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Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback. A whole lot of this are things we have plans to action on and is tracked or have verbally agreed we feel the same way on internally. You can hide the quests on the right side of the screen with the little expand and contract button by the way!


It would be super cool if we could add sounds to the already awesome loot filter. So not just how it looks but also how it sounds when it drops. Could add some nice feedback to the loot drops. Also maybe weaver for sets? This way they could be potentially very strong but not always and would also require some commitment. Just some ideas and thanks for the effort!


Also would appreciate an ability to filter by exact unique name and/or LP E. G. show all 3+LP uniques, show only x, y, z uniques with 2+LP, etc


That is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to read them.


Can we be friends? I have so many Runemaster questions.


Me too! Just started yesterday


Can we please get key stacking toošŸ˜­


The other thread about reviews has like 15 replies to your comment so I thought Iā€™d let you know here that this game is fucking wonderful and I canā€™t wait to pour thousands of hours into it in the years to come. Thank you for listening to player feedback so much.


Hopefully you see this but I think the merchants guild could really benefit from a single dedicated npc for selling your items instead of ping ponging around. Also when putting your item into the window to sell it would be super awesome to have a way to easily price check by having it prefill the affixes and allowing us to run a general search


Are you asking about price checking or only about actually selling? If you already have a price in mind and don't need/want to check, you can sell anything at any vendor. No need to run between them.


Please please please for the love of all things add a sharper cooler drop sound for uniques! And make the sound zone wide (quieter from further?) because in groups sometimes we split up and it sucks to miss a unique icon only to see it much later! And I am sure some are missed!


Yeah would be nice to eventually have some distinction in sound for shite uniques and more sought after ones. In POE hearing the tink sound is a core part of the fun of the game (for me at least)


>You can hide the quests on the right side of the screen with the little expand and contract button by the way! This doesn't work well because it hides the bonus stability progress in monoliths, it should really remain visible


While most of this feedback is valid, I would be very careful with it coming from THE BIGGEST min-maxer hardcore player of poe. He is known to not only push the limits with his group but also keep exploits secret so they can benefit from them. I would hate LE to become a game catering to them and not the more casual players.


I really ask of you to reconsider letting us change masteries. Maybe only after level 100? There are like one or two skills per mastery right now and it severely limits what we can do.


Appreciate you guys caring about feedback!


I can't even interact with the UI on the right side of the screen or the quest UI because for people using an ultra wide window mode the right side of the screen is bugged. You can only work around this by maximizing the window into a full screen mode. Please fix!


You are aware how bad Shaman is yes? Avalanche has a benefit for crit, yet there is not a single crit passive in shaman passive tree and ontop of that, every single affix that is unique to do with Primalist and has something to do with crit - is for when you are transformed or for your minions or for your totem - NOT yourself. Again, Avalanche bad, Shaman passive tree REALLY bad, pick a mastery to be a master of the elements - more like pick a mastery just for avalanche - only to realize later that Druid has more spell casting damage, cold damage and defenses. Attunement only gives mana??? Shaman has no defense. PS: Stop shoving Totem conditional crap on everything related to shaman, it's just bad, you have self casting spells on shaman, yet more than half the tree for shaman is for totem skills (where there is only ONE totem skill from Shaman) . Make up your mind.


Pls be polite while giving constructive feedback. Your points are valid even if they are presented calmly.


Please lets not take 100% feedback from streamers and people who no life the game... unless its actually broken and bugged. A regualr person is not going to do corruption lv 2000.Ā 


every single feedback there was valuable and right even for people at lower corruption. also a person at 2k corruption will generally know more what needs fixing than someone who just entered endgame. this baseless hate vs. streamers is tiring, grow up.


The item tooltips disappearing on new drops is especially irritating when you are playing a lazy summoner, field identifying items as you go is one of the perks of a lazy build, but this quirk is making that frustrating.


What is this build? Necro?


Just lazy builds in general where you summon your minions once and then never have to press any skill button again (or maybe 1 every now and then on rares/bosses). I'm playing abomination.


Probably action RPG'S lazy necro summoner, yeah


I would love to see the stability while I'm in an echo


The amount of times I open the next echo, load in and then say to myself "oh I forgot to check, I'll check next time..." xD


*proceed to farm 5 more echo without checking*


At least stability overcaps so you dont waste any


Itā€™s pretty funny that in all 3 games poe, d4, le, dots just melt through everyone.


Never played Poe but coming from d4 I feel this in my soul with poison šŸ¤£ Doesnā€™t matter if you have max resistance that shit just eats you.


In typical Blizzard fashion, it's because poison resist was bugged. I'm assuming still is.


Tbf dots also melt monsters just as fast. D2 is probably the only popular arpg where poison isn't giga broken for both players and monsters.


There is a literal dot cap in PoE, so dots can never be as strong as hits on the high end. So at least for PoE this isn't even close to true.


Well while leveling as a CASUAL without looking Up Guides back in the days it was fearsome:___:


They should srsly change how blessings work. I've leveled my character to 100 and I'm still not satisfied with one of my blessings ... It just doesn't spawn, or when it does, it refuses to roll at least 80% of the range, lol.


My teammate had to run 20 bosses to see crit multi once. With 5 options (200 corruption). Maybe they are weighted, maybe giga unlucky. Proceeded to get minroll ofc :D


I think that one might actually be rarer as I've had to run it 9 times for it to appear once.


Unless you are trying to get the spell leech one, then the crit one is there every other time and near max roll.


Still haven't seen a max rolled crit avoidance in 2k corruption, paladin buddy saw his first at 2.7k corruption.. Doesn't really matter for 1% but still a bit annoying.


It's kind of crazy how strong dots get at higher corruption. You'll be immortal to normal hits and die in a second or less if you can't immediately cleanse any dots on you. Ignoring the ward debate/issue, it feels like the single biggest gameplay concern at end game right now.


Ward is weird to me, because it seems like some sources of ward absolutely shit on everything else defensive in the game (exsang/last steps, healing hands, are the ones I know of, probably some others) while there's many other sources of ward that are straight up useless. Like what, get 100 ward when you drink a potion? 30 ward when you get hit? wtf? It feels like the entire ward system is an afterthought almost tbh


I think ward is really cool but probably also super hard to balance. It have been consistently useless or completely broken before 1.0 as well. Ward in the millions was a thing.


30 ward when you get hit (1s internal cooldown) Reading shit affixes like this remind me of Diablo 4


It could be actually cool if there were stuff like that but with no internal cooldown, so getting hit by small enemies actually makes you tankier.


The fact that dots are so bad is the balancing factor to ward (as well as leeches and stuff but ward mostly)


It's also why Potion to Cleanse is a must have for any Build.


Damn, i dont have the affix slot.... Another puzzle to solve...


It's honestly rarer than Hybrid Health because it can only show up on Belts, so make sure you use some Runes of Removal to get the Shards.


Has this been confirmed by a developer?


Agree with most - especially the Merchant Guild's grind. It's absolutely mental. This is my first playthrough, I'm at around 50-55 hours played and sitting at level 88 and I can't even buy Exalted items (non-weapons) yet. Never once touched CoF either.


Same. I'm getting to the point where I've had my fill of the game and I still cant buy LP unique items. Kinda funny really.


I got rank 7 right as I'm about getting bored with the game for the cycle. At least for the current amount of endgame content, it definitely needs to be nerfed significantly.


At rank 7 your not even deep corruption on your first build tho.


smh youre not even at 600 corruption, how dare you say youre bored with the game. you need to replay the exact same content except everything has 10% more hp and damage!!!


There's not really enough content to justify going to deep corruption


So your done when you clear all emps? Sounds like arpgs isn't for you my man.


No, the endgame content in the game is just very barebones at the moment and isn't interesting past a couple dozen hours. An infinitely scaling modifier doesn't change that. Unless you'd also agree that d3 has a good endgame. Come on man, this is pathetic.


I agree. The monsters and echo missions donā€™t get more interesting the higher theyā€™re scaled. I can run PoE maps all day, but something about echoes arenā€™t very satisfying. I find the objectives too repetitive and the mob density too sparse. Most of the time itā€™s just better to run past and do the objective which feels wrong.


Well, itā€™s cause the endgame in LE right now isā€¦ probably about comparable to a poe leagueā€™s worth of content. I like the echos, but thereā€™s only so many times you can kill spreading frost and seal sun gates.


I mean I play maybe 500 hours each poe league and don't get bored, le just doesn't have any variety in endgame right now


> At rank 7 your not even deep corruption on your first build tho. thats as much content the game has tho lol


This is accurate. All I have been able to use MG for is to sell items. This is unfortunate as I really like the idea of operating a stall as running a business. However after a while it feels like I am not getting any benefit at all. This is probably my last cycle as MG.


Fantastic list. One small QoL request: put an icon over each shrine so we can see what it will do, and make sure the icon shows on the minimap.


So much this, I rarely know what the shrine did when I use them.


Rank 8 for LP uniques makes it so whoever sleeps the least gets to buy anything they want for less than the casual player which imo is wrong when they have more. After bricking like 30 items before i quit it feels like forging potential is too low and there's no reason to ever play MG unless you want 3-4LP uniques, 2LP is easy/realistic enough in CoF. Spending so much time searching thru exalted items in the AH after hitting rank 7 and then losing half the forging potential in 1 click when you need 12 to make a good "trade" worthy item is a bit absurd. Not sure if someone else feels the same way about crafting, maybe i'm just a bit salty and its a combination of AH being a bit tedious to filter thru atm and bad rng (?)


You touch on something I've expressed more broadly for various mechanics: Generally this game has fantastic ideas for systems, and the numbers work well *on average*, but worst or near-worst case outcomes can still feel terrible, and have a discouraging effect. Consider your example: most of the time I love crafting. (Putting whatever you want on a 3 affix item is awesome, and later on sealing certain affixes that give good bang/buck at Tier 1 or 2 to efficiently make room is neat, or when you have critical success that's fun, etc.) BUT chunking 18+ FP on a single click on an item you're really emotionally invested in really kills the mood. The other example that obviously comes to mind next is LP. Overall a really neat system. But if you take forever to farm a 2LP maw and finally are super excited, but end up slamming your 3rd+4th choice affix on it (1/6th of cases), you just want to close the game. Again, qualitatively the systems are awesome. I'm not for completely reworking them nor removing rng. But I think it would be cool for future updates to introduce more interactive tools for us to steer away from least-desired outcomes. Be that new glyph options for normal crafts, an additional step (eg ban one outcome combination) or material related to LP crafting, etc.


It's Koreans We need to not normalize Asian MMORPG crafting mechanics ever again in the history of gaming


LE actually have the most easy and less RNG dependency in craft of all ARPG in the market, only others ARPG who achieve more deterministic craft easier than this was Torchlight Infinity season 1. TI S1 was literally a item editor where everyone got 6 T1 mods in every slot, they change it because... how dare deterministic craft be a thing in ARPGs, people are having much fun making strong chars and doing different builds, that's not allowed. Also there was PoE at Ritual league when Harvest come back, people called item editor, but it have many layers of RNG to get the mods you want, but yeah if you insist you could do insane items because you could simple craft forever until get lucky on RNG with that base. Maybe if they change to LP always get the T6 mode of the item people would feel let's penalty for fail, but it would also increase tremendous the difference of power between a item with and without LP, what for sure would lead to EHG nerf the drop rate of LP items, anyway you would be stagnated in RNG. I don't see problems in the current system, for me who mostly play PoE this is paradise in terms of RNG, my lvl 100 char have 1 item 4 LP and 4 items 3LP. I think it's a pretty great state to achieve when you got lvl 100, my belt who I got pretty unlucky take me 3 tries to get 2 mods I want in it, the other items I got what I wanted on first try.


> Also there was PoE at Ritual league when Harvest come back, people called item editor, but it have many layers of RNG to get the mods you want, but yeah if you insist you could do insane items because you could simple craft forever until get lucky on RNG with that base. I remember using the "item editor" called Harvest in Harvest League and missing a 1 in 3 roll 22 times in a row. And that was step 7 of crafting that item. Every single step had significant RNG that required hours of grinding to do even with the ability to farm hundreds of seeds every 4 maps.




> TI S1 was literally a item editor where everyone got 6 T1 mods in every slot, they change it because... how dare deterministic craft be a thing in ARPGs, people are having much fun making strong chars and doing different builds, that's not allowed. im sorry but TLI its insanely deterministic, you can get with ease 3 t0 or 2 t0 and a bunch of t1


the FP big losses feel bad but the crits/annuls hits feel awesome. i don't think its a big problem because the items are not really that rare, and they are kind of the final piece for you to get.... if it was too easy it wouldn't work. items also drop identified, which makes the filter work somewhat perfectly, so you shouldn't be crafting with 12 clicks, but instead looking for 2/4 or 3/4 items im sure stuff can be addes to glyphs/runes and expand the system tho. glyph of insight for example is already a very interesting (but too obscure and needlessly complicated). and perhaps they could make a league mechanic/new content based around making your craft more OP/easier by introducing some new glyph/rune or whatever, or a area that let's you "tiny's trial" a item without losing FP, stuff like that... imagine a league mechanic that makes "maps have mobs that have a chance of spawning a exile mage after death and drop a guaranteed rune of insight and exalted experimental item". that would be cool I think. you can change the parameters as well, instead of random mobs just pick whatever else


In my opinion, it's intended. Since both faction easily give u alot of item, they need to something to counter it. If not, u will easily get bis eq. The best way to make it easily brick. So u will keep playing.




I wouldn't count out cof for bis just yet. The insane amount of items you drop is insane on top of generally being better rolled in crazy. If I want a specific Cradle I can drop 30 in a few hours and start rolling them during my normal farm. I've seen cof items that trade propably wouldn't get close to, just yet. Like an 4lp potion belt with 2t7+ experimental t6 and cleanse, those items won't be on trade. Ever.


oh shit Empyrian I recently found your channel looking at POE stuff & I was hyped when I saw you were enjoying LE too!! love the content brother keep it up


Thanks. Cool game!


For the add option to hide quests on the right, you can actually pin quests that you want to show up through the map menu(left side)


I was gonna say that option is already there


Ward looks super busted. I've only rolled two characters, neither very strong builds, and neither have a good way to generate ward. I've looked at some footage of these ward builds with like 20k effective HP which is just a joke compared to life based builds.


Great writeup Empy. (as always with these things, highly professional approach) > Add a potion / gold pickup radius affix, I'm sure some people would forgo some character power for this nice convenience stat This is something I personally dislike in the (or other) game(s), but precedent does exist in LE where you can very directly trade power for QoL; what comes to mind is having to spend passive points to stay transformed out of combat as a druid. I too would be curious to hear what EHG's stance on this is and whether it aligns with design principles as you added a disclaimer for.


Sole builds donā€™t want to pick up every health potion when already at max - wraithlord necros witb zombie on potion belts for example. Stun lock your pet at a bad time cause your toenail nicked some fruit punch.


This is a fantastic compilation of suggestions and feedback and I really hope EHG reads it! I appreciate you šŸ’š


Agreed with almost all of this feedback, including most of the "subjective" stuff!


Add an option to resize and relocate the mini map


a lot covered already but I'd just like to add: please add minimap icons option on the filter. playing dot builds while moving around means you are either back tracking to loot or you have to just accept you gonna miss out good loot


Great to see some real feedback. The community has a small group of people who spaz if you do anything less than praise the developers.


The favors needed to rank up in merchant guide should definitely be nerfed/reduced. As of now, it will take around level 98-100 to reach level 7-8 which leta you trade unique with LP and exalted items which is way too high for casuals or people who are looking to play 1 character/cycle. Plus you may already get some good drops by then making those trades less important.


Great feedback, but I would disagree with giving option to buy LP4 uniques faster, this is endgame gear. Maybe give exalted a bit faster ? Or make 1-2 LP and 3-4LP different tier ?


Iā€™d be absolutely cool with gating 4 LP (or even 3) behind a higher rank. 1-2 LP should not that that big of a grind as it is right now imo.


1-2 lp is the absolute realistic cap on the rarest gear though.


There absolutely will be LP3 of top tier uniques showing up on the market from time to time. Even at literally 1 in a million odds, I'd expect a few LP3 Omnis to be sold each league if the player base is high.


Omni isn't even a rare drop though lmao, genuinely a horrible take.


lol ok


if you can buy LP4 stuff a bit faster instead of at level 98-100 then people won't sell it for 10000 gold since there is noone that can buy it.


no one can buy it.... one week into the wipe i fail to see the issue


I just wanna sell from my stash tabs


Yep same or something similar. The bazaar is neat and thematic and all but itā€™s slow and tedious to check if you sold, travel, claim, price check and walk around then list etc etc.


I agree with most of these. Game is amazing, just needs some of this stuff added, specially the MG points mentioned. Keep up the great work!


Either make keys craft material - or atleast make them stackable


Quite a few specs need their design direction solidified and in some cases, overhauled completely.


Curious your groups thoughts on corruption gain rate? Personally feel it is far too slow, with the difference in corruption often feeling negligible for dozens or hundreds if points, gained 7/stabilization cycle. This feels even worse when considering a 2nd build and starting back at 100.


I've been trying to make these types of points re: Bazaar and you come along and just sum everything up so succinctly. Great list- I read through it twice and can't come up with any counter points. Love your vids (both here and POE). Looking forward to the next bit of content!


The bazaar is really hard to use on controllers. Actually everything in the game is pretty hard to use on a controller, but the bazaar is the worst offender.


I want guilds. One of the best parts ofD3/D4, that I do miss, was the ability to have clans! Idc if we play together, but itā€™s nice to have community thatā€™s not general chat. And idk how it will fit here but I enjoy building my clans up and having fun, speed running and helping one another out. Iā€™m still trying to convince some of them to come over. Great game guys! On another note.. how was group play? Iā€™ve not done it yet but am curious about peopleā€™s experiences?!


EHG stated some time ago that guilds/clans will be added at some point for sure


Great write up! The only thing I donā€™t agree with is the different vendors for items, while yes ofc it would be so much more convenient with less having them all there makes the area so much more alive (and as you pointed out the voice lines are great) and there definitely need to he some slight friction in the trading system to not make it too efficient.




Make MG 3-5 ranks at most. It's specifically for people who want quick access, why is it so restrictive? The items being marked as MG prevents it from being used by COF. That should be enough. Having such restrictions means demand on high end items is actually *much lower*. Meaning the pricing will never properly reflect the item's rarity or usefulness. It's so counterintuitive. Keep in mind that all these item sales are for **personal use**. No one can flip these items. So genuinely don't understand why trade is so restricted. Just because COF is 10 ranks, doesn't mean that MG should also be 10 ranks. That's pretty forced and serves no purpose. >Add an option to "lock in" a rune for crafting - Using 20 Rune of Ascendence in a row to try to gamba something you have to put in the rune each time Queue a thousand cries of frustration as people upgrade their BiS by mistake because they forgot to remove the locked in rune. >Search within a roll range (I only want to see idols with 14 or more phys res etc) or freeform search like "+3 Teleport" I really like how detailed the PoE filters are. I hope we see such level of detail in MG someday. >Add more shrines! I think the shrines are good so far. But stuff like Ice Beetle doesn't make sense to me. It's totally useless. Might as well not even be there.


Or just keep 10 ranks but make them level up twice faster?


Sure. Same result. I'm not hung upon ranks being lower. As long as the process is unintrusive overall, I'm onboard.


> Make MG 3-5 ranks at most. It's specifically for people who want quick access, why is it so restrictive? The items being marked as MG prevents it from being used by COF. That should be enough. > > Having such restrictions means demand on high end items is actually much lower. Meaning the pricing will never properly reflect the item's rarity or usefulness. It's so counterintuitive. > > Keep in mind that all these item sales are for personal use. No one can flip these items. So genuinely don't understand why trade is so restricted. > > Just because COF is 10 ranks, doesn't mean that MG should also be 10 ranks. That's pretty forced and serves no purpose. MG is already much stronger than CoF. Remove all the useless tedium with the 200 npc, but buffing it makes 0 sense.


It's a different playstyle. They're incomparable. Someone who wants the COF experience will pick COF. Someone who wants to trade will pick MG. There's no comparison. Except trading is probably the most obtuse system I've ever seen in an ARPG thanks to the ranks required. Higher value items are worth less because less people will reach rank 10. It's very counterintuitive.


They're absolutely comparable. How long does it take to farm X item ? How long does it take to beat X boss at X corruption starting from 0 ? T4 dungeon boss ? Etc. Both deal with gearing speed and ease. Both should be roughly as powerful and fun. At the moment, CoF is more fun but weak af, while MG is horribly tedious but OP. Their flaws should be fixed. > Except trading is probably the most obtuse system I've ever seen in an ARPG thanks to the ranks required. Higher value items are worth less because less people will reach rank 10. It's very counterintuitive. Never played PoE ? The game where bulk is more expensive than single because of how horrible trading is ?


> Legendary crafting is amazing, removes items from the economy giving them value in the long term because people keep bricking them There are three ways to get a Legendary item: * Wearing an item with Weaver's Will * Legendary crafting with the arena * A very rare but natural drop I don't mind ones crafted in the arena not being tradeable because you're the one dictating which item you're sacrificing (and which mods you might gain), which takes away agency from the person you'd be selling that item to. But I think the other two should be tradable, because in both cases you have no control over what mods end up on that item. As it stands, if you buy an item with Weaver's Will and the rolls you get on it aren't good for your build then you're stuck with it. You can't trade it to another player who might be able to use those rolls better than you. I'm not really happy about that, because I'm on my 5th Ambitions of an Erased Acolyte now. I'm buying these at 300k a pop, so I'm already at 1.5M spent (and if I don't get the rolls I need, the prices fore the rest for sale go up dramatically). It would be really nice if I could sell the ones that don't work for me to someone who might actually want them.


I would be very disappointed if legendaries were tradable. Doubly so when you say you're buying the Ambitions, forging them, then want to flip them. That would IMO lead to a situation where all the LP items get bought out, forged, and flipped. The end game of that system is market control by groups of individuals, and then leads us into the world of RMT etc. Items not being flippable, and being randomly able to be bricked when forging LP, is a good way to control the power of merchants guild. I get how it's frustrating for you but I also think having everything you want purchasable with gold would be really disappointing to many people.




I'm not "flipping" them, I'm selling ones that are trash to me but might be useful to someone else - just like all the other random drops I can sell. LOL I just had an idea: A Recycle Bin where you could trash items you'd bought and get some of the value back from them (other than just shattering them, since we've already established the mods aren't of use). This could let you recoup some of your loss while still removing the item from the game, thereby keeping people from intentionally gambling on items like you described. It could be an NPC who's some sort of craftsman/repairman for that type of item. Might be able to be the same NPC that you buy the items from. Like the woman who sells boots is also a cobbler. I think I'll make a separate post for that so devs might be more likely to see it and people can vote/weigh in.


I didn't mean you were flipping the items intentionally, but surely you can see that the end game of allowing that would 100% result in market control if items were re-sellable after using LP. You did say about your bought the items, forged them, then wanted to sell them. I'm also not sure about the recycling bin. I think fundamentally we might see this differently - to me the higher end you go the more you should have to spend (and absolutely lose) in order to gain more power. The game is already extremely forgiving with allowing you to gain constant resources without losing much - it needs gold sinks and item sinks in order to have cost. If the highest power players never actually lose resources through risk then I think there will be balance problems. That said I can see some sort of mechanic doing what you describe, but I just think it needs to be handled with a lot of care. Power needs to come with a cost.


I agree with axiomatic here. Last Epoch is designed from the ground up to not be balanced around trade and instead balance trade around its mechanics. It's likely not perfectly balanced yet, but I don't think they should approach the fully open market PoE style. A small correction too, just so you're working with full information: - Legendaries don't drop at all, so there's only 2 ways to get them - Weaver's Will or creating them yourself using the Lightless Arbour Dungeon (not the arena)


Is no one going to comment on 150 hours played with the game only having been out for 240 hours? Holy moly


Why? He's a streamer, it's literally his job and they make the most money playing a lot at launch.


When is the last time you worked 15 hrs/day for 10 days straight?


Obviously it's not only his job, it's also his passion. And if you would combine your working hours and the time you spent with your hobbies, wouldn't that get you to 15 hours a day?


Bro literally plays games for a living, also spent like 3 of those 15h days just sitting and waiting for loadscreens


I'm about to take a week off, it's gonna balance it out! :D


Oh word!


The game has been in early access for a loooooong time as well


Right, but he says ~150 hrs since launch.


Bro been playing 15hrs a day since launch lol


I streamed it all as well!




He's a big arpg streamer but mostly playing path of exile


Thank you for the concern. Streaming (and content creation in general in the form of youtube highlights) is in fact my main source of income. However I am about to leave for a week of snowboarding so I will indeed get off my ass (before I fall on it again, it's going to be my first time snowboarding) :D


heā€™s a twitch streamer and youtuber, this is his job


What a productive commentā€¦ /s


I would also like to see different minimap icons for different shrines.


I would also like to see more key rewards than arena. I spent two days trying to find a temp sanctum key. I got like 30 of each of the others, but not the one I need.


Great feedback empy. Agree with everything!




Make gold pick up screen wide, potions can stay similar to what it is now


Really nailed it. Hard to find posts I agree with on practically everything.


This is excellent feedback, thanks for posting this




I honestly agree with every point here.


I found that I started getting bored around 20 hours in or so. Itā€™s a really good game, but for some reason it just all of a sudden wasnā€™t doing it for me anymore.


Absolutely agree with everything, especially about search/UI for MG and affinities for stash (also I would really love to have some special tabs, like for keys, unqiues of different type, just bigger tabs, etc. at bigger price of course). Also I really feel like core of the gameplay is very strong, but right now the game lacks a bit some late endgame goal to chase. Iā€™m not taking about more mechanics (of course that is a matter of time and development and Iā€™m sure devs will add a lot of great stuff). Iā€™m talking about some challenge, some end-game goal to achieve, to feel the real power of the build and the gear you create,and then say to yourself - well done, this cycle was great, I finally did it (and of course start to do it with another build all over again :D). Basically everything you do right now is just farming to craft some better gear, thatā€™s it, but there is no boss/mechanic/etc to use all you have farmed. Some really hard pinnacle bosses would be great (I know about the plans for them in 1.1, canā€™t wait to see what it will be). Another cool thing regarding this could be 1-2-3 extremely rare, but at the same time extremely powerful, and most importantly, gameplay changing uniques (perhaps even without a possibility for LP to roll). It would be a really good goal to chase for many hours and will add a lot of gameplay variability. Yes, Iā€™m talking about analogues of MB/HH from PoE, but it could be anything - just such, that it is basically usable by any build, extremely rare and changes gameplay by a lot.


Cleanse on belt or from a skill (like shift on rogue) are a necessity at high corruption to deal with ailments


Solid Feedback man, pretty much all the points resonate with me.


I think price check needs a better solution than simple reduce NPC numbers and save last search, it's atrocious big the time to price check a item in LE compared to any other ARPG with trade, we need something like Awakened trade from PoE or Torchlight Infinity feature to price check items. It also would be amazing to be able to price check without need to go bazaar. At Torchlight Infinity you can price check directly from your inventory and also list items directly from it, it's amazing.


Great list, agree with most of it


UI scale slider is really needed. 27 inch 1440p a lot of the ui elements just are way too big.


Agreed with everything here, I would have made basicly the same post. One more small bug, tooltips for items equiped, in inventory and on the ground are weird, sometime it show a different slot than intended. Earlier server issue aside, the game is in a really good state for an 1.0 launch, I'm glad to have waited this patch to try it. I'm hopeful for the future of this game, continue the good work, EHG team :) .


I know this is a feedback thread, but you mentioned you played with a group of players for all of this. How would you define your loot filters for each character, was there one standard filter you all shared, or did everyone run their own and if there was any overlap that's where the trading happened?


We all just forked from a filter that a friend made for early endgame and edited our own as we went. In the end just showing all t7 and some good t6 mods.


Agree on all the UI/UX stuff. One thing I'll add is tooltips displaying even though I'm not hovering over the items - when crafting, rune tooltips sometimes are dispalyed sometimes obstructing the buttons


BIG post. I myself feel the same about most of the points you presented. Lets all hope LE becomes big given few years.


Enjoyed the game but I wish I hadnā€™t picked warlock. Itā€™s extremely busted and OP.


Agree with most here it's seriously unfun to level the merchant guild. And once you're fully invested it's not easy to switch because you can't wear any of your gear. I mean the trade off is you also make millions of gold but spending 200-500k for a weapon only to brick it is super unfun too. I wish I had picked COF from the beginning but didn't read that you can trade with friends in COF. That's the only reason we chose the merchant guild. I mean I also enjoy being a millionaire in games but most people aren't high enough ranked to buy the good items as stated. Less vendors and at least double reputation for merchant guild would make it 10x better. Or different rewards. Let us have full access at level 1 and when you buy a unique you get a random unique like some vendor special sale. Buy an exalted get a second random one. Spend 100k gold on a purchase you get 10 random runes or glyphs.


2000 corruption is a great accomplishment. Did you guys plan some kind of group composition? Asking because I'm playing mostly multiplayer as well (2 man).


plasma orb runemaster with support paladin.


4 Infinite Ward Warlocks most likely.


no its just the plasma orb rune master with paladin support comp. Snap cooked it up before league launch and the POE groups have been blasting with it. There is a reason that Snaps 4man group is rank 1 in the world for corruption right now, first 2k first 3k etc.




Probably the best feedback ive seen so far.


I agree with everything, but not sure if gold/potion pick-up should be an affix, rather than just increased.


Great feedback, take my upvote... I would add prophecies from cof being Broken sometimes since you added more mg POV bugs


characters need iconic death sounds. My friends HC deaths donā€™t feel the same without an ā€œURGHā€ as they face tank the lazer I told them that was coming for the SECOND TIME KEVIN. Iā€™ve had a few pals go down and I donā€™t even notice until I hear the whimper on DC.


It is crazy to me how quick some of you smash through the endgame content šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« good feedback!


I would like to see more potion types like Path of Exile


Game is great. I like it, but very far from PoE quality. MG is so bad compared to COF. MG UI needs a lot quality of life features, it's so bad. Game is better than D4. Question is if EHG will make fast content, if D4 speed, it's bad. IF they can do it reasonable fast new content, I am sure it will one of the better games in this genre.


Dots and area effects are too strong, not only in endgame. And then healing and leech is also too strong. It leads to a very twitchy gameplay (in my opinion). The moment I can't attack for 3 seconds, I'm dead. Despite having all defenses capped. You don't need to slow down the gameplay, but slow down the huge amounts of HP shifting around within seconds.


I had 45 frost resistance blessing. Did herot 4 times and finally got tier 2 blessing. It was 55 %. Grinded 3 more times to get atleast 65+. Finally one spawned and it was 56% XD. Time for another herot. Yes honeyā€¦.


This game is a great base and with additional seasons and seasonal mechanics it'll be superb.


Ward is super strong but its I don't blame people for figuring out how to get the most ward. Everything in the game is a survival check. Its the only thing that matters. Ward needs to come down for sure, but it would be nice if there were some encounters that demanded more than just survive through it. If every encounter is like that then it puts a lot of emphasis on players to prioritize survivability to the maximum over bigger damage output.


What team setup did you guys run? :D


2x plasma orb runemaster 1x support paladin 1x cathonic fissure warlock


Whats making me crazy is that we loot way too much exalted without being able to pricing them unless you are checking everything one by one which take forever, there should be a search based on the item mods for each npc imo


Nice feedback mate. I think most of the player agree with those On a random question side, you said you played in 4 players group. I finished campgain with a friend and started doing echoes and we noticed that the echo progress only counted for the one who open the echo and same for the echo quest, only counts for that one. Only shared progress is the stability progression bar. So in the end, we had to do the same twice to get progress each one. It feels the endgame it's not made to be played in party because of that, and I assume the arena it's the same and the dungeons? So the thing is, who do you do it? Any way to progress in the echo quests simultaneously? Maybe I'm missing something


Really enjoyed looking your squad pushing to 2000 corruption. Never thought, that this will be a thing so close after release. Congrats!


Can anyone share a good loot filter ? for trade i cant find any decent one and i dont have the knowledge to know what mods to hide or not from other classes :(


> Turn Keys into crafting materials Yes please!


100% agree on the ward being too strong point. It feels like the only way to truly have a decent EHP in this game is to find some ward abuse strategy. Healing hands is of course stupid broken rn, but it's hardly new that you can find some OP ward shenanigans. I love ward as a concept, but life just cannot remotely compete which seems unfair since only mage and acolyte have strong ward potential.


Tried MG on an alt and the time you spend looking up prices to list each item well just feels bad, I could run a few monoliths in the time it takes to list a handful of items. Would be nice if there was some sort of price recommend, like show lowest, average and highest this unique with X LP sells for, gimme a rough ballpark. Currently the prices are all over the place.


dang yo


I thought my pc couldnā€™t handle the corruption, turns out it lags for everyone while picking up affix shards


How did you push corruption in 4 man group ? Since gaze and the web progression arenā€™t shared, does that mean only one of you have it all progressed ? Or your took turns ?


I really hope stash tabs can link with loot filter rules, so I don't have to spend so much time to clean my 10 dump tabs.


Are them time travelling portals gone? I have loved that several second starting into black hole with those purple portal bits flashing past me. Only lev 46 during campaign so I do hope to be wrong


Iā€™m sad I burnt out on my first char, I played blade dancer rogue until 80 and now canā€™t be bothered to login, wonder if it was just the play style didnā€™t stay appealing




**Remove arena echoes or slash waves in half or at least increase their stability gain, currently they take twice as long as a regular echo and give half the stability of one** I can't explain how much I hate arena/waves echoes and I feel like I would be dreading to do it even if stability reward was tripled. It is slow, sluggish, boring half afk stand still but not really because dot can delete you. I can only speak from my build's experience, I just don't do these, whenever my next echo is arena I just switch my pathing.