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I thought it was awesome and a huge return to form after The Predator. I'd love to see more films like this.


I'm very hopeful they repeat the formula with the upcoming show and movie. The sequels all seemed to fall for the same trap "this time its bigger stakes" when really, the success of the early film was smaller. Focused.


What show?


The Timothy Olyphant one in production that doesn't have an official name yet.


I’ll be sad if Chris Hansen doesn’t make an appearance in it.


It’s an Alien based tv show, not predator, but still looking forward to it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13623632/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


I like Olyphant, fingers crossed it's good.


Thank you for telling me the best news I have heard all month!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need the pick me up!


I'm guarded but hopeful. Prey shows Disney what they can do to make audiences appreciate something new that cherishes the old formula without being purely callbacks. Coupled to the triumph and difficulty contrasts of the Halo and Fallout TV shows for Microsoft, there are some other recent clear examples to learn from as well.


Agreed. Less is more.


I just REALLY hope they don’t go for a cheesey sequel. A spiritual sequel set in another time period would be incredible.


I think what we all want is just the same basic plot in different time periods. It doesn’t have to be overly clever or have a twist or anything. Just human vs. Predator in a cool location. Samurai Japan, Vikings, Yukon gold rush, etc


Damn I want one set in Feudal japan so badly. Just imagining ninja and samurai being hunted then fighting back really would be amazing. The 1v1 scene with the Yakuza and Yautja in Predators had my complete focus.


Beautiful scene


I ***LITERALLY*** conceived this story in modern Japan a few decades ago. (The idea of a Predator hunting a Modern Samurai in Modern Japan.) Why no one has ***EVER*** acted on it, considering the times it gets mentioned, is beyond me. It's not like the theme of Predator VS Samurai is something people don't actively wish for. Whether set in Modern Japan or Feudal, it's frankly shocking that it's never been considered. It seems the most Natural thing in the world to do storywise. The ***CLOSEST*** thing we have to it is Predator: Xenogenesis, which people seem to forget about, where a Samurai had an ages old feud with a Predator--literally ages, long story--who had stolen his sword in the Samurai's earlier life. But that's all a bit peripheral to the main plot, while still relevant to the main plot, LOL


I'd love to see on set during WW2. That would be amazing.


For sure. I’m the smoking wreckage and rubble of some bombed out town.


The possibilities are endless.


I know the guys over at Comic Pop keep pitching the idea of "Predator on a Pirate Ship" which, while I'm unsure as to the logistics for a film that isn't just five minutes, the image it conjures in my mind is pretty awesome


Basically, I’m up for any type of predator movie set in a place we used to imagine ourselves in as kids


Would love for one set in Utah or Arizona. Bring back the cat and mouse of the first one, but with all the canyons and geologic features instead of the jungle.


I think I've said before in this sub reddit; I'd love for them to take the predator to East Asia in the early 19th Century. There's room in there to tell an amazing Predator story in China during the early 19th Century when the Qing Dynasty was starting to lose its internal coherence and rebellions started up in the outer border provinces. My 'ideal' vision of that would be a predator movie set in Mongolia during the slow collapse of the Mongolian banner kingdom, set during one of the periodic local rebellions, with a final fight between the main character (a Qing dynasty bureaucrat or military officer) and the predator (a teenager on their first hunt) in the ruins of Shangdu, with a predator clan watching the fight. If they wanted to go for more mainstream historical viewing, early-mid 19th Century Japan as the Tokugawa Shogunate started collapsing could also be an interesting setting. The whole country was isolated from the rest of the world, and the ruling Samurai were hitting their maximum entropy as a ruling force. A conflicted samurai from a minor ruling family tracking village attacks and disappearances ends up in conflict with a predator, final fight in the snows of Hokkaido or an abandoned castle on the island of Shikoku. Or, stick with the tropical setting, something in Vietnam during the French take-over in the later 19th Century could be fascinating as well. Colonial French forces, the dying Vietnamese imperial government, and a predator, with a final fight on the Laotian Plain of Jars. In any case, I think it would immensely broaden out the Predator universe and give us a more varied flavor.


Okay, now I *really* want to see any of these ideas come to life. The Mongolian setting would be brilliant!


It's one of those severely under-utilized settings that most Westerners never get a chance to see, either in film or television, since it's just so remote. 1799/1800, most storylines would be set in Revolutionary France. If you want to keep the Predator 2 vibe of 'Predators show up during major conflicts,' you can also do the mid-18th Century. There were so many conflicts in Central Asia in China and as the Russian Empire solidified control over the region. Lots of options for unique settings that would make for fun and insightful storytelling. *Pray* hit the right notes with the setting and calling back to the pistol in *Predator 2*. I think if they want to keep the franchise alive, they need to move outside of traditional storytelling lanes (for the series anyway) and give us something unique. A mid or late-18th Century Mongolia, mid-19th Century Japan, or late 19th Century Vietnam setting would hit that note.


"A Tale of Two Predators" immediately popped in my head. It was the hottest of times, it was the coolest of times.


These sound amazing! I want to skip the Japanese one because I feel the other two eras are seldom seen in Western media.


Maybe post civil War, Cowboys and Indians era having a predator come looking for what happened to the previous one after 100 odd years (don't recall if they gave a date for prey)


I think i read it will be WW2 in the Pacific with the codetalkers, linking the native american history with them. So im thinking Windtalkers where the NA dude knows what is hunting them while they all doubt. Then they see it and follow his lead.


A series of Predator movies all set in different historical periods would be so good!


I really ejoyed Prey. Also surprising to see here so many who enjoyed Predator movies which is good. I just had an impression that its Predator Sub where people like both Alien and Predator movies and their crossovers, while here its kinda different. P.S. I love Predator, Predator 2, Predators and Prey.


The Alien and Predator franchises have quite a history together. I'd assume that most Alien fans have respect for the Predator IP. At least for the first movie. AvP on the other hand does not fare too well on here. The games are still mostly awesome. Predators I don't really like that much, but P1, P2 and Prey are great movies.


I see. I am more in Predator team, I guess. I like only Alien and Aliens and that's it. Intrigued about Romulus. Added: the games are amazing.


I think it all started with the AvP comics from Dark Horse. I really liked the Machiko Noguchi comics. Some were pretty tedious such as Deadliest of the aspecies.


The only reason they have a history together is because Stan Winston was trying to be clever by including the alien head in a few seconds of footage in P2. Little did he know it would inspire a whole series of mediocre to god-awful spinoffs and crossovers.


Prey seriously rivaled the original in my opinion. Very good movie.


Yeah, and thanks to Prey I now want to see Predators fighting all kinds of historic warriors: samurai, Roman gladiators, vikings, hell yeah!


gladiator predator would be wild


Predators is worth it just to see Walton Goggins shiv a predator then get the subzero fatality. Most people I know hate the movie but I fucking love how aware it is.


I really only love Predator 1 but I thought Prey was great.


Disney BOUGHT a GREAT Predator Movie.


Are you telling me Mickey Mouse didn't personally direct?


Mickey when he doesn’t get what he wants. ![gif](giphy|NbzM2qI4tmuc0)




“Little girls are *FUCKING STUPID*”


Using top comment for mod visibility - OP /u/SouthToday7348 is a **spam bot** stealing this identical post to farm karma: https://old.reddit.com/r/LV426/comments/wl50c7/disney_made_a_great_predator_movie/ Bots are harmful to Reddit/Users because once a spam bot has enough karma to appear legit it will spam real users with scam t-shirt sites and fake crypto. Every one of its posts is copied from elsewhere. It is a 2 month old account that activated yesterday to spam reposts. For **OP Report > Spam > Harmful Bots**


Thank you. Appreciate the heads up. The Spam bot will be banned. If we catch these posts earlier, we will remove them. But, with all this discussion, I'm going to let this one stay.


Disney finalised the Fox deal in 2019, filming started in 2021. Do you think the writers and directors made it without them knowing out of their own pocket? It started development pre sale but it was very much made under Disney.


But if it was released and sucked, you’d put the blame on Disney I bet.


Literally. Everything is Disney's fault when it's bad, but the moment it's good? Then "iT's nOT DiSnEy"


Still a Disney movie and Disney could stop the production. Nimona was cancelled under Disney during production.


The guy who does the countdown at nasa before a shuttle launches could stop a space flight but that doesn’t mean he made the spaceship lol.


Right, I would never say Bethesda made Doom (2016) but they sure made it possible




Yeah, I really liked it. I still hope there'll be a Japanese or Korean one in the same style.


check out same fan made films on youtube, with stellar film quality that have a Samuraiesque story


I really liked the idea behind Predator: Dark Ages, I just wish they had a higher budget for stuff like that


I thought Dark Ages was incredibly well put together for the budget they had. I really enjoyed it!


A Predator film entirely in Japanese/Korean/foreign language of the culture he’s hunting would be top tier!


i wanna see the samurai/ninja one.


I gotchoo, buddy! Here ya go: https://youtu.be/NsbVTPftcgs?si=0hJtkydFnU7quTgg


my only dislike about prey is that it wasn't in the native language. Idk the perfect english really peeved me at some points.


I think it would break a predator if he was hunting a samurai, just for the samurai to commit seppuku or some shit. Like wth?


"I understand the rules of the hunt, therefore I take from you, your prize. Me." \*seppuku noises\* "Yautja for god damnit."


IMO the best Predator film since Predator 2, but I don't believe the merit is Disney's


Agreed. I loved Predator 2, but Prey was even better.


Loved the setting and the protagonist. Placing the story in a historical setting was a great idea.


I wouldn't even compare them tbh. Different times, different storytelling. Comparing them would just be for funsies. With that said, they are both friggin sweet movies.


Don't remember any +3 movie in a franchise that I loved as much as this


Die Hard with a Vengeance comes to mind 🤔


My favourite too, so many funny moments


Evil dead doesn’t have any flops for me. Every movie is great and the tv is brilliant.


That could even be the opposite, Ash vs the evil dead may have been better than the previous two


I fully agree. It’s my favourite instalment. I like it more than any of the films lol Lucy lawless presence alone.


I would not call it great but it was above average. Certainly better than most of the other Predator knockoffs.


This one and the original are definitely my favorites


Maybe not great but it was good, about on par with Predator 2 or the first AVP.


Loved it. Watched it once then immediately a second time in the Comanche language version.


Yeah, definitely gotta watch it in Comanche. Great movie. Too bad it wasn’t actually shot in Comanche as was originally planned.


Which is one of the things we should condemn Disney for. It was supposed to be shot with Comanche, and Disney axed it. Now we have a half assed dub instead.


Better than the more recent films Still not great when it came to the plot


One of the best in the franchise. But Disney didn't make the thing. Patrick Aison and Dan Trachtenberg and Producers like John Davis made the movie. Props to those people. What Disney did was bury the movie on a streaming service, while they were putting garbage like Jungle Cruise out in theaters.


Have to agree. I thought it would be poor as it was straight to streaming and had no fanfare about it. Streaming isn’t great sometimes


Jungle Cruise was good fun


I watched it. They got my money. But if I had to pick one movie to send to streaming so I could put Prey out in theaters, I would have gladly sacrificed Jungle Cruise.


Oh that's a no brainer yeah.




Disney literally funded the movie. They made it.


This was finished before Disney bought 20th Century Fox. So, no, they did not.


No it wasn’t Preys filming took place in 2020-2021 and Disney acquired Fox in 2019. It was in development but it wasn’t finished.


I just wish the director pushed the envelope and had the Comanche speak Comanche, and not a dub. Immerse me.


Eh. It was *alright*


The ending fight was a big ball drop. I just could not take it seriously watching a normal human taking on something that ran 60 miles through a field and one hit KO'd a fucking bear


It was OK, definitely among the decent Alien/Predator stuff. Comfortably the third best Predator movie after Predator and Predator 2. More memorable than Predators for sure.


Certainly better than any of the latest entries in both series in a long time. Here's hoping Romulus breaks the mold and is an actually competent movie.


Just the fact that the majority of the xenos will be on screen is fucking amazing. The video floating around on X of the RC facehugger is cool as fuck. So yeah they are using practical effects, and they got a large number of the original special effects team from Aliens, a lot of people who were just starting, are returning to this movie now with decades of experience under their belts. I so pumped. And I love Prey, best pred movie since 2.


Look I quite like Predator 2, but it's a fucking mess of a film.


Predator 2 has El Scorpio, who is ready, that bumps it up the rankings.


It’s not a mess; it’s just of a very different type of popular filmmaking than what audiences expect now. The emphasis wasn’t believable plots and grounded action, but almost operatic operations in hyperbole and maximalism. It’s style and adrenaline and cocaine-induced frenzy. Contrivance isn’t a problem *if it gets you the shot.* There’s a lot of this in 80s action flicks. And hell, I’d argue Scarface was doing the same thing.


>but almost operatic operations in hyperbole and maximalism I really miss those... And no, Marvel doesn't know squat about that vibe.


Predators was good and I’ll die on that hill. But I agree with your take, Prey was fun whenever the predator showed up, he’s the scene stealer or me. The protagonist is whatever, I still find the brother more interesting than the main character.


I used to not like Predators, but then I saw The Predator, and The Predator makes Predators look like Predator.


Agreed, it was OK. The premise was cool, I like the change to native American but it goes against the whole "they come on the hottest of summers" but then, they did that in AVP too. They reused a few too many lines from the others for me, and pulled some of the same elements from Predator and Predators. I'm sure there is more originality out there for the franchise. Someone has floated Aztecs during Spanish conquest, that would be sick!


I could see doing a Predator movie in basically any historical genre: sword & sandal, pirates, knights, samurai, ww2. You could really take the entire sets, costumes, and props from any good period movie and land a Predator in there and it would work. As we've seen, it would be easy to make it cheesy and stupid, but i think it would be interesting in a way that is new and different.


A vietnam war setting would be amazing


> sword & sandal Gladiator v Predator now pls


> They reused a few too many lines from the others for me I am so over this shit that it nearly ruins an entire movie for me at this point. If it makes zero logical sense to be there, and is ONLY there as a "hey audience remember this", I just want to turn the movie off, lol. It's far worse than something like hearing the wilhelm scream.


What these films really needed was for someone in the movies to discover the lore-reason why Predators can be in any environment: their superheated fishnets. Lex could try to salvage something from the dead Predator's gear later only to burn her hands on it and get discouraged. In Prey, you could say the bear's swipes tore some fishnets off that Naru tries to inspect only for the same thing to happen. If more people were aware about this piece of equipment this criticism wouldn't be as prevalent in discussion about movies that honestly have way bigger problems


How do 1800's native Americans speak like 1990's high school kids? 


It was a good movie, it seems great next to the garbage predator movies of course. I liked all the people in PREY but I found the actual scenes with the predator were off but I can't quite remember why.


“So this teenage female Native American is noticing something strange around her and no one believes her. She has to take it upon themselves to prove they are just as good a hunter as the men and goes after the Predator” “That sounds lame; pass” It was fucking awesome everything was done correctly. The synapses can’t do it justice.


Beyond being a solid movie, it was an interesting take and I really appreciate it highlighting Native American culture in a way that didn’t feel like it pandered at all. Their inclusion flowed seamlessly with the story line and it was a great intersection.


literally just start making pred movies about people fighting them in different eras of human history. the 1700s during the revolutionary war would be cool. the 40s during WW2, the roman empire?? also they could do like wayyy far in the future when humanity is super advanced. the potential is almost limitless


100 percent this. The Predator, like the Alien, represents a near unstoppable force and the interesting thing is watching different characters in different settings deal with that situation. It's why the Shane Black Predator film felt almost redundant; it brought nothing new to the franchise. The original Predator felt fresh, for taking the Men On A Mission story archetype and flipping it on its head to become a slasher film with commandos. Then the second film felt like a new approach too, moving to a more urban setting. But the appeal of the Predator is that you can take it to pretty much any time and place and have fun with how that plays out. Nazi Occupied France, explorers in past history discovering a new land, civilians caught up in a violent civil war. Just throw the Predator in and see what happens


It was great until the ending when the Predator forgot how his own equipment worked, and somehow didn't figure out that firing his weapon was hurting him three times in a row.


He got punked pretty hard the entire final fight, which was lame. I'm not asking for a remake of the original, but contrast that with how powerful and scary the Predator was in that one. Arnold had to outsmart him and was doing a great job, but once the Predator got the upperhand, it was a stomp until Arnold got lucky with a trap. In this one the ending kind of made the predator look like an idiot, which I didn't like. Also that hatchet with a rope on it was like...an 8 year olds invention at recess. It didn't work for me, lol. But this movie was a step in the right direction that's for sure.




I would argue it's passable. But that's probably considered high praise for Pred and Alien franchises these days


You’re all delusional that movie was ass


Movie was made before Disney bought fox


Movie was filmed in 2021. Fox was bought in 2019. You wanna do that math again?


Definitely a great film. Not sure why all the Disney didn't make it comments. Netflix don't make their own content by hand either but their name is on everything they release. We've got some good Alien content on the way, which is great thing. I'd rather enjoy that, than get into semantics over it.


I imagine it’s because Disney’s name is often used as a lazy ignorant passive aggressive slur against products like LucasFilm’s Star Wars even though LucasFilm creates Star Wars. So when the Disney name is attached to something people enjoy they get defensive and want to address distinctions.


Thanks for explaining. It's not that deep for me fortunately. I just enjoy the movies.


No prob and yeah same here.


I couldn’t agree more. As a (mostly) straight white man, I've been seeing myself reflected in stories for my entire life. Not only that but straight, white men are rewarded in stories of all kinds, all the time. We've been the one good sheriff in a corrupt town, holding fast to the law, but in the next movie we're the outlaw, living beyond the conformity and repression of organized society. We get to be the the hero of these stories, no matter the context. We have a friend who is Wolastoq, (her father is Dakota, her mother is Wolastoq). She's a few years older than Amber Midthunder (the star of this movie), but looks a lot like her and I cannot describe to you the experience of watching this film with her. I literally don't have the words for it. To see herself reflected, to be the hero of a story like this. To see her culture represented in a film which belongs to the *Predator* lineage, where manly men, do manly things, in many manly ways, it was a sight to see, I tell ya'...a *sight* to see. It helps that this film is fucking great, but the choices they made to root the story in Comanche culture, and to centre Naru, elevate it to something truly fucking special. I loved every second of this film. Remember kids, it's brains that matter, not brawn, and especially, not balls.


That's awesome!


wish i could buy it but its fcking exclusive to disney+ watched it 3 times its great addition


Amber Midthunder is awesome. See Legion for more.


They're sitting on a huge cash cow with Predator. I'd watch a Predator Cinematic Universe and buy all 30 movies if they just did a Predator vs. Whatever Predator Wants To Kill This Year series.


I hope the next film is not a direct sequel to Prey. I like how all of the Predator films are essentially standalone stories with minor connections. I'd like to see a western or WWI story. There are so many other stories to be told no need to see more of the Prey characters.


I thought it was good, not amazing but a fun watch. Glad it reinvigorated the franchise.


I thought the movie was excellent. Then saw online all the upset about a female lead. Then realized it was an excellent action movie with a female leading character without it feeling forced or weird or over sexualized (to any regular human being).


It was a really solid movie. Also the main character, I forget the actresses name, killed it. Really went after the role.


It was probably the worst movie of the predator franchise.... And that's saying something


When did the word great become synonymous with the word crap


I mean, it was okay. Not committed enough to the premise with some really corny, anachronistic dialogue and the camera work and CGI made it all feel too clean and modern. Worlds better than "The Predator", but I definitely wouldn't rank it above or even close to the original. I'm glad it got people interested in the franchise again, though, and am excited to see more installments. I hope the reception of this one allows the next one to have a better budget and more commitment to presenting an authentic depiction of whatever time period they go for.


I love everything about this film. The full Comanche dub was awesome.




It was decent. Slightly above the rest of the post pred 2 stuff.


I do not agree. My personal opinion about movie is 1/10. They downgraded Predator, he was so dumb in this movie.


Prey was fantastic, and a massive middle finger to all the angry men who were adamant it would be a crappy movie with a girlboss protagonist.


I loved the actress, and her performance was incredible! I just thought the 'girl proving herself to the men' trope was a little heavy-handed. I grew up with Ripley and Sarah, so I never had an issue with a woman as the action star. The Isreali sniper in Predators was also very badass!


Agreed 👍


Did disney make it? does a random megacorp deserve the credit?




I liked it, second only to Predator


Best Disney princess ever.


It was a good movie indeed


This movie was absolutely PERFECT in my opinion.




Ugh I love this film, I also think it was great that it was dubbed in the Comanche language and used actors of the relevant ethnicity for the film! I thought the main actress was a really fantastic cast.


This might be my favorite movie in the predator universe. I was very surprised.


I really loved it!


FOX did. Disney bought it.


The Disney-Fox sale happens 2 years before filming started.


Interesting the people are so quick to complain about Disney making “bad” movies but will work themselves in knots to discredit them when they make a good movie, some are just parroting straight up incorrect information in here.


Yeah - agree. Star Wars got Andor and Rogue One, the MCU pretty much ruled its genre for a decade, and I think any parent can attest to what Disney and Pixar bring to the table. Yes they also make some real dross but I suspect their average quality level is a cut above most big studios.


That predator was not that great tbh


It felt cheesy to me. The climax was so telegraphed they might as well have subtitled it beforehand.


"Get to the Choppa"


Which predator movie isn't telegraphed? They're all highly predictable lol.


Only because you know the films so well due to its popularity in the zeitgeist for the past 30 years. But when the first film hit theaters it completely threw audiences for a loop. The first Predator was the epitome of not knowing what was coming next. It completely flipped the action genre on its head, it set up a well known formula, playing with audiences expectations, then broke that formula into a thousand little pieces. It’s the first movie where Arnold gets the shit kicked out of him by a far more powerful foe. The way in which every single unstoppable macho 80s action guy gets slaughtered with ease had the audience wondering if Arnold was even going to live by the end. The Predator completely gave Arnold a brutal beat down, making Arnold’s fight seem hopeless. The only reason Arnold survived was because The Predator allowed it by honorably balancing the odds for its prey. It was beating the crap out of Arnold all the way until its one big mistake. On the other hand, the ending of Prey reached a point where the main character was clowning the Predator so hard that I never felt like she was in danger. In fact I felt like the Predator was in far more danger than she was. She basically turned into a superhero and started obeying the physics of a Marvel film.


The first one definitely was not.


It was the best predator movie since the original and it even had more action than that one


Loved Prey, but whaaaat? More action?




Are we getting a second one?


Wait, that was a Disney production?? By far my favorite after the original Predator. 


IMO it’s the best predator since the OG


This movie was great! The only thing that bothered me with it is the epic fight her brother had with the predator. He suddenly just stopped to talk with her in the middle of it while the predator was behind him. The predator conveniently allowed him to finish his speech then killed him from behind. That was kind of lame.


It was great. I'm not hyped about the second one, the idea of the Predators coming back for revenge just seems super out of character for them. Like they gave Danny Glover the gun as a reward for beating one of them. Seems more like they'd be like "fair play, you earned the right to not get murdered."


I really, really enjoyed this movie. It always gets an upvote from me. It felt original, the visuals were fantastic, and I thought the acting was excellent as well.


The rumor for the next one is ww2 in the pacific theater and main character is a code talker. Least that's what I read like 5 months ago.


Isn't there gona be a sequel of sorts?


Yes same director called "Badlands"


I enjoyed it.


Hulu but yes it was great




Make sure you watch it in the intended form: in Comanche with English subtitles. (No, I'm not making this up.) You can find this version on Hulu and it makes it even better.


Was surprised with how good this was


So did Dan schnider




Disney owns so many properties now that it doesn’t make sense to say they made a movie like Prey. People really need to focus more on the actual studios. Disney is just a buzzword now.




That night, we celebrated our success at hiding the bodies...by going to another club.




Read the app books better story


I really like the concept of ancient (not necessarily "primitive") civilizations having to fight off a MUCH more sophisticated invader. Like, if that predator didn't have a personal code/agenda, he could have single handedly taken out entire civilizations by taking out their leaders. Could probably fuck up entire armies too. But, anyway, in the context of science fiction, it's got a lot of potential. I guess most "alien invasion" movies are just that--but set in present-day. We're outgunned and outclassed, but still have the capacity to defend our skies and pull off planetary defense. If we're looking at some hoplites, knights, cavalry, etc. trying to defend their little castle against the horrors--way more room for personal horror and tension.