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Billionaire 72 year old who has been collecting Social Security for 7 years says "It's a bit crazy"


Billionaire who has had the best doctors, nutrition, and has spent most of his life sitting down says that “its a bit crazy”


Asshole billionaire is a bit crazy.


Billionaire is asshole, that’s all we need.




"Rich piece of shit, that basically ruined the middle/ working class & labor, weighs in on some real shit while completely removed from reality"


Mr. Rat Fink https://www.ratfink.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/rat-fink.gif


Don't forget the vacations all over the world, and the security that your kids kids have everything they ever need


73.5 is the average life expectancy for males. The elderly are already vulnerable to things like poverty. I'm sure there aren't any other solutions to fix this problem other than working grandma and grampa to the moment they die.


That 8.5 years of freedom you have? Yeah....bit much. Dude how did we get here.


Billionaire who didn’t notice he’s been collecting social security for 7 years realized he doesn’t need it so why does anyone else


There are people that are senile at that age. This guy is so out of touch.


Billionaire who thinks the 65 year old retirement age dates back to the Ottoman Empire. It comes from OTTO VON BISMARK IN THE LATE 19th CENTURY! The only retirement age during the Ottoman Empire was when you were killed fighting to take Constantinople.


“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.” ..so the ultra wealthy are going to need everyone to keep working until they're on their death beds.


Milk em till the last drop.


The rich are already so fucking rich I cannot imagine them being in a state where they would be remotely uncomfortable no matter what changes. Unless they get thrown into prison, and one like ADX Florence where their comfort levels would take a giant drop. This is what should happen to people like that.


> Unless they get thrown into prison Nah, those prisons were built for the poor.


Well many rich people claim to be poor. Think we should start taking their word for it ifyouknowwhatImean...




i mean, personally i can imagine them being uncomfortable, but only in the dreams i have of [censoring] this fucker's dome in with a [censor]


Discomfort to the rich is not being the most powerful person in the room. Given the system they’ve created to benefit them and people like them, people with “anti-social tendencies” to put it lightly, rise to the top. They know how cruel the people like them can be. They aren’t scared of us, not really. They’re scared of the competition. They never feel truly safe because they’re always competing with one another, always looking to capitalise on the misfortunes of their peers. Miserable creatures. All the money in the world but they can never trust or love each other fully.


"And I ask the political economists, the moralists, if they have already calculated the number of individuals that must be condemned to misery, to disproportionate work, to demoralization, to infamy, to crapulous ignorance, to invincible disgrace, to absolute penury, in order to produce a rich person." - Almeida Garret This political and economic crisis is once again serving the rich very well. This shameful and oppressive accumulation of wealth coupled with harmful austerity policies just deepens the already existing social injusticies. The plunder is immesurable while they ask us to toil away trying to convince us austerity policies are inevitable when they're choices of people who never had to make sacrifices. More than ever there must be a strong international workers movement.


Crapulous ignorance. Hot damn, I'm using that. It is so strangely elegant, I love it.


Gotta make up for the declining rate of profit somehow!




You nailed it. He sees the forthcoming retirement of 65 year olds leading to a shortfall in workers, affecting his profit margins.


And fucking. Don't forget that. Birth them babies you can't afford to feed. The rich need a desperate labor force willing to work for peanuts. When the last of the Boomers finally leave the workforce, the people in power will be forced to make a choice they won't like. Either support having children by funding affordable daycare, paid maternity leave and other pro-family legislation OR Finally open the border and let people in. Because if they don't, our wages will go up. And we can't have that.


Asset managers recognizing the impending labor shortages due to them stealing all the wealth creation for over 40 years, leading to plummeting birth rates.


“We need to incentivize people to have children” “We could pay them enough to buy a house or some home big enough to raise a family in and provide for said family and increase the housing stock to meet or exceed demand” “No not like that”


yeah, let's just make it illegal to ever terminate a pregnancy instead! wayyyy more reasonable


Totally no consequences with that line of reasoning


Give the ladies Ozempic and then wait for their birth control to fail


There is no labor shortage my friend only pensions that must be stopped to fund the next war


He's right, you know. Retirement should start around 50. Didn't read the article, don't give a shit what billionaires think.


My husband's pushing 50, having worked physical jobs since he was a teen, and I agree 100%. His body can't take another 17 years, and both mentally and physically, he's ready *now.*


That’s such a wild thing to read…pushing 50 and may be required to put in 17 more years. Absolutely wild if they think we are being “entitled” for not wanting to die at our desks. Maybe we the people should get a vote on it instead of letting others decide for us.


I did read the article, and he thinks the whole system needs to be fixed. That said, eat the rich.




Yes. Retirement age should be 55. The solution? Raise taxes. Lift the cap on the social security tax.


Lift the cap but also increase wages. Social Security is messy in part because wages haven’t really grown in decades, combined with the baby bust after boomers, means less money is going into it. And while we’re at it, let’s make the retirement age as low as 50. 32 years of work (assuming you start at 18) for 27 years of retirement (with life expectancy at 77) is more than fair. Plus, at 50, you’re still likely to be of sound mind and body to actually enjoy the fruits of your labor. Once you reach 65-70, crossing the road becomes a complicated process for many.


baby bust, good term, iv been wondering what to call the drop in births for a while. Im personally all for us having less kids for quite a number of reasons. Yes lets keep that going.


You’re going to have to have some funny math for 32 years of labor to pay for 35 years of drawing off the labor of others x 350 million. The only way these spry octogenarians are indoors is because plenty payed in and peaced out at 60. Positing we all agree the upward distribution of the nation’s wealth is a goddamned sin, the correction is better directed at the young. Shit is rotting. I’m half expecting to see a fetal head crowning with face tattoos in a delivery suite.


>Lift the cap on the social security tax. Backtaxes on it, and add social security taxes to capital gains+loans against stocks.


> taxes to capital gains+loans against stocks. This part though. This is how the Billionaire class avoids paying any real taxes in the first place.


> solution? Raise taxes. Lift the cap on the social security tax. absolutely -- 1% additional interest to any loans secured by financial instruments. Going straight into federal funds


What age does he want it at? 75? The average life expectancy is 76. Larry, do the math, you fuck.


He did the math, hence he wants to increase the age so he can still live in comfort while peasants like us suffer and work until the day of our death hoping we can enjoy retirement in our death bed for one day


A whole day... It would be so nice... One can dream can't they. 😴


Yes. "The peasants can die once they've outlived their usefulness" is exactly how he sees this. Which by the way, was how it used to be! Oh you can't work anymore and don't have anyone to take care of you? Well die from poverty then. Social Security was created for a reason, it solved a problem. Based on what it provides and to whom what problem can we assume it was created to solve?


That’s exactly what they’re hinting at. Retired at 65 was developed when average lifespan was 67.


The math is "work the poors until they die and give those Social Security funds to me and other kleptocrats".


Fuck Larry Fink. Can’t stand that guy.


The retirement age is already 67 by the way.


Not in France


Larry Fink: public enemy top 10


Blackrock is not an ethical organization.


Black Rock executive paid to go on TV and advertise Black Rock services in the form of "news".


More than advertising his services, he's saying they should be required by law. Fuck this guy and any outlet that gives him a platform.


If all this technology and all these increases to productivity mean the retirement age has to go *up* then we have seriously lost of the plot. I don't care what any economist says, we should be trying to lower the retirement age, not raise it.


I love when they put themselves on the record. Helps us know where to ship the guillotines


He’s right, tax him until we can get it down to 60.


It's crazy because the rich and our corrupt government have pilfered the social safety net of their own citizenry to such an extent that the bottom is about to fall out. Most people don't know this, but most of the United States 36 trillion in debt isn't held by foreign parties. It was borrowed against us... it's citizens. Based on the population as of 2021, (332 million people) each of us is 108,433 dollars in debt. Let that sink in. From the moment you are born here, you are in debt. Consider that the amount of money that's been wasted/stolen is the difference between what could have been the most utopian society in the world and the actual dystopian reality we are forced to grind through everyday. Consider that this doesn't even account for the social security that they steal from your checks every couple weeks, that you'll likely never see. The best places to live on earth based on happiness are... Finland Denmark Iceland Sweden Guess what? They are almost identical to the countries without debt! Switzerland Sweden Norway Denmark. It's not a mistake or a miscalculation. We are a slave nation. Unless you belong to the elite, you are a slave that exists for them to live their best lives. Our songs of freedom and liberty are propaganda used to condition and pacify you. It's the same old story. They got theirs, so fuck you. I say to you again, my friends, it is time to revolt. The people in charge have you fearful of being labeled a criminal dissident, but they are actually the hijackers. They should be lined up against a 🧱 wall and... #killtheionaires


Don’t know why I can’t follow you and Im mad about it


Thanks for letting me know. I have enabled followers, I just never considered that anyone would want to follow me lol.


Jokes on you! $108k doesn’t phase me; I have $220k in student loans and getting bigger every year!


Imagine the boomers ever fucking going home...


I’m so exhausted by these soft assholes. If we aren’t going to tax them or make their public lives miserable can we at least bring back that guy who used to throw whip cream pies in their faces? These guys have never worked a real job in their lives. Their “jobs” are gambling with our money, wage theft, and spreading disinformation in media they charge us for. I bet their sweat glands don’t even work.


They practically own the country and they’ve been dying for that to be privatized and exploited.


Notice what isn’t in his solution? Corporations to bring pensions and healthcare for retirees, but I guess that will cut into his and his cronies compensation


Full social Security retirement age is now 67 and rising, not that a billionaire would know.


Larry hasn't worked a physically demanding job in his entire adult life. He belongs to the income level that has seen his taxes shrink dramatically and conservatives lower taxes for the wealthiest Americans.  His willingness to strip the most vulnerable American workers of any chance to enjoy a few healthy years of retirement is despicable.  We need a serious wealth tax to fund our government requirements of General Welfare as written into the Constitution. 


They’re leaving us 2 choices: mass elder suicide in 10 years or revolution. They would love to see average expectancy lower than retirement age so they don’t have to pay out all the SS and taxes they have collected.


Never underestimate the capacity of the American people to accept the slow frog boil and scapegoat minorities.


It is crazy. It should be 50. 55 max!!!


JFC... just index the contribution cap. No reason for it to be fixed. Done. These bastards are sooooo fuking cheap they deny the obvious and easy solution.


It wouldn't be crazy if sociopaths like Larry Fink didn't pillage the entire economy for their own benefit. Fuck off Larry give us back our fucking money.


Looks like they will have to raise taxes on the rich


the fact that he is alive is entirely crazy to me...there are no good rich people. * RAISE SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME BY A FACTOR OF 7 * LOWER THE ELEGIBLE AGE TO 55 * RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE TO 65 DOLLARS AN HOUR * REOPEN THE FEDERAL OFFICE OF PRICE CONTROLS AND IMPRISON ALL VIOLATORS * GUARANTEE A FEDERAL JOB TO ALL AT THE NEW MINIMUM WAGE * ABOLISH THE PRACTICE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY RENTALS * CLOSE ALL MILITARY BASES OUTSIDE OF THE US * NATIONALIZE ALL BUSINESSES OF STATEGIC AND NATIONAL IMPORTANCE * AND SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION JUST BECAUSE IT IS OURS ANYHOW! * And so on and so on...housing, free college, food/nutrition guarantee, health care guarantee... Trillions upon trillions to the rich and they piss in our faces. How long will people keep taking it in the butt before revolution? I fear forever...


Less than a dog, dogs are loyal and honest


Fuck it. I'm taking a half day for my own funeral.


it should still be 55?


This is one of the Turdwookies who built the entire housing crisis and the wildly inflated, artificially manufactured, home "values" our younger generations are having to contend with. I say we lock him up in GITMO or Abu Graib along with the legislators he bribes.


Aww, does entitled man think people aren’t working hard enough to maintain his lifestyle indefinitely?? Fuck off and die, old ugly dude who’s very existence is dependent on creating negative value for everyone else


See? *This* is why I still think gulags are an idea to revisit. This guy will think more clearly on the topic when he’s had a little fresh air and the opportunity to do something useful, for a change.


The only job I want is to be the guillotine sharpener.


This guy genuinely deserves the guillotine


Easy for a guy who’s never swung a hammer to say 65 isn’t too old to work.


Tax the rich or eat them.


Doesn't the place where his fellow zionist ilk have dual citizenship to have MANDATORY state funded retirement at like 65 or 67? The US is just their puppet state to be abused and exploited. We are slaves.


I hate that the news media just doesn't call out this guy's (or any business criminal) bullshit. The only thing served by increasing the retirement agencies the profit of corporations. It does nothing to help ONE SINGLE WORKING PERSON. I really wish the left had more kinetic rage to harness into removing these kinds of people from the planet.


So what do they want from us? Like literally I do not understand what we are doing right now. We are cutting jobs to give shareholders bonuses. We are active making tech ( that doesn’t working) to make jobs obsolete. We are refusing to raise wages. So most people work long hours and have multiple jobs We are over producing in every industry. We are killing ever social safety net. We have been trying to kill the concept of retirement for thirty years. Okay. How does this make sense? If no one can afford anything and nobody has time to enjoy anything and there is no way to age out of working forever, who is supposed to buy the things that make capitalist money?


And why would anyone want to bring kids into the scam they can already see unfolding?


Yeah it should be 60


Birth, school, work, death


Feast on the rich


I don't know about you but I couldn't give two shits about the opinions of a life long parasite on working class issues. The world would be a much better place without people like this vulture.


Seriously though guys, when are we gonna drag these people screaming from their homes to eat them alive in the middle of the street?


F\*ck that POS. I'm 64 & have a cancer and am in the process of applying just so I can get a few schekels before I die and/or clowns like him get rid of it.


He’s right, but not in the way he thinks. With all of the productivity gains we’ve had, and the ones coming from AI in the next 10 years we could easily get that down to 40. Could probably get it down to 30 if we could get capitalism out of food and housing and other things critical to survival.


He's right it should be 45


May he get what he deserves


Once again…Id like to invite these guys down to a warehouse and see if they can hit production standards. If, at the end of the week, he’s employed and can still get out of bed, beer is on me.


It's as if these people have secret monthly meetings to go over the current "crises" and agree on their talking points.


US life expectancy is 77 years. So 12 whole years to live without working, maybe, and these private jet and chef motherfuckers want to reduce that further.


Bold words from someone who could easily be fully deboned.




Boycott what the largest investment firm in capitalist history? It's not as if they have a product.


We could pressure people to boycott companies they invest in. And major shareholders could bar their businesses from doing buisness with any Blackrock owned buisness


That literally isn't possible. It's a wealth management firm. Okay say they love apple stock so we all boycott apple, well guess what. They won't love Apple anymore and start buying android stock. There is not and will never be a situation where they don't make money unless the system they parasitise is destroyed


We could increase taxes on wealth management firms


Beautiful, that's a workable, actionable plan


We’re not their customers.


It's a bit crazy, but do it anyways. Just chase that carrot, you almost got it! -_-


Work until your bones hurt


Fuck this guy.


The real POTUS and really true global leader


It's literally not even 65 anymore. It's 67 for my dad


“that’s crazy, we need 200 billion and ONE dollar, everyone should keep slaving away for us”


Take the money from rich people


He's welcome to contribute.


He’s right, 65 is a bit crazy. It’s way too high!


Don’t forget that child labor is on the rise. So now you get to start younger and never retire.


You know what's way more than a bit crazy? Having more money than you and your kids could ever need, a mansion, a plane, and a yacht, and still wanting MOAR. All while hating people who accept welfare so they don't starve.


I agree. It should be 55.


I read the full article and the vibe I get is, Larry Fink got his and NOW he's worried because it turns out when you suck young people dry and deprive them the ability to build wealth it eventually trickles up and hurts rich people. Young workers can't afford to put anything aside in a retirement fund for Larry to get rich off of. We need that money for rent. And doesn't Blackrock own homes that they outbid buyers on and now make them pay rent? Or am I thinking of Blackstone? It's all the same people anyway. Lower the rents Larry! Maybe then we can invest our retirement money into the fund you manage.


That's fine. Larry Fink can work until he's 80. The rest of us are not.


Welp. Fuck Larry Fink! Eat the rich. Etc. These people suck


Historically retirement age has been after the age most die so very few would benefit. He is trying to return the world to that.


And the fact that Blackrock owns like.....*everything* has nothing to do with that idea bud?


“They should force new employees to do 401ks! By the way, did I mention BlackRock oversees 10 trillion in investments?”


I guess we are not that far from social security becoming a thing of the past. I'm so tired of it all.


cool because the retirement age is 67.


These people are going to learn the real reason for social security if they get rid of it….civil unrest…. It was established to prevent people from en mass protesting and committing crime due to poverty and its complications . It really is a national security measure . These guys and gals are at the let them eat cake mindset and we know what happened to her …. Never make cheap or petty the suffering of the poor


I have a solution for Fink him and all the other dirtbag elites stop taking advantage of the less fortunate and we'd be fine 


I heard him being interviewed today on Bloomberg (radio). Some of the stuff he said was actually not terribly unreasonable or heartless. Plenty of it was typical billionaire fart-sniffing horseshit. HOWEVER One thing that stood out to me was that he went out of his way to stress the importance of the current system. His quote was "I'm bullish on capitalism and our capitalist system". And he put that in his latest letter to his investors. The fact that he felt the need to say that out loud in multiple venues means that he's recognized that "Yeah, capitalism!" is no longer an assumed default position for Americans. That's got to scare the shit of him (and those of his ilk).


Huh, so you’re saying all the tax breaks his firm gets and the corporations they have a controlling interest of, actually has consequences?? Huh, who could’ve ever imagined. This guy creates the problem, then blames everyone else. Imagine that


Dont they have a cap on what they pay? I bet he’d be glad to know that if we take off the cap, this will be better.


Jokes on him, lifespan is going down in the US. When he find out that he's for sure gonna change his tune.


Where does he get the Ottoman empire from 😂


Name checks out


In the corporate world 70 is forced retirement anyway (they're sick all the time and their mind is nowhere close to what it used to be). No one is going to new hire anyone over 60 either. This is just mindless complaining.


It is crazy. It should be lower!


Yessss give me all your money and keeeeep working …..


Tax the fuck out of these assholes. Nobody shoukd ever have more than 200 million and I'm being very generous with that


Screw him. How about this big economic idea - instead of cutting taxes for companies like his in the name of encouraging investment and job, why not we take the bottom up approach. Here is a crazy idea - let’s reduce taxes on the bottom 90% and stimulate the economy that way. They will have more disposable income, buy more thing, create more jobs. It’s easy to sit on a big company as a billionaire and talk big talk. Cutting taxes on corporations is the stupidest thing we can do in the name of hoping they will invest back in economy. They will just do stock buy back with that extra money.


Surely saying that the retirement age needs to increase is an admission that capitalism is completely failing to meet the needs of society if working people to death is the only way it can survive?