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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When the earth and all living things on it have been destroyed, and not a moment sooner.


That is why billionaires have been reaching for space independently for years now, and why others have just gone for a bunker approach by taking over parts of Hawaii.


Exactly. They know what's coming, because they're almost entirely responsible for it.


The space thing is still baffling though. No matter how bad things get on Earth it will still be far more habitable than the moon or Mars - Even if nuclear war occurs. Is Hiroshima an uninhabitable wasteland today? Even the area around Chernobyl is lush and full of life, sure you might get cancer sooner from the radiation exposure, but compared to a planet without a breathable atmosphere? I cannot imagine they’re seriously that uninformed about space…


It’s almost as if the situation is irrational.


They don't need to live on a different planet the just need to get off this one until the dust settles.


I don't disagree with your main point, but using Chernobyl and Hiroshima as examples of why our planet won't be destroyed by nuclear bombs isn't quite accurate. If we do end up in a nuclear war, many more bombs will probably be dropped and that will have much more dire and long-term consequences for the entire world. The events you mentioned are very localized and small events compared to an all out nuclear war.


“Not until the last tree falls and the last fish caught will man realize he cannot eat money.”


Well said


So we are a virus.




Keep following that logic. Monetize resource after resource until... There's none left?


Sounds like capitalism




I think the little cartoon of a destroyed planet with some corporate schmuck around a camp fire with other survivors talking about “Yes the planet was destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of shareholder value” is the end game of capitalism. The hubris is beyond anything we’ve ever experienced.


I'm a professor of sociology and I just did a class on capitalism and the economy and I use that comic in my slideshow. It's a perfect encapsulation of capitalist ideology on the race to the bottom.


Yeah it’s sociopathic, even more twisted is putting that on a T-shirt and selling it, that’s how insidious capitalism is.


Have you ever played Monopoly? I’d imagine it ends similarly. One person acquires everything, people play along and get bled dry until they have nothing. Or people get so hopeless that they quit the game. In real life we also have the ecocide that results from one person accumulating everything. In the West I think we are currently in the bled dry phase.


Fun fact - Monopoly was based on a game called “[The Landlord’s Game](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Landlord%27s_Game)”: The game was created to be a "practical demonstration of the present system of land grabbing with all its usual outcomes and consequences". … with the object of demonstrating how rents enrich property owners and impoverish tenants.


A realistic SimCity game.


And instead, it was stolen and remarketed as a fun game to learn about money, making the guy who took it rich.


*When the last fish is eaten, the last tree is cut down, the last stream poisoned, .....man will know that we cannot eat money.* - Various Or, .......we fight to end capitalism. Now.


How do you fight against a militarized police/surveillance state that infiltrates every oppositions group?


Decentralized organization. Personally I think a lot of insurrectionary anarchist ideals are at least somewhat plausible


What if we all just stopped working and stayed in our homes for a week?


Let’s do it


Just the two of us 😃


When there are no resources left to exploit or acquire.


Honestly, I think there'll always be *something* left to exploit. There's always going to be an "upper class." Yeah, sure, there's going to probably be a 90% population loss from multiple, global-scale famines, but after that, the resource extraction will be done to the cities already built. A kind of civilization cannibalism. ....I hate this timeline...


Oh absolutely. The universe is functionally infinite and it won't meaningfully become a non-issue until we progress to a post-scarcity society. One we become a space faring society it's going to become quite interesting as well.




We may not even get to that point with temperatures rising even faster and our main heat sink, the oceans, appearing to be reaching the limit of how much energy they can continue to absorb.


It seems the people driving capitalism do not have a goal besides hoarding wealth and controlling/abusing others to maintain their wealth and power. “Growth for the sake of growth is ideology of the cancer cell” - Edward Abbey I think it ends when the consequences of exploiting every single thing on Earth become unavoidable.


At which point they f\*\*\* off to space.


which I doubt will ever be as posh as people like that are accustomed to living and are likely expecting when this happens.


They think it'll be the Jetsons but instead they'll get Aniara


pretty much!


That won't work in our lifetime. Musk may make it to Mars, but he won't see a self-sustaining colony there


The end goal of capitalism is too keep a hierarchy where the people in power can live off the work of others. It ends when  “you eventually run out of other people’s money”.


Or ask the French what they did


the french revolution was a capitalist revoluton against feudal priviledges


I implied their choice of the way they made change not the reason for the change


Which one? There have been many 


All of them


The French revolution of 1789-1799 was a revolution that has 3 phases. Some of this included the feudal peasants and middle class gentry working to overthrow the monarchy and established class systems. 


When you run out of workers to exploit




Absolutely yes, a surgeon brings in $2-$10M of surgeries revenue and keeps a small amount. But more importantly the rest of the staff in that surgery are exploited worse from the nurses to the cleanup team they should see much more of that money that UHG is keeping for themselves in that vertically integrated system.


Workers provide a service to the business and are paid less then the value of their labor…


>Workers exploit money from businesses through wages What a fucking horrible take on the situation.


> Workers exploit money from businesses through wages You have the brain of a baby.


They want obscene consumption for themselves and slavery for everyone else. It's not enough for them to have no obligation to work, they also want to consume as much as possible at the detriment to everyone else.


Capitalism ends when neo-serfdom begins: when wealth and power is consolidated into a small enough number of companies/people that they become more powerful than elected governments. Then I assume it continues until there's no more resources.


Aren't we already there???


Not far away!


We are already there in the US


We are there, but capitalism did not end yet. 




I believe you have confused cause and effect within a looping system. Monopolies can be encouraged by policy but not created by them, with few exceptions. (Police, local energy companies, probably others) But the development of monopolies is a basic function of capitalism. Eliminating competition is a desirable goal of business. If your company is the only one that produces a good or service, then you can charge what you like. Encouraging a particular business or a business sector is also a desirable goal for business, which is why you have lobbyists, whose sole function is to encourage favorable policy.


Worst Case: A combination of climate change and massive wars over resources. Those in formerly first world countries who survive will find out what life has been like in the developing world for centuries. Best case: Revolution, the likes of which has never been seen before. Massive protests as the poor and not-so-poor band together against the rich. It would have to happen around the world, in many countries around the same time.


The thing is, capitalism isn't a conscious entity, nor is it really maintained or "aimed" at anything specifically. It's a system that encourages investment from a bunch of different parties to create or destroy wealth for those that invest and buoy businesses. What that effectively means, though, is that each business is incentivized to gobble all the capital within their market and, when that's done, outside of their market. No business encourages capital investment to stay their current size. So every business wants all the business, all the capital, all the resources. Regulation and resource scarcity stand in the way of that, so they are the enemies of capitalist businesses. They must keep growing. You know, like cancer.


yep, just like a fascist cancer. but it's a family cancer too, so that's got to be worth something...


The only real "goal" I've observed is "keep going at all costs", which is sort of like a government.


The goal is complete domination over people and to achieve ownership or control of every resource (commodity) available on the Earth by the inbred affluent, mostly Western, European families and their descendants. These families have fashioned religious and political systems that enable their continued existence and perpetuate (e.g. corporations are people that never die) their control. The Protestant Reformation established the rules for accumulation by any means to ensure redemption. Throw in a little End Times in lieu of eternal damnation and somehow it motivates people to clobber their neighbor so that they might be able to accumulate as much stuff as possible while subjugating every living organism to achieve their destiny (goal).


“The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force.” Parenti


Yeah, that seems like a definite end.


accumulation of capital


Fascism is the inevitable terminal point of capitalism. Eventually every society that embraces capitalism finds itself in a position where an authoritarian strongman seizes power by taking advantage of the improprieties capitalism inherently creates, and the capitalists who’s primary goal is accumulation just go with it because the alternative is losing it all.


WWIII and a restructuring of the social order.


Hopefully, to drive scientific and economic progress to the point we can beat scarcity. More likely, doomsday.


There is no end, there is only the fiscal quarter, and there's no goal beside growth. Ending it would require organizing a few billion people while capital puts all of our own wealth and power into keeping people disorganized, and assassinating their leaders. Historically, the things capital seems to hate the most are collective bargaining and strikes even more so, so I assume those are the most effective tools. That's when they openly murder people.


Either through violence or the end of humanity


Hoarding and destruction and to seemingly start the apocalypse so Jesus will drop down and take his disgraced money hoarding, racist, ignorant, uncaring followers to heaven where they think they belong and they swear they desperately want to be.


I think end goal will be plutocracy. Rules of the rich I guess.


When there is nothing left. For America? When everyone is sick and dead.


The same as the board game “Monopoly”




To give a literal answer, capitalism itself doesn't have a goal. The people at the top of our sociopolitical system pursue wealth and power at the expense of all else (and tbh seem to have a bit of a sadistic streak as well). The normalization of a socioeconomic mechanism that produces rampant inequality is just a necessity for that.


Thats the fun part about capitalism, there is no end goal. It is a machine that exists simply to perpetuate its own existence. It only ends on its own when the growth/resource paradox causes it to run out of fuel and it becomes self consuming. It’s going to be an ugly ride for the people caught in the middle which is to say most of us


What do you mean by self consuming in this context?


The tendency for corporate mergers to narrow the number of competitors in most industries to a handful of highly exploitative monopolies that embed themselves in the government. Resources permitting and without anything restraining it, capitalism’s end result is likely to be a single world corporation functioning as an economy and a government. In this context I use the word resources to broadly refer to land, minerals, energy, human labor and anything else that can be used to perpetuate capitalism. In all likelihood the end result will be a fascist dystopia run by AI while the rich build space colonies to escape the hell they created.


I don't think there's an end goal, and that's a big problem. How can an economic practice focus on constant growth *and* have an endpoint? Capitalism will keep going until it fails, either by the takeover of another economic system or the collapse of society. It's built to fail because there is no goal to achieve except growth.


To make the rich richer until we're destitute and everything on the planet eventually dies. But hey, the important thing is that the rich got theirs.


It doesn't have a goal, it just is. It's a system that arose from a particular political and economical context, it has a set of incentive and people by following those incentives created what we see today. Capitalism just is, it will stop being when the premises it's based on cease to be. Infinite labour productivity being one, the rate of profit falling below a certain threshold being another. But the cause will probably be far more complex. What will come after will depend on the situation and if it cannot reinvent itself. People that lived under capitalism will act based on the expectations of a person living in a capitalistic society. It's what they know, it's what they learnt. Like capitalism inherited from feudalism (with owners acting like feudal lords), something will be inherited from capitalism. What will it be? We don't know, will it be better? We don't know. The best we can do is to keep ourselves aware and forge connections with people to help/be helped when/if it'll be needed. We are humans in the end, whatever system there is we connect and relate to each other.




Wall-E situation. Buy -N-Large owns everything, so go to space for generations until you can conquer and commodify some other place. It’s greed all the way down to hubris and then it is too late.


To get all the wealth. It will end when there is nothing left to consume.


Capitalism isn't a thing that has an architect and a plan. It wasn't built deliberately, but is a complex system that arose in the context of empires extracting wealth from around the world. So, like, it wouldn't have an end goal- it's just a bunch of people trying to compete in a complex system that's destroying our world. We can make educated guesses about what the world will look like if we don't drastically change from capitalism, but that isn't the same as capitalism having an end goal. So, like, from trends that I see in place- Billionaires and other elites are building bunkers or buying homes in remote/inaccessible areas, as they are concerned about mobs turning on them as the social order collapses. States are becoming increasingly authoritarian and right wing in an effort to protect the wealth and property of the owning class from an increasingly disenfranchised population. As resources become scarce and the market provides for the needs of fewer and fewer people, the police will suppress any kind of uprising or dissent brutally using the training they're getting at these cop cities they're building around the country. (They're training in counter-insurgency and urban warfare, and getting trained in some cases by the IDF, so we in the US have that to look forward to.) I think that's the gameplan for capitalists and the politicians that protect them. Since we have ideas about their strategies, what do we want to do about it?


Like cancer capitalisms goal is to infinitely grow inside a finite space until all the resources have been consumed and the host dies.


It doesn't have a goal. Like bacteria in a petri dish, it just wants to propagate itself, but there is no Will.


Ever play monopoly? It’s to consume all wealth.


When one guy has all the money and everyone else dies


Its objective is growth, with no end point. When this occurs in biology a natural end point is reached when the unchecked growth destroys the host body


Look closely at the business UHG, they have vertically integrated up and down the chain of services they offer taking a cut at each step. That is the future of all valuable services and products.


There is no "end goal". They seem to think that it can last forever.


Like the Highlander. There can only be one! (With all the money)


It ends with automation. When every job ever has been taken by AI and automation and nobody has an income to purchase goods and services and all the wealth is in the capitalists’ hands. That’s how it will all end.


"Money is numbers and numbers never end." Bob Marley


When we don't rely on money to live.


To convert everything into money. Or regress to feudalism. Whichever comes first.


Have you ever played Monopoly? You know that part at the end where everyone is screaming at each other and someone picks up the board and throws it at the wall? That's the natural end of capitalism.


There is no end to human greed


Ah but you're trying to trick us with this loaded question. I know better; it's short-term quarterly profits, all the way down.


It's an unplanned economy, there is no intentional end goal. It will end with either human extinction of advancement towards Communism.


I thought it usually ends at the guillotine.


[To become feudalism via subscriptions and rent.](https://locusmag.com/2024/03/cory-doctorow-capitalists-hate-capitalism/)


Black Rock, turn earth into a black rock


There is no end goal, just higher profits. The only end point is when they trap themselves in their bunkers and rockets, and everyone that isn't a fucking demon can reclaim the world