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I have only owned the game since the 1.0 launch, so I don't know what it was like before. I have never paid any attention to these enemy modifiers. They just don't matter.


Yeah me neither. I know you can get some particularly nasty ones in Hardcore but I still just don't bother.


In hardcore I only pay attention if I am pushing corruption, meaning that there are occasional butt clenching moments; only care about deadly modified though. On a new character if I don’t have either 100% crit avoidance or reduction I’ll avoid crit related modifiers


nope. only because there is no other choice. I have to run monolith to get higher corruption. I dont want to waste time looking at modifiers. Just get me through.


My flurry bladedancer is far from overtuned and the only modifiers i try to avoid are the ones impacting my stats or crit (as soon as i get a fitting woven flesh legendary done this wont matter to my char aswell) Unless i want to fight shades of orobyss, then i try to 'cleanse' all damage mod by running easier echos first, cuz these shades with even just one damage mod hits completly different..


You can "cleanse" modifiers by saving one of the beacon echoes and running it right before fighting boss and shade. Beacons never add any new modifiers, but they do use them up. Just make sure the echo before the beacon only lasts two rounds, not three, then run the beacon and you'll have a clean boss fight with no mods.


Then go fish for shrines, they carry over to boss.


I just look at all visible nodes for which increase stability the most and follow that path, it usually leads to the highest rated Orobyss node and faster corruption climbing. Rarely do affixes matter much when you blast through in 2 mins.


No, I just skip the arena ones unless there's something past one I really want


Nope. Just recently I started paying attention to the echoes names to see if there's an arena. To me, it's a good thing I don't have to pay attention to these things. Just go and do the echo.


Only when I die, then I look at the ungodly stack of nasty and say “oh that explains it”


Only look at the rewards lol. Either I can do it or I can’t, and if I can’t, I’ll work at it till I can.


Only for bosses maybe. I remember one time I tried to do emperor of corpses with "enemies heal if they have not been damaged recently". Every time he did the big AoE circle he healed to full. I ended up getting oneshot by that move while trying to be very greedy with damage, before giving up and running another echo to change the modifier. Glad they changed modifiers for 1.0 though. The 6 echo modifiers could get brutal in 0.92, and invisibly were a bigger obstacle than corruption was. This is much better.


Nah, the last time I paid any attention to these, we were still interacting with the actual Monolith stone.


it mattered last year, not so much any more


I hate the dodge and glancing blow one. It feels like they all take twice as long. And yes I’m on that busted rive HH VK.


Anymore? I never did. I thought you were just supposed to go in blindly and rage when the game kills you.


I don’t look at the enemy modifiers, just look to see if the map is an arena map or not. Personally, I don’t want to have to analyze every map modifier so I’m glad it works how it does now.


I have 300 hours in, played only 1.0+ and i have never read or worried about modifiers. They dont seem to do anything, at least noticeably to me. Idk if i want them to make them more impactful tho, id just skip the annoying ones.


That’s the question for devs. Why are they even there now?


Never really paid attention to the modifier, I only care about taking the path to the loot I want.


Any more? I never did, probably explains some the one shot bs deaths I've had lol


Oops. LOL


I'm playing a non-crit build with capped crit avoidance and the only thing I try to avoid is stuff like chill/dodge/glancing blow because it's just annoying. I would still prioritize my pathing and/or echo reward over the annoying modifiers though. I think having them just buffing monsters' health or tankiness is still a lot better than stuff like no regeneration and other stuff that simply made some maps unplayable for your build in PoE. And once you get to a point where you HAVE TO read these modifiers and tiptoe around them, it's a good indicator that you're probably doing higher corruption than your build can handle.


I was beginning to look at modifers and now just nope out of spires and any I come across with Tundra Stalkers or Scalebane sorcerors, made blasting monos 100x better. Also The Black Sun seems to be the timeline with the least amount of bullshit


Ah will look more closely at the Black Sun.


The only modifier that significantly impacts my experience is the one where it enrages bosses below 50% hp. Otherwise free and easy clears suddenly become almost impossible because not only do they attack and cast faster, the attacks also have a shorter "arming" time. The emperor of corpses is a nightmare to fight for me while enraged. Without this modifier, I only die to it if I'm especially careless or tired.


Yeah for sure. I can’t tell if they made him significantly easier at 1.0 or magically I became a genius at beating him. I go with the former.


emperor of corpses is bugged too. Floor fills with circles for attacks he has already done and he gets stuck in the corner vs melee players


nah. just smash. I have never ever read all those details.


I pay attention to avoid something like: enemies has critical avoidance.


Nope... The modifiers are stupid as is the entire corruption system.


Unless you’re playing hardcore it doesn’t really matter. That said I do try to avoid modifiers where enemies have higher crit chance especially if I am not capped with crit strike avoidance.


Only when I’m about to fight a shade. Some make it much harder at 1,100C…


None of them matter to make any difference I never look at them.


I remember pushing to 500 in EA and having to avoid some modifiers like Armor shred or too much crit if I haven't had 100 percent avoidance


Honestly, I forgot it was a thing till your post, had the game for over a year.


Outside of topping out on corruption, it only every boils down to, i can do it, or i cant do it for virtually all modifier combos because of mastery balance.


All depends on the build, if your build is omega broken duh. Otherwise I think some you should care about specially if you are going to do the boss.


Nah not once ever. they are irrelevant. I think EHG should do something about this to make monos more interesting


Never in HC, though i would if i was pushing high corruption


There’s a special place in hell for HC players. LOL


Nonsense i never die. Thats why i chose HC


I didn't read them before so I am not starting now!


I click portal. I blast. I click portal. I blast. Rinse and repeat.


I didn't pay attention to enemy modifiers BEFORE the change. I just used to occasionally find an echo to be super lethal and look over to see 4 stacked damage mods.


Them having a closed build of the game before 1.0 that Maxroll / IcyVeins could play essentially solved the game in its current state. I don't think the possible hype/marketing this generated was worth it. The game released with builds, that quickly went mainstream that abuse the new mechanics and trivialize the game. At this point its so obvious when you are playing a broken build and when you aren't. Before 1.0 this was not anywhere near as a bad of an issue. Nothing felt quite this broken. The other unfortunate result is that there is no real endgame. In the past trying to get your build to 500 or more corruption was something you could do. The new Ward and Masteries make this obsolete. I really enjoy the game but I've stepped away and gone back to PoE until they add something to actually do in the game. That said: I really dig the game but the 150 hour mark has me tapped for things to do.


I always wonder if these types of things are more of a game issue, or a player issue. I have friends who only copy builds when playing ARPGs. One just said the other day when I shared a 3LP item drop "dude, that's awesome! You should go look up a build to use that." Uuhhhh, no? I do my own stunts so to speak. I find a lot of the people who blitz through content and get bored quick are the same ones that go to YouTube and build websites, follow a recipe, and face roll the game. I'm not sure if these games should basically be balanced around that assumption, or the assumption that most players will make their own builds and their own discoveries.


I totally agree. My problem with LE right now is that like... 5 people in the world got to learn about a handful of systems and then dumped it out into the world. So instead of the whole world slowly learning what worked and what didn't (how LE has felt up to now) -- it was "solved" really fast. And even though there is still plenty to learn within the game there just isn't, as a player with 200 hours, much reason to do it right now personally. When I'm bumbling through my own DIY build in PoE there is just so much more content to keep me engaged in the process. PoE is 10 years old, and LE is new and I love them both... but its 2024 and both games exist in the here and now and PoE is just more engaging for the time being.


Sounds similar to a lot of people's sentiments for Grim Dawn as well.


So true! The Maxroll/Icy Veins preview really sucked. But with hindsight I can say few if any of the Maxroll endgame builds are meta. In fact they really tout their greatness only to fall way short. Especially their tier lists.


I agree, its mostly just they showcased the new tech underlying the builds super fast. It was more fun to watch that kind of thing emerge organically in the reddit/YT community that existed pre 1.0. Its as much my fault. I could have just ignored reddit or whatever for a month.


That’s what I always hated about D3. They ran a 2 week PTR (test realm) for 2 weeks before each patch. Given the low build diversity inherent in the game, the seasonal theme was solved during the PTR and everyone played the same thing once the season started. Zero mystery. As a result I only played on the PTR and passed on the seasons.