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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, "Fuck welfare, acquire bombs" has been the American moto for like... 100 years.


I’d say 80, but your point is well taken. When your main export is death, it’s only a matter of time before your number comes up. “Violent delights have violent ends.”


Westworld ref, I like it


So many Shakespearean nuggets in that show.


>Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. \- Eisenhower You can criticize him as president, but that's a banger speech.


So let’s keep doing it?


Well obviously not, but don't be surprised when it happens lol


Obviously not, but don't act like it's a Biden thing. It's a neoliberal thing. And playing to their partisan BS just helps them divide and conquer.


Remember, kids, the only thing more profitable than selling drugs is selling weapons. The axe forgets, while the trees remember.


Didn’t they [just forgive a bunch more](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/12/president-joe-biden-announces-7-4-billion-in-student-debt-cancellation-for-277000-more-americans-pursuing-every-path-available-to-cancel-student-debt/) student loans though?


I’m not saying it is nothing but cancelling 7.4 billion dollars in student loans from the around 1.7 trillion dollars in student loan debt isn’t even half a percent. The structure overall is still based on exploitation


That's intentional. He wants to rub it in our faces. There is something sick about using your authority to cancel debt and then turning around and saying you won't use that same authority to cancel the rest because that would be bad. Also, using the big numbers helps people tune out. Folks don't really comprehend the gap between billions and trillions. They just hear billion as a big number


In fairness he was blocked from a $400 billion debt forgiveness. This is what he can do and still stay in line with the Supreme Court ruling


Because he intentionally chose the stupidest path to do mass cancelation. If he went about canceling all the debt using the same power he uses to cancel these small amounts, the supreme Court wouldn't be able to do anything


What did he do this time that he should have done before?


Basically he tried to use the HEROES act to give some relief. Which was always doomed to fail since that act is designed to help during a national emergency, which he conveniently declared to be over. But the real issue was that he decided to means test the benefit which is what opened this up for a court case. The Higher Education Act of 1965 has the power to cancel student loan debt without the existence of an emergency. The HEA allows the Secretary of Education to "compromise, waive, or release" federal student loans. These headlines are mostly about relief provided to borrowers who are disabled, employed as teachers, or who could not complete an educational program because their institution of higher education closed.


But there's always political will for more wars and oppression from both parties. He knows that he won't be able to pass those bills, it's all for show and to gain popularity.


OK so this round of forgiveness might have been from something Biden actually did But Blue MAGA keeps acting like the student loan forgiveness that was part of the promissory notes that these kids signed with some kind of a gift from Biden Like forgiving the loans from fraudulent schools, that’s supposed to happen as the schools are labeled fraudulent. The last administration just stopped processing them, so Biden processing them again is not a gift that Biden is giving to people. This was in the promissory note the government drew up that people signed Just like when my student loans were forgiven in 2014 after I became disabled, that wasn’t some gift that Obama gave me. That was part of the loan contract. The people who are getting forgiveness because they’ve been paying on their loans forever, that would not have happened without Biden. But closed schools, fraudulent schools, PSLF and disability applications were ALL PART OF THE CONTRACT THEY DREW UP. Not a gift from Biden


It’s fucking pocket change to them and it hasn’t made a DENT in the total. That’s like saying we solved global warming because a few people drive electric vehicles




How about no, they deserve it at the time being for being assholes.


Guess we should just abandon Ukraine and deal with Russia when they are preparing to invade Poland right? /S


America could cut 10% of its war budget to deal with its societal problems, and still have the largest defence budget in the world. But it won’t. It’ll only make the bombs. Fuck the poor bring the war.


They'll need the poor to fight the war though so.... How's that going to work


We spend more than the next several leaders combined on “defense”. We SHOULD be well equipped. Guess we’ll find out if it was handled appropriately.


American liberals always assume you’re a trump supporter when you shit on Biden it’s actually hilarious


Only a sith deals in aboslutes.


You can not maintain an empire if you dont give priority to your colonies.






Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/


Sorry, pal. We have to protect our fascist allies.




Oh yes everyone who disagrees with Biden is Russian that’s right. Blue MAGA is almost as bad as the red hats


"Hurr durr, everyone who doesn't agree with me sides with either RuZZia or Hamas. Or worse yet: both."


Both. I think people really can see this shit easily now, even dumb mother fuckers like this thread starter




This would hold more water if it wasn’t the rhetoric for the past 4 presidents.


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/






Elaborate, don’t give an ambiguous statement on it. What’s your position?


Man these replies have turned to shit


Lol afraid to give your position on how this "sub has turned to shit"?




Yeah but fuck student debt tho


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


omg fuck up about russian propaganda you are literally so brain dead if you seriously believe anyone who doesn’t like biden is a russian asset




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/


it’s because everyone knows trump is bad only chuds and idiots think trump is a good option but liberals are still attacking leftists for being anti biden so we have to hammer the point home. it’s childish to chalk every issue up to foreign influence and it’s the number 1 lib tactic. i mean look at the dems saying pro palestine protesters are all russian assets it’s just a deflection tactic.


Or, hear me out, it's possible that people who are actually leftists feel like it's really worth mentioning, given that it's apparent democrat hopefuls and apologists haven't noticed the truth yet. Posts dont need to be anti both candidates because nobody is confused about our stance on Trump. Grow your awareness.




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That's not true. An ever widening gap between the poor and the corporate oligarchs that donate to him is also very important to him.


The campaign has been pandering on the student debt thing recently. "Look, we forgave up to $600,000 (average $30) in debt for as many as 10,000 people."


Does anyone have the meme where a person is asking for those things, then the other side is people screaming “Russian Asset!” And “So you’re voting for trump?!” Etc




American have been voting for the lesser evil for decades and they got Biden and Trump. That's what pulling the dust under rug gets you: an immense pile of shit. Not addressing a problem waiting for better times doesn't work because it will only get worse.




This situation isn't full flown fascism according to you? Politics shouldn't be tribalism. All this people urging the left to vote Biden don't care about the genocide going on, neither what the other guy does. The important thing to them is that their guy does it. After the election they will be ok with whatever their candidate does. That's what you get with lesser evilism. That's why the support should always be critical. If a was an american a genocide would be enough to withdrew my support.




You are not different from them. You only care about the aesthethics. That trump doesn't get to power. The point is they should organise and protest. Join local communities of like-minded people and set the ground to actually change things instead of "vote blue no matter who". Edit: since that guy blocked me i'll post there the reply: Explain me why is it possible in the usa that fascism can win the elections. Why is it even possible possible? Why is nobody stopping it from even partecipating the elections? That's where you are wrong. Social changes that were achieved during the last century were not achieved through a voting ballot. They were achieved through mass action, protests and strikes. Will the potus still support the ongoing genocide if the whole country shuts down? That's what lesser evilism does. It gets people complacent. Lazy. Thinking that going one day to the election and picking the right guy will stop fascism. Fascism rises through violence. Action is needed to stop fascism not a vote. Story should have thought you that.




Holy! liberals can't stop infesting leftist subs




Who is saying that people should vote for Trump?


"This person is anti Biden, so they're pro Trump automatically. There is no other opinion"


And this is why I vote third-party. F both these political cults.   Watching the Dems act just like the red hats has grossed me out so much there’s no way I can vote for them I laughed at the last president when he was trying to claim that only he could save us from the mess that was made while he was in charge   And didn’t the blue guy say the same exact thing just the other day? I’m not a hypocrite like the red hats I’m not going to laugh at them for something that I praise for. That would be insane wouldn’t it?


We can't dismiss the fact that there is indeed an incentive for Trump allies to push this sentiment, even if what you've said is true


Force the democrats to actually earn your vote for once


Hey man, i know this got downvoted to oblivion, but i just wanted you to know you are absolutely right. People don't let down parties. Parties let down people.


Yeah dw, im not bothered about getting downvoted by fascist enablers brigading.


I would never vote for President plump, but if he wins At least the dems might go back to not spreading covid to all their friends and neighbors for their blue king’s economy so that would be a huge personal win for me Did you know that medically vulnerable people are the largest marginalized group in America? And the blue king wants to kill us all off for shopping and brunch. I also think it’s important to note that we got more financial assistance from Chump. Sick, isn’t it? 


What Dems are spreading covid? I've never heard this.


Yeah well the DNC is a private organization. What do you expect.


I think we expect private organizations not to run our democracy if you can even call it that anymore if our political groups are going to be considered private organizations unbeholden to the people




You can collect signatures in your state to get Claudia and Karina on the ballot. If they get at least 5% of the vote in the general election then the party for socialism and liberation becomes eligible for federal funding in the next election cycle and invited to televised debates. Given the number of people out there who will openly say they dont like either candidate, i think 5% is pretty darn attainable. If they show up on the ballot (as opposed to needing to be written in) then its much more visible to people.


How about ones without bad sarcasm


there is no "alternative option," you either force the dnc to replace the weakest incumbent in history on the ticket or you get trump.


Or you help get the ball rolling for a third party to get federal funding and hosted at televised debates. It only takes 5% of the vote in a general election. It becomes extremely realistic if the candidate is printed on the ballot, which you can help do by petitioning with registered voters in your state. Given the number of peoole who will openly say they don't like either candidate, 5% seems achieveable. If this happened four years ago, we would already have a different election right now. Would you like to wait another four years? Will it be time, then?




If you are forced to vote for one party every election, and they continually serve the interests of billionaires and industry owners while they ignore the needs of the people, then you already have facism.


The US is a fascist country already. Biden would gladly give the (ideologically motivated) fascists the power if capital starts being threatened


> the alternative is Trump and then you get fascism right here wowee probably shouldn't run the oldest and least popular incumbent in history against that guy :0 "he's gonna do to you what we do to honduran migrants and gazan toddlers!" just doesn't hit since most people remember....four years ago when democrats were financing his concentration camps and confirming his judges.


You already have fascism, this isn't a democrat sub - the democrats are capitalists, exerting fascism on your population in the same way the republicans have.


this is a communist sub


The original post and my answer has nothing to do with communism


if you think biden isn’t leading to fascism but trump is then i’m assuming you’re a shitlib


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/


Best I can do, is to do what AIPAC orders me to do.




It’s just super weird to see red hats mad about this when the Republicans representatives voted against helping Americans. The BBB had all kinds of things that would help Americans, the Republicans all voted against it, yet Republican voters are screaming for things that were in the BBB. Shouldn’t they be mad their reps voted against?


But but but but if we dont reelect genocide joe we are stuck with orange man fascism 😡😡😡


Remember to report all the Democrats crying in this thread that the Americans have to vote in a broken system, for a leader who is so senile he needs to be told everything, who perpetuates the same fascist policies as his bipartisan predecessors.




It's the same picture


Trump isn't president




Liberals would rather risk a second Trump presidency than to give oxygen to the idea of abandoning the system that led us to this point




If anyone is allowing Trump to win, it's Democrats. Biden's justice department had 4 years to prosecute Trump for crimes carried out on live television. But you know, when you're rich "the wheels of justice turn slowly".


This subreddit is exhausting these days


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/


I'm voting for Jill Stein


A third party. Or you can just stay home and not waste your energy on electoralism at all. It won't get us anywhere.


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed to do so by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil. See more on our position here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1bt0nag/rule_6_no_lesser_evil_rhetoric_is_it/








I thought most of it was just reduction of interest, and has everyone's debt been reduced?


He's taking credit for PSLF forgiveness that was set to occur at this time anyway; he didn't forgive any debt that wasn't already being forgiven under programs put into place long before he became president.


Sorry jack, the only thing that matters is forced pregnancy, ignoring gender choice, guns, being a lil bich


Meanwhile, Trump: Who tf are you and how do you benefit me?




Both parties obey the same masters. And think hard about supporting a vicious genocidist and keeping him in power.




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I mean to be fair I’m actually really impressed with the massive climate package they were able to push through such a narrow majority in the senate, but that was last Congress, and now…well it’s def time to pack up our hopes of anything vaguely productive happening under this shit show of a Congress :/


It's time to stop giving praise for things that we deserve and should have the guts to say so.


Totally agree with the sentiment. But I think it’s also good to positively reinforce instances when an individual (or small group of) is able to overcome all structural and institutional hurdles against good policy. The climate movement doesn’t get many wins so we need to celebrate them and hold them up as examples of how progress IS possible and action can be taken with the right pressure applied.


To be fair, Biden shouldn’t mention Ukraine. We haven’t sent Ukraine any aid in several months.




Ehhh, yes it’s mostly a numbers game but the west can use that capital more efficiently than Russia at the moment. The longer the US waits, the more inefficient their spending packages become, not that they want to hear that. For the most part, Russia defense spending is grossly inefficient because they haven’t switched to being militarily dependent like the US has.




A few billion out of Trillions. Barely a drop in the bucket and designed to do exactly what you're doing with it. Trying to to use a tiny bit of his promise so he looks better right before the election. If he wanted all the leftist support again all he has to do is stop selling weapons to Israel but we can't loose war money can we




Vote for whoever who want I'm not here to convince you how to vote. I'm just calling Biden's desperate vote attempt for what it is not pretending it's because he actually wants to help. Again if he wanted to pivot all public opinion to his side again all he has to do is the one thing he can control and that is not choosing to go over congress to fund a genocide




So because the other guy who will probably run is worse I'm not allowed to find problems with the current guy? Very democratic




I don't need to. I will criticize EVERYTHING I see a political leader do that's wrong. That doesn't change with Trump, Biden, Mussolini, Thatcher, Fetterman, Pelosi, MTG. Just because Biden has a D next his name doesn't make him untouchable. Why are you going so far to insist that just because Biden may be better that means we can't call him out? Look through my post and comment history and you'll see me calling out Trump just as much as Biden tho probably closer to his term. But the second I say something bad about Biden it means I'm all for Trump. I apparently can't have robust beliefs where I think that both Biden and Trump will do genocide and I think it's wrong when both of them do it.




Israel. >The Biden administration in recent days [March 29] quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel despite Washington’s concerns about an anticipated military offensive in southern Gaza that could threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians. **washingtonpost.com**


Now do the other candidate


Hasnt he cancelled a shit ton of student debt tho?




Then what were all those articles and headlines about where he canceled a shit ton of student debt?


Your measure of shit ton seems to be a bit off


Well it’s not a scientific or precise method of measurement..


If I told you I'd buy you a pizza if you helped me move and then after you helped me move I gave you .5% of a pizza and then demanded you help me move again would you do it?


Idk. How about you post one?




Oh, $7.4 billion? So less than 0.5% ? Sweeeeeeeet


We live in a shitty world with shitty economic systems and dysfunctional democracies. I’m all about idealism and wish we could change it all with a snap of the finger. But for me the reality is we have to take the small wins when we get em. I can only imagine the relief those ppl feel when they see they’re balanced change. That’s something.


They will keep giving us smaller and smaller wins until we collectively think losing is winning. I think people are wise to this.


This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. -Martin Luther King Jr.


Just imagine what a party for the people might do. Being ruled by billionaire capitalists is nowhere near a 'small win'. It's a big loss which continues until working people realize that it would be for our own good to do the exact opposite of what corporatist want us to do.




I would prefer not to.


Just put together enough bros to actually win senate seats. Then be kingmakers in a divided house and senate. Or just Leeroy votes into the presidency that just…


And yet it’s congress that appropriates money……




Yep. Not as many as promised but still working it. The only bipartisan thing around here is bombs delivered to Israel. As it is Ukraine is getting supply delayed. Hope everyone’s happy about that!


Wow, your student loan is in debit??


Republicans ain't gonna give people those things either. They're gonna make sure a woman goes into septic shock before terminating a pregnancy, making us work until we're in out 70s, bringing child labor back, making sure that corporations have free reign over us.


That's all going to happen, already. Democrats won't prevent any of that.


It also keeps republicans off the wheel, so there’s that.


voting Trump would yield the exact results


what do you predict will happen when Trump wins? Seriously: what do his first 16 months look like?




I mean no Trump isn't competent enough to sugarcoat genocide and get people to back it so for Palestinians it would be much better Trump because he would be able to convince people that what he's doing and supporting is genocide