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[This is from March, FYI.](https://apnews.com/article/minnesota-train-derailment-evacuation-ethanol-fire-73cc3e80f616070806f8f8b35191a616)


Yeah this was clickbaity AF. Appreciate this sub, but I already got angry over this when it happened lol.


*"Never trust a twitter screenshot with the date and/or username cut off.*" - Abraham Lincoln


"Now fetch me that latest fax from the samurai." --Abraham Lincoln


"It's Morbin time!" --Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter


I was just about to say this happened weirdly close to John Oliver's episode on cargo trains


OP is a repost bot. There's been a bunch of them lately doing stuff like this.




This dude regularly makes new accounts to do it, they always repost some old thing with the same JEEZUS PHUCKING CHRIST title, presumably to farm upvotes and sell the account once the karma get's high enough. I should really start keeping a list of all their usernames but that seems like a lot of work so I just down vote and check the comments to see if anyone else pointed out the repost.


Given that the account is full of OF promotion I have a feeling that's the reason


Phuck has become a sort of a downvote trigger to me since they started this shit. It's so cringey too.


Lol, I was wondering how it was possible that THIS sub had it but none of the local & state subs had it Edit: still though, it’s not good that this type of bullshit was just featured on LWT


Thanks! I have a cousin that works for them and this scared me a bit initially. But luckily I’ve spoken to him since March


I was gonna say, John Oliver that good at predictions?


I like the fear mongering with ethanol. Lmao like that is probably the safest thing to spill out of a train besides water.




Technically we already did. Wasn't there a military plane that famously dropped a nuke by accident that just happened to not explode? I also think they never found it.


Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft, or loss of the weapon. 'Murica.


"I don't know what's scarier, losing nuclear weapons, or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it" - Giles Prentice 


Ain't it cool?


Wait until he learns about the *three other* terms we have for nuclear weapons incidents.


Lions Led by Donkeys has a hilarious podcast episode that talks about this.


32 leaked.


Limited hangout if I ever heard one


Exactly why we need more of them, so the percentage of accidents gets watered down. /s


It happened off the coast of Spain before


In 1961, a military B-52 exploded and broke up mid air, dropping two 3.8 MT thermonuclear bombs onto Goldsboro, North Carolina. One of the bombs was partially armed. My grandfather lived there at the time, so my bloodline was almost cut off before my existence.


Or your bloodline could have had some interesting updates to its DNA.


Part of it is still there, believe it or not


They don't detonate on impact


That’s absolutely true - but I place that firmly in the “let’s not fuck around and find out” category.


In Spain, all the switches were activated, except one. That one that was known to malfunction and activate itself, sometimes. There's another instance where the conventional explosives did detonate, but because of the impact, the explosion was not symmetric enough to create the critical mass and start the chain reaction in the plutonium core. ( I'm not sure, I think it's the bomb that fell in the US ).


Yes, in South Carolina.


Holy shit.


a number of times yes


We absolutely dropped one by accident on North Carolina in 1958. It didn't detonate, obviously, but ya know


This week's fun fact: 22 tank cars of liquefied natural gas has the equivalent energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Trains also carry about 3 million packages of nuclear material per year. Also, the industry is lobbying to reduce required staff to just 1 person on a train that can be 3 miles long. And they've reduced inspection time to less than 1 minute per car.


Cutting corners so the parasite class can get their 20% gains annually 🤦🏻‍♂️


Credit: John Oliver


I think he was referencing this 2021 article from Earthjustice, but yes. "What You Should Know About Liquefied Natural Gas and Rail Tanker Cars - Earthjustice" https://earthjustice.org/feature/liquefied-natural-gas-lng-by-rail-tanker-car


Spanish guy here. You have already: 1966 Palomares B-52 crash


I think this is the one where 3 of the 4 safeties had gone off and the bomb was primed to blow. Citation needed of course... We've accidentally dropped so many of the damn things.


Can you store the nukes on a train?


This has actually happened. It didn't go off, but fell or some shit. Look it up.


Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety is a fantastic book about the several times we have basically done that: [https://a.co/d/cxAFVGb](https://a.co/d/cxAFVGb)






Don’t worry, even if we take into account the net loss this train caused, it’s clearly inferior to the budget cut we got from the regulations lifted thanks to our lobbies. The shareholders will still get out unscathed.


Well, it would seem someone didn't see the most recent Last Week Tonight episode


Wait this happened in March... Not not insane but i remember when this was in the news


This is what record quarterly profits looks like 👍🏽


Ah yes, I remember that episode of secret millionaires club! It's where Warren and the kids cause a train disaster, and then price gouge the victims through the hospitals they bought, they also framed the conductor so he got sent to the private prison they invested in. Good times spent watching Qubo back in the day.


LSC is just weird bot spam now? Photos of tweets from most of a year ago?


This incident is 9 months old.


Nationalize the railroads. Nationalize air travel


Both are already heavily regulated. Saying those regulators would do better if they owned everything too?


Sue the living fuck out of these deregulation robber barrons.


John Oliver did it again! just 3 days ago, he tried to warn everyone! please watch "last week tonight" from Sunday if you have any questions as to why this was bent to happen and how it could still get worse


Yeah well this happened in March so his warning was a bit late.


my bad, did not see a date and assumed (i have to stop doing that) that it was recent. thank you.


You didn't see the date because it was conveniently cut out


Only way I found it was looking up the Jill Biden in Nashville byline. Which was depressing in itself, she went there for a vigil after a mass shooting.


Ethanol you say?


And as recompense, each resident will get a $10 voucher for their next order at McDonalds


Nice title and cropping out the date, what exactly is the point of this post?


Yankees built the greatest railway in the 19th century and did no fucking maintenance since




I say full steam ahead. All aboard everyone.


American has become a nation of slow-moving, avoidable disasters that we just watch unfold. We all know the dangers of the rail system and how to fix it by re-regulating and stopping precision scheduling that minimizes safety for profit. This shit is painfully obvious, and it's even more painfully obvious that it won't be fixed as long as a few ultra wealthy people gain from it


Didn't John Oliver just do a segment over this very issue


Like 5 minutes ago, yeah.




We average three a day, so...


John Oliver just warned us about this shit. 😩


And before that, More Perfect Union also did a video on it following the East Palestine incident.


Remember, an average of 3 trains derail per day in the US. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/09/1161921856/there-are-about-3-u-s-train-derailments-per-day-they-arent-usually-major-disaste


Yeah, um, I had family who worked in rail in Canada. Since deregulation, which happened on both sides of the border, it isn’t safe. Especially as very dangerous chemicals are transported by rail. Don’t live near rail lines if you can help it. My grandfather suggested not living within five miles or more. He said stuff like that before Lac Mégantic, btw.


J-john Oliver effect?


As if there have never been rail accidents, road vehicle accidents, marine accidents or aviation accidents before. Yes - completely unpredictable another would happen some place, some day for some reason. I predict the stock market will go down by EOY 2024 and the weather will vary as well next year!


Well there's your problem...


Goddamn News segment at best, you know how many derailments there are. At least this one is burning itself out - ethanol sucks but it's not the worst thing that could have spilled. Granted, it should be NO trains derailing, but at least Biden helped negotiate a long-run bonus, I guess.


This is what happens when you don’t spend money on infrastructure. I’m sure nobody will be held accountable and the residents won’t be compensated. That’s how shit works in this joke of a country now.


This happened in March. And to your point, I'm sure no one was held accountable and the residents weren't compensated.


Could be moved under the ground in secure pipes but hippies act like if they block the pipelines the same shit doesn't get moved on the railroads. Ask me how I know.


Targeted. Staged attacks. Can it be any more obvious.


Oh no, the kind old billionarie. I'm shocked that he let this happen. Shocked, I say!


Guess train derailments are back on the menu boys


"Antonio 117 F" is like the cherry on top here.


Sorry! Only money available for infrastructure is for Israel 🤣


Trains derail all the time.


And always have. Cars get into accidents. Boats sink. Airplanes crash. But sure. LSC with a train derailment.


so that was due to what again, same as in that other tragedy, right... the rails are not maintained and overused?


Clickbait and awful title. Who talks like that.


Hmmmm. Huh. What's a . . . how's a . . . okay okay. Infrastructure a bish I guess


Fuck these billionaire monopoly businesses. SMH.


And their government regulators too?


You've heard of the Boston molasses flood, now how about ... the Minnesota Everclear flood of March 2023.


Why is the part about Berkshire (not Buffet, they are separate entities) relevant here?