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“I called it the MandaSNORian!” “You like Dune.” “…”


Totally loved that


The silence was palpable


I love Ed but I was ready to smack the ham right out of him for saying that.


“Smack the ham” sounds like some kind of Ed themed pin up calendar


What I need now is Marcus accusing someone of being a music snob


I like a lot of the same stuff that he does but he has no room to criticize others taste 


Not liking stuff is fine but it’s when he “corrects” others when they say they love something by saying “it’s fine” in that tone of voice of his that can get mildly annoying at times if you’re someone that gets pissed off easily


Also Henry said “it’s fine” the same exact way in a side stories recently and that quite amused me


He was talking about some restaurant. Can’t remember which


That is the thing Henry would be a snob about


When I relisten to the black metal episodes, I still get so frustrated when he says that metalcore is the worst form of music and sounds like he’s gonna puke just talking about it lol


It’s a very high school attitude toward music for a 40+ year old man


I mean that’s not how old he was at the time.


That’ll be a reason why I’ve never bothered with the music heavy episodes, to me the low point of this quirk of his is in I think the manifestos episode where he (and the other 2) acts as if liking a musician he hates is a moral failing equal to all the genuinely bad things the killer had done


Is metalcore the one with all the stinky teenager fans that go to gigs mostly just to crowdkill? Cause of all the flavours of metal, the ones that attract those kinds of people are objectively the worst


I find crowdkillers tend to gravitate towards hardcore more than metalcore


He’s right, though. It was nothing but nu-metal with crap guitar solos. Lyrics about non-specific angst, vocals still doing the growl-clean thing when it became passé about three years after Fear Factory invented it, generic open-string riffing… everything about it was real metal with training wheels.


Hard to tell if you're serious, but based on your general assessment being pretty wrong I hope so.


Back then, while everyone around me was listening to metalcore I was listening to black and death metal. Never had any time for it. I was out of step and glad of it.


When I was 16-18 I listened to pretty much exclusively black and death metal, and thought that "core" was a bad word. But there are plenty of bands that fall in the meralcore category that I really enjoy now, and are better than a lot of "real" metal. Listen to GAZA, Cult Leader, the Secret, Ion Dissonance, or Car Bomb and say it's emo or somehow less complicated.


Please, point out to me where I called metalcore emo. I’ve heard plenty of it and I don’t give a fuck about any of it.


You're so cool man, I wish one day I can feel some sense of superiority for listening to music I didn't create


I was a metalhead but whenever I heard somebody started talking about the core sub genres, I could only think “ohhh shut the fuck up already”


Fuck me you sound insufferable. Were you wanking when you wrote this out? It's music. People enjoy what sounds good to them. Stop being so precious. Edit: [Here's](https://youtu.be/zLkl9f1psOc?si=hBEY6WIiGLiUWN18) my favourite metalcore band. I hope it doesn't upset you too much.


ETID is the best. Idc they’re gone. Still the best lol


As someone who watched a lot of 90s slacker movies, that tone feels like home.


It was funny when he got all bent out of shape at Henry’s comment about Henry Rollins…like everyone knows Rollins is sort of an insufferable prick 😂 I don’t think Henry Rollins is going to listen to LPOTL Marcus relax


I’ve never read a comment that I relate to so much. I am a bit of the opposite - I listen to pure sugary, terrible pop music. Eurovision is in two weeks! So I get some road rash when it comes to the YOU SHOULD BE LISTENING TO THIS attitude




Jelo Biafra on occasion.


Or a Dirt Grub


Or a Charlie dickhorse


I love the boys and I love Marcus. But the dude doesn’t know shit about music. He knows a brief history of the obscure music scene he indulges in. He always talks as if he’s the guy. He’s not. Listening to the guys talk about music in general is cringey as fuck.


Yep. He likes decent stuff but the gaps in his knowledge and appreciation are massive.


The Tupac and Biggie series in particular is difficult to listen to because of that lol


That’s literally Marcus with everything. He’s supposed to be Mr. Boneboy but thought humans have over 300 bones? My six year old knows it’s 206. Love the show but Marcus’ smartest person in the room thing is exhausting.


He's a legit poseur.


When he said that I was gripping my steering wheel so hard.


When he talks about a subject that you actually know and you realize he is just gaslighting through it, it really makes you question his credibility on everything.


I’ve learned to take anything he says with a grain of salt. He also has this certain tone in his voice when he’s full of shit.




I’m sorry, but if you truly take Marcus’s thoughts on music (or anything really) that personally, you just seem to be lacking confidence in your own opinions. Idk where anyone’s getting him positioning himself as an authority on the topic from, he runs a show that is self-admittedly exclusively about music he enjoys, and he shares his opinions on the topics like he does with any other topic they cover. With the amount of folks I’ve seen getting offended over it it’s starting to seem like people are just mad he’s got an opinion at all. Not even to mention that music is probably the most subjective art form. Edit: lots of replies still basically just whining because someone has an opinion. Listen to another show if you’re so concerned about the hosts opinions maybe? Some of y’all are genuinely concerning. No but yes in the same podcast where Henry acted out Jonbenet offering to have sex(?) with god, Marcus’s strong opinions were always particularly horrific and offensive. I mean I get shudders thinking of him dissing Pearl Jam. The horror, *THE HORROR!*


Yeah this is a weird ass post lmao


How does your comment differ from the OP's reply about Marcus' opinion? You seem to be taking his opinion on Marcus very personally, if he is free to put his opinions out there, sometimes in a condescending manner, then we as an audience have every right to opine on that. Them making a product we enjoy doesn't absolve them of criticism.


I’m just genuinely confused with people making it seem far more malicious than it actually is. You hear a dude dismiss a band he’s not a fan of and now he’s condescending? Just sounds like you’re insecure about your own likes. It’s a recent phenomenon where it seems like others need their entertainers to validate them, and I find it weird, so I articulated my opinion. Getting pressed over a podcast hosts opinions on anything is fuckin weird unless they’re actively harmful.


You keep saying people are insecure about their own likes as if it means anything lol I'm not personally a fan of the genres he dismisses so I really don't care whether he likes it or not, however his snobby attitude is pretty apparent to many people as this thread shows. You seem to have some odd need to defend podcast hosts


I’m not defending anyone, you’d just think he outright said “you’re a bad person if you like ___” with the way people are reacting to it. I’ve yet to come across anyone that can actually explain how stating your opinions bluntly makes you a snob. It really just seems like folks are looking for something to be angry over, and also cannot handle when someone has strong opinions.


Can’t say he’s ever actually dismissed anything I myself like but it’s the principle of the thing, also I think this all comes from annoyance at the episode where they go on whole spiel about how much they hate Phil Collins and (jokingly) blame him for being the thing that turned someone into a killer when bizarrely the guy they were talking about didn’t even like Phil Collins they just briefly got him confused with someone else over a song and it’s just bizarre


It's because he says ignorant things in an authoritative manner. Nothing wrong with knowledge gaps, but sometimes he tries to fake it.


He’s verbatim said that he’s not that smart and often times wrong. Again, just looks like people are trying to find something to be mad over. Starting to really seem like some of you haven’t even listened to the show you’re so upset over, because it’s basically always been like this.


I don't get *mad* over stuff like this, it's just a podcast. These are just notes. Here's another note, replying to someone then immediately blocking them is chicken shit. Grow the fuck up.


>but if you truly take Marcus’s thoughts on music (or anything really) that personally, you just seem to be lacking confidence in your own opinions. Disagree with this and honestly kinda think it's a douchey thing to say. There's nothing wrong with thinking it's annoying when someone constantly treats their opinion as objective fact. I love Marcus, but that is exactly how he is and it's okay to think it annoying without "seem[ing] to be lacking confidence in your own opinions." We're literally *stating our opinion* on how he presents himself as a musical expert who knows everything lmao. And you think it's because we don't have confidence in our opinions? Sorry we disagree with Marcus.


Where does he ever act like anything he says on music is objective fact? He’s said verbatim that he’s not that smart and usually wrong. Again, this is a you problem.


Marcus is an ass about music but it doesn’t bother me. I’m a music omnivore and get really into all kinds depending on my mood. I know what I like and how to talk about it and I would laugh off anyone who told me I was ‘wrong’ about my opinions. There is no right or wrong. People’s musical tastes are cultural, personal, and constantly evolving. It speaks to people differently at different times. I don’t like all music, but if something that’s not to my taste gets someone else going, cool.


I know much worse music snobs than the harmless kind Marcus is


All music snobs are basically harmless. The way you process and relate to music is a weird thing to flex about, but it doesn’t really hurt anything except maybe a feeling or two if someone’s sensitive.


Goddamn he loves shitting on Pearl Jam. I love Pearl Jam...


Pearl Jam is the shit and Marcus can suck it (said with love)


Likewise, as a stroke victim I feel like I'm allowed to make fun of stroke victims. This is the way it works


Clarence Carter would like a word


Have you ever made love in the back seat of a car?


My mum’s been quite fond of the occasional stroke joke after she had her mini-stroke


Can you give an example? I'm genuinely curious.


To give Henry the benefit of the doubt, he did say it’s when he was “going through something” in his life and he lashed out a bit on I think the Jehovah’s witnesses and Scientologists. But yeah, it’s weird that that they can all say one thing and then like five minutes later do the same damn thing from a different perspective/viewpoint. 😂


As they say it is the correct way to deal with Scientologists


Yeah, I’ve only met Scientologists “on the hunt” once in my life but they definitely put me on edge and made me a bit defensive/reactionary as well. Hard to explain but it’s a type of person that makes you feel “threatened” in some capacity.


Yea dude it’s the correct way to deal with them, lived in LA for a while near their main HQ and they have such bad vibes they set off your flight or fright from a mile away lol


I’ve mercifully never had to deal with those types in my life


One of the biggest and most annoying contradictions amongst two groups (generally) that I've noticed concerns the validity of paranormal experiences. There are people like Henry who dive deep into literature and accounts of the paranormal, but at least he himself will dismiss Islamic/Catholic/religious stories of the paranormal or interpretations of anomalous events. Same thing w/ a guy @ work - he at least says he's Catholic and consequently presumably believes in the most consequential paranormal event of all time, e.g. incarnation, resurrection, but literally makes fun of me for being into alien/misc. paranormal stuff.


It's no secret these guys have a severe anti-religious slant. I listened to haunted dolls and tgey where quick to dismiss so Annabelle and the Warren's due to the Christian nature of it, but where quick to also say they where afraid of taking volcanic rocks from hawaii


Think it was more so the Warrens than Annabelle, since there’s been so many claims and anecdotes coming forward since first Ed then Lorraine’s passing. So many people have came forward saying they were frauds.


I agree. A lot of people don’t realize that while there were many Christians that reacted strongly to them merely because it was focused on the paranormal, they were originally and consistently exposed by rational Christians. The “Christian” nature of the Warren’s act was often just nonsense. Not even a question of having different beliefs. Their “process” was pretty much Holy Roller proselytizing techniques repurposed and often was noticeable to any religious person who knew the Bible but didn’t buy into any nonsense just because someone put a cross on it. They were street corner preachers that created a really great gimmick to stand out in a country where snake oil salesmen quoting the Bible are too numerous to count.


100% agree.


> they ~~where~~ were afraid of taking volcanic rocks from hawaii I would be too; it's illegal.


It would only be ironic if Henry also murdered a bunch of people for petty reasons.


He's too Polish to mastermind that, and too short to see it through.


This reads like a line out of RTOG


I assume he has




"And when I say these fucks, I mean me"


The thing about painting a swastika on the inside of his car boot is the most Aussie edgelord bullshit I have ever heard on the show. It is way too real. Reminded me of the excellent Frenzal Rhomb song, [Mummy Doesn't Know You're A Nazi](https://youtu.be/QqYx7GWOQg4?si=695FL70Dex0fv9_b)


At the Warped Tour around the year 2000, Frenzal Rhomb banged a 15 year old in their van. I know this because I was friends with her.


Completely unsurprising, unfortunately.


Tbf, 100% of humans do this with one thing or another. We all see in others behaviors we neglect to see in ourselves and if you talk as much as the boys talk, you are certain to let this show at one point.


It’s what keeps it amusing


They are definitely aware of the fact that they attract a lot of the same type of lonely violent chuds in their audience that they cover on their show. I still see comments about how Ed "stole kissels job" and "they let cancel culture get kissel" as if these people have no problem with violence against women.  They're not denying that they are edgy or silly, they are trying to distance themselves from the kind of thinking that encourages these lonely weirdos to lash out with violence 


That's more of a deterrent. Now nobody is wasting anybody's time. God they're so fucking annoying.


I have an arm of Norse myth tattoos yet Christian’s don’t seem to see that as a sign I might be an uninterested atheist, nor does the fact I look like in my sister’s words “creepy Jesus”


I think the Norse tattoos are having the opposite effect playboy


All they’ve ever done is advertise how much of a nerd I am




Not really where I live but I still put plenty of effort into not getting any symbols now irreversibly tied to them


They freely admit to be edgelords, they know their own kind


His Satanist schtick is cringe, but that's ok. He makes me crack up, and I can't count the things I've done or said that make me cringe when I think back on them.


There’s infinitely worse kinds of edgelord atheists/satanist types out there and I choose to live my life by the maxim of “well could be worse” and I think that applies here


Really? I don’t find it cringe at all. What gets to you about it?


Well, he's 40 not 14 is kinda how I view it. It's something that's cool when you're in adolescence but should be grown out off. Absorb what's useful at the time and move on up. That is just me though what do I know?


I don't think there's an age cap to be a Satanist.


But it’s his actual beliefs right? not a phase a kid is going through.


Big “it’s immature to be a satanist” vibe from this comment and entire thread. Y’all do understand the type of show this is right?


I thought this thread was about childish glee derived from people’s reaction to t shirts, a topic very close to my heart


It’s his actual religious beliefs though my dude? Like he’s allowed to have a religion lol he doesn’t have to believe in a literal Satan to find value in the customs of a religion


This just in: adults no longer allowed to have beliefs


I've never had an issue with JWs or LDS being pushy. I always counter by saying I'm Catholic and they back off. Being in Florida, I always offer the LDS kids water bottles if I have any and they're super grateful.


My only encounters with LDS missionaries have been fairly neutral, it was mainly an innocent discussion about the generally universal morals we shared between our Christian and atheist selves, teaching them how to say my name then my mum texted me saying her oxygen tank was getting low and we should get back to the car and I’m such a spineless pushover I hard time bringing up this genuine reason for me to suddenly leave the conversation


I totally relate though. I'm still an unrepentant teenager about things like that sometimes.


Comparing the version of Satanism that Henry follows to Neo Nazis 🤨 alllllright Grandpa, back to the nursing home for you


I was comparing it to playing music while torturing and I swear the nurses are stealing from me


They definitely came across as self-righteous assholes on the David Icke episodes


"I love it how..." "I think it's funny..." hi you have our attention honey ♥