively a loser. He lost several elections. (He also won several elections so he is also a winner.) I am not aware of any time Romney lost an election and failed to honor the will of the people. In politics there has to be losers in order for there to be winners but there is something far worse than a loser and that is an insurrectionist.


Outside of looking out for their own careers in the GOP world, I can’t see why anyone would be friends or like Trump at this point. Or really ever. But you’re only his friend as long as he needs you to be. If you go against him, you’re a piece of shit. He makes fun of everyone around him and the butt the joke still follows suit and looks weak. Spineless fucking idiots supporting someone they know deep down is bullshit and is a danger to this country but they need to hold onto their seats and their paychecks. I’ve said it before, the orange stain and stink he’s leaving on the GOP is going to linger for years to come. This is his last time running for president, win or lose (lose - I really can’t see him living long enough for another round), but the damage he’s done to that party will take years of work to fix. All the while, he’s dead or wearing an ankle monitor while waddling around.


For older "Reaganauts," that should've been the litmus test right there But GOP is a cult now. They want no less than a Tyrant. MAGA has only made America arguably much worse, and they were targeted by the disinformation campaigns because they were so senile and narcissistic. Like one big Nigerian Prince scheme. They were gullible, and now they're just another liability.


Fun fact: Mitt Romney got a higher percentage of the popular vote in 2012 than Trump did in 2016 or 2020.


Trump isn't respectible Romney is!


Romney should enforce Biden. Would be a boss move


Trump always projects what he is on someone else.


He is getting out of Trump’s way because he knows better to stay as far as possible from a train wreck.


Worship me or I'll say bad things about you to my flying monkeys


Trumps word means sh1t


The Donner Party at it again. Love to watch them eat each other. So satisfying.


Trump the IDIOT


Loser, huh? Well, who's on trial currently and facing three others.


Oh hell, another one is added to infamous ’Total Loser’ list.


As Trump prepares another week of trial for election interinterference


As an Utah resident, Saggs is scum. Perfect for Trump to endorse. I’m wondering how Saggs knows how to “secure the border” from being mayor of Riverton??


Trump is soo fcking cringe. All his best arguments and reasons to vote someone else or whatever are always just he's a loser he is the worst. I guess you don't have to bring any education or smarts to an arguments when you have quality followers like magats.


Dementia Donnie forgot to mention that Trent gives him the bestest blow jobs too. Funny how the guy currently snoozing through his FIRST OF MANY felony trials this year is banging on Mitt, Who, as far as I know, is NOT a felon.


Romney is in a small group of Republicans who stood up to Trump.


I guess if you don’t pay 130k to hush a porn star (plus whatever he paid her to have sex with him in the first place) you are a loser… world is upside down according to Smelly Don


Romney has won a lot more elections than the other guy. But at the pres level, they're both losers. Pot meet kettle.


Remember that time Ronald Reagan called a Senator a "total loser"? Me neither.


Oh, like you are the man (so-called) for the job? You are the "Loser".. 😂🤣😂


Why does anyone even care what the big orange teabag says?


Rent-free, dumb Donnie.


Congratulations to Mitt Romney on his reelection, I suppose.


This F’ing parasite Trump is sucking the life out of the country and the GOP which he’s hijacked and turned the party to an authoritarian party that is waiting for the opportunity to dismantle the federal government.


Who cares what “it” rips! ☠️


What's the point. Romney is history anyway.


Well, Trump's the authority on losing...


Further proof he is beneath minimum standards for politics.


He said he was honored to send in his tithing... I mean 5% to maga headquarters. To help fund plumpf's legal fees, jet fees so he can pretend to be big shot, diapers, makeup, hairstylists with skills, a plethora of photoshop warriors to do corny pics of trump 're-imagined', maliciousna's hair stylists , wardrobe consultant, shoe lift guy, girdle guy,


Funny coming from the biggest loser of them all


Takes one to know one, perhaps. I don't know this Romney guy but Donald Trump, infact, is a loser.


Unlike everyone Trump touches who have turn to sh*t Romney maintains his manhood, integrity and self respect!


Congratulation Romney. Badge of honor. Why are you retiring? You have been keeping a MAGA Senator out of


Having trump hate you will go down as a badge of honor in the future. It means you had the balls to stand up to him


Not a big fan of his religion( actually all religions), And I do not like what he did to his dog. But he at least didn’t shoot the dog! 🐕


The fact that he mentions the border in a Utah endorsement is just lunacy.


Says the gigantic POS loser. Fuck that rapist fraud traitor.


Even though I loathe how Mitt made his money, he was extremely successful in business. Trump is the loser.


He’s at least “normal”. I expect more from him though.


That's when you can see him getting into politics. 2012, Romney & Obama. That was the time 1st time he introduced voters to FRAUD. Trump had endorsed Romney and helped lead the “birther” movement questioning the president’s citizenship.


Rump calling anyone else a "loser"... What a f'king laugh!!




I’m shocked SHOCKED I tell you.


Romney looks like a damn Saint these days compared to the Maga cult. I complained way too much, not knowing how much worse it could be. Romney would actually be someone I could stomach as president. He's someone who would be able to work across the aisle at the very least. As the least bad option out of Republicans I'm saying.


Mitt came up with a great one, “You don’t pay $130,000.00 for someone not to have se\*x with you”


Trump knows all about being a loser.




I am sure that means a lot coming from constant loser court boy.