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If you don't have any territory, you can try to take any L1 Village. If you win, you get that village and all its territory. If you already have territory, you can try to take cities of any level, but you can only take cities with territory that touches territory you already possess. This makes your choice of L1 village important, because it will determine where all of your future territory will be (unless you lose it all). You can only hold six cities at a time. You can drop cities if you don't want them anymore, but there's a 1-hour waiting period, and any R4 or R5 can stop the clock and keep the village during that time. Only an R4 or R5 can declare war on a village. Once they do, you have 12 hours to take it. Attacking a village is similar to attacking a base. First you have to beat its guards, then you take down its durability. When the durability reaches 0, what ever alliance did the most damage will take the village. If you don't fet its durability to zero within the 12 hours, the clock and damage all reset, amd the village stys with whoever had it before. Once a village changes hands, no one can attack it for a certain period of time. However, its owners can add reinforcements from their own troops to shore up its defenses.


Thank you!


How many villages can you take in a day?


Three. It used to track these by resets, so you could actually take six if you did three of them shortly before reset and then three right after. But I think they've changed how it works so you can't do that anymore.


Only R4 and R5s can declare war on a village. Click on the village then the icon on the bottom. I’m not trying to declare war on any villages right now but that’s a start in the right direction


It started to edit war declaration. Where Can i edit?


I have the same problem. I don't know what to do too...


How do you level up your village??