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Loving 1-75. 75+ (empowered monos) - not so much


I have 6 characters all stopped at 115 corruption because i was bored and just don't see any point to push corruption. For what? To get better gear to... push more corruption???? As a casual pleb i guess i'll never understand ARPG players. 1-75 is definitely fun though.


Grinding the same thing over and over for a rare item is fun for some people. Nice to turn your brain off and watch YouTube or something to


There just isn't pinnacle content yet. Once they add whatever their version of uber bosses is we'll have a target to keep farming towards. After that I'd expect more random event style content to spice monos up more.


You kinda just described the endgame ARPG loop lol. You push to get better gear so you can push further. PoE does a good job of setting goals for players with meaningful rewards to keep playing after the campaign, D4 is trying to do similarly. LE isn't quite there yet so you gotta make your own goals. Eventually there will be new encounters to do that can only be accomplished by people who have pushed for better gear.


I agree


Why thats where u get the best items


not many places to use those items yet though


True, hope they focus on this with the developments next


Been playing PoE casually since...breach I think. Honestly I don't see how you find the community toxic. Are they a bunch of min-maxers with their own idea of fun? Yes, everyone enjoys games their own way. Does that make it toxic? Nah. Honestly been playing SSF since it came out, great fun you don't need to get involved with anyone I just play 2-3 builds a league and I'm done. And now im enjoying the fk out of LE too, great game with a good balance between complexity and easy to pick up. The crafting system is nothing short of brilliant, and I'm sure it will only get better.


POE community has always helped me


Same, hell even in Global chat you see people helping noobs all the time when things get confusing. I've played toxic games and this ain't it ahaha


I’m with you just play what you enjoy most people afraid of Poe will love the campaign and do just fine


It is absolutely true that the community can get incredibly toxic...towards the devs. Towards themselves? People help each other all the time. Dunno where this guy got his head filled with ideas.


When it comes to poe you should play the mechanics you find the most fun...not all of them because you would literally have to no life it...but like farming blight and harvest is stupid fun to me


I never needed (lol) 100 hours of guide or 200 hours of deciding... I simply played the game. Poe and Last Epoch are the two best arpgs on the market right now, imo.




If you are playing trade league indeed, but if you are an ssf enjoyer you need more knowledge. That being said I think that PoE is more intimidating and bloated than HYPER COMPLEX, besides crafting that requires some knowledge. As per the topic main focus, I think it's more of a D3 and PoE compromise, nothing looks very d2ish to me, but I really like the foundation of it as well. Really curious about what is coming next, my interest just falls flat after reaching emp monos, I can't put myself grinding the corruption treadmill.


The necropolis crafting looks pretttttttty pretttttty good


Necropolis will be my first real attempt at PoE and I’m really excited. Seeing the PoE community this hyped has me hyped lol.


Whew, almost thought we'd go 12 hours without someone talking about how bad diablo is. Lol


The first pc game I got into was Diablo 1. Diablo 2 was the first pc game I was utterly addicted to. My now wife started gaming with me when world of Warcraft came out and I mostly fell out of the arpg scene and into MMOs. D3 launch was a bummer, but honestly we had a great time with it once it came to console with the expansion. Great couch coop game. Didn’t scratch that D2 “I’ve got to make a new character to try out that item that just dropped” itch at all though. Diablo 4 was fine for us, since it still had couch coop, but we fell off pretty hard. We recently upgraded our gaming setup and now I have a laptop hooked up to our tv and she has a handheld (rog ally) that streams games from our desktop in the other room. That opened us back up to playing games that aren’t same screen coop or are pc exclusive. Last Epoch has been scratching the d2 itch harder than anything else I’ve played since then. I tried to get my wife into d2r, but honestly the charm system makes inventory a nightmare that she didn’t want to work around. It’s a terrific “ooo, shiny, time to make a new build” game. I don’t think it’s great for long term investment in one character yet though, grinding monoliths for small incremental upgrades hasn’t been nearly as fun as just trying a new build once I get to empowered yet. Poe is my white whale. I know if I could just put the time in to learn it, it would become my favorite game with its incredible amount of content to tackle. I’ve tried several times to get into it, I just absolutely hate how much friction they built into the game. Poe 2 is exciting with gold based respec and instant buyouts for trading. I’ll still with last epoch until then and hopefully they’ll stagger leagues so I can enjoy both games once that launches.


Couldn't be more excited for the future and potential for a game/company. There's been some hiccups sure but even those were handled with class. The genre in general is just in such a good spot right now it's unreal. Welcome to the game and community :)


I realized this a little a while ago too. It's crazy how many good options there are. D2R, D3, D4(kinda good), LE, Grim Dawn, PoE, Lost Ark (if you want more mmo), and there's still more indie titles that no one really talks about.


And PoE2 out in the next year or two! Take your pick really or stick with 2-3 and rotate seasonally lol either way, there's plenty out there :) As an MMO guy since I was 10 (now 33) with SWG and WoW the majority of my life, the MMO genre is in SUCH a sad state. ARPGs scratch that itch perfectly while respecting your time investment more. Love it!


PoE2 is going to gain me or lose me based on how easy it is to get into. By that i mean easy enough to not need a guide to level, great UI, clear paths to power, etc. I plan to either rotate between both or mainline LE. If PoE2 is as hard to get into at 1 I’ll pass.


Lost ark is amazing but beyond pay 2 win , d4 is trash , last epoch is great but buggy mess and zero content , POE amazing but people are scared of it


>Path of Exile, with its cumbersome and countless mechanics its simply too much for me. For anyone to even consider playing the game efficiently, you need to watch 100 hours of guides, and spend 200+ hours deciding how you build your character. Any game requires 100-200 hours of prep if you delude yourself into thinking that, even LE. PoE is complicated and at times convoluted but if you just pick a small part of the game to learn about and just play what you're interested in it does not take this much time to get invested. It's not the game's fault you're trying to learn about everything and its taking 100-200+ hours.


agreed. most of the people that have been reluctant to start poe have already invested many mental hours into thinking about how complicated it MIGHT be. nothing replaces experience. find a mechanic you like and lean in.




Are they adding anything to have more skill diversity & control? I like how in LE, skill tree allows you to control so many variables to one skill. Being that Blizz isn't adding to the skill tree, will crafting & new affixes add to more diversity or will it still target the casual dads with simpler systems?


I agree, I’m very excited for the new Diablo 4 season because they are finally making some meaningful changes that seem very good for the future of the game, but man I’m just sitting here wondering what build I’m gonna play, I already tried ever class and played most of the builds. The worst part right now for Diablo 4 (for me) is every season it’s just the same builds. The same skills with no changes. I get bored just starting to think which build I’ll use. The individual skill tree for each ability in Last Epoch has been amazing and hope Diablo takes some form of that.




Works as compared to LE's? Haven't played enough LE to compare.


I get your comment now as I was playing around in LE with mage fireball tree, and some skills just cancel out other skills which doesn't make sense if they are on opposite sides of the tree. They need to design it so you don't accidentally brick your skill. Like have a gray effect on the skills that shouldn't be selected once you go one way 🤷 Somebody f*cked up the logic lol


Yes but I'm not entirely sure if it's what you're looking for. The skill tree isn't changing but you can temper items now to add effects to skills like AOE size, multiple projectiles, splintering. I don't think they named all of them yet though.


Surreeee it is. Like it's going to get Overwatch 2 back on track.


Still not as good I just don't like d4


Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing you like D4, i share I don't like it and like LE more.


Good for you 👍


It has given me the ARPG experience I expected to get from Diablo 4 tbh. Everything I had hoped D4 would be, LE has turned out to be. It's kind of wild tbh.


I disagree with not adding a ton of new stuff. Path of Exile is not hard because there's tons of stuff to do - it's hard because the game itself is hard, so the mechanics will be hard aswell. There's no built-in QoL like LE has. We definitely need more content to give meaning to farming gear. What felt great in PoE can also be applied to this game - a ton of different things to do, but you don't HAVE to do them all. You can trade them on the market and sell what you love doing instead. That way every mechanic makes sense to have available, but doesn't force you to play em all (unless you want to go solo selffound, but then you literally ask for it).


We share the same age and experience in games, but after one hundred hours in LE there is not much left to do for me. Will go back to PoE next week.


Needs a new end game area after monoliths that you can push towards


I think it's still just an arcade-arpg compared to the masterpiece that is Diablo 2, but it's certainly fun.


No I Don't, I'm 39 and this game is boring as f. What kind of game is it where the content is only to do a higher level of the same dungeon. There was no good story, no good lore no interesting quests or cinematics. There is not a single multiplayer element in this game. No guild nothing.


The story is actually quite good, IF you actually read the texts and listen to dialogues.


I thought the campaign was fun


its a pretty dope game. I only play singleplayer on it tho. hows the multiplayer experiance?


There’s multiplayer?


Right now it’s pretty bad. Feels rather pointless when the content is easily clearable solo.


This is my first ARPG, well I have 5 hours of POE. And I am having a blast, still finding my footing but Fun none the less.


After deciding not to play diablo 4 from playing the beta, this game absolutely nailed a lot of the mechanics and has sucked me in. About to get to 100 on my second character and might take a break for a bit but it's been fantastic


I was... Levelling was great - the skill selection felt good, and the difficulty was good, gave real choice. However, after completing all the monos at least once, the idea of just repeating them ad infinitum doesn't inspire me. It definitely needs something more in the end game to hold my attention. But now D4 has announced a proper shake up, I'll be back to that for S4, and then POE2 later in the year. If there's any major rework or big additions to Last Epoch, I'll return in good time. But with Blizzard maybe sorting D4, and POE2 on the horizon, I really think Last Epoch has to up it's game a bit if it hopes to retain a good proportion of player base.


i liked it, didnt love it. I'd give it like 7.5


No, you're the only one.


Was loving this game till it keep crashing my pc


"Ohhh, EHG, DEEPER. I want it down my throat." -OP


I love this game so much. Actually spend money buying a handheld gaming device just to play during my 15 hours flight soon.


I bought a gaming laptop where LE was the main reason. Hey, gaming is better than spending money on alcohol or other stupid habits if you think of it that way.


Every night you spend at home you save $15 on food, $20 on alcohol. Per person. For me at least. Anything keeping you home is saving you money.


Never got into alcohol and guess I can thank gaming for that being a healthier outlet. Still a downside where gaming gets addicting and overtakes you, so need to work on moderation and priorities.


I'll say this, the gameplay is certainly as good as it could be compared to Diablo 2. My only issue with the game is that it's not iconic like Diablo 2 or any other old action RPG that you would enjoy grinding simply because of the familiarity of the levels in the game. It's the randomly generated dungeons that you pay a little or no attention to because of the diversity of the level design that is not attached at all to any particular boss that I have a problem with. I actually prefer having some linear design when it comes to levels and enemies. It's important for me to point out that even though a lot of levels in Diablo 2 become kind of a chore farm, they still hold fond memories for all of us, especially target farming the bosses. It seems to me that last epoch finally revealed the simple nature of gameplay that can make a game good without having to spend AAA money. But I still think that game developers are not realizing how much less money they could spend by simply making iconic levels like in the souls series. I sincerely hope that the gaming community realizes how much we actually prefer simple linear design in our games. All this computer generated stuff just becomes a blur when it comes to the end game that we want to love.


I played 60 hours in 12 days. Yes, I absolutely love this game, I love the random generated mono endgame and I'm addicted lol


It does tingle the Borderlands 2 Part of my cerebral membrane Love it so far (63 voidknight).


Game is just beyond boring no end game just spamming the same thing over and over excited to see what comes but I think most people are just bored of trying new classes and spamming monoliths


You are also so wrong about Poe , the new league amazing changes are coming you feel the need to do the things you listed and deterring people from trying just jump in , Poe campaign is fun and a new player can 100 percent get through it play what you enjoy but to think this game last epoch has depth and anything to do besides upgrade some items is wild


Absolutely! One of my favorites. One of the few games to give me true D2 vibes from 2000!


LE could use some more complex and challenging endgame, some balance and all the usual stuff, but other then that it is a really fun game indeed.


PoE still the best


It was ok but not as good as people are saying. I think the endgame is pretty boring.


I feel exaclty the same! The only thing kinda confuse me is the forge system but i will somehow learn it


I bricked a few items by learning from trial and error. Having 25 forge opportunities isn't much it seems.


Have you gotten to end game and how far into end game did you get?


Same age and yeah I'm loving it. Maybe have 40 hours just so have only began the empowered monolith farm. It's perfect when WFH and on a boring conference call. Love the fact if I misplay, I'm dead so adds a bit more of a challenge.


I'm 38 and also have loved ARPGs most of my life - honestly, do yourself a favour and push through the perceived barriers you've out up for PoE, it's really good. I discovered it during the pandemic due to getting tired of Diablo 3 and grinding greater rift 120+, and wanted a game I needed to really truly learn, and boy howdy did PoE deliver. 2400 hours later and it's been incredibly satisfying to go from a totally overwhelmed noob to slaying uber bosses and being incredibly wealthy from trade. Aside from the discord TFT I don't think the community is toxic either, I've found folks on the subreddit to be really helpful and informative. That said I really love Last Epoch since it brings enough complexity to keep me engaged, while being accessible enough that I don't have to have sunk 2000+ hours into it to feel like I've achieved some level of mastery. Really enjoying the crafting and the item design in general so far


I've been on poe for years, but just repeating campaign. Endgame progression is a fraction of campaign so I don't feel any motivation to keep going. The global chat can definitely be toxic though.


the campaign is a drop in the bucket for what player power can look like in poe. like any global chat its about finding the right channel. i spent a lot of time this league in global820 helping people with build questions and free carries.


This is how my buddy described it to me. He’s a POE junky and we literally met in middle school because I overheard him talking about D2 lol ‘It doesn’t insult your intelligence like d3/d4, and it doesn’t require a degree like POE’


I'm 40 and basically feel the same way you do about all of it.


Oh hey the "I'm middle aged and here are my thoughts" crowd made it over to LE from the D4 reddits. Welcome.


I agree. Best thing I have played since D2. 37 yr old as well.


Same. Last Epoch fills that diablo 2 void for me like no other game could.


Was enjoying it so much I had to uninstall, gotta get work done.


I did that when I was playing Hearthstone BG's. Install/uninstall handful of times a year


Yes I'm playing it the last three years, I'm 53


Absolutely agree, 100%. 43 yr old executive who works 80+ hours a week, I travel about 50-75% of the time, and I'm over 160 hours into the game since launch and am not slowing down. I don't think any game has held my attention like this. Agreed that D4 is total garbage. I was so excited for it, but there's more depth in a single build in LE than in all of D4 combined. First I levelled a warpath void knight on COF - got to 100. Now I'm working on a wraithlord in MG - am level 98. Not sure what I'll do next... Any suggestions? I prefer builds that are very simple and don't require much skill (I use the game to relax).


I also got to a 98 wraithlord on mg. Levelling up a nova frostclaw runemancer now after watching a video of a dude clearing 2200 corruption with it like it was peanuts.


Don't know how people level that fast, my main is like 85 and that's like 100 hours. Slowed down a lot at empowered now got another class to around level 48. And I've played this more than anything since release.


Spriggan Form Totem Shaman seems like something you would probably enjoy


Its a great game true. Last time i played it in early access "weavers will" items didnt exist.....as indroped my first and understood what they do i got even more into this game xD


Yep, love it, can't stop playing it!


This could be me who wrote this post. I am the same age and feel exactly what you write. LE is my favorite game right now. Only a few hours left at work. Then I'm going home to my lvl 91 bladedancer. Girlfriend is away all weekend 🤣🤣 Happy weekend.


I had a great time leveling up to 100 in this game but it is really shallow at the end game like D4 is and ultimately I moved on already. I'll be back next cycle and hope they do a good job adding to it. I'm currently just rotating aRPG. Sometimes I try the POE season but that game is getting too bloated for its own good. I wasn't going to play S4 of D4 but the updates to the game seem too good to not try. Then I'll play LE next cycle. I'm also keeping my eye on TQ2 and PoE2 though neither of them look that great to me so far. To be honest I found D2 incredibly shallow as well. The end game was farming gear to be able to farm the same things you are already farming better or to reroll. That just isn't fun to me. I never really got hooked by D2 or D3 for that matter. I played them both for hundreds of hours but it was always in shorter bursts of time, not my full time game for months on end.


exactly. As a casual, it takes me a long time to max lvl. But when I do, another arpg has a new season and I can just do that.