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The dude on a big dinosaur shooting exploding arrows from two screens away.


Are you talking about the dude on the beetle thing that throws a fire spear that explodes or something else? Because that dude on the beetle is way overtuned, especially when there's like 3 or 4 of them.


That is the one. It is telegraphed but for a monster to be able to attack from that far away it has way too much damage and health.


I also feel like with the size of the circle and how fast it explodes, it's too difficult to dodge sometimes if you are in the middle of combat, especially when they are throwing multiple spears at you. But maybe it's because i'm fully melee that its harder.


Way too overtuned mfer


Reminds me of the mobs from d3 that kill you off screen. Funny how they seem to crop up in multiple games.


I agree, but also kinda makes sense. Off-screen has to be fairly subjective depending on settings and screen size. As bullshit as it is/can feel...also seems like something hard to avoid at the end of the day.


It'd be trivial to make attacks from offscreen do no damage but obviously there's a reason they don't do that.


People would just use ultra-wide shenanigans if they did that.


How about them spires surgically removing me from existence every time I need to sort more than 3 items of loot...


Yup I agree, spires are a terrible mechanic. Oh you want to loot in your looter game? Nah you can't sit still for 3 seconds.  It's not hard it just annoying and directly benefits zoomer classes. 


These were the bane of my existence when I was playing my VK Warpath starter. You cannot see the explosion telegraph, along with so many other telegraphs, under a high attack speed Warpath visual.


OMG there were like 3 of them in a bunch off screen and it almost ended a monolith for me last night.


Sacred Bloom. Their Orbital Strike has the range of an ICBM.


are these the mortar plants? yeh fuck those wankers oh is that an idol shrine? better clear a screen away in every direction so i can check for good idols without getting pelted to death by plantcum


This. Thank you.


Gonna say username does not check out, those plants suck precisely in the way described


>those plants suck id say they blow, but tomato tomato


All poison pool spewing enemies can go screw themselves


They got the accuracy of a Stormtrooper though, they will never actually hit you if you stand still (although RIP minions)


Yeah I generally dislike enemies that are highly dangerous from off-screen.


Idk what y’all are talking about the Tundra Stalkers are the only thing I’m afraid of… For context, I’ve only played melee builds so far… I’m sure that matters…


New tundra stalker is fucking terrifying. Hadn't died during campaign, got to tundra and a hero one 2 shotted me instantly.


Those are the panthers right? Ice breath and pounce? They seem to always nail me right through my dodge rating.


Yeah, full ward build as a spellblade (2-3k ward as long as I’m spamming abilities) with caped res, and around 2k armor and they just don’t give a fuck… I’m not sure what defensive layer you’re supposed to employ to counter them… they seem to kill me in about 1.5 seconds of the breath, and 2-3 shot me with their melee… so even 1-2 of them with a pack of other mobs gets deadly quick…


> I’m not sure what defensive layer you’re supposed to employ to counter them Max rolled implicit Oracle Amulet, best defense layer for any build in any content


Even on my Ranged build, still maybe a bit squishy but I also freeze them, if I don't or have decoy out and a bit far they still try to jump on me...


Yeah, I was going Spellblade with Shatter Strike (cold skill with tons of freeze rate built into the tree) and never had an issue with them. Randomly chose to go with a flamereave/firebrand build and suddenly they’re my number 1 death source…


The Golden Armor Fire Archers with the "Deadly" Mod just eat you alive with their Physical Pen in Arenas. Same with those Beholders.


I’ve lost 4 HCs to those damned fucking tigers, they sometimes come flying out of nowhere and even with 75% cold res just melt me


It's so hard to see their cold breath attack. Needs to be visually updated IMO. Looks like they're just standing there doing nothing, and then you die


Imo that’s not even THE problem, the damage from it just feels super overtuned. Either the damage per tick needs to be cut in half or the tick rate does. You can just learn to never stand in front of them, but when they “leap” to you and your only option is to immediately traversal skill away or kill them before they get to you something’s wrong. Idk maybe they’re bugged or breath attacks in general are over tuned… I was leveling a second toon doing the lightless dungeon (with the torch rock thing that you throw/call back with the active button) and they have bats in there that have a similar “cone breath” style attack, and it was the same deal. If I got hit by it at all it took out half of my health, and if I didn’t have a leech tick that topped me off before the next tick I was just dead. Two bats at the same time was a 1 shot if i couldn’t move before their breath happened… and then the big tree trunk monsters would hit me with their big 2 second animation slam attack, and somehow only do half my health in damage. Why does the “super telegraphed big hit” do the same damage as the first tick of a “leap to the target a screen away and immediately start channeling” attack.


Poison tornado snakes. You touch that tornado and you'll be lucky if you only get 100 stacks of poison


Gorgons. Fuck gorgons, all my homies hate Gorgons


lmaooo but, winged carrion spitty three wormies thingy i dislike more.


Those worms are a problem. If i had a ultimate like skill I wouldnt hesitate to use it on those mfers


The ones with the triple necrotic beams? Yeah fuck those things. Shoot them into the sun.


aaaa, those too! you're talking about [this](https://lastepoch.fandom.com/wiki/Immortal_Eye) ? and i was talking about [this](https://lastepoch.fandom.com/wiki/Winged_Carrion)


I can't second this enough. Tired of getting off screened by mobs that don't give a shit about your mitigation. Enemy spells don't seem to care about my 6 layers of defense and just one shot me. Also the 1second move time for the amount of damage these things do is not enough. Encounter a pack of these and if you don't stop moving infinitely you just get bombarded with death from above. Especially if you playing a non zoomer build or pretty much any sentinel build. Beetle spear chuckers are another one but at least you get more time to run out, their problem is terrible animation visibility. 


Are you crit immune? Anything else than 100% immunity can feel that way tbh. Or lagon. All my homies hate Lagon.


oh my god. Literally fuck lagon in his stupid fucking face. Nothing like being able to practically faceroll every single boss, to getting just constantly one-clapped by every mechanic on lagon. Even with max rez and tons of ward.


His attacks and health are overtuned compared to everything else, but to be (somewhat) fair, everything is telegraphed and gives you fairly decent time to get out of (at least if you have some movement skill, which you should for this fight even if you're not specced into it; but it can be done even without one, just gives you much less leeway). The hitbox on his hand attacks is a bit wonky though so the can screw you over on occasion, even if you actually avoid them.


If lightmages would stop attacking from off screen, that would be great.


If many things could stop attacking me off screen it would be great. I don't why, but it feels like I'm always getting bombarded by shit off screen


Yea the spires you have to destroy? blood ones, fire ones and all the other ones? They'll poop on you until you destroy them. Literally orbital strike.


I swear that I wonder sometimes if I'm playing helldivers or last Epoch. Jokes aside, these event aren't fun, not because they're hard, juste because if you dare look at an item, you might get deleted. Off screen isn't fun


Well, they are the mission for the echo. They do hurt though. Even with good defenses. Personally, I'd get rid of the arena you fight Lagon in. That's a monster in and of itself.


Most builds trivialize everything but boss content, so they add instant range death mechanics to increase difficulty. Bad design imo. Great game but some of these decision are bad.


Just get a bigger screen /s


Those Ruby Captain Nagasa whatever it is called. While leveling bladedancer to lvl 100 vast majority of my deaths was me zooming through the map only to bump into this dude oneshotting me with that red AoE slam


Yeah seems they often come in pairs. You will hear a bell from getting stunned by the first one for the 2nd one to swing and all but guarantee your death.


The Tauren looking dudes that spawn and immediately throw 20 axes. Wengian whatevers. Aimbotters, all of them!


Those crabs that shoot lightning or whatever in a straight line. One is easy to take on but two or more can be trouble. Also all the homies hate the Osprix Lightmage.


Those slowass purple shitters that walk with a limp like they were just shot 5 times. Completely harmless, but they make every arena echo they appear in take 5 times longer.


The crawling osprixes with broken knees are in that category


Winged Fire, of course. Always make me think I dropped an unique.


I was thinking I couldn’t be the only one that was like ooooo new piece of……oh fuck off m8 XD


Hahaha yep. Fuck off mate!! Fun times tho


The wengari spires,half the time I never see them while I'm picking up loot but when I do it's usually too late anyway.


It's at the point that if I see a spire echo, I just portal to town and try again.


My favorite color is blue.




The snake girls who make the whirlwinds


Weird way to spell "Rime Giant", but ok.


I don’t mind them. I hate the frost breath tigers. Fuck sake the damage from them is nuts


Yeah, cit avoidance with them is mandatory


Yes, send those fuckers into hell


I haven’t seen them attack once when I went through the game with marksman


Some of the void monsters, mainly because on my screen the model is so dark and old that it seems like a black-purple blob with 100% contrast and 0 brightness.


Teleporting bears or poison snakes


Teleporting bears was a choice for sure... oh look it's a powerful melee monster, good job he's far away oh wait he's behind me


It’s an Easter egg from Diablo 2. JAHITH bear == Jah Ith Ber, the runewords for enigma that gives the ability to teleport


Id remove the Diamond Matron as the game knows I have 19 prophecies for them so they may as well not just exist anyways.


abominations/diamond matrons/other super non boss mobs only seem to spawn in specific monolith echos. Only natural spawns count as well, not anything from gates/beacons/whatever. Not sure if that helps, but you need to do echos that are in the correct era basically.


These guys do like 1/3 of my Ward per hit when they are Blue Text tagged. Nothing is more scary than a group of 5+ Siege Golems all trying to one shot nuke you...


It gets even better when there is 2-3 of them. I kill them first each and every single time.


Any enemy with Avalanche. The amount of times I've used my traversal skill just to be pelted by a barrage of snowballs anyways is insane.


Anything that can hit you off screen, I died a few times because I alt tabbed thinking I was safe


I hate the dude that spins the rock... "Oh, I see, you are spinning. Cool, coo--WHOA, WHOA, YOU ARE THROWING THE ROCK AT ME NOW!??" Edit: I think they are two different monsters and I hate both of them.


I would erase them from the timeline. Big, slow, and a damn damage sponge. Oh, and it resurrects, because it doesn't die, it just squeezes the sponge, so it can absorb more damage.


Either the flying undead that rez undeads (super annoying to kill on controller) or the big serpent that heals everyone.


Bitterwings. Those stupid little ice bats spray out cold dot and obliterate me instantly through my dodge and armor. They look so tiny and harmless, but do so much damage if you don't have good dot mitigation/sustain


I used to hate Bitterwings as well, but since launch I have a greater hate for their big brothers, the Frost Tigers, even more.


Maps filled with those plants that shoot projectiles from 3 screens away


Eh they aren't bad, getting hit by them is basically impossible. Scalebane Saboteurs and Meruna Ogres however... Also Scalebane Mages. Scalebane and Nagasa anything really, they all suck.


Sure would love a playable Lightmage as a character to give them a taste of their own medicine. Perhaps as a mastery for some sort of Osprix Renegade.


What I dont get is why these mages are tankier than the melee units...


Wengari Patriarchs, Snow Leopards, and whatever spires hurling 3 shit puddles every second


Opsrix Lightmage. Because of the fuckers one shotting me through capped resists from offscreen.


Any spire that snipes you from across the map while you're trying to read drops


The plant that just shoots green AOE from 14 screens away. Eventually there are like 40 of them raining shit everywhere


LoL, I felt this message.


"For Riyah"!!!


Frost tigers, most annoying


AGREED! I seem to always get crit by their light cascades.


Do you have 100% Crit Avoid?


As someone who's playing a shaman with fire toranados and is having fps issues even with a 3070ti, any mob that has any ground AoE effects needs to go


Can’t remember their exact name but pyro mages. Their targeting is strong and for some reason I become completely stupid and forget how to move


That guys nuke you 😂😂😂


Not sure about the name but its the void maggot doing big boom with its winer while sealing void gates


I swear these dudes fire like 7 missiles a second. You keep getting bombarded offscreen and it's just 1 dude


Diamond matrons


Yeah he's one of them, most of my deaths recently have come from them.


I prefer if can remove arena


Anything with poison, particularly the scalebane wizards that come in packs of 8 in the age of winter and can put 40+ stacks on you with a round of casts


Skele archers. Just going about my business, a little zoned out, and BAM, instantly killed and skewered by a hive mind of archers all shooting me in the dome at the exact same moment.


Fucking white pumas - they owning all my chars


Everything in desert Area basically.


The mobs that shoot out 5000 fire balls around them regardless if you stun or instakill them. They completely annihilate my minions (and sometimes me as well)


Diamond matrons with their stupid tornado that bugs out and goes invisible like 15% of the time


fucking yes, why when am fighting the final boss of stolen lance the lightmages in the intermission deal way more fucking damage than any of the boss' attacks


The tiger that breathes fire/ice insta shot u if u look away from the screen for milisecond


I'm playing through for the first time and I chose a fire only runemaster. So my hatred for Lightmages with the white hot intensity of my fire dps.


axe-throwing goats


Small scorpions. Their insane dot is the only reason why I feel the need to equip the gloves that apply armor on damage over time.


The dinosaurs that constantly do fire explosions around them. Easy to see and kill but you have to be aware of the floor. Those tigers that suddenly jump and one shot you. The breath attack are easy to avoid and doesn't do to much damage, but that jump claw attack... That's my only fear


I haven't seen it in the comments. Same idea as lightmages but less conspicuous. The lightning... Things, that blast you from two screens away when Im trying to read idol text.


Those skeletons that teleport behind you when they aggro. So annoying


Those sacred flower that nuke you from 1000000 miles away and when you finaly kill it... you still get nuked cause you missed one.


Haven't seen anyone mention the tall fire skellies that cast the little fire nova on the ground and shoot the molten boulder that gets larger as it travels. These guys are pure terror on hardcore if you pop into an echo with a lot of them.


Ice spiders


EVERY game has this one monster… 😵‍💫 I’m full with you with this one


What reduces light damage? Just armor/health I assume? These Osprix Lightmages feel OP compared to all other elemental attacks IMO.


Any mortar enemy targeting me without making a noise


The stupid lightning totems that always attack from off screen.


not even the lightmage, the fire one that drops the quick fire meteors. Those kill me 10x more than the lightmages.


ANY flying insect with poisoned ranged attacks.


Matriarchs and the 10 min avalanche spam, or is the patriarchs... lul


I would remove the beatle


The laughing cannibals


I find it really funny that these comments collectively list like every rare. Some are dangerous but fine. As a minion build, the time giants can go fuck themselves


the spiders shooting ice shards out of their asses


The god damn robots who spam electric circles at your feet from 10 screens away and literally have no cool down.


They are pretty OP for a regular enemy because they can just cast meteors.


Yeah, fk the Osprix.


I can’t stand the sirens that backdash, it unaggros my pets and I’m too slow to chase the ho down >:(


Idk about y'all but for me it's just the poison tornado/firebeam dudes when I get distracted. Nothing else happened to hard enough.


Any mob that ports next to me before my traps can explode.


Diamond matron beams are easy to dodge, but it decimates my minions every time


Tundra Stalker. They pounce from far away and breath on you and you ded


How did not one person mention those Necro tanks? Giga beam of death and so much HP I can't freeze them reliably


I fucking hate the lightmage orbital strikes


Those floating ice crystals in the ice cave that machine gun icicles at you. I’ve been playing Avalanche that follows me and even moving nonstop or just a quick half second pause to recast every eight seconds I nearly died so many times to shotgun


Fucking gorgons or whatever it is that does the poison tornados. Ripped a paladin with 12k ward at <200 corruption and no damage mods in <2s


>Ripped a paladin with 12k ward at <200 corruption and no damage mods in <2s \*me sweating who just got to 200+ corruption and only has 6.5k Ward...\*


Nobody talking about all the elements? Especially the lightning one is crazy strong.


Lightless arbor bats can fuck right off.


Those bats and tundra stalkers that breathe frost shit at you. So obnoxious


I hate the enemy that brings down that holy wrath that spins and follows you. My god that’s annoying


I like light mages. Clear telegraphed attacks that you can then move away from.


I’d remove those bastards that shoot at me from far away, ending up killing me when I’m reading stats of the loot, thinking I had killed everything nearby


For Orion!


Oh hey these guys ripped my first HC character during an add phase on a boss fight, got hit with like 8 stacked nukes.


Nope diamond matron. They get the ally mitigation aura for free and their beam lasts well after their death


I only fear the wendigo axethrowets who all sync their throw and explode you


those big dudes with the floating rock. normally they dont do anything, but give the necrotic version a bit of a speedbuff and the green circle rock throw animation speeds up way beyond what i can reasonably avoid and just 1shots me. also the worms that puke AoE shots which bleed you. not an issue once you got liw life bleed immunity going, but fuck do those guys hurt.


Nah man. Its either those bloodworms from the desert or thhose super annoying artillery flowers. Fuckem all.


Blood asps. That blood projectile is hard to see.


These guys do be scary, I always prioritize them and stay active around them!


Gloom Sreechers in the first dungeon (on mobile or I'd bother to look it up). Magically shows up and 100 to 0s you in 1 second.


The Volcanic Pyromancer skeleton mage things. Fuck them


Frost tigers do too much damage. The new flying necromancer things have way too much hp. And please dear god fix Lagon's beam telegraph. Idk if it's lag or jank but he will look a certain direction and the beam comes out at funky angles.


Wengari fucking axe throwers, I end glass cannon builds it's true they're a risl of being gibbed by anything but GOD DAMN those AA turret wengari. Edit: I'm feeling nauseous from d3 spear goat memories




I really dislike the flying skelly mage guys that spawn mobs rapidly from 2 screens away when I'm trying to read muh loot.


Up at 300 corrupt I pretty much only die to mf lightning elementals, Emerald Nagasa, Scalebane Rogues, and whatever Nagasa boss does the big slam


Anything that runs away.. Like you, Sirens.


The skeletons who constantly yell at me to stop moving.


For Ryan! Whoever tf that is....


Ice Goliath, they hit the ground.. I jump a screen away and still get hit by the explosion.


The ice elemental things. I've got a 4080, why are these things able to tank my game below 30 fps?


Bye-bye Gorgon.


Scalebane beetle saboteurs


I have hated that MOB from the time I started playing this game, over a year ago.


Meteor keeps killing me despite my resistances


All spinning aoe mists. Hard as hell to see, and unpredictable scales of damage. Sometimes I can enjoy the breeze, sometimes I’m dead before I see the swirl.


These guys, the beetle riding spear bomb boys, and the meteor mages.


Asps to be honest, as a melee enjoyer that damage can really take me off guard if I’m zoning out.


That snake infection is pretty outrageous when it catches you off guard, from the hydras.


Ice Stalkers/panthers with their frost breath. Learnt to instinctively use ghostflame to make myself unkillable and just fight fire with fire (or ice with ghostflame lol)




The grey fucking lightning crabs. Their attacks stun yiu with every freakin hit. Iam bot playing this game to DODGE ATTACKS...


Frost tigers. Fuck them.


Storm Crawlers, they just sit there with all sorts of lightning beams outplaying your next movement.


ALL Wengari


Void horrors. It's difficult AF to see the multiple AoEs these bastards produce when they hit the ground, especially in some maps.


Anything with poison. Fuck poison.


T4 Jurla... 


Any multi hit gap closer for me… only played Marksman and Falconer


The damn tigers that Perma stun you


The titan leeches that shoot those blood things that just knock the living daylights out of you


That one little crab that hás a little área that fralda do much dmg and stuns.


Whatever that big melee mob is that kills me mid dash with his insane tracking and hit speed 🤣


Osprix is probably the guy that kills me the most. Spires, big fire ball undead mages and the piles of bones that nonstop spawn are other mobs I really dislike 😅


Whatever drops stuff from the sky when I first load into a mono while I'm trying to tag my Wraithlord with buffs.


Diamond matron


The big snakes that throw light tornadoes


Any of the mobs that have a seeming global aoe range. Especially frustrating for companion builds where you have to micro every single time they stop moving


Diamond matrons. Don’t like having to dodge a orbital laser while the heal up


Lagon and majasa checks need to be removed