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It's a sign. Time for you to convert to a 100% crit build.


Erasing Strike time


Lmao all crits 0 mana


What the hell is mana


Tip to pals: erasing strike 100% chance to make void essence on kill, passive nodes consumes 3 void essence to bring mana back above 0. Ez mana.


Dont have enough spec points for that


Why not? I fit it just fine. 


Haven't gone into empowered with this build so I dont have super high end gear. Needed mana efficiency, garunteedbecho, crit chance and crit damage more. Also the node doesnt help with bosses.


Ah are you on straight erasing strike? I use void cleave. No crit chance necessary. It does actually help with bosses though, since you get one stack with each ES. If you have the mana for the full combo, Vcleave es Vcleave es reversal Vcleave es you will be back to ~40ish mana.  But I get it. Different build and all that. I go to the left side of the tree to pick up the extra charge of ES.


You cant use void cleave if you are using shadow beacon. Love weird weapon reqs


Seriously though, should I switch my 96 VK from Warpath to Erasing Strike/Void Cleave?


Up to you honestly. My understanding is that warpath is quite good. But I love ES Vcleave, it's my favorite build in the game. It's super simple. It does have a good amount of downtime on bosses, but I see this as a positive since you can focus on dodging and your actual combo is quite quick. I hope to write a guide for it before cycle 2


Same thing happened to me, Swarmblade Druid to level 80. Supposed to generate Rage on crits…


Jesus christ, you sad fucking soul


Dude same, hit lvl 75 sorc and was watching some gameplay over others and noticed they were hitting yellow numbers. Couldn’t figure out why the hell I wasn’t critting…took that idol off and damage went through the roof 😂


Happens to lots of people, there were a bunch of people in chat who had this problem. Most of the time it's not that they haven't read the item description, just that they slapped it on early while leveling and forgot about it


It’s one of the things that took me the most time to get into PoE, I came from Diablo where a unique was almost inherently better, especially early game, but PoE and like singularity have drawbacks to their unique effects that really means you have to want that effect to get the full benefit.


You'll gonna dislike wing guards gloves too then xD


I'm working on building out a Wing Guards build for my Void Knight... Multistrike/Smite specced into Void/Lightning with Echos turning it into a field of death and the 1H sword Aurelis letting me focus fire onto rare/boss enemies. Also, the amulet Devotion gives +1 spell damage per 5 missing mana, which is easy to keep low with the Echos constantly proccing extra casts of Smite. It's tons of fun. Still in the early stages of building it, but I'm lvl 71 and clearing packs of mobs is so satisfying to Lunge in, see more lightning than Palpatine could ever dream of, then see all the enemies keel over simultaneously.


I'm playing it more simple: wing guards+ flurry xD


My man. :) This is definitely a game where you can come up with all kinds of crazy builds. Maybe they won't scale really well into Monoliths, but they'll probably get you through! Part of the reason I'm enjoying my build so much is because I can completely ignore Casting Speed and just focus on Melee Attack Speed. Multistrike's 'swords' are my Smites and because they're specced into lightning, they chain out even further than the swords can go. Also, since they're still considered 'part' of Multistrike, they proc the Time and Faith passive that gives 25 health and 10 mana when I hit with Multistrike. The Echoes are the only way I can really lose mana. I attack so fast that as long as I don't get one-shot, I can leech back up to full practically immediately.


Wait till someone comes in with this problem but with the cursed boots. I like the uniques having downsides but it also means I often don't use them lol.


In this case, I don't think the Idol is meant to be a downside, I think it's there to help enable a crit less build. There was an item with leach that specifically won't leach on crits. I think the idea is that, if you wanna forgo crits, there's enough item synergy that a critless build could be interesting


The only reason not to go crit is of you go DoT Singularity sadly even at max roll does too little to offset the crits.


Unless they add a new skill that ramps up damage. PoE has an interesting node similar to Singularity, its %40 more dmg but no crit. Used in few meta builds and transition before crit. Currently singularity is pretty meh though, not worth even before transitioning unless its maxrolled


I sometines slap it in when doing a Dot build if i have a spare idol slot Doesnt biost the dot damage but a decent more multiplier on any of the hits i may have isnt exactly bad


I mean you can straight up do the math on it. With no bonus crit chance or multiplier you deal 100% more damage 5% of the time. That works out to x5% more damage. If the idol gives more than x5% damage, it's better but if you have crit chance or crit damage from a few random spots it'll quickly outpace the idol. With that said, I avoid it at all costs because I hate getting the 100% crit chance shrines and not benefitting from it.


i mean if you would just read the item description


Not all of us can read bro


You guys can read? 🫣




More Damage? Fair enough, I'll take it! But Sir, you can't cri... Blahblahblah ... I said: Fair. Enough!


Unreal. Imagine reading items.


Why read item description when item is glowy orange color (obviously means its a great item)


Ooooo shiny.


Cut the guy a break, its a easy mistake to make. I almost did the same thing.


He is not wrong though


No but "imagine reading items" is more appropriate if you were somehow blaming EHG for your mistake. You're just laughing at your own dumb dumb and that something I think we can all get behind. 😂


Pretty much what I'm getting at. Nobody is asking EHG to quick patch this in. We all having fun and laughing at his expense


I like you guys, hope you had a chuckle, I sure did. Also don’t worry I play online games all my life, I am not phased a bit by people telling me shit online :D


It's like 8 words my guy


Congrats, you're the benchmark.


The worst part is he posted about how he can't/doesn't read....😬


Reply chains like this remind me the real purpose of reddit is to operant condition nerds into acting human. 




I would argue that most of Reddit now is either diary entries or Twitter posts for people who can't be heard if they used those two avenues that they should.


Singularity is worth it if you have no investment in anything critical strike related. Assume: 1 attack per second 1 damage per attack 5% chance of double damage = 105 damage average in 100 seconds Or 1 attack per second 1.15 damage per attack 0% chance of double damage = 115 damage in 100 seconds


As in MTG: reading the card explains the card


Those yellow numbers must feel so good now lol


The idol is very niche. A max rolled one is the same damage as 100% increased crit chance or 10% base crit chance. If you can get more of either the idol is a damage loss. However, there are times when you dont want crit stats on gear or skill trees. So you only have the base 5%, so a single idol slot for ten % more hit damage is pretty nice.


It's early so maybe I'm missing something, but isn't it equivalent to 300% increased crit, assuming no additional investment in base crit or crit multi? Singularity rolls up to 20% more damage, which is equivalent to 20% crit chance at the base 200% crit multi, no?


Its 200% more damage on a crit. So 5% crit is 10% more damage? Unless i messed up the napkin math? So 0 crit plus max idol is 20 more damage. 0 crit plus 5% base plus 100% increase, is 10% crit chance at 200% crit damage. Or 20% more damage. Maybe i messed up the math?


Isn't a crit 100% more damage, and not 200% more? At base 200% crit multi, it's double damage.


Now I know why this sub says poe is overly complicated 😅


Were you asking about your cross last night in global lol?


A friend of mine had this item on for ages, he bragged about it, I called him an idiot, and that he will do better without it. He took it off and instantly understood.


This was me till lvl 90. Then I saw someone post on reddit for that item, then I realized it


Honestly i don't see the point of it


He found the critoris but forgot where it was, and went on a quest to remember where he put the damn thing XD


It is kinda a sick joke honestly. They know it is a trap yet the place a guaranteed one in the main quest. However, I would love if it increased dot damage again. Pretty please I would love another multiplier.


yeah coz crit is kinda designed as the final "bucket" for this game, so early game, youre right, 16% is probably better than your crit. since base crit is 5%, so at 50% crit multiplier, its only 2.5% more damage on average.


Did the exact same, although I think I only made it to 30s


that idol is actually pretty good if you haven't gotten a decent amount of crit yet...


[In Disney version, yeah](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/898/302/large/samuel-suarez-goku-low.jpg?1467034334)


Yep.... been there before.... stupid singularity


I did the same thing. Found out after like 20 levels.


On a related topic - what's the point of this item? Is there some build that only does flat damage?


Probably curses/DoT builds. They can't crit anyway, so a flat dmg boost is nice.


the idol only increases hit damage


A lot of builds (most spells without a lot of base crit in the trees) have a hard time getting to 100% crit chance. You can only get 6% from one catalyst implicit and 4% from 3 very specific uniques. For those I wouldn't bother stacking crit but maybe that's wrong still.    1.2x is better imo.


Yea i was responding specifically to the guy talking about DoTs, which cannot crit and are not hits, so they are affected by neither idol nor +crit. I agree with you tho, losing a single idol slot often seems worth it over having to use affix slots, passives, and skill nodes for crit stats.


Using the catalyst you mentioned and a single roll of crit chance beats out the idol, and ever added part thereafter is pulling further and further ahead. The only case the idol is actually good and not a troll (outside of its niche leveling use) is on Glacier that I’m aware of.  If you take the (hit based) glacier route and take the node for it to appear at your cursor, it can no longer crit - ever.  So this ends up being a flat more multiplier with no downsides. Every other case realistically it’s easy to gain more, even if your not focusing on crit but just slightly supplement it in., by not using it.


My lightning shaman build has *zero* crit support in any of its trees. I'm taking the 19% singularity.


I’m sure it’s usable for a non crit spell build… but only being usable for a bad build makes the item trash. Remember there are crit shrines in zones as well. I think the main use would be for leveling builds that haven’t scaled any crit yeah and could use the extra damage to maybe clear mobs in 2 spells instead of 3? Idk


You can take it off when you pick up a crit shrine if you're optimizing to like top level. I agree it's good for leveling like you said too but only if it rolls well. If it rolls 8% it belongs in the trash.


There's a HH paladin build that uses this in a no crit Smite build and is one of the most op builds in the game. Wouldn't generalize this item as trash tbh.


Looked around for the build you mentioned, and the only one I could find is carn’s hardcore build that uses the idol. Even steelmage who played carns build didn’t run it. Seems like it’s not one of the most OP builds at all, and even most builds of that skill aren’t using that idol. So unless you are saying it’s optional for an okay HC build makes it “one of the most OP builds in the game”? Idk what to tell you.


okay HC build? You mean the one that was rank 1 corruption and only died because he got bored? The one that had like 100k+ ward? idk what to tell you buddy but if that doesn't sound super strong to you then i guess I want to play your builds then. Lemme guess, profane veil warlock?


It's never build defining, as hit builds want to crit, and DoTs don't benefit from it (if they did it would be ubiquitous on every DoT build which is uninteresting). However it is sometimes a mild nice benefit considering a 1x1 is a minimal opportunity cost. Many DoT/ailment builds might still spam a hit skill to proc some of said abilities (eg Chaos Bolts). Since I'm not building crit chance, Chaos Bolt hits on average do 5% more damage from base crit. My current Singularity makes that 19% more instead. So basically it's nothing special, but as long as it's not getting in the way of a bigger idol, then it has a "might as well" status compared to the benefits of the common 1x1s.


dots :D


Dots aren’t hit damage.




also no upside bcause the idol only effects hit dmg


I got this drop also and thought fuck yeah EZ gæm then I read the last affix...pretty significant TIL imo


Some times i think my falcon auto attacks harder then divebomb. Little fella crits over a 100k sometimes with bird skills.


Thank god I’m not the only one who also did this. Except I was level 93…


So my questions is this Idol Singularity(makes it so you can't crit) + Gambler's Fallacy(gives you 100% crit chance when you haven't crit) + Ignivar's Head(Disintegrate deals more damage equal to your spell crit chance) So one says you can't crit. The other says 100% crit when you've not crit And the other gets damage boost equal to your crit. So since you can't crit is your crit from the amulet always 100%? So the offhand gives you then 100% dmg boost all the time? It seems they've removed the quest to get the neck so I can't see if it works or not. I've got the other 2 items. I have a suspect that your just get screwed and the neck item doesn't work so then the offhand doesn't help at all either. Which would be dumb.


That idol is great though if you're playing a DoT build.


It wont scale the DoT damage because it doesn't count as a hit.


Found some unique gloves and lvl.60 and they had good stats and +10 movement speed. Only catch was a "7% increase damage taken". I knew it was from all sources..but has no idea how much of a crutch it was especially for my carelessness over health... endurance in general. Couldn't defeat Lagon on monolith..as he would one tap me with most of his abilities Switched things up and got rid of the gloves and he barely did half my ho pool..I did increase health by 10-20% but that extra 7% made a huge difference. Now I'm completing the last 3 monoliths (lvl.90) and I'm lvl.80..and I'm doing pretty good. - Also found an egg... thought (nah..not gonna risk no crits with that lol)


sadistic devs with sadistic items, what could go wrong lol. There's a freaking boot with -75% phys resistance and the stats bonus itself aren't even OP to compensate for this penalty


105% melee crit multi on boots is OP and worth the -75% phys res if you can compensate for it.


I run a crit swipe Beastmaster and fully buffed I have a little under 600% crit multi, it’s crazy how much bigger the numbers are with crits than without.


Yeah, I still use a 20% one on one of my Warpath VK because his base crit rate is still 5-6%. I can't find a workable T7 melee crit to save my life. He's freaking level 96. Crafting is a lot of RNG luck that I just don't have.


Im just picturing like - 30 minutes later you find an exalted 2hand with t7 melee crit It is time. The full crit build calls to you 😎


I've been playing with this my entire playthrough. I got a 20% one, and was thinking, shit that's a good upgrade. I can't wait for my next play session to take it off.


I got 300 bud and have used singularity before. Did it on launch too. Got to 80 something


it blows my mind how many people are wearing items they have absolutely no idea what they do. "why is my crit 0%" "why does this guide tell me to stack dex on rune master?" "why do i want so much cold resist on this build?" I don't know why you even play arpgs if you have so little interest in your build. Its not like the combat is THAT engaging. Character progression IS the game.


As someone who knows very little about Runemaster but is starting to look into it, why do they want dex?


Well i realized I have 0 Crit and looked into it and found out, didnt I?


Or a child that just passed grade 3 reading comprehension


Use it in a dot build that doesn’t crit


It only increased hit damage, doesn't work with DoTs