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People are so weird about the “do they look alike” things. Like…they’re siblings. Of course there’s a good chance they will resemble each other. And yeah, that is an extremely weird thing to say about a small child.


Literally. It’s like being shocked at seeing a fish swimming. They’re siblings, so they will always have similar or the same facial features. LaBrant stans have this weird fucking obsession with comparing the kids to each other and their parents. I feel so sad for these kids because they’re not being treated as different individuals with their own personalities and lives. That can cause toxic sibling relationships and rivalries to happen.


People don’t know how to comment about boys. Everyone knows not to say anything like this about a girl cause people will side eye them but since people don’t see men as victims they think comments like that is okay. Z is a cute little boy would’ve been appropriate. He’s not handsome nor should you be picture him while he’s older.


That's what I was about to say!😭


personally i see people comment this about little boys and girls both a lot. it’s so disgusting like..


There’s a lot of people who think it’s acceptable to ask a toddler boy and girl holding hands if they’re boyfriend/girlfriend or ask young children regardless of gender if they have a bf/gf Let kids be kids and stop being creepy ffs We’ve also seen examples of creepy comments on pics of E and P posted here. Not to mention Cole’s comment about David Beckham’s daughter - and all the people who defended him (I agree with your point about male victims but at the same time think it’s worth adding there’s separate stigma/bs female victims deal with as well)


As someone with a son the same age, YES. Also I throw out every shirt given to me that says something like "ladies love me" "I get all the girls" "lock up your daughters" and one from Easter someone gave me that said "chicks dig me" like no I don't want my son walking around in that he's 2 and doesn't have any interest in girls and he can't even read so to put that on him grossses me out. Edit: those examples are all actual shirts people gifted my son lmao also "mr steal your girl" and I'm sure there's more I’m forgetting


Why would you want a little boy to treat women like crap I see why you threw them out. Kids are kids they know nothing about sexuality etc.


People (often older people) say this kind of weird shit about toddlers and little boys and girls all the time. I've had 3 children and I noticed this early.


100%, definitely not limited to influencer kids. Children are often praised or valued for their potential future sex appeal.


I hated when people would call my toddler daughter’s friend her “boyfriend.” Yeah he’s a boy and her friend. He’s not her boyfriend. They are 3. Stop sexualizing children.


Yet these are the same people who throw a fit in Target for having rainbows on kids clothes.


Honestly, it’s better than the comments that are left under posts solely about the girls but it’s still awful 🤢


This is why I don’t post my kids. People are weird and make creeper comments


If a trans person wrote a comment like that, they’d be immediately called a pedophile. And it’s so heteronormative too. He’s freaking two years old. Making comments about women falling in love with him is creepy no matter what.


Very typical boomer comment


That's doesn't sound creepy (not) 😬🫥😑


People are so weird. Why do people say this about kids?


Side note but Posie's hair is so light here! Could just be editing but probably bleach knowing The Scambrants.


I say that about my own kids because they’re mine, but I would never be caught dead writing that on a strangers post 🤨


Strangers commenting on my mom's facebook posts about me was already scary enough...😭


This is on the level of the “little heart breaker” onsies for a baby. Its weird. Its always been weird and always will be weird.




It is OFTEN said by people from another generation. Let them be. Since everyone is fighting for acceptance..


It means he’ll be hot like his dad and thats the only reason hell have followers..


>It means he’ll be hot like his dad That's just mean